
桝 飛雄真

マス ヒュウマ  (Hyuma Masu)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授
(兼任)共用機器センター 准教授 (副センター長)



2004年 4月 科学技術振興機構 CREST研究員
2005年 4月 徳島文理大学香川薬学部助手
2007年 4月 同助教
2010年11月 千葉大学分析センター准教授
2012年 4月 同大学大学院工学研究科に転属(分析センター兼務)(現職)
2013年 4月 共用機器センター兼務(改組による)






  • Nao Komiyama, Takahiro Ohkubo, Yoshiki Maeda, Yuya Saeki, Nobuyuki Ichikuni, Hyuma Masu, Hirofumi Kanoh, Koji Ohara, Ryunosuke Takahashi, Hiroki Wadati, Hideaki Takagi, Yohei Miwa, Shoichi Kutsumizu, Keiki Kishikawa, Michinari Kohri
    Advanced Science 2024年3月13日  
    Abstract Here, an unprecedented phenomenon in which 7‐coordinate lanthanide metallomesogens, which align via hydrogen bonds mediated by coordinated H2O molecules, form micellar cubic mesophases at room temperature, creating body‐centered cubic (BCC)‐type supramolecular spherical arrays, is reported. The results of experiments and molecular dynamics simulations reveal that spherical assemblies of three complexes surrounded by an amorphous alkyl domain spontaneously align in an energetically stable orientation to form the BCC structure. This phenomenon differs greatly from the conventional self‐assembling behavior of 6‐coordinated metallomesogens, which form columnar assemblies due to strong intermolecular interactions. Since the magnetic and luminescent properties of different lanthanides vary, adding arbitrary functions to spherical arrays is possible by selecting suitable lanthanides to be used. The method developed in this study using 7‐coordinate lanthanide metallomesogens as building blocks is expected to lead to the rational development of micellar cubic mesophases.
  • Kimiko Tanaka, Fumi Takeda, Midori Kanda, Masatoshi Kawahata, Shinya Fujii, Kosuke Katagiri, Hyuma Masu, Hiroyuki Kagechika, Aya Tanatani
    The Journal of Organic Chemistry 88(17) 12289-12293 2023年8月11日  
  • Ryosuke Ando, Ryo Watanuki, Kazuhiro Kudo, Hyuma Masu, Masatoshi Sakai
    Solids 4(3) 201-212 2023年8月1日  
    The metal–insulator transition induced by the gate electric field in the charge order phase of the α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 single-crystal field-effect transistor (FET) structure was clearly observed near the phase transition temperature. An abrupt increase in the electrical conductance induced by the applied gate electric field was evident, which corresponds to the partial dissolution of the charge order phase triggered by the gate electric field. The estimated nominal dissolved charge order region (i.e., the gate-induced metallic region) was overestimated in 130–150 K, suggesting additional effects such as Joule heating. On the other hand, in the lower temperature region below 120 K, the corresponding dissolved charge order was several monolayers of BEDT-TTF, suggesting that it is possible to dissolve the charge order phase within the bistable temperature region.
  • Takahiro Ohkubo, Nao Komiyama, Hyuma Masu, Keiki Kishikawa, Michinari Kohri
    Inorganic chemistry 62(30) 11897-11909 2023年7月31日  
    The seven-coordinate Ho(III) aqua-tris(dibenzoylmethane)(DBM) complex, referred to as Ho-(DBM)3·H2O, was first reported in the late 1960s. It has a threefold symmetric structure, with Ho at the center of three dibenzoylmethane ligands and hydrogen-bonded water to ligands. It is considered that the hydrogen bonds between the water molecule and the ligands surrounding Ho play an important role in the formation of its symmetrical structure. In this work, we developed new force-field parameters for classical molecular dynamics (CMD) simulations to theoretically elucidate the structure and dynamics of Ho-(DBM)3·H2O. To develop the force field, structural optimization and molecular dynamics were performed on the basis of ab initio calculations using the plane-wave pseudopotential method. The force-field parameters for CMD were then optimized to reproduce the data obtained from ab initio calculations. Validation of the developed force field showed good agreement with the experimental crystalline structure and ab initio data. The vibrational properties of water in Ho-(DBM)3·H2O were investigated by comparison with bulk liquid water. The vibrational motion of water was found to have a characteristic mode originating from stationary rotational motion along the c-axis of Ho(III) aqua-tris(dibenzoylmethane). Contrary to expectations, the hydrogen-bond dynamics of water in Ho-(DBM)3·H2O were found to be almost equivalent to those of bulk liquid water except for librational motion. This development route for force-field parameters for CMD and the establishment of water dynamics can advance the understanding of water-coordinated metal complexes with high coordination numbers such as Ho-(DBM)3·H2O.
  • Azumi Akiyama, Hyuma Masu, Michinari Kohri, Keiki Kishikawa
    Materials Letters 343 2023年7月15日  
    Tetraalkoxylated diphenylureas U-3,4-Scit and U-3,4-raccit were synthesized from chiral and racemic citronellyl bromides as starting materials, respectively. To prepare pyroelectric crystals, these two compounds were slowly cooled from their molten states. Although the two compounds have very similar molecular structures, they exhibited quite different electric-field responsiveness. U-3,4-Scit spontaneously polarized during the crystallization process, and almost no polarization switching was observed. On the other hand, U-3,4-raccit exhibited polarization switching in its crystalline state at a high-temperature range, and the polarization direction could be fixed by cooling the crystal to room temperature while applying a direct current voltage. This flexibility occurs because the alkyl chain parts in the crystal are disordered. These pyroelectric thin films are promising materials, as they function in a polycrystalline state without poling treatment.




  • 大谷 肇, 梅村 知也, 金子 聡, 伊藤 彰英, 森田 成昭, 桝 飛雄真, 朝倉 克夫, 保倉 明子, 江坂 文孝, 一色 俊之, 石田 康行, 北川 慎也, 加地 範匡, 馬場 嘉信, 佐藤 浩昭, 高田 主岳, 手嶋 紀雄, 西本 右子 (担当:共著)
    講談社 2015年9月25日 (ISBN: 4061568078)





