
加納 博文

カノウ ヒロフミ  (Hirofumi Kanoh)


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院 化学研究部門基盤物質化学講座 教授





  • Shinya Sato, Tsubasa Iwasaki, Hiroshi Kajiro, Hirofumi Kanoh
    Langmuir 40(11) 5850-5857 2024年3月19日  
    The separation of propane and propylene is the most energy-consuming and difficult separation process in the petrochemical industry because of their extremely similar physical properties. Separating propylene from propane using sorption can considerably reduce the energy consumed by current cryogenic distillation techniques. However, sorption involves several major challenges. An elastic layer-structured metal-organic framework (ELM-11) exhibited a highly efficient propane/propylene sorption separation, owing to its kinetic properties. Under equilibrium conditions, propane and propylene exhibited similar sorption capacities, gate opening pressures, and heats of sorption. Thus, their separation under equilibrium conditions is impractical. However, the sorption rates of the two gases were considerably different, showing different diffusion coefficients, resulting in a high kinetic selectivity (214 at 298 K) of propylene over propane on ELM-11. This kinetic selectivity is considerably higher than those obtained in previous studies. Thus, ELM-11 is a promising sorbent for separation technologies.
  • Nao Komiyama, Takahiro Ohkubo, Yoshiki Maeda, Yuya Saeki, Nobuyuki Ichikuni, Hyuma Masu, Hirofumi Kanoh, Koji Ohara, Ryunosuke Takahashi, Hiroki Wadati, Hideaki Takagi, Yohei Miwa, Shoichi Kutsumizu, Keiki Kishikawa, Michinari Kohri
    Advanced Science 2024年3月13日  
    Abstract Here, an unprecedented phenomenon in which 7‐coordinate lanthanide metallomesogens, which align via hydrogen bonds mediated by coordinated H2O molecules, form micellar cubic mesophases at room temperature, creating body‐centered cubic (BCC)‐type supramolecular spherical arrays, is reported. The results of experiments and molecular dynamics simulations reveal that spherical assemblies of three complexes surrounded by an amorphous alkyl domain spontaneously align in an energetically stable orientation to form the BCC structure. This phenomenon differs greatly from the conventional self‐assembling behavior of 6‐coordinated metallomesogens, which form columnar assemblies due to strong intermolecular interactions. Since the magnetic and luminescent properties of different lanthanides vary, adding arbitrary functions to spherical arrays is possible by selecting suitable lanthanides to be used. The method developed in this study using 7‐coordinate lanthanide metallomesogens as building blocks is expected to lead to the rational development of micellar cubic mesophases.
  • Michinari Kohri, Sojiro Isomura, Kyoka Tachibana, Ryota Hikichi, Yuya Oaki, Hiroki Wadati, Hirofumi Kanoh, Keiki Kishikawa
    Polymer Journal 2024年  
    In this study, we show that doping lanthanides into lamellar crystals reorganizes the lamellar structure and dramatically changes the crystal morphology. Azo-DA, a compound with azobenzene derivatives and carboxylic acids at both ends of the diacetylene moiety, formed plate-like lamellar crystals. The doping of holmium (Ho), a lanthanide, into the film obtained by stacking Azo-DA lamellar crystals, promoted a dramatic change in crystal morphology, resulting in the formation of an Azo-DA/Ho film with a radial lamellar crystal structure. A detailed investigation of the crystal growth process revealed that Azo-DA/Ho, which is slightly formed in the solution phase during Ho doping, acts as a pseudonucleating agent and dramatically changes the morphology of the lamellar crystals. Additionally, the morphological changes in the lamellar crystal films significantly changed the surface properties of the films, such as their appearance and water repellency. Similar morphological changes in lamellar crystals were induced when other lanthanide elements were used instead of Ho, and the type of lanthanide dopant can affect the magnetic properties of the films.
  • M. Inoue, E. Ismail, S. Samitsu, H. Kanoh, I. Ichinose
    Separation and Purification Technology 306 122634-122634 2023年2月  
  • Mizuki Inoue, Edhuan Ismail, Sadaki Samitsu, Hirofumi Kanoh, Izumi Ichinose
    Chemistry Letters 51(12) 1113-1116 2022年12月5日  


  • Atsushi Kondo, Shin-ichiro Noro, Hiroshi Kajiro, Hirofumi Kanoh
    Coordination Chemistry Reviews 471 214728-214728 2022年11月  
    Materials that can undergo structural or phase transformations have attracted considerable attention as functional materials in many fields for electric, magnetic, optical, adsorption, separation, or catalysis applications. Outstanding examples of structure-switchable or phase-changeable metal complexes with fluorinated anions have been reported. This review focuses on recent advances in the literature on coordination polymers and metal complexes with fluorinated anions. For representative examples, the physical/chemical properties (crystal-to-crystal, crystal-to-plastic crystal, and crystal-to-liquid phase changes, guest accommodation/removal, magnetic properties, etc.) induced by external stimuli such as temperature/pressure changes are discussed, with comparisons to the properties of coordination polymers/metal complexes with nonfluorinated anions. In addition, ELM-11 (ELM = elastic layer-structured metal–organic framework) with fluorinated BF4 anions, which is the first discovered structure-switchable, crystalline coordination polymer with fluorinated anions showing gate adsorption/desorption properties, is examined. The coordination states of fluorinated anions in coordination polymers/metal complexes, together with the adsorption/separation properties, are also considered. These insights can aid in understanding the roles and features of fluorinated anions in such materials.
  • Hirofumi Kanoh, Takehisa Konishi
    Iodine Chemistry and Applications 9781118466292 15-23 2014年11月24日  
    Iodine is one of the essential elements for human nutrition. Iodine measurement in biological samples is carried out almost exclusively by one of two methods: One is a kinetic spectrophotometric method called the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction based on the reduction of yellow Ce(IV) by As(III) to colorless Ce(III), which is normally very slow. Consequently, other methods, for example, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), are used. This chapter presents the detailed descriptions for these analytical methods. Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) are commercially available for iodide and have been applied for the determination of iodide. Local structural information such as interatomic distances, coordination numbers, and Debye-Waller parameters, which are complementary to the vibration frequencies obtained by infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy, can be obtained by analyzing the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) part of the X-ray absorption spectra.
  • 平 成一, 山本 翔太郎, 小嶋 夏子, 加納 博文, 大場 友則
    炭素 = Carbons (258) 195-200 2013年6月15日  
  • 加納 博文
    化学と工業 = Chemistry and chemical industry 66(3) 234-234 2013年3月1日  







