
廣岡 伸治

ヒロオカ シンジ  (Shinji Hirooka)


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院 博士研究員
HiSR Lab合同会社 代表
博士(理学)(2014年3月 千葉大学)



  • 廣岡 伸治, 服部 克巳
    電気学会論文誌. A 135(2) 117-123 2015年2月1日  査読有り
    A numerical simulation has been done to evaluate the performance of the ionospheric tomography using the residual minimization training neural network (RMTNN) method. The results indicated that reconstruction with high-precision is possible when the standard deviation of the noise is about 2.5% or less of the average value of observed data (Slant TEC: STEC). Moreover, in the daytime when the value of STEC becomes large, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) increases and reconstruction accuracy becomes high; at night when the SNR falls conversely, it becomes low. Results of detectability tests show that the RMTNN method has a good performance around F-layer height with shape and peak intensity reconstruction. In conclusion, the developed RMTNN ionospheric tomography is effective in reconstructing 3D electron density distribution from realistic STEC data in the daytime, and is able to estimate images around F-layer.
  • Katsumi Hattori, Shinji Hirooka, Mayuka Kunimitsu, Takashi Ichikawa, Peng Han


  • Han Peng, 服部克巳, 山口拓人, 廣岡伸治, 吉野千恵
    電気学会論文誌 A 137(2) 119-127 2017年  査読有り
    © 2017 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Recent studies have reported unusual behaviors of geomagnetic diurnal variation (GDV) in the vertical component prior to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9.0). To make a better understanding of this phenomenon, time-spatial analysis of GDV has been applied in this study. Geomagnetic data of long term observations at 17 stations in Japan have been analyzed using the same method in Han et al. 2015. Ratios of diurnal variation range between the target station and the reference station KAK have been computed. After removing seasonal variations revealed by wavelet transform analysis, the 15-day mean values of the ratios in the vertical component shows a clear anomaly exceeding the statistical threshold about 2 months before the mega event in both ESA and MIZ stations in the Tohoku Region. Similar results could not be found in other regions of Japan. Spatial distributions of the ratios show a good agreement between the location of the anomalies and the epicenter of Mw 9.0 earthquake. These time-spatial results are consistent with independent results obtained from other observations such as radon density, seismicity, and GPS displacements, which suggest the geomagnetic data might be useful in earthquake monitoring and disaster mitigation.
  • 韓 鵬, 服部 克巳, 山口 拓人, 廣岡 伸治, 吉野 千恵
    電気学会論文誌. A, 基礎・材料・共通部門誌 = IEEJ transactions on fundamentals and materials 137(2) 119-127 2017年  査読有り
  • Peng Han, Katsumi Hattori, Qinghua Huang, Shinji Hirooka, Chie Yoshino
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 129 13-21 2016年11月  査読有り
    Xu et al. (2013) and Han et al. (2015) have reported unusual behaviors of geomagnetic diurnal variation (GDV) in the vertical component prior to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9.0). To make a better understanding of this phenomenon, temporal-spatial analyses of GDV have been applied in this study. Geomagnetic data of long-term observations at 17 stations in Japan have been analyzed using the same method in Han et al. (2015). Ratios of diurnal variation range between the reference station KAK and the target stations have been computed. After removing seasonal variations, the 15-day backward running mean values of the ratios in the vertical component shows a clear anomaly exceeding the statistical threshold about 2 months before the mega event at both ESA and MIZ stations in the Tohoku Region. Locations of anomalies in spatial distribution show a good correlation with the epicenter of the Mw 9.0 earthquake. These spatiotemporal results are consistent with those obtained from other independent observations such as groundwater level and GPS displacements. The coupling of multiple pre-earthquake phenomena may help to understand the preparation process of a mega earthquake in the subduction zone. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • 廣岡伸治, 服部克巳, YAGMUR Mustafa, 劉正彦
    大気電気学会誌 10(1) 90‐91 2016年4月  査読有り
  • Shinji Hirooka, Katsumi Hattori
    A numerical simulation has been performed to evaluate the performance of ionospheric tomography using the residual minimization training neural network (RMTNN) method. The results indicate that reconstruction with high precision is possible when the standard deviation of the noise is about 2.5% or less of the average value of the observed data (slant total electron content [STEC]). Moreover, in the daytime, when the value of STEC becomes large, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) increases and the reconstruction accuracy becomes high; at night when the SNR falls, conversely, it becomes low. The results of detectability tests show that the RMTNN method has a good performance at about F-layer height with shape and peak intensity reconstruction. In conclusion, the newly developed RMTNN ionospheric tomography is effective in reconstructing the 3D electron density distribution from realistic STEC data in the daytime, and is able to estimate images around the F-layer.
  • YAGMUR Mustafa, HIROOKA Shinji, HATTORI Katsumi
    大気電気学会誌 10(1) 63‐64 2016年4月  
  • 廣岡伸治, 服部克巳, LIU Jann‐Yen
    J Atmos Electr 36(1) 1-11 2016年3月  査読有り
  • 廣岡伸治, 市川卓, 服部克巳, Han Peng, 吉野千恵, Liu Jann-Yeng
    電気学会論文誌 A 136(5) 265-271 2016年  査読有り
    © 2016 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. The ionospheric anomalies possibly associated with large earthquakes have been reported by many researchers. In this paper. Total Electron Content (TEC) and tomography analyses have been applied to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of ionospheric electron density prior to the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw9.0). Results show significant TEC enhancements and an interesting three dimensional structure prior to the main shock. As for temporal TEC changes, the TEC value increases 3-4 days before the earthquake remarkably, when the geomagnetic condition was relatively quiet. In addition, the abnormal TEC enhancement area in space was stalled above Japan during the period. Tomographic results show that three dimensional distribution of electron density decreases around 250 km altitude above the epicenter (peak is located just the east-region of the epicenter) and increases the mostly entire region between 300 and 400 km.
  • 服部克巳, HAN Peng, 廣岡伸治
    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2016 ROMBUNNO.MIS08‐02 (WEB ONLY) 2016年  
  • Shinji Hirooka, Takashi Ichikawa, Katsumi Hattori, Peng Han, Chie Yoshino, Jann-Yeng Liu
    IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 136(5) 265-271 2016年  査読有り
    The ionospheric anomalies possibly associated with large earthquakes have been reported by many researchers. In this paper. Total Electron Content (TEC) and tomography analyses have been applied to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of ionospheric electron density prior to the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw9.0). Results show significant TEC enhancements and an interesting three dimensional structure prior to the main shock. As for temporal TEC changes, the TEC value increases 3-4 days before the earthquake remarkably, when the geomagnetic condition was relatively quiet. In addition, the abnormal TEC enhancement area in space was stalled above Japan during the period. Tomographic results show that three dimensional distribution of electron density decreases around 250 km altitude above the epicenter (peak is located just the east-region of the epicenter) and increases the mostly entire region between 300 and 400 km.
  • 廣木暁充, 服部克巳, 廣岡伸治
    大気電気学会誌 9(1) 33-34 2015年4月  
  • 廣木暁充, 服部克巳, 廣岡伸治
    日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2015 ROMBUNNO.MIS29‐20 (WEB ONLY) 2015年  
  • HATTORI Katsumi, HONMA Ayano, HIROOKA Shinji, HAN Peng
    Program and Abstracts. International Symposium on GNSS 2015 111 2015年  
  • 嶋村重治, 円尾晃一, 吉川栄一, 吉田智, 牛尾知雄, 河崎善一郎, 又吉直樹, 飯島朋子, 楠研一, 高柳裕次, 秋田学, 中村佳敬, 北出直哉, 森本健志, 菊池博史, 鈴木智幸, 早川正士, 道本光一郎, HAN Peng, FEBTY Febriani, 廣岡伸治, 服部克巳, 市川卓, 竹田辰興, 西橋政秀, 紺晋平, 大野望, 刀根優花, 山本勲, 島倉信, 鷹野敏明, 井筒潤, 永田悟, 和田忠幸, 清水雅仁, 太田健次, 植竹富一, 芳原容英, 高野忠
    電気学会技術報告 (1315) 96P-94,裏表紙 2014年8月  査読有り
  • 廣岡伸治, 服部克巳
    電気学会基礎・材料・共通部門大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2014 ROMBUNNO.21-A-A2-1 2014年8月  
  • 廣岡伸治, 服部克巳, 市川卓
    大気電気学会誌 8(1) 59-60 2014年4月18日  
  • 廣木暁充, 服部克巳, 廣岡伸治
    大気電気学会誌 8(1) 126-127 2014年4月18日  
  • 服部克巳, 韓鵬, 廣岡伸治, 吉野千恵
    大気電気学会誌 7(2) 68-69 2013年10月25日  
  • 廣木 暁充, 服部 克巳, 廣岡 伸治
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 7(1) 108-109 2013年4月26日  
  • 廣岡 伸治, 服部 克巳, 市川 卓, 竹田 辰興
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 7(1) 133-134 2013年4月26日  
  • 市川 卓, 服部 克巳, 廣岡 伸治, LIU J. Y, 大塚 雄一
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 7(1) 137-138 2013年4月26日  
  • HATTORI Katsumi, HIROOKA Shinji, ICHIKAWA Takashi
    極域科学シンポジウム講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 4th ROMBUNNO.OS,HATTORIKATSUMI,1 2013年  
  • HATTORI Katsumi, HIROOKA Shinji, YOSHINO Chie, OTSUKA Yuichi
    Proc CEReS Int Symp Remote Sens 20th 26 2013年  
  • Shinji Hirooka, Katsumi Hattori, Masahide Nishihashi, Shinpei Kon, Tatsuoki Takeda
    ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN 181(4) 9-18 2012年12月  査読有り
    An ionospheric anomaly prior to the 2007 Southern Sumatra earthquake (M8.5) was observed by GPS receivers around the Sumatra islands. In this paper, to investigate the three-dimensional structure of electron density in the ionosphere, a tomographic approach (Residual Minimization Training Neural Network; RMTNN) has been used. Results of the tomographic approach are consistent with those of the total electron content (TEC) approach. We found that a significant decrease of electron density takes place at altitudes of 250 to 400 km, especially at an altitude of 330 km. But the altitude at which the maximum electron density has been observed remains unchanged. The obtained structure has a region of decreased density of Integrated Electron Content (IEC) in the southwest area (at altitudes of 400 to 550 km) and in the northern area (at altitudes of 250 to 400 km). The global tendency of the decreased electron density expands to the east with higher altitudes and it is concentrated in the southern hemisphere over the epicenter. These results show that the high capability of the RMTNN method can be used for estimation of the ionospheric electron density distribution possibly associated with earthquake. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 181(4): 918, 2012; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.22298
  • 廣岡 伸治, 服部 克巳, 紺 晋平, 市川 卓, 竹田 辰興
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 6(1) 146-147 2012年3月29日  
  • HATTORI Katsumi, ICHIKAWA Takashi, HIROOKA Shinji, TAKEDA Tatsuoki, RYU Masahiko
    CEReS環境リモートセンシングシンポジウム資料集 14th 58 2012年  
  • 廣岡 伸治
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 5(2) 7-7 2011年10月31日  
  • 服部 克巳, 紺 晋平, 市川 卓, 廣岡 伸治, 劉 正彦
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 5(2) 66-67 2011年10月31日  
  • 廣岡 伸治, 服部 克巳, 紺 晋平, 市川 卓, 竹田 辰興
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 5(2) 70-71 2011年10月31日  
  • S. Hirooka, K. Hattori, T. Takeda
    RADIO SCIENCE 46(5) 2011年10月  査読有り
    Three-dimensional ionospheric tomography is effective for investigations of the dynamics of ionospheric phenomena. However, it is an ill-posed problem in the context of sparse data, and accurate electron density reconstruction is difficult. The Residual Minimization Training Neural Network (RMTNN) tomographic approach, a multilayer neural network trained by minimizing an objective function, allows reconstruction of sparse data. In this study, we validate the reconstruction performance of RMTNN using numerical simulations based on both sufficiently sampled and sparse data. First, we use a simple plasma-bubble model representing the disturbed ionosphere and evaluate the reconstruction performance based on 40 GPS receivers in Japan. We subsequently apply our approach to a sparse data set obtained from 24 receivers in Indonesia. The reconstructed images from the disturbed and sparse data are consistent with the model data, except below 200 km altitude. To improve this performance and limit any discrepancies, we used information on the electron density in the lower ionosphere. The results suggest the restricted RMTNN-tomography-assisted approach is very promising for investigations of ionospheric electron density distributions, including studies of irregular structures in different regions. In particular, RMTNN constrained by low-Earth-orbit satellite data is effective in improving the reconstruction accuracy.
  • 廣岡 伸治, 服部 克巳, 西橋 政秀, 竹田 辰興
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 5(1) 115-116 2011年4月15日  
  • S. Hirooka, K. Hattori, M. Nishihashi, T. Takeda
    NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 11(8) 2341-2353 2011年  査読有り
    A tomographic approach is used to investigate the fine structure of electron density in the ionosphere. In the present paper, the Residual Minimization Training Neural Network (RMTNN) method is selected as the ionospheric tomography with which to investigate the detailed structure that may be associated with earthquakes. The 2007 Southern Sumatra earthquake (M = 8.5) was selected because significant decreases in the Total Electron Content (TEC) have been confirmed by GPS and global ionosphere map (GIM) analyses. The results of the RMTNN approach are consistent with those of TEC approaches. With respect to the analyzed earthquake, we observed significant decreases at heights of 250-400 km, especially at 330 km. However, the height that yields the maximum electron density does not change. In the obtained structures, the regions of decrease are located on the southwest and southeast sides of the Integrated Electron Content (IEC) (altitudes in the range of 400-550 km) and on the southern side of the IEC (altitudes in the range of 250-400 km). The global tendency is that the decreased region expands to the east with increasing altitude and concentrates in the Southern hemisphere over the epicenter. These results indicate that the RMTNN method is applicable to the estimation of ionospheric electron density.
  • Shinji Hirooka, Katsumi Hattori, Tatsuoki Takeda
    2011 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, URSIGASS 2011 2011年  査読有り
    In order to investigate the dynamics of ionospheric phenomena, perform the 3-D ionospheric tomography is effective. However, it is the ill-posed inverse problem and reconstruction is difficult because of the small number of data. The Residual Minimization Training Neural Network (RMTNN) tomographic approach proposed by Ma et al. [3] has an advantage in reconstruction with sparse data. They have demonstrated few results in quiet conditions of ionosphere in Japan. Therefore, we validate the performance of reconstruction in the case of disturbed period and quite sparse data by the simulation and/or real data in this paper. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Shinji Hirooka, Katsumi Hattori, Masahide Nishihashi, Tatsuoki Takeda
    2011 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, URSIGASS 2011 2011年  査読有り
    In this paper, neural network based ionospheric tomography was performed to investigate the detailed structure that may be associated with earthquakes. The 2007 Southern Sumatra earthquake (M8.5) is selected because significant decreases in the Total Electron Content (TEC) have been confirmed by GPS data analysis. With respect to the analyzed earthquake, we detected significant decreases at heights of 250-400 km, especially at 300 km. The global tendency is that the decreased region expands to the east with increasing altitude and concentrated in the Southern hemisphere over the epicenter. Furthermore, obtained results are consistent with other satellite observation. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Shinji Hirooka, Katsumi Hattori, Masahide Nishihashi, Shinpei Kon, Tatsuoki Takeda
    IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 131(9) 691-697 2011年  査読有り
    The ionospheric anomaly prior to the 2007 SouthernSumatra earthquake (M8.5) was observed by GPS receivers around Sumatra islands. In this paper, to investigate the three-dimensional structure of electron density in Ionosphere, a tomographic approach (Residual Minimization Training Neural Network RMTNN) has been performed. The results of the tomographic approach are consistent with those of total electron content (TEC) approaches. We found that the significant decreases take place in the heights of 250-400 km, especially at 330 km height. But the height which gives the maximum electron density is not changed. The obtained structure is that the decreased region exists in the southwest side of Integrated Electron Content (IEC) (400-550 km altitudes) and in the northern side of IEC (250-400 km altitudes). Global tendency of the decreases area is expanded to the east with an altitude and it is concentrated in the southern hemisphere of over the epicenter. These resultsshow that the high capability of RMTNN method for the estimation of the ionospheric electron density distribution possibly associated with earthquake. © 2011 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
  • 廣岡 伸治, 服部 克巳, 竹田 辰興
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 4(2) 78-79 2010年10月15日  
  • 廣岡 伸治, 服部 克巳, 竹田 辰興
    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 4(1) 52-53 2010年4月15日  
  • 廣岡 伸治, 西橋 政秀, 服部 克巳
    大気電気学会誌 1(1) 121-122 2007年5月10日  

