
滝嶋 葉月

タキシマ ハヅキ  (Hazuki Takishima)


千葉大学 医学部附属病院放射線科
医学博士(2011年3月 千葉大学)



  • Shinya Hattori, Hajime Yokota, Toshihiko Takada, Takuro Horikoshi, Hazuki Takishima, Wakako Mikami, Hiroki Mukai, Hiraku Funakoshi, Toru Naganuma, Tetsuhiro Yano, Kazuhiko Terada, Ryota Inokuchi, Satoshi Tsuchiya, Akira Akutsu, Atsushi Saiga, Yoshihiro Kubota, Takeshi Wada, Akiyo Takada, Hajime Fujimoto, Takashi Uno
    European radiology 31(8) 5454-5463 2021年8月  
    OBJECTIVE: The impact of clinical information on radiological diagnoses and subsequent clinical management has not been sufficiently investigated. This study aimed to compare diagnostic performance between radiological reports made with and without clinical information and to evaluate differences in the clinical management decisions based on each of these reports. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 410 patients who presented with acute abdominal pain and underwent unenhanced (n = 248) or enhanced CT (n = 162). Clinical information including age, sex, current and past history, physical findings, and laboratory tests were collected. Six radiologists independently interpreted CTs that were randomly assigned with or without clinical information, made radiological diagnoses, and scored the diagnostic confidence level. Four general and emergency physicians simulated clinical management (i.e., followed up in the outpatient clinic, hospitalized for conservative therapy, or referred to other departments for invasive therapy) based on reports made with or without the clinical information. Reference standards for the radiological diagnoses and clinical management were defined by an independent expert panel. RESULTS: The radiological diagnoses made with clinical information were more accurate than those made without clinical information (93.7% vs. 87.8%, p = 0.008). Median interpretation time for radiological reporting with clinical information was significantly shorter than that without clinical information (median 122.0 vs. 139.0 s, p < 0.001). Clinical simulation better matched the reference standard for clinical management when radiological diagnoses were made with reference to clinical information (97.3% vs. 87.8%, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Access to adequate clinical information enables accurate radiological diagnoses and appropriate subsequent clinical management of patients with acute abdominal pain. KEY POINTS: • Radiological interpretation improved diagnostic accuracy and confidence level when clinical information was provided. • Providing clinical information did not extend the interpretation time required by radiologists. • Radiological interpretation with clinical information led to correct clinical management by physicians.
  • 木村 璃絵子, 滝嶋 葉月, 雑賀 厚至, 高田 章代, 堀越 琢郎, 宇野 隆, 太田 昌幸, 大平 学
    Japanese Journal of Radiology 38(Suppl.) 16-16 2020年2月  
  • Joji Ota, Hajime Yokota, Hazuki Takishima, Akiyo Takada, Ryosuke Irie, Yuka Suzuki, Takeshi Nagashima, Takuro Horikoshi, Koichi Chida, Yoshitada Masuda, Takashi Uno
    European journal of radiology 119 108651-108651 2019年10月  
    PURPOSE: Organ-effective modulation (OEM) is a mechanism to reduce radiation dose to selected organs on computed tomography (CT). The purpose of this study was to measure radiation dose to the breast in Asian patients undergoing chest CT and to clarify the degree of exposure reduction. METHOD: We randomly selected 60 female patients undergoing non-contrast chest CT after breast cancer surgery. To measure radiation dose, an optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter had been attached directly to the gown over the nonoperated breast in 30 patients. Radiologists evaluated the image quality with and without OEM. In order to clarify the characteristics of OEM, the effects of angle and object size were measured using a phantom and an ionization chamber dosimeter. RESULTS: The OEM group received 9.1 ± 1.9 mGy and the non-OEM group received 10.7 ± 2.4 mGy. OEM reduced the exposure by 12.2% (P <  0.01). OEM caused no reduction in diagnostic quality. In the phantom study, the results of the angle effect were 3.2%, 11.2%, 28.7%, 31.3, 25.9%, 14.9% and 6.0% dose reductions at -90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60 and 90°, respectively. The effect of the subject thickness was 3.7%, 17.5%, 30.2%, 31.7%, and 34.1% at 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 cm diameters, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: OEM is a useful mechanism for reducing radiation exposure to the breast without affecting diagnostic imaging quality. The reduction rate correlated negatively with body habitus.
  • Atsushi Saiga, Hajime Yokota, Takashi Higashide, Hazuki Takishima, Akiko Omoto, Yoshihiro Kubota, Takuro Horikoshi, Takashi Uno
    Cardiovascular and interventional radiology 42(2) 195-204 2019年2月  
    PURPOSE: To evaluate the relationship between gelatin sponge preparation methods and the incidence of intrauterine synechia following uterine artery embolization (UAE) for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a retrospective monocentric study, we used data from 20 consecutive UAE procedures (19 patients) for PPH, performed in 2007-2016, in which gelatin sponge had been used. The gelatin sponge was processed either into a slurry by pumping it back and forth about 10 times through two syringes connected to a three-way stopcock or into pledgets using a scalpel and small scissors to obtain pieces approximately 2 × 2 × 2 mm in size. Patient information was obtained from medical records, and the data were compared between patients treated with the slurry (n = 7) or pledgets (n = 13) forms. Due to the lack of follow-up data and hysterectomy after UAE, the sample size was 6 and 12 because 1 patient with 2 procedures was excluded. RESULTS: The rate of intrauterine synechia was significantly higher in the slurry group (5/6, 83.3%) than that in the pledgets group (0/12, 0%; P < 0.001). In contrast, there were no significant differences in population characteristics, such as the incidence of placenta accreta, non-placental diseases, and severity of shock (DIC score, shock index, or blood loss) between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Although non-randomization and small sample size were the two main limitations, our observations suggest that UAE using gelatin sponge slurry may be associated with a high incidence of intrauterine synechia compared to UAE using pledgets.
  • N. Shiina, M. Sakakibara, K. Fujisaki, T. Iwase, T. Nagashima, T. Sangai, Y. Kubota, S. Akita, H. Takishima, M. Miyazaki
    EJSO 42(4) 481-488 2016年4月  査読有り
    Background: The critical issue related to breast-conserving therapy (BCT) is that cosmetic outcomes deteriorate with long-term follow-up. There is little research for breast density as a predictor of cosmetic outcomes at the late stage after BCT. To improve the long-term quality of life after BCT of breast cancer patients, the correlation of volumetric breast density (VBD) and cosmetic outcome at the late stage after BCT was evaluated. Study design: Breast volume, fibroglandular tissue volume, adipose tissue volume, and VBD were calculated on mammography using image analysis software (Volpara (R)) in 151 patients with BCT. Furthermore, the correlation of breast density and the change of breast volume over time was analyzed on mammography in 99 patients who were followed-up long-term after BCT. Results: On multivariate analysis, VBD was a predictor of cosmetic outcome after BCT with percent breast volume excised (PBVE). Decreased adipose tissue volume and increased fibrosis were more common in patients with VBD &lt; 15%. Furthermore, remnant breast volume continued to decrease over time in low breast density patients during long-term follow-up. 93% of patients with VBD &gt;= 15% and PBVE &lt; 10% had a better cosmetic outcome, while 60% of patients with VBD &lt; 15% and PBVE &gt;= 10% had a worse cosmetic outcome after BCT. Conclusions: While PBVE was involved in cosmetic outcome at the early stage after BCT, VBD was associated with cosmetic outcome at the late stage after BCT. Thus, a combination of VBD and PBVE could predict cosmetic outcome after BCT and contribute to the selection for the appropriate BCT. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • 山内 昌磨, 向井 宏樹, 服部 真也, 横田 元, 滝嶋 葉月, 雑賀 厚志, 堀越 琢郎, 山崎 厚郎, 松島 惇, 宇野 隆
    Japanese Journal of Radiology 38(Suppl.) 16-16 2020年2月  
  • 太田 丞二, 鈴木 柚香, 入江 亮介, 滝嶋 葉月, 横田 元, 堀越 琢郎, 千田 浩一, 桝田 喜正
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 74(9) 1088-1088 2018年9月  
  • 窪田 吉紘, 雜賀 厚至, 土屋 智史, 西山 晃, 東出 高至, 杉浦 寿彦, 向井 宏樹, 滝嶋 葉月, 堀越 琢郎, 宇野 隆
    IVR: Interventional Radiology 32(Suppl.) 323-323 2017年4月  
  • 堀越 琢郎, 向井 宏樹, 滝嶋 葉月, 石原 武, 宇野 隆
    胆と膵 37(特別号) 945-947 2016年11月  
  • 石毛 章代, 堀越 琢郎, 向井 宏樹, 滝嶋 葉月, 雑賀 厚至, 西山 晃, 平野 成樹, 桑原 聡, 宇野 隆
    臨床放射線 61(5) 687-692 2016年5月  
    123I-FP-CIT SPECTにおける視覚評価とSBR/AIの相関について検討した。ダットスキャンを撮影した47例(男性22名、女性25名、21〜86歳)を対象とした。線条体への集積を集積形態に基づいて評価し、正常群、カンマ型の集積低下群、ドット型の集積低下群、線条体全体の集積が高度に低下している群の4群に分けた。視覚評価の正常群とその他集積低下のある各群との間には、SBRに有意差を認めた。視覚評価における正常群とその他集積低下群との間で、ROC based positive testを施行し、両者の間でのSBRのカットオフ値は、4.1程度が適当で、感度と特異度はともに83%前後であった。左右差なし群19例とあり群28例のAIには有意差を認めた。但しAIが10%以上であった24例のうち視覚的に左右差なしと判断された例は1例であったが、AIが10%未満の23例のうち、視覚評価で左右差ありと判断された例は5例存在し、陰性的中率は78%と比較的低かった。
  • 武田 朋子, 堀越 琢郎, 向井 宏樹, 滝嶋 葉月, 宇野 隆
    核医学 52(3) 275-275 2015年9月  
  • 渡辺 未歩, 磯部 公一, 滝嶋 葉月, 上野 直之, 川上 浩幸, 宇野 隆, 伊東 久夫
    日本医学放射線学会学術集会抄録集 66回 S213-S214 2007年2月  
  • 山下 未来, 上野 直之, 滝嶋 葉月, 渡辺 未歩, 川上 浩幸, 磯部 公一, 宇野 隆, 伊東 久夫, 有賀 隆
    日本医学放射線学会学術集会抄録集 66回 S236-S236 2007年2月  

