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Researcher Search Results >> Jin Higashijima

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Jin Higashijima

NameJin Higashijima
AffiliationChiba University
SectionGraduate School of global and Transdisciplinary Studies
Job title
DegreePhD (Life science)(Kyoto University), MA(Psychology)(Keio University), MS(Life sciences)(Kyoto University)
Research funding number80579326
J-Global ID201101086545742444


I am working on research both theory and practice to improve the relationship between researchers/scientists, patients, and the public in the biomedical sciences. In doing so, I am considering what the responsibilities of researchers/scientists are, what needs to be changed in the existing system, and what kind of mechanism is desirable and feasible. I believe that if the process of research and development in Japan includes a system that examines the perspectives and values of various people, especially patients and the public, it will produce better results for the members of society and for research, but I am still considering this.
1) Patient engagement/ Patient and public involvement in Japan:  As one such initiative, I believe that the Patient and Public Involvement mechanism that we have proposed, together with a variety of people, based on efforts in the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries, is a major step toward improving the relationship between biomedical science research and society in Japan.
As a case study, I and my colleagues are attempting to generate constructive and meaningful dialogue about research and development between researchers/scientists and diverse people, especially those involved in diseases in the broadest sense, with a particular focus on autism spectrum disorders and regenerative medicine.
2) Responsible conduct of research, Research integrity, Research Ethics: I am also involved in education and research on research ethics/research integrity. For example, I was engaged in a project to create a large scale research fairness/ethics elearning material, which is now a part of the Japanese research community. Later, with collaborators, I conducted a research project on responsible research. Based on the results of those projects, we have been working together for the past few years on a project that focuses specifically on Research Climate and research integrity standards.
If you are interested, please visit the websites of the following two projects!
- Research on effective utilization of a questionnaire survey to promote research integrity
- Clarification of research integrity norms in diverse research disciplines

Research Interests

patient and public involvement ,ELSI ,science communication ,engagement ,Research Ethics ,Science cafe ,メディア ,科学技術社会論 ,Ethics of science and technology ,Developmental disorder ,Bioethics

Research History

Apr 2020
Chiba University Graduate School of Global and Transdisciplinary Studies Associate Professor 
Apr 2019
Mar 2020
Yamaguchi University Faculty of Global and Science Studies Associate Professor 
Apr 2015
Mar 2019
Yamaguchi University Faculty of Global and Science Studies Associate Professor 
Apr 2013
Mar 2015
Shinshu Univ. CITI JAPAN PROJECT, School of Medicine Assistant Professor 
Apr 2011
Mar 2013
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PD) / Osaka University, Japan  Research Fellow 


薬理と治療   49(10) 1555-1557   Oct 2021   
Journal of Science and Technology Studies   18(18) 7-32   Apr 2020   
Journal of Science and Technology Studies   18 147-160   Apr 2020   [Refereed]


東島仁   森下典子   
エキスパートナース   556 116-119   Dec 2022   
週刊医学界新聞   (3441)    Oct 2021   [Invited]
東島 仁   和田濱 裕之   三浦 優生   桑名 亜紀   高島 響子   
日本ヘルスコミュニケーション学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集   11回 69-69   Sep 2019
講演内容@第60回日本神経化学会大会,ランチョンセミナー(共催 新学術領域「個性」創発脳)      Oct 2017   

Books and Other Publications

編著)ジョン・K・ギルバート, スーザン・ストックルマイヤー, 監訳, 小川義和, 加納圭, 常見俊直(Part:Joint translator, 第15章 サスティナビリティのためのコミュニケーションの挑戦)
慶應義塾大学出版会   Apr 2015      
Carl Mitcham(編, 科学・技術, 倫理百科事典翻訳編集委員(Part:Joint translator, 担当項目: 人種, 動物実験, 胎児研究, 遺伝子倫理, 遺伝カウンセ リング, モデルとモデリング, 科学技術の中立性)
丸善出版   Jan 2012      
Martinus Veltman, Kiyoshi Higashijima, Jin Higashijima (J(Part:Joint translator)
Jul 2007      
東島仁(pp 31-48)
Keio University Press   2004      
Higashijima Jin(Part:Sole author, 31-48)
Keio University Press   2004      


中村征樹   市田秀樹   東島仁   
第44回日本臨床薬理学会学術総会   15 Dec 2023   
Masaki Nakamura   Jin Higashijima   
7 Dec 2023   
和田濱裕之   東島仁   
日本医学サイエンスコミュニケーション学会学術集会   2 Oct 2023   
Masaki Nakamura   Hideki Ichida   Asako Miura   Jin Higashijima   
ENRIO 2023 Congress   8 Sep 2023   
渡邉友美   東島仁   
法と教育学会 第14回学術大会   3 Sep 2023   

Teaching Experience

科学技術と社会(科学技術社会論(STS)における諸問題) (山口大学)
研究者倫理特別講義 (信州大学)
Applied Ethics (Chiba University)
Science Communication (Chiba University)
Bioethics (Chiba University)

Professional Memberships

Japanese Cancer Association
STS Network Japan

Research Projects

国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 社会技術研究開発センター(RISTEX): 科学技術の倫理的・法制度的・社会的課題(ELSI)への包括的実践研究開発プログラム
八代義美 東島仁 三成寿作 児玉聡 高嶋佳代 伊藤由希子 中田はる佳 丸祐一 
Project Year: Oct 2023 - Mar 2027
日本学術振興会: 科学研究費助成事業
藤井 基貴 
Project Year: Apr 2023 - Mar 2027
The Shape of Human Life Explored in Science and Science Fiction
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Project Year: Apr 2022 - Mar 2026
厚生労働省: 政策科学総合研究事業(倫理的法的社会的課題研究事業)
武藤香織 高島響子 東島仁 中田はる佳 
Project Year: Jul 2023 - Mar 2025
中村征樹 三浦麻子 市田秀樹 東島仁 
Project Year: Oct 2021 - Mar 2025

Committee Memberships

Sep 2022
日本医療研究開発機構  研究公正高度化モデル開発支援事業 プログラムオフィサー
Aug 2022
北九州市保健福祉局  北九州先進技術実証倫理審査委員会
Apr 2019
文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術予測センター  専門調査員
Sep 2022
Mar 2024
日本医療研究開発機構  AMED課題評価委員