
塩浜 直

Tadashi Shiohama


千葉大学 医学部附属病院小児科 診療准教授
博士(医学)(2013年3月 千葉大学大学院医学研究院)





巨脳症性疾患の研究をさらに発展させるために、ヒト脳MRIの網羅的脳形態解析法の習得を目的として、2018年にハーバード大学ボストン小児病院のTakahashi研究室に客員研究員として留学し、滑脳症、脳梁欠損、ダウン症候群、レット症候群、CHARGE症候群、感音性難聴、PTEN hamartoma tumor症候群、自閉スペクトラム症、もやもや病などの、脳MRI画像解析に関連した研究活動を行い、現在も共同研究体制を継続しています。

疾患脳の多施設共同研究のための基盤構築のために、MRI機種間補正法による小児脳領域の基準値創出研究(Brain morphometry study with Across-Site Harmonization in Neurotypical Children; BASH-NC)を行っています(第1報目を報告しました)。
また正常小児脳における遺伝的・環境的調整因子を解明するために、出生コホート研究にも参画しており、脳MRIを用いた環境因子による脳形態への影響の解明を目指す研究(BIrth Cohort Study with Brain morphometry study; BIC-B Study)に力をいれています。




  • Chihiro Abe, Tadashi Shiohama, Tomoko Uchida, Hajime Yokota, Hiromichi Hamada
    Indian journal of pediatrics 2025年1月25日  査読有り責任著者
  • Mami Uegami, Hiroaki Ito, Tadashi Shiohama
    Diagnostics 15(2) 2025年1月  査読有り最終著者
    Drug-induced gingival overgrowth is associated with various systemic diseases, including epilepsy. Among antiepileptic medications, phenytoin is commonly reported to cause this condition. In contrast, sodium valproate (VPA), another widely used antiepileptic drug, rarely induces gingival overgrowth. This difference in side effects highlights the variability in drug-induced oral complications among different antiepileptic medications. This case study presents a patient who developed significant gingival overgrowth after using VPA for over 10 years. The study aims to identify VPA as the causative agent and observe changes during long-term administration and after dose reduction. Our findings demonstrate that even long-standing gingival overgrowth can improve rapidly following discontinuation of the causative medication, providing valuable insights for managing similar cases in the future.
  • Kunio Yui, George Imataka, Kotaro Yuge, Hitomi Sasaki, Tadashi Shiohama, Kyoichi Asada, Hidehisa Tachiki
    Current Issues in Molecular Biology 47(1) 2025年1月  
    Mutations in TSC1 or TSC2 in axons induce tuberous sclerosis complex. Neurological manifestations mainly include epilepsy and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is the presenting symptom (25-50% of patients). ASD was observed at significantly higher frequencies in participants with TSC2 than those with TSC1 mutations. The occurrence of TSC2 mutations is about 50% larger than TSC1. Therefore, ASD may develop due to TSC2 deficiency. TSC2 regulates microRNA biogenesis and Microprocessor activity via GSK3β. Of reference, everolimus has the best treatment target because of the higher potency of interactions with mTORC2 rather than rapamycin. Mutations in the TSC1 and TSC2 genes result in the constitutive hyperactivation of the mammalian target of the rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, contributing to the growth of benign tumors or hamartomas in various organs. TSC2 mutations were associated with a more severe phenotypic spectrum than TSC1 mutations because of the inhibition of the mTOR cascade. There are few studies on the peptide analysis of this disorder in relation to everolimus. Only one study reported that, in ten plasma samples, pre-melanosome protein (PMEL) and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) were significantly changed as diagnostic prognostic effects. Our study on peptide analysis in Protosera Inc (Osaka, Japan) revealed that three peptides that were related to inflammation in two patients with tuberous sclerosis, who showed a 30% decrease in ASD symptoms following everolimus treatment. TSC2 mutations were associated with a more severe phenotypic spectrum due to the inhibition of the mTOR cascade. PMEL and SAM were significantly changed as diagnostic effects.
  • Kenjiro Kikuchi, Ichiro Kuki, Masahiro Nishiyama, Yuki Ueda, Ryuki Matsuura, Tadashi Shiohama, Hiroaki Nagase, Tomoyuki Akiyama, Kenji Sugai, Kitami Hayashi, Kiyotaka Murakami, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Tokiko Fukuda, Mitsuru Kashiwagi, Yoshihiro Maegaki
    Brain & development 47(1) 104306-104306 2024年12月2日  
    The updated definition of status epilepticus (SE) by the International League Against Epilepsy in 2015 included two critical time points (t1: at which the seizure should be regarded as an "abnormally prolonged seizure"; and t2: beyond which the ongoing seizure activity can pose risk of long-term consequences) to aid in diagnosis and management and highlights the importance of early treatment of SE more clearly than ever before. Although Japan has witnessed an increasing number of pre-hospital drug treatment as well as first- and second-line treatments, clinical issues have emerged regarding which drugs are appropriate. To address these clinical concerns, a revised version of the "Japanese Guidelines for the Treatment of Pediatric Status Epilepticus 2023" (GL2023) was published. For pre-hospital treatment, buccal midazolam is recommended. For in-hospital treatment, if an intravenous route is unobtainable, buccal midazolam is also recommended. If an intravenous route can be obtained, intravenous benzodiazepines such as midazolam, lorazepam, and diazepam are recommended. However, the rates of seizure cessation were reported to be the same among the three drugs, but respiratory depression was less frequent with lorazepam than with diazepam. For established SE, phenytoin/fosphenytoin and phenobarbital can be used for pediatric SE, and levetiracetam can be used in only adults in Japan. Coma therapy is recommended for refractory SE, with no recommended treatment for super-refractory SE. GL2023 lacks adequate recommendations for the treatment of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE). Although electrographic seizure and electrographic SE may lead to brain damages, it remains unclear whether treatment of NCSE improves outcomes in children. We plan to address this issue in an upcoming edition of the guideline.
  • Masafumi Sanefuji, Takuji Nakamura, Naoya Higuchi, Hidetaka Niizuma, Yasuhiro Kawachi, Tadashi Shiohama, Yuichi Yoshida, Akihiko Asahina, Muneaki Matsuo
    Brain & development 47(1) 104300-104300 2024年11月16日  査読有り
    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the clinical characteristics and management of plexiform neurofibromas (PNs) in Japanese children with neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) in the beginning of a new era of treatment with mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor selumetinib. STUDY DESIGN: Primary and secondary surveys were conducted targeting 1612 departments of pediatrics and dermatology in hospitals with ≥300 beds and children's hospitals, which followed up pediatric patients with NF1-associated PN between April 1, 2022, and April 30, 2024, in Japan. RESULTS: The response rates in the primary and secondary surveys were 40.4 % and 33.8 %, respectively, and 49 patients were followed up in 23 departments. Their ages at the time ranged from 3.3 to 18.8 years and the onset of PN was most frequently recognized during the first year of life. PN was most often observed superficially in the face (39 %), neck (27 %), and head (24 %), followed by the buttocks (20 %), back (18 %), and thighs (18 %). In addition, PNs could be identified radiologically in the spinal/paraspinal regions (18 %) and pelvis (16 %), where they were rarely visible on the corresponding body surfaces. Major morbidities were cosmetic disfigurement (78 %), pain (53 %), and dysfunction (61 %). Selumetinib use was frequent (69 %) and significantly associated with pain (chi-square test, p = 0.014) and dysfunction (p = 0.014). CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective nationwide study revealed early onset, diverse tumor locations, and varying morbidities in children with NF1-PN, underscoring the need for early evaluation and optimal treatment. A prospective multicenter registry system is warranted to attain better management.



