
雨宮 歩

アメミヤ アユミ  (Ayumi Amemiya)


千葉大学 大学院看護学研究院、フロンティア医工学センター(兼務) 講師





  • Yukie Tahara, Ayumi Amemiya, Ryutaro Kase, Yuka Kitagawa, Sadahisa Ogasawara, Naoya Kato, Masatoshi Komiyama
    European Journal of Oncology Nursing 70 102576-102576 2024年6月  
  • 雨宮歩, 松村彩
    電子情報通信学会誌 107(1) 55-59 2024年1月  
  • 沢田佳志乃, 雨宮歩, 焼山正嗣, 井澤茉咲, 岡田真林, 小泉湧芽, 北山仁久, 石川愛, 柏戸孝一, 平野成樹
    日本認知症予防学会誌 2024年  責任著者
  • Tahara, Y, Amemiya, A, Kitagawa, Y, Arimatsu, N, Kawasumi, C, Nagasawa, T, Koike, R, Tsumura, N
    The Society for Nursing Science and Engineering 2024年  査読有り
  • Tahara, Y, Amemiya, A, Kitagawa, Y, Kase, R, Ogasawara, S, Kato, N, Komiyama, M
    Japanese Society for Foot Care and Podiatric Medicine 2024年  
  • Masato Takahashi, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Akihiro Ito, Francisco-J Renero-C, Ayumi Amemiya, Norimichi Tsumura, Norio Iijima
    Optics Continuum 2(12) 2540-2540 2023年12月4日  
    In this study, we explored non-contact pulse wave measurements from the extremities, particularly the soles, and examined their differences. Two experiments were conducted. First, we identified the optimal method for capturing pulse waves and discovered that the peak intensity of the green signal was the most effective. Then, we analyzed the temporal deviations between the electrocardiogram (ECG) and extremities based on these findings. Differences were observed in the face, palms, and soles of the feet in observing only three subjects. Previous attempts at extremity measurements have been made; however, our study is the first to focus on the foot sole. This study will pave the way for broader medical and research applications.
  • 北川 柚香, 河野 実桜, 中島 由紀子, 梅田 真帆, 雨宮 歩
    日本フットケア・足病医学会年次学術集会プログラム・抄録集 3回 207-207 2023年2月  
  • 田原 裕希恵, 雨宮 歩, 加瀬 竜太郎, 北川 柚香, 小笠原 定久, 加藤 直也, 小宮山 政敏
    日本がん看護学会誌 37 35-41 2023年2月  
    切除不能な肝細胞がん治療に用いられるtyrosine kinase inhibitor(TKI)の副作用の1つにhand-foot skin reaction(HFSR)がある.本研究は手と足におけるHFSR発生率,HFSRの症状,発生時期を明らかにすることを目的とした.本研究はコホート研究で,切除不能な肝細胞がんに対してレンバチニブ,ソラフェニブ,レゴラフェニブによる治療を受ける患者を対象に,2ヵ月間の診察日に問診と手足の写真撮影を行った.写真はフットケアエキスパートナースを含む3名で皮膚症状を確認した.手足それぞれのHFSR発生日をカプラン-マイヤー曲線を用いて描出し,log-rank検定を実施した.本研究は千葉大学大学院看護学研究科倫理審査委員会の承認を得て実施された.研究に参加した58名のHFSR発生率は84%であり,最も多く観察された症状は角質剥離で,参加者の23%は手に,参加者の39%は足にみられた.HFSR発生日の中央値は,手が21日(95%信頼区間17.6~24.3日),足が7日(95%信頼区間11.6~14.3日)と,足のほうが早くHFSRが発生していた(log-rank検定,p<0.01).本研究結果から,HFSRの早期発見には手だけではなく足の観察も重要であると考えられた.看護師はTKI治療開始前から診察日ごとに患者の手足を観察することで軽微な変化も見逃さず,適切な治療につなげる役割が期待される.(著者抄録)
  • Yuka Kitagawa, Ayumi Amemiya, Hideyuki Ogata, Masaya Koshizaka, Mayumi Shoji, Yoshiro Maezawa, Shinsuke Akita, Nobuyuki Mitsukawa, Koutaro Yokote
    Geriatrics & gerontology international 23(3) 188-193 2023年1月20日  
    AIM: The aims of this study were to assess the general quality of life and foot/ankle health-related quality of life among subjects with Werner syndrome (WS) and to determine subjective foot/ankle symptoms associated with quality of life. METHODS: Using a questionnaire survey, patients were asked to provide information on age, sex and presence of subjective symptoms and complete both the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire and the Self-Administered Foot Evaluation Questionnaire (SAFE-Q). Statistical analyses were performed using Student's t-test, the Mann-Whitney U test, Fisher's exact test and Spearman's rank correlation. RESULTS: Data from 12 patients with an average age of 54 ± 8.6 years were analyzed. The mean SF-36 score for the domain of physical functioning was 21.2; for role-physical function, 32.6; for bodily pain, 38.5; for general health, 34.4; for vitality, 44.8; for social function, 38.5; for role-emotional function and for mental health, 46.7. The mean mental component summary was as high as the national standard, but it was low in men. The mean SAFE-Q scores were also low. Patients with ulcers had significantly more pain and low general health perception. As compared with the national standard, the role/social component score was not low, and there was a correlation in most domains of the SAFE-Q. CONCLUSION: In WS, the general health-related quality of life was low overall in the physical domain and low only in men for the mental domain, whereas it was low in the social domain when foot/ankle health-related quality of life was low. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2023; ••: ••-••.
  • Aya Matsumura, Ayumi Amemiya, Takashiro Minowa, Makoto Ichida
    2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine &amp; Biology Society (EMBC) 2022年7月11日  
  • Yuka Kitagawa, Maho Umeda, Yukiko Nakashima, Mio Kawano, Ayumi Amemiya
    Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 1826(1829) 2022年7月  査読有り
  • Takahiro Ishikawa, Ikuko Sakai, Ayumi Amemiya, Ryou Komatsu, Shoko Sakuraba, Shiroh Isono
    Scientific reports 12(1) 8107-8107 2022年5月16日  
    Utilizing automatic daily body weight (BW) measurements may be helpful for assessing nutritional status and detecting underlying diseases particularly in older people who require nursing care. This preliminary study aimed to verify effectiveness of eating assistance for maintaining BW in older people using a contact-free load cells under the bed (Bed Sensor System: BSS). BW was measured every night for 3 months in eight nursing home older people with severe cognitive and physical dysfunctions. Body composition of the subject's trunk and each limb was measured using a segmented multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analyzer (BIA). A monthly BW loss was estimated as a slope of linear regression of the daily BW plot. BSS successfully measured daily BW for the study period in all participants. The 4 residents with eating assistance gained slightly more weight, while the 4 residents without eating assistance lost weight. There was a significant difference between the two groups in the monthly BW change (- 0.79 ± 0.51 kg/month versus 0.20 ± 0.49 kg/month, P = 0.030). None of the BIA-derived parameters was associated with the monthly BW change. BSS revealed effectiveness of eating assistance to maintain BW in nursing home residents with severe cognitive and physical dysfunctions.
  • 田原裕希恵, 雨宮 歩, 加瀨竜太郎, 北川柚香, 小笠原定久, 加藤直也, 小宮山政敏
    日本がん看護学会誌 37 35-41 2022年  査読有り
    切除不能な肝細胞がん治療に用いられるtyrosine kinase inhibitor(TKI)の副作用の1つにhand-foot skin reaction(HFSR)がある.本研究は手と足におけるHFSR発生率,HFSRの症状,発生時期を明らかにすることを目的とした.本研究はコホート研究で,切除不能な肝細胞がんに対してレンバチニブ,ソラフェニブ,レゴラフェニブによる治療を受ける患者を対象に,2ヵ月間の診察日に問診と手足の写真撮影を行った.写真はフットケアエキスパートナースを含む3名で皮膚症状を確認した.手足それぞれのHFSR発生日をカプラン-マイヤー曲線を用いて描出し,log-rank検定を実施した.本研究は千葉大学大学院看護学研究科倫理審査委員会の承認を得て実施された.研究に参加した58名のHFSR発生率は84%であり,最も多く観察された症状は角質剥離で,参加者の23%は手に,参加者の39%は足にみられた.HFSR発生日の中央値は,手が21日(95%信頼区間17.6~24.3日),足が7日(95%信頼区間11.6~14.3日)と,足のほうが早くHFSRが発生していた(log-rank検定,p<0.01).本研究結果から,HFSRの早期発見には手だけではなく足の観察も重要であると考えられた.看護師はTKI治療開始前から診察日ごとに患者の手足を観察することで軽微な変化も見逃さず,適切な治療につなげる役割が期待される.(著者抄録)
  • Matsumura, A, Amemiya, A
    Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering, 10 1-10 2022年  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 中村伸枝, 雨宮歩, 中島由紀子, 仲井あや, 下屋聡平
    千葉看護学会会誌 27(2) 21-29 2022年  査読有り
  • Shinkawa M, Kitagawa Y, Amemiya A
    43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 5824-5827 2021年  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Amemiya A, Matsumura A, Kase R, Sugasawa Y, Minowa T, Ichida M
    43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2021 4965-4968 2021年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Kase R, Tanaka YL, Amemiya A, Sugawara H, Saito M, Oouchi A, Matsushima E, Yorozu H, Komiyama M
    Journal of International Nursing Research 2021年  査読有り
  • 雨宮歩, 中村伸枝, 中島由紀子, 仲井あや, 下屋聡平
    日本糖尿病教育・看護学会誌 24(2) 103-109 2021年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Matsumoto M, Fujioka M, Okada T, Naka Y, Amemiya A, Matsushima E, Tamai N, Miura Y, Nakagami G, Sanada H
    Medical Ultrasonography 2020年12月  査読有り
  • Ayumi Amemiya, Hiroshi Noguchi, Makoto Oe, Kimie Takehara, Yumiko Ohashi, Ryo Suzuki, Toshimasa Yamauchi, Takashi Kadowaki, Hiromi Sanada, Taketoshi Mori
    Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20(17) 2020年8月28日  
    Callus has been identified as a risk factor leading to severe diabetic foot ulcer; thus, it is necessary to prevent its formation. Callus formation under the first, second, and fifth metatarsal heads (MTHs) is associated with external forces (pressure and shear stress) during walking. However, the gait factors increasing the external forces remain undetermined. Thus, this study aims to identify the factors increasing the external forces to prevent callus formation. In 59 patients with diabetic neuropathy wearing their usual shoes, the external forces, and the lower extremity joint angles were measured using MEMS force sensors and motion sensors. The external forces and their relationship with the lower extremity joint angles and footwear size were determined. Risk factors causing high external forces on the first MTH included small flexion of the knee joint (p = 0.015) and large ankle pronation motion (p = 0.034) to obtain propulsion. For the second MTH, wearing excessively long footwear was identified (p = 0.026). For the fifth MTH, high external force was related to tight width footwear (p = 0.005). An effective intervention for preventing callus formation for the first MTH would involve assisting the push-off foot motion using rocker-sole footwear or gait training. For the second and fifth MTHs, wearing appropriate size footwear would be effective.
  • 松島 絵里奈, 雨宮 歩, 加瀬 竜太郎, 田中 裕二, 小宮山 政敏
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 39回 [PB-14] 2019年11月  
  • 雨宮 歩, 中村 伸枝, 中島 由紀子, 仲井 あや, 下屋 聡平
    日本糖尿病教育・看護学会誌 23(特別号) 101-101 2019年8月  
  • Kase R, Amemiya A, Okonogi R, Yamakawa H, Sugawara H, Tanaka YL, Komiyama M, Mori T
    Sensors 18(10) 3269-3269 2018年9月  査読有り
  • Ryutaro Kase, Ayumi Amemiya, Rena Okonogi, Hiroki Yamakawa, Hisayoshi Sugawara, Yuji L. Tanaka, Masatoshi Komiyama, Taketoshi Mori
    Sensors 18(10) 2018年9月  査読有り
  • 中村 伸枝, 仲井 あや, 雨宮 歩, 中島 由紀子, 下屋 聡平, 出野 慶子, 金丸 友
    日本糖尿病教育・看護学会誌 22(特別号) 138-138 2018年8月  
  • Sugawara H, Amemiya A, Kase R, Masujima M, Sakai I, Tanaka YL, Komiyama M
    Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 2018 2096-2099 2018年7月  査読有り
  • 菅原 久純, 雨宮 歩, 加瀬 竜太郎, 田中 裕二, 小宮山 政敏
    日本集中治療医学会雑誌 25(Suppl.) [O46-2] 2018年2月  
  • 川村 留美, 門脇 孝, 小見山 智恵子, 真田 弘美, 大江 真琴, 竹原 君江, 雨宮 歩, 大橋 優美子, 野口 博史, 村山 陵子, 森 武俊, 植木 浩二郎
    日本フットケア学会雑誌 16(2) 75-79 2018年  
  • Kimie Takehara, Ayumi Amemiya, Yuko Mugita, Yuichiro Tsunemi, Yoko Seko, Yumiko Ohashi, Kohjiro Ueki, Takashi Kadowaki, Makoto Oe, Takashi Nagase, Mari Ikeda, Hiromi Sanada
    ADVANCES IN SKIN & WOUND CARE 30(11) 510-516 2017年11月  査読有り
    OBJECTIVES: To examine the correlations between elements of feet-washing behavior, presence of tinea pedis (TP), and patients' background characteristics in order to identify a concrete intervention method to prevent TP.DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: A cross-sectional study of 30 patients with diabetes (16 with TP) who were admitted to or visited the university hospital.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The presence of TP was confirmed by the detection of dermatophytes by direct microscopy. Data on elements of feet-washing behavior, such as scrubbing between the toes, were collected by observing recorded videos of participants normally washing their feet as they do at home. The patients' background characteristics included demographic data; diabetes-related factors; patient knowledge regarding diabetes, foot problems, and TP prevention; purpose for feet washing; and any difficulties in feet washing. MAINRESULTS: The number of times patients scrubbed between their toes while washing with soap was significantly lower in patients with TP (odds ratio, 0.95; P =.036; with a cutoff value of 35 times) and those who had difficulty in reaching their feet with their hands (B = -14.42, P =.041).CONCLUSIONS: An effective foot-washing protocol should include specific instructions for patients to scrub between their toes at least 35 times in all 8 spaces while washing with soap. Appropriate advice is also needed for individuals who have difficulty reaching their feet with their hands. Education about appropriate foot-washing behavior may potentially prevent TP.
  • 雨宮 歩, 菅原 久純, 小此木 怜奈, 山川 広樹, 實石 達也, 田中 裕二, 小宮山 政敏, 森 武俊
    看護理工学会学術集会・看護実践学会学術集会・国際リンパ浮腫フレームワーク・ジャパン研究協議会学術集会合同学術集会プログラム・抄録集 5回・11回・7回 107-107 2017年10月  
  • Makoto Oe, Kimie Takehara, Hiroshi Noguchi, Yumiko Ohashi, Ayumi Amemiya, Hideyuki Sakoda, Ryo Suzuki, Toshimasa Yamauchi, Kohjiro Ueki, Takashi Kadowaki, Hiromi Sanada
    Diabetology International 8(3) 328-333 2017年8月1日  査読有り
    Abstract: A number of studies have reported the usefulness of monitoring skin temperature at local points in reducing the risk of ulceration. Thermography has the advantage of being able to visualize morphological temperature distribution. We reported that inflammation was detected by thermography in 10% of diabetes mellitus (DM) patients with foot calluses, and the area in which increased skin temperature was observed was limited to the callus. However, no reports have described thermographic findings of calluses deteriorating into foot ulcers. We report a case monitoring the skin temperature distribution using thermography, which might be useful for predicting ulceration. Case: A 53-year-old male patient, diagnosed with type 2 DM, was treated with insulin therapy. The duration of DM was 4 years. He was also diagnosed with dyslipidemia and hypertension. Using thermography, the skin temperature was evaluated in the patient with calluses on the 5th metatarsal heads. Areas of increased skin temperature were observed, involving not only the callused part, but also the plantar arch. We shaved his calluses once a month and explained the importance of his therapeutic shoes to prevent the ulcers. After 43 months, an ulcer developed. Discussions: Thermographic findings of an extended area of increased skin temperature not limited to the callus may suggest the progression of a callus to ulcer. Expansion of the area of increased skin temperature might show the inflammation or infection extending along the fascia. Based on these findings, thermography could provide a useful assessment of callus in DM patients with a high risk of progression.
  • Ayumi Amemiya, Rena Okonogi, Hiroki Yamakawa, Kaori Susumu, Tatsuya Jitsuishi, Hisayoshi Sugawara, Yuji L Tanaka, Masatoshi Komiyama, Taketoshi Mori
    Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 2017 4487-4490 2017年7月  査読有り
    INTRODUCTION: Callus is one of the main causes of diabetic foot ulcers. Therefore, preventing callus formation is very important. In a previous study, it was clarified that callus formation under the first metatarsal head (MTH) is associated with high shear stress time integral/pressure time integral (SPR-i). another study, it was clarified that rocker sole shoes are effective in reducing peak pressure under the first MTH. Therefore, we hypothesized that rocker sole shoes reduce SPR-i under the first MTH. This study aimed to clarify the effect of rocker sole shoes for external forces and leg motions in comparison with that of the normal sole shoes. METHODS: In-shoe external forces and leg motions were measured during walking wearing the normal sole shoes or the rocker sole shoes in healthy participants. As the external forces, the peak plantar pressure (PP), pressure time integral (PI), peak shear stress (PSS), and shear stress integral (SSI) of each gait cycle were calculated. Additionally, shear stress-pressure ratios (SPR) were calculated by dividing shear stress by pressure; concretely, peak values (SPR-p) and time integral values (SPR-i). As the leg motion, hip and knee joint motions were analyzed for the axis of flexion- extension. Three axes of ankle joint motion (inversion-eversion, plantar flexion-dorsiflexion, and adduction-abduction) were analyzed. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Six participants attended, and twelve feet were analyzed. When wearing the rocker sole shoes, the SPR-i under the first MTH was significantly smaller than when wearing the normal sole shoes. The SPR-i higher than 0.60 is associated with callus formation under the first MTH. In three of five feet with callus, SPR-i exceeded 0.60 in the normal sole shoes. The SPR-i of all three feet became smaller than 0.60 when wearing the rocker sole shoes. Although the knee (flexion-extension) and ankle (plantar flexion-dorsiflexion) joint motion became smaller when wearing the rocker sole shoes, there was no significant difference in walking speed. It is considered that propulsion was maintained by the push-off support provided by rocker sole shoes. CONCLUSION: It was suggested that rocker sole shoes are effective preventing callus formation under the first MTH.
  • 野口 博史, 雨宮 歩, 大江 真琴, 竹原 君江, 真田 弘美, 森 武俊
    日本下肢救済・足病学会誌 9(1) 42-49 2017年  
  • Ayumi Amemiya, Rena Okonogi, Hiroki Yamakawa, Kaori Susumu, Tatsuya Jitsuishi, Hisayoshi Sugawara, Yuji L. Tanaka, Masatoshi Komiyama, Taketoshi Mori
    Introduction: Callus is one of the main causes of diabetic foot ulcers. Therefore, preventing callus formation is very important. In a previous study, it was clarified that callus formation under the first metatarsal head (MTH) is associated with high shear stress time integral/pressure time integral (SPR-i). In another study, it was clarified that rocker sole shoes are effective in reducing peak pressure under the first MTH. Therefore, we hypothesized that rocker sole shoes reduce SPR-i under the first MTH. This study aimed to clarify the effect of rocker sole shoes for external forces and leg motions in comparison with that of the normal sole shoes.Methods: In-shoe external forces and leg motions were measured during walking wearing the normal sole shoes or the rocker sole shoes in healthy participants. As the external forces, the peak plantar pressure (PP), pressure time integral (PI), peak shear stress (PSS), and shear stress integral (SSI) of each gait cycle were calculated. Additionally, shear stress-pressure ratios (SPR) were calculated by dividing shear stress by pressure; concretely, peak values (SPR-p) and time integral values (SPR-i). As the leg motion, hip and knee joint motions were analyzed for the axis of flexion-extension. Three axes of ankle joint motion (inversion-eversion, plantar flexion-dorsiflexion, and adduction-abduction) were analyzed.Results and Discussion: Six participants attended, and twelve feet were analyzed. When wearing the rocker sole shoes, the SPR-i under the first MTH was significantly smaller than when wearing the normal sole shoes. The SPR-i higher than 0.60 is associated with callus formation under the first MTH. In three of five feet with callus, SPR-i exceeded 0.60 in the normal sole shoes. The SPR-i of all three feet became smaller than 0.60 when wearing the rocker sole shoes. Although the knee (flexion-extension) and ankle (plantar flexion-dorsiflexion) joint motion became smaller when wearing the rocker sole shoes, there was no significant difference in walking speed. It is considered that propulsion was maintained by the push-off support provided by rocker sole shoes.Conclusion: It was suggested that rocker sole shoes are effective in preventing callus formation under the first MTH.
  • Ayumi Amemiya, Hiroshi Noguchi, Makoto Oe, Hiromi Sanada, Taketoshi Mori
    Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 2016 2291-2294 2016年8月  査読有り
    Pressure and shear stress are the factors of diabetic foot ulcers and callus formation. However, in-shoe shear stress of callus measurement could not have been measured because of technical difficulties. The purpose of this study is to verify reliability and validity of the established measurement system for in-shoe pressure and shear stress. For reliability, coefficients of variation (CV) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were confirmed. For known-groups validity, callus and non-callus feet were compared. Mean CV was 9.7%. Mean ICC was 0.943. For validity test, mean peak pressure and shear stress of the six callus feet was significantly higher than that of the eighteen non-callus feet. The pressure and shear stress that causes callus and diabetic foot ulcer will be identified in diabetic neuropathy patients.
  • Amemiya, A., Noguchi, H., Oe, M., Ohashi, Y., Takehara, K., Ueki, K., Kadowaki, T., Sanada, H., Mori, T.
    Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 10(2) 614-615 2016年  査読有り
  • Hamatani, M., Mori, T., Oe, M., Noguchi, H., Takehara, K., Amemiya, A., Ohashi, Y., Ueki, K., Kadowaki, T., Sanada, H.
    Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 10(6) 1353-1359 2016年  査読有り
  • Ayumi Amemiya, Hiroshi Noguchi, Makoto Oe, Kimie Takehara, Yumiko Ohashi, Ryo Suzuki, Toshimasa Yamauchi, Takashi Kadowaki, Hiromi Sanada, Taketoshi Mori
    JOURNAL OF DIABETES RESEARCH 2016 3157123 2016年  査読有り
    Aim. Callus is a risk factor, leading to severe diabetic foot ulcer; thus, prevention of callus formation is important. However, normal stress (pressure) and shear stress associated with callus have not been clarified. Additionally, as new valuables, a shear stress-normal stress (pressure) ratio (SPR) was examined. The purpose was to clarify the external force associated with callus formation in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Methods. The external force of the 1st, 2nd, and 5th metatarsal head (MTH) as callus predilection regions was measured. The SPR was calculated by dividing shear stress by normal stress (pressure), concretely, peak values (SPR-p) and time integral values (SPR-i). The optimal cut-off point was determined. Results. Callus formation region of the 1st and 2nd MTH had high SPR-i rather than noncallus formation region. The cut-off value of the 1st MTH was 0.60 and the 2nd MTH was 0.50. For the 5th MTH, variables pertaining to the external forces could not be determined to be indicators of callus formation because of low accuracy. Conclusions. The callus formation cut-off values of the 1st and 2nd MTH were clarified. In the future, it will be necessary to confirm the effect of using appropriate footwear and gait training on lowering SPR-i.
  • Yuka Miura, Kimie Takehara, Gojiro Nakagami, Ayumi Amemiya, Toshiki Kanazawa, Nao Kimura, Chihiro Kishi, Yuiko Koyano, Nao Tamai, Tetsuro Nakamura, Makoto Kawashima, Yuichiro Tsunemi, Hiromi Sanada
    Geriatrics & gerontology international 15(8) 991-6 2015年8月  査読有り
    AIM: The purpose of the present study was to assess the difference in foot temperature between tinea unguium-positive older adults with subungual hyperkeratosis and tinea unguium-negative older adults with subungual hyperkeratosis to develop a temperature-based screening method for tinea unguium. METHODS: The present cross-sectional, observational study investigated 51 residents with subungual hyperkeratosis in two facilities covered by long-term care insurance between October 2011 and December 2011. One dermatologist recorded the clinical signs of abnormal toenails. Nail specimens were collected from all abnormal nails, and the presence of tinea unguium was confirmed when fungus was detected by direct microscopy. Foot temperature was measured by infrared thermography. A receiver operating characteristic curve was used to assess the ability to determine whether residents with subungual hyperkeratosis have tinea unguium and to determine the cut-off point. RESULTS: Among the people with subungual hyperkeratosis, the mean toe temperature in the tinea unguium-positive group (30.2 ± 2.6°C) was significantly lower than that in the tinea unguium-negative group (32.8 ± 3.2°C, P = 0.001). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.74 (95% confidence interval 0.621-0.876), and the threshold temperature was set at 33.0°C, resulting in a sensitivity of 81.8% and specificity of 65.7%. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that foot temperature can be used to screen for tinea unguium in people with subungual hyperkeratosis. This non-invasive and simple screening method would help clinicians to set priorities in terms of carrying out direct microscopy to diagnose tinea unguium in elderly residents in care facilities.
  • Oe M, Ohashi Y, Amemiya A, Yamada A, Iizuka Y, Kadowaki T, Sanada H
    Japanese Journal of Foot Care. 13(1) 19-23 2015年  査読有り
  • 山田 案美加, 門脇 孝, 森 武俊, 真田 弘美, 大江 真琴, 大橋 優美子, 雨宮 歩, 高野 学, 野口 博史, 玉井 奈緒, 西澤 知江, 植木 浩二郎
    看護理工学会誌 2(1) 15-24 2015年  査読有り
  • 高橋 美奈子, 植木 浩二郎, 門脇 孝, 真田 弘美, 小見山 智恵子, 野口 博史, 大江 真琴, 倉持 江美子, 大橋 優美子, 雨宮 歩, 高野 学, 村山 陵子, 森 武俊
    看護理工学会誌 2(3) 157-163 2015年  査読有り
  • Kimie Takehara, Ayumi Amemiya, Yuko Mugita, Yuichiro Tsunemi, Yoko Seko, Yumiko Ohashi, Kohjiro Ueki, Takashi Kadowaki, Makoto Oe, Takashi Nagase, Mari Ikeda, Hiromi Sanada
    NURSING RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 2015 872678 2015年  査読有り
    Tinea pedis (TP) may lead to the development of foot ulcers in diabetic patients; thus, its prevention in diabetic patients is important. TP occurs after dermatophytes on the skin scales of TP patients attach to the feet. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the scales and dermatophytes, and this can be performed using various methods, including foot washing. This study aimed to objectively examine the association between the presence of TP and foot-washing habits. We included 33 diabetic patients, and, of these, 17 had TP. The presence of washing residue on the feet was determined by applying a fluorescent cream to the participants' feet, and images of the feet were captured under ultraviolet light before and after foot washing. Our results showed that diabetic patients with TP had higher levels of washing residue on their feet than those without TP. The importance of washing feet to prevent TP needs to be emphasized through educational programs for diabetic patients. Furthermore, the development of an effective foot-washing technique is essential.
  • Ayumi Amemiya, Hiroshi Noguchi, Makoto Oe, Yumiko Ohashi, Kohjiro Ueki, Takashi Kadowaki, Taketoshi Mori, Hiromi Sanada
    GAIT & POSTURE 40(3) 408-414 2014年7月  査読有り
    Purpose: High plantar pressure is a major risk factor for diabetic foot ulcers. The relationship between plantar pressure and foot mobility has been investigated in some studies. However, when the foot is in motion, foot mobility is only a small feature of the gait. Therefore, we investigated relationship between high plantar pressure and gait and also studied the motion of the trunk. In addition, we investigated the relationship between gait and patient characteristics to identify patients at high-risk of developing diabetic foot ulcers.Methods: The relationships between elevated plantar pressure, gait features, and patient characteristics were analyzed. Plantar pressure distribution in the stance phase was divided on the four plantar segments. Elevated plantar pressure was defined as being more than the mean plus one standard deviation of the corresponding segment in non-diabetic subjects. Plantar pressure distribution was measured by an F-scan system, and gait features were measured using wireless motion sensors attached to the sacrum and feet. Patient characteristics were obtained from medical records or by interview.Results: Small roll and yaw motions of the body and yaw motion of the foot during the mid-stance phase were related to the elevated plantar pressure in 57 diabetic patients. Furthermore, these gait features were related to sensory neuropathy, diabetes duration, patient weight, toe-gap force, and ankle range of motion.Conclusion: Given our findings, it may be possible to prevent diabetic foot ulcers by increasing foot motion during the mid-stance phase. Passive exercise aimed at expanding ankle range of motion in patients with sensory neuropathy or long-standing diabetes may assist in achieving this. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 常深 祐一郎, 玉井 奈緒, 仲上 豪二朗, 真田 弘美, 三浦 由佳, 小谷野 結衣子, 金澤 寿樹, 雨宮 歩, 麦田 裕子, 木村 奈緒, 吉田 美香子, 竹原 君江, 岸 千尋, 川島 眞
    大和証券ヘルス財団研究業績 (37) 41-47 2014年3月  査読有り
  • Taketoshi Mori, Takashi Nagase, Kimie Takehara, Makoto Oe, Yumiko Ohashi, Ayumi Amemiya, Hiroshi Noguchi, Kohjiro Ueki, Takashi Kadowaki, Hiromi Sanada
    Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 7(5) 1102-1112 2013年9月  査読有り
    Background: A plantar temperature distribution can be obtained by thermography; however, the advantage has not been effectively utilized in the past. We previously proposed a classification method based on the angiosome concept, but the method was insufficient because it was too subjective and complicated for clinicians. In this study, we propose a new classification system of plantar forepart thermographic patterns using an image segmentation technique. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted including 32 healthy volunteers and 129 patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). Individual thermographic variations and trends were evaluated. A comparison was conducted between the patterns obtained by our previous angiosome-based research and the patterns found by the new classification system. Results: The system objectively found wider variations of the plantar forepart thermographic patterns in the patients with DM compared with those in the control subjects. In patients with DM, the system showed that the whole-high pattern was most frequent (46%), followed by the butterfly pattern (12%). In the control group, the butterfly pattern was most frequent (44%), followed by the whole-high pattern (19%). Both ankle and toe brachial indices were higher in feet with high temperature area in the inner side of the plantar. Conclusions: Thermographic patterns found by the new computer-based system were similar to those obtained in our previous subjective work. The classification system found forefoot-low pattern and tiptoe-low pattern objectively. The system based on infrared thermography will be a screening tool to assess circulatory status in daily foot care of patients with DM. © Diabetes Technology Society.
  • 野口 博史, 高野 学, 雨宮 歩, 大江 真琴, 森 武俊, 真田 弘美
    年次大会 2013 J241034-J241034-5 2013年9月  査読有り









