
星野 忠次

ホシノ チュウジ  (Tyuji Hoshino)


千葉大学 大学院薬学研究院 准教授




  • Taichi Kamo, Keiichi Kuroda, Saki Nimura, Yan Guo, Shota Kondo, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Tyuji Hoshino
    Biochemistry 63(10) 1278-1286 2024年5月21日  
    Metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) deactivate β-lactam antibiotics through a catalytic reaction caused by two zinc ions at the active center. Since MBLs deteriorate a wide range of antibiotics, they are dangerous factors for bacterial multidrug resistance. In this work, organic synthesis, computational design, and crystal structure analysis were performed to obtain potent MBL inhibitors based on a previously identified hit compound. The hit compound comprised 3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-quinolinone linked with a phenyl-ether-methyl group via a thiazole ring. In the first step, the thiazole ring was replaced with a tertiary amine to avoid the planar structure. In the second step, we virtually modified the compound by keeping the quinolinone backbone. Every modified compound was bound to a kind of MBL, imipenemase-1 (IMP-1), and the binding pose was optimized by a molecular mechanics calculation. The binding scores were evaluated for the respective optimized binding poses. Given the predicted binding poses and calculated binding scores, candidate compounds were determined for organic syntheses. The inhibitory activities of the synthesized compounds were measured by an in vitro assay for two kinds of MBLs, IMP-1 and New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1). A quinolinone connected with an amine bound with methyl-phenyl-ether-propyl and cyclohexyl-ethyl showed a 50% inhibitory concentration of 4.8 μM. An X-ray crystal analysis clarified the binding structure of a synthesized compound to IMP-1. The δ-lactam ring of quinolinone was hydrolyzed, and the generated carboxyl group was coordinated with zinc ions. The findings on the chemical structure and binding pose are expected to be a base for developing MBL inhibitors.
  • Kouichi Kitamura, Tyuji Hoshino, Atsushi Okabe, Masaki Fukuyo, Bahityar Rahmutulla, Nobuko Tanaka, Sohei Kobayashi, Tomoaki Tanaka, Takashi Shida, Mashiro Ueda, Toshinari Minamoto, Hisahiro Matsubara, Atsushi Kaneda, Hideshi Ishii, Kazuyuki Matsushita
    International journal of molecular sciences 24(24) 2023年12月11日  
    The interaction between mRNA and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) transcription in cancer remains unclear. RNAP I and II possess a common N-terminal tail (NTT), RNA polymerase subunit RPB6, which interacts with P62 of transcription factor (TF) IIH, and is a common target for the link between mRNA and rRNA transcription. The mRNAs and rRNAs affected by FUBP1-interacting repressor (FIR) were assessed via RNA sequencing and qRT-PCR analysis. An FIR, a c-myc transcriptional repressor, and its splicing form FIRΔexon2 were examined to interact with P62. Protein interaction was investigated via isothermal titration calorimetry measurements. FIR was found to contain a highly conserved region homologous to RPB6 that interacts with P62. FIRΔexon2 competed with FIR for P62 binding and coactivated transcription of mRNAs and rRNAs. Low-molecular-weight chemical compounds that bind to FIR and FIRΔexon2 were screened for cancer treatment. A low-molecular-weight chemical, BK697, which interacts with FIRΔexon2, inhibited tumor cell growth with rRNA suppression. In this study, a novel coactivation pathway for cancer-related mRNA and rRNA transcription through TFIIH/P62 by FIRΔexon2 was proposed. Direct evidence in X-ray crystallography is required in further studies to show the conformational difference between FIR and FIRΔexon2 that affects the P62-RBP6 interaction.
  • Kazunori Miwa, Yan Guo, Masayuki Hata, Yoshinori Hirano, Norio Yamamoto, Tyuji Hoshino
    Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 71(12) 897-905 2023年12月1日  
  • Yuma Ito, Huiyan Lu, Mariko Kitajima, Hayato Ishikawa, Yoshihiro Nakata, Yasumasa Iwatani, Tyuji Hoshino
    Journal of natural products 86(11) 2487-2495 2023年11月24日  
    The emergence of drug-resistant viruses is a serious concern in current chemotherapy for human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) infectious diseases. Hence, antiviral drugs aiming at targets that are different from those of approved drugs are still required, and the RNase H activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase is a suitable target. In this study, a search of a series of natural compounds was performed to identify the RNase H inhibitors. Three compounds were found to block the RNase H enzymatic activity. A laccaic acid skeleton was observed in all three natural compounds. A hydroxy phenyl group is connected to an anthraquinone backbone in the skeleton. An acetamido-ethyl, amino-carboxy-ethyl, and amino-ethyl are bound to the phenyl in laccaic acids A, C, and E, respectively. Laccaic acid C showed a 50% inhibitory concentration at 8.1 μM. Laccaic acid C also showed inhibitory activity in a cell-based viral proliferation assay. Binding structures of these three laccaic acids were determined by X-ray crystallographic analysis using a recombinant protein composed of the HIV-1 RNase H domain. Two divalent metal ions were located at the catalytic center in which one carbonyl and two hydroxy groups on the anthraquinone backbone chelated two metal ions. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to examine the stabilities of the binding structures. Laccaic acid C showed the strongest binding to the catalytic site. These findings will be helpful for the design of potent inhibitors with modification of laccaic acids to enhance the binding affinity.
  • Sohei Kobayashi, Takaki Hiwasa, Kouichi Kitamura, Masayuki Kano, Tyuji Hoshino, Sho Hirano, Mayuko Hashimoto, Masanori Seimiya, Hideaki Shimada, Fumio Nomura, Hisahiro Matsubara, Kazuyuki Matsushita
    Journal of clinical laboratory analysis e24978 2023年11月14日  
    BACKGROUND: At different stages of the disease, biomarkers can help to determine disease progression and recurrence and provide a personalized indicator of therapeutic effectiveness. The serological identification of antigens by recombinant cDNA expression cloning (SEREX) has identified five SEREX antigens. RESULTS: Compared with healthy donors, anti-FIRΔexon2 and anti-SOHLH antibodies (Abs) in the sera of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) were markedly higher. Furthermore, no correlation was noted between five SEREX antigens and the three tumor markers (CEA, CA19-9, and anti-p53 Abs), indicating that anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs are an independent candidate marker for patients with CRC. Generally, the levels of anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs combined with clinically available tumor markers were determined to be significantly higher compared with CEA, CA19-9. Moreover, in early-stage CRC, the levels of anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs combined with existing tumor markers were higher than those of CEA, CA19-9. CONCLUSION: Due to the highly heterogeneous nature of CRC, a single tumor marker is unlikely to become a standalone diagnostic test due to its commonly insufficient sensitivity and/or specificity. Using a combination antibody detection approach of tumor markers for CRC diagnosis has the potential to be an effective approach. Therefore, the use of serum protein biomarker candidates holds promise for the development of inexpensive, noninvasive, and inexpensive tests for the detection of CRC.
  • Yasunori Fukumoto, Tyuji Hoshino, Yuji Nakayama, Yasumitsu Ogra
    DNA repair 130 103567-103567 2023年10月  
    The ATR pathway plays a crucial role in maintaining genome integrity as the major DNA damage checkpoint. It also attracts attention as a therapeutic target in cancer treatment. The Rad17-RFC2-5 complex loads the Rad9-Hus1-Rad1 (9-1-1) DNA clamp complex onto damaged chromatin to activate the ATR pathway. We previously reported that phosphorylation of a polyanionic C-terminal tail of human Rad17, iVERGE, is essential for the interaction between Rad17 and the 9-1-1 complex. However, the molecular mechanism has remained unclear. Here, we show that iVERGE directly interacts with the Hus1 subunit of the 9-1-1 complex through Rad17-S667 phosphorylation independently of the AAA+ ATPase domains. An exogenous iVERGE peptide interacted with the 9-1-1 complex in vivo. The binding conformation of the iVERGE peptide was analyzed by de novo modeling with docking simulation, simulated annealing-molecular dynamics simulation, and the fragment molecular orbital method. The in silico analyses predicted the association of the iVERGE peptide with the hydrophobic and basic patches on the Hus1 protein, and the corresponding Hus1 mutants were deficient in the interaction with the iVERGE peptide in vivo. The iVERGE peptide occupied the same position as the C-terminus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD24 on MEC3. The interaction energy calculation suggested that the Rad17 KYxxL motif and the iVERGE peptide are the primary and secondary interaction surfaces between the Rad17-RFC2-5 and 9-1-1 complexes. Our data reveal a novel molecular interface, iVERGE, between the Rad17-RFC2-5 and 9-1-1 complexes in vertebrates and implicate that Rad17 utilizes two distinct molecular interfaces to regulate the 9-1-1 complex.
  • Mizuna Takahashi, Takahiro Tsuchikawa, Takaki Hiwasa, Toru Nakamura, Koji Hontani, Toshihiro Kushibiki, Kazuho Inoko, Hironobu Takano, Yutaka Hatanaka, Kazuyuki Matsushita, Hisahiro Matsubara, Tyuji Hoshino, Masayuki Ohtsuka, Hideaki Shimada, Kimitaka Tanaka, Yoshitsugu Nakanishi, Toshimichi Asano, Takehiro Noji, Keisuke Okamura, Toshiaki Shichinohe, Satoshi Hirano
    Oncology reports 49(2) 2023年2月  
    Biliary cancer has a poor prognosis due to a lack of specific biomarkers and difficulty in diagnosis. The present study aimed to identify serum tumor markers for the diagnosis of biliary cancer via serological identification of antigens by recombinant cDNA expression cloning. Wingless‑type MMTV integration site family, member 7 (WNT7B) was identified as a target antigen, suggesting the presence of serum antibodies against this antigen. Deletion mutants were then prepared to evaluate the response to serum antibodies. When serum antibody levels against WNT7B deletion mutants (WNT7B-92‑2, -92‑260, 2-260 and 184-260) were examined using amplified luminescence proximity homogeneous assay‑linked immunosorbent assay, the levels of the antibody against WNT7B with amino acids 184‑260 were higher in patients with biliary cancer than in healthy donors. Therefore, the region covering residues 184‑260 of WNT7B was decomposed to generate seven peptides, and the levels of antibodies against these peptides were measured. Among them, the levels of antibodies against WNT7B234‑253 and WNT7B244‑260 were higher in patients with biliary cancers than in healthy donors (WNT7B234‑253, P=0.0009; WNT7B244‑260, P=0.0005). The levels of the antibody against the former were specifically high in patients with biliary cancer but not in those with esophageal, gastric, colorectal, pancreatic, or breast cancer. Furthermore, analysis by the cutoff value of WNT7B234‑253 defined by ROC showed a high sensitivity of 70% in patients with biliary cancer. Therefore, the serum levels of the antibody against WNT7B234‑253 may be useful as a marker for biliary cancer diagnosis.
  • Kazunori Miwa, Yan Guo, Masayuki Hata, Norio Yamamoto, Tyuji Hoshino
    Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 71(5) 360-367 2023年  
    Computational screening is one of the fundamental techniques in drug discovery. Each compound in a chemical database is bound to the target protein in virtual, and candidate compounds are selected from the binding scores. In this work, we carried out combinational computation of docking simulation to generate binding poses and molecular mechanics calculation to estimate binding scores. The coronavirus infectious disease has spread worldwide, and effective chemotherapy is strongly required. The viral 3-chymotrypsin-like (3CL) protease is a good target of low molecular-weight inhibitors. Hence, computational screening was performed to search for inhibitory compounds acting on the 3CL protease. As a preliminary assessment of the performance of this approach, we used 51 compounds for which inhibitory activity had already been confirmed. Docking simulations and molecular mechanics calculations were performed to evaluate binding scores. The preliminary evaluation suggested that our approach successfully selected the inhibitory compounds identified by the experiments. The same approach was applied to 8820 compounds in a database consisting of approved and investigational chemicals. Hence, docking simulations, molecular mechanics calculations, and re-evaluation of binding scores including solvation effects were performed, and the top 200 poses were selected as candidates for experimental assays. Consequently, 25 compounds were chosen for in vitro measurement of the enzymatic inhibitory activity. From the enzymatic assay, 5 compounds were identified to have inhibitory activities against the 3CL protease. The present work demonstrated the feasibility of a combination of docking simulation and molecular mechanics calculation for practical use in computational virtual screening.
  • Huiyan Lu, Yuji Komukai, Koto Usami, Yan Guo, Xinyue Qiao, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Tyuji Hoshino
    Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 62(24) 6762-6774 2022年12月26日  
  • Yan Guo, Tyuji Hoshino
    Crystal Growth & Design 22(11) 6751-6765 2022年11月2日  
  • Tomohiro Shirayanagi, Akira Kazaoka, Kenji Watanabe, Liang Qu, Naoki Sakamoto, Tyuji Hoshino, Kousei Ito, Shigeki Aoki
    Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 82 105383-105383 2022年5月11日  
    The combination of certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) polymorphisms with administration of certain drugs shows a strong correlation with developing drug hypersensitivity. Examples of typical combinations are HLA-B*57:01 with abacavir and HLA-B*15:02 with carbamazepine. However, despite belonging to the same serotype, HLA-B*57:03 and HLA-B*15:01 are not associated with drug hypersensitivity. Recent studies have shown that several HLA polymorphisms are associated with multiple drugs rather than a single drug, all resulting in drug hypersensitivity. In this study, we compared the molecular structures and intracellular localization of HLA-B*57:01, HLA-B*58:01, and HLA-B*15:02, which pose risks for developing drug hypersensitivity, as well as HLA-B*57:03 and HLA-B*15:01 that do not present such risks. We found that HLA molecules posing risks have a low affinity for the subunit β2-microglobulin; notably, the weak hydrogen bond formed via Gln96 of the HLA molecule contributes to this behavior. We also clarified that these HLA molecules are easily accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum, exhibiting a low expression on the cell surface. Considering that these hypersensitivity risk-associated HLA molecules form complexes with β2-microglobulin and peptides in the endoplasmic reticulum, we assumed that their low complex formation ability in the endoplasmic reticulum facilitates the interaction with multiple drugs.
  • Barbara Herlah, Andrej Hoivik, Luka Jamšek, Katja Valjavec, Norio Yamamoto, Tyuji Hoshino, Krištof Kranjc, Andrej Perdih
    Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 15(5) 2022年4月27日  
    The emergence of SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the global COVID-19 pandemic, requires the rapid development of novel antiviral drugs that would contribute to an effective treatment alongside vaccines. Drug repurposing and development of new molecules targeting numerous viral targets have already led to promising drug candidates. To this end, versatile molecular scaffolds with high functionalization capabilities play a key role. Starting with the clinically used conformationally flexible HIV-1 protease inhibitors that inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2 and bind major protease 3CLpro, we designed and synthesized a series of rigid bicyclo[2.2.2]octenes fused to N-substituted succinimides to test whether this core scaffold could support the development of non-covalent 3CLpro inhibitors. Inhibition assays confirmed that some compounds can inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 main protease; the most promising compound 11a inhibited 3CLpro in micromolar range (IC50 = 102.2 μM). Molecular simulations of the target-ligand complex in conjunction with dynophore analyses and endpoint free energy calculations provide additional insight and first recommendations for future optimization. The fused bicyclo[2.2.2]octenes can be used as a new potential starting point in the development of non-covalent SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro protease inhibitors and the study also substantiates the potential of this versatile scaffold for the development of biologically active molecules.
  • Xinyue Qiao, Liang Qu, Yan Guo, Tyuji Hoshino
    The journal of physical chemistry. B 125(41) 11374-11385 2021年10月21日  
    Antibodies are crucial biomolecules that bring high therapeutic efficacy in medicine and accurate molecular detection in diagnosis. Many studies have been devoted to analyzing the antigen-antibody interaction from the importance of understanding the antibody recognition mechanism. However, most of the previous studies examined the characteristic of the antibody for interaction. It is also informative to clarify the significant antigen residues contributing to the binding. To characterize the molecular interaction of antigens, we computationally analyzed 350 antigen-antibody complex structures by molecular mechanics (MM) calculations and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Based on the MM calculations, the antigen residues contributing to the binding were extracted from all the 350 complexes. The extracted residues are located at the antigen-antibody interface and are responsible for making contact with the antibody. The appearances of the charged polar residues, Asp, Glu, Arg, and Lys, were noticeably large. In contrast, the populations of the hydrophobic residues, Leu, Val, and Ala, were relatively low. The appearance frequencies of the other amino acid residues were almost close to the abundance of general proteins of eukaryotes. The binding score indicated that the hydrophilic interaction was dominant at the antigen-antibody contact instead of the hydrophobic one. The positively charged residues, Arg and Lys, remarkably contributed to the binding compared to the negatively charged ones, Asp and Glu. Considerable contributions were also observed for the noncharged polar residues, Asn and Gln. The analysis of the secondary structures of the extracted antigen residues suggested that there was no marked difference in recognition by antibodies among helix, sheet, turn, and coil. A long helix of the antigen sometimes made contact with antibody complementarity-determining regions, and a large sheet also frequently covered the antibody heavy and light chains. The turn structure was the most popularly observed at the contact with antibody among 350 complexes. Three typical complexes were picked up for each of the four secondary structures. MD simulations were performed to examine the stability of the interfacial structures of the antigens for these 12 complex models. The alterations of secondary structures were monitored through the simulations. The structural fluctuations of the contact residues were low compared with the other domains of antigen molecules. No drastic conversion was observed for every model during the 100 ns simulation. The motions of the interfacial antigen residues were small compared to the other residues on the protein surface. Therefore, diverse molecular conformations are possible for antibody recognition as long as the target areas are polar, nonflexible, and protruding on the protein surface.
  • Yan Guo, Noritaka Nishida, Tyuji Hoshino
    Journal of chemical information and modeling 61(9) 4571-4581 2021年9月27日  
    Ammonium sulfate (AS) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) are the most popular precipitants in protein crystallization. Some proteins are preferably crystallized by AS, while some are by PEG. The electrostatic potential is related to the preference of the precipitant agents. The iso-surfaces of the electrostatic potentials for the AS-crystallized proteins display a common shape and a distinct separation between the positive and negative areas. In contrast, the PEG-crystallized proteins show unclear positive and negative separation. In this work, we propose schemes to quantitatively evaluate the separation for predicting which precipitant is favorable for crystal growth between AS or PEG. Three methods were attempted to quantify the amplitude of the separation, separation distance, dipole moment, and shape regularity. The positive and negative areas are approximated to the spherical potentials caused by point charges. The first method is a measurement of the distance between the positive and negative point charges. The second one is an assessment including the quantity of electric charge into the distance. The last one is an approach monitoring the clarity of the positive and negative separation. The average value for 25 kinds of AS-preferring proteins was higher than that for the PEG-preferring ones in all three methods. Therefore, every method can distinguish the proteins preferring AS for crystal growth from those preferring PEG. These methods require an iso-surface of the electrostatic potential depicted at a certain contouring value. The shape of the iso-surface depends on the contouring value. The dependency on contour was examined by depicting the iso-surfaces of electrostatic potential with three values at ±0.8, ±0.5, and ±0.2 kT/e. While reducing the contouring value leads to the increase in separation distance and the decrease in shape regularity, dipole moment is independent of the alteration of contouring value. While the AS-preferring proteins are distinguishable from the PEG-preferring ones in any contouring values, the iso-surface at ±0.5 kT/e seems adequate for regular use. The dipole moment assessment is feasible for the choice of potent precipitants for crystal growth in experiments.
  • 鵜沼 春菜, 志田 隆史, 植田 真白, 小林 崇平, 星野 忠次, 松下 一之
    医療検査と自動化 46(4) 351-351 2021年8月  
  • Yasunori Fukumoto, Masayoshi Ikeuchi, Liang Qu, Tyuji Hoshino, Naoto Yamaguchi, Yuji Nakayama, Yasumitsu Ogra
    The Journal of biological chemistry 297(2) 100831-100831 2021年8月  
    The ATR pathway is one of the major DNA damage checkpoints, and Rad17 is a DNA-binding protein that is phosphorylated upon DNA damage by ATR kinase. Rad17 recruits the 9-1-1 complex that mediates the checkpoint activation, and proteasomal degradation of Rad17 is important for recovery from the ATR pathway. Here, we identified several Rad17 mutants deficient in nuclear localization and resistant to proteasomal degradation. The nuclear localization signal was identified in the central basic domain of Rad17. Rad17 Δ230-270 and R240A/L243A mutants that were previously postulated to lack the destruction box, a sequence that is recognized by the ubiquitin ligase/anaphase-promoting complex that mediates degradation of Rad17, also showed cytoplasmic localization. Our data indicate that the nuclear translocation of Rad17 is functionally linked to the proteasomal degradation. The ATP-binding activity of Rad17, but not hydrolysis, is essential for the nuclear translocation, and the ATPase domain orchestrates the nuclear translocation, the proteasomal degradation, as well as the interaction with the 9-1-1 complex. The Rad17 mutant that lacked a nuclear localization signal was proficient in the interaction with the 9-1-1 complex, suggesting cytosolic association of Rad17 and the 9-1-1 complex. Finally, we identified two tandem canonical and noncanonical destruction boxes in the N-terminus of Rad17 as the bona fide destruction box, supporting the role of anaphase-promoting complex in the degradation of Rad17. We propose a model in which Rad17 is activated in the cytoplasm for translocation into the nucleus and continuously degraded in the nucleus even in the absence of exogenous DNA damage.
  • Liang Qu, Xinyue Qiao, Fei Qi, Noritaka Nishida, Tyuji Hoshino
    Journal of chemical information and modeling 61(5) 2396-2406 2021年5月24日  
    Antibodies are one of the most important protein molecules in biopharmaceutics. Due to the recent advance in technology for producing monoclonal antibodies, many structural data are available on the antigen-antibody complexes. To characterize the molecular interaction in antigen-antibody recognition, we computationally analyzed 500 complex structures by molecular mechanics calculations. The presence of Ser and Tyr is markedly large in the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs). Although Ser is abundant in CDRs, its contribution to the binding score is not large. Instead, Tyr, Asp, Glu, and Arg significantly contribute to the molecular interaction from the viewpoint of the binding score. The decomposition of the binding score suggests that the hydrophilic interaction is predominant in all CDRs compared with the hydrophobic one. The contribution of the heavy chain is larger than that of the light chain. In particular, H2 and H3 largely contribute to the binding interaction. Tyr is a main contributing residue both in H2 and H3. The positively charged residue Arg also significantly contributes to the binding score in H3, while the contribution of Lys is small. The appearance of Ser is remarkable in H2, and Asp is abundant in H3. The non-charged polar residues, Thr, Asn, and Gln, appear much in H2, compared to appearing in H3. The negatively charged residues Asp and Glu significantly contribute to the binding score in H3. The contributions of Phe and Trp are not large in spite that the aromatic residues are capable of making the π-π or CH-π interaction. Gly is commonly abundant both in H2 and H3. The average distance of the shortest direct hydrogen bond between the antigen and antibody is longer than that of the hydrogen bonds observed in the complexes between compounds and their target proteins. Therefore, the antigen-antibody interface is not so tight as the compound-target protein interface. The calculation of shape complementarity is consistent with the result of the hydrogen bonds in that the fitness of the antigen-antibody contact is not so high as that of the compound-target protein contact. There exist many water molecules at the antigen-antibody interface. These findings suggest that Tyr, Asp, Glu, and Arg are rich in H3 and work as major contributors for the interaction with the antigen. Ser, Thr, Asn, and Gln are rich in H2 and support the interaction with enhancing molecular fitness. Gly is helpful in increasing flexibility and geometrical diversity. Because the antigen-antibody binding is fundamentally hydrophilic-driven, the non-polar residues are unfavorable for mediating the contact even for the aromatic residues such as Phe and Trp.
  • Michiyoshi Nukaga, Michael J Yoon, Magdalena A Taracilia, Tyuji Hoshino, Scott A Becka, Elise T Zeiser, Joseph R Johnson, Krisztina M Papp-Wallace
    ACS infectious diseases 7(4) 826-837 2021年4月9日  
    Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) poses a serious health threat to people with cystic fibrosis or compromised immune systems. Infections often arise from Bcc strains, which are highly resistant to many classes of antibiotics, including β-lactams. β-Lactam resistance in Bcc is conferred largely via PenA-like β-lactamases. Avibactam was previously shown to be a potent inactivator of PenA1. Here, we examined the inactivation mechanism of PenA1, a class A serine carbapenemase from Burkholderia multivorans using β-lactamase inhibitors (β-lactam-, diazabicyclooctane-, and boronate-based) with diverse mechanisms of action. In whole cell based assays, avibactam, relebactam, enmetazobactam, and vaborbactam restored susceptibility to piperacillin against PenA1 expressed in Escherichia coli. The rank order of potency of inactivation in vitro based on kinact/KI or k2/K values (range: 3.4 × 102 to 2 × 106 M-1 s-1) against PenA1 was avibactam > enmetazobactam > tazobactam > relebactam > clavulanic acid > vaborbactam. The contribution of selected amino acids (S70, K73, S130, E166, N170, R220, K234, T237, and D276) in PenA1 toward inactivation was evaluated using site-directed mutagenesis. The S130A, R220A, and K234A variants of PenA1 were less susceptible to inactivation by avibactam. The R220A variant was purified and assessed via steady-state inhibition kinetics and found to possess increased Ki-app values and decreased kinact/KI or k2/K values against all tested inhibitors compared to PenA1. Avibactam was the most affected by the alanine replacement at 220 with a nearly 400-fold decreased acylation rate. The X-ray crystal structure of the R220A variant was solved and revealed loss of the hydrogen bonding network between residues 237 and 276 leaving a void in the active site that was occupied instead by water molecules. Michaelis-Menten complexes were generated to elucidate the molecular contributions of the poorer in vitro inhibition profile of vaborbactam against PenA1 (k2/K, 3.4 × 102 M-1 s-1) and was compared to KPC-2, a class A carbapenemase that is robustly inhibited by vaborbactam. The active site of PenA1 is larger than that of KPC-2, which impacted the ability of vaborbactam to form favorable interactions, and as a result the carboxylate of vaborbactam was drawn toward K234/T235 in PenA1 displacing the boronic acid from approaching the nucleophilic S70. Moreover, in PenA1, the tyrosine at position 105 compared to tryptophan in KPC-2, was more flexible rotating more than 90°, and as a result PenA1's Y105 competed for binding with the cyclic boronate vs the thiophene moiety of vaborbactam, further precluding inhibition of PenA1 by vaborbactam. Given the 400-fold decreased k2/K for the R220A variant compared to PenA1, acyl-enzyme complexes were generated via molecular modeling and compared to the PenA1-avibactam crystal structure. The water molecules occupying the active site of the R220A variant are unable to stabilize the T237 and D276 region of the active site altering the ability of avibactam to form favorable interactions compared to PenA1. The former likely impacts the ability of all inhibitors to effectively acylate this variant enzyme. Based on the summation of all evidence herein, the utility of these newer β-lactamase inhibitors (i.e., relebactam, enmetazobactam, avibactam, and vaborbactam) in combination with a β-lactam against B. multivorans producing PenA1 and the R220A variant is promising.
  • Takron Chantadee, Jitnapa Sirirak, Tyuji Hoshino, Thawatchai Phaechamud
    Materials and Design 199 2021年2月1日  
    Fatty acid-based in situ forming systems that carry vancomycin HCl (VCM) have been developed to treat local Gram-positive infections. However, little is known about mechanistic formation of fat-based in situ forming matrices. In this study, VCM-loaded fatty acid (C –C )-based in situ forming matrices and their computational model were investigated. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at various conditions confirmed the steps of the fatty acid-based in situ formation process and the movement/location of VCM. The MD simulation, topography of dried matrix and model fitting of VCM release profile indicated the movement of VCM through a complex/non-complex interior matrix structure of fatty acids where the low-molecular-weight fatty acid showed a more tangled passage than the high-molecular-weight fatty acid. The release pattern/mechanism were influenced by the aliphatic chain length and the environmental temperature. A sustained drug release was attained in the C -C fatty acid-based system. However, the temperature affected the C fatty acid-based structure in which the invert in situ formation process was revealed, and its ability to sustain drug release subsequently diminished. Hence, the mechanistic formation of VCM-loaded fatty acid-based in situ forming matrix and drug release were revealed for further development of in situ forming systems based on fatty acid. 8 16 12 14 12
  • Sohei Kobayashi, Takaki Hiwasa, Takayuki Ishige, Masayuki Kano, Tyuji Hoshino, Bahityar Rahmutulla, Masanori Seimiya, Hideaki Shimada, Fumio Nomura, Hisahiro Matsubara, Kazuyuki Matsushita
    Cancer science 112(2) 847-858 2021年2月  
    There is no clinically available biomarker for efficiently indicating the overall survival or therapy response of gastric cancer (GC). The autoantibodies (Abs) in the sera of anti-far-upstream element-binding protein-interacting repressor-lacking exon2 (FIRΔexon2), anti-sorting nexin 15, and anti-spermatogenesis and oogenesis–specific basic helix–loop–helix 1 were markedly higher in GC patients than in healthy donors (HDs). These Abs were identified by large-scale serological identification of antigens by recombinant cDNA expression cloning screenings and their expression levels were evaluated by amplified luminescence proximity homogeneous assay. In particular, compared with age-matched HDs, the level of anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs in GC patients was significantly higher (P <.001). The Spearman's rank correlation analysis between anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs and clinically available tumor markers such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was statistically insignificant, indicating that FIRΔexon2 Abs is an independent biomarker. We performed receiver-operating curve analysis to evaluate the anti-FIRΔexon2 Ab as a candidate biomarker with CEA and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9). The overall survival of GC patients with high anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs titer was significantly favorable (P =.04) than that of GC patients who were below detection level of anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs. However, clinical stages were not apparently correlated with the levels of anti-FIRΔexon2 Ab, CEA, and CA19-9. In conclusion, anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs detected in GC patients is a potential biomarker for monitoring a better prognosis. Hence, anti-FIRΔexon2 Abs is a promising biomarker for indicating better overall survival of gastric cancer patients.
  • Taichi Kamo, Keiichi Kuroda, Shota Kondo, Usaki Hayashi, Satoshi Fudo, Tomoki Yoneda, Akiko Takaya, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Tyuji Hoshino
    Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 69(12) 1179-1183 2021年  
    Metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) are significant threats to humans because they deteriorate many kinds of β-lactam antibiotics and are key enzymes responsible for multi-drug resistance of bacterial pathogens. As a result of in vitro screening, two compounds were identified as potent inhibitors of two kinds of MBLs: imipenemase (IMP-1) and New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1). The binding structure of one of the identified compounds was clarified by an X-ray crystal analysis in complex with IMP-1, in which two possible binding poses were observed. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed by building two calculation models from the respective binding poses. The compound was stably bound to the catalytic site during the simulation in one pose. The binding model between NDM-1 and the compound was constructed for MD simulation. Calculation results for NDM-1 were similar to those of IMP-1. The simulation suggested that the binding of the identified inhibitory compound was also durable in the catalytic site of NDM-1. The compound will be a sound basis for the development of the inhibitors for MBLs.
  • Yan Guo, Liang Qu, Noritaka Nishida, Tyuji Hoshino
    Crystal Growth and Design 2021年  
    Ammonium sulfate (AS) is one of the most popular precipitants in protein crystallization. However, AS is not always effective for all kinds of proteins. Some proteins are easily crystallized by utilizing AS, while others are not. Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) is also frequently used in protein crystallization. To clarify the reason a protein has a preference for a precipitant in crystal growth, we investigated electrostatic potentials for 100 kinds of proteins that had been crystallized by high concentrations of AS. Most of the proteins have a common shape for the isosurface of their electrostatic potentials. The positive and negative areas of electrostatic potential are almost equally separated. The contact between the positive and negative areas is limited to a narrow region on the protein surface. The separation of the electrostatic potential is neat even at the contact region. In contrast, the separation between positive and negative areas is not clear for the proteins preferably crystallized by PEGs. The positive and negative areas of electrostatic potential are fragmentary, and the isosurface at the contact region is complicated. These findings suggest that not only the local interaction between AS ions and a protein molecule but also the surroundings of the protein are responsible for crystal growth.
  • Daiki Mori, Tomoki Yoneda, Masaaki Suzuki, Tyuji Hoshino, Saburo Neya
    Organic & biomolecular chemistry 18(28) 5334-5338 2020年7月22日  
    We report aromaticity switching from a 6π pyridine ring to a 22π macrocyclic ring of 3-oxypyripentaphyrin( This system has potential applications in photodynamic therapy owing to macrocyclic aromaticity being selectively induced by protecting group removal and strong absorption bands produced in the NIR region especially in methanol. This journal is
  • Norio Yamamoto, Shutoku Matsuyama, Tyuji Hoshino, Naoki Yamamoto
    Abstract In December 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. No specific treatment has been established against coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) so far. Therefore, it is urgently needed to identify effective antiviral agents for the treatment of this disease, and several approved drugs such as lopinavir have been evaluated. Here, we report that nelfinavir, an HIV-1 protease inhibitor, potently inhibits replication of SARS-CoV-2. The effective concentrations for 50% and 90% inhibition (EC50 and EC90) of nelfinavir were 1.13 µM and 1.76 µM respectively, the lowest of the nine HIV-1 protease inhibitors including lopinavir. The trough and peak serum concentrations of nelfinavir were three to six times higher than EC50 of this drug. These results suggest that nelfinavir is a potential candidate drug for the treatment of COVID-19 and should be assessed in patients with COVID-19.
  • Guzhanuer Ailiken, Kouichi Kitamura, Tyuji Hoshino, Mamoru Satoh, Nobuko Tanaka, Toshinari Minamoto, Bahityar Rahmutulla, Sohei Kobayashi, Masayuki Kano, Tomoaki Tanaka, Atsushi Kaneda, Fumio Nomura, Hisahiro Matsubara, Kazuyuki Matsushita
    Oncogenesis 9(2) 26-26 2020年2月18日  査読有り
    Brahma-related gene 1 (BRG1), an ATPase subunit of the SWItch/sucrose non-fermentable (SWI/SNF) chromatin remodeling complex controls multipotent neural crest formation by regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related genes with adenosine triphosphate-dependent chromodomain-helicase DNA-binding protein 7 (CHD7). The expression of BRG1 engages in pre-mRNA splicing through interacting RNPs in cancers; however, the detailed molecular pathology of how BRG1and CHD7 relate to cancer development remains largely unveiled. This study demonstrated novel post-transcriptional regulation of BRG1 in EMT and relationship with FIRΔexon2, which is a splicing variant of the far-upstream element-binding protein (FUBP) 1-interacting repressor (FIR) lacking exon 2, which fails to repress c-myc transcription in cancers. Previously, we have reported that FIR complete knockout mice (FIR ) was embryonic lethal before E9.5, suggesting FIR is crucial for development. FIRΔexon2 acetylated H3K27 on promoter of BRG1 by CHIP-sequence and suppressed BRG1 expression post-transcriptionally; herein BRG1 suppressed Snai1 that is a transcriptional suppressor of E-cadherin that prevents cancer invasion and metastasis. Ribosomal proteins, hnRNPs, splicing-related factors, poly (A) binding proteins, mRNA-binding proteins, tRNA, DEAD box, and WD-repeat proteins were identified as co-immunoprecipitated proteins with FIR and FIRΔexon2 by redoing exhaustive mass spectrometry analysis. Furthermore, the effect of FIRΔexon2 on FGF8 mRNA splicing was examined as an indicator of neural development due to impaired CHD7 revealed in CHARGE syndrome. Expectedly, siRNA of FIRΔexon2 altered FGF8 pre-mRNA splicing, indicated close molecular interaction among FIRΔexon2, BRG1 and CHD7. FIRΔexon2 mRNA was elevated in human gastric cancers but not in non-invasive gastric tumors in FIR mice (K19-Wnt1/C2mE x FIR ). The levels of FIR family (FIR, FIRΔexon2 and PUF60), BRG1, Snai1, FBW7, E-cadherin, c-Myc, cyclin-E, and SAP155 increased in the gastric tumors in FIR mice compared to those expressed in wild-type mice. FIR family, Snai1, cyclin-E, BRG1, and c-Myc showed trends toward higher expression in larger tumors than in smaller tumors in Gan-mice (K19-Wnt1/C2mE). The expressions of BRG1 and Snai1 were positively correlated in the gastric tumors of the Gan-mice. Finally, BRG1 is a candidate substrate of F-box and WD-repeat domain-containing 7 (FBW7) revealed by three-dimensional crystal structure analysis that the U2AF-homology motif (UHM) of FIRΔexon2 interacted with tryptophan-425 and asparate-399 (WD)-like motif in the degron pocket of FBW7 as a UHM-ligand motif. Together, FIRΔexon2 engages in multi-step post-transcriptional regulation of BRG1, affecting EMT through the BRG1/Snai1/E-cadherin pathway and promoting tumor proliferation and invasion of gastric cancers. −/− +/ +/− +/−
  • Tomohiro Shirayanagi, Shigeki Aoki, Sota Fujimori, Kenji Watanabe, Tetsuo Aida, Makoto Hirasawa, Kazuyoshi Kumagai, Tyuji Hoshino, Kousei Ito
    Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 43(6) 1007-1015 2020年  査読有り
    The interaction of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) with specific drugs is associated with delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, which cause severe cutaneous toxicity. Such interactions induce structural alterations in HLA complexes via several different mechanisms such as the hapten theory, p-i concept, and altered peptide repertoire model, leading to the activation of cytotoxic T cells. To date, comprehensive detection of such structural alterations in preclinical studies has been difficult. Here, we evaluated structural alterations in HLA complexes focusing on the interaction between the HLA-B*57:01 allele and abacavir (an anti-human immunodeficiency virus drug), representing a model of abacavir hypersensitivity syndrome induced by changes in the peptide repertoire on the HLA molecule. We employed a phage display method using a commercially available antibody library to screen specific phage antibodies able to recognize HLA-B*57:01. The affinity of selected phage antibodies increased because of structural alterations in HLA-B*57:01 following exposure to abacavir, indicating that specific phage antibodies can identify drug-mediated structural changes in HLA complexes. We also identified an unreported structural change in HLA-B*57:01 using the phage display method, whereby abacavir increased the expression of peptide-deficient HLA-B*57:01 on the cell surface. These results suggest that phage display technology is a useful method for detecting structural changes in HLA complexes. This technology represents a potential novel strategy for predicting HLA-associated hypersensitivity reactions by drugs in pre-clinical studies.
  • Daiki Mori, Tomoki Yoneda, Masaaki Suzuki, Tyuji Hoshino, Saburo Neya
    Chemistry, an Asian journal 14(23) 4169-4173 2019年12月2日  査読有り
    We report expanded porphyrins with pyridine rings and two neighboring carbonyl groups, which allow Ni ions to coordinate to the tripyrrinone-type NNNO coordination structure with Ni−O bonds. The selectivity of tripyrrinone is superior to other pyrrolic or pyridinic cavities of expanded porphyrins. Introduction of α-carbonyl pyridine next to the tripyrrolic conjugated structure is a powerful strategy for regioselective metalation of flexible expanded porphyrinoids. II
  • Kitahara, M, Fudo, S, Yoneda, T, Nukaga, M, Hoshino, T
    Crystal Growth & Design 19(11) 6004-6010 2019年11月  査読有り
  • Kobayashi S, Hiwasa T, Ishige T, Rahmutulla B, Kano M, Hoshino T, Minamoto T, Shimada H, Nomura F, Matsubara H, Matsushita K
    Cancer science 110(6) 2004-2013 2019年6月  査読有り
  • Qu L, Fudo S, Matsuzaki K, Hoshino T
    Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 67(9) 959-965 2019年  査読有り
  • Fei Qi, Tomoki Yoneda, Saburo Neya, Tyuji Hoshino
    The journal of physical chemistry. B 122(36) 8503-8515 2018年9月13日  査読有り
    Multiple crystal structures of a single kind of protein can be generally separated into several groups from their conformational deviations. A major factor causing the structural separation is the space group of crystals, in which precipitating agents have a strong influence on the packing of proteins in a crystal. In this study, we examined whether the separated groups of protein crystal structures can be merged into one group by computer simulation without a precipitating agent. The crystal structures of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL), myoglobin (Mb), hemoglobin (Hb), and human serum albumin (HSA) were selected as samples for molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. For example, 25 MD simulations were performed for HEWL, with 25 computational models being built from different crystal structures. Cluster analysis was applied to 25 snapshot structures obtained at the same time point from the respective simulation trajectories and the cluster analysis was repeated every 5 ns during the simulations. As a result, the separated cluster groups were basically merged into one group with only a few exceptions. In HEWL, noticeable conformational changes from the crystal structures were observed after heating. The dependence of the simulated structures on the initial crystals was diminished, and all of the clusters were merged into one group at 20 ns of MD simulation. In Mb, all of the clusters were merged into one group at 10 ns. For Hb and HSA, the time necessary for merging the structures became longer. In Hb, the initial group separation gradually became ambiguous after pre-equilibration, and the time required for diminishing the dependence on the crystal structure was 130 ns except for one cluster group. In HSA, 160 ns was necessary for all of the clusters to be merged into one group. These times provide important index for judging the equilibration of protein simulations.
  • Michiyoshi Nukaga, Krisztina M Papp-Wallace, Tyuji Hoshino, Scott T Lefurgy, Christopher R Bethel, Melissa D Barnes, Elise T Zeiser, J Kristie Johnson, Robert A Bonomo
    Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 62(5) 2018年5月  査読有り
    Ceftazidime-avibactam is a "second-generation" β-lactam-β-lactamase inhibitor combination that is effective against Enterobacteriaceae expressing class A extended-spectrum β-lactamases, class A carbapenemases, and/or class C cephalosporinases. Knowledge of the interactions of avibactam, a diazabicyclooctane with different β-lactamases, is required to anticipate future resistance threats. FOX family β-lactamases possess unique hydrolytic properties with a broadened substrate profile to include cephamycins, partly as a result of an isoleucine at position 346, instead of the conserved asparagine found in most AmpCs. Interestingly, a single amino acid substitution at N346 in the Citrobacter AmpC is implicated in resistance to the aztreonam-avibactam combination. In order to understand how diverse active-site topologies affect avibactam inhibition, we tested a panel of clinical Enterobacteriaceae isolates producing blaFOX using ceftazidime-avibactam, determined the biochemical parameters for inhibition using the FOX-4 variant, and probed the atomic structure of avibactam with FOX-4. Avibactam restored susceptibility to ceftazidime for most isolates producing blaFOX; two isolates, one expressing blaFOX-4 and the other producing blaFOX-5, displayed an MIC of 16 μg/ml for the combination. FOX-4 possessed a k2/K value of 1,800 ± 100 M-1 · s-1 and an off rate (koff) of 0.0013 ± 0.0003 s-1 Mass spectrometry showed that the FOX-4-avibactam complex did not undergo chemical modification for 24 h. Analysis of the crystal structure of FOX-4 with avibactam at a 1.5-Å resolution revealed a unique characteristic of this AmpC β-lactamase. Unlike in the Pseudomonas-derived cephalosporinase 1 (PDC-1)-avibactam crystal structure, interactions (e.g., hydrogen bonding) between avibactam and position I346 in FOX-4 are not evident. Furthermore, another residue is not observed to be close enough to compensate for the loss of these critical hydrogen-bonding interactions. This observation supports findings from the inhibition analysis of FOX-4; FOX-4 possessed the highest Kd (dissociation constant) value (1,600 nM) for avibactam compared to other AmpCs (7 to 660 nM). Medicinal chemists must consider the properties of extended-spectrum AmpCs, such as the FOX β-lactamases, for the design of future diazabicyclooctanes.
  • Yukiko Ogura, Tyuji Hoshino, Nobuko Tanaka, Guzhanuer Ailiken, Sohei Kobayashi, Kouichi Kitamura, Bahityar Rahmutulla, Masayuki Kano, Kentarou Murakami, Yasunori Akutsu, Fumio Nomura, Sakae Itoga, Hisahiro Matsubara, Kazuyuki Matsushita
    Oncotarget 9(33) 22929-22944 2018年5月1日  査読有り
    Overexpression of alternative splicing of far upstream element binding protein 1 (FUBP1) interacting repressor (FIR; poly(U) binding splicing factor 60 [PUF60]) and cyclin E were detected in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC). Accordingly, the expression of FBW7 was examined by which cyclin E is degraded as a substrate via the proteasome system. Expectedly, FBW7 expression was decreased significantly in ESCC. Conversely, c-myc gene transcriptional repressor FIR (alias PUF60; U2AF-related protein) and its alternative splicing variant form (FIRΔexon2) were overexpressed in ESCC. Further, anticancer drugs (cis-diaminedichloroplatinum/cisplatin [CDDP] or 5-fluorouracil [5-FU]) and knockdown of FIR by small interfering RNA (siRNA) increased cyclin E while knockdown of FIRΔexon2 by siRNA decreased cyclin E expression in ESCC cell lines (TE1, TE2, and T.Tn) or cervical SCC cells (HeLa cells). Especially, knockdown of SAP155 (SF3b1), a splicing factor required for proper alternative splicing of FIR pre-mRNA, decreased cyclin E. Therefore, disturbed alternative splicing of FIR generated FIR/FIRΔexon2 with cyclin E overexpression in esophageal cancers, indicating that SAP155 siRNA potentially rescued FBW7 function by reducing expression of FIR and/or FIRΔexon2. Remarkably, Three-dimensional structure analysis revealed the hypothetical inhibitory mechanism of FBW7 function by FIR/FIRΔexon2, a novel mechanism of cyclin E overexpression by FIR/FIRΔexon2-FBW7 interaction was discussed. Clinically, elevated FIR expression potentially is an indicator of the number of lymph metastases and anti-FIR/FIRΔexon2 antibodies in sera as cancer diagnosis, indicating chemical inhibitors of FIR/FIRΔexon2-FBW7 interaction could be potential candidate drugs for cancer therapy. In conclusion, elevated cyclin E expression was, in part, induced owing to potential FIR/FIRΔexon2-FBW7 interaction in ESCC.
  • Mori D, Yoneda T, Hoshino T, Neya S
    Chemistry, an Asian journal 13(8) 934-938 2018年4月16日  査読有り
  • Vahed M, Neya S, Matsuzaki K, Hoshino T
    The journal of physical chemistry. B 122(14) 3771-3781 2018年4月12日  査読有り
  • Vahed M, Neya S, Matsuzaki K, Hoshino T
    Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 66(2) 170-177 2018年  査読有り
  • Saburo Neya, Tomoki Yoneda, Hayato Omori, Tyuji Hoshino, Akira T. Kawaguchi, Masaaki Suzuki
    TETRAHEDRON 73(48) 6780-6785 2017年11月  査読有り
    The concise synthesis of symmetric 1,4,5,8-tetraethyl-2,3,6,7-tetravinylporphyrin was developed. The starting material was a close analogue of Knorr's pyrrole prepared from inexpensive commercial beta-diketones. The pyrrole was derived into a pair of 3,3'-diacetyl-2,2'-dipyrromethanes. Two precursory dipyrromethanes were coupled to afford tetraacetylporphyrin under the MacDonald condition. The porphyrin was finally converted into a (beta-tetravinylporphyrin through tetra(1-hydroxyethyl)porphyrin. The structural profile and the utility of the tetravinylporphyrin as the biological prosthetic group and the multiporphyrin scaffold were discussed. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Tomoki Yoneda, Tyuji Hoshino, Saburo Neya
    The Journal of organic chemistry 82(19) 10737-10741 2017年10月6日  査読有り
    [24]Pentaphyrin( 1 was synthesized by dehydrogenation of dihydropentaphyrin( 2 as the first example of vinylogous pentaphyrin. Pentaphyrin 1 takes a roughly planar structure and shows strong antiaromatic character, reflecting a 24π-conjugated circuit. In spite of the antiaromatic character and the relatively small circuit, 1 is stable under ambient conditions.
  • Yoneda T, Hoshino T, Neya S
    Chemistry, an Asian journal 12(4) 405-409 2017年2月16日  査読有り
  • Satoshi Fudo, Fei Qi, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Tyuji Hoshino
    CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 17(2) 534-542 2017年2月  査読有り
    In protein crystallization, precipitants are used to control the final protein concentration in the solution and/or to decrease the protein solubility for nucleation and growth. In this study, we obtained three crystal structures for the same kind of protein with three different crystallizing agents, in which one of the three different chemicals, ammonium sulfate, potassium sodium tartrate, and polyethylene glycol (PEG), was contained as a main precipitant. The space group of the protein crystal obtained by PEG was different from those obtained by the other two precipitants. Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for the protein in the presence of each of the three precipitants at a concentration equivalent to the crystallizing condition or without any precipitant. The simulations showed that all of the three precipitants enhanced protein stability by decreasing the conformational fluctuation. The distribution of precipitant molecules was found to be not isotropic around the protein in every case. In the simulations with ammonium sulfate and potassium sodium tartrate, high-concentration areas of precipitants on the protein surface coincided with noncontact sites with other protein molecules in the crystals. In the simulations with PEG, low-concentration areas coincided with noncontact sites with other protein molecules in the crystal. The results suggest that precipitants play multiple roles not only of decreasing the protein solubility but also in restricting contact sites on the protein surface. This restriction is reflected in the molecular arrangement in protein crystals, thereby resulting in crystal growth with a specific space group.
  • Hideyoshi Fuji, Fei Qi, Liang Qu, Yoshihisa Takaesu, Tyuji Hoshino
    Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 65(5) 461-468 2017年  査読有り
    Accurate estimation of ligand-receptor binding affinity is indispensable for computer-assisted drug discovery and structure-based drug design. Many computational scoring functions for estimating binding affinity have been proposed. Every scoring function reported so far, however, has strengths and weaknesses depending on the chemical properties of ligands and the feature of the binding site of the receptor. Hence, potential functions that can be used for many kinds of target proteins are required. In this work, we developed a software program based on Morse-type potential functions that enables evaluation of binding affinity and geometry optimization. Eight different kinds of proteins were used as test data, and ligand chemicals for which the binding pose to the protein and inhibitory constant are known were selected for evaluation. The calculated binding score and the experimentally measured inhibitory constant showed good compatibilities for six target proteins but poor correlation for one target. These compatibilities were compared with the results obtained by using two other software programs. The comparison suggested that the performance of the software developed in this work is good. Since the software can be handled in a computer facility with a many-core system, the software will be effective for search for an active compound from a chemical database and for assistance in chemical modification of the active compound in the pharmaceutical research field.
  • Sohei Kobayashi, Tyuji Hoshino, Takaki Hiwasa, Mamoru Satoh, Bahityar Rahmutulla, Sachio Tsuchida, Yuji Komukai, Tomoaki Tanaka, Hisahiro Matsubara, Hideaki Shimada, Fumio Nomura, Kazuyuki Matsushita
    Oncotarget 7(50) 82493-82503 2016年12月13日  査読有り
    Anti-PUF60, poly(U)-binding-splicing factor, autoantibodies are reported to be detected in the sera of dermatomyositis and Sjogren's syndrome that occasionally associated with malignancies. PUF60 is identical with far-upstream element-binding protein-interacting repressor (FIR) that is a transcriptional repressor of c-myc gene. In colorectal cancers, a splicing variant of FIR that lacks exon2 (FIRΔexon2) is overexpressed as a dominant negative form of FIR. In this study, to reveal the presence and the significance of anti-FIRs (FIR/FIRΔexon2) antibodies in cancers were explored in the sera of colorectal and other cancer patients. Anti-FIRs antibodies were surely detected in the preoperative sera of 28 colorectal cancer patients (32.2% of positive rates), and the detection rate was significantly higher than that in healthy control sera (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.01). The level of anti-FIRs antibodies significantly decreased after the operation (p < 0.01). Anti-FIRs antibodies were detected in the sera of early-stage and/or recurrent colon cancer patients in which anti-p53 antibodies, CEA, and CA19-9 were not detected as well as in the sera of other cancer patients. Furthermore, the area under the curve of receiver operating characteristic for anti-FIRs antibodies was significantly larger (0.85) than that for anti-p53 antibodies or CA19-9. In conclusions, the combination of anti-FIRs antibodies with other clinically available tumor markers further improved the specificity and accuracy of cancer diagnosis.
  • Emiko Urano, Kosuke Miyauchi, Yoko Kojima, Makiko Hamatake, Sherimay D Ablan, Satoshi Fudo, Eric O Freed, Tyuji Hoshino, Jun Komano
    ChemMedChem 11(20) 2320-2326 2016年10月19日  査読有り
    A novel HIV-1 inhibitor, 6-(tert-butyl)-4-phenyl-4-(trifluoromethyl)-1H,3H-1,3,5-triazin-2-one (compound 1), was identified from a compound library screened for the ability to inhibit HIV-1 replication. EC50 values of compound 1 were found to range from 107.9 to 145.4 nm against primary HIV-1 clinical isolates. In in vitro assays, HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) activity was inhibited by compound 1 with an EC50 of 4.3 μm. An assay for resistance to compound 1 selected a variant of HIV-1 with a RT mutation (RTL100I ); this frequently identified mutation confers mild resistance to non-nucleoside RT inhibitors (NNRTIs). A recombinant HIV-1 bearing RTL100I exhibited a 41-fold greater resistance to compound 1 than the wild-type virus. Compound 1 was also effective against HIV-1 with RTK103N , one of the major mutations that confers substantial resistance to NNRTIs. Computer-assisted docking simulations indicated that compound 1 binds to the RT NNRTI binding pocket in a manner similar to that of efavirenz; however, the putative compound 1 binding site is located further from RTK103 than that of efavirenz. Compound 1 is a novel NNRTI with a unique drug-resistance profile.
  • Tomonori Osajima, Tyuji Hoshino
    Computational biology and chemistry 64 368-383 2016年10月  査読有り
    For the rational design of antibody, it is important to clarify the characteristics of the interaction between antigen and antibody. In this study, we evaluated a contribution of the respective complementarity determining region (CDR) loops on the antibody recognition of antigen by performing molecular dynamics simulations for 20 kinds of antigen-antibody complexes. Ser and Tyr showed high appearance rates at CDR loops and the sum of averaged appearance rates of Ser and Tyr was about 20-30% at all the loops. For example, Ser and Tyr occupied 23.9% at the light chain first loop (L1) and 23.6% at the heavy chain third loop (H3). The direct hydrogen bonds between antigen and antibody were not equally distributed over heavy and light chains. That is, about 70% of the hydrogen bonds were observed at CDRs of the heavy chain and also the direct hydrogen bond with the shortest distance mainly existed at the loops of the heavy chain for all the complexes. It was revealed from the comparison in contribution to the binding free energy among CDR loops that the heavy chain (especially at H2 and H3) had significant influence on the binding between antigen and antibody because three CDR loops of the heavy chain showed the lowest binding free energy (ΔGbind) in 19 complexes out of 20. Tyr in heavy chain (especially in H2 and H3) largely contributed to ΔGbind whereas Ser hardly contributed to ΔGbind even if the number of the direct hydrogen bond with Ser was the fourth largest and also the appearance rate at CDR was the highest among 20 kinds of amino acid residues. The contributions ofTrp and Phe, which bear aromatic ring in the side chain, were often observed in the heavy chain although the energetic contribution of these residues was not so high as Tyr. The present computational analysis suggests that Tyr plays an outstanding role for the antigen-antibody interaction and the CDR loops of the heavy chain is critically important for antibody recognition of antigen.
  • Neya Saburo, Yoneda Tomoki, Hoshino Tyuji, Kawaguchi Akira T, Suzuki Masaaki
    TETRAHEDRON 72(27-28) 4022-4026 2016年7月7日  査読有り
  • Mayu Fukuda, Atsushi Takatori, Yohko Nakamura, Akiko Suganami, Tyuji Hoshino, Yutaka Tamura, Akira Nakagawara
    Neurochemistry international 97 42-8 2016年7月  査読有り
    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its high affinity receptor tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrkB) are involved in neuronal survival, maintenance, differentiation and synaptic plasticity. Deficiency of BDNF was reported to be associated with psychological disorders such as depression. Hence we examined proliferative effect of 11 candidate TrkB agonistic compounds in TrkB-expressing SH-SY5Y cells, via a hypothesis that some candidate compounds identified in our previous in silico screening for a small molecule targeting the BDNF binding domain of TrkB should activate TrkB signaling. In the present study, two promising compounds, 48 and 56, were identified and subsequently assessed for their ability to induce TrkB phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. Likewise those seen in BDNF, the compounds mediated TrkB phosphorylation was blocked by the Trk inhibitor, K252a. Since BDNF-TrkB signaling deficiency is associated with the pathogenesis of depression and reactivation of this signaling by antidepressants is a cause of the pathogenic state recovery, the compounds were subjected to the assessment for forced swim test, which is a mouse model of depression. We found that compound 48 significantly reduced mouse immobility time compared with the control vehicle injection, suggesting the confirmation of hypothetical antidepressant-like efficacy of 48 compound in vivo. Thus, our present study demonstrated that compound 48, selected through in silico screening, is a novel activator of TrkB signaling and a potential antidepressant molecule.
  • Satoshi Fudo, Norio Yamamoto, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Takato Odagiri, Masato Tashiro, Tyuji Hoshino
    Biochemistry 55(18) 2646-60 2016年5月10日  査読有り
    Influenza viruses are global threat to humans, and the development of new antiviral agents are still demanded to prepare for pandemics and to overcome the emerging resistance to the current drugs. Influenza polymerase acidic protein N-terminal domain (PAN) has endonuclease activity and is one of the appropriate targets for novel antiviral agents. First, we performed X-ray cocrystal analysis on the complex structures of PAN with two endonuclease inhibitors. The protein crystallization and the inhibitor soaking were done at pH 5.8. The binding modes of the two inhibitors were different from a common binding mode previously reported for the other influenza virus endonuclease inhibitors. We additionally clarified the complex structures of PAN with the same two endonuclease inhibitors at pH 7.0. In one of the crystal structures, an additional inhibitor molecule, which chelated to the two metal ions in the active site, was observed. On the basis of the crystal structures at pH 7.0, we carried out 100 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for both of the complexes. The analysis of simulation results suggested that the binding mode of each inhibitor to PAN was stable in spite of the partial deviation of the simulation structure from the crystal one. Furthermore, crystal structure analysis and MD simulation were performed for PAN in complex with an inhibitor, which was already reported to have a high compound potency for comparison. The findings on the presence of multiple binding sites at around the PAN substrate-binding pocket will provide a hint for enhancing the binding affinity of inhibitors.
  • Saburo Neya, Masako Nagai, Shigenori Nagatomo, Tyuji Hoshino, Tomoki Yoneda, Akira T Kawaguchi
    Biochimica et biophysica acta 1857(5) 582-588 2016年5月  査読有り
    Myoglobin reconstitution with various synthetic heme analogues was reviewed to follow the consequences of modified heme-globin interactions. Utility of dimethyl sulfoxide as the solvent for water-insoluble hemes was emphasized. Proton NMR spectroscopy revealed that loose heme-globin contacts in the heme pocket eventually caused the dynamic heme rotation around the iron-histidine bond. The full rotational rate was estimated to be about 1400 s(-1) at room temperature for 1,4,5,8-tetramethylhemin. The X-ray analysis of the myoglobin containing iron porphine, the smallest heme without any side chains, showed that the original globin fold was well conserved despite the serious disruption of native heme-globin contacts. Comparison between the two myoglobins with static and rotatory prosthetic groups indicated that the oxygen and carbon monoxide binding profiles were almost unaffected by the heme motion. On the other hand, altered tetrapyrrole array of porphyrin dramatically changed the dissociation constant of oxygen from 0.0005 mm Hg of porphycene-myoglobin to ∞ in oxypyriporphyrin-myoglobin. Heme-globin interactions in myoglobin were also monitored with circular dichroism spectroscopy. The observation on several reconstituted protein revealed an unrecognized role of the propionate groups in protoheme. Shortening of heme 6,7-propionates to carboxylates resulted in almost complete disappearance of the positive circular dichroism band in the Soret region. The theoretical analysis suggested that the disappeared circular dichroism band reflected the cancellation effects between different conformers of the carboxyl groups directly attached to heme periphery. The above techniques were proposed to be applicable to other hemoproteins to create new biocatalysts. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biodesign for Bioenergetics--the design and engineering of electronic transfer cofactors, proteins and protein networks, edited by Ronald L. Koder and J.L. Ross Anderson.
  • Saburo Neya, Masako Nagai, Shigenori Nagatomo, Tyuji Hoshino, Tomoki Yoneda, Akira T. Kawaguchi
    Myoglobin reconstitution with various synthetic heme analogues was reviewed to follow the consequences of modified heme-globin interactions. Utility of dimethyl sulfoxide as the solvent for water-insoluble hemes was emphasized. Proton NMR spectroscopy revealed that loose heme-globin contacts in the heme pocket eventually caused the dynamic heme rotation around the iron-histidine bond. The full rotational rate was estimated to be about 1400 s(-1) at room temperature for 1,4,5,8-tetramethylhemin. The X-ray analysis of the myoglobin containing iron porphine, the smallest heme without any side chains, showed that the original globin fold was well conserved despite the serious disruption of native heme-globin contacts. Comparison between the two myoglobins with static and rotatory prosthetic groups indicated that the oxygen and carbon monoxide binding profiles were almost unaffected by the heme motion. On the other hand, altered tetrapyrrole array of porphyrin dramatically changed the dissociation constant of oxygen from 0.0005 mm Hg of porphycene-myoglobin to infinity in oxypyriporphyrin-myoglobin. Heme-globin interactions in myoglobin were also monitored with circular dichroism spectroscopy. The observation on several reconstituted protein revealed an unrecognized role of the propionate groups in protoheme. Shortening of heme 6,7-propionates to carboxylates resulted in almost complete disappearance of the positive circular dichroism band in the Soret region. The theoretical analysis suggested that the disappeared circular dichroism band reflected the cancellation effects between different conformers of the carboxyl groups directly attached to heme periphery. The above techniques were proposed to be applicable to other hemoproteins to create new biocatalysts. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biodesign for Bioenergetics - the design and engineering of electronic transfer cofactors, proteins and protein networks, edited by Ronald L. Koder and J.L. Ross Anderson. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Satoshi Fudo, Norio Yamamoto, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Takato Odagiri, Masato Tashiro, Saburo Neya, Tyuji Hoshino
    Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 23(17) 5466-75 2015年9月1日  査読有り
    Seasonal epidemics and occasional pandemics caused by influenza viruses are global threats to humans. Since the efficacy of currently approved drugs is limited by the emerging resistance of the viruses, the development of new antiviral drugs is still demanded. Endonuclease activity, which lies in the influenza polymerase acidic protein N-terminal domain (PA(N)), is a potent target for novel antiviral agents. Here, we report the identification of some novel inhibitors for PA(N) endonuclease activity. The binding mode of one of the inhibitory compounds to PA(N) was investigated in detail by means of X-ray crystal structure analysis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. It was observed in the crystal structure that three molecules of the same kind of inhibitor were bound to one PA(N). One of the three molecules is located at the active site and makes a chelation to metal ions. Another molecule is positioned at the space adjacent to the metal-chelated site. The other molecule is located at a site slightly apart from the metal-chelated site, causing a conformational change of Arg124. The last binding site was not observed in previous crystallographic studies. Hence, the stability of inhibitor binding was examined by performing 100-ns MD simulation. During the MD simulation, the three inhibitor molecules fluctuated at the respective binding sites at different amplitudes, while all of the molecules maintained interactions with the protein. Molecular mechanics/generalized Born surface area (MM/GBSA) analysis suggested that the molecule in the last binding site has a higher affinity than the others. Structural information obtained in this study will provide a hint for designing and developing novel potent agents against influenza viruses.



