
頴原 澄子

エバラ スミコ  (Sumiko Ebara)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授



  • Sumiko Ebara
    Japan Architectural Review 7(1) 2024年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The Incorporated Church Building Society, established in 1818, was initially unable to subsidize secular-use buildings from the general fund. However, in 1858, it established the mission building fund and began to construct hamlet chapels, school churches, mission halls, and mission rooms. In the early years, there were some examples of dual-purpose buildings without a strict distinction between sacred and secular spaces, but a type of building with a church on the upper floor and secular rooms on the lower floor emerged. However, the distinction between sacred and secular spaces was insufficient, and a stage for secular use had not yet emerged.
  • 頴原 澄子, 平島 岳夫, 石田 誠忠
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 89(822) 885-896 2024年8月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 頴原澄子
    日本建築学会計画系論文集(Web) 89(816) 2024年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 頴原 澄子, 平島 岳夫
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 88(813) 2840-2851 2023年11月1日  
  • 頴原澄子, 平島岳夫
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 88(807) 1539-1550 2023年5月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Proceedings of the 17th International Docomomo Conference - Modern Design: Social Commitment & Quality of Life 338-347 2022年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Sumiko Ebara
    Proceedings of the 16th International Docomomo Conference - Inheritable Resilience 1548-1553 2021年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Sumiko Ebara
    Proceedings of the 14th International Docomomo Conference - Adaptive Reuse: The Modern Movement Towards the Future 969-974 2016年  査読有り筆頭著者
    The Inohama Memorial Hall at Chiba University, Japan, was completed in 1964 and is one of the earliest pieces of architecture by Fumihiko Maki, who was commissioned in association with Takenaka Corporation's design branch. The hall is situated on a hill called Inohana, or the "elephant's nose", and its surrounding environment is calm and quiet. Maki decided to design this hall with an inclined wall, imbuing it with the sense that the building is a continuation of the hill. The construction of the inclined wall from reinforced concrete required considerable technical and management skill: 5 experiments were conducted before the actual construction and as a result of the careful construction plan, the inclined wall was completed with no visible rock pockets or sand traces. The auditorium, meanwhile, was rather unique in being designed with a sense of "openness". No wall was constructed between the auditorium and the foyer on the second floor level, and the partition between the auditorium and meeting rooms was transparent. Moreover, a remarkable collaboration was undertaken with the sculptor Masayuki Nagare, who was commissioned to create not only a mural on the stage and a gong above the entrance, but also the retaining walls on the front square, which give the hall its sense of elegance and dignity and a feeling of continuity with Inohana hill. In 1993 and 2014, renovations were undertaken at Inohana Memorial Hall, which primarily aimed to improve its function as an auditorium and to improve its earthquake resistance. To this end, a partition wall was installed on the second floor level in 1993, while in 2014, a noise-cancelling wall was inserted inside the meeting rooms and the projection booth was removed from the point of earthquake resistance. These changes collectively deprived the hall of its "openness". However, it could be argued that these changes to the "infill" were necessary to improve the auditorium for use on more formal occasions. The main structure, together with Nagare's sculpture, stands intact, and could be defined as the building's "skeleton". At the time of its renovation in 2014, this building was listed as a historic building in the Campus plan, but it has not been registered as a docomomo Japan building, in contrast to the Toyota Auditorium of Nagoya University, which was registered as such in 2003, prior to its 2006 renovation. It is now desirable to produce a description that clarifies the value of this building and draw up a management plan to maintain the Inohana Memorial Hall as a piece of living heritage.
  • 頴原 澄子
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 71(608) 205-210 2006年  査読有り筆頭著者
    It is not a simple task to protect ruins which is deteriorating and in a precarious state. It is required to achieve techniques making ruins structurally sound without destroying its picturesque beauty. Another question is a rather old question, namely,'why should we preserve it as a ruin, rather than restore it and use it again?' This paper firstly examines George Gilbert Scott's suggestion on the conservation of ruins, and the process toward the statutory protection of medieval ruins, then cases at Tintern Abbey and Fountains Abbey, to illustrate the process achieving the technique and the significance of protecting ruins, respectively.
  • 頴原 澄子
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 70(596) 229-234 2005年  査読有り筆頭著者
    This paper examines the treatment of Genbaku-Dome and its site (Saiku-cho and Sarugaku-cho) in the Hiroshima Urban Reconstruction Plan and the Hiroshima Peace City Plan. The site of the Genbaku-Dome, initially included in Chuo Park (Motomachi), became a part of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park with Nakajima Park (Nakajima-honcho) at the time of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Peace Memorial Hall Competition. This paper also examines competition guidelines and competition plans, and evaluates Kenzo Tange and his colleague's plan and others' plan.
  • 頴原 澄子
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 69(580) 235-241 2004年  査読有り筆頭著者
    In a conservation project, architects, craftsmen, and clients need to consider various aspects such as what should be preserved, how it should be protected, and what should be its use after conservation. Regarding Coventry Cathedral, bombed in 1940 and reconstructed in 1962, there were primarily two issues concerned, namely the treatment of the ruined old cathedral and the architectural style applied on the newly constructed cathedral. Eventually, the ruin was preserved as a war memorial, and Sir Basil Spence built the new Coventry Cathedral in a 'contemporary' style.
  • 頴原 澄子
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 68(571) 179-185 2003年  査読有り筆頭著者
    In this paper, the process of recognition and appreciation of the 'ancientness' of historic buildings is analysed. In the United Kingdom, it could be said that the recognition of the 'ancientness' started in the latter half of the eighteenth century, and then there were many discussions throughout the nineteenth century. However, it seems that careful analysis is necessary, because there were some philosophies, such as 'picturesque' or 'Gothic revival', which had both positive and negative aspects concerning the protection of the 'ancientness' of the historic buildings.











