
華岡 光正

ハナオカ ミツマサ  (Mitsumasa Hanaoka)


千葉大学 大学院園芸学研究院植物生命科学講座 教授
修士 (人間・環境学)(京都大学)

Researcher ID


  • 宇佐見 俊行, 華岡 光正, 井川 智子, 菊池 真司, 後藤 英司
    食と緑の科学 = HortResearch (75) 9-11 2021年3月31日  
  • Masataka Shinada, Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Katsuhiko Miyamoto, Takashige Omatsu
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2021年  
  • Akira Yasuda, Daichi Inami, Mitsumasa Hanaoka
    In cyanobacteria, transcription of a set of genes is specifically induced by high-light-stress conditions. In previous studies, RpaB. a response regulator of the two-component system, was shown to he involved in this regulation in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we examined whether RpaB-dependent transcriptional regulation was extensively observed, not only under high-light-stress conditions but also under various light intensities. Transcription of high-light-dependent genes hliA, nblA and rpoD3 was transiently and drastically induced during a dark-to-light shift in a manner similar to high-lightstress responses. Moreover, expression of these genes was activated under various light-intensity upshift conditions. Phos-tag SDS-PA GE experiments showed that the phosphorylation level of RpaB was decreased along with transcriptional induction of target genes in all of the light environments examined herein. These results suggest that RpaB may be widely involved in transcriptional regulation under dark-to-light and light-intensity upshift conditions and that high-light-responsive genes may be required in various light conditions other than high-light condition. Furthermore, it is hypothesised that RpaB is regulated by redox-dependent signals rather than by high-light-stress-dependent signals.
  • Natsuko Kagawa, Hiroya Iguchi, Masahumi Henzan, Mitsumasa Hanaoka
    FOOD SCIENCE & NUTRITION 7(4) 1494-1501 2019年4月  
    A regular intake of plant-derived bioactive agents has gained popularity because of the health benefits. Fresh leafy greens, however, normally have a low concentration of such bioactive agents. In this study, we found that drying markedly affected the accumulation of secondary metabolites and that dried leaves of Perilla frutescens L. (perilla) contained more anticancer flavonoids than fresh leaves. Drying is a major method of food preparation, particularly for plant-based foods, but the quality of the bioactive agents contained in the fresh and dried leaves of perilla has received only scant attention. Quantitative analysis of the concentrations of perillaldehyde, rosmarinic acid, apigenin, luteolin, 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid, and 4-coumaric acid, some of which are known as nutraceuticals, revealed that the effect of drying significantly increased apigenin (28-fold) and luteolin (86-fold), but decreased rosmarinic acid in all leaf stages. We examined the positive effect on flavonoid levels on perilla leaves and confirmed that, by comparison with fresh perilla leaves, the dried leaves contained greater concentrations of anticancer flavonoids regardless of variety, form, or manner of cultivation. This indicates that drying can significantly increase the level of flavonoids in perilla leaves without a loss of flavor. Therefore, drying is a simple and effective method to improve the concentrations of bioactive agents, which increases the intake of beneficial substances derived from herbs and edible plants. This finding serves as a method for the supply of raw plant materials rich in bioactive agents that are suitable for labeling as edible nutraceuticals.
  • Yuki Kobayashi, Yu Kanesaki, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka
    Cyanidioschyzon merolae: A New Model Eukaryote for Cell and Organelle Biology 195-204 2018年3月8日  査読有り
    α-Proteobacteria and cyanobacteria endosymbiosis has been crucial to the evolution of eukaryotic cells. The descendants of these bacteria gave rise to mitochondria and chloroplasts, and these organelles still retain their own genome proliferation systems. Coordination between the proliferation processes of these organelles and the eukaryotic cell cycle is indispensable for cellular maintenance, and we have studied this using the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. During the cell cycle progression of C. merolae, organelle DNA replication (ODR) in both of the mitochondrion and the chloroplast occurs prior to nuclear DNA replication (NDR). We found that Mg-protoporphyrin IX (Mg-ProtoIX), a type of tetrapyrrole synthesized in the chloroplast, accumulates with the onset of ODR, thereby inducing NDR. Binding of the F-box protein Fbx3 to Mg-ProtoIX was also shown to be involved in the polyubiquitination of Cyclin 1, which activates cyclin-dependent kinase. Moreover, Mg-ProtoIX-Fbx3 binding inhibits Fbx3-mediated polyubiquitination of Cyclin 1. These results suggest that Fbx3 is a receptor for Mg-ProtoIX in the chloroplast signal to the nucleus and that it appears to function as a checkpoint for the coordination of ODR and NDR. In this chapter, we discuss the ODR and NDR coordination system in the cell cycle.
  • Natsuko Kagawa, Masahumi Henzan, Hiroya Iguchi, Mitsumasa Hanaoka
  • Takatomo Fujisawa, Rei Narikawa, Shin-Ichi Maeda, Satoru Watanabe, Yu Kanesaki, Koichi Kobayashi, Jiro Nomata, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Mai Watanabe, Shigeki Ehira, Eiji Suzuki, Koichiro Awai, Yasukazu Nakamura
    NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 45(D1) D551-D554 2017年1月  査読有り
    The first ever cyanobacterial genome sequence was determined two decades ago and CyanoBase (http://genome.microbedb.jp/cyanobase), the first database for cyanobacteria was simultaneously developed to allow this genomic information to be used more efficiently. Since then, CyanoBase has constantly been extended and has received several updates. Here, we describe a new large-scale update of the database, which coincides with its 20th anniversary. We have expanded the number of cyanobacterial genomic sequences from 39 to 376 species, which consists of 86 complete and 290 draft genomes. We have also optimized the user interface for large genomic data to include the use of semantic web technologies and JBrowse and have extended community-based reannotation resources through the re-annotation of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by the cyanobacterial research community. These updates have markedly improved CyanoBase, providing cyanobacterial genome annotations as references for cyanobacterial research.
  • Yuki Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Ando, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 57(5) 953-960 2016年5月  査読有り
    ABA is a phytohormone that is synthesized in response to abiotic stresses and other environmental changes, inducing various physiological responses. While ABA has been found in unicellular photosynthetic organisms, such as cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae, its function in these organisms is poorly understood. Here, we found that ABA accumulated in the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae under conditions of salt stress and that the cell cycle G(1)/S transition was inhibited when ABA was added to the culture medium. A gene encoding heme-scavenging tryptophan-rich sensory protein-related protein (CmTSPO; CMS231C) was positively regulated by ABA, as in Arabidopsis, and CmTSPO bound heme in vitro. The intracellular content of total heme was increased by addition of ABA, but unfettered heme decreased, presumably due to scavenging by CmTSPO. The inhibition of DNA replication by ABA was negated by addition of heme to the culture medium. Thus, we propose a regulatory role for ABA and heme in algal cell cycle initiation. Finally, we found that a C. merolae mutant that is defective in ABA production was more susceptible to salt stress, indicating the importance of ABA to stress resistance in red algae.
  • Yuu Hirose, Mitsunori Katayama, Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo, Naomi Misawa, Erica Iioka, Wataru Suda, Kenshiro Oshima, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka, Toshihiko Eki, Masahiko Ikeuchi, Yo Kikuchi, Makoto Ishida, Masahira Hattori
    To explore the variation of the light-regulated genes during complementary chromatic acclimation (CCA), we determined the complete genome sequence of the cyanobacterium Geminocystis sp. strain NIES-3708. Within the light-regulated operon for CCA, we found genes for phycoerythrin but not phycocyanin, suggesting that this cyanobacterium modulates phycoerythrin composition only (type II CCA).
  • Gaku Fujii, Sousuke Imamura, Atsuko Era, Shin-ya Miyagishima, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka
    FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS 362(10) 2015年5月  査読有り
    The plant organelle chloroplast originated from the endosymbiosis of a cyanobacterial-like photosynthetic bacterium, and still retains its own genome derived from this ancestor. We have been focusing on a unicellular red alga, Cyanidioschyzon merolae, as a model photosynthetic eukaryote. In this study, we analyzed the transcriptional specificity of SIG4, which is one of four nuclear-encoded chloroplast RNA polymerase sigma factors in this alga. Accumulation of the SIG4 protein was observed in response to nitrogen depletion or high light conditions. By comparing the chloroplast transcriptomes under nitrogen depletion and SIG4-overexpressing conditions, we identified several candidate genes as SIG4 targets. Together with the results of chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis, the promoters of the psbA (encoding the D1 protein of the photosystem II reaction center) and ycf17 (encoding a protein of the early light-inducible protein family) genes were shown to be direct activation targets. The phycobilisome (PBS) CpcB protein was decreased by SIG4 overexpression, which suggests the negative involvement of SIG4 in PBS accumulation.
  • Yuu Hirose, Mitsunori Katayama, Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo, Naomi Misawa, Erica Iioka, Wataru Suda, Kenshiro Oshima, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka, Toshihiko Eki, Masahiko Ikeuchi, Yo Kikuchi, Makoto Ishida, Masahira Hattori
    The cyanobacterium Geminocystis sp. strain NIES-3709 accumulates a larger amount of phycoerythrin than the related NIES-3708 strain does. Here, we determined the complete genome sequence of the NIES-3709 strain. Our genome data suggest that the different copy number of rod linker genes for phycoerythrin leads to the different phycoerythrin contents between the two strains.
  • Rajesh Kumar Tewari, Mamoru Satoh, Sayaka Kado, Kohei Mishina, Misato Anma, Kazuhiko Enami, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Masami Watanabe
    PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 86(6) 627-639 2014年12月  査読有り
    The isolation of Brassica napus leaf protoplasts induces reactive oxygen species generation and accumulation in the chloroplasts. An activated isoform of NADPH oxidase-like protein was detected in the protoplasts and the protoplast chloroplasts. The purpose of this study is to define the NADH oxidase-like activities in the H2O2-accumulating protoplast chloroplasts. Proteomic analysis of this protein revealed an isoform of ferredoxin:NADPH oxidoreductase (FNR1). While leaves highly expressed the LFNR1 transcript, protoplasts decreased the expression significantly. The protoplast chloroplasts predominantly expressed soluble FNR1 proteins. While the albino leaves of white kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala f. tricolor cv. white pigeon) expressed FNR1 protein at the same level as B. napus leaves, the protoplasts of albino leaves displayed reduced FNR1 expression. The albino leaf protoplasts of white kale generated and accumulated H2O2 in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane. Intracellular pH showed that the chloroplasts were acidic, which suggest that excess H+ was generated in chloroplast stroma. NADPH content of the protoplast chloroplasts increased by over sixfold during the isolation of protoplasts. This study reports a possibility of mediating electrons to oxygen by an overproduced soluble FNR, and suggests that the FNR has a function in utilizing any excess reducing power of NADPH.
  • Mi-Rae Shin, Masaya Natsuume, Takashi Matsumoto, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Misaki Imai, Ken Iijima, Shin-ichiro Oka, Eri Adachi, Hiroaki Kodama
    PLOS ONE 9(2) e87869 2014年2月  査読有り
    Sense transgene-induced post-transcriptional gene silencing (S-PTGS) is thought to be a type of RNA silencing in which ARGONAUTE1 directs the small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated cleavage of a target mRNA in the cytoplasm. Here, we report that the altered splicing of endogenous counterpart genes is a main cause for the reduction of their mature mRNA levels. After the S-PTGS of a tobacco endoplasmic reticulum omega-3 fatty acid desaturase (NtFAD3) gene, 3'-truncated, polyadenylated endo-NtFAD3 transcripts and 5'-truncated, intron-containing endo-NtFAD3 transcripts were detected in the total RNA fraction. Although transcription proceeded until the last exon of the endogenous NtFAD3 gene, intron-containing NtFAD3 transcripts accumulated in the nucleus of the S-PTGS plants. Several intron-containing NtFAD3 transcripts harboring most of the exon sequences were generated when an endogenous silencing suppressor gene, rgs-CaM, was overexpressed in the S-PTGS plants. These intron-containing NtFAD3 splice variants were generated in the presence of NtFAD3 siRNAs that are homologous to the nucleotide sequences of these splice variants. The results of this study indicate that the inhibition of endo-NtFAD3 gene expression is primarily directed via the alteration of splicing and not by cytoplasmic slicer activity. Our results suggest that the transgene and intron-containing endogenous counterpart genes are differentially suppressed in SPTGS plants.
  • Gaku Fujii, Sousuke Imamura, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka
    FEBS LETTERS 587(20) 3354-3359 2013年10月  査読有り
    The phycobilisome (PBS) is a photosynthetic light-harvesting complex in red algae, whose structural genes are separately encoded by both the nuclear and chloroplast genomes. While the expression of PBS genes in both genomes is responsive to environmental changes to modulate light-harvesting efficiency, little is known about how gene expression of the two genomes is coordinated. In this study, we focused on the four nuclear-encoded chloroplast sigma factors to understand aspects of this coordination, and found that SIG2 directs the expression of chloroplast PBS genes in the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. (C) 2013 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
  • Takehiko Kanazawa, Kimitsune Ishizaki, Takayuki Kohchi, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 54(10) 1736-1748 2013年10月  査読有り
    The plastids of plant cells each contain their own genome, and a bacterial-type RNA polymerase called plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase (PEP) is involved in transcription of this genome. While the catalytic core subunits are encoded by the plastid genome, the specificity subunit of PEP, sigma, is generally encoded by the nuclear genome and imported into plastids from the cytoplasm after translation. In this study, we identified and analyzed four sigma factor genes from the nuclear genome of a liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that three of the four genes were orthologous to vascular plant genes and thus they were named MpSIG1, MpSIG2 and MpSIG5. The remaining gene was named MpSIGX. The gene products were predicted to localize to the plastid, and this prediction was experimentally demonstrated by expressing yellow fluorescent protein fusion genes in vivo. As with SIG5 genes of other plant species, expression of MpSIG5 was induced by blue-light irradiation and also under various stress conditions, indicating that the regulatory mechanism responsible is conserved among divergent plant species. However, while the major role of SIG5 in vascular plants is to repair the damaged PSII reaction center through psbD gene transcription, the relevant blue-light-responsive promoter (psbD-BLRP) was not found in M. polymorpha and psbD transcript accumulation did not occur in conjunction with MpSIG5 induction. Thus, the physiological role of SIG5 is probably divergent among plant phyla.
  • Satoru Watanabe, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Yusaku Ohba, Tomohiro Ono, Mio Ohnuma, Hirofumi Yoshikawa, Shigeru Taketani, Kan Tanaka
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 54(8) 1289-1295 2013年8月  査読有り
    Ferrochelatase (FECH) is an essential enzyme for the final step of heme biosynthesis. In green plants, its activity has been reported in both plastids and mitochondria. However, the precise subcellular localization of FECH remains uncertain. In this study, we analyzed the localization of FECH in the unicellular red alga, Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Immunoblot and enzyme activity analyses of subcellular fractions localized little FECH in the plastid. In addition, immunofluorescence microscopy identified that both intrinsic and hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged FECH are localized in the mitochondrion. We therefore conclude that FECH is localized in the mitochondrion in C. merolae.
  • Zeenat B. Noordally, Kenyu Ishii, Kelly A. Atkins, Sarah J. Wetherill, Jelena Kusakina, Eleanor J. Walton, Maiko Kato, Miyuki Azuma, Kan Tanaka, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Antony N. Dodd
    SCIENCE 339(6125) 1316-1319 2013年3月  査読有り
    Circadian timekeeping in plants increases photosynthesis and productivity. There are circadian oscillations in the abundance of many chloroplast-encoded transcripts, but it is not known how the circadian clock regulates chloroplast transcription or the photosynthetic apparatus. We show that, in Arabidopsis, nuclear-encoded SIGMA FACTOR5 (SIG5) controls circadian rhythms of transcription of several chloroplast genes, revealing one pathway by which the nuclear-encoded circadian oscillator controls rhythms of chloroplast gene expression. We also show that SIG5 mediates the circadian gating of light input to a chloroplast-encoded gene. We have identified an evolutionarily conserved mechanism that communicates circadian timing information between organelles with distinct genetic systems and have established a new level of integration between eukaryotic circadian clocks and organelles of endosymbiotic origin.
  • 華岡 光正
    BSJ-Review「植物科学の最前線」 4 13-20 2013年  
  • Kan Tanaka, Mitsumasa Hanaoka
    FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 3(JAN) 301-301 2013年1月  査読有り
    The plastid signal was originally defined as a pathway that informs the nucleus of the chloroplast status and results in the modulation of expression of nuclear-encoded plastid protein genes. However, the transfer of chloroplast genes into the nuclear genome is a prerequisite in this scheme, although it should not have been established during the very early phase of chloroplast evolution. We recently demonstrated in a primitive red alga that the plastid-derived Mg-protoporphyrin IX activates nuclear DNA replication (NDR) through the stabilization of a G1 cyclin, which coordinates the timing of organelle and NDR. This mechanism apparently does not involve any transcriptional regulation in the nucleus, and could have been established prior to gene transfer events. However, a retrograde signal mediating light-responsive gene expression may have been established alongside gene transfer, because essential light sensing and regulatory systems were originally incorporated into plant cells by the photosynthetic endosymbiont. In this short article, we discuss the origins, early days and evolution of the plastid retrograde signal(s).
  • Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Maiko Kato, Misato Anma, Kan Tanaka
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 13(10) 12182-12194 2012年10月  査読有り
    Chloroplasts have their own DNA and gene expression systems. Transcription in chloroplasts is regulated by two types of RNA polymerase, nuclear-encoded plastid RNA polymerase (NEP) and plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase (PEP), and multiple sigma factors for PEP. To study transcriptional regulation in chloroplasts, a molecular genetic approach has extensively been used. However, this method may include indirect effects, and it cannot be applied to the analysis of factors essential to survival. These limitations make understanding specific regulation by transcription factors difficult. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a powerful and useful tool for obtaining information on transcription-factor binding sites; it can directly detect dynamic changes in their interaction patterns in vivo. To further understand transcriptional regulation in chloroplasts, we here established a ChIP-based method in Arabidopsis thaliana and analyzed the binding pattern of a chloroplast sigma factor, SIG1. We found that SIG1 specifically binds to newly identified target promoters as well as to a set of promoters of genes whose mRNA expression is dependent on OsSIG1 in rice and that this binding changed in response to high-light stress. These results suggested that the ChIP-based approach is very useful in understanding transcriptional regulation of chloroplast genes and can overcome several problems posed by conventional methods.
  • Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Naoki Takai, Norimune Hosokawa, Masayuki Fujiwara, Yuki Akimoto, Nami Kobori, Hideo Iwasaki, Takao Kondo, Kan Tanaka
    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 287(31) 26321-26327 2012年7月  査読有り
    The circadian clock of cyanobacteria is composed of KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC proteins, and the SasA-RpaA two-component system has been implicated in the regulation of one of the output pathways of the clock. In this study, we show that another response regulator that is essential for viability, the RpaA paralog, RpaB, plays a central role in the transcriptional oscillation of clock-regulated genes. In vivo and in vitro analyses revealed that RpaB and not RpaA could specifically bind to the kaiBC promoter, possibly repressing transcription during subjective night. This suggested that binding may be terminated by RpaA to activate gene transcription during subjective day. Moreover, we found that rpoD6 and sigF2, which encode group-2 and group-3 sigma factors forRNApolymerase, respectively, were also targets of the RpaAB system, suggesting that a specific group of sigma factors can propagate genome-wide transcriptional oscillation. Our findings thus reveal a novel mechanism for a circadian output pathway that is mediated by two paralogous response regulators.
  • Shunsuke Hirooka, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kazuhiko Enami, Takehiko Kanazawa, Toshiyuki Sone, Yuuta Imoto, Akikazu Ando, Haruko Kuroiwa, Tsuneyoshi Kuroiwa, Kan Tanaka
    CYTOLOGIA 77(1) 73-82 2012年3月  査読有り
    Cells of land plants contain several kinds of plastids such as chloroplasts, etioplasts, proplastids, leucoplasts, and amyloplasts. Among them, the chloroplast, the most well characterized type of plastid, relies on expression of plastid-encoded photosynthetic genes. The genome of plastids encodes many photosynthetic genes that are mainly transcribed by the plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase (PEP). Transcriptional activity of PEP is controlled by nuclear-encoded sigma factors that are important for transcription initiation and promoter selectivity. Arabidopsis thaliana possesses 6 sigma factor genes, SIG1 to 6. Here, we analyzed the function of SIG6, a gene related to chloroplast differentiation. The null mutant (sig6-1) of the SIG6 gene exhibited a pale green phenotype in the cotyledons and in the basal part of emerging true leaves at early stages of development. Interestingly, as leaves matured, the color of cotyledons and true leaves changed to green. In the wild-type and sig6-1 mutant, plastids visualized by green fluorescent protein (GFP) were observed under the epifluorescence microscope. In cotyledons of 3-day-old seedlings, chloroplasts of the sig6-1 mutant showed small and irregular morphology compared with that of the wild-type chloroplasts. However, amyloplasts and leucoplasts in root tissues showed no obvious differences between the wild-type and the sig6-1 mutant. These results suggest that SIG6 plays a key role during the early stages of chloroplast differentiation, but not in differentiation into other types of plastids such as leucoplasts and amyloplasts.
  • Kazuhiko Enami, Kan Tanaka, Mitsumasa Hanaoka
    Plant signaling & behavior 7(1) 142-4 2012年1月  査読有り
    In addition to the cell nucleus, plant cells also possess genomic DNA and gene expression machineries within mitochondria and plastids. In higher plants, retrograde transcriptional regulation of several nuclear genes encoding plastid-located proteins has been observed in response to changes in a wide variety of physiological properties in plastids, including organelle gene expression (OGE) and tetrapyrrole metabolism. This regulation is postulated to be accomplished by plastid-to-nucleus signaling, (1,2) although the overall signal transduction pathway(s) are not well characterized. By applying a specific differentiation system in tobacco Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cultured cells, (3,4) we recently reported that the regulatory system of nuclear gene expressions modulated by a plastid signal was also observed during differentiation of plastids into amyloplasts. (5) While retrograde signaling from plastids was previously speculated to consist of several independent pathways, we found inhibition of OGE and perturbation in the cellular content of one tetrapyrrole intermediate, heme, seemed to interact to regulate amyloplast differentiation. Our results thus highlight the possibility that several sources of retrograde signaling in plastids could be integrated in an intraorganellar manner.
  • Kazuhiko Enami, Tomoki Ozawa, Noriko Motohashi, Masayuki Nakamura, Kan Tanaka, Mitsumasa Hanaoka
    PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 157(1) 518-530 2011年9月  査読有り
    Amyloplasts, a subtype of plastid, are found in nonphotosynthetic tissues responsible for starch synthesis and storage. When tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow-2 cells are cultured in the presence of cytokinin instead of auxin, their plastids differentiate from proplastids to amyloplasts. In this program, it is well known that the expression of nucleus-encoded starch biosynthesis genes, such as ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase (AgpS) and Granule-Bound Starch Synthase (GBSS), is specifically induced. In this study, we investigated the roles of plastid gene expression in amyloplast differentiation. Microarray analysis of plastid genes revealed that no specific transcripts were induced in amyloplasts. Nevertheless, amyloplast development accompanied with starch biosynthesis was drastically inhibited in the presence of plastid transcription/translation inhibitors. Surprisingly, the expression of nuclear AgpS and GBSS was significantly repressed by the addition of these inhibitors, suggesting that a plastid-derived signal(s) that reflects normal plastid gene expression was essential for nuclear gene expression. A series of experiments was performed to examine the effects of intermediates and inhibitors of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis, since some of the intermediates have been characterized as candidates for plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signals. Addition of levulinic acid, an inhibitor of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis, resulted in the up-regulation of nuclear AgpS and GBSS gene expression as well as starch accumulation, while the addition of heme showed opposite effects. Thus, these results indicate that plastid transcription and/or translation are required for normal amyloplast differentiation, regulating the expression of specific nuclear genes by unknown signaling mechanisms that can be partly mediated by tetrapyrrole intermediates.
  • Yuki Kobayashi, Sousuke Imamura, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka
    NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 13(4) 483-U307 2011年4月  査読有り
    In plant cells, organelle DNA replication (ODR) is coordinated with nuclear DNA replication (NDR), with ODR preceding NDR during cell cycle progression. We previously showed that the occurrence of ODR is signalled by a tetrapyrrole compound, most likely Mg-protoporphyrin IX (Mg-ProtoIX), resulting in the activation of cyclin-dependent kinase A (CDKA) and consequent initiation of NDR (refs 1-3). Here we identify an F-box protein of SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase (Fbx3) in the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae, which inhibits CDKA by ubiquitylating the relevant cyclin and inducing its degradation. Mg-ProtoIX binds to Fbx3 and inhibits cyclin ubiquitylation. Thus, these observations indicate that Fbx3 serves as the receptor for the plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signal Mg-ProtoIX and thereby contributes to a checkpoint mechanism ensuring coordination of ODR and NDR.
  • Yu Kanesaki, Yuki Kobayashi, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Kan Tanaka
    Plant signaling & behavior 4(12) 1190-2 2009年12月  
    Plastids and mitochondria are organelles in plant cells, which are considered to have evolved from endosymbiotic associations of bacteria. These organelles have their own genomes descended from their ancestors, and the organelle DNA replications (ODR) of plant cells are coordinated with the nuclear DNA replication (NDR) as ODR precedes NDR during a cell cycle progression. However, the underlying mechanism for this coordination remains largely to be determined. Recently, we identified that a tetrapyrrole compound, Mg-Protoporphyrin IX (Mg-Proto), is a cell cycle coordinator from organelle to NDR in plant cells.1 While Mg-Proto has been suggested to be a retrograde plastid signal to modulate transcription of nuclear genes for plastid proteins, our results indicated that nuclear transcriptional regulation is not involved in the NDR induction in C. merolae. Thus, our finding for the NDR control is likely to represent a novel signaling mechanism independent of the conventional plastid signal, which we named "parasitic signal", and suggests multiple Mg-Protoinvolved pathways for the plastid-nucleus retrograde signaling.
  • Imamura S, Hanaoka M, Tanaka K
    Kagaku to Seibutsu 47(11) 740-742 2009年  査読有り
  • 華岡 光正, 川上 隆之, 田中 寛
    日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集 48 S149-S149 2007年  査読有り
    葉緑体は、原始シアノバクテリアの細胞内共生によって生じたと考えられているが、その後の長い進化の過程で共生に由来する遺伝子の大部分が失われたとともに、多くの環境応答系は細胞核による支配を強く受けるようになった。原始紅藻Cyanidioschyzon merolaeは、その葉緑体ゲノムや遺伝子の転写制御系の解析から、葉緑体の成立直後により近い状態を反映していると考えられ、核によるものとは別に葉緑体独自の制御系を有していると予想される。そこで本研究では、C. merolaeに特徴的な葉緑体転写制御メカニズムを解析することで、共生当初の「より自律的な」環境応答システムを明らかにすることを目的とした。<br> 葉緑体に特異的な制御系を調べるため、本研究では単離葉緑体を用いたrun-on転写系によって光に応答した転写制御の解析を行った。暗順応させたC. merolae細胞全体に光照射を行った場合、調べた全ての遺伝子の転写活性化が観察され、光によるグローバルな転写制御の存在が示された。これに対し、核による制御を分離するため、暗条件下で培養した細胞から単離した葉緑体に対し光照射を行った結果、ycf27psbDの転写活性のみが特異的に上昇することを見出した。この結果は、葉緑体が自律的な光応答系を介して特定の遺伝子群の転写を制御していることを示唆しており、光合成電子伝達系による制御の可能性についても併せて報告する。
  • Masahiko Imashimizu, Mitsumasa Hanaoka, Asako Seki, Katsuhiko S. Murakami, Kan Tanaka
    FEBS LETTERS 580(14) 3439-3444 2006年6月  査読有り
    Cyanobacterial principal sigma factor, sigma(A), includes a specifically conserved cluster of basic amino acids in the amino-terminal extension called region 1.1. We found that the sigma(A) in a thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 binds DNA in the absence of the core RNA polymerase and that sigma(A) lacking region 1.1 is not able to bind DNA. This indicates that, in the cyanobacterium, region 1.1 participates in DNA-binding, rather than inhibiting the interaction between free alpha and DNA, as found in other principal sigma factors of eubacteria. The results of in vitro transcription assays with the reconstituted RNA polymerase showed that region 1.1 reduces transcription activity from the cpc promoter. (c) 2006 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.







