
並木 明夫

ナミキ アキオ  (Akio Namiki)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院  教授



大学院融合理工学府 基幹工学専攻 機械工学コース 兼担

工学部総合工学科 機械工学コース 兼担




  • 林寛和, 並木明夫
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 "2A2-A22(1)"-"2A2-A22(3)" 2009年  
    The purpose of the study is to achieve various types of paper handling such as turning over, bending, and folding, and the final goal is to achieve Origami task by multifingered hand. As a first step, in this paper, a position control of a paper by visual servoing is achieved. A paper is moved by using two fingertips. Each fingertip is controlled independently, and the paper can be controlled to a desired position and orientation by controlling the rotation speed of each fingertip and the angle of each finger link at the contact point. Experimental Results are shown
  • 菅野了也, 並木明夫
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 "2A2-B16(1)"-"2A2-B16(4)" 2009年  
    To develop a dexterous robot hand is one of the most important subjects in the robot research field. The purpose of this paper is to achieve skillful manipulation by a multi-fingered robot hand with fingertip revolution axes. First, the kinematic relationship between the fingertip revolution and the orientation of a grasped object is proposed. Secondly, based on the kinematics, a new orientation control method of a grasped object is proposed. This control method uses the rolling contacts between the fingertips and the object. As the target, a sphere, a cube and some tools were used.
  • 西島良雅, 妹尾拓, 並木明夫
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 "2A2-B19(1)"-"2A2-B19(3)" 2009年  
    The purpose of the study is to achieve high-speed throwing motion using the hand-arm. In order to achieve high-speed motion, a human motion is referred to. Most of human sports players can use kinetic energy efficiently based on dynamics of body. As a result, they achieve high-level performance. By simplifying the human swing motion, a two-link three-degree-of-freedom swing model is proposed. This model is easy to extract key points of dynamic swing motion: two-dimensional kinetic chain, and three-dimensional inertia force. Experimental results by high-speed robot arm are shown.
  • 田中和仁, 妹尾拓, 古川徳厚, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 "2A2-B05(1)"-"2A2-B05(4)" 2009年  
    One of the most important functions for robot hand is to regrasp a target object. In recent years, the strategy which is called "Dynamic Regrasping" has been introduced to achieve high-speed regrasping. In this strategy, the regrasping task is achieved by throwing a target up and by catching it. In this paper, in order to improve the success rate of dynamic regrasping and achieve dynamic regrasping for any target, we introduce the new throwing strategy for dynamic regrasping by creating a throwing model.
  • 山川雄司, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 "2A2-G07(1)"-"2A2-G07(4)" 2009年  
    This paper explains the dynamic manipulation of a linear flexible object with a high-speed robot arm. As an example of the dynamic manipulation, we perform the dynamic knotting of a flexible rope. First, the dynamic knotting by human is analyzed in order to extract the arm motion. Then, the arm motion is implemented to the robot arm. From the experimental result, the rope behavior during the high-speed dynamic manipulation can be approximated by the robot arm motion. Namely, it can be considered that the rope dynamics depend on the robot dynamics. According to this discussion, we construct ...
  • 山川雄司, 並木明夫, 石川正俊, 下条誠
    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 13th 2008年  
  • 並木明夫, 石原達也, 山川雄司, 石川正俊, 下条誠
    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 13th 2008年  
  • Akio Namiki, Yuji Yamakawa, Masatoshi Ishikawa
    In this paper. visuomotor integration in high-speed manipulation system is discussed, and "dynamic pen-spinning" anti "one-handed knotting" ale proposed as the examples. These applications are based on not only the improvement of the vision and the multi-lingered hand but also new control strategies. The balanced development of the hardware and tire control method can produce new capability of manipulation.
  • 妹尾拓, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2008 "1A1-I14(1)"-"1A1-I14(4)" 2008年  
    In this paper the robotic throwing task is taken up in order to achieve high-speed dynamic manipulation. We propose a kinetic chain approach for swing motion focused on the torque transmission. In addition the release method using robotic hand is analyzed for ball control. Experimental results are also shown in which a high-speed manipulator throws a ball toward the target.
  • 山川雄司, 並木明夫, 石川正俊, 下条誠
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2008 "1P1-A09(1)"-"1P1-A09(4)" 2008年  
    This paper illustrates the relationship between the knotting process and robot hand skills. To extract a necessary hand skill for knotting, the knotting motion by human is analyzed. As a result, loop production, rope permutation, and rope pulling are extracted. Moreover, taking the handling of both ends of a rope into account, rope moving is added. Then, the characteristics of these skills are clarified from viewpoint of the intersection description. Based on the analysis of knot and the characteristics of robot hand skill, the knotting process is described. Finally, the experimental result...
  • 水澤悟, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2008 "1P1-A13(1)"-"1P1-A13(4)" 2008年  
    In order to achieve a skillful handling like a human hand, it is necessary that a hand has a capability to manipulate tools. One important problem of tool handling with a multifingered hand is that relative positions among a robot hand, a tool and a handled object change during the handling. For this reason, it is necessary to measure the relative positions in realtime, and to control a hand so as to cancel the changes. In our research, we have resolved this problem by using a high speed visual servoing. In this paper, as an example, a tweezers is handled by a multifingered hand. A new meth...
  • 溝口善智, MING Aigou, 並木明夫, 石川正俊, 下条誠
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2008 "1P1-I07(1)"-"1P1-I07(2)" 2008年  
    To achieve a human like grasping with a multi fingered robot hand, an interaction with vision and tactile information is indispensable. The method to use the camera for the vision information acquisition of the robot hand is common. The camera is effective globally but incorrect locally because of blind spot and the shadow of robot hand itself. Therefore it is thought that acquisition of approach and contact information to the object continually is very effective for grasping by introducing the proximity sensor which is sensing distance of several centimeter from an object. This time we pro...
  • 並木 明夫
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HIP, ヒューマン情報処理 107(332) 103-108 2007年11月12日  
  • 米田 完, 福島 E. 文彦, 並木 明夫, 金山 尚樹
    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 25(7) 1050-1056 2007年10月15日  
  • 郡司 大輔, 荒木 拓真, 並木 明夫, 明 愛国, 下条 誠
    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 25(6) 970-978 2007年9月15日  
    To achieve a human like grasping by the multi-fingered robot hand, grasping force should be controlled without information of the grasping object such as the weight and the friction coefficient. In this study, we propose a method for detecting the slip of grasping object by force output of the Center of Pressure (CoP) tactile sensor. CoP sensor can measure center position of distributed load and total load which is applied on the surface of the sensor within 1 [ms] . This sensor is arranged on finger of the robot hand, and the effectiveness as slip detecting sensor is confirmed by experimen...
  • 古川徳厚, 並木明夫, 妹尾拓, 石川正俊
    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 12th 2007年  
  • 嵯峨山茂樹, 小野順貴, 安藤繁, 篠田裕之, 並木明夫, 小室孝, 広瀬啓吉, 石川正俊, 眞溪歩, 井野秀一, 伊福部達
    東京大学21世紀COE情報科学技術戦略コア 平成18年度 報告書 96-99 2007年  
  • 郡司大輔, 溝口善智, MING Aigou, 並木明夫, 石川正俊, 下条誠
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2007 "1A2-B07(1)"-"1A2-B07(4)" 2007年  
    To achieve a human like grasping by the multi-fingered robot hand, grasping force should be controlled without information of the grasping object such as the weight and the friction coefficient. In this study, we propose a method for controlling grasping force of multi-fingered robot hand based on slip detection using the Center of Pressure(CoP) tactile sensor. CoP sensor can measure center position of distributed load and total load within 1ms. With the CoP sensor, incipient slip can be detected as the sensor force output signal change before the slip displacement occurs. We propose a meth...
  • 溝口善智, 郡司大輔, MING Aigou, 並木明夫, 石川正俊, 下条誠
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2007 "1A2-B08(1)"-"1A2-B08(4)" 2007年  
    Handling behavior of human can be divided into Pinching and Grasping. In multi-fingered robot hand, wrapping grasp which permits the object to contact with the finger link other than the tip of finger, or palm is called Power grasp. The interaction with the tactile sensor is indispensable for the achievement of Power grasp to and unknown object with the multi-fingered robot hand. In this study, for the achievement of Power grasp operation which doesn't depend on the grasping object wit the multi-fingered robot hand, we propose a method for multi-point contact force control in inside of the ...
  • 妹尾拓, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2007 "1A2-F10(1)"-"1A2-F10(4)" 2007年  
    The speed of recent robotic manipulation is very slow although a mechanical system excels in the speed of motion fundamentally. On the other hand various inventions which contribute to fast movement are reported in human motion. For instance, in human throwing motion we can observe the movement called "kinetic chain" which enables to propagate kinetic energy. Based on this motion, a throwing strategy focused on the superposition of wave patterns is proposed in order to achieve high-speed robot motion. The evaluation on contact modeling for control of a target is also analyzed.
  • 山川雄司, 並木明夫, 石川正俊, 下条誠
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2007 "2A1-E08(1)"-"2A1-E08(4)" 2007年  
    In this study, we propose a strategy of knotting using a high-speed multifingered robot hand and tactile sensors. The strategy is divided to three steps: a loop generation, a replacement of ropes, and a pulling of a rope. Through these three steps, a knotting is achieved by only one multifingered hand. And, in order to allow the continuous motion, we have added one step: "a shift of rope". The experimental results are shown using the multifingered hand with tactile sensors. Finally, we analyze a behavior of the replacement of rope to produce a high rate of success.
  • 東森 充, 丁 憙勇, 石井 抱, 並木 明夫, 石川 正俊, 金子 真
    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 24(7) 813-819 2006年10月15日  
    This paper newly proposes a multi-fingered robot hand with a common rotational axis shared by all base joints of finger. By focusing on a manipulation around such a particular axis, finger motion planning drastically becomes simple. In order to generate the common rotational axis, we introduce the dual turning mechanism where two and two other fingers can independently turn along the inner and the outer circles with the common center axis, respectively. Due to this mechanism, the developed hand is good at twisting motion based tasks, for example opening a cap from a bottle, within one hand,...
  • 妹尾 拓, 並木 明夫, 石川 正俊
    日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan 24(4) 515-522 2006年5月15日  
    Speeding up of robot motion provides not only improvement in operating efficiency but also dexterous manipulation using unstable state or non-contact state. To produce high-speed manipulation, we have developed a robot system with 1 [kHz] vision sensors. In this paper, a hybrid trajectory generator is proposed so as to get high performance out of high-speed robot system. This algorithm consists of both mechanical high-speed motion and sensor-based reactive motion to target movement. As an example of high-speed manipulation, a robotic batting task have been achieved. In addition, performance...
  • 塩形大輔, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 11th 2006年  
  • 石川正俊, 並木明夫, 小室孝
    東京大学21世紀COE情報科学技術戦略コア 平成17年度 報告書 2006年  
  • 安藤繁, 小野順貴, 小室孝, 嵯峨山茂樹, 篠田裕之, 並木明夫, 広瀬啓吉, 石川正俊, 眞溪歩, 井野秀一, 伊福部達
    東京大学21世紀COE情報科学技術戦略コア 平成17年度 報告書 97-100 2006年  
  • N Ogawa, Y Sakaguchi, A Namiki, M Ishikawa
    "Dynamics matching" is a design concept in sensory-motor fusion systems, where the performance is maximized by ad adjustment of the dynamics of the system under the physical and computational constraints. This paper models dynamics matching as all optimization problem and constructs an adaptive acquisition algorithm. A numerical experiment on the target-tracking task using active vision is presented as an example, and it is shown that a reasonable Solution is acquired by the proposed approach. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • Akio Namiki, Taku Senoo, Noriatsu Furukawa, Masatoshi Ishikawa
    In this paper, visuomotor integration in high-speed manipulation system is discussed, and several dynamic manipulation strategies are proposed as the examples. These applications are based on not only the improvement of the vision and manipulator but also new control strategies. The balanced development of the hardware and the control method can produce new capability of manipulation.
  • Taku Senoo, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishihawa
    Speeding up robot motion provides not only improvement in operating efficiency but also improves dexterous manipulation by taking advantage of an unstable state or noncontact state. In this paper we describe a hybrid trajectory generator that produces high-speed manipulation. This algorithm produces both mechanical high-speed motion and sensor-based reactive motion. As an example of high-speed manipulation, a robotic ball control in a batting task has been achieved. Performance evaluation is also analyzed.
  • 古川徳厚, 妹尾拓, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2006 "1A1-B34(1)"-"1A1-B34(4)" 2006年  
    In most previous studies, it has been difficult for a robot hand to regrasp a target quickly because its motion was static or quasi-static, in a constant cantact state. In order to achieve high-speed regrasping, we propose a new strategy which we call dynamic regrasping. In this strategy, the regrasping task is achieved by throwing a target up and by catching it. In this paper, the regrasping strategy based on visual feedback is presented and experimental results using a high-speed multifingered robot hand and a high-speed vision system are shown. A cylinder is chosen as a specific example ...
  • 石原達也, 並木明夫, 石川正俊, 下条誠
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2006 "1A1-B39(1)"-"1A1-B39(4)" 2006年  
    We propose a tactile feedback system in real time using a high-speed multifingered robot hand and high-speed tactile sensor. The hand and the sensor is respectively capable of high-speed finger motion up to 180 deg per 0.1 s and high-speed tactile feedback with a sampling rate higher than 1 kHz. We have achieved the pen spinning task using the two robot fingers. In this paper, we describe dynamic pen spinning as an example of a skillful manipulation task with the three robot fingers using the system. The paper describes the tactile feedback control strategies and experimental results.
  • 並木明夫, 石川正俊, 加藤真一, 金山尚樹, 小山順二
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2006 "1A1-E27(1)"-"1A1-E27(2)" 2006年  
    A multifingered hand system which can catch a thrown ball at a high-speed by visual feedback control is developed. The system consists of 1ms vision chip system, high-speed multifingered hand system, and visual feedback control system. A ball is thrown from a launcher, and it arrives at a multifingered hand about within 0.1s. The hand catches the ball by its fingertips. This is a result of the project "Artificial Hand and Brain Based on Sensory-Motor Fusion Theory" in the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) program of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). I...
  • M Higashimori, M Kaneko, A Namiki, M Ishikawa
    In this paper we discuss the design of the 100G capturing robot from the point of view of dynamic pre-shaping where all finger links make contact with the target object simultaneously. After briefly explaining the overview of the 100G capturing robot, we mathematically formulate the dynamic pre-shaping problem where we discuss how to determine the mechanical parameters, such as pulley positions, pulley radius, mass of finger link, and spring constant. We show a couple of experiments where the robot parameter is determined based on the dynamic pre-shaping problem.
  • Werkmann Bjoern, Komuro Takashi, Namiki Akio, Ishikawa Masatoshi
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2005 197-197 2005年6月9日  
  • 妹尾拓, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 10th 2005年  
  • M Higashimori, H Jeong, Ishii, I, M Kaneko, A Namiki, M Ishikawa
    This paper newly proposes the four-fingered robot hand with dual turning mechanism where two and two other fingers can independently rotate inner and outer circles with the common center, respectively. Due to this mechanical configuration, it has the particular rotating axis where the manipulation around the axis can be completely decomposed into the velocity control around the axis and the internal force control in the contact plane. We achieved a manipulation task around the axis with the time of 0.8[sec] for one rotation, while it is relatively slow for another axis.
  • D Shiokata, A Namiki, M Ishikawa
    In order to achieve faster and more dexterous manipulations, we propose a strategy called "dynamic holding." In the dynamic holding condition, the object is held in a stable condition while moving at high-speed. In this paper, we first explain the concept of dynamic holding, then we describe an experiment of dribbling by a robot as an example of dynamic holding using a high-speed multifingered hand and a high-speed vision system.
  • D Ebert, T Komuro, A Namiki, M Ishikawa
    2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vols 1-4 1821-1826 2005年  
    The coexistence of humans and industrial robots in a common workspace provides the advantage of increased flexibility in production or longer system up-time during maintenance. However, it is fundamentally necessary to guarantee the safety of the human. This paper presents an approach that uses a specialized tracking-vision-chip to realize a high-speed emergency-stop for safe human-robot-coexistence. The presented approach uses the ability of the vision-chip to perform pixel-parallel masking and fast summation-operations on binary images to detect whether the robot and human are too close. After initial evaluation in a (semi)-simulation, the approach was realized in an experimental system. Even with only a small 8-Bit microcontroller controlling the vision-chip and the communication, a cycle time of more than 500Hz was achieved.
  • M Kaneko, M Higashimori, A Namiki, M Ishikawa
    ROBOTICS RESEARCH 15 517-526 2005年  
    This paper discusses the 100G Capturing Robot that can produce the maximum acceleration of 100G in design specification. To achieve such a high acceleration, we utilize spring energy with a light arm/gripper. The Arm/Gripper Coupling Mechanism (AGCM) is newly introduced so that we can efficiently transmit a single energy resource for finally closing the gripper. Experimental results show that the developed robot can capture a dropping ball with the maximum acceleration of 91G and the capturing time of roughly 25ms. We also discuss various technical issues to be considered when designing such a high speed capturing robot.
  • A Namiki, M Ishikawa
    A new multifingered hand system Kith quick finger motion of 180deg per 0.1s has been developed.With high-speed visual feedback at a rate of 1kHz, high-speed catching of a failing ball are achieved.In this catching task, a target was dropped from about 1m in height, and the speed of the failing ball became more than about 4m/s just before it hit the ground. The hand could precisely catch it using two fingertips, and the percentage of the success was almost 100%. This successful catching depends on not only highspeed precise motion of the hand, but also softness of the target surface. In this paper, the dynamical analysis of the high-speed catching is proposed, and the softness of the target surface makes very important roles in this tasks. As a result it is shown that the balanced impedance of the target surface and the feedback control of the hand is needed in order to achieve stable catching.
  • Takashi Komuro, Shingo Kagami, Akio Namiki, Masatoshi Ishikawa
    2004 1st IEEE Technical Exhibition Based Conference on Robotics and Automation, Proceedings, TExCRA 2004 3-4 2004年12月1日  
    This paper discusses the semiconductor integrated circuit device called a vision chip, an image sensor in which each pixel has a processing element. Although similar devices have already been proposed, the major features of our device are dynamically reconfigurable PE architecture that is efficient for both local and global operation, and dynamic control mechanism of sensor characteristics. These features are advantageous to robot applications that require high-speed visual feedback and task operation in changing environment. We show the basic working principle based on the patent (#2003-218338) and explain the expected market with business model. ©2004 IEEE.
  • M Shimojo, A Namiki, M Ishikawa, R Makino, K Mabuchi
    IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 4(5) 589-596 2004年10月  
    A new type of tactile sensor using pressure-conductive rubber with stitched electrical wires is presented. The sensor is thin and flexible and can cover three-dimensional objects. Since the sensor adopts a single-layer composite structure, the sensor is durable with respect to external force. In order to verify the effectiveness of this tactile sensor, we performed an experiment in which a four-fingered robot hand equipped with tactile sensors grasped sphere and column. The sensor structure, electrical circuit, and characteristics are described. The sensor control system and experimental results are also described.
  • 下条 誠, 谷保 勇樹, 並木 明夫, 石川 正俊
    年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting 2004(5) 301-302 2004年9月4日  
    An application of the tactile sensor using a method for measuring the center position of the two dimensional distributed load is proposed and the basic experimental results for its verification are shown. The sensor used in this method is constructed of pressure-conductive rubber, a pair of resistive material coated film. In this paper it is shown that this sensor can concurrently detect two available values that are the center position of the two dimensional distributed load on the surface of the sensor and total load of the distribution.
  • 並木 明夫, 妹尾 拓, 石川 正俊
    自動車技術 = Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 58(9) 79-80 2004年9月1日  
  • 尾川 順子, 阪口 豊, 並木 明夫, 石川 正俊
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-II, 情報・システム, II-パターン処理 87(7) 1505-1515 2004年7月1日  
  • 東森充, JEONG H, 金子真, 石井抱, 並木明夫, 石川正俊
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 22nd 2004年  
  • 今井睦朗, 並木明夫, 橋本浩一, 石川正俊, 金子真, 亀田博, 小山順二
    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 9th 2004年  











