
山崎 泰広

ヤマザキ ヤスヒロ  (Yasuhiro Yamazaki)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授
博士 (工学)(1999年3月 長岡技術科学大学)






  • Yasuhiro Yamazaki, Keisuke Yoshida, Kazuhiro Okada, Momoka Arai, Yosuke Nakahara, Yutaro Ota
    Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials 33(1) 2024年1月1日  
    Herein, fatigue and crack propagation tests were conducted using the small-punch-fatigue (SPF) test to verify its applicability to assess fatigue strength and fatigue crack propagation behavior. During the SPF test, a fatigue crack first initiated at the specimen center and then propagated in the radial direction. In most cases, three fatigue cracks propagated from the specimen center to the radial direction in point symmetry. X-ray computed tomography revealed that the crack initiated by the SPF test had a quarter ellipse shape. Elastic finite element (FE) analysis was conducted to estimate the stress state and stress intensity factor (SIF) of the specimen, and an approximate equation was obtained as a function of the applied load. The experimental results comprising fatigue lives and crack growth rates obtained via the SPF test were compared with the conventional uniaxial test data as functions of the stress amplitude and SIF determined via elastic FE analysis, respectively. This comparison showed that the SPF test can be applied to the fatigue test and fatigue crack propagation test.
  • Yasuhiro Yamazaki, Keisuke Shinomiya, Tadaharu Okumura, Kenji Suzuki, Takahisa Shobu, Yuiga Nakamura
    Quantum Beam Science 7(2) 14-14 2023年5月3日  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
    The suspension plasma spray (SPS) method is expected to become a novel coating method because it can achieve various microstructures using a suspension with submicron spray particles. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) with a columnar structure, which might achieve high strain tolerance, can be obtained using the SPS technique. This study evaluated the internal stress distribution of the suspension-plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coating (SPS-TBC) with different columnar structures using hybrid measurement using high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis and laboratory low-energy X-rays. The relationship between the microstructure and the internal stress distribution of the SPS-TBC was discussed on the basis of the experimental results. In addition, the in-plane internal stress was decreased by decreasing the column diameter. The thin columnar microstructure of the SPS-TBC has superior strain tolerance. The internal stresses in the SPS-TBC are periodic decrements caused by stress relaxation in porous layers in its column.
  • Yasuhiro Yamazaki, Keisuke Shinomiya, Tatsuya Hamaguchi, Yoichiro Habu, Kaito Takagi
    Surface and Coatings Technology 456 129269-129269 2023年3月  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
    The suspension plasma spray (SPS) technique has recently attracted attention due to the variety of microstructures achievable using submicron spray particles mixed with a solvent to form a suspension. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) with a columnar microstructure can be obtained using SPS. Because of its unique columnar microstructure achieving high strain tolerance, a top coat sprayed using this technique can efficiently suppress thermal cycling damage in SPS–TBCs. However, there are few reports on the effect of microstructure on the damage behavior of SPS–TBCs with a columnar structure. In this study, the effect of the top coat microstructure on the thermal cycling fatigue of SPS–TBCs was investigated. The size of the complex oxide formed on the top coat–bond coat interface and the length of the cracks at the interface (formed as a result of thermal cycling) increase with the column diameter in the top coat of SPS–TBCs. The thermal spray conditions affect the thermal cycling fatigue life of SPS–TBCs. The SPS–TBC with fine columnar structure exhibits superior thermal cycling fatigue life.
  • 72(2) 75-82 2023年2月15日  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • Yasuhiro YAMAZAKI, Masatoshi FUJIWARA
    Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 89(926) 23-00212 2023年  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者


  • 山崎泰広, 北東直樹
    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集 58th 117-118 2009年  
  • 山崎泰広
    日本溶射協会全国講演大会講演論文集 89th 43-44 2009年  
  • 山崎 泰広, 奥村 宗敏, 峪田 宜明
    溶射 : journal of Japan Thermal Spraying Society 45(3) 87-89 2008年7月31日  
  • 山崎泰広, 杵渕稔夫, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    材料 57(6) 596-602 2008年6月  査読有り
  • 山崎 泰広, 奥村 宗敏, 岶田 宜明
    溶射 : journal of Japan Thermal Spraying Society 45(1) 21-22 2008年1月31日  
  • 山崎泰広, 遠藤賢洋, 井筒進
    新潟工科大学研究紀要 (13) 2008年  
  • 山崎泰広, 吉田敏彦, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    高温強度シンポジウム前刷集 46th 2008年  
  • 山崎泰広, 吉田敏彦, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本学術会議材料工学連合講演会講演論文集 52nd 2008年  
  • 山崎泰広, 池田吉憲, 吉田敏彦, 栗村隆之, 上村好古, 霞総司, 布村成具
    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集 57th 339-340 2008年  
  • 山崎泰広, 吉田敏彦, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2008(Vol.6) 333-334 2008年  
    The effect of the bond-coating on the adhesion strength after the thermal fatigue test was investigated in the air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings (APSed TBCs). In this work, two kinds of the CoNiCrAlY powder with the different particle size were used for spraying the bond coating material. In addition, the bond coat was sprayed by either the low-pressure plasma spray (LPPS) method or the high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) one. The adhesion strength and the residual stress were evaluated as a function of the thermal fatigue cycles. The experimental results indicated that the adhesion strength after thermal cycle fatigue was varied with the bond-coating. The effects of the residual stress and the thermal fatigue damage, i.e., micro-cracks, on the adhesion strength were discussed.
  • 山崎泰広, 山村謙三
    日本機械学会北陸信越支部総会・講演会講演論文集 45th 103-104 2008年  
  • 山崎泰広, 吉田敏彦, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本機械学会M&M材料力学カンファレンス(CD-ROM) 2008 _OS0810-1_-_OS0810-2_ 2008年  
  • 山崎泰広, 山村謙三
    日本溶射協会全国講演大会講演論文集 87th 7-8 2008年  
  • 山崎 泰広
    溶射 : journal of Japan Thermal Spraying Society 44(4) 160-162 2007年10月31日  
  • 山崎 泰広, 杵渕 稔夫, 深沼 博隆, 大野 直行
    溶射 : journal of Japan Thermal Spraying Society 44(3) 88-95 2007年7月31日  
    The tensile and the 4-point bending tests of the free-standing air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coating (APSed TBC) were carried out in order to evaluate the mechanical properties. The effects of the process variables in the APS and the isothermal exposure on the mechanical properties were investigated. The experimental results indicated that the mechanical properties of the TBC ceramic top coating were significantly changed by the process variables and the isothermal exposure. The elastic modulus evaluated from the unloading curve was much higher than that from the initial loading curve. The microstructural and analytical investigations were also carried out and the relationship between the mechanical properties and the splat structure was discussed. It was cleared that the mechanical properties of APSed TBC was controlled with the change of the splat structure by the initial stage of the sintering.
  • 山崎泰広, 吉田敏彦, 池田吉憲, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本機械学会機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 15th 131-132 2007年  
  • 山崎泰広
    日本機械学会北陸信越支部総会・講演会講演論文集 44th 449-450 2007年  
  • 山崎泰広, 吉田敏彦, 杵渕稔夫, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集 56th 331-332 2007年  
  • 山崎泰広
    日本機械学会M&M材料力学カンファレンス(CD-ROM) 2007 165-166 2007年  
    The correlation between the mechanical properties and the splat microstructure of an APSed TBC was studied by using the simple sintering model and the numerical simulation, i.e., the distinct element method. It was cleared from results of the numerical simulation that the mechanical properties of an APSed TBC were controlled with the change of the splat structure by the initial stage of the sintering. The change of mechanical properties in the APSed TBCs by the thermal exposure is predictable by using the proposed method in this work.
  • 山崎泰広, 遠藤泰輔, 吉田敏彦, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本溶射協会全国講演大会講演論文集 85th 42-43 2007年  
  • 山崎泰広, 吉田敏彦, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本溶射協会全国講演大会講演論文集 86th 25-26 2007年  
  • Y. Yamazaki, T. Kinebuchi, H. Fukanuma, N. Ohno, K. Kaise
    Key Engineering Materials 353-358(PART 3) 1935-1938 2007年  査読有り
    Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), that reduce the temperature in the underlying substrate material, are an essential requirement for the hot section components of industrial gas turbines. Recently, in order to take full advantage of the potential of the TBC systems, experimental and analytical investigations in TBC systems have been performed. However there is a little information on the deformation behavior of the top coating. In addition, the effects of the thermal exposure and the process parameters on the mechanical properties of the top coating have never been clarified. From these backgrounds, the effects of the process variables in APS and the thermal exposure on the mechanical properties were investigated in order to optimize the APS process of top coatings. The experimental results indicated that the mechanical properties of the APS-TBC, i.e. the tensile strength and the elastic modulus, were significantly changed by the process variables and the long term thermal exposure. The microstructural investigation was also carried out and the relationship between the mechanical properties and the porosity was discussed.
  • Y. Yamazaki, A. Schmidt, A. Scholz
    Surface and Coatings Technology 201(3-4) 744-754 2006年10月5日  査読有り
    The delamination resistance in a plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coating (TBC) system was evaluated by means of a modified four-point bending test. In this work, in order to study the effect of the interface roughness between the bond coating (BC) and the top coating (TC), two kinds of the powder with the different particle size were used for spraying the BC material. In addition, the influence of the isothermal aging on the delamination resistance was also investigated. The experimental results indicate that the effect of the TC/BC interface roughness wasn't significant. The energy release rate Gc, which was estimated by the modified four-point bending tests, increased with increasing aging time at 1000 °C, on the other hand, the scatter of it decreased with increasing aging time. The crack mainly propagated in the top coating for as-sprayed condition and at the top-coating/bond-coating interface after thermal aging for 2000 h. The energy release rate Gc was correlated with the fracture strength of the weakest parts of the TBC specimen. The energy release rate Gc increased with thermal aging until a critical time due to the sintering of the top-coating expired. It can be expected that Gc will decrease with the thermal aging after the critical aging time because the top-coating/bond-coating interfacial strength decreases by the TGO growth. The critical aging time in this work is approximately 2000 h. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 杵淵稔夫, 山崎泰広, 恩田博之, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    材料とプロセス 19(3) 2006年  
  • 岡崎正和, 尾崎健, 山崎泰広
    材料とプロセス 19(3) 2006年  
  • 山崎泰広, 杵淵稔夫, 吉田敏彦, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    高温強度シンポジウム前刷集 44th 2006年  
  • 岡崎正和, 尾崎健, 山崎泰広
    材料とプロセス 19(1) 2006年  
  • 杵淵稔夫, 山崎泰広, 恩田博之, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    材料とプロセス 19(1) 2006年  
  • 山崎泰広, 遠藤泰輔, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2006(Vol.1) 519-520 2006年  
    The thermal cycle tests of the air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings were carried out by means of the electric furnace or the high frequency induction heating system. In this study, the in-situ damage behavior was measured by using the acoustic emission system. The experimental results indicated that the thermal cycle damage occurred in cooling stage mainly. The effects of the heating method and the thermal cycle wave on the damage behavior were discussed.
  • 山崎 泰広
    日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 Vol.2006 2006 571-572 2006年  
    The cyclic indentation test of the air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coating was carried out. The experimental results indicated that the local delamination area and the peak indentation depth were increased with the increasing of the number of cycles. The acoustic emission signals occurred in the early stage of cycles and it was related with local delamination damage. However after a few cycles, the acoustic emission signals were lost.
  • 杵淵稔夫, 山崎泰広, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 2006 573-574 2006年  
    The effects of the porosity on the process variables in the APS and the high temperature thermal exposure were studied. The experimental results indicated that the porosity of the APS-TBC was significantly changed due to the APS process. In addition, it was decreased by the thermal exposure at 1000℃. The relationship between the porosity and mechanical properties in APS-TBC was discussed. The Young's modulus and the tensile strength of the APS-TBC were increased with the decreasing of the porosity.
  • 杵淵稔夫, 山崎泰広, 恩田博之, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集 55th 231-232 2006年  
  • 遠藤泰輔, 山崎泰広, 石原晴雄, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集 55th 233-234 2006年  
  • 山崎 泰広
    材料 = JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, JAPAN 54(3) 354-355 2005年3月15日  
  • 岡崎 正和, 平野 一美, 山崎 泰広
    材料 = JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, JAPAN 54(3) 265-270 2005年3月  査読有り
    Behavior of thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) failure of a new generation titanium alloy matrix composite, SP700/SCS-6, was studied, based on a series of investigations on ; (i) mechanical properties under monotonic loading of the SP-700/SCS-6 composite and the matrix alloy; (ii) fiber push-out tests to represent the fiber/matrix interfacial strength at elevated temperatures ; (iii) isothermal low cycle fatigue (ILCF) tests, (iv) interfacial reaction zone to characterize the microscopic damage evolution under the TMF test and the thermal cycle test without external load. A special focus was paid to understand both the mechanisms of TMF failure, and the dissimilarities and the similarities between the TMF and ILCF failures. From the results of these tests, it was shown that the differences of damage characteristics may be concerned with the degradation of the fiber/matrix interface by the crack propagation and reaction layer due to thermal cycles. These systematic investigations showed that the lives and the failure mechanisms of the TMF should be clearly distinguished from those of the isothermal ILCF, whereas there were a few similarities between them. It was also suggested the difference should be primarily originated from the cracking by the repeat of the thermal cycle and the resultant change in fiber/matrix adhesion strength.
  • 山崎 泰広, 岡崎 正和, 平野 一美
    材料 = JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, JAPAN 54(2) 187-192 2005年2月15日  
    The isothermal low cycle fatigue (LCF) fracture behavior of a new generation titanium alloy matrix composite, SP-700/SCS-6, were investigated compared with the monolithic matrix alloy. To study the effects of the test temperature and the loading frequency on the LCF fracture behavior in SP-700/SCS-6, the LCF tests were performed under strain-controlled condition at room temperature and 450°C. In the LCF tests two strain wave shapes were applied : the fast-fast wave in which the loading frequency was 0.5 Hz, and the slow-slow wave in which it was 1/360 Hz, respectively. The conclusions obtained from the experimental results are summarized as follows : (1) The LCF lives of the composite were almost comparable to those of the matrix alloy, on the basis of strain range. In other words, the performance of the present composite material can be absolutely improved, since the stiffness and the deformation resistance can significantly increased by the composition. (2) The fatigue cracks were initiated from the matrix part at the specimen corner. The fiber pull-out was not so significant on the fracture surface. (3) The LCF lives of the composite at 450°C were longer than those at room temperature. This trend was in contrast to the monolithic matrix alloy which exhibits a normal temperature dependence in the LCF lives. (4) The LCF lives of the composite under the slow-slow wave was noticeably shorter than those under the fast-fast wave at high temperature. This trend was familiar to the conventional monolithic materials.
  • 山崎泰広
    高温強度シンポジウム前刷集 43rd 2005年  
  • 山崎泰広
    日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 2005 2005年  
  • 山崎泰広, 杵淵稔夫, 深沼博隆, 大野直行
    日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 2005 249-250 2005年  
    The 4-point bending test of the freestanding air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coating (APS-TBC) was carried out in order to evaluate the mechanical properties of the TBC. The effects of the process variables in APS and the isothermal aging on the mechanical properties were investigated. The experimental results indicated that the mechanical properties of the TBC were significantly changed by the process variables and the long term thermal exposure. The peculiar stress-strain response was observed in the loading and unloading bending test; the initial loading is nearly linear, however the non-linear behavior was seen in unloading and the significant irreversible strain occurred at zero stress. The elastic modulus evaluated from the unloading curve was much higher than that from the initial loading curve.
  • 先名一磨, 岡崎正和, 山崎泰広
    日本機械学会北陸信越支部総会・講演会講演論文集 42nd 31-32 2005年  
  • 先名一磨, 尾崎健, 岡崎正和, 山崎泰広
    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集 54th 59-60 2005年  
  • 山崎泰広, SCHMIDT A., SCHOLZ A.
    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集 54th 61-62 2005年  
  • 先名一磨, 岡崎正和, 山崎泰広
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2004(Vol.1) 2004年  
  • 貝瀬健太, 山崎泰広, 岡崎正和, 深沼博隆
    日本機械学会材料力学部門講演会講演論文集 2004 219-220 2004年  
    Effects of the process variables in air plasma spray (APS) and the long term thermal exposure on the mechanical properties of the thermal barrier coating (TBC) film were, studied. The experimental results indicated that the mechanical properties of TBC film, i.e. the tensile strength and the elastic modulus, were significantly changed by the process variables in APS and the long term thermal exposure. The microstructural investigation of the TBC film was also carried out and the relationship between the change of the mechanical properties due to the thermal exposure and the porosity were discussed.
  • 山崎泰広, 佐藤雅一
    日本材料学会学術講演会講演論文集 53rd 131-132 2004年  
  • Y. Yamazaki, A. Ikada, M. Okazaki
    Key Engineering Materials 261-263(II) 1091-1096 2004年  査読有り
    Titanium alloy matrix composites (TMCs) have received considerable interest as structural materials for aeronautical applications, because of their higher specific strength and stiffness. When applying TMCs at elevated temperatures, high temperature isothermal low-cycle fatigue (LCF) failure is one of critical issues to be concerned. A unidirectionally reinforced SCS-6/SP-700 composite is a tentative target in this work, where the matrix alloy, SP-700 is a new generation high strength Titanium alloy developed by NKK Inc., and the SCS-6 is a beta-SiC fiber developed by Textron Specially Materials, respectively. A merit to employ the SP-700 is that this alloy enables to reduce a fabrication temperature, because of its capability for superplasticity at relatively lower temperatures. The 7-plies composite specimen was produced by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) at 800°C for 0.5 hrs. in vacuum, alternating layers of thin-foils of the SP-700 and the green tapes of the SCS-6 fibers, so that the fibers were uniformly distributed as a hexagonal array in the matrix. The volume fraction of the fibers in the composite is about 28%. In this work, the following articles in a unidirectionally reinforced SCS-6/SP-700 composite have been studied and evaluated: (i) mechanical properties of the SCS-6/SP-700 composite and the matrix alloy at temperatures ranged between room temperature and 450°C; (ii) LCF lives and the failure modes of the composite and the matrix alloy at room temperature and 450°C; (iii) fiber push-out tests at elevated temperatures ranged between room temperature and 600°C, to represent the fiber/matrix interfacial strength; and (iv) observation and the characterization of the interfacial reaction zone by means of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) and an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). Based on these experimental results, the effects of temperature and the loading frequency on LCF failure of the SCS-6/SP-700 composite were discussed.
  • Okazaki Masakazu, Ikada Akira, Yamazaki Yasuhiro, Mikami Akihiro
    Abstracts of ATEM : International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics : Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2003(2) "OS09W0272-1"-"OS09W0272-6" 2003年9月10日  
    Thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) tests of a unidirectionally reinforced SP700/SCS-6 composite were carried out, where the matrix alloy, SP700 is a new generation high strength titanium alloy. The damage evolution during the TMF was explored, through the investigations of the following articles, compared with that in the monolithic matrix alloy: (i) mechanical properties of both the SP700/SCS-6 composite and the matrix alloy at elevated temperatures; (ii) TMF and isothermal low cycle fatigue (LCF) failure lives of the composite and the matrix alloy, (iii) fiber push-out tests at elevated temperatures to represent the fiber/matrix inter facial strength; (iv) observation and the characterization of the interface by means of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) and an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS); (v) crack initiation and the propagation during the thermal cycle test under no external loading; and (vi) changes of the interface during the TMF, LCF and thermal cycles. These systematic investigations showed that the lives and the failure mechanisms of the TMF should be clearly distinguished from those of the LCF, whereas there were a few similarities between them.
  • 山崎泰広
    チタン 51(4) 2003年  
  • 岡崎正和, 井加田朗, 山崎泰広
    破壊力学シンポジウム講演論文集 11th 2003年  



