
清野 宏

キヨノ ヒロシ  (Hiroshi Kiyono)


千葉大学 未来医療教育研究機構 特任教授 (卓越教授)



Dr. Kiyono obtained his dental degree (D.D.S.) from Nihon University, and Ph. D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). His background as a dentist combined with extensive research experience in the field of Mucosal Immunology at UAB, Max-Planck Institute, Osaka University and now, the University of Tokyo make him exceptionally well qualified to lead the current and future directions of mucosal immunology and mucosal vaccine. To reflect his scientific contribution, he has been listed in ISI Highly Cited Researchers’ List since 2005. He is the past President of Society for Mucosal Immunology. He received of several prestigious awards including NIH New Investigator Research Award, NIH Research Career Development Award, The Japanese Society for Vaccinology Takahashi Award, and Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Medical Science Award. He has a total of 422 publications in peer review journals and edited a total of 20 books. He is currently Dean, the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo.


  • Yoshikazu Yuki, Shiho Kurokawa, Kotomi Sugiura, Koji Kashima, Shinichi Maruyama, Tomoyuki Yamanoue, Ayaka Honma, Mio Mejima, Natsumi Takeyama, Masaharu Kuroda, Hiroko Kozuka-Hata, Masaaki Oyama, Takehiro Masumura, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Takashi Hiraizumi, Eiji Goto, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Frontiers in Plant Science 15 2024年3月15日  
    We previously established the selection-marker-free rice-based oral cholera vaccine (MucoRice-CTB) line 51A for human use by Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation and conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase I trial in Japan and the United States. Although MucoRice-CTB 51A was acceptably safe and well tolerated by healthy Japanese and U.S. subjects and induced CTB-specific antibodies neutralizing cholera toxin secreted by Vibrio cholerae, we were limited to a 6-g cohort in the U.S. trial because of insufficient production of MucoRice-CTB. Since MucoRice-CTB 51A did not grow in sunlight, we re-examined the previously established marker-free lines and selected MucoRice-CTB line 19A. Southern blot analysis of line 19A showed a single copy of the CTB gene. We resequenced the whole genome and detected the transgene in an intergenic region in chromosome 1. After establishing a master seed bank of MucoRice-CTB line 19A, we established a hydroponic production facility with LED lighting to reduce electricity consumption and to increase production capacity for clinical trials. Shotgun MS/MS proteomics analysis of MucoRice-CTB 19A showed low levels of α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor-like proteins (major rice allergens), which was consistent with the data for line 51A. We also demonstrated that MucoRice-CTB 19A had high oral immunogenicity and induced protective immunity against cholera toxin challenge in mice. These results indicate that MucoRice-CTB 19A is a suitable oral cholera vaccine candidate for Phase I and II clinical trials in humans, including a V. cholerae challenge study.
  • Zhongwei Zhang, Izumi Tanaka, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Peter B Ernst, Hiroshi Kiyono, Yosuke Kurashima
    Seminars in immunopathology 2024年1月3日  
    Glycoprotein 2 (GP2) is a widely distributed protein in the digestive tract, contributing to mucosal barrier maintenance, immune homeostasis, and antigen-specific immune response, while also being linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) pathogenesis. This review sheds light on the extensive distribution of GP2 within the gastrointestinal tract and its intricate interplay with the immune system. Furthermore, the significance of GP2 autoantibodies in diagnosing and categorizing IBD is underscored, alongside the promising therapeutic avenues for modulating GP2 to regulate immunity and maintain mucosal balance.
  • Xiao Sun, Koji Hosomi, Atsushi Shimoyama, Ken Yoshii, Azusa Saika, Haruki Yamaura, Takahiro Nagatake, Hiroshi Kiyono, Koichi Fukase, Jun Kunisawa
    International Immunology 2023年11月25日  
    Abstract We previously demonstrated that Alcaligenes-derived lipid A (ALA), which is produced from an intestinal lymphoid tissue-resident commensal bacterium, is an effective adjuvant for inducing antigen-specific immune responses. To understand the immunologic characteristics of ALA as a vaccine adjuvant, we here compared the adjuvant activity of ALA with that of a licensed adjuvant (monophosphoryl lipid A, MPLA) in mice. Although the adjuvant activity of ALA was only slightly greater than that of MPLA for subcutaneous immunization, ALA induced significantly greater IgA antibody production than did MPLA during nasal immunization. Regarding the underlying mechanism, ALA increased and activated CD11b+ CD103− CD11c+ dendritic cells in the nasal tissue by stimulating chemokine responses. These findings revealed the superiority of ALA as a mucosal adjuvant due to the unique immunologic functions of ALA in nasal tissue.
  • Naomi Matsumoto, Shiho Kurokawa, Shigeyuki Tamiya, Yutaka Nakamura, Naomi Sakon, Shoko Okitsu, Hiroshi Ushijima, Yoshikazu Yuki, Hiroshi Kiyono, Shintaro Sato
    Viruses 15(9) 2023年9月15日  
    Sapoviruses, like noroviruses, are single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses classified in the family Caliciviridae and are recognized as a causative pathogen of diarrhea in infants and the elderly. Like human norovirus, human sapovirus (HuSaV) has long been difficult to replicate in vitro. Recently, it has been reported that HuSaV can be replicated in vitro by using intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) derived from human tissues and cell lines derived from testicular and duodenal cancers. In this study, we report that multiple genotypes of HuSaV can sufficiently infect and replicate in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived IECs. We also show that this HuSaV replication system can be used to investigate the conditions for inactivation of HuSaV by heat and alcohol, and the effects of virus neutralization of antisera obtained by immunization with vaccine antigens, under conditions closer to the living environment. The results of this study confirm that HuSaV can also infect and replicate in human normal IECs regardless of their origin and are expected to contribute to future virological studies.
  • Yoshikazu Yuki, Norihiro Harada, Shin-Ichi Sawada, Yohei Uchida, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Hiromi Mori, Tomoyuki Yamanoue, Tomonori Machita, Masakatsu Kanazawa, Dai Fukumoto, Hiroyuki Ohba, Takashi Miyazaki, Kazunari Akiyoshi, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Vaccine 41(34) 4941-4949 2023年7月31日  
    Cationic cholesteryl-group-bearing pullulan nanogel (cCHP-nanogel) is an effective drug-delivery system for nasal vaccines. However, cCHP-nanogel-based nasal vaccines might access the central nervous system due to its close proximity via the olfactory bulb in the nasal cavity. Using real-time quantitative tracking of the nanogel-based nasal botulinum neurotoxin and pneumococcal vaccines, we previously confirmed the lack of deposition of vaccine antigen in the cerebrum or olfactory bulbs of mice and non-human primates (NHPs), rhesus macaques. Here, we used positron emission tomography to investigate the biodistribution of the drug-delivery system itself, cCHP-nanogel after mice and NHPs were nasally administered with 18F-labeled cCHP nanogel. The results generated by the PET analysis of rhesus macaques were consistent with the direct counting of radioactivity due to 18F or 111In in dissected mouse tissues. Thus, no depositions of cCHP-nanogel were noted in the cerebrum, olfactory bulbs, or eyes of both species after nasal administration of the radiolabeled cCHP-nanogel compound. Our findings confirm the safe biodistribution of the cCHP-nanogel-based nasal vaccine delivery system in mice and NHPs.
  • Shingo Umemoto, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Yoshikazu Yuki, Shiho Kurokawa, Tomonori Machita, Yohei Uchida, Hiromi Mori, Tomoyuki Yamanoue, Takehiko Shibata, Shin-Ichi Sawada, Kazuya Ishige, Takashi Hirano, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Kazunari Akiyoshi, Yosuke Kurashima, Daisuke Tokuhara, Peter B Ernst, Masashi Suzuki, Hiroshi Kiyono
    NPJ vaccines 8(1) 106-106 2023年7月24日  
    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of upper and lower respiratory tract infection, especially in children and the elderly. Various vaccines containing the major transmembrane surface proteins of RSV (proteins F and G) have been tested; however, they have either afforded inadequate protection or are associated with the risk of vaccine-enhanced disease (VED). Recently, F protein-based maternal immunization and vaccines for elderly patients have shown promising results in phase III clinical trials, however, these vaccines have been administered by injection. Here, we examined the potential of using the ectodomain of small hydrophobic protein (SHe), also an RSV transmembrane surface protein, as a nasal vaccine antigen. A vaccine was formulated using our previously developed cationic cholesteryl-group-bearing pullulan nanogel as the delivery system, and SHe was linked in triplicate to pneumococcal surface protein A as a carrier protein. Nasal immunization of mice and cotton rats induced both SHe-specific serum IgG and mucosal IgA antibodies, preventing viral invasion in both the upper and lower respiratory tracts without inducing VED. Moreover, nasal immunization induced greater protective immunity against RSV in the upper respiratory tract than did systemic immunization, suggesting a critical role for mucosal RSV-specific IgA responses in viral elimination at the airway epithelium. Thus, our nasal vaccine induced effective protection against RSV infection in the airway mucosa and is therefore a promising vaccine candidate for further development.
  • Xiao Sun, Koji Hosomi, Atsushi Shimoyama, Ken Yoshii, Huangwenxian Lan, Yunru Wang, Haruki Yamaura, Takahiro Nagatake, Ken J. Ishii, Shizuo Akira, Hiroshi Kiyono, Koichi Fukase, Jun Kunisawa
    International Immunopharmacology 117 109852-109852 2023年4月  
  • Sheikh Ariful Hoque, Tomohiro Kotaki, Ngan Thi Kim Pham, Yuko Onda, Shoko Okitsu, Shintaro Sato, Yoshikazu Yuki, Takeshi Kobayashi, Niwat Maneekarn, Hiroshi Kiyono, Satoshi Hayakawa, Hiroshi Ushijima
    Journal of Infection 86(2) 154-225 2023年2月  
  • Koji Hosomi, Atsushi Shimoyama, Atsushi Hinenoya, Noritoshi Hatanaka, Takafumi Noguchi, Hirotaka Ebina, Yoko Tojima, Mari Furuta, Masuo Kondoh, Hiroshi Kiyono, Shinji Yamasaki, Koichi Fukase, Jun Kunisawa
    Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark 28(1) 15-15 2023年1月17日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Clostridium perfringens and Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are common causes of food poisoning. We previously demonstrated the efficacy of Stx2B-C-CPE, a fusion protein of the C-terminal region of C. perfringens enterotoxin (C-CPE) and Shiga toxin 2 B subunit (Stx2B), as a bivalent vaccine against C. perfringens and STEC infections. METHODS: Here, we applied an E. coli expression system and Triton X-114 phase separation to prepare tag- and endotoxin-free Stx2B-C-CPE for use in vaccine formulations. RESULTS: As we anticipated, endotoxin removal from the purified antigen reduced both Stx2B- and C-CPE-specific IgG antibody responses in subcutaneously immunized mice, suggesting that endotoxin contamination influences the immunological assessment of Stx2B-C-CPE. However, the combined use of aluminum and Alcaligenes lipid A adjuvants improved IgG antibody responses to the injected antigen, thus indicating the suitability of purified Stx2B-C-CPE for vaccine formulation. CONCLUSIONS: Our current findings provide important knowledge regarding the design of an effective commercial Stx2B-C-CPE vaccine.
  • Catherine J Y Tsai, Jacelyn M S Loh, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Expert review of vaccines 22(1) 885-899 2023年  
    INTRODUCTION: The unique mucosal immune system allows the generation of robust protective immune responses at the front line of pathogen encounters. The needle-free delivery route and cold chain-free logistic requirements also provide additional advantages in ease and economy. However, the development of mucosal vaccines faces several challenges, and only a handful of mucosal vaccines are currently licensed. These vaccines are all in the form of live attenuated or inactivated whole organisms, whereas no subunit-based mucosal vaccine is available. AREAS COVERED: The selection of antigen, delivery vehicle, route and adjuvants for mucosal vaccination are highly important. This is particularly crucial for subunit vaccines, as they often fail to elicit strong immune responses. Emerging research is providing new insights into the biological and immunological uniqueness of mucosal tissues. However, many aspects of the mucosal immunology still await to be investigated. EXPERT OPINION: This article provides an overview of the current understanding of mucosal vaccination and discusses the remaining knowledge gaps. We emphasize that because of the potential benefits mucosal vaccines can bring from the biomedical, social and economic standpoints, the unmet goal to achieve mucosal vaccine success is worth the effort.
  • Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Yosuke Kurashima, Yoshikazu Yuki, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Trends in molecular medicine 29(2) 124-140 2022年11月23日  
    Nasal vaccines induce pathogen-specific dual protective immunity at mucosal surfaces and systemically throughout the body. Consequently, nasal vaccines both prevent pathogen invasion and reduce disease severity. Because of these features, nasal vaccines are considered to be a next-generation tool for preventing respiratory infectious diseases, including COVID-19. However, nasal vaccines must overcome key safety concerns given the anatomic proximity of the central nervous system (CNS) via the olfactory bulbs which lie next to the nasal cavity. This review summarizes current efforts to develop safe and effective nasal vaccines and delivery systems, as well as their clinical applications for the prevention of respiratory infections. We also discuss various concerns regarding the safety of nasal vaccines and introduce a system for evaluating them.
  • Zhongwei Zhang, Peter B Ernst, Hiroshi Kiyono, Yosuke Kurashima
    Frontiers in immunology 13 937120-937120 2022年9月14日  査読有り
    Mast cells (MCs) are immune cells widely distributed in the body, accompanied by diverse phenotypes and functions. Committed mast cell precursors (MCPs) leave the bone marrow and enter the blood circulation, homing to peripheral sites under the control of various molecules from different microenvironments, where they eventually differentiate and mature. Partly attributable to the unique maturation mechanism, MCs display high functional heterogeneity and potentially plastic phenotypes. High plasticity also means that MCs can exhibit different subtypes to cope with different microenvironments, which we call "the peripheral immune education system". Under the peripheral immune education system, MCs showed a new character from previous cognition in some cases, namely regulation of allergy and inflammation. In this review, we focus on the mucosal tissues, such as the gastrointestinal tract, to gain insights into the mechanism underlying the migration of MCs to the gut or other organs and their heterogeneity, which is driven by different microenvironments. In particular, the immunosuppressive properties of MCs let us consider that positively utilizing MCs may be a new way to overcome inflammatory and allergic disorders.
  • Yu Takahashi, Makoto Noguchi, Yu Inoue, Shintaro Sato, Makoto Shimizu, Hirotatsu Kojima, Takayoshi Okabe, Hiroshi Kiyono, Yoshio Yamauchi, Ryuichiro Sato
    iScience 25(7) 104542-104542 2022年7月  査読有り
  • Zhongwei Zhang, Izumi Tanaka, Zhen Pan, Peter B Ernst, Hiroshi Kiyono, Yosuke Kurashima
    European journal of immunology 52(7) 1035-1046 2022年7月  査読有り
    The pancreas contains exocrine glands, which release enzymes (e.g., amylase, trypsin, and lipase) that are important for digestion, and islets, which produce hormones. Digestive enzymes and hormones are secreted from the pancreas into the duodenum and bloodstream, respectively. Growing evidence suggests that the roles of pancreas extend to not only the secretion of digestive enzymes and hormones but also to the regulation of intestinal homeostasis and inflammation (e.g., mucosal defense to pathogens and pathobionts). Organ crosstalk between the pancreas and intestine is linked to a range of physiological, immunological, and pathological activities, such as the regulation of the gut microbiota by the pancreatic proteins and lipids, the retroaction of the gut microbiota on the pancreas, the relationship between inflammatory bowel disease, and pancreatic diseases. We herein discuss the current understanding of the pancreas-intestinal barrier axis and the control of commensal bacteria in intestinal inflammation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
  • Rui Tada, Emi Honjo, Shoko Muto, Noriko Takayama, Hiroshi Kiyono, Jun Kunisawa, Yoichi Negishi
    Membranes 12(6) 635-635 2022年6月20日  査読有り招待有り
    An advantage of mucosal vaccines over conventional parenteral vaccines is that they can induce protective immune responses not only at mucosal surfaces but also in systemic compartments. Despite this advantage, few live attenuated or inactivated mucosal vaccines have been developed and applied clinically. We recently showed that the intranasal immunization of ovalbumin (OVA) with class B synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing immunostimulatory CpG motif (CpG ODN)-loaded cationic liposomes synergistically exerted both antigen-specific mucosal immunoglobulin A (IgA) and systemic immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses in mice. However, the mechanism underlying the mucosal adjuvant activity of CpG ODN-loaded liposomes remains unknown. In the present study, we showed that the intranasal administration of CpG ODN-loaded cationic liposomes elicited interleukin (IL)-6 release in nasal tissues. Additionally, pre-treatment with an anti-IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) antibody attenuated antigen-specific nasal IgA production but not serum IgG responses. Furthermore, the intranasal administration of OVA and CpG ODN-loaded cationic liposomes increased the number of IgA+/CD138+ plasma cells and IgA+/B220+ B cells in the nasal passages. This increase was markedly suppressed by pre-treatment with anti-IL-6R blocking antibody. In conclusion, IL-6 released by CpG ODN-loaded cationic liposomes at the site of administration may play a role in the induction of antigen-specific IgA responses by promoting differentiation into IgA+ plasma cells for IgA secretion from B cells.
  • Eun Jeong Park, Motomu Shimaoka, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9 2022年5月11日  査読有り招待有り
  • Yoshikazu Yuki, Masanori Nojima, Koji Kashima, Kotomi Sugiura, Shinichi Maruyama, Shiho Kurokawa, Tomoyuki Yamanoue, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Hiroyuki Nakajima, Takashi Hiraizumi, Hitoshi Kohno, Eiji Goto, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Vaccine 2022年4月  
  • Mariko Kamioka, Yoshiyuki Goto, Kiminori Nakamura, Yuki Yokoi, Rina Sugimoto, Shuya Ohira, Yosuke Kurashima, Shingo Umemoto, Shintaro Sato, Jun Kunisawa, Yu Takahashi, Steven E. Domino, Jean-Christophe Renauld, Susumu Nakae, Yoichiro Iwakura, Peter B. Ernst, Tokiyoshi Ayabe, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(3) 2022年1月18日  
    Significance Paneth cells produce granules containing antimicrobial peptides, such as α-defensin for host defense. Examination of the production and utilization of fucosyltransferase 2 (Fut2) by Paneth cells revealed two distinct subsets: Fut2 + Paneth cells and Fut2 Paneth cells. Compared with Fut2 Paneth cells, Fut2 + Paneth cells were enriched in granules containing antimicrobial peptides. IL-22 and IL-17a were found to be essential for commensal bacteria-dependent Fut2 + Paneth cell development and function as part of gut defense.
  • Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Hiromi Mori, Yoshikazu Yuki, Shingo Umemoto, Takashi Hirano, Yohei Uchida, Tomonori Machita, Tomoyuki Yamanoue, Shin-Ichi Sawada, Masashi Suzuki, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Kazunari Akiyoshi, Yuichi Kurono, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Frontiers in immunology 13 819859-819859 2022年  
    Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) strains form a major group of pathogenic bacteria that colonizes the nasopharynx and causes otitis media in young children. At present, there is no licensed vaccine for NTHi. Because NTHi colonizes the upper respiratory tract and forms biofilms that cause subsequent infectious events, a nasal vaccine that induces NTHi-specific secretory IgA capable of preventing biofilm formation in the respiratory tract is desirable. Here, we developed a cationic cholesteryl pullulan-based (cCHP nanogel) nasal vaccine containing the NTHi surface antigen P6 (cCHP-P6) as a universal vaccine antigen, because P6 expression is conserved among 90% of NTHi strains. Nasal immunization of mice with cCHP-P6 effectively induced P6-specific IgA in mucosal fluids, including nasal and middle ear washes. The vaccine-induced P6-specific IgA showed direct binding to the NTHi via the surface P6 proteins, resulting in the inhibition of NTHi biofilm formation. cCHP-P6 nasal vaccine thus protected mice from intranasal NTHi challenge by reducing NTHi colonization of nasal tissues and eventually eliminated the bacteria. In addition, the vaccine-induced IgA bound to different NTHi clinical isolates from patients with otitis media and inhibited NTHi attachment in a three-dimensional in vitro model of the human nasal epithelial surface. Therefore, the cCHP-P6 nanogel nasal vaccine induced effective protection in the airway mucosa, making it a strong vaccine candidate for preventing NTHi-induced infectious diseases, such as otitis media, sinusitis, and pneumonia.
  • Yosuke Kurashima, Takaaki Kigoshi, Sayuri Murasaki, Fujimi Arai, Kaoru Shimada, Natsumi Seki, Yun-Gi Kim, Koji Hase, Hiroshi Ohno, Kazuya Kawano, Hiroshi Ashida, Toshihiko Suzuki, Masako Morimoto, Yukari Saito, Ai Sasou, Yuki Goda, Yoshikazu Yuki, Yutaka Inagaki, Hideki Iijima, Wataru Suda, Masahira Hattori, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Nature Communications 12(1) 1067-1067 2021年12月  査読有り
    <title>Abstract</title>Increases in adhesive and invasive commensal bacteria, such as <italic>Escherichia coli</italic>, and subsequent disruption of the epithelial barrier is implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, the protective systems against such barrier disruption are not fully understood. Here, we show that secretion of luminal glycoprotein 2 (GP2) from pancreatic acinar cells is induced in a TNF–dependent manner in mice with chemically induced colitis. Fecal GP2 concentration is also increased in Crohn’s diease patients. Furthermore, pancreas-specific GP2-deficient colitis mice have more severe intestinal inflammation and a larger mucosal <italic>E. coli</italic> population than do intact mice, indicating that digestive-tract GP2 binds commensal <italic>E. coli</italic>, preventing epithelial attachment and penetration. Thus, the pancreas–intestinal barrier axis and pancreatic GP2 are important as a first line of defense against adhesive and invasive commensal bacteria during intestinal inflammation.
  • Hiroshi Kiyono, Yoshikazu Yuki, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Kohtaro Fujihashi
    International Immunology 33(12) 767-774 2021年11月25日  
    Abstract The oral and nasal cavities are covered by the mucosal epithelium that starts at the beginning of the aero-digestive tract. These mucosal surfaces are continuously exposed to environmental antigens including pathogens and allergens and are thus equipped with a mucosal immune system that mediates initial recognition of pathogenicity and initiates pathogen-specific immune responses. At the dawn of our scientific effort to explore the mucosal immune system, dental science was one of the major driving forces as it provided insights into the importance of mucosal immunity and its application for the control of oral infectious diseases. The development of mucosal vaccines for the prevention of dental caries was thus part of a novel approach that contributed to building the scientific foundations of the mucosal immune system. Since then, mucosal immunology and vaccines have gone on a scientific journey to become one of the major entities within the discipline of immunology. Here, we introduce our past and current efforts and future directions for the development of mucosal vaccines, specifically a rice-based oral vaccine (MucoRice) and a nanogel-based nasal vaccine, with the aim of preventing and controlling gastrointestinal and respiratory infectious diseases using the interdisciplinary fusion of mucosal immunology with agricultural science and biomaterial engineering, respectively.
  • Aiko Ono-Ohmachi, Satoki Yamada, Satoru Uno, Masato Tamai, Kohei Soga, Shotaro Nakamura, Nobuyuki Udagawa, Yuko Nakamichi, Masanori Koide, Yoshikazu Morita, Tomohiro Takano, Takumi Itoh, Shigeru Kakuta, Chikao Morimoto, Shuji Matsuoka, Yoichiro Iwakura, Michio Tomura, Hiroshi Kiyono, Satoshi Hachimura, Haruyo Nakajima-Adachi
    Mucosal Immunology 14(6) 1335-1346 2021年11月  
    Intestinal inflammation can be accompanied by osteoporosis, but their relationship, mediated by immune responses, remains unclear. Here, we investigated a non-IgE-mediated food-allergic enteropathy model of ovalbumin (OVA) 23-3 mice expressing OVA-specific T-cell-receptor transgenes. Mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) and their pathogenic CD4+T cells were important to enteropathy occurrence and exacerbation when the mice were fed an egg-white (EW) diet. EW-fed OVA23-3 mice also developed bone loss and increased CD44hiCD62LloCD4+T cells in the MLNs and bone marrow (BM); these changes were attenuated by MLN, but not spleen, resection. We fed an EW diet to F1 cross offspring from OVA23-3 mice and a mouse line expressing the photoconvertible protein KikGR to track MLN CD4+T cells. Photoconverted MLN CD44hiCD62LloCD4+T cells migrated predominantly to the BM; pit formation assay proved their ability to promote bone damage via osteoclasts. Significantly greater expression of IL-4 mRNA in MLN CD44hiCD62LloCD4+T cells and bone was observed in EW-fed OVA23-3 mice. Anti-IL-4 monoclonal antibody injection canceled bone loss in the primary inflammation phase in EW-fed mice, but less so in the chronic phase. This novel report shows the specific inflammatory relationship, via Th2-dominant-OVA-specific T cells and IL-4 production, between MLNs and bone, a distant organ, in food-allergic enteropathy.
  • Rui Tada, Akira Hidaka, Yuya Tanazawa, Akari Ohmi, Shoko Muto, Miki Ogasawara, Momoko Saito, Akihiro Ohshima, Naoko Iwase, Emi Honjo, Hiroshi Kiyono, Jun Kunisawa, Yoichi Negishi
    International Immunopharmacology 101(Pt A) 108280-108280 2021年10月  査読有り
    The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by a highly virulent and transmissible pathogen, has proven to be devastating to society. Mucosal vaccines that can induce antigen-specific immune responses in both the systemic and mucosal compartments are considered an effective measure to overcome infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microbes. We have recently developed a nasal vaccine system using cationic liposomes composed of 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane and cholesteryl 3β-N-(dimethylaminoethyl)carbamate in mice. However, the comprehensive molecular mechanism(s), especially the host soluble mediator involved in this process, by which cationic liposomes promote antigen-specific mucosal immune responses, remain to be elucidated. Herein, we show that intranasal administration of cationic liposomes elicited interleukin 6 (IL-6) expression at the site of administration. Additionally, both nasal passages and splenocytes from mice nasally immunized with cationic liposomes plus ovalbumin (OVA) were polarized to produce IL-6 when re-stimulated with OVA in vitro. Furthermore, pretreatment with anti-IL-6R antibody, which blocks the biological activities of IL-6, attenuated the production of OVA-specific nasal immunoglobulin A (IgA) but not OVA-specific serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses. In this study, we demonstrated that IL-6, exerted by nasally administered cationic liposomes, plays a crucial role in antigen-specific IgA induction.
  • Yoshikazu Yuki, Masanori Nojima, Osamu Hosono, Hirotoshi Tanaka, Yasumasa Kimura, Takeshi Satoh, Seiya Imoto, Satoshi Uematsu, Shiho Kurokawa, Koji Kashima, Mio Mejima, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Yohei Uchida, Takanori Marui, Noritada Yoshikawa, Fumitaka Nagamura, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Hiroshi Kiyono
    The Lancet Microbe 2(9) e429-e440 2021年9月  
  • Katsuki Usami, Kanae Niimi, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Yoshifumi Sakai, Shintaro Sato, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Hiroshi Kiyono, Saeka Uchino, Mutsumi Furukawa, Jahidul Islam, Kaori Ito, Taiki Moriya, Yutaka Kusumoto, Michio Tomura, Russell C. Hovey, Junichi Sugawara, Hiroshi Yoneyama, Haruki Kitazawa, Kouichi Watanabe, Hisashi Aso, Tomonori Nochi
    Cell Reports 36(10) 109655-109655 2021年9月  
  • Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Yohei Uchida, Yoshikazu Yuki, Yuko Katakai, Tomoyuki Yamanoue, Hiromi Ogawa, Yoshiko Munesue, Nozomi Nakano, Kouji Hanari, Takashi Miyazaki, Yuki Saito, Shingo Umemoto, Shin-ichi Sawada, Reshmi Mukerji, David E. Briles, Yasuhiro Yasutomi, Kazunari Akiyoshi, Hiroshi Kiyono
    VACCINE 39(25) 3353-3364 2021年6月  
    Current polysaccharide-based pneumococcal vaccines are effective but not compatible with all serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae. We previously developed an adjuvant-free cationic nanogel nasal vaccine containing pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA), which is expressed on the surfaces of all pneumococ-cal serotypes. Here, to address the sequence diversity of PspA proteins, we formulated a cationic nanogel-based trivalent pneumococcal nasal vaccine and demonstrated the vaccine's immunogenicity and protec-tive efficacy in macaques by using a newly developed nasal spray device applicable to humans. Nasal vac-cination of macaques with cationic cholesteryl pullulan nanogel (cCHP)-trivalent PspA vaccine effectively induced PspA-specific IgGs that bound to pneumococcal surfaces and triggered complement C3 deposi-tion. The immunized macaques were protected from pneumococcal intratracheal challenge through both inhibition of lung inflammation and a dramatic reduction in the numbers of bacteria in the lungs. These results demonstrated that the cCHP-trivalent PspA vaccine is an effective candidate vaccine against pneu-mococcal infections.(c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
  • Yoshihiro Takasato, Yosuke Kurashima, Masahiro Kiuchi, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Sayuri Murasaki, Fujimi Arai, Kumi Izawa, Ayako Kaitani, Kaoru Shimada, Yukari Saito, Shota Toyoshima, Miho Nakamura, Kumiko Fujisawa, Yoshimichi Okayama, Jun Kunisawa, Masato Kubo, Naoki Takemura, Satoshi Uematsu, Shizuo Akira, Jiro Kitaura, Takao Takahashi, Toshinori Nakayama, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Mucosal Immunology 14(3) 640-651 2021年5月  査読有り
    <title>Abstract</title>Oral immunotherapy (OIT) is an effective approach to controlling food allergy. Although the detailed molecular and cellular mechanisms of OIT are unknown currently, they must be understood to advance the treatment of allergic diseases in general. To elucidate the mechanisms of OIT, especially during the immunological transition from desensitization to allergy regulation, we generated a clinical OIT murine model and used it to examine immunological events of OIT. We found that in mice that completed OIT successfully, desensitized mast cells (MCs) showed functionally beneficial alterations, such as increased induction of regulatory cytokines and enhanced expansion of regulatory T cells. Importantly, these regulatory-T-cell-mediated inhibitions of allergic responses were dramatically decreased in mice lacking OIT-induced desensitized MC. Collectively, these findings show that the desensitization process modulates the activation of MCs, leading directly to enhanced induction of regulatory-T-cell expansion and promotion of clinical allergic unresponsiveness. Our results suggest that efficiently inducing regulatory MCs is a novel strategy for the treatment of allergic disease.
  • Yoshikazu Yuki, Yohei Uchida, Shin-ichi Sawada, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Kotomi Sugiura, Hiromi Mori, Tomoyuki Yamanoue, Tomonori Machita, Ayaka Honma, Shiho Kurokawa, Reshmi Mukerji, David E. Briles, Kazunari Akiyoshi, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Molecular Pharmaceutics 18(4) 1582-1592 2021年4月5日  
  • Atsushi Shimoyama, Flaviana Di Lorenzo, Haruki Yamaura, Keisuke Mizote, Angelo Palmigiano, Molly D. Pither, Immacolata Speciale, Tomoya Uto, Seiji Masui, Luisa Sturiale, Domenico Garozzo, Koji Hosomi, Naoko Shibata, Kazuya Kabayama, Yukari Fujimoto, Alba Silipo, Jun Kunisawa, Hiroshi Kiyono, Antonio Molinaro, Koichi Fukase
    ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 60(18) 10023-10031 2021年4月  査読有り
    Alcaligenes faecalis is the predominant Gram-negative bacterium inhabiting gut-associated lymphoid tissues, Peyer's patches. We previously reported that an A. faecalis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) acted as a weak agonist for Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/myeloid differentiation factor-2 (MD-2) receptor as well as a potent inducer of IgA without excessive inflammation, thus suggesting that A. faecalis LPS might be used as a safe adjuvant. In this study, we characterized the structure of both the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) and LPS from A. faecalis. We synthesized three lipid A molecules with different degrees of acylation by an efficient route involving the simultaneous introduction of 1- and 4 '-phosphates. Hexaacylated A. faecalis lipid A showed moderate agonistic activity towards TLR4-mediated signaling and the ability to elicit a discrete interleukin-6 release in human cell lines and mice. It was thus found to be the active principle of the LOS/LPS and a promising vaccine adjuvant candidate.
  • Juneyoung Lee, Attayeb Mohsen, Anik Banerjee, Louise D. McCullough, Kenji Mizuguchi, Motomu Shimaoka, Hiroshi Kiyono, Eun Jeong Park
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(7) 3544-3544 2021年3月29日  
    The intestinal epithelium serves as a dynamic barrier to protect the host tissue from exposure to a myriad of inflammatory stimuli in the luminal environment. Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) encompass differentiated and specialized cell types that are equipped with regulatory genes, which allow for sensing of the luminal environment. Potential inflammatory cues can instruct IECs to undergo a diverse set of phenotypic alterations. Aging is a primary risk factor for a variety of diseases; it is now well-documented that aging itself reduces the barrier function and turnover of the intestinal epithelium, resulting in pathogen translocation and immune priming with increased systemic inflammation. In this study, we aimed to provide an effective epigenetic and regulatory outlook that examines age-associated alterations in the intestines through the profiling of microRNAs (miRNAs) on isolated mouse IECs. Our microarray analysis revealed that with aging, there is dysregulation of distinct clusters of miRNAs that was present to a greater degree in small IECs (22 miRNAs) compared to large IECs (three miRNAs). Further, miRNA–mRNA interaction network and pathway analyses indicated that aging differentially regulates key pathways between small IECs (e.g., toll-like receptor-related cascades) and large IECs (e.g., cell cycle, Notch signaling and small ubiquitin-related modifier pathway). Taken together, current findings suggest novel gene regulation pathways by epithelial miRNAs in aging within the gastrointestinal tissues.
  • Ai Sasou, Yoshikazu Yuki, Shiho Kurokawa, Shintaro Sato, Yuki Goda, Masao Uchida, Naomi Matsumoto, Hiroshi Sagara, Yuji Watanabe, Masaharu Kuroda, Naomi Sakon, Kotomi Sugiura, Rika Nakahashi-Ouchida, Hiroshi Ushijima, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Hiroshi Kiyono
    Frontiers in Plant Science 12 2021年2月23日  
    Human norovirus is the leading cause of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis in people of all ages worldwide. Currently, no licensed norovirus vaccine, pharmaceutical drug, or therapy is available for the control of norovirus infection. Here, we used a rice transgenic system, MucoRice, to produce a variable domain of a llama heavy-chain antibody fragment (VHH) specific for human norovirus (MucoRice-VHH). VHH is a small heat- and acid-stable protein that resembles a monoclonal antibody. Consequently, VHHs have become attractive and useful antibodies (Abs) for oral immunotherapy against intestinal infectious diseases. MucoRice-VHH constructs were generated at high yields in rice seeds by using an overexpression system with RNA interference to suppress the production of the major rice endogenous storage proteins. The average production levels of monomeric VHH (7C6) to GII.4 norovirus and heterodimeric VHH (7C6-1E4) to GII.4 and GII.17 noroviruses in rice seed were 0.54 and 0.28% (w/w), respectively, as phosphate buffered saline (PBS)-soluble VHHs. By using a human norovirus propagation system in human induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived intestinal epithelial cells (IECs), we demonstrated the high neutralizing activity of MucoRice expressing monomeric VHH (7C6) against GII.4 norovirus and of heterodimeric VHH (7C6-1E4) against both GII.4 and GII.17 noroviruses. In addition, MucoRice-VHH (7C6-1E4) retained neutralizing activity even after heat treatment at 90°C for 20 min. These results build a fundamental platform for the continued development of MucoRice-VHH heterodimer as a candidate for oral immunotherapy and <strike>for</strike> prophylaxis against GII.4 and GII.17 noroviruses in not only healthy adults and children but also immunocompromised patients and the elderly.
  • Rui Tada, Miki Ogasawara, Daisuke Yamanaka, Yasuhiro Sakurai, Yoichi Negishi, Hiroshi Kiyono, Naohito Ohno, Jun Kunisawa, Yukihiko Aramaki
    PloS one 16(2) e0246422 2021年  査読有り
    Despite significant modern medicine progress, having an infectious disease is a major risk factor for humans. Mucosal vaccination is now widely considered as the most promising strategy to defeat infectious diseases; however, only live-attenuated and inactivated mucosal vaccines are used in the clinical field. To date, no subunit mucosal vaccine was approved mainly because of the lack of safe and effective methodologies to either activate or initiate host mucosal immune responses. We have recently elucidated that intranasal administration of enzymatically polymerised caffeic acid potentiates antigen-specific mucosal and systemic antibody responses in mice. However, our earlier study has not confirmed whether these effects are specific to the polymer synthesised from caffeic acid. Here, we show that enzymatically polymerised polyphenols (EPPs) from various phenolic compounds possess mucosal adjuvant activities when administered nasally with an antigen to mice. Potentiation of antigen-specific immune responses by all EPPs tested in this study showed no clear difference among the precursors used. We found that intranasal administration of ovalbumin as the antigen, in combination with all enzymatically polymerised polyphenols used in this study, induced ovalbumin-specific mucosal IgA in the nasal cavity, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, vaginal fluids, and systemic IgG, especially IgG1, in sera. Our results demonstrate that the mucosal adjuvant activities of polyphenols are not limited to polymerised caffeic acid but are broadly observable across the studied polyphenols. These properties of polyphenols may be advantageous for the development of safe and effective nasal vaccine systems to prevent and/or treat various infectious diseases.
  • Zilai Liu, Koji Hosomi, Atsushi Shimoyama, Ken Yoshii, Xiao Sun, Huangwenxian Lan, Yunru Wang, Haruki Yamaura, Davie Kenneth, Azusa Saika, Takahiro Nagatake, Hiroshi Kiyono, Koichi Fukase, Jun Kunisawa
    Frontiers in pharmacology 12 763657-763657 2021年  査読有り
    We previously identified Alcaligenes spp. as a commensal bacterium that resides in lymphoid tissues, including Peyer's patches. We found that Alcaligenes-derived lipopolysaccharide acted as a weak agonist of Toll-like receptor four due to the unique structure of lipid A, which lies in the core of lipopolysaccharide. This feature allowed the use of chemically synthesized Alcaligenes lipid A as a safe synthetic vaccine adjuvant that induces Th17 polarization to enhance systemic IgG and respiratory IgA responses to T-cell-dependent antigens (e.g., ovalbumin and pneumococcal surface protein A) without excessive inflammation. Here, we examined the adjuvant activity of Alcaligenes lipid A on a Haemophilus influenzae B conjugate vaccine that contains capsular polysaccharide polyribosyl ribitol phosphate (PRP), a T-cell-independent antigen, conjugated with the T-cell-dependent tetanus toxoid (TT) antigen (i.e., PRP-TT). When mice were subcutaneously immunized with PRP alone or mixed with TT, Alcaligenes lipid A did not affect PRP-specific IgG production. In contrast, PRP-specific serum IgG responses were enhanced when mice were immunized with PRP-TT, but these responses were impaired in similarly immunized T-cell-deficient nude mice. Furthermore, TT-specific-but not PRP-specific-T-cell activation occurred in mice immunized with PRP-TT together with Alcaligenes lipid A. In addition, coculture with Alcaligenes lipid A promoted significant proliferation of and enhanced antibody production by B cells. Together, these findings suggest that Alcaligenes lipid A exerts an adjuvant activity on thymus-independent Hib polysaccharide antigen in the presence of a T-cell-dependent conjugate carrier antigen.
  • Yunru Wang, Koji Hosomi, Atsushi Shimoyama, Ken Yoshii, Takahiro Nagatake, Yukari Fujimoto, Hiroshi Kiyono, Koichi Fukase, Jun Kunisawa
    Frontiers in immunology 12 699349-699349 2021年  査読有り
    Alcaligenes spp., including A. faecalis, is a gram-negative facultative bacterium uniquely residing inside the Peyer's patches. We previously showed that A. faecalis-derived lipopolysaccharides (Alcaligenes LPS) acts as a weak agonist of toll-like receptor 4 to activate dendritic cells and shows adjuvant activity by enhancing IgG and Th17 responses to systemic vaccination. Here, we examined the efficacy of Alcaligenes LPS as a nasal vaccine adjuvant. Nasal immunization with ovalbumin (OVA) plus Alcaligenes LPS induced follicular T helper cells and germinal center formation in the nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) and cervical lymph nodes (CLNs), and consequently enhanced OVA-specific IgA and IgG responses in the respiratory tract and serum. In addition, nasal immunization with OVA plus Alcaligenes LPS induced OVA-specific T cells producing IL-17 and/or IL-10, whereas nasal immunization with OVA plus cholera toxin (CT) induced OVA-specific T cells producing IFN-γ and IL-17, which are recognized as pathogenic type of Th17 cells. In addition, CT, but not Alcaligenes LPS, promoted the production of TNF-α and IL-5 by T cells. Nasal immunization with OVA plus CT, but not Alcaligenes LPS, led to increased numbers of neutrophils and eosinophils in the nasal cavity. Together, these findings indicate that the benign nature of Alcaligenes LPS is an effective nasal vaccine adjuvant that induces antigen-specific mucosal and systemic immune responses without activation of inflammatory cascade after nasal administration.
  • Ai Sasou, Yoshikazu Yuki, Ayaka Honma, Kotomi Sugiura, Koji Kashima, Hiroko Kozuka-Hata, Masanori Nojima, Masaaki Oyama, Shiho Kurokawa, Shinichi Maruyama, Masaharu Kuroda, Shinjiro Tanoue, Narushi Takamatsu, Kohtaro Fujihashi, Eiji Goto, Hiroshi Kiyono
    BMC GENOMICS 22(1) 2021年1月  
    BackgroundWe have previously developed a rice-based oral vaccine against cholera diarrhea, MucoRice-CTB. Using Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation, we produced the selection marker-free MucoRice-CTB line 51A, which has three copies of the cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) gene and two copies of an RNAi cassette inserted into the rice genome. We determined the sequence and location of the transgenes on rice chromosomes 3 and 12. The expression of alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitor, a major allergen protein in rice, is lower in this line than in wild-type rice. Line 51A was self-pollinated for five generations to fix the transgenes, and the seeds of the sixth generation produced by T5 plants were defined as the master seed bank (MSB). T6 plants were grown from part of the MSB seeds and were self-pollinated to produce T7 seeds (next seed bank; NSB). NSB was examined and its whole genome and proteome were compared with those of MSB.ResultsWe re-sequenced the transgenes of NSB and MSB and confirmed the positions of the three CTB genes inserted into chromosomes 3 and 12. The DNA sequences of the transgenes were identical between NSB and MSB. Using whole-genome sequencing, we compared the genome sequences of three NSB with three MSB samples, and evaluated the effects of SNPs and genomic structural variants by clustering. No functionally important mutations (SNPs, translocations, deletions, or inversions of genic regions on chromosomes) between NSB and MSB samples were detected. Analysis of salt-soluble proteins from NSB and MSB samples by shot-gun MS/MS detected no considerable differences in protein abundance. No difference in the expression pattern of storage proteins and CTB in mature seeds of NSB and MSB was detected by immuno-fluorescence microscopy.ConclusionsAll analyses revealed no considerable differences between NSB and MSB samples. Therefore, NSB can be used to replace MSB in the near future.
  • 藤橋 浩太郎, 清野 宏
    感染・炎症・免疫 50(2) 116-138 2020年10月  
  • Kosuke Fujimoto, Yasumasa Kimura, Masaki Shimohigoshi, Takeshi Satoh, Shintaro Sato, Georg Tremmel, Miho Uematsu, Yunosuke Kawaguchi, Yuki Usui, Yoshiko Nakano, Tetsuya Hayashi, Koji Kashima, Yoshikazu Yuki, Kiyoshi Yamaguchi, Yoichi Furukawa, Masanori Kakuta, Yutaka Akiyama, Rui Yamaguchi, Sheila E Crowe, Peter B Ernst, Satoru Miyano, Hiroshi Kiyono, Seiya Imoto, Satoshi Uematsu
    Cell host & microbe 28(3) 380-389 2020年9月9日  
    The application of bacteriophages (phages) is proposed as a highly specific therapy for intestinal pathobiont elimination. However, the infectious associations between phages and bacteria in the human intestine, which is essential information for the development of phage therapies, have yet to be fully elucidated. Here, we report the intestinal viral microbiomes (viromes), together with bacterial microbiomes (bacteriomes), in 101 healthy Japanese individuals. Based on the genomic sequences of bacteriomes and viromes from the same fecal samples, the host bacteria-phage associations are illustrated for both temperate and virulent phages. To verify the usefulness of the comprehensive host bacteria-phage information, we screened Clostridioides difficile-specific phages and identified antibacterial enzymes whose activity is confirmed both in vitro and in vivo. These comprehensive metagenome analyses reveal not only host bacteria-phage associations in the human intestine but also provide vital information for the development of phage therapies against intestinal pathobionts.
  • Ken Yoshii, Koji Hosomi, Atsushi Shimoyama, Yunru Wang, Haruki Yamaura, Takahiro Nagatake, Hidehiko Suzuki, Huangwenxian Lan, Hiroshi Kiyono, Koichi Fukase, Jun Kunisawa
    Microorganisms 8(8) 2020年7月23日  
    Effective and safe vaccine adjuvants are needed to appropriately augment mucosal vaccine effects. Our previous study demonstrated that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Peyer's patch resident Alcaligenes stimulated dendritic cells to promote the production of mucosal immunity-enhancing cytokines (e.g., IL-6 and BAFF), thus enhancing antigen-specific immune responses (including IgA production and Th17 responses) without excessive inflammation. Here, we chemically synthesized Alcaligenes lipid A, the biologically active part of LPS, and examined its efficacy as a nasal vaccine adjuvant for the induction of protectively immunity against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Mice were nasally immunized with pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) as a vaccine antigen for S. pneumoniae, together with Alcaligenes lipid A. Alcaligenes lipid A supported the generation of high levels of PspA-specific IgA and IgG responses through the augmentation of germinal center formation in the nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue and cervical lymph nodes (CLNs). Moreover, Alcaligenes lipid A promoted PspA-specific CD4+ Th17 responses in the CLNs and spleen. Furthermore, neutrophils were recruited to infection sites upon nasal infection and synchronized with the antigen-specific T and B cell responses, resulting in the protection against S. pneumoniae infection. Taken together, Alcaligenes lipid A could be applied to the prospective adjuvant to enhance nasal vaccine efficacy by means of augmenting both the innate and acquired arms of mucosal immunity against respiratory bacterial infection.
  • Yunru Wang, Koji Hosomi, Atsushi Shimoyama, Ken Yoshii, Haruki Yamaura, Takahiro Nagatake, Tomomi Nishino, Hiroshi Kiyono, Koichi Fukase, Jun Kunisawa
    Vaccines 8(3) 2020年7月20日  
    Alcaligenes spp. are identified as commensal bacteria and have been found to inhabit Peyer's patches in the gut. We previously reported that Alcaligenes-derived lipopolysaccharides (LPS) exerted adjuvant activity in systemic vaccination, without excessive inflammation. Lipid A is one of the components responsible for the biological effect of LPS and has previously been applied as an adjuvant. Here, we examined the adjuvant activity and safety of chemically synthesized Alcaligenes lipid A. We found that levels of OVA-specific serum IgG antibodies increased in mice that were subcutaneously immunized with ovalbumin (OVA) plus Alcaligenes lipid A relative to those that were immunized with OVA alone. In addition, Alcaligenes lipid A promoted antigen-specific T helper 17 (Th17) responses in the spleen; upregulated the expression of MHC class II, CD40, CD80, and CD86 on bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs); enhanced the production of Th17-inducing cytokines IL-6 and IL-23 from BMDCs. Stimulation with Alcaligenes lipid A also induced the production of IL-6 and IL-1β in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Moreover, Alcaligenes lipid A caused minor side effects, such as lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia. These findings suggest that Alcaligenes lipid A is a safe and effective Th17-type adjuvant by directly stimulating dendritic cells in systemic vaccination.
  • Yoshikazu Yuki, Shiho Kurokawa, Shintaro Sato, Ai Sasou, Naomi Matsumoto, Akio Suzuki, Naomi Sakon, Yuki Goda, Natsumi Takeyama, Tatsuya Miyoshi, Harold Marcotte, Tomoyuki Tanaka, Lennart Hammarstrom, Hiroshi Kiyono
    The Journal of infectious diseases 222(3) 470-478 2020年7月6日  
    Human noroviruses cause an estimated 685 million infections and 200 000 deaths annually worldwide. Although vaccines against GII.4 and GI.1 genotypes are under development, no information is available regarding vaccines or monoclonal antibodies to other noroviral genotypes. Here, we developed 2 variable-domain llama heavy-chain antibody fragment (VHHs) clones, 7C6 and 1E4, against GII.4 and GII.17 human noroviruses, respectively. Although 7C6 cross-reacted with virus-like particles (VLPs) of GII.17, GII.6, GII.3, and GII.4, it neutralized only GII.4 norovirus. In contrast, 1E4 reacted with and neutralized only GII.17 VLPs. Both VHHs blocked VLP binding to human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived intestinal epithelial cells and carbohydrate attachment factors. Using these 2 VHHs, we produced a heterodimeric VHH fragment that neutralized both GII.4 and GII.17 noroviruses. Because VHH fragments are heat- and acid-stable recombinant monoclonal antibodies, the heterodimer likely will be useful for oral immunotherapy and prophylaxis against GII.4 and GII.17 noroviruses in young, elderly, or immunocompromised persons.
  • Yutaka Nakamura, Hitomi Mimuro, Jun Kunisawa, Yukihiro Furusawa, Daisuke Takahashi, Yumiko Fujimura, Tsuneyasu Kaisho, Hiroshi Kiyono, Koji Hase
    Mucosal immunology 13(4) 679-690 2020年7月  
    Infectious colitis is one of the most common health issues worldwide. Microfold (M) cells actively transport luminal antigens to gut-associated lymphoid tissue to induce IgA responses; however, it remains unknown whether M cells contribute to the induction of cellular immune responses. Here we report that M cell-dependent antigen transport plays a critical role in the induction of Th1, Th17, and Th22 responses against gut commensals in the steady state. The establishment of commensal-specific cellular immunity was a prerequisite for preventing bacterial dissemination during enteropathogenic Citrobacter rodentium infection. Therefore, M cell-null mice developed severe colitis with increased bacterial dissemination. This abnormality was associated with mucosal barrier dysfunction. These observations suggest that antigen transport by M cells may help maintain gut immune homeostasis by eliciting antigen-specific cellular immune responses.
  • Ichiro Takahashi, Koji Hosomi, Takahiro Nagatake, Hirokazu Toubou, Daiki Yamamoto, Ikue Hayashi, Yosuke Kurashima, Shintaro Sato, Naoko Shibata, Yoshiyuki Goto, Fumito Maruyama, Ichiro Nakagawa, Asaomi Kuwae, Akio Abe, Jun Kunisawa, Hiroshi Kiyono
    International immunology 32(2) 133-141 2020年2月7日  査読有り
    Accumulating evidence has revealed that lymphoid tissue-resident commensal bacteria (e.g. Alcaligenes spp.) survive within dendritic cells. We extended our previous study by investigating microbes that persistently colonize colonic macrophages. 16S rRNA-based metagenome analysis using DNA purified from murine colonic macrophages revealed the presence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. The in situ intracellular colonization by S. maltophilia was recapitulated in vitro by using bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs). Co-culture of BMDMs with clinically isolated S. maltophilia led to increased mitochondrial respiration and robust IL-10 production. We further identified a 25-kDa protein encoded by the gene assigned as smlt2713 (recently renamed as SMLT_RS12935) and secreted by S. maltophilia as the factor responsible for enhanced IL-10 production by BMDMs. IL-10 production is critical for maintenance of the symbiotic condition, because intracellular colonization by S. maltophilia was impaired in IL-10-deficient BMDMs, and smlt2713-deficient S. maltophilia failed to persistently colonize IL-10-competent BMDMs. These findings indicate a novel commensal network between colonic macrophages and S. maltophilia that is mediated by IL-10 and smlt2713.
  • Rui Tada, Akihiro Ohshima, Yuya Tanazawa, Akari Ohmi, Saeko Takahashi, Hiroshi Kiyono, Jun Kunisawa, Yukihiko Aramaki, Yoichi Negishi
    Vaccines 8(1) 8 2020年1月  査読有り
    Infectious disease remains a substantial cause of death. To overcome this issue, mucosal<br /> vaccine systems are considered to be a promising strategy. Yet, none are approved for clinical<br /> use, except for live-attenuated mucosal vaccines, mainly owing to the lack of effective and safe<br /> systems to induce antigen-specific immune responses in the mucosal compartment. We have<br /> reported that intranasal vaccination of an antigenic protein, with cationic liposomes composed of<br /> ′′<br /> 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane and 3β-[N-(N ,N -dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl], induced antigen-specific mucosal and systemic antibody responses in mice. However, precise molecular mechanism(s) underlying the mucosal adjuvant effects of cationic liposomes remain to be uncovered. Here, we show that a host double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), released at the site of cationic liposome injection, plays an essential role for the mucosal adjuvanticity of the cationic liposome. Namely, we found that nasal administration of the cationic liposomes induced localized cell death, at the site of injection, resulting in extracellular leakage of host dsDNA. Additionally, in vivo DNase I treatment markedly impaired OVA-specific mucosal and systemic antibody production exerted by cationic liposomes. Our report reveals that host dsDNA, released from local dying cells, acts as a damage-associated molecular pattern that mediates the mucosal adjuvant activity of cationic liposomes.
  • Koji Hosomi, Naoko Shibata, Atsushi Shimoyama, Tomoya Uto, Takahiro Nagatake, Yoko Tojima, Tomomi Nishino, Haruko Takeyama, Koichi Fukase, Hiroshi Kiyono, Jun Kunisawa
    Frontiers in microbiology 11 561005-561005 2020年  査読有り
    Lymphoid-tissue-resident commensal bacteria (LRCs), including Alcaligenes faecalis, are present in intestinal lymphoid tissue including the Peyer's patches (PPs) of mammals and modulate the host immune system. Although LRCs can colonize within dendritic cells (DCs), the mechanisms through which LRCs persist in DCs and the symbiotic relationships between LRCs and DCs remain to be investigated. Here, we show an intracellular symbiotic system in which the LRC Alcaligenes creates a unique energy shift in DCs. Whereas DCs showed low mitochondrial respiration when they were co-cultured with Escherichia coli, DCs carrying A. faecalis maintained increased mitochondrial respiration. Furthermore, E. coli induced apoptosis of DCs but A. faecalis did not. Regarding an underlying mechanism, A. faecalis-unlike E. coli-did not induce intracellular nitric oxide (NO) production in DCs due to the low activity of its lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Therefore, A. faecalis, an example of LRCs, may persist within intestinal lymphoid tissue because they elicit little NO production in DCs. In addition, the symbiotic DCs exhibit characteristic physiologic changes, including a low rate of apoptosis and increased mitochondrial respiration.
  • 柴田 納央子, 細見 晃司, 下山 敦史, 王 韻茹, 吉井 健, 深瀬 浩一, 清野 宏, 國澤 純
    日本小児栄養消化器肝臓学会雑誌 33(2) 133-133 2019年12月  
  • Saku A, Hirose K, Ito T, Iwata A, Sato T, Kaji H, Tamachi T, Suto A, Goto Y, Domino SE, Narimatsu H, Kiyono H, Nakajima H
    The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 144(3) 698-709.e9 2019年9月  査読有り
  • Joo S, Suwanto A, Sato A, Nakahashi-Ouchida R, Mori H, Uchida Y, Sato S, Kurashima Y, Yuki Y, Fujihashi K, Kawaguchi Y, Kiyono H
    Mucosal immunology 2019年9月  査読有り
  • Fujimoto K, Kawaguchi Y, Shimohigoshi M, Gotoh Y, Nakano Y, Usui Y, Hayashi T, Kimura Y, Uematsu M, Yamamoto T, Akeda Y, Rhee JH, Yuki Y, Ishii KJ, Crowe SE, Ernst PB, Kiyono H, Uematsu S
    Gastroenterology 2019年8月  査読有り
  • Keigo Nishida, Aiko Hasegawa, Satoru Yamasaki, Ryota Uchida, Wakana Ohashi, Yosuke Kurashima, Jun Kunisawa, Shunsuke Kimura, Toshihiko Iwanaga, Hiroshi Watarai, Koji Hase, Hideki Ogura, Manabu Nakayama, Jun-Ichi Kashiwakura, Yoshimichi Okayama, Masato Kubo, Osamu Ohara, Hiroshi Kiyono, Haruhiko Koseki, Masaaki Murakami, Toshio Hirano
    Scientific reports 9(1) 10842-10842 2019年7月25日  査読有り
    Zinc (Zn) is an essential nutrient and its deficiency causes immunodeficiency and skin disorders. Various cells including mast cells release Zn-containing granules when activated; however, the biological role of the released Zn is currently unclear. Here we report our findings that Zn transporter ZnT2 is required for the release of Zn from mast cells. In addition, we found that Zn and mast cells induce IL-6 production from inflammatory cells such as skin fibroblasts and promote wound healing, a process that involves inflammation. Zn induces the production of a variety of pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-6 through signaling pathways mediated by the Zn receptor GPR39. Consistent with these findings, wound healing was impaired in mice lacking IL-6 or GPR39. Thus, our results show that Zn and mast cells play a critical role in wound healing through activation of the GPR39/IL-6 signaling axis.
  • Hashizume-Takizawa T, Shibata N, Kurashima Y, Kiyono H, Kurita-Ochiai T, Fujihashi K
    International immunology 31(8) 531-541 2019年7月  査読有り


  • 高橋 裕, 佐藤 慎太郎, 清野 宏, 山内 祥生, 佐藤 隆一郎
    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 96回 [2P-473] 2023年10月  
  • 佐藤 慎太郎, 植松 智, 清野 宏
    炎症と免疫 28(3) 248-252 2020年4月  
  • So-Ichiro Hirata, Takahiro Nagatake, Kento Sawane, Koji Hosomi, Tetsuya Honda, Sachiko Ono, Noriko Shibuya, Emiko Saito, Jun Adachi, Yuichi Abe, Junko Isoyama, Hidehiko Suzuki, Ayu Matsunaga, Takeshi Tomonaga, Hiroshi Kiyono, Kenji Kabashima, Makoto Arita, Jun Kunisawa
    Allergy 2020年2月6日  
    BACKGROUND: Maternal dietary exposures are considered to influence the development of infant allergies through changes in the composition of breast milk. Cohort studies have shown that ω3 PUFA in breast milk may have a beneficial effect on the preventing of allergies in infants; however, the underlying mechanisms remain to be investigated. We investigated how the maternal intake of dietary ω3 PUFAs affects fatty acid profiles in the breast milk and their pups and reduced the incidence of allergic diseases in the pups. METHODS: Contact hypersensitivity (CHS) induced by 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene and fluorescein isothiocyanate was applied to the skin in pups reared by mother maintained with diets mainly containing ω3 or ω6 PUFAs. Skin inflammation, immune cell populations and expression levels of immunomodulatory molecules in pups and/or human cell line were investigated by using flow cytometric, immunohistologic, and quantitative RT-PCR analyses. ω3 PUFA metabolites in breast milk and infant's serum were evaluated by lipidomics analysis using LC-MS/MS. RESULTS: We show that maternal intake of linseed oil, containing abundant ω 3 α-linolenic acid, resulted in the increased levels of ω 3 docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and its 14-lipoxygenation products in the breast milk of mouse dams; these metabolites increased the expression of TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) on plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) in their pups and thus inhibited infant CHS. Indeed, the administration of DPA-derived 14-lipoxygenation products to mouse pups ameliorated their DNFB CHS. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that an inhibitory mechanism in infant skin allergy is induced through maternal metabolism of dietary ω3 PUFAs in mice.
  • Junya Isobe, Shintarou Maeda, Yuuki Obata, Keito Iizuka, Yutaka Nakamura, Yumiko Fujimura, Tatsuki Kimizuka, Kouya Hattori, Yun-Gi Kim, Tatsuya Morita, Ikuo Kimura, Stefan Offermanns, Takahiro Adachi, Atsuhito Nakao, Hiroshi Kiyono, Daisuke Takahashi, Koji Hase
    International immunology 2019年12月20日  
    Secretory immunoglobulin A, the most abundant antibody isotype in the body, maintains a mutual relationship with commensal bacteria and acts as a primary barrier at the mucosal surface. Colonization by commensal bacteria induces an IgA response, at least partly through a T-cell-independent process. However, the mechanism underlying the commensal-bacteria-induced T-cell-independent IgA response has yet to be fully clarified. Here, we show that commensal-bacteria-derived butyrate promotes T-cell-independent IgA class switching recombination (CSR) in the mouse colon. Notably, the butyrate concentration in human stools correlated positively with the amount of IgA. Butyrate upregulated the production of transforming growth factor β1 and all-trans retinoic acid by CD103+CD11b+ dendritic cells, both of which are critical for T-cell-independent IgA CSR. This effect was mediated by G-protein-coupled receptor 41 (GPR41/FFA3) and GPR109a/HCA2, and the inhibition of histone deacetylase. The butyrate-induced IgA response reinforced the colonic barrier function, preventing systemic bacterial dissemination under inflammatory conditions. These observations demonstrate that commensal-bacteria-derived butyrate contributes to the maintenance of the gut immune homeostasis by facilitating the T-cell-independent IgA response in the colon.
  • 柴田 納央子, 國澤 純, 安藤 正浩, 細川 正人, 堀井 俊平, 細見 晃司, 竹山 春子, 清野 宏
    日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集 2019年 213-213 2019年8月  

