
田中 知明

タナカ トモアキ  (Tanaka Tomoaki)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院分子病態解析学 教授
博士 (医学)(千葉大学)



千葉大学大学院医学研究院分子病態解析学講座で、基礎と臨床を両輪を目指すPhysician Scientistです。基礎と臨床の架け橋となる講座を目指して、ポストオミックス時代の新たな分子病態解析研究から捉える、内分泌と生活習慣病・加齢疾患・早老症のメカニズム研究を行っています。


また、内分泌腫瘍のクリニカルシークエンスやnon-target proteomicsを用いて、副腎腺腫・AIMAH・褐色細胞腫や副腎皮質がん、下垂体腫瘍など内分泌腫瘍発症メカニズムの解明や、ES細胞からの内分泌器官分化研究やがん3次元培養・オルガノイドにも従事しています。

カルフォルニア工科大学 Ellen Rothenberg教授 (免疫と代謝制御の転写複合体)
コロンビア大学 Carol Prives教授 (転写因子p53の多彩な生理作用とその制御)
イェール大学 Gerald Shulman教授 (肝糖新生の分子基盤研究)
ワシントン大学 Junko Oshima教授 (早老症と老化シグナル研究)




  • Tatsuma Matsuda, Takashi Kono, Yuki Taki, Ikki Sakuma, Masanori Fujimoto, Naoko Hashimoto, Eiryo Kawakami, Noriaki Fukuhara, Hiroshi Nishioka, Naoko Inoshita, Shozo Yamada, Yasuhiro Nakamura, Kentaro Horiguchi, Takashi Miki, Yoshinori Higuchi, Tomoaki Tanaka
    iScience 27(11) 111068-111068 2024年11月15日  
    Craniopharyngiomas, including adamantinomatous (ACP) and squamous papillary (PCP) types, are challenging to treat because of their proximity to crucial pituitary structures. This study aimed to characterize the cellular composition, tumor tissue diversity, and cell-cell interactions in ACPs and PCPs using single-cell RNA sequencing. Single-cell clustering revealed diverse cell types, further classified into developing epithelial, calcification, and immune response for ACP and developing epithelial, cell cycle, and immune response for PCP, based on gene expression patterns. Subclustering revealed the enrichment of classical M1 and M2 macrophages in ACP and PCP, respectively, with high expression of pro-inflammatory markers in classical M1 macrophages. The classical M1 and M2 macrophage ratio significantly correlated with the occurrence of diabetes insipidus and panhypopituitarism. Cell-cell interactions, particularly involving CD44-SPP, were identified between tumor cells. Thus, we developed a comprehensive cell atlas that elucidated the molecular characteristics and immune cell inter-networking in ACP and PCP tumor microenvironments.
  • Yuki Taki, Takashi Kono, Kyoko Teruyama, Takamasa Ichijo, Ikki Sakuma, Hidekazu Nagano, Hiroka Miyagawa, Satomi Kono, Masanori Fujimoto, Naoko Hashimoto, Masataka Yokoyama, Eiryo Kawakami, Takashi Miki, Tomoaki Tanaka
    Scientific reports 14(1) 26040-26040 2024年10月29日  
    The transition from radioimmunoassay (RIA) to chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) for plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) assays has raised concerns over its impact on primary aldosteronism (PA) diagnosis. This study investigated the correlation between PAC and renin values using RIA, CLEIA, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), established cutoff values for PA diagnosis using the aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR) with PAC_CLEIA, and assessed the differences in PAC values by measuring weak mineralocorticoids (WMs). This retrospective study evaluated 312 serum PAC samples using RIA, CLEIA, and LC-MS/MS, and analyzed 315 plasma renin samples. Method correlations were assessed through Passing-Bablok regression. Receiver operating characteristic curves determined ARR cutoffs for PA diagnosis. WMs were quantified to evaluate their impact on ΔPAC (RIA-LC-MS/MS) through multiple regression analysis. PAC_CLEIA and PAC_LC-MS/MS values were highly correlated. ARRs derived from PAC_RIAs demonstrated more false positives and lower specificity than ARRs using PAC_CLEIA or PAC_LC-MS/MS. WMs significantly influenced ΔPAC in both the PA and non-PA groups. ARRs using PAC_CLEIA are valuable for determining PA cutoffs in clinical practice. The transition to PAC using CLEIA may enhance PA detection rates. WMs were found to interfere with PAC measurements in the RIA method, affecting outcomes.
  • 赤嶺 博行, 鵜沢 顕之, 横山 真隆, 車田 賢太郎, 半田 秀雄, 鋸屋 悦子, 安田 真人, 田中 知明, 桑原 聡
    神経免疫学 29(1) 173-173 2024年10月  
  • Rafaela Muniz de Queiroz, Gizem Efe, Asja Guzman, Naoko Hashimoto, Yusuke Kawashima, Tomoaki Tanaka, Anil K Rustgi, Carol Prives
    Nature communications 15(1) 7132-7132 2024年8月20日  
    Although the E3 ligase Mdm2 and its homologue and binding partner MdmX are the major regulators of the p53 tumor suppressor protein, it is now evident that Mdm2 and MdmX have multiple functions that do not involve p53. As one example, it is known that Mdm2 can regulate cell migration, although mechanistic insight into this function is still lacking. Here we show in cells lacking p53 expression that knockdown of Mdm2 or MdmX, as well as pharmacological inhibition of the Mdm2/MdmX complex, not only reduces cell migration and invasion, but also impairs cell spreading and focal adhesion formation. In addition, Mdm2 knockdown decreases metastasis in vivo. Interestingly, Mdm2 downregulates the expression of Sprouty4, which is required for the Mdm2 mediated effects on cell migration, focal adhesion formation and metastasis. Further, our findings indicate that Mdm2 dampening of Sprouty4 is a prerequisite for maintaining RhoA levels in the cancer cells that we have studied. Taken together we describe a molecular mechanism whereby the Mdm2/MdmX complex through Sprouty4 regulates cellular processes leading to increase metastatic capability independently of p53.
  • Ryo Hatano, Xilin Zhang, Eunyoung Lee, Atsushi Kaneda, Tomoaki Tanaka, Takashi Miki
    iScience 110656-110656 2024年8月  







