
藤原 大悟

Fujiwara Daigo


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院
博士(工学)(2005年3月 千葉大学)



  • Fujiwara, Daigo, Tonoike, Takumi
    ROBOMECH Journal 11 6 2024年4月9日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 藤原 大悟
    日本機械学会論文集 87(900) 2021年8月25日  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • 冨田 拓海, 藤原 大悟
    日本機械学会論文集 87(898) 2021年6月25日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 磯村 直道, 藤原 大悟
    日本機械学会論文集 83(854) 17-00013-17-00013 2017年10月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    <p>Flight control system with position compensation applicable to trajectory tracking of agile maneuvers that require an attitude rotation and a reverse of main rotor thrust of single-rotor helicopters is proposed. The outer loop position compensator calculates the desired attitude and rotor thrust which reduce position tracking error by utilizing a kinematics equation established near the reference trajectory. The desired attitude is set using the magnitude of the rotor thrust in the reference trajectory, which enables continuous position feedback compensation based on the fact that the relationship between rotational and translational motion becomes independent as the rotor thrust decrease. To achieve high-bandwidth control of lateral-longitudinal angular rates in the inner loop, two-degree-of-freedom servo system is designed using a linear model with blade flapping motion dynamics. The control system is applied to autonomous control of flip maneuvers which include transition between upright and inverted hovering. The reference trajectory of a flip maneuver is generated as a parameterized simple equation which can be adjusted to the helicopter ability. Simulation and outdoor flight tests of the autonomous flip maneuvers demonstrated the capability of position feedback compensation that reduces position tracking error during out-of-trimmed flight state. This control technique can be extended to various agile flights for quick execution of flight tasks or recovery maneuvers from dangerous state.</p>
  • 藤原 大悟, 塩川 貴之
    日本機械学会論文集 83(854) 17-00087-17-00087 2017年10月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    <p>Aiming at the realization of agile autonomous flight for the extension of the flying range of single-rotor helicopters in the limited flight time, the flight control system design and the control performance verification for the high-speed turn flight are conducted. To achieve the reference following control for large attitude angles and the rotor thrust, the control system is composed of the main-rotor thrust and body torque centralized controller based on the MIMO (Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output) helicopter model including the blade motion dynamics, rotor speed proportional-integral controller, the attitude controller designed via the backstepping method based on the quaternion attitude model, and the guidance controller based on translational motion model. Simulation results show that the hovering and 10-m/s straight cruise flight followed by over 45-degree bank turn is feasible by using the proposed control system. In addition, flight tests have been conducted using the experimental small unmanned electric helicopter equipped with the flight control computer, and the high speed turn agile autonomous flight was successful in the real environment.</p>


  • 藤原 大悟
    月刊インターフェース 2025年4月号 51(4) 95-128 2025年2月25日  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 藤原 大悟
    月刊インターフェース 2022年9月号 48(9) 81-120 2022年7月25日  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 藤原 大悟
    月刊インターフェース 2022年9月号 48(9) 24-27 2022年7月25日  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 藤原 大悟
    月刊インターフェース 2022年4月号 48(4) 189-225 2022年2月25日  招待有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • 藤原 大悟
    月刊インターフェース 2020年3月号 46(3) 38-88 2020年1月24日  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 藤原 大悟
    公益財団法人双葉電子記念財団 年報 2018年版(平成30年版) (24) 105-105 2018年  
  • 藤原 大悟
    一般社団法人 日本機械学会 交通・物流部門 ニュースレター (51) 2016年3月  招待有り
  • 磯村 直道, 塩川 貴之, 謝 恩賜, 藤原 大悟
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2015(14) 455-460 2015年6月22日  
    This paper describes 5-axis centralized feedback control system for a single rotor helicopter. The controller is designed with optimal control theory using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) linear model that includes cross-coupling dynamics, and tuning method for evaluation function is presented. Flight test with this control system demonstrated a steady hover control performance through attitude, position, and main rotor speed. Stability analysis of closed loop system shows a greater stability margin and robustness than Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) controller is used. This approach can be apply to MIMO flight control for various rotorcraft.
  • 藤原 大悟
    交通・物流部門大会講演論文集 2014(23) 143-146 2014年11月28日  
    This paper proposes improved estimation methods of dead zones of control inputs used for yaw rate regulation when disturbances are applied to helicopters which lose tail rotors and conduct auto-rotation flights. The proposed method is based on the nonlinear extended Kalman filter which enables simultaneous estimation of dead zones and a yaw moment external disturbance by using a rotational speed of a main rotor in addition to a yaw rate for measurement updates of the estimator. In this paper, the newly developed main rotor brake unit is introduced, algorithms and design methods of the improved dead-zone estimator are described, and then the proposed method is validated by several simulation results.
  • 藤原 大悟, 太田 雅人
    交通・物流部門大会講演論文集 2013(22) 109-112 2013年12月9日  
    Aiming at the flight control design of small helicopters for large flight envelopes, a comprehensive modeling of small electric helicopters, utilizing first principles based on the analyses of main blades divided into elements on which air speeds and aerodynamic forces are calculated, is performed. The precision of dynamics is verified by flight test data. The developed model also makes flight performances and dynamics of the small helicopter clear by using trim calculations and analyses of eigenvalues and the stabilizer motion.
  • 大熊 克明, 岩倉 大輔, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大悟
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 "1A2-F01(1)"-"1A2-F01(4)" 2013年5月22日  
    This paper proposed novel design of hexarotor helicopters named Nonplanar Hexarotor. The common way to design hexarotor helicopters is to place every rotor on same plane. However, by dividing six rotors into three pairs and placing each pairs on three orthogonal planes, it is possible to decouple force and torque generation. Fully independent control of both position and orientation will be enabled by this configuration. We explain a design planning, required machine elements, mathematical analysis and concrete applications.
  • 根本 拓弥, 藤原 大悟, 野波 健蔵
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2P1-L02(1)"-"2P1-L02(4)" 2012年5月27日  
    In recent years ,unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) play various roles by the progress of the flight control technologies. And missions such as information-gathering and aerial photography can be performed by UAVs, in stead of manned aircrafts. The missions of this kind are achieved by the UAVs equipped with remotely-controlled cameras flying specified routes. For the missions described above, the automatic navigation technologies including the automatic trajectory generation are essential for the UAVs to avoid obstacles and other UAVs automatically. In this paper the three dimensional trajectory generation techniques are introduced, using the mixed integer linear programming(MILP) taking the obstacle avoidance and the conflict resolution of other UAVs into account.
  • 北澤 一磨, 岩倉 大輔, 宋 〓澤, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大吾
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2-J08(1)"-"2A2-J08(4)" 2012年5月27日  
    The Unmanned helicopter has excellent night characteristic like the hovering flight, vertical takeoff and landing, and the level-off movement. So, the use of the helicopter to a lot of missions is expected. In this paper we propose Unmanned helicopter loaded with grasping mechanism. But we have a problem that is degradation of control performance if this robot grasp an object, its model changed by mass of object. So, we also try to deal with this problem by using model reference adaptive control.
  • 佐藤 悠介, 太田 雅人, 藤原 大悟, 野波 健蔵
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2-J06(1)"-"2A2-J06(4)" 2012年5月27日  
    The small unmanned helicopter has excellent night characteristics such as hovering and vertical take-off and landing. Therefore, it is expected that the helicopter will be used for various missions. In this paper, we introduce about the autonomous control of utra small-scale unmanned helicopter named SRB Quark SG. Firstly, we designed the control device and system. Secondly, we described the attitude model of SRB Quark SG which is derived by black box modeling using MMO mathematical model and the attitude controller which is designed by LQI control method. Furthermore, we described orientation controller which is designed by P control method. Finally, we show flight experiment result, and the perfomance of the attitude and orientation controller.
  • 難波 織人, 岩倉 大輔, 宋 〓澤, NGUYEN NGUYEN, 〓 熙乾, 鮎澤 秀夫, 北澤 一磨, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大悟
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2-J10(1)"-"2A2-J10(4)" 2012年5月27日  
    In case of disasters or accidents, such as earthquake, typhoon, and critical accidents, it may be occurred danger area that people can't enter. The areas may interfere with rescue work and wreak further damage. Flying robot which can move three-dimensionally and fly low altitude and narrow place is expected to play an important role in such disaster areas. The purpose of this study is to develop indoor autonomous flight control system using three-dimensional mapping by Laser Range Finder(LRF). If the LRF is fixed, in order to scan three-dimensionally, it is needed that flying robot to be able to move up and down. So in this study, we add roundly swing device that can scan three-dimensionally without moving up and down to flying robot.
  • 鮎澤 秀夫, Duy Hinh NGUYEN, 〓 熙乾, 岩倉 大輔, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大悟
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2-J09(1)"-"2A2-J09(4)" 2012年5月27日  
    This paper presents an autonomous battery exchanging system for Micro Air Vehicle(MAV)s. It is crucial that MAVs can land on an Unmanned Ground Vehicle(UGV) and exchange their battery autonomously, because most MAVs are limited in their flight time and they also have limited payloads. If MAVs can exchange batteries, they can explore much larger areas crucial capability after disasters since the air and ground robots can explore dangerous area rather than putting humans are at risk. Two elements are required for this system, one is a mechanism for exchanging batteries and the second is a method for precisely landing the MAV on the UGV. This paper describes the design of a battery exchanging mechanism and the relative position estimation using a camera and marker.
  • 岩倉 大輔, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大悟
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2A2-J07(1)"-"2A2-J07(4)" 2012年5月27日  
    nt and indoor environment. In these environments, a recognition system which utilize external sensor is required because collision and GPS fault are possible. The laser range finder has been utilized but it will be an obstruction of flying robot's miniaturization because it is heavy. Therefore in this study, we develop localization and autonomous control algorithms by utilizing some lightweight IR distance sensors. This paper describes about a localization algorithm which based on IR distance sensors. By using this algorithm, an experiment of localization was carried out.
  • 佐藤 悠介, 太田 雅人, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大悟
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2011(12) 474-477 2011年6月28日  
    The small unmanned helicopter has excellent flight characteristics like hovering flight and vertical take-off and landing. So, it is expected that the helicopter will be used for various missions. In this paper, we introduce about the autonomous control of Ultra small-scale unmanned helicopter named SRB Quark SG. Firstly, we designed the control device and the control system. Secondly, we described the attitude model of SRB Quark SG which is derived by black box modeling used Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) mathematical model and the attitude controller which is designed by LQI control method. Furthermore, we show the validity of the attitude controller by the simulation. Finally, we show flight experiment result.
  • 太田 雅人, 佐藤 悠介, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大悟
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2011(12) 470-473 2011年6月28日  
    A small-scale unmanned helicopter has a potential of performing excellent flight characteristic such as hovering and moving sideways during flight. Hence, the possibilities of applying such helicopters in performing specific tasks is widely expected and being the focus of research. We introduce in this paper, the autonomous control of small-scale electrical driven helicopter. A control system which is based on LQI control method was designed and implemented. The control system consists of the MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-output) controller. The designed altitude controller implements the MIMO controller in its inner loop. Simulation results showed the effectiveness of our controller.
  • グェン ジュイヒン, ウ キケン, 鮎澤 秀夫, 岩倉 大輔, 藤原 大悟, 野波 健蔵
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2011(12) 455-458 2011年6月28日  
    Recently, the research to aim at an autonomous movement of UGV under the outdoor environment is actively done. In general, When UGV presume the self-position with an encoder which equipped the tire, value of self-position has error because of slipping of the tire. Therefore, The correction by GPS is often done. However, the error is included in GPS in the urban area lines with the bank building, and the self-position cannot be corrected even if used GPS together. Then, we proposed to correct this error by detecting the shoulder in the footway. We detected its shoulder with a laser and a camera.
  • 宋 〓澤, 王 偉, 岩倉 大輔, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大悟
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2011(12) 259-263 2011年6月28日  
    MAV (Micro Air Vehicle) can be used for many applications such as the investigation of inhospitable environments, regions contaminated by nuclear pollution or hazardous material and other inaccessible areas. For such kind of purposes, a small machine that can autonomously fly seems to be appropriate. Our MAV research group selects a Quad-Rotor MAV as our platform, and achieved automated take-off, landing, hovering, way-point navigation, vision-based navigation flight. However, the payload of our current platform is low (about 500grams), and the flight duration is only about 10 minutes. To overcome these obstacles, we designed a Six-Rotor type flying robot with 770mm of diameter, 1.9kg of weight, 1.5kg of payload and 12 minutes of flight duration (without payload). In this paper, we present the main design considerations which are essential for the construction of Six-Rotor type flying robot and attitude controller design technique.
  • 岩倉 大輔, 野波 健蔵, 藤原 大悟
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2011(12) 253-258 2011年6月28日  
    MAVs and small UAVs are useful for the information gathering in the urban environment and indoor environment. In these environments, a recognition system which utilize external sensor is required for localization because collision and GPS fault are possible. The laser range finder has been utilized in some researches but it would be an obstruction of flying robot's miniaturization because it is heavy. Therefore in this study, we propose localization method for indoor flight by utilizing few number of lightweight infrared distance sensors. This paper describes about two localization algorithms which based on Extended Kalman Filter and Particle Filter.
  • 平沼 敏, 安井 久子, 山崎 光一, 藤原 大悟, 市原 好将
    航空機工業の競争力強化に関する調査研究 成果報告書 No.2202, 社団法人日本航空宇宙工業会 革新航空機技術開発センター 2011年3月  
  • 平沼 敏, 安井 久子, 山崎 光一, 藤原 大悟, 市原 好将
    航空機工業の競争力強化に関する調査研究 成果報告書 No.2210, 社団法人日本航空宇宙工業会 革新航空機技術開発センター 2011年3月  
  • 鈴木 智, 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, 五十嵐 一弘, 野波 健蔵
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2005(9) 204-209 2005年8月22日  
    This paper presents the optimal model for model based control of small-scale unmanned helicopter. We designed a multi-input/multi-output model of small-scale helicopter which refer Mettler's model, and we identified this model by frequency domain identification. Frequency domain and time domain validation results have shown that identified model can describe actual dynamics of helicopter, and we derive simple SISO model based on this MIMO model, so we prove experimentally that this SISO model is optimal model for model based control of small-scale unmanned helicopter.
  • 藤原 大悟, 野波 健蔵
    計測自動制御学会誌「計測と制御」, ミニ特集「GPSを用いた誘導制御」事例紹介 44(4) 274-277 2005年4月  査読有り招待有り
  • フェルナンド ディルシャン, 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, 羽沢 健作, 五十嵐 一弘, 野波 健蔵
    Dynamics & Design Conference 2004 "214-1"-"214-5" 2004年9月27日  
  • 五十嵐 一弘, 羽沢 健作, 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, フェルナンド デルシャン, 野波 健蔵
    Dynamics & Design Conference 2004 "218-1"-"218-5" 2004年9月27日  
    In this paper, we propose a method of autonomous autorotation landing control by small unmanned helicopter. Autorotation is a flight method of getting energy from air and obtaining a thrust by falling, and if this is automatable, when abnormalities occur in engine, it will become possible to land safely. As a summary, we identify the linear model from experimental data and blade elemental theory, and apply optimal tracking control to the model. And we verified the validity of the method by performing experiment and simulation.
  • 于 振宇, Demian Celestino, 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, 五十嵐 一弘, 野波 健蔵, 羽沢 健作
    Dynamics & Design Conference 2004 "211-1"-"211-5" 2004年9月27日  
  • 野波 健蔵, 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, 羽沢 健作, 五十嵐 一弘, Fernando Dilshan, 于 振宇, Celestino Demian Carlos, 千葉 良三
    科学技術振興費 使用5分野の研究開発委託事業, 新世紀重点研究創生プラン ~リサーチ・レボリューション・2002~, 大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト, III 被害者救助等の災害対応戦略の最適化, 4.レスキューロボット等次世代防災基盤技術の開発, 平成 15 年度 成果報告書, 3.1.3 節, 文部科学省研究開発局, 独立行政法人 防災科学技術研究所, 特定非営利活動法人 国際レスキューシステム研究機構 2004年  
  • フェルネンド デルシャン, 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, 羽沢 健作, 五十嵐 一弘, 野波 健蔵
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2003(8) 96-100 2003年10月30日  
    In this paper, we propose a method to design a nonlinear simulator for a small scaled unmanned helicopter. The main bottleneck in enhancing the control accuracy of the autonomous flight is not having a accurate dynamic model for the helicopter. Change of moment of inertia of the helicopter due to the rotation of the rotor. interrelationship between each axis due to the gyroscopic effect, nonlinearity of the control inputs to the helicopter are some effects wich has to be considered to obtain a better dynamic model. In our approach we do the initial modelling using 3D cad software (Pro ENGINEER), then do the simulator design using a dynamic analysis software (DADS). Using this nonlinear model we do the flight simulation using previously designed attitude controller in MATLABs SIMULINK.
  • 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, 羽沢 健作, 五十嵐 一弘, FERNANDO Dilshan, 野波 健蔵
    Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D 2003 29-29 2003年9月15日  
    In this paper, we propose the model based control system design for autonomous flight and guidance control of a small unmanned helicopter. A small unmanned helicopter has been studied with fuzzy and neural network theory, but it is very difficult for unmodel based control to stabilize it. For this reason, we design a mathmetical model (Mettler's model) and a model based controller for a small unmanned helicopter system. In order to realize a full automatic controlled small unmanned helicopter, we have designed the attitude controller and trajectory controller with kalman filter based LQI for a small unmanned helicopter. The characteristic of the attitude closed loop dynamics is taken into consideration to design a trajectory controller. By way of the simulations and experiments, it has been clarified that the proposed scheme for attitude control and guidence control is very useful.
  • 羽沢 健作, 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, 五十嵐 一弘, FERNANDO Dilshan, 野波 健蔵
    Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D 2003 17-17 2003年9月15日  
    This paper presents a development of an autonomous small unmanned helicopter for hobby-class which weigh about 9 kg focusing velocity models and controller design. The simple SISO transfer function models are derived from brief kinematical analysis for each horizontal helicopter dynamics. The independent two controllers are respectively designed based on the derived models by using LQI optimal control theories. The models and control structure are verified by showing successful experimental result. Accurate position control, namely, the hovering control and trajectory following control is achieved by simple control algorism using designed velocity control structure. Robustness of the controller against wind is tested an experiment done on windy day. To verify the robustness against perturbation of physical parameters of helicopter, designed controller is applied to bigger size helicopter. To achieve accurate trajectory following control, optimal preview controller is designed. Finally circular trajectory is drawn by the designed preview controller.
  • 藤原 大悟, 辛 振玉, 羽沢 健作, 五十嵐 一弘, フェルネンド デルシャン, 野波 健蔵
    Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D 2003 35-35 2003年9月15日  
    This paper describes H_∞ horizontal velocity/position control and flight experiments for the hobby-class small-scale unmanned helicopter. Simple system identification method was applied to acquire single-input/single-output blackbox mathematical models. Cross-validation results have shown that those models were reflected in the actual dynamics very well. Attitude control has been constructed by proportional-integral feedback loop with derivative feed-forward compensator for improvement of reference following performance. H_∞ control theory was applied for horizontal velocity control synthesis. Four closed-loop transfer functions were shaped according to the design specifications given in the frequency domain. Also, horizontal position control has been designed as proportional gain feedback. In the flight experiment, good reference following performance has been shown through 15 [m] square point-to-point traveling guidance control, and this also showed high accuracy of the models. It is considered that successful horizontal guidance flight using H_∞ control theory for small-scale unmanned helicopter is the first result in the world.
  • 五十嵐一弘, 羽沢 健作, 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, フェルナンドディルシャン, 野波 健蔵
    第8回「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集, 2003. 10. 30-11. 1 91-95 2003年  
    In this paper, we propose the model based height control and a method of automatic controlled taking-off and landing for autonomous small unmanned helicopter. Our research group realized autonomous attitude, position, height and hovering control. But, when helicopter makes a take-off and landing, we operate by manual control. In order to realize the full automatic controlled small unmanned helicopter, we have to realize automatic controlled taking-off and landing. Height controller require high performance to attain the purpose, so we apply LQI controller and model tuning approach for small helicopter system by using simple mathematical model. Besides we design new attitude controller to make a taking-off and landig in safety. We apply the new height and attitude controller for small unmanned helicopter, and inspect that they can realize automatic take-off and landing.
  • Fujiwara Daigo, Shin Jinok, Hazawa Kensaku, Nonami Kenzo
    Proceedings ... International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control 6(2) 949-954 2002年  
    This paper describes the stabilizing control system design for small-scale helicopter based unmanned aerial vehicle Sky Surveyor. For full-autonomous control, the original hardware and software which can be equipped with small-scale helicopter, including small-sized lightweight control unit, have been newly developed. System identification method has been used for analysis of system dynamics in the frequency domain and the time domain. On-axis input/output data collected through the identification flight experiment achieved a coherence close to unity, and reliable transfer functions could been calculated. The modern control theory was applied to design lumped control system which can stabilize velocities of a fuselage. Good control performance has been shown in simulation.
  • 藤原 大悟, 辛 振玉, 山川 洋一, 野波 健蔵, 河野 騰
    Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D 2001 156-156 2001年8月3日  
    Remote-control machines are necessary for industries. Recently radio-control technologies are positively applied to remote-control technologies, so its applied products are going inexpensive and are spread among our society. Especially radio-controlled (RC) model users are increasing. But RC aircraft users are fewer than RC car users. Because RC aircraft is expensive, operating of it is very difficult, and perhaps daugerous crash accidents will occur on misoperation. In this research, we aim at constructing operator-assisting controller on RC helicopter with embedded computers. And in this paper, we introduce designing hardware and software of attitude control system for stabilizing rolling and yawing motions. In flight experiment with advanced attitude controllers, we had good result on reference following performance. In the future, we will construct automatic pilot system using above-mentioned operator-assisting controller to realize the industrial inexpensive miniature helicopter such as object detecting robot.
  • 辛 振玉, 野波 健蔵, 山川 洋一, 藤原 大悟, 河野 騰
    Dynamics and Design Conference : 機械力学・計測制御講演論文集 : D & D 2001 155-155 2001年8月3日  
    In this paper, we propose the model based control system design for autonomous flight and guidance control of Radio-Controlled Helicopter. RC Helicoper has been studied with fuzzy and neural network theories, but it is so difficult for unmodel based control to stabilize it. So we apply system identification techniques and model tuning approach for RC helicopter system to obtain the mathmetical model. In order to realize the full automatic controlled RC helicopter,we have designed the attitude controller and height controller with LQG based Kalman filter and trajectory controller with SMC (Sliding Mode Control) for RC helicopter. It has been clarified that the proposed scheme for attitude control, height control ,hovering control and guidence control are very useful by way of the simulations and experiments
  • 辛 振玉, 藤原 大悟, 山川 洋一, 野波 健蔵
    「運動と振動の制御」シンポジウム講演論文集 2001(7) 502-505 2001年4月20日  
    In this paper, we propose the model based control system design for autonomous flight and guidance control of Radio-Controlled Helicopter. RC Helicoper has been studied with fuzzy and neural network theory, but it is so difficult for unmodel based control to stabilize it. So we apply system identification and model tuning approach for RChelicopter system to obtain the mathmetical model. In order to realize the full automatic controlled RC helicopter, we have designed the attitude controller with LQG based Kalman filter and trajectory controller with SMC(Sliding Mode Control) for RC helicopter. It has been clarified that the proposed scheme for attitude control and guidence control is very useful by way of the simulations and experiments.





