
欧陽 懋

オウヨウ ボウ  (Mao Ouyang)


千葉大学 環境リモートセンシング研究センター 特任助教
博士(2016年9月 東京工業大学)
修士(2013年9月 東京工業大学)
学士(2011年7月 中南大学)



  • Mao Ouyang, Keita Tokuda, Shunji Kotsuki
    Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 30(2) 183-193 2023年6月22日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Abstract. Controlling weather is an outstanding and pioneering challenge for researchers around the world, due to the chaotic features of the complexatmosphere. A control simulation experiment (CSE) on the Lorenz-63 model, which consists of positive and negative regimes represented by the statesof variable x, demonstrated that the variables can be controlled to stay in the target regime by adding perturbations with a constant magnitude toan independent model run (Miyoshi and Sun, 2022). The current study tries to reduce the input manipulation of the CSE, including the total controltimes and magnitudes of perturbations, by investigating how controls affect the instability of systems. For that purpose, we first explored theinstability properties of Lorenz-63 models without and under control. Experiments show that the maximum growth rate of the singular vector (SV) reduceswhen the variable x was controlled in the target regime. Subsequently, this research proposes to update the magnitude of perturbationsadaptively based on the maximum growth rate of SV; consequently, the times to control will also change. The proposed method successfully reducesaround 40 % of total control times and around 20 % of total magnitudes of perturbations compared to the case with a constant magnitude.Results of this research suggest that investigating the impacts of control on instability would be beneficial for designing methods to control thecomplex atmosphere with feasible manipulations.
  • Mao Ouyang, Shunji Kotsuki, Yuka Ito, TomochikaTokunaga
    Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 44 101261 2022年11月  査読有り
  • Mao Ouyang, Akihiro Takahashi
    GEOTECHNICAL TESTING JOURNAL 45(2) 411-431 2022年3月  査読有り
    Internal erosion has been frequently reported and has caused failures and instabilities of geotechnical structures. A plane strain erosion apparatus is developed in this study to allow the subsequent conduction of drained compression test after seepage test and the microscopic observation of particle movement through a transparent window. A drained compression test preceded by a seepage test is performed on specimens containing the same initial fines contents to investigate the mechanical consequence impacts of seepage-induced internal erosion. Experimental results reveal that, compared with uneroded soils, internally eroded soils show a larger secant stiffness at a small strain level (-1 %). At medium strain level (-15 %), the soils with erosion show smaller deviator stress comparing with soils without erosion. The analysis of images recorded by the microscope proves that the fines contacted with coarse particles possibly transferring the load are distinct between the soils with and without internal erosion at both small and medium strain levels during the drained compression test, which indicates that the soil fabric could affect the mechanical behaviors of soils subjected to internal erosion. Our designed equipment and microscopic observation could throw some light on the research of internal erosion from the view of particle scale.
  • 齋藤匠, 小槻峻司, Mao OUYANG, 塩尻大也
    土木学会水工学論文集 78(2) 391-396 2022年  査読有り
  • 塩尻大也, 小槻峻司, 齋藤匠, Mao OUYANG
    土木学会水工学論文集 78(2) 385-390 2022年  査読有り

