
井手 一茂

イデ カズシゲ  (Kazushige Ide)


千葉大学 予防医学センター 特任助教
医学(2020年9月 千葉大学)









  • 宮澤拓人, 井手一茂, 渡邉良太, 飯塚玄明, 辻大士, 横山芽衣子, 近藤克則
    総合リハビリテーション 49(8) 789-798 2021年8月  査読有り
  • 東馬場要, 井手一茂, 渡邉良太, 飯塚玄明, 近藤克則
    総合リハビリテーション 49(8) 2021年8月  査読有り
  • 髙橋聡, 近藤克則, 中村恒穂, 鄭 丞媛, 井手一茂, 香田将英, 尾島俊之
    自殺総合政策研究 3(2) 11-20 2021年6月  査読有り
  • Wen Zhang, Taishi Tsuji, Meiko Yokoyama, Kazushige Ide, Jun Aida, Ichiro Kawachi, Katsunori Kondo
    Social science & medicine (1982) 276 113827-113827 2021年5月  査読有り
    RATIONALE: Few studies have examined whether changes in participation in civic associations can mitigate depressive symptoms among older disaster survivors. OBJECTIVES: We examined prospectively the association between changes in participation in civic associations and changes in depressive symptoms among older survivors of the 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. METHODS: We analyzed questionnaire-based survey data on pre- and post-disaster participation in civic associations and depressive symptoms compiled for 3567 respondents aged 65 years and above. Changes in these symptoms were assessed using a 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) as a continuous variable for 2010 and 2013. We investigated four types of civic associations: sports, hobby, voluntary groups, and senior citizens' clubs. Changes in participation were calculated by subtracting the participation frequency measured in 2010 from that measured in 2013. Applying 95% confidence intervals, we used linear regression models with imputation to estimate the age- and sex-adjusted and multivariate-adjusted standardized coefficients. RESULTS: The survivors' GDS scores increased by 0.13 points on average between the pre-disaster and post-disaster periods. Average changes in the participation frequencies of respondents in each group were respectively +0.36 days/year, -5.63 days/year, +0.51 days/year, and -1.45 days/year. Increased frequencies of participation in the sports and hobby groups were inversely associated with changes in GDS scores (B = -0.003, Cohen's f2 = 0.10, P = 0.01 and B = -0.002, Cohen's f2 = 0.08, P = 0.04, respectively). The associations did not differ depending on the experience of housing damage caused by the disaster. In addition, we did not observe a significant association between changes in participation frequencies for voluntary groups or senior citizens' clubs and changes in GDS scores after multivariable adjustment. CONCLUSIONS: Depressive symptoms of older adults post-disaster may be mitigated through increased frequency of participation in sports and hobby groups; yet, civic participation did not mitigate the adverse impact of disaster experiences on mental health.
  • 渡邉 良太, 辻 大士, 井手 一茂, 林 尊弘, 斎藤 民, 尾島 俊之, 近藤 克則
    厚生の指標 68(3) 2-9 2021年3月  査読有り
  • 阿部 紀之, 井手 一茂, 渡邉 良太, 辻 大士, 斉藤 雅茂, 近藤 克則
    日本老年医学会雑誌 58(1) 24-35 2021年1月25日  
  • Miyako Kimura, Toshiyuki Ojima, Kazushige Ide, Katsunori Kondo
    Asia-Pacific journal of public health 1010539520951396-1010539520951396 2020年9月16日  査読有り
    Restrictions on going out, meeting other people, and participating in activities during the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease-2019) pandemic may have a prolonged effect on older people. This article discusses the importance of social relationships in the health of older people based on the results of the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) that has conducted nationwide longitudinal studies. We selected cohort studies of JAGES, which investigated the relationships between social relationships and health, with more than 10 000 participants and published after 2010. The results showed that having contact with others, eating with others, and participating in social activities were negatively related to incident dementia, functional disability, depression, and premature death. A minimum of weekly contact with others, eating with others, and social participation by maintaining physical distancing are needed, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. For reducing the risks of transmission of coronavirus and its negative effects on health in the future, using the internet may be beneficial. The development of technological support networks for older people may be necessary.
  • Kazushige Ide, Taishi Tsuji, Satoru Kanamori, Seungwon Jeong, Yuiko Nagamine, Katsunori Kondo
    International journal of environmental research and public health 17(2) 2020年1月18日  査読有り
    This study compared the relationship between social participation, including work, and incidence of functional decline in rural and urban older people in Japan, by focusing on the number and types of organizations older people participated in. The longitudinal data of the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) that followed 55,243 individuals aged 65 years or older for six years were used. The Cox proportional hazards model was employed to calculate the hazard ratio (HR) of the incidence of functional decline over six years and the stratification of rural and urban settings. In this model, we adjusted 13 variables as behavioral, psychosocial, and functional confounders. The more rural and urban older people participated in various organizations, the more they were protected from functional decline. Participation in sports (HR: rural = 0.79; urban = 0.83), hobby groups (HR: rural = 0.76; urban = 0.90), and work (HR: rural = 0.83; urban = 0.80) significantly protected against the incidence of decline in both rural and urban areas. For both rural and urban older people, promoting social participation, such as sports and hobby groups and employment support, seemed to be an important aspect of public health policies that would prevent functional decline.
  • Tsuneo Nakamura, Taishi Tsuji, Yuiko Nagamine, Kazushige Ide, Seungwon Jeong, Yasuhiro Miyaguni, Katsunori Kondo
    International journal of environmental research and public health 16(24) 2019年12月6日  査読有り
    Depression is considered the primary risk factor for older people's suicide. When considering suicide measures, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between depressive symptoms, social capital, and suicide rates. Therefore, we aimed to clarify the relationship between community-level social capital, depressive symptoms, and suicide rates among older people in Japan. We analyzed the data gathered from 63,026 men and 72,268 women aged 65 years and older, totaling 135,294 subjects in 81 municipalities with a population of over 100,000 participants in the 2013 Sixth Long-Term Care Needs Survey and another survey conducted by Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) in 2013 including the same question items as the survey in Japan. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the male suicide standardized mortality ratio (SMR) was positively correlated with depressive symptoms (B = 2.318, p = 0.002), and received emotional support (B = -2.622, p = 0.014) had a negative correlation with the male suicide SMR. In older males particularly, the received emotional support in the community was independently associated with the suicide rate. Therefore, fostering social support in a community could act as a countermeasure to suicide among older males in Japan.
  • Seungwon Jeong, Yusuke Inoue, Katsunori Kondo, Kazushige Ide, Yasuhiro Miyaguni, Eisaku Okada, Tokunori Takeda, Toshiyuki Ojima
    International journal of environmental research and public health 16(13) 2019年7月8日  査読有り
    We analyzed the relationships between forgetfulness and social participation, social contact, and social support by municipality to develop community diagnosing indicators. The analysis subjects included 105 municipalities that agreed to provide data for the 2013 Survey of Needs in Spheres of Daily Life in Japan (n = 338,659 people). Forgetfulness as a risk factor for dementia was used as the dependent variable. The variables of social environment factors were (1) social participation, (2) social contact, and (3) social support. The ratio of people responding that they experienced forgetfulness differed among municipalities, with a mean of 19.0% (7.1-35.6%). Higher levels of social participation, social contact, and social support were associated with lower levels of forgetfulness, even after adjusting for age and regional variables. The results of the present study suggest that it is appropriate to use forgetfulness and social participation at least a few times a year in any social activity as community diagnosing indicators. Municipalities could encourage their inhabitants to participate by developing and providing engaging social activities.
  • 井手 一茂, 鄭 丞媛, 村山 洋史, 宮國 康弘, 中村 恒穂, 尾島 俊之, 近藤 克則
    総合リハビリテーション 46(12) 1205-1216 2018年12月  査読有り
  • 井手 一茂, 宮國 康弘, 中村 恒穂, 近藤 克則
    厚生の指標 65(4) 31-38 2018年4月  
    目的 地域づくりによる介護予防を推進する上で地域診断が重要とされ、ソーシャルキャピタル(Social Capital,以下、SC)が注目されている。地域診断指標の課題に生態学的錯誤(地域レベルの変数間の関連から個人レベルの関連を誤って推論)、個人主義的錯誤(個人レベルの変数間の関連から地域レベルの関連を誤って推論)が挙げられる。地域診断に用いるSC指標にはこの両者がないことが望ましい。本研究の目的は、個人・地域の両レベルにおいて2つの錯誤がない要介護リスクと関連を示すSC指標を抽出することを目的とした。方法 本研究は、日本老年学的評価研究(JAGES)2010に参加した25保険者31市町村の要介護認定を受けていない65歳以上の高齢者98,744名を分析対象とした。個人レベルのロジスティック回帰分析(有意水準5%)の目的変数には、基本チェックリストの要介護リスク指標である生活機能低下、フレイル、運動機能低下、低栄養、口腔機能低下、閉じこもり、認知機能低下、うつの8指標を使用した。説明変数は、SC指標(社会的サポート、社会参加、社会的ネットワーク、SaitoのSC指標)の頻度別35指標(280モデル)とした。調整変数は、年齢、性別、教育歴、等価所得、疾病の有無、主観的健康感、婚姻状態、家族構成とした。地域レベルの分析単位は校区とし、Spearmanの順位相関分析(有意水準5%)を実施した。変数は個人レベルと同様とし、年齢(前期・後期高齢者)による層別化を実施し、1校区あたり30名以上の前期349校区、後期287校区を分析対象とした。結果 個人レベルではSC指標が高いほど要介護リスク全8指標が有意に低い保護的な関連が28/35指標(80.0%)でみられた。しかし、地域レベルではSC指標が高いほど要介護リスクが高い非保護的な関連が20/35指標(57.1%)で1つ以上みられた。生態学・個人主義的錯誤がなく、要介護リスクに保護的なSC指標は、社会的サポート、社会参加のうち、ボランティア(週1回、月1〜2回)、スポーツ・趣味(週1回、月1〜2回、年数回)、就労ありとSaitoのSC指標(社会参加、連帯感)の15/35指標(42.9%)に留まった。結論 生態学・個人主義的錯誤は20/35指標(57.1%)でみられ、2つの錯誤がなく要介護リスク抑制を示唆する地域診断指標は、社会的サポートやボランティア・趣味・スポーツ・就労など一部(42.9%)のSC指標に留まった。(著者抄録)
  • 秋本 剛, 浦辺 幸夫, 市木 育敏, 井手 一茂
    理学療法科学 24(2) 137-141 2009年4月  
  • 秋本 剛, 浦辺 幸夫, 山中 悠紀, 市木 育敏, 井手 一茂, 神谷 奈津美
    理学療法の臨床と研究 (18) 63-66 2009年3月  
    膝前十字靱帯(Anterior Cruciate Ligament;ACL)損傷の代表的な受傷機転としてジャンプ着地時の膝関節外反があげられる。そのため、ACL損傷予防プログラムのなかで、膝関節外反を増強させないように中間位での着地を意識した練習を取り入れている。しかし、それによる筋活動や膝関節外反角度の変化を調べた研究は少ない。本研究では、特に意識をさせない通常の着地と、膝関節を中間位にするように意識させた着地における筋活動と膝関節外反角度の変化を調べることを目的とした。対象は下肢に整形外科疾患がなく、週3回以上の運動習慣のある女子大学生13名であった。30cmの台から跳び下りて両脚で着地させ、その際の内側広筋、外側広筋、半膜様筋、大腿二頭筋、中臀筋の筋活動を記録した。着地動作は前方からハイスピードカメラで撮影し、前額面での膝関節外反角度を算出した。足尖接地後0.1秒間の中臀筋の筋活動を%MVCで表すと、意識しない着地では24.7±22.1%、中間位での着地では35.7±37.7%となり、中間位の方が有意に大きかった(p<0.05)。その他の筋活動に関しては両者で有意な差を認めなかった。足尖接地前0.1秒間においては、中間位の着地と意識しない着地の筋活動に差を認めなかった。膝関節最大外反角度は、意識しない着地では8.4±7.7°、中間位を意識した着地では2.4±7.2°となり、中間位を意識した着地の方が有意に小さくなった(p<0.05)。中間位でのジャンプ着地は膝関節外反を防ぐと考えられる中臀筋の筋活動を高め、さらに膝関節最大外反角度を減少させていた。このことから、膝関節外反を起こさないように中間位の着地を意識させる練習は、中臀筋の活動を高めるという結果からもACL損傷予防に有用なエクササイズとなる可能性が示された。(著者抄録)
  • 市木 育敏, 浦辺 幸夫, 井手 一茂, 秋本 剛, 鍵森 綾
    体力科学 58(1) 91-97 2009年2月  











