
波多野 亮

ハタノ リョウ  (Ryo Hatano)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院代謝生理学 助教







  • Ryo Hatano, Xilin Zhang, Eunyoung Lee, Atsushi Kaneda, Tomoaki Tanaka, Takashi Miki
    iScience 110656-110656 2024年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Ryo Hatano, Eunyoung Lee, Hiromi Sato, Masahiro Kiuchi, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Yoshimi Nakagawa, Hitoshi Shimano, Toshinori Nakayama, Tomoaki Tanaka, Takashi Miki
    Molecular Metabolism 2024年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Fujimoto M, Yokoyama M, Kiuchi M, Hosokawa H, Nakayama A, Hashimoto N, Sakuma I, Nagano H, Yamagata K, Kudo F, Manabe I, Lee E, Hatano R, Onodera A, Hirahara K, Yokote K, Miki T, Nakayama T, Tanaka T
    Nature Communications 13(1) 5408-5408 2022年9月  査読有り
    The liver stores glycogen and releases glucose into the blood upon increased energy demand. Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) in adipose and pancreatic tissues are known for their involvement in glucose homeostasis, but the metabolic contribution of liver ILC2s has not been studied in detail. Here we show that liver ILC2s are directly involved in the regulation of blood glucose levels. Mechanistically, interleukin (IL)-33 treatment induces IL-13 production in liver ILC2s, while directly suppressing gluconeogenesis in a specific Hnf4a/G6pc-high primary hepatocyte cluster via Stat3. These hepatocytes significantly interact with liver ILC2s via IL-13/IL-13 receptor signaling. The results of transcriptional complex analysis and GATA3-ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, and scRNA-seq trajectory analyses establish a positive regulatory role for the transcription factor GATA3 in IL-13 production by liver ILC2s, while AP-1 family members are shown to suppress IL-13 release. Thus, we identify a regulatory role and molecular mechanism by which liver ILC2s contribute to glucose homeostasis.
  • Ma Y, Lee E, Yoshikawa H, Noda T, Miyamoto J, Kimura I, Hatano R, Miki T
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 621 176-182 2022年9月  査読有り
  • Lee E, Zhang X, Noda T, Miyamoto J, Kimura I, Tanaka T, Sakurai K, Hatano R, Miki T
    Int J Mol Sci. 22(19) 10796-10796 2021年10月  査読有り
    Background: α-cyclodextrin (α-CD) is one of the dietary fibers that may have a beneficial effect on cholesterol and/or glucose metabolism, but its efficacy and mode of action remain unclear. Methods: In the present study, we examined the anti-hyperglycemic effect of α-CD after oral loading of glucose and liquid meal in mice. Results: Administration of 2 g/kg α-CD suppressed hyperglycemia after glucose loading, which was associated with increased glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) secretion and enhanced hepatic glucose sequestration. By contrast, 1 g/kg α-CD similarly suppressed hyperglycemia, but without increasing secretions of GLP-1 and insulin. Furthermore, oral α-CD administration disrupts lipid micelle formation through its inclusion of lecithin in the gut luminal fluid. Importantly, prior inclusion of α-CD with lecithin in vitro nullified the anti-hyperglycemic effect of α-CD in vivo, which was associated with increased intestinal mRNA expressions of SREBP2-target genes (Ldlr, Hmgcr, Pcsk9, and Srebp2). Conclusions: α-CD elicits its anti-hyperglycemic effect after glucose loading by inducing lecithin inclusion in the gut lumen and activating SREBP2, which is known to induce cholecystokinin secretion to suppress hepatic glucose production via a gut/brain/liver axis.
  • Moriyama Y, Hatano R, Moriyama S, Uehara S
    Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 1862(12) 183208 2020年12月  査読有り
  • Yoshito Ikeda, Shin-Ya Morita, Ryo Hatano, Tokuji Tsuji, Tomohiro Terada
    Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids. 1864(10) 1495-1502 2019年10月  査読有り
  • Lee E, Miedzybrodzka EL, Zhang X, Hatano R, Miyamoto J, Kimura I, Fujimoto K, Uematsu S, Rodriguez-Cuenca S, Vidal-Puig A, Gribble FM, Reimann F, Miki T
    Int J Mol Sci. 20(18) 4448 2019年9月  査読有り
  • Kotoku Kawaguchi, Ryo Hatano, Shinji Asano
    MEMBRANE 43(5) 199-205 2018年  
  • Kawaguchi K, Hatano R, Matsubara M, Asano S
    Pfluger Archiv. Eur. J. Physiol. 470(7) 1055-1068 2018年  
  • Hatano R, Takeda A, Abe Y, Kawaguchi K, Kazama I, Matsubara M, Asano S
    Scientific Report 8(1):4512 2018年  
  • Jing Li, Ryo Hatano, Shuhua Xu, Laxiang Wan, Lei Yang, Alan M. Weinstein, Lawrence Palmer, Tong Wang
    American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 313(2) F505-F513 2017年8月  
    We studied gender differences in Na+-Cl- cotransporter (NCC) activity and expression in wild-type (WT) and AT(1a) receptor knockout (KO) mice. In renal clearance experiments, urine volume (UV), glomerular filtration rate, absolute Na+ (E-Na) and K+ (EK), and fractional Na+ (FENa) and K+ excretion were measured and compared at peak changes after bolus intravenous injection of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ; 30 mg/kg). In WT, females responded more strongly than males to HCTZ, with larger fractional increases of UV (7.8- vs. 3.4-fold), E-Na (11.7- vs. 5.7-fold), FENa (7.9- vs. 4.9-fold), and E-K (2.8- vs. 1.4-fold). In contrast, there were no gender differences in the responses to the diuretic in KO mice; HCTZ produced greater effects on male KO than on WT but similar effects on females. In WT, total (tNCC) and phosphorylated (pNCC) NCC protein expressions were 1.8- and 4.6-fold higher in females compared with males (P < 0.05), consistent with the larger response to HCTZ. In KO mice, tNCC and pNCC increased significantly in males to levels not different from those in females. There were no gender differences in the expression of the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE3) in WT; NHE3 protein decreased to similar extents in male and female KO animals, suggesting AT(1a)-mediated NHE3 expression in proximal tubules. The resulting increase in delivery of NaCl to the distal nephron may underlie increased NCC expression and activity in mice lacking the AT(1a) receptor.
  • Ryo Hatano, Kotoku Kawaguchi, Fumitaka Togashi, Masato Sugata, Shizuka Masuda, Shinji Asano
    Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 40(1) 34-42 2017年1月  
    Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is a hydrophilic bile acid that possesses many pharmacological effects, including increasing bile flow, changing the hydrophobicity of the bile acid pool, and modulation of the immune response. UDCA has been approved for treating cholestatic liver disease, such as primary biliary cholangitis. However, several unanticipated severe side effects of UDCA are observed in cholestatic patients, and its pharmacological benefits remain controversial. We reported that ezrin-knockdown (Vil2(kd/kd)) mice exhibited severe hepatic injury because of a functional disorder in bile duct fluidity and alkalinity regulation, resembling human intrahepatic cholestatic disease. Here we used Vil2(kd/kd) mice as a cholestatic model to investigate the pharmacological effects of UDCA. We investigated the effects of oral and parenteral administration of UDCA on Vil2(kd/kd) mice. In Vil2(kd/kd) mice, fed a 0.5% (w/w) UDCA diet for 3 weeks, hepatic injury was exacerbated, although oral administration of a lower dose of UDCA slightly improved hepatic function in Vil2(kd/kd) mice. On the other hand, intraperitoneal administration of UDCA (50 mg/kg/d) ameliorated hepatic function and markedly reduced periductal fibrosis and cholangiocyte proliferation in Vil2(kd/kd) mice although biliary pH and HCO3- concentration were not improved. The expression levels of inflammatory and profibrotic genes were also significantly decreased in these mice. Furthermore, UDCA prevented cholangiocytes from hydrophobic bile acid-induced cytotoxicity independent of extracellular pH in in vitro experiments. These results suggest that an appropriate dosage of UDCA can ameliorate the intrahepatic cholestasis in Vil2(kd/kd) mice without changing the biliary bicarbonate secretion.
  • Kotoku Kawaguchi, Saori Yoshida, Ryo Hatano, Shinji Asano
    Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 40(4) 381-390 2017年  
    Ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins function as general cross-linkers between plasma membrane proteins and the actin cytoskeleton and are involved in the functional expression of membrane proteins on the cell surface. They also integrate Rho guanosine 5′-triphosphatase (GTPase) signaling to regulate cytoskeletal organization by sequestering Rho-related proteins. They act as protein kinase A (PKA)-anchoring proteins and sequester PKA close to its target proteins for their effective phosphorylation and functional regulation. Therefore, ERM proteins seem to play important roles in the membrane transport of electrolytes by ion channels and transporters. In this review, we focus on the pathophysiological roles of ERM proteins in in vivo studies and introduce the phenotypes of their knockout and knockdown mice.
  • Saori Yoshida, Hiroto Yamamoto, Takahito Tetsui, Yuka Kobayakawa, Ryo Hatano, Ken-ichi Mukaisho, Takanori Hattori, Hiroyuki Sugihara, Shinji Asano
    Journal of Physiological Sciences 66(1) 53-65 2016年1月  
    Ezrin, an adaptor protein that cross-links plasma membrane-associated proteins with the actin cytoskeleton, is concentrated on apical surfaces of epithelial cells, especially in microvilli of the small intestine and stomach. In the stomach, ezrin is predominantly expressed on the apical canalicular membrane of parietal cells. Transgenic ezrin knockdown mice in which the expression level of ezrin was reduced to < 7 % compared with the wild-type suffered from achlorhydria because of impairment of membrane fusion between tubulovesicles and apical membranes. We observed, for the first time, hypergastrinemia and foveolar hyperplasia in the gastric fundic region of the knockdown mice. Dilation of fundic glands was observed, the percentage of parietal and chief cells was reduced, and that of mucous-secreting cells was increased. The parietal cells of knockdown mice contained dilated tubulovesicles and abnormal mitochondria, and subsets of these cells contained abnormal vacuoles and multilamellar structures. Therefore, lack of ezrin not only causes achlorhydria and hypergastrinemia but also changes the structure of gastric glands, with severe perturbation of the secretory membranes of parietal cells.
  • Saori Yoshida, Toshiyuki Fukutomi, Toru Kimura, Hiroyuki Sakurai, Ryo Hatano, Hiroto Yamamoto, Ken-ichi Mukaisho, Takanori Hattori, Hiroyuki Sugihara, Shinji Asano
    Biomedical Research -Tokyo 37(2) 127-139 2016年  
    Ezrin is an actin binding protein which cross-links membrane proteins with cytoskeleton directly or indirectly via PDZ domain-containing scaffold proteins. It is mainly expressed at the brush border membrane (BBM) of gastrointestinal tracts, and is involved in the construction of microvilli structure and the functional expression of membrane protein complexes at the cell surface. To precisely study the roles of ezrin on the expression of membrane proteins at the cell surface, here we prepared the BBM fractions of ileums from the wild-type and ezrin-knockdown (Vil2(kd/kd)) mice, analyzed them by mass spectrometry, and compared their proteomic patterns. Totally 313 proteins were identified in the BBM fractions. Several transport proteins, cytoskeleton-associated proteins, and trafficking proteins were up-or down-regulated in the BBM fraction of the ileum in the Vil2(kd/kd) mice. Among them, the expressions of i) Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 1 (a PDZ domain-containing scaffold protein), ii) sodium monocarboxylate transporter 1, which contains a PDZ domain-binding motif at their carboxy-terminal, and iii) chloride intracellular channel protein 5 were down-regulated at the BBM fraction of the ileum in the Vil2(kd/kd) mice, suggesting that ezrin is involved in their expression in the BBM.
  • Ryo Hatano, Kaori Akiyama, Atsushi Tamura, Shigekuni Hosogi, Yoshinori Marunaka, Michael J. Caplan, Yoshiyuki Ueno, Sachiko Tsukita, Shinji Asano
    Hepatology 61(5) 1660-1671 2015年5月  
    Cholangiopathies share common features, including bile duct proliferation, periportal fibrosis, and intrahepatic cholestasis. Damage of biliary epithelium by autoimunne disorder, virus infection, toxic compounds, and developmental abnormalities causes severe progressive hepatic disorders responsible for high mortality. However, the etiologies of these cholestatic diseases remain unclear because useful models to study the pathogenic mechanisms are not available. In the present study, we have found that ezrin knockdown (Vil2(kd/kd)) mice develop severe intrahepatic cholestasis characterized by extensive bile duct proliferation, periductular fibrosis, and intrahepatic bile acid accumulation without developmental defects of bile duct morphology and infiltration of inflammatory cells. Ezrin is a membrane cytoskeletal cross-linker protein, which is known to interact with transporters, scaffold proteins, and actin cytoskeleton at the plasma membrane. We found that the normal apical membrane localizations of several transport proteins including cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), anion exchanger 2 (AE-2), aquaporin 1 (AQP1), and Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor were disturbed in bile ducts of Vil2(kd/kd) mice. Stable expression of a dominant negative form of ezrin in immortalized mouse cholangiocytes also led to the reduction of the surface expression of CFTR, AE-2, and AQP1. Reduced surface expression of these transport proteins was accompanied by reduced functional expression, as evidenced by the fact these cells exhibited decreased CFTR-mediated Cl- efflux activity. Furthermore, bile flow and biliary HCO3- concentration were also significantly reduced in Vil2(kd/kd) mice. Conclusion: Dysfunction of ezrin mimics important aspects of the pathological mechanisms responsible for cholangiopathies. The Vil2(kd/kd) mouse may be a useful model to exploit in the development and testing of potential therapies for cholangiopathies. (Hepatology 2015;61:1660-1671)
  • Hatano R
    Membrane 39(5) 329-336 2014年9月  
  • Yosuke Matsumoto, Masatoshi Inden, Atsushi Tamura, Ryo Hatano, Sachiko Tsukita, Shinji Asano
    PLOS ONE 9(8) e105435 2014年8月  
    Neuronal morphogenesis is implicated in neuronal function and development with rearrangement of cytoskeletal organization. Ezrin, a member of Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin (ERM) proteins links between membrane proteins and actin cytoskeleton, and contributes to maintenance of cellular function and morphology. In cultured hippocampal neurons, suppression of both radixin and moesin showed deficits in growth cone morphology and neurite extensions. Downregulation of ezrin using siRNA caused impairment of netrin-1-induced axon outgrowth in cultured cortical neurons. However, roles of ezrin in the neuronal morphogenesis of the cultured neurons have been poorly understood. In this report, we performed detailed studies on the roles of ezrin in the cultured cortical neurons prepared from the ezrin knockdown (Vil2(kd/kd)) mice embryo that showed a very small amount of ezrin expression compared with the wild-type (Vil2(+/+)) neurons. Ezrin was mainly expressed in cell body in the cultured cortical neurons. We demonstrated that the cultured cortical neurons prepared from the Vil2(kd/kd) mice embryo exhibited impairment of neuritogenesis. Moreover, we observed increased RhoA activity and phosphorylation of myosin light chain 2 (MLC2), as a downstream effector of RhoA in the Vil2(kd/kd) neurons. In addition, inhibition of Rho kinase and myosin II rescued the impairment of neuritogenesis in the Vil2(kd/kd) neurons. These data altogether suggest a novel role of ezrin in the neuritogenesis of the cultured cortical neurons through down-regulation of RhoA activity.
  • Ryo Hatano, Hiroki Mukouchi, Yosuke Matsumoto, Kotoku Kawaguchi, Itsuro Kazama, Yasuhiro Endo, Hiroaki Toyama, Yutaka Ejima, Shin Kurosawa, Yoshikatsu Kanai, Mitsunobu Matsubara, Shinji Asano
    Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 466(5) 925-935 2014年  
    OAT-PG is a kidney-specific prostaglandin transporter and exclusively expressed at the basolateral membrane of proximal tubules in rodent kidneys. We previously reported that OAT-PG was dominantly expressed in the male kidney similar to the other SLC22 family proteins as organic anion transporter (OAT) 1 and OAT3. Recently, Wegner et al. revealed that a transcription factor, B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 (BCL6), is associated with the male-dominant expressions of OAT1 and OAT3 in the rat kidney. Here, we performed the luciferase assay to investigate whether OAT-PG is also transcriptionally regulated by BCL6. However, the promoter activity of OAT-PG was not directly affected by BCL6 overexpression nor the testosterone treatment, suggesting that different regulatory mechanisms underlie the male-dominant transcriptional regulation of OAT-PG compared to those of OAT1 and OAT3. We newly found that adrenalectomy (Adx) of male rat caused a significant reduction of OAT-PG expression without any significant changes in the OAT1 and OAT3 expressions, and it was recovered by the dexamethasone administration. Furthermore, the renocortical PGE 2 concentration was markedly increased in Adx male rat, concomitant with the downregulation of OAT-PG, and it was reduced to the basal level by dexamethasone treatment. In the luciferase assay, dexamethasone stimulated OAT-PG promoter activity but not OAT1. The luciferase activity responsiveness to dexamethasone was significantly reduced by the deletion of glucocorticoid response elements in the OAT-PG promoter region. These results suggest that glucocorticoid plays an important role in the regulation of the renocortical PGE2 concentration by the transcriptional regulation of OAT-PG in the rat kidney. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.
  • Ryo Hatano, Eiko Fujii, Hiroko Segawa, Kenichi Mukaisho, Mitsunobu Matsubara, Ken-Ichi Miyamoto, Takanori Hattori, Hiroyuki Sugihara, Shinji Asano
    Kidney International 83(1) 41-49 2013年  
    Ezrin cross-links plasma membrane proteins with the actin cytoskeleton. In the kidney, ezrin mainly localizes at the brush border membrane of proximal tubules with the scaffolding protein, Na + /H + exchanger regulatory factor (NHERF) 1. NHERF1 interacts with the sodium/phosphate cotransporter, Npt2a. Defects in NHERF1 or Npt2a in mice cause hypophosphatemia. Here we studied the physiological role of ezrin in renal phosphate reabsorption using ezrin knockdown mice (Vil2). These mice exhibit hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and osteomalacia. The reduced plasma phosphate concentrations were ascribed to defects in urinary phosphate reabsorption. Immunofluorescence and immunoblotting indicated a marked reduction in renal Npt2a and NHERF1 expression at the apical membrane of proximal tubules in the knockdown mice. On the other hand, urinary loss of calcium was not found in Vil2 mice. Plasma concentrations of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D were elevated following reduced plasma phosphate levels, and mRNA of the vitamin D-dependent TRPV6 calcium channel were significantly increased in the duodenum of knockdown mice. Expression of TRPV6 at the apical membrane, however, was significantly decreased. Furthermore, tibial bone mineral density was significantly lower in both the adult and young Vil2 mice. These results suggest that ezrin is required for the regulation of systemic phosphate and calcium homeostasis in vivo. © 2012 International Society of Nephrology.
  • Itsuro Kazama, Mitsunobu Matsubara, Yoshikatsu Kanai, Ryo Hatano, Shinji Asano, Yasuhiro Endo, Hiroaki Toyama, Yutaka Ejima, Shin Kurosawa, Yoshio Maruyama
    Gynecologic and obstetric investigation 76(3) 163-170 2013年  
    Background: Prostaglandin (PG)-specific organic anion transporter (OAT-PG) is a recently identified renal transporter involved in the local clearance of prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)). Since the renal biosynthesis of PGE(2) is not increased during pregnancy, this transporter expression would affect the gestational changes in the renal PGE(2) content. Methods: Kidneys from rats at different gestational stages were used to examine gestational changes in the renocortical PGE(2) concentration. The renal expression of OAT-PG and the enzymes for PGE(2) synthesis was also examined sequentially, together with the gestational changes in renal renin production. Results: The renocortical PGE(2) concentration was significantly increased during midterm to late pregnancy, with a maximum increase of 47.6 +/- 11.5% from the virgin value. Although the expression of the enzymes, such as cyclooxygenases and PG synthases, was not increased, that of OAT-PG was significantly decreased throughout pregnancy, inversely correlating with changes in the renocortical PGE(2) concentration. Renal renin production was significantly increased during pregnancy. Conclusion:This study demonstrated for the first time that the tissue PGE(2) concentration was increased in pregnant rat kidneys, which may be associated with the gestational rise in glomerular filtration rate. The decreased expression of OAT-PG was thought to be responsible for the increased tissue PGE(2) content. Copyright (C) 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel
  • Hatano R, Asano S
    Membrane 38(4) 186-192-192 2013年  
    ERM (ezrin, radixin, and moesin) proteins were identified in 1980s. In the past three decades, many functions of these proteins in the re-organization of actin cytoskeleton, cell migration and cell-cell attachment, membrane-fusion, and the membrane targeting of the transporters and channels, were revealed. However, their physiological roles are not still fully elucidated. The generation of genetically modified animals yields the finding of new aspects of their physiological roles in vivo. In this review, we will discuss the recent advances in the finding of the new physiological roles of ERM proteins in several tissues, and the involvement of these proteins in the progression or the onset of the intractable diseases, and the possibility for the drug target.
  • Ryo Hatano, Kimitaka Onoe, Masaya Obara, Mitsunobu Matsubara, Yoshikatsu Kanai, Shigeaki Muto, Shinji Asano
    American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 302(3) F342-F349 2012年2月  
    Hatano R, Onoe K, Obara M, Matsubara M, Kanai Y, Muto S, Asano S. Sex hormones induce a gender-related difference in renal expression of a novel prostaglandin transporter, OAT-PG, influencing basal PGE(2) concentration. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302: F342-F349, 2012. First published October 26, 2011; doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00366.2011.-Based on the nucleotide sequence of a mouse prostaglandin-specific transporter (mOAT-PG), we identified a rat homolog (rOAT-PG) which shares 80% identity with mOAT-PG in a deduced amino acid sequence. rOAT-PG transports PGE(2) and colocalizes with 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (15-PGDH), a metabolic enzyme for PGs, in proximal tubules, suggesting that rOAT-PG is involved in PGE(2) clearance to regulate its physiological function in the renal cortex. We found that the expression level of rOAT-PG in the renal cortex was much higher in male rats than in female rats whereas there was no gender difference in the expression level of cyclooxygenase-2, a key enzyme producing PGE(2), and 15-PGDH in the renal cortex. Tissue PGE(2) concentration in the renal cortex was lower in male rats than in female rats, suggesting that renocortical PGE(2) concentration is primarily determined by the expression level of OAT-PG, which is regulated differently between male and female rats. Castration of male rat led to a remarkable reduction in OAT-PG expression and a significant increase in renocortical PGE(2) concentration. These alterations were recovered by testosterone supplementation. These results suggest that OAT-PG is involved in local PGE(2) clearance in the renal cortex. Although the physiological importance of the gender difference in local PGE(2) clearance is still unclear, these findings might be a key to clarifying the physiological roles of PGE(2) in the kidney.
  • Katsuko Shiraya, Taku Hirata, Ryo Hatano, Shushi Nagamori, Pattama Wiriyasermkul, Promsuk Jutabha, Mitsunobu Matsubara, Shigeaki Muto, Hidekazu Tanaka, Shinji Asano, Naohiko Anzai, Hitoshi Endou, Akira Yamada, Hiroyuki Sakurai, Yoshikatsu Kanai
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 285(29) 22141-22151 2010年7月  
    We identified a novel prostaglandin (PG)-specific organic anion transporter (OAT) in the OAT group of the SLC22 family. The transporter designated OAT-PG from mouse kidney exhibited Na(+)-independent and saturable transport of PGE(2) when expressed in a proximal tubule cell line (S(2)). Unusual for OAT members, OAT-PG showed narrow substrate selectivity and high affinity for a specific subset of PGs, including PGE(2), PGF(2 alpha), and PGD(2). Similar to PGE(2) receptor and PGT, a structurally distinct PG transporter, OAT-PG requires for its substrates an alpha-carboxyl group, with a double bond between C13 and C14 as well as a (S)-hydroxyl group at C15. Unlike the PGE(2) receptor, however, the hydroxyl group at C11 in a cyclopentane ring is not essential for OAT-PG substrates. Addition of a hydroxyl group at C19 or C20 impairs the interaction with OAT-PG, whereas an ethyl group at C20 enhances the interaction, suggesting the importance of hydrophobicity around the omega-tail tip forming a "hydrophobic core" accompanied by a negative charge, which is essential for substrates of OAT members. OAT-PG-mediated transport is concentrative in nature, although OAT-PG mediates both facilitative and exchange transport. OAT-PG is kidney-specific and localized on the basolateral membrane of proximal tubules where a PG-inactivating enzyme, 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase, is expressed. Because of the fact that 15-keto-PGE(2), the metabolite of PGE(2) produced by 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase, is not a substrate of OAT-PG, the transport-metabolism coupling would make unidirectional PGE(2) transport more efficient. By removing extracellular PGE(2), OAT-PG is proposed to be involved in the local PGE(2) clearance and metabolism for the inactivation of PG signals in the kidney cortex.
  • Hiroaki Toyama, Yohko Hasegawa, Yutaka Ejima, Shin Kurosawa, Satoru Sanada, Ryo Hatano, Wataru Hida, Mitsunobu Matsubara
    HYPERTENSION RESEARCH 31(6) 1063-1068 2008年6月  
    Previously we estimated the prevalence of essential hypertension (EH) as around 0.1% and suggested that male gender, obesity, and strong genetic background (hypertension in parents) were risk factors for EH in a young population aged less than 30 based on targeted screening for hypertension at a university health check-up. This study also revealed a high incidence of white coat hypertension (WCH) in university students, and thus, we continued this screening for four consecutive years, and examined the prognosis and clinical characteristics of young-onset WCH. Three occasions of casual blood pressure (BP) measurement and additional home BP measurement revealed 72 WCH and 15 EH students (all males) during the 4-year study period. None of the WCH students had elevated home BP to the level of hypertension during their stay at university, and 26 out of 38 WCH students participating screening in the following years showed normal casual 13P. Although WCH students showed a significantly higher pulse rate than controls, WCH could not be fully differentiated from EH either by pulse rate or by correlation between casual BP value and pulse rate. These findings indicate the requirement of longer follow-up after graduation to determine the prognosis of young-onset WCH, though EH and WCH in the young population share the same risk factors and, possibly, autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Since diagnosis of WCH has limited importance for university students, screening of EH following a general health check-up would elevate the clinical validity of casual BP measurement at the university.
  • Noriyuki Miyama, Yoko Hasegawa, Michiko Suzuki, Wataru Hida, Itsuro Kazama, Ryo Hatano, Satoru Sanada, Tomoaki Arata, Mari Michimata, Akira Sato, Susumu Satomi, Mitsunobu Matsubara
    Although polymorphisms in renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system genes for angiotensinogen (AGT M235T), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE I/D), angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1 A/C-1166), and aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2-Co344T/C) have been major targets for genetic investigation in association with essential hypertension (EH), the influence of these genetic factors is still to be determined. Because patients with young-onset EH are thought to possess a stronger genetic background than EH patients who show elevated BP relatively late in life, the targeted screening of hypertensive students in Tohoku University was completed for the selection of subjects for genetic investigation. Out of 16,434 students (12,794 males and 3,670 females) younger than 30, 22 students showed a high blood pressure (BP) (systolic and diastolic BP of 140 and/or 90 mmHg or greater, respectively, on two occasions and more than 135 and/or 85 mmHg, respectively, at a third measurement during casual BP measurements at the Tohoku University Health Center. These 22 students were asked to measure their BP at home (HBP). Six of the students had a systolic HBP of more than 135 mmHg and/or a diastolic HBP of more than 85 mmHg, and these students subsequently received medical examinations at Tohoku University Hospital and were diagnosed with EH. Genotyping for the four major genetic polymorphisms mentioned above was performed on the six students with EH and on 12 of the remaining 16 students whose HBP was within the normal range (white coat hypertension: WCH). Neither the EH nor the WCH students showed a different distribution of genotypes and allelic frequencies, compared to those found in the general Japanese population. Hence, the present study suggests that none of the major genetic polymorphisms in the RAA system strongly influence the onset of EH.
  • Itsuro Kazama, Tomohiro Arata, Mari Michimata, Ryo Hatano, Michiko Suzuki, Noriyuki Miyama, Satoru Sanada, Akira Sato, Susumu Satomi, Yutaka Ejima, Sei Sasaki, Mitsunobu Matsubara
    Background. Although, pharmacological intervention with a selective arginine vasopressin (AVP) V-2 receptor antagonist has been demonstrated to be effective for syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), its long-term administration has some therapeutic limitations. Lithium, a drug for bipolar disorders, has been known to cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus by reducing kidney-specific apical water channel, aquaporin 2 (AQP2) expression in the collecting ducts. However, its pharmacological efficacy for SIADH still remains to be elucidated. Methods. Hyponatraemia was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats by water loading and subcutaneous infusion of 1-deamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin. For the treatment, lithium chloride (LiCl) was administered singly or in combination with OPC-31260 and/or furosemide for 7 days. Protein expression of AQP2 was examined by western blotting at the end of the observation period. Results. The LiCl administration elevated serum sodium levels in a dose-dependent manner. The therapeutic effect started 3 days after the initial administration and gradually increased. Western blot analysis at the end of the treatment demonstrated dose-dependent reduction of AQP2 protein expression. Additional administration of LiCl (100 mg/kg/day, the dose demonstrated to maintain serum lithium concentration within therapeutic range) to low dose OPC-31260 maintained well the initial elevation of serum sodium level during the treatment. Western blot analysis after combination therapy demonstrated the absence of re-increase in AQP2 expression noted at the end of OPC-31260 treatment. However, further additive effect could not be obtained even when both LiCl and furosemide were added together to low dose OPC-31260. Conclusions. Although the single effect of therapeutic dose of lithium was weak, it effectively and safely compensated for the therapeutic limitations of a low dose of AVP V-2 receptor antagonist for SIADH by reducing AQP2 expression.
  • Y Ejima, Y Hasegawa, S Sanada, N Miyama, R Hatano, T Arata, M Suzuki, Kazama, I, A Sato, S Satomi, W Hida, M Matsubara
    HYPERTENSION RESEARCH 29(4) 261-267 2006年4月  
    Since the prevalence and clinical characteristics of young-onset hypertension are still to be elucidated, we performed targeted-screening at an annual university health check-up for two consecutive years. Out of 16,464 subjects in 2003 and 17,032 in 2004 that were aged less than 30 years, 22 and 26 students (all males) exhibited high blood pressure (BP), respectively, on three occasions during casual BP measurements at the Tohoku University Health Center (systolic and diastolic BP of 140 and/or 90 mmHg or greater, respectively). These students were asked to measure their BP at home, and 9 subjects in total were diagnosed as having essential hypertension (EH). The remaining students were diagnosed as having white coat hypertension (WCH). In 8 out of 9 EH students, their father and/or mother had also been treated with antihypertensive medication. Adjustment by attendance ratio for each BP measurement suggested that the incidence of EH was around 0.1% and that of hypertension (EH and WCH) was around 0.5% in university students aged less than 25 years, since most of the subjects and hypertensive students were between 18 and 24 years old. Body mass index of the EH, which was more than 25 kg/m(2) (overweight), was significantly higher than that with WCH. In conclusion, the combination of repeated casual BP measurements and home BP effectively identified young-onset EH. The clinical parameters indicated that male gender, genetic background, and excessive weight were risk factors for young-onset hypertension.
  • Yutaka Ejima, Yohsuke Nakamura, Mari Michimata, Ryo Hatano, Itsuro Kazama, Satoru Sanada, Tomohiro Arata, Michiko Suzuki, Noriyuki Miyama, Akira Sato, Susumu Satomi, Shinji Fushiya, Sei Sasaki, Mitsunobu Matsubara
    NEPHRON PHYSIOLOGY 103(1) 25-32 2006年  
    Background: Enhanced expression of a kidney-specific sodium co-transporter (NKCC2:Na-K-2Cl co-transporter) in the thick ascending limb of Henle has been identified in rat models of congestive heart failure and liver cirrhosis, suggesting that high NKCC2 expression underlies edema formation. An increased abundance of NKCC2, however, has also been noted in rats with the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone; hyponatremia without edema. In the present study, we examined NKCC2 expression in non-edematous disease, such as a brain infarction, and investigated the physiological and/or pathological characterization of NKCC2 expression. Methods: We initially examined NKCC2 expression in an animal model of brain infarction. Mongolian gerbils ( around 60 g body weight) underwent bilateral clamping of the common carotid arteries for 5 min for the induction of brain infarction. NKCC2 and apical water channel (AQP2) protein levels in the collecting duct were examined by Western blotting in kidney tissues 2, 7, and 14 days after the brain infarction. Gerbils with brain infarction were then fed either a normal low-sodium diet (0.3 g/kg/day) or a high-sodium diet (3.0 g/kg/day), and body weight, urine volume and urinary osmolality were examined daily. Blood parameters were measured on day 14 after the brain infarction. Results: Histochemical examination of the brain confirmed the presence of brain infarction, as manifested by altered cresyl violet staining in the hippocampus. Protein levels of NKCC2 were significantly increased in gerbils with brain infarction on days 2 and 7 after brain infarction, whereas AQP2 protein signals remained unaltered. However, the increased NKCC2 intensity disappeared on day 14. Body weight gain was slightly, but significantly greater in gerbils with brain infarction than in sham-operated gerbils up to 7 days after the brain infarction. The high-sodium diet resulted in significant urinary concentration and enhanced weight gain in infarcted gerbils. Conclusion: We noted increased NKCC2 abundance in nonedematous disease, which enhanced body fluid accumulation, likely via the sodium loading- dependent concentration of the urine. These results suggest that the physiological process of edema formation is based on specific NKCC2 expression. The transient duration of these findings in the present animal model suggests two different characteristics of specific NKCC2 expression, an immediate, transient appearance as a common response in serious conditions and more chronic expression that leads to edema formation. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel
  • Shigeki Kato, Mitsunobu Matsubara, Tsuyoshi Matsuo, Yasuaki Mohri, Itsuro Kazama, Ryo Hatano, Akihiro Umezawa, Katsuhiko Nishimori
    Leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor (LGR)-4 is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) with a seven-transmembrane domain structure. ILGRs are evolutionally and structurally phylogenetic, classified into three subgroups and are members of the so-called orphan receptors whose ligands have yet to be identified. We generated knockout mice lacking Lgr4 (Gpr48) by targeted deletion of part of exon 18, which codes for the transmembrane and signal-transducing domains of the receptor. Lgr4 null mice were born at much less than the 25% expected frequency from crosses of Lgr4 heterozygous mice (Lgr4(+/-)). Lgr4 null mice that survived in utero died shortly after birth in almost all cases. We observed striking renal hypoplasia in the null mice, accompanied by elevated concentration of plasma creatinine. Histological analysis of the PO null mouse kidney showed a notable decrease in the total number and density of the glomerulus. Thus, the function of Lgr4 is essential to regulate renal development in the mouse. This study suggests that the Lgr4 gene is a new and important member of LGRs involved in a group of genes responsible for hereditary disease in the kidney. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • M Suzuki, T Aso, T Sato, M Michimata, Kazama, I, H Saiki, R Hatano, Y Ejima, N Miyama, A Sato, M Matsubara
    CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY 63(6) 481-486 2005年6月  
    Aims: The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) regulates the extracellular calcium level, mainly by controlling parathyroid hormon secretion and renal calcium reabsorption. In gain-of-function CaSR mutations, the genetic abnormalities increase CaSR activity leading to the development of such clinical manifestations as hypercalciuric hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism. We report a Japanese case of CaSR gain-of-function mutation and represent a therapeutic intervention based on the functional characteristics of CaSR in renal tubule. Methods and results (case): DNA sequence analysis revealed a heterozygous G to T mutation identified in a 12-year-old Japanese girl presenting with sporadic onset of hypercalciuric hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism. The mutation is located in the N-terminal extracellular domain of the CaSR gene, one of the most important parts for the three-dimensional construction of the receptor, resulting in the substitution of phenylalanine for cysteine at amino acid 131 (C131F) in exon 3. Based on the diagnosis of the gain-of-function mutation in the CaSR, oral hydrochlorothiazide administration and supplemental hydration were started in addition to calcium supplementation. The combination therapy of thiazide and supplemental hydration markedly reduced both renal calcium excretion and urinary calcium concentration from 0.4-0.7 to less than 0.1 mg/mg (urinary calcium/creatinine ratio) and from 10-15 to 3-5 mg/dl (urinary calcium concentration), respectively. This therapy stopped the progression of renal calcification during the follow-up period. Conclusion: Supplemental hydration should be considered essential for the following reasons: 1) calcium supplementation activates the CaSR in the kidney and suppresses renal urinary concentrating ability, 2) the thiazide has a diuretic effect, 3) as calcium supplementation increases renal calcium excretion, the supplemental hydration decreases urinary calcium concentration by increasing urinary volume, thereby diminishing the risk of intra-tubular crystallization of calcium ion.
  • Kazama, I, R Hatano, M Michimata, K Suzuki, T Arata, M Suzuki, N Miyama, A Sato, S Satomi, Y Ejima, S Sasaki, M Matsubara
    KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL 67(5) 1855-1867 2005年5月  
    Background. Severe hyponatremia is most frequently caused by the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Although the expressional alteration of the kidney-specific apical water channel, aquaporin 2 (AQP2), in the collecting duct has been demonstrated to be involved in the development of hyponatremia and the subsequent physiologic reaction that is resistant to arginine vasopressin (AVP; vasopressin escape) in SIADH, the complete pathogenesis of and the appropriate medical treatment for hyponatremia have yet to be elucidated. Methods. Hyponatremia was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats by water loading and subcutaneous infusion of 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP). For the treatment, a selective AVP V-2 receptor antagonist (OPC-31260) and/or a loop diuretic (furosemide) were administered orally. Protein expression of AQP2 and rat bumetanide-sensitive cotransporter (rBSC1) was examined by Western blotting during the hyponatremia and the subsequent treatment. Results. We noted a markedly high expression of rBSC1 during the development of hyponatremia, and a relatively low expression during vasopressin escape. OPC-31260 administration elevated serum sodium level in a dose-dependent manner. The therapeutic effect, however, declined with increasing number of treatment days, and doses higher than 15 mg/kg/day induced severe toxicity. The physiologic parameters and the alterations of AQP2 and rBSC1 expression during the treatment demonstrated reactions that were completely opposite to those of vasopressin escape. Combination of a furosemide (100 mg/kg/day) and a low dose of OPC-31260 (5 mg/kg/day) additively elevated serum sodium level and sustained the elevated serum sodium level by significantly reducing sodium accumulation in the renal medulla. Conclusion. AVP-induced alterations of rBSC1 expression, as well as those of AQP2, are involved in the pathogenesis of SIADH. The pharmacologic blockade of AVP stimulus in SIADH limits its therapeutic efficacy by discontinuing the vasopressin escape, and the selective inhibition of rBSC1 complements this limitation.
  • Katsuya Suzuki, Ryo Hatano, Mari Michimata, Itsuro Kazama, Michiko Suzuki, Noriyuki Miyama, Akira Sato, Susumu Satomi, Yutaka Ejima, Teruyuki Yanagisawa, Mitsunobu Matsubara
    Nephron - Physiology 99(1) p16-p22 2005年  
    Background: In chronic renal failure (CRF), a defect in urinary concentrating ability develops gradually as the renal failure progresses. Although several molecular mechanisms associated with renal urinary concentration are reported to be impaired in a rat model for renal failure, the mechanisms underlying residual urinary concentration ability in CRF remain to be elucidated. Methods: Rats that underwent an 8-week recovery period after 5/6 nephrectomy were used as the model for CRF. Urinary concentration was induced by 24-hour water restriction. Plasma osmolality and arginine vasopressin (AVP) were measured from blood sampled by inserting a catheter into the femoral artery before and after the water restriction. AQP2 mRNA expression in the inner medulla was examined by competitive PCR and in situ hybridization, and protein expression, by Western blotting. Rats that underwent sham operation were used as control. Results: Water restriction significantly reduced urine volume and increased urine osmolality in CRF rats, although such changes were much less than those in sham-operated rats. Plasma AVP was elevated at the basal condition, and further elevation was noted after water restriction. AQP2 mRNA signals were significantly intensified by water restriction even in CRF rats, although the increase was limited as in the case of urine osmolality. Western blotting also showed a small but significant enhancement of protein signals in response to water restriction in CRF rats. Conclusions: We noted a weak but significant response of AQP2 expression to dehydration in CRF rats. This response in the collecting duct may be one of the factors contributing to residual urinary concentrating ability in CRF. Copyright © 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
  • R Hatano, F Takano, S Fushiya, M Michimata, T Tanaka, Kazama, I, M Suzuki, M Matsubara
    EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY 32(10) 918-924 2004年10月  
    The extract from the root of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa (AR), which is used as herbal medicine in Japan, has been reported to be clinically effective for postmenstrual blood loss and erythropoietin (EPO)-resistant anemia in chronic renal failure, although the pharmacological mechanisms underlying its clinical efficacy are unknown. We prepared an animal model of anemia by bolus injection of 5-fluorouracil (5FU) at 150 mg/kg to mice (8- to 12-week-old female C57BL/6J), and then administered orally the water-soluble fraction of AR to the anemic mice for 10 days. After confirming the anti-anemic effect of the water-soluble fraction of AR (AR-3) containing polysaccharides, we examined the effects of AR-3 on immature erythroid cell activity, EPO production, and plasma cytokine levels. AR-3 administration at 50 mg/kg activated erythroid progenitor cells in bone marrow on day 10, increased the percentage of peripheral reticulocytes in red blood cells on day 15, and led to the recovery of red blood cell count to a value that was almost equal to the basal level on day 20. Although EPO production, which was determined by examining EPO mRNA expression in kidney and liver, remained unaltered by AR-3 administration, this treatment significantly lowered plasma interferon-gamma level, which may suppress the activity of erythroid progenitor cells. These results suggest that the polysaccharides in AR promote hematopoiesis by activating immature erythroid cells, in part, by suppressing cytokine secretion. Since the hematopoietic effect was achieved by high-dose AR-3, identification of specific polysaccharides is still required for the development of a novel medicine for anemia caused by a malignancy or chemotherapy. (C) 2004 International Society for Experimental Hematology. Published by Elsevier Inc.
  • Itsuro Kazama, Mitsunobu Matsubara, Mari Michimata, Michiko Suzuki, Ryo Hatano, Hiroshi Sato, Sadayoshi Ito
    Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 8(3) 283-287 2004年9月  
    A 33-year-old woman was transferred to our hospital with a 5-month history of taking Chinese herbal medicine containing aristolochic acid. She presented with metabolic acidosis, severe anemia, hypophosphatemia and uric aciduria, and generalized aminoaciduria and glycosuria, features which were consistent with the clinical manifestations of Fanconi syndrome. Renal biopsy was performed when her plasma creatinine was 0.7 mg/dl and creatinine clearance was 46 ml/ min per 1.73 m2. The renal specimen showed extensive interstitial edema with focal fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and focal glomerulopathy, which suggested the presence of glomerular endothelial damage or glomerular ischemia. Although steroid therapy ameliorated the plasma electrolyte levels, renal failure progressed, and hemodialysis therapy was initiated approximately 18 months after the time of renal biopsy. This patient demonstrated the early renal lesions of Chinese herbs nephropathy in association with various clinical manifestations. The characteristic glomerulopathy found in the present patient is considered to be an additional renal lesion, leading to the renal failure.









