
松本 浩史

マツモト コウジ  (koji Matsumoto)


千葉大学 医学部附属病院放射線部 主任診療放射線技師
保健学博士(2019年3月 金沢大学)





  • Satoshi Maki, Masao Koda, Junya Saito, Sho Takahashi, Taigo Inada, Koshiro Kamiya, Mitsutoshi Ota, Yasushi Iijima, Yoshitada Masuda, Koji Matsumoto, Masatoshi Kojima, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Takayuki Obata, Masashi Yamazaki, Takeo Furuya
    World neurosurgery 96 184-190 2016年12月  
    BACKGROUND: Patients with cervical compression myelopathy (CCM) generally present bilateral neurological symptoms in their extremities. However, a substantial portion of patients with CCM exhibit laterality of neurological symptoms. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between intrinsic structural damage and laterality of symptoms using spinal cord diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the corticospinal tract. METHODS: We enrolled 10 healthy volunteers and 40 patients with CCM in this study. We evaluated motor function using the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) motor score for left and right extremities. For DTI acquisitions, a 3.0-T magnetic resonance imaging system with diffusion-weighted spin-echo sequence was used. Regions-of-interest in the lateral column tracts were determined. We determined the correlations between fractional anisotropy (FA) and ASIA motor scores. An FA asymmetry index was calculated using left and right regions-of-interest. RESULTS: Four patients exhibited laterality of symptoms in their extremities, for which left and right ASIA scores correlated moderately with FA in the left and right lateral columns, respectively (left: ρ = 0.64, P < 0.001; right: ρ = 0.67, P < 0.001). The area under the receiver-operator characteristic curve showed that the FA asymmetry index indicated laterality of symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Using tract-specific DTI, we demonstrated that microstructural damages in the left and right corticospinal tracts correlated with corresponding neurological symptoms in the ipsilateral side and the FA asymmetry index could indicate laterality in neurological symptoms of patients with CCM.
  • Windra Swastika, Yoshitada Masuda, Naoko Kawata, Koji Matsumoto, Toshio Suzuki, Ken Iesato, Yuji Tada, Toshihiko Sugiura, Nobuhiro Tanabe, Koichiro Tatsumi, Takashi Ohnishi, Hideaki Haneishi
    Medical Imaging 2015: Image Processing 94132 2015年  
  • Tomoko Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Hirano, Kiyotaka Nemoto, Chihiro Sutoh, Kazuhiro Ishikawa, Haruko Miyata, Junko Matsumoto, Koji Matsumoto, Yoshitada Masuda, Michiko Nakazato, Eiji Shimizu, Akiko Nakagawa
    Magnetic resonance in medical sciences : MRMS : an official journal of Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 14(4) 329-35 2015年  
    OBJECTIVES: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of the most debilitating psychiatric disorders, with some speculating that a reason for difficulty in its treatment might be its coexistence with autism spectrum. We investigated the tendency for autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) in patients with OCD from a neuroimaging point of view using voxel-based morphometry. METHODS: We acquired T1-weighted images from 20 patients with OCD and 30 healthy controls and investigated the difference in regional volume between the groups as well as the correlation between Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) scores and regional cerebral volumes of patients with OCD. RESULTS: Volumes in the bilateral middle frontal gyri were significantly decreased in patients with OCD compared to controls. Correlational analysis showed significant positive correlations between AQ scores and regional gray matter (GM) volumes in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and left amygdala. Furthermore, GM volumes of these regions were positively correlated with each other. CONCLUSIONS: The positive correlation of ASD traits in patients with OCD with regional GM volumes in the left DLPFC and amygdala could reflect the heterogeneity of patient symptoms. Our results suggest that differences in GM volume might allow classification of patients with OCD for appropriate therapy based on their particular traits.
  • Yukinojo Kitakami, Takashi Ohnishi, Yoshitada Masuda, Koji Matsumoto, Hideaki Haneishi
    Abdominal Imaging. Computational and Clinical Applications(ABDI@MICCAI) 269-277 2014年  
  • Koya Ozawa, Nobusada Funabashi, Hiroyuki Takaoka, Masae Uehara, Michiko Daimon, Marehiko Ueda, Koji Matsumoto, Yuji Murakawa, Yoshio Kobayashi
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 168(5) 5015-5022 2013年10月  査読有り
  • 横田 元, 向井 宏樹, 松本 浩史, 本折 健, 澁谷 和幹, 三澤 園子, 伊藤 彰一, 桑原 聡, 宇野 隆
    日本医学放射線学会学術集会抄録集 72回 S306-S306 2013年2月  
  • 本折 健, 菱木 知郎, 吉田 英生, 槇野 陽介, 松本 浩史, 宇野 隆
    日本小児血液・がん学会学術集会・日本小児がん看護学会・公益財団法人がんの子どもを守る会公開シンポジウムプログラム総会号 54回・10回・17回 260-260 2012年11月  
  • 槇野 陽介, 本折 健, 菱木 知郎, 吉田 英生, 松本 浩史, 宇野 隆
    日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集 48回 S538-S539 2012年8月  


  • 池水結輝, 池水結輝, 太田淳子, 太田淳子, ブーサル チャタクリリトゥ, ブーサル チャタクリリトゥ, 栗田幸平, 栗田幸平, 佐々木翼, 佐々木翼, 鎌下莉緒, 鎌下莉緒, 磯部祐子, 磯部祐子, 須藤佑輔, 須藤佑輔, 吉田斎子, 松本浩史, 桝田喜正, 加藤奈子, 中川彰子, 清水栄司, 清水栄司, 清水栄司, 清水栄司, 平野好幸, 平野好幸, 平野好幸
    日本不安症学会学術大会プログラム・抄録集 15th 2023年  
  • 須藤佑輔, 須藤佑輔, 大田淳子, 大田淳子, 鎌下莉緒, RITU Bhusal Chhatkuli, RITU Bhusal Chhatkuli, 濱谷沙世, 濱谷沙世, 高橋純平, 沼田法子, 吉田斎子, 北川等美, 清水栄司, 松本浩史, 桝田喜正, 中里道子, 佐藤康弘, 磯部昌憲, 兒玉直樹, 吉原一文, 高村恒人, 守口善也, 関口敦, 平野好幸, 平野好幸
    日本摂食障害学会学術集会プログラム・講演抄録集 25th 2022年  
  • 後藤宏樹, 高岡浩之, 後藤宏樹, 高岡浩之, 山岸嘉希, 坂井上之, 村山大知, 松本浩史, 大門道子, 佐々木晴香, 青木秀平, 鈴木克也, 高橋愛, 八島聡美, 高橋愛, 八島聡美, 木下真己子, 江口紀子, 江口紀子, 金枝朋宜, 小林欣夫
    循環器内科 92(3) 2022年  
  • 横田元, 向井宏樹, 杉山淳比古, 松本浩史, 宇野隆
    日本神経放射線学会プログラム・抄録集 50th 2021年  
  • 高岡浩之, 高岡浩之, 佐々木晴香, 佐々木晴香, 高橋愛, 高橋愛, 大門道子, 八島聡美, 八島聡美, 木下真己子, 江口紀子, 江口紀子, 長澤未来, 庭野亜美, 與子田一輝, 後藤宏樹, 坂井上之, 太田丞二, 松本浩史, 佐野剛一, 小林欣夫
    循環器内科 90(1) 2021年  

