
尾内 善広

オノウチ ヨシヒロ  (Yoshihiro Onouchi)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院公衆衛生学 教授
医学博士(2001年3月 大阪大学)







  • 尾内 善広
    小児内科 46(6) 727-731 2014年6月  
    <Key Points>(1)川崎病は多因子遺伝性疾患であり、罹患感受性と罹患した際の重症化に遺伝的要因が関与している。(2)ゲノムワイド研究の成果により複数人種で関連が確かな罹患感受性遺伝子が複数見出されている。(3)川崎病と遺伝に関する多施設共同研究「川崎病遺伝コンソーシアム」が発足し、将来にわたって活用可能な形でのDNA試料や診療情報の収集が始まっている(http://raise.umin.jp/jkdgc/)。(著者抄録)
  • 尾内 善広
    炎症と免疫 21(5) 394-400 2013年8月  
  • Ho-Chang Kuo, Yu-Wen Hsu, Chung-Min Wu, Shawn Hsiang-Yin Chen, Kuo-Sheng Hung, Wei-Pin Chang, Kuender D. Yang, Kai-Sheng Hsieh, Wei-Chiao Chen, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Wei-Chiao Chang
    PLOS ONE 8(7) e69685 2013年7月  査読有り
    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C (ITPKC, rs28493229) and caspase-3 (CASP3, rs113420705) are associated with susceptibility to KD in Japanese and Taiwanese populations. This study was conducted to investigate the involvement of these 2 SNPs in the risk for intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) resistance and coronary artery lesion (CAL) in Taiwanese population. A total of 340 KD patients were subjected to assess by the identification of 2-locus genes model. A combinatorial association between ITPKC (rs28493229) and CASP3 (rs113420705) was found in CAL formation (P = 0.0227, OR: 3.06). KD patients with high-risk genotype had a trend of overrepresentation in IVIG resistance compared with individual SNPs. Our findings suggest the existence of genetic factors affecting patients' risk for CAL formation and IVIG responsiveness in a Taiwanese population.
  • 鈴木 啓之, 末永 智浩, 垣本 信幸, 武内 崇, 渋田 昌一, 吉川 徳茂, 寺井 勝, 浜田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 尾内 善広, 羽田 明
    日本小児循環器学会雑誌 29(Suppl.) s167-s167 2013年6月  
  • Y. Onouchi, Y. Suzuki, H. Suzuki, M. Terai, K. Yasukawa, H. Hamada, T. Suenaga, T. Honda, A. Honda, H. Kobayashi, T. Takeuchi, N. Yoshikawa, J. Sato, S. Shibuta, M. Miyawaki, K. Oishi, H. Yamaga, N. Aoyagi, S. Iwahashi, R. Miyashita, Y. Murata, R. Ebata, K. Higashi, K. Ozaki, K. Sasago, T. Tanaka, A. Hata
    Pharmacogenomics Journal 13(1) 52-59 2013年2月  査読有り
    Functional single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C (ITPKC) (rs28493229) and caspase-3 (CASP3) (rs113420705 formerly rs72689236) are associated with susceptibility to Kawasaki's disease (KD). To evaluate the involvement of these 2 SNPs in the risk for intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) unresponsiveness, we investigated 204 Japanese KD patients who received a single IVIG dose of 2 g kg-1 (n=70) or 1 g kg-1 daily for 2 days (n=134). The susceptibility allele of both SNPs showed a trend of overrepresentation in IVIG non-responders and, in combined analysis of these SNPs, patients with at least 1 susceptible allele at both loci had a higher risk for IVIG unresponsiveness (P=0.0014). In 335 prospectively collected KD patients who were treated with IVIG (2 g kg-1), this 2-locus model showed a more significant association with resistance to initial and additional IVIG (P=0.011) compared with individual SNPs. We observed a significant association when all KD patients with coronary artery lesions were analyzed with the 2-locus model (P=0.0031). Our findings strongly suggest the existence of genetic factors affecting patients' responses to treatment and the risk for cardiac complications, and provide clues toward understanding the pathophysiology of KD inflammation. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
  • 尾内 善広, 寺井 勝
    小児科 53(13) 1771-1776 2012年12月  
  • Hiromichi Hamada, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Jun Abe, Yoichi Suzuki, Tomohiro Suenaga, Takashi Takeuchi, Norishige Yoshikawa, Shoichi Shibuta, Masakazu Miyawaki, Ko Oishi, Hironobu Yamaga, Noriyuki Aoyagi, Seiji Iwahashi, Ritsuko Miyashita, Takafumi Honda, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Masaru Terai, Akira Hata
    CYTOKINE 60(3) 681-685 2012年12月  査読有り
    Background: Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute systemic vasculitis occurring in medium-sized arteries, especially coronary arteries. Patients with KD who fail to respond to standard therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) face a higher risk of developing coronary artery lesions. Cyclosporin A (CsA) is one treatment option for IVIG-resistant KD. However, the mechanism of its suppression of inflammation in patients with KD remains unknown. Methods and results: We analyzed time-line profiles of multiple inflammatory cytokines in sera of 19 patients treated with CsA (4 mg/kg/day, p.o., 14 days) after additional IVIG. Trough concentration of CsA in blood was maintained between 60 and 200 ng/ml. We examined serum samples before, on day 7, and at the end (day 14) of CsA treatment. Assays were conducted using a Milliplex kit (R). Fourteen patients responded to CsA and became afebrile within 5 days (Responders), although five patients were regarded as Non-responders. Serum transitional levels of IL-6 (p < 0.001), sIL-2R (p < 0.001), sTNFRII (p < 0.001), and G-CSF (p < 0.001) reflect disease severity. In Non-responders, average levels of IL-6 at day 7 (43.5 vs. 13.8 pg/ml, p < 0.001) and average levels of sIL-2R at day 14 (21.3 vs. 3.31 pg/ml, p = 0.014) were significantly higher than those in Responders. Conclusion: CsA treatment effectively reduced the persisting serum inflammatory cytokines in most of the IVIG-resistant KD patients. Soluble IL-2R suppression implies a mechanism explaining the effects of CsA. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 羽田 明, 笹子 久美子, 鈴木 洋一, 尾内 善広
    共済エグザミナー通信 (31) 31-42 2012年10月  
    全ゲノムを対象とした人類遺伝学的手法により、inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C(ITPKC)とCaspase-3(CASP3)の2遺伝子が川崎病の発症関連遺伝子であることを明らかにした。さらに全ゲノム関連解析(GWAS)ではITPKC、CASP3の既報遺伝子領域に加え、ゲノムワイド解析の有意水準を満たす4つの新たな関連領域が確認できた。さらに、各遺伝子多型の相互作用、大量免疫グロブリン静注(IVIG)反応性および冠動脈合併症(CAL)発生との関連を詳細に検討した。ITPKCとCASP3両遺伝子のリスクアレルを一つ以上有するとIVIG抵抗性リスクが有意に高まることが示唆された。同様の関連の傾向がCALのリスクについても認めた。重症化予測スコアリングシステムの改善につながる可能性が示唆された。
  • Adriana H. Tremoulet, Paige Pancoast, Alessandra Franco, Matthew Bujold, Chisato Shimizu, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Alyson Tamamoto, Guliz Erdem, Debra Dodd, Jane C. Burns
    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 161(3) 506-+ 2012年9月  査読有り
    Objective To describe the clinical course and outcome of 10 patients with Kawasaki disease (KD) treated with a calcineurin inhibitor after failing to respond to multiple therapies. Study design Demographic and clinical data were prospectively collected using standardized case report forms. T-cell phenotypes were determined by flow cytometry, and KD risk alleles in ITPKC (rs28493229), CASP3 (rs72689236), and FCGR2A (rs1801274) were genotyped. Results Intravenous followed by oral therapy with cyclosporine (CSA) or oral tacrolimus was well tolerated and resulted in defervescence and resolution of inflammation in all 10 patients. There were no serious adverse events, and a standardized treatment protocol was developed based on our experiences with this patient population. Analysis of T-cell phenotype by flow cytometry in 2 subjects showed a decrease in circulating activated CD8(+) and CD4(+) T effector memory cells after treatment with CSA. However, suppression of regulatory T-cells was not seen, suggesting targeting of specific, proinflammatory T-cell compartments by CSA. Conclusion Treatment of refractory KD with a calcineurin inhibitor appears to be a safe and effective approach that achieves rapid control of inflammation associated with clinical improvement. (J Pediatr 2012;161:506-12).
  • 尾内 善広
    日本臨床免疫学会会誌 35(4) 300-300 2012年8月  
  • 垣本 信幸, 鈴木 啓之, 末永 智浩, 武内 崇, 吉川 徳茂, 渋田 昌一, 濱田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 寺井 勝, 笹子 久美子, 尾内 善広, 鈴木 洋一, 羽田 明
    Progress in Medicine 32(7) 1469-1473 2012年7月  
  • Yoshihiro Onouchi
    CIRCULATION JOURNAL 76(7) 1581-1586 2012年7月  査読有り
    Kawasaki disease (KD) is a leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in developed countries. Although it has been thought that symptoms of KD are related to hyperactivation of the immune system triggered by infection with some microorganisms, the etiological agent still remains unknown. In this situation, genetic factors underlying the disease pathogenesis, which have been suggested by epidemiological findings, are expected to be clues to the enigma. Recently, susceptibility genes for KD have been identified in succession by studies with a genome-wide approach. Recent advances in genetic studies for KD will be presented. (Circ J 2012; 76: 1581-1586)
  • 濱田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 寺井 勝, 鈴木 啓之, 阿部 淳, 尾内 善広, 鈴木 洋一, 羽田 明
    心臓 44(5) 629-630 2012年5月  
  • Yoshihiro Onouchi, Kouichi Ozaki, Jane C. Burns, Chisato Shimizu, Masaru Terai, Hiromichi Hamada, Takafumi Honda, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Tomohiro Suenaga, Takashi Takeuchi, Norishige Yoshikawa, Yoichi Suzuki, Kumi Yasukawa, Ryota Ebata, Kouji Higashi, Tsutomu Saji, Yasushi Kemmotsu, Shinichi Takatsuki, Kazunobu Ouchi, Fumio Kishi, Tetsushi Yoshikawa, Toshiro Nagai, Kunihiro Hamamoto, Yoshitake Sato, Akihito Honda, Hironobu Kobayashi, Junichi Sato, Shoichi Shibuta, Masakazu Miyawaki, Ko Oishi, Hironobu Yamaga, Noriyuki Aoyagi, Seiji Iwahashi, Ritsuko Miyashita, Yuji Murata, Kumiko Sasago, Atsushi Takahashi, Naoyuki Kamatani, Michiaki Kubo, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda, Akira Hata, Yusuke Nakamura, Toshihiro Tanaka, Jun Abe, Tohru Kobayashi, Hirokazu Arakawa, Fukiko Ichida, Yuichi Nomura, Masaru Miura, Kazuyuki Ikeda, Toshiro Hara, Ryuji Fukazawa, Shunichi Ogawa, Kenji Hamaoka, Jane W. Newburger, Annette L. Baker, Anne H. Rowley, Stanford T. Shulman, Marian E. Melish, Wilbert H. Mason, Masato Takahashi, Adriana H. Tremoulet
    NATURE GENETICS 44(5) 517-+ 2012年5月  査読有り
    We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of Kawasaki disease in Japanese subjects using data from 428 individuals with Kawasaki disease (cases) and 3,379 controls genotyped at 473,803 SNPs. We validated the association results in two independent replication panels totaling 754 cases and 947 controls. We observed significant associations in the FAM167A-BLK region at 8p22-23 (rs2254546, P = 8.2 x 10(-21)), in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region at 6p21.3 (rs2857151, P = 4.6 x 10(-11)) and in the CD40 region at 20q13 (rs4813003, P = 4.8 x 10(-8)). We also replicated the association of a functional SNP of FCGR2A (rs1801274, P = 1.6 x 10(-6)) identified in a recently reported GWAS of Kawasaki disease. Our findings provide new insights into the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of Kawasaki disease.
  • 尾内 善広
    日本臨床免疫学会会誌 35(4) 300a-300a 2012年  
    Kawasaki disease (KD) is a systemic vasculitis syndrome predominantly affecting infants younger than 5 years. We have been trying to identify susceptibility genes for KD by a genome-wide approach. A linkage study of affected sib pairs and subsequent association studies using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified SNPs in ITPKC at 19q13.2 and CASP3 at 4q35 which confer risk for KD in the Japanese and Caucasian children. Recently we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and identified 3 additional susceptibility loci for KD (FAM167A-BLK, HLAclassII and CD40). Associations of the SNPs in FAM167A-BLK and CD40 gene regions were also seen in a GWAS independently performed by a Taiwanese research group. A functional SNP of FCGR2A gene was associated with KD in a GWAS for European KD patients and we replicated the finding in our Japanese samples. Interestingly variations in FAM167A-BLK, CD40 and FCGR2A regions have been associated with several autoimmune diseases of adulthood. We believe further investigation of these loci will foster better understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of the disease.<br>
  • Ho-Chang Kuo, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Yu-Wen Hsu, Wei-Chiao Chen, Jin-Ding Huang, Ying-Hsien Huang, Ya-Ling Yang, Mei-Chyn Chao, Hong-Ren Yu, Yung-Shun Juan, Chiu-Ming Kuo, Kuender D. Yang, Jung-San Huang, Wei-Chiao Chang
    JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 56(12) 840-845 2011年12月  査読有り
    Kawasaki disease (KD) is a systemic vasculitis associated with cardiovascular symptom. A previous study in the European descent has indicated that genetic variants of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) pathway are involved in the KD susceptibility and clinical status. This study was conducted to investigate if polymorphisms in TGF-beta signaling pathway are associated with KD susceptibility, and the coronary artery lesion formation. A total of 950 subjects (381 KD patients and 569 controls) were investigated to identify 12 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the TGF-beta signaling pathway (rs2796817, rs10482751, rs2027567, rs12029576, rs11466480, rs4776338, rs12901071, rs7162912, rs1438386, rs6494633, rs12910698 and rs4776339) by using TaqMan Allelic Discrimination assay. Our results indicated that rs1438386 in the SMAD3 is significantly associated with the susceptibility of KD. Additionally, both haplotypes of TGF beta 2 and SMAD3 were also associated with the risk of KD. This study showed that genetic polymorphisms in TGF-beta signaling pathway are associated with KD susceptibility, but not coronary artery lesions formation, or intravenous immunoglobulin treatment response in the Taiwanese population. Journal of Human Genetics (2011) 56, 840-845; doi:10.1038/jhg.2011.113; published online 20 October 2011
  • Hiroyuki Suzuki, Masaru Terai, Hiromichi Hamada, Takafumi Honda, Tomohiro Suenaga, Takashi Takeuchi, Norishige Yoshikawa, Shoichi Shibuta, Masakazu Miyawaki, Ko Oishi, Hironobu Yamaga, Noriyuki Aoyagi, Seiji Iwahashi, Ritsuko Miyashita, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Kumiko Sasago, Yoichi Suzuki, Akira Hata
    PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL 30(10) 871-876 2011年10月  査読有り
    Background: There are still no definite treatments for refractory Kawasaki disease (KD). In this pilot study, we evaluated the use of cyclosporin A (CyA) treatment in patients with refractory KD. Methods: We prospectively collected clinical data of CyA treatment (4-8 mg/kg/d, oral administration) for refractory KD patients using the same protocol among several hospitals. Refractory KD is defined as the persistence or recurrence of fever (37.5 degrees C or more of an axillary temperature) at the end of the second intravenous immunoglobulin (2 g/kg) following the initial one. Results: Subjects were enrolled out of 329 KD patients who were admitted to our 8 hospitals between January 2008 and June 2010. Among a total of 28 patients of refractory KD treated with CyA, 18 (64.3%) responded promptly to be afebrile within 3 days and had decreased C-reactive protein levels, the other 4 became afebrile within 4 to 5 days. However, 6 patients (21.4%) failed to become afebrile within 5 days after the start of CyA and/or high fever returned after becoming afebrile within 5 days. Although hyperkalemia developed in 9 patients at 3 to 7 days after the start of CyA treatment, there were no serious adverse effects such as arrhythmias. Four patients (1.2%), 2 before and the other 2 after the start of CyA treatment, developed coronary arterial lesions. Conclusion: CyA treatment is considered safe and well tolerated, and a promising option for patients with refractory KD. Further investigations will be needed to clarify optimal dose, safety, and timing of CyA treatment.
  • 鈴木 啓之, 寺井 勝, 浜田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 末永 智浩, 武内 崇, 渋田 昌一, 吉川 徳茂, 尾内 善広, 鈴木 洋一, 羽田 明
    日本小児循環器学会雑誌 27(Suppl.) s128-s128 2011年6月  
  • 鈴木 啓之, 末永 智浩, 武内 崇, 吉川 徳茂, 渋田 昌一, 宮脇 正和, 大石 興, 山家 宏宣, 青柳 憲幸, 岩橋 誠司, 宮下 律子, 寺井 勝, 浜田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 尾内 善広, 鈴木 洋一, 羽田 明
    和歌山医学 62(2) 47-47 2011年6月  
  • 尾内 善広
    循環器内科 69(4) 407-411 2011年4月  
  • 鈴木 啓之, 末永 智浩, 武内 崇, 吉川 徳茂, 渋田 昌一, 宮脇 正和, 大石 興, 山家 宏宣, 青柳 憲幸, 岩橋 誠司, 宮下 律子, 寺井 勝, 浜田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 尾内 善広, 鈴木 洋一, 羽田 明
    日本小児科学会雑誌 115(3) 682-683 2011年3月  
  • 鈴木 啓之, 寺井 勝, 浜田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 末永 智浩, 武内 崇, 渋田 昌一, 吉川 徳茂, 尾内 善広, 鈴木 洋一, 羽田 明
    日本小児科学会雑誌 115(2) 231-231 2011年2月  
  • 尾内 善広
    Annual Review循環器 2011 54-59 2011年1月  
  • Asako Aoki, Kouichi Ozaki, Hiroshi Sato, Atsushi Takahashi, Michiaki Kubo, Yasuhiko Sakata, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Takahisa Kawaguchi, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Hitoshi Takano, Masahiro Yasutake, Po-Chao Hsu, Shiro Ikegawa, Naoyuki Kamatani, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda, Suh-Hang H. Juo, Masatsugu Hori, Issei Komuro, Kyoichi Mizuno, Yusuke Nakamura, Toshihiro Tanaka
    JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 56(1) 47-51 2011年1月  査読有り
    Myocardial infarction (MI) occurs as the result of complex interactions of multiple genetic and environmental factors. By conducting a genome wide association study in a Japanese population using 210 785 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, we identified a novel susceptible locus for MI on chromosome 5p15.3. An SNP (rs11748327) in this locus showed significant association in several independent cohorts (combined P = 5.3 x 10(-13), odds ratio = 0.80, comparison of allele frequency). Association study using tag SNPs in the same linkage disequilibrium block revealed that two additional SNPs (rs490556 and rs521660) conferred risk of MI. These findings indicate that the SNPs on chromosome 5p15.3 are novel protective genetic factors against MI. Journal of Human Genetics (2011) 56, 47-51; doi:10.1038/jhg.2010.141; published online 25 November 2010
  • Chisato Shimizu, Tomoyo Matsubara, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Sonia Jain, Shelly Sun, Caroline M. Nievergelt, Hiroko Shike, Victoria H. Brophy, Tsuyoshi Takegawa, Susumu Furukawa, Teiji Akagi, Jane W. Newburger, Annette L. Baker, David Burgner, Martin L. Hibberd, Sonia Davila, Michael Levin, Manju Mamtani, Weijing He, Sunil K. Ahuja, Jane C. Burns
    JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 55(12) 779-784 2010年12月  査読有り
    Aneurysms of the vascular wall represent a final common pathway for a number of inflammatory processes, including atherosclerosis and idiopathic vasculitis syndromes. Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute, self-limited vasculitis in children and the leading cause of acquired coronary artery aneurysms. We sought to identify shared molecular mechanisms of aneurysm formation by genotyping eight polymorphisms in matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, 3, 7, 12 and 13 in the gene cluster on Chr.11q22, whose gene products have been implicated in aneurysm formation or are known to have elastase activity. We genotyped 482 US-UK KD patients (aneurysm+: n=111, aneurysm : n=371) and tested our findings in an independent cohort of 200 Japanese KD patients (aneurysm+: n=58, aneurysm-: n=142). Analysis of the five MMP genes identified modest trends in allele and genotype frequencies for MMP-3 rs3025058 (-/T) and haplotypes containing MMP-3 rs3025058 (-/T) and MMP-12 rs2276109 (A/G) (nominal P=2 to 4x10(-5)) that conferred increased risk of aneurysm formation in US-UK subjects. This finding was validated in Japanese subjects and suggests the importance of this locus in aneurysm formation in children with KD. The region encompassing these risk haplotypes is a prime candidate for resequencing to look for rare genetic variation that may influence aneurysm formation. Journal of Human Genetics (2010) 55, 779-784; doi:10.1038/jhg.2010.109; published online 9 September 2010
  • Yoshihiro Onouchi, Kouichi Ozaki, Jane C. Buns, Chisato Shimizu, Hiromichi Hamada, Takafumi Honda, Masaru Terai, Akihito Honda, Takashi Takeuchi, Shoichi Shibuta, Tomohiro Suenaga, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Kouji Higashi, Kumi Yasukawa, Yoichi Suzuki, Kumiko Sasago, Yasushi Kemmotsu, Shinichi Takatsuki, Tsutomu Saji, Tetsushi Yoshikawa, Toshiro Nagai, Kunihiro Hamamoto, Fumio Kishi, Kazunobu Ouchi, Yoshitake Sato, Jane W. Newburger, Annette L. Baker, Stanford T. Shulman, Anne H. Rowley, Mayumi Yashiro, Yoshikazu Nakamura, Keiko Wakui, Yoshimitsu Fukushima, Akihiro Fujino, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda, Tomisaku Kawasaki, Akira Hata, Yusuke Nakamura, Toshihiro Tanaka
    HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 19(14) 2898-2906 2010年7月  査読有り
    Kawasaki disease (KD; OMIM 611775) is an acute vasculitis syndrome which predominantly affects small- and medium-sized arteries of infants and children. Epidemiological data suggest that host genetics underlie the disease pathogenesis. Here we report that multiple variants in the caspase-3 gene (CASP3) that are in linkage disequilibrium confer susceptibility to KD in both Japanese and US subjects of European ancestry. We found that a G to A substitution of one commonly associated SNP located in the 5&apos; untranslated region of CASP3 (rs72689236; P = 4.2 x 10(-8) in the Japanese and P = 3.7 x 10(-3) in the European Americans) abolished binding of nuclear factor of activated T cells to the DNA sequence surrounding the SNP. Our findings suggest that altered CASP3 expression in immune effecter cells influences susceptibility to KD.
  • Manju Mamtani, Tomoyo Matsubara, Chisato Shimizu, Susumu Furukawa, Teiji Akagi, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Akira Hata, Akihiro Fujino, Weijing He, Sunil K. Ahuja, Jane C. Burns
    PLOS ONE 5(7) e11458 2010年7月  査読有り
    Background: The etiology of Kawasaki Disease (KD) is enigmatic, although an infectious cause is suspected. Polymorphisms in CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) and/or its potent ligand CCL3L1 influence KD susceptibility in US, European and Korean populations. However, the influence of these variations on KD susceptibility, coronary artery lesions (CAL) and response to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) in Japanese children, who have the highest incidence of KD, is unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: We used unconditional logistic regression analyses to determine the associations of the copy number of the CCL3L1 gene-containing duplication and CCR2-CCR5 haplotypes in 133 Japanese KD cases [33 with CAL and 25 with resistance to IVIG] and 312 Japanese controls without a history of KD. We observed that the deviation from the population average of four CCL3L1 copies (i.e., or. four copies) was associated with an increased risk of KD and IVIG resistance (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 2.25, p = 0.004 and OR = 6.26, p = 0.089, respectively). Heterozygosity for the CCR5 HHF*2 haplotype was associated with a reduced risk of both IVIG resistance (OR = 0.21, p = 0.026) and CAL development (OR = 0.44, p = 0.071). Conclusions/Significance: The CCL3L1-CCR5 axis may play an important role in KD pathogenesis. In addition to clinical and laboratory parameters, genetic markers may also predict risk of CAL and resistance to IVIG.
  • 鈴木 啓之, 寺井 勝, 浜田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 末永 智浩, 武内 崇, 渋田 昌一, 吉川 徳茂, 尾内 善広, 鈴木 洋一, 羽田 明
    日本小児循環器学会雑誌 26(Suppl.) s300-s300 2010年6月  
  • 阿部 淳, 小川 俊一, 深澤 隆治, 尾内 善広, 小林 徹, 池田 和幸, 佐地 勉
    日本小児循環器学会雑誌 26(Suppl.) s202-s202 2010年6月  査読有り
  • 尾内 善広
    日本臨床免疫学会会誌 33(2) 73-80 2010年4月  
    川崎病(Kawasaki disease)は乳幼児に好発する原因不明の急性熱性疾患である.症例の多くは自然軽快するが,無治療で経過した川崎病患児の約20〜25%に冠動脈瘤や拡張に代表される冠動脈病変が生じ先進国における小児の後天性心疾患の最大の原因となっている.川崎病は東アジア,特に日本人に多く発症すること,同胞間の再発危険率が高いことなどから遺伝的要因が原因の一端を担っていると考えられ,その解明に向けた研究が国内外で進んでいる.我々は罹患同胞対解析と連鎖不平衡マッピングを組み合わせたゲノムワイドアプローチによりinositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase-C(ITPKC)が人種間に共通した川崎病の感受性遺伝子であることを発見した.ITPKCがT細胞内におけるNFATを介したサイトカイン産生に抑制的に働くこと,イントロン1に位置する機能的多型によりITPKC産物が減少するメカニズムも判り,川崎病の病態にCa2+/NFAT経路が重要であることが示唆された.Ca2+/NFAT経路を抑制するシクロスポリンA(CsA)やFK506がエヴィデンスに基づく川崎病の治療薬となる可能性を検討中である.今後はさらに検討の幅を広げ,さらなる感受性遺伝子の同定を通じ川崎病の臨床へ貢献したいと考えている.(著者抄録)
  • 鈴木 啓之, 寺井 勝, 浜田 洋通, 本田 隆文, 末永 智浩, 武内 崇, 渋田 昌一, 吉川 徳茂, 尾内 善広, 鈴木 洋一, 羽田 明
    Progress in Medicine 30(3) 995-995 2010年3月  
  • 小林 徹, 阿部 淳, 尾内 善広, 小川 俊一, 深澤 隆治, 原 寿郎, 池田 和幸, 荒川 浩一, 佐地 勉
    Progress in Medicine 30(3) 980-980 2010年3月  査読有り
  • 尾内 善広
    Vascular Medicine 6(1) 7-14 2010年1月  
  • 尾内 善広
    日本臨床免疫学会会誌 32(5) 342-342 2009年10月  
  • 尾内 善広
    医学のあゆみ 230(9) 609-615 2009年8月  
  • 鈴木 啓之, 渋田 昌一, 武内 崇, 吉川 徳茂, 末永 智浩, 尾内 善広
    日本小児循環器学会雑誌 25(3) 418-418 2009年5月  
  • Yoshihiro Onouchi
    PEDIATRIC RESEARCH 65(5) 46R-54R 2009年5月  査読有り
    Kawasaki disease (KD) is a leading cause of acquired cardiac disease of children in the developed countries. The pathogen that triggers this perplexing disease is still unknown after 40 y from the first description. Epidemiologic findings have made us believe that there are considerable genetic components in the etiology and some candidate genetic variations, which confer susceptibility to KD or risk for coronary artery lesions have been identified. However, most of them remain to be definitively confirmed by replication studies with large cohorts. In this article, I review the candidate gene association studies to date. I also introduce our recent findings in genome-wide approach, which revealed the importance of Ca(2+)/nuclear factor of activated T-cells pathway in the pathogenesis of KD. (Pediatr Res 65: 46R-54R, 2009)
  • Kouichi Ozaki, Hiroshi Sato, Katsumi Inoue, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda, Yasuhiko Sakata, Hiroya Mizuno, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Yoshinari Miyamoto, Asako Aoki, Yoshihiro Onouchi, Sheng-Hsiung Sheu, Shiro Ikegawa, Keita Odashiro, Masakiyo Nobuyoshi, Suh-Hang H. Juo, Masatsugu Hori, Yusuke Nakamura, Toshihiro Tanaka
    NATURE GENETICS 41(3) 329-333 2009年3月  査読有り
    Myocardial infarction is a common disease and among the leading causes of death in the world. We previously reported association of variants in LGALS2, encoding galectin-2, with myocardial infarction susceptibility in a case-control association study in a Japanese population(1). Here we identify BRAP (BRCA1-associated protein) as a galectin-2-binding protein. We report an association of SNPs in BRAP with myocardial infarction risk in a large Japanese cohort (P = 3.0 x 10(-18), OR = 1.48, 2,475 cases and 2,778 controls), with replication in additional Japanese and Taiwanese cohorts (P = 4.4 x 10(-6), 862 cases and 1,113 controls and P = 4.7 x 10(-3), 349 cases and 994 controls, respectively). BRAP expression was observed in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and macrophages in human atherosclerotic lesions. BRAP knockdown by siRNA using cultured coronary endothelial cells suppressed activation of NF-kappa B, a central mediator of inflammation.
  • K. Yamazaki, A. Takahashi, M. Takazoe, M. Kubo, Y. Onouchi, A. Fujino, N. Kamatani, Y. Nakamura, A. Hata
    GUT 58(2) 228-232 2009年2月  
    Background and aims: A number of genome-wide association studies have been performed as a robust means of identifying susceptibility loci for Crohn's disease (CD). The loci detected after the completion of the HapMap project are quite concordant among these studies, suggesting that the results are reliable. Recently, the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) reported the primary scanning of 17 000 individuals for seven diseases, including CD, and a subsequent study has validated these susceptible genetic variants in independent UK sample sets. The purpose of this study was to study the possible association of the variants reported by the WTCCC with CD in a Japanese population. Patients and methods: A total of 484 patients with CD and 470 healthy controls were examined. Seventeen genetic variants at eight newly identified loci, including IRGM, NKX2-3 and PTPN2, were genotyped using the TaqMan assay or the invader assay. Results: A positive association signal presumably common to different ethnic groups for rs10883365 was detected in the upstream region of NKX2-3 (p = 0.019 under the genotypic model, p = 0.0065 under the allelic model, p = 0.019 under the recessive model, p = 0.036 under the dominant model). In addition to rs10883365, marginal associations for two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in the Japanese population; rs6887695 near IL12B and rs10761659 on 10q21. Further genotype-phenotype analysis found a significant association between rs6887695 and patients with pure ileal CD. Conclusions: The results indicate that the three loci are possible candidates for conferring susceptibility to CD in people of different ethnicities.
  • Akira Hata, Yoshihiro Onouchi
    JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 54(2) 67-73 2009年2月  査読有り
    Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute systemic vasculitis syndrome, which primarily affects in children under the age of 5 years. In 20-25% of cases, if untreated, coronary artery lesions develop, making KD the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in both Japan and the United States. Since 1970, 19 nationwide surveys of KD in Japan have been conducted every 2 years and the data are stored in a database. Even though the etiology of KD remains unknown, despite enthusiastic research spanning more than 40 years, we have learnt a great deal about KD from this enormous database. These 19 epidemiologic studies indicate a strong genetic influence on the disease susceptibility, prompting us and other researchers to identify the responsible genes for KD by applying either the candidate gene approach or the genome-wide approach. We have employed a genome-wide linkage study using affected sibling pair data of KD in Japan and have identified several susceptibility loci. Further analysis focusing on a region of chromosome 19, where one of the linked loci was detected, identified a predisposing gene, which codes inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C (ITPKC). In this review, we summarize the cumulative knowledge regarding KD, and then outline our hypothesis of the role ITPKC plays in KD susceptibility and our trial that aims toward the implementation of personalized medicine for KD.
  • 尾内 善広
    小児内科 41(1) 14-20 2009年1月  
  • 羽田 明, 尾内 善広
    小児科診療 72(1) 83-86 2009年1月  
  • 羽田 明, 尾内 善広
    Annual Review循環器 2009 83-92 2009年1月  
  • 羽田 明, 尾内 善広
    医学のあゆみ 225(9) 919-924 2008年5月  
  • 尾内 善広, 羽田 明
    日本臨床 66(2) 272-277 2008年2月  
  • Onouchi Y, Hata A
    Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine 66(2) 272-277 2008年2月  査読有り









