
木村 英司

キムラ エイジ  (Eiji Kimura)


千葉大学 大学院人文科学研究院 教授






  • Satoru Abe, Eiji Kimura
    Journal of Vision (Accepted) 2024年  査読有り
  • 木村 英司
    基礎心理学研究 42(1) 69-73 2023年9月30日  招待有り
  • Motomi Shimizu, Eiji Kimura
    Journal of Vision 23(8) 1-13 2023年8月1日  査読有り責任著者
  • Eiji Kimura
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17(1087469) 1-10 2023年2月2日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Motomi Shimizu, Eiji Kimura
    Journal of Vision 20(3) 1-10 2020年3月  査読有り責任著者
  • Yusuke Takano, Eiji Kimura
    Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82(2) 877-890 2019年10月  査読有り責任著者
    Spatial averaging of luminances over a variegated region has been assumed in visual processes such as light adaptation, texture segmentation, and lightness scaling. Despite the importance of these processes, how mean brightness can be computed remains largely unknown. We investigated how accurately and precisely mean brightness can be compared for two briefly presented heterogeneous luminance arrays composed of different numbers of disks. The results demonstrated that mean brightness judgments can be made in a task-dependent and flexible fashion. Mean brightness judgments measured via the point of subjective equality (PSE) exhibited a consistent bias, suggesting that observers relied strongly on a subset of the disks (e.g., the highest- or lowest-luminance disks) in making their judgments. Moreover, the direction of the bias flexibly changed with the task requirements, even when the stimuli were completely the same. When asked to choose the brighter array, observers relied more on the highest-luminance disks. However, when asked to choose the darker array, observers relied more on the lowest-luminance disks. In contrast, when the task was the same, observers’ judgments were almost immune to substantial changes in apparent contrast caused by changing the background luminance. Despite the bias in PSE, the mean brightness judgments were precise. The just-noticeable differences measured for multiple disks were similar to or even smaller than those for single disks, which suggested a benefit of averaging. These findings implicated flexible weighted averaging; that is, mean brightness can be judged efficiently by flexibly relying more on a few items that are relevant to the task.
  • Eiji Kimura
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 35(4) B43-B54 2018年4月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
    The present study investigated how color information was summarized in multicolor mosaics. The mosaics were composed of small elements of 17 colors that roughly belonged to a single color category. We manipulated the degree of color variation around the mean by varying the proportion of different color elements. Observers matched the mean color of the multicolor mosaic by adjusting the color of a spatially uniform matching stimulus. Results showed that when the color variation was large, the matched color deviated from the colorimetric mean toward the most-saturated color, although the hue of the matched color was almost the same as that of the colorimetric mean. These findings together suggested differential processing of hue and saturation. The deviation of the matched color decreased, but did not disappear, when the color variation was reduced. The analysis of color metric underlying color averaging revealed differential color scaling in nearly orthogonal blue-orange and green-purple directions, implying that the visual system does not solely rely on linear cone-opponent codes when summarizing color signals. The deviation itself was consistently found regardless of different color metrics tested. The robustness of the deviation indicated an inherent bias of mean color judgments favoring highly saturated colors.
  • Naoto Sakuma, Eiji Kimura, Ken Goryo
    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 70(11) 2371-2385 2017年10月27日  査読有り
    It has been shown that when two arrays of Arabic numerals were briefly presented, observers could accurately indicate which array contained the larger number of a target numeral. This study investigated whether this rapid proportion comparison can be extended to other meaningful symbols that share some of notable properties of Arabic numerals. We tested mainly several Japanese Kanji letters, each of which represents a meaning and can work as a word. Using physically identical stimulus sets that could be interpreted as different types of letters, Experiment 1 first confirmed the rapid proportion comparison with Arabic numerals for Japanese participants. Experiment 2 showed that the rapid proportion comparison can be extended to Kanji numerals. Experiment 3 successfully demonstrated that rapid proportion judgments can be found with non-quantitative Kanji letters that are used frequently. Experiment 4 further demonstrated the rapid proportion comparison with frequently used meaningful non-letter symbols (gender icons). The rapid processing cannot be attributed to fluent processing of familiar items, because it was not found with familiar phonograms (Japanese Kana letters). These findings suggest that the rapid proportion comparison can be commonly found with frequently used meaningful symbols, even though their meaning is not relevant to the task.
  • Masataka Sawayama, Eiji Kimura
    VISION RESEARCH 109(B) 209-220 2015年4月  査読有り
    When distinguishing illumination from reflectance edges, both edge blurriness and textural continuity across an edge are generally used as cues to promote the illumination-edge interpretation. However, when these cues were combined, i.e., when a dark spot having a blurred edge was placed on textured backgrounds, we unexpectedly found that the spot appears stained or painted rather than differently illuminated ("stain on texture" phenomenon). This phenomenon suggests a disruptive interaction between the visual processing of blurred edges and background texture. Our experiments showed that middle spatial-frequency components of background texture play a critical role in producing this interaction. Specifically, when a textured background had relatively stronger energy in middle spatial-frequency bands, the dark spot having a blurred edge on the textured background was perceived as differing in reflectance. The findings are discussed in view of multiple levels of visual processes: one mainly concerns low-level features such as spatial-frequency components and another is a higher-level process that takes into account the likelihood of spatial configurations in natural scenes, such as "spot shadow" in which the shadow is isolated and the shadow caster is out of sight. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
  • Eiji Kimura, Mikako Kuroki
    FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 8(980) 1-16 2014年12月  査読有り
    In the watercolor configuration composed of wavy double contours, both assimilative and non-assimilative color spreading have been demonstrated depending on the luminance conditions of the inner and outer contours (IC and OC, respectively). This study investigated how the induced color in the watercolor configuration was modulated by combinations of the IC and the OC color, particularly addressing non-assimilative color spreading. In two experiments, the IC color was fixed to a certain color and combined with various colors selected from a hue circle centered at the background white color. Color spreading was quantified with a chromatic cancelation technique. Results showed that both the magnitude and the apparent hue of the color spreading were largely changed with the luminance condition. When the IC contrast (Weber contrast of the IC to the background luminance) was smaller in size than the OC contrast (higher IC luminance condition), the color spreading was assimilative. When the luminance condition was reversed and the IC contrast was greater than the OC contrast (lower IC luminance condition), the color spreading was non-assimilative and yellowish. When the color spreading was analyzed in terms of cone-opponent excitations, the results were consistent with the interpretation that the color spreading is explainable by a combination of chromatic diffusion from the IC and chromatically opponent induction from the OC. The color spreading in the higher IC luminance condition mainly reflected the chromatic diffusion by both (L M) and S cone-opponent mechanisms. The non-assimilative color spreading in the lower IC luminance condition mostly reflected S-cone mediated opponent induction and the contribution of S inducing mechanisms was differentially large. These findings provided several constraints on possible visual mechanisms underlying the watercolor effect.
  • Eiji Kimura, Mikako Kuroki
    FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 8(722) 1-14 2014年9月  査読有り
    A colored line flanking a darker contour will appear to spread its color onto an area enclosed by the line (watercolor effect). The watercolor effect has been characterized as an assimilative effect, but non-assimilative color spreading has also been demonstrated in the same spatial configuration; e.g., when a black inner contour (IC) is paired with a blue outer contour (OC), yellow color spreading can be observed. To elucidate visual mechanisms underlying these different color spreading effects, this study investigated the effects of luminance ratio between the double contours on the induced color by systematically manipulating the IC and the OC luminance (Experiment 1) as well as the background luminance (Experiment 2). The results showed that the luminance conditions suitable for assimilative and non-assimilative color spreading were nearly opposite. When the Weber contrast of the IC to the background luminance (IC contrast) was smaller in size than that of the OC (OC contrast), the induced color became similar to the IC color (assimilative spreading). In contrast, when the OC contrast was smaller than or equal to the IC contrast, the induced color became yellow (non-assimilative spreading). Extending these findings, Experiment 3 showed that bilateral color spreading, i.e., assimilative spreading on one side and non-assimilative spreading on the other side, can also be observed in the watercolor configuration. These results suggest that the assimilative and the non-assimilative spreading were mediated by different visual mechanisms. The properties of the assimilative spreading are consistent with the model proposed to account for neon color spreading (Grossberg and Mingolia, 1985) and extended for the watercolor effect (Paola and Grassbero, 2005). However, the present results suggest that additional mechanisms are needed to account for the non-assimilative color spreading.
  • Eiji Kimura, Satoru Abe, Ken Goryo
    JOURNAL OF VISION 14(5) 1-15 2014年  査読有り
    The present study investigated the effects of interocular suppression on the pupillary constriction to luminance and color changes. Stable interocular suppression was produced by presenting a flickering high-contrast grating to one eye and a spatially homogeneous field to the other eye. The results showed that the pupillary responses to luminance as well as color changes were clearly attenuated during interocular suppression; the pupillary constriction to stimulus changes was delayed and reduced in amplitude when those changes occurred in the suppressed eye. The attenuation of the pupillary response was observed over a wide range of test contrast extending to well above the threshold level. Moreover, the properties of the suppressive effect were very similar to those assessed psychophysically using both detection thresholds for weak stimuli and reaction times for suprathreshold stimuli. Overall, the present study provided converging evidence that the pupillary response can be a useful objective probe of interocular suppression in humans. The results are discussed in view of possible differential involvements of subcortical and cortical visual processing in driving the pupillary response as well as in interocular suppression.
  • 江河あゆみ, 木村英司
    基礎心理学研究 31(2) 135-145 2013年  査読有り
    Boundary extension (BE) refers to the phenomenon whereby a close-up photograph of a scene is remembered as if it extended beyond the boundaries of the photograph. The present study investigated the relationship between how close-up a stimulus image appeared (perceived closeness) and the magnitude of BE for the image. In Experiment 1, we showed that the perceived closeness of the image depended systematically on both the physical and perceived sizes of the object in the image. In Experiment 2, we investigated whether the systematic relation between object sizes and perceived closeness was reflected in the magnitude of BE. The results showed that images needed to be close-up at the presentation phase, but that the degree of perceived closeness was not critical for producing greater BE. Additionally, neither physical nor perceived object sizes significantly contributed to the magnitude of BE. In view of the perceptual schema hypothesis that assumes that spatial extrapolation results from the activation of a perceptual scene schema, these findings suggest that the extent of extrapolation beyond the given view does not correlate with the degree of perceived closeness.
  • Masataka Sawayama, Eiji Kimura
    JOURNAL OF VISION 13(5) 1-14 2013年  査読有り
    The articulation effect refers to a change in lightness contrast induced by adding small patches of different luminances to a uniform background surrounding a target in a lightness contrast display. This study investigated how local luminance signals are integrated to generate the articulation effect. We asked whether spatial organization due to perceptual grouping can influence the articulation effect even when the spatially averaged luminance of the surrounds is held constant. Grouping factors used were common-fate motion (Experiment 1), similarity of orientation (Experiment 2), and synchrony (Experiment 3). Results of all experiments consistently showed that the articulation effect was larger when the target was strongly grouped with the articulation patches. These findings provide converging evidence for the effects of spatial organization on the articulation effect. Moreover, they suggest that lightness computation underlying the articulation effect depends on a middle-level representation in which perceptual organization is at least partially established. The changes in lightness perception due to spatial organization could be accounted for by the double-anchoring theory of lightness (Bressan, 2006b).
  • Masataka Sawayama, Eiji Kimura
    I-PERCEPTION 3(8) 505-514 2012年  査読有り
    Lightness of a grey target on a uniform light (or dark) surround changes by articulating the surround (articulation effect). To elucidate the processing of lightness underlying the articulation effect, the present study introduced transparency over a dark surround and investigated its effects on lightness of the target. The transparency was produced by adding a contiguous external field to the dark surround while keeping local stimulus configuration constant. Results showed that the target lightness did not change on the articulated surround when a dark transparent filter was perceived over the target, although it did on the uniform surround. These results suggest that image decomposition into a transparent filter and an underlying surface does not necessarily change lightness of the surface if the surface is articulated. Moreover, the present study revealed that articulating the surround does not always enhance lightness contrast; it can reduce the contrast effect when the target luminance is not the highest within the surround. These findings are consistent with the theoretical view that lightness perception on articulated surfaces is determined locally within a spatially limited region, and they also place a constraint on how the luminance distribution within the limited region is scaled.
  • Naoto Sakuma, Ken Goryo, Eiji Kimura
    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 53(3) 258-270 2011年9月  査読有り
    In number processing, semantic representations are efficiently activated. These representations frequently affect task performance, as demonstrated by semantic effects such as the distance effect (longer reaction times to closer numerical pairs in comparison tasks). The objective of this study was to investigate whether efficient semantic access is a distinctive feature of number processing using the Japanese language. Japanese was chosen to investigate possible effects of ideo-graphic processing and word frequency: Kanji numerals in Japanese are ideograms and are used frequently, while Kana numerals are phonograms and are used infrequently. The results confirmed a distance effect in the numerical and physical matching tasks with both Arabic and Kanji numerals regardless of notation or task (Experiment 1). However, the effect was not observed with the Kana pairs (Experiment 2), thereby suggesting that semantic access is not always efficient in number processing. The results can be explained coherently within a general framework of word recognition by assuming that both the type of character and the word frequency play a critical role in determining the efficiency of semantic access.
  • Satoru Abe, Eiji Kimura, Ken Goryo
    JOURNAL OF VISION 11(13) 1-18 2011年  査読有り
    Pre-exposure to a stimulus can modulate initial perceptual dominance experienced in binocular rivalry with brief test stimuli (onset rivalry). This study investigated this modulating effect using both color and pattern stimuli. We confirmed separate contributions of eye-and feature-based suppressions and showed that their relative strength varied with temporal parameters. Eye-based suppression was stronger with a short test duration (10 ms) and shorter ISIs between the preceding and test stimuli. On the other hand, feature-based suppression grew with ISI and was more pronounced with a longer test duration (200 ms). We also investigated the nature of the modulating effect associated with feature-based suppression using chromatic gratings of high luminance contrast. Results revealed that different features of the preceding stimulus (i.e., color and orientation) exerted nearly independent effects on onset rivalry. However, different features shared their fate in competitive interactions for perceptual dominance; when one feature became dominant, the other also dominated. These findings suggest that competitive interactions for perceptual dominance and the modulation of these interactions are mediated at least partially by different mechanisms. Overall, the present findings are consistent with a theoretical view that initial dominance is established through competitive interactions at multiple levels of processing.
  • Rockefeller S. L. Young, Eiji Kimura
    DOCUMENTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA 120(2) 121-135 2010年4月  査読有り
    The aim of the study was to describe a theory and method for inferring the statistical significance of a visually evoked cortical potential (VEP) recording. The statistical evaluation is predicated on the pre-stimulus VEP as estimates of the cortical potentials expected when the stimulus does not produce an effect, a mathematical transform to convert the voltages into standard deviations from zero, and a time-series approach for estimating the variability of between-session VEPs under the null hypothesis. Empirical and Monte Carlo analyses address issues concerned with testability, statistical validity, clinical feasibility, as well as limitations of the proposed method. We conclude that visual electrophysiological recordings can be evaluated as a statistical study of n = 1 subject using time-series analysis when confounding effects are adequately controlled. The statistical test can be performed on either a single VEP or the difference between pairs of VEPs.
  • Eiji Kimura, Rockefeller S. L. Young
    VISION RESEARCH 50(5) 489-496 2010年3月  査読有り
    We show that irradiance-coding alone cannot explain the sustained pupillary constrictions evoked by chromatic and luminance variations in a stimulus For example, stimulus modulations that decremented the contrasts in L- and M-cones as well as rods and melanopsin photoreceptors produced Sustained constrictions rather than the predicted dilations. Although the sustained responses are unidirectional, we confirm that they are at least partially mediated by an L- and M-cone opponent interaction We discuss the implications of sustained unidirectional chromatic responses in view of the function Of the Pupil to improve the clarity of vision (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
  • 木村 英司
    神経眼科 = Neuro-ophthalmology Japan 25(2) 233-240 2008年6月  招待有り
  • Rockefeller S. L. Young, Eiji Kimura
    VISION RESEARCH 48(7) 862-871 2008年3月  査読有り
    We investigated whether cones are the only photosensitive process mediating the photopic pupillary light reflex. New analyses were performed on previously published recordings, focusing on those evoked by the onset of photopically equated short- and long-wavelength stimuli. Comparisons between responses revealed contraction differences that slowly grew to a peak and gradually declined. The late contraction was associated with short wavelengths and appeared mostly at the higher stimulus intensities. We conclude that cones are not the only photoreception process mediating the photopic ON-reflex and infer that melanopsin is another. Melanopsin contributes to the steady-state pupil size in daylight illumination. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • E Kimura, RSL Young
    VISION RESEARCH 39(6) 1189-1197 1999年3月  査読有り
    On a green or red background, the action spectrum of the pupillary responses evoked following the offset of chromatic test flashes shows a prominent short-wavelength lobe and suggests the contribution from photoreceptors other than the previously inferred M- and L-cones (Kimura & Young, Vision Research (1996). 36, 1543-1550), most likely from S-cones. Systematic changes in the shape of the intensity versus amplitude functions with test wavelengths and in the shape of the short-wavelength lobe with response amplitude criteria suggest an antagonistic interaction involving the short- and longer-wavelength photoreceptors. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 木村英司
    Vision 9(3) 107-117 1997年  招待有り
  • Kimura E
    OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Vol. 11, Noninvasive assessment of the Visual System. 11 185-190 1997年  招待有り
  • E Kimura, RSL Young
    VISION RESEARCH 36(11) 1543-1550 1996年6月  査読有り
    The pupil exhibits a response property somewhat analogous to perceptual red-green cancellation. Across a limited range of flash intensities near threshold, pupillary constrictions evoked by red flashes can be reduced, if not nulled, by the simultaneous addition of a green hash, The percentage of trials on which a stimulus-evoked response can be correctly discriminated from noise also falls to chance level as a green flash is added to the red flash, In terms of the quanta absorbed by L and M cones, the cancellation can be modelled as a function of \0.65*L-M\. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
    VISION RESEARCH 35(15) 2235-2241 1995年8月  査読有り
    While not easily fit into the classic descriptions of the pupillary light reflex, previous studies reported that changes in the spatial composition of the retinal image can evoke a pupillary response. The present study extends this observation by showing that the pupil constricts in response to scotopic as well as photopic spatial patterns. Moreover, the amplitude of the scotopic response decreases with increasing spatial frequencies suggesting a pupillary spatial acuity of about 3 c/deg. The scotopic pupil acuity is similar to the scotopic perceptual visual acuity measured in the same observers.
    VISION RESEARCH 35(7) 897-906 1995年4月  査読有り
    Color flashes on a steady-white background are classically used to isolate the response of the chromatic (color-opponent), as opposed to achromatic (luminance), channel in psychophysical investigations. The present study shows that pupillary responses evoked by such stimuli behave as if they are composed of functionally separable components. One component has a temporally transient waveform and has an action spectrum that is similar to the spectral sensitivity curve of the psychophysical chromatic channel. The present study discusses the possibility that the pupillary response is mediated by phasic (M-like) neurons and/or by tonic (P-like) neurons.
    COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION 16(5) 289-296 1991年10月  査読有り
    The saturation of a monochromatic light lambda is defined as the reciprocal of the just noticeable colorimetric purity DELTA-P(lambda) from a white, which is a conventional definition having been used previously often. The present study measures saturation functions of monochromatic lights at various luminance levels ranging from 10 to 1000 Td. The main result of this article is that the saturation function systematically changes in shape with the luminance level; as the luminance increases, the values of 1/DELTA-P(lambda) relatively increase for shorter wavelengths. The chromatic sensitivity function C(lambda) is defined by the reciprocal of the radiance of a monochromatic light lambda-added to the white field in order to detect a difference in chromaticity from the equal-luminance reference white. The C(lambda) functions at various luminance levels are shown to have three peaks at the short-, middle-, and long-wavelength regions. These peaks are similar to those of the increment threshold functions, and the saturation function can be approximated by the ratio of the increment threshold spectral sensitivity to the relative luminous efficiency, except for the 570 nm data.









