富岡 晶子
千葉看護学会会誌 9(1) 1-7 2003年6月30日
本研究の目的は,小児がん患児の就園・就学に対する母親の認識と対応を明らかにすることである。乳幼児期に発症した3歳から8歳の小児がん患児の母親10名を対象とし,患児の就園・就学に対する認識と対応について半構成面接を実施した。その結果,次のことが明らかになった。1)就園させるかどうかの母親の決定には,感染症の罹患,体調,体力,容姿,予後に対する不安が影響していた。2)就園において,感染症の罹患に対する不安が強い母親は,患児の生活を制限したり,感染症発生時の対応に困難を感じていた。3)就園後は,母親自ら患児の健康管理を行うとともに,就園先に説明して配慮を求めており,健康上の理由で患児の集団生活が妨げられることはなかった。4)就学前に集団生活を経験していても,就学においては患児の学習能力,体力,友人関係,病気の受け止め方に対する新たな不安が生じていた。5)治療の後遺症を抱えた患児の母親は,就学を「普通の子どもと同じような生活」と認識していたが,周りの子どもについていけないことに葛藤していた。The purpose of this study was to clarify mother's perception and behavior regarding entering nursery or primary school of their children with cancer. The subjects were 10 mothers of children (3~8 years old) who were diagnosed with cancer during infancy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted about their perception and behavior regarding their children's entering nursery or primary school. The following results were obtained: 1) The decision of mothers whether to send their children to nursery school was influenced by the their anxieties about infectious disease and their children's physical condition, stamina, appearance, and prognosis. 2) Mothers who were anxious about infectious disease on entering nursery school restricted their children's lives and felt themselves to have difficulty to cope with it. 3) After the children entered nursery school, the children were not prevented from participating their group life because their mothers took care of their health and also explained and requested special consideration from the teachers. 4) Even if children experienced group life before entering school, when they entered school their mothers experienced new anxieties about the children's learning capabilities, stamina, peer relationships and accepting illness. 5) The mother of a child who had aftereffects from treatment thought that the child would lead "a life like that of normal children". But the mother was distressed that the child had difficulty to keeping up with healthy children.