
大田 達郎

オオタ タツロウ  (Tazro Ohta)


千葉大学 国際高等研究基幹 准教授
特定国立研究開発法人理化学研究所 情報統合本部 客員研究員
国立遺伝学研究所 生命情報・DDBJ研究センター 特命准教授
(兼任)データサイエンス共同利用基盤施設 ライフサイエンス統合データベースセンター 客員准教授
博士(理学)(2019年3月 総合研究大学院大学)



  • Zhaonan Zou, Tazro Ohta, Shinya Oki
    Nucleic Acids Research 52(W1) W45-W53 2024年5月16日  
    Abstract ChIP-Atlas (https://chip-atlas.org/) presents a suite of data-mining tools for analyzing epigenomic landscapes, powered by the comprehensive integration of over 376 000 public ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, DNase-seq and Bisulfite-seq experiments from six representative model organisms. To unravel the intricacies of chromatin architecture that mediates the regulome-initiated generation of transcriptional and phenotypic diversity within cells, we report ChIP-Atlas 3.0 that enhances clarity by incorporating additional tracks for genomic and epigenomic features within a newly consolidated ‘annotation track’ section. The tracks include chromosomal conformation (Hi-C and eQTL datasets), transcriptional regulatory elements (ChromHMM and FANTOM5 enhancers), and genomic variants associated with diseases and phenotypes (GWAS SNPs and ClinVar variants). These annotation tracks are easily accessible alongside other experimental tracks, facilitating better elucidation of chromatin architecture underlying the diversification of transcriptional and phenotypic traits. Furthermore, ‘Diff Analysis,’ a new online tool, compares the query epigenome data to identify differentially bound, accessible, and methylated regions using ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq and DNase-seq, and Bisulfite-seq datasets, respectively. The integration of annotation tracks and the Diff Analysis tool, coupled with continuous data expansion, renders ChIP-Atlas 3.0 a robust resource for mining the landscape of transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, thereby offering valuable perspectives, particularly for genetic disease research and drug discovery.
  • Mats Perk, Arun Isaac, Tazro Ohta, Egon Willighagen, Leyla Jael Castro, Toshiaki Katayama, Pjotr Prins
  • Tazro Ohta, Ayaka Hananoe, Ayano Fukushima-Nomura, Koichi Ashizaki, Aiko Sekita, Jun Seita, Eiryo Kawakami, Kazuhiro Sakurada, Masayuki Amagai, Haruhiko Koseki, Hiroshi Kawasaki
    Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology 2023年12月14日  
    BACKGROUND: In clinical research on multifactorial diseases such as atopic dermatitis, data-driven medical research has become more widely used as means to clarify diverse pathological conditions and to realize precision medicine. However, modern clinical data, characterized as large-scale, multimodal, and multi-center, causes difficulties in data integration and management, which limits productivity in clinical data science. METHODS: We designed a generic data management flow to collect, cleanse, and integrate data to handle different types of data generated at multiple institutions by 10 types of clinical studies. We developed MeDIA (Medical Data Integration Assistant), a software to browse the data in an integrated manner and extract subsets for analysis. RESULTS: MeDIA integrates and visualizes data and information on research participants obtained from multiple studies. It then provides a sophisticated interface that supports data management and helps data scientists retrieve the data sets they need. Furthermore, the system promotes the use of unified terms such as identifiers or sampling dates to reduce the cost of pre-processing by data analysts. We also propose best practices in clinical data management flow, which we learned from the development and implementation of MeDIA. CONCLUSIONS: The MeDIA system solves the problem of multimodal clinical data integration, from complex text data such as medical records to big data such as omics data from a large number of patients. The system and the proposed best practices can be applied not only to allergic diseases but also to other diseases to promote data-driven medical research.
  • Hirotaka Suetake, Tsukasa Fukusato, Takeo Igarashi, Tazro Ohta
    GigaScience 12 2023年5月8日  
  • Hirotaka Suetake, Tsukasa Fukusato, Takeo Igarashi, Tazro Ohta
    GigaScience 2023年2月22日  
  • Egon Willighagen, Tazro Ohta, Leyla Jael Castro, Pjotr Prins
    BioHackrXiv 2023年2月2日  
  • Tazro Ohta, Yuh Shiwa
    Methods in Molecular Biology 15-30 2023年  
  • Pjotr Prins, Tazro Ohta, Leyla Jael Castro, Toshiaki Katayama
    BioHackrXiv 2022年11月29日  
  • 高月 照江, 池田 秀也, 井手 隆広, 大田 達郎, 小野 浩雅, 片山 俊明, 川島 秀一, 申 在紋, 建石 由佳, 千葉 啓和, 豊岡 理人, 内藤 雄樹, 仲里 猛留, 信定 知江, 藤原 豊史, 三橋 信孝, 箕輪 真理, 守屋 勇樹, 山本 泰智, 八塚 茂, 五斗 進
    トーゴーの日2022 1 2022年10月5日  
  • 池田 秀也, 千葉 啓和, 藤原 豊史, 五斗 進, 井手 隆広, 川島 秀一, 箕輪 真理, 三橋 信孝, 守屋 勇樹, 内藤 雄樹, 仲里 猛留, 信定 知江, 大田 達郎, 小野 浩雅, 申 在紋, 高月 照江, 建石 由佳, 豊岡 理人, 山本 泰智, 八塚 茂, 片山 俊明
    トーゴーの日2022 1 2022年10月5日  
  • Osamu Nishimura, John Rozewicki, Kazuaki Yamaguchi, Kaori Tatsumi, Yuta Ohishi, Tazro Ohta, Masaru Yagura, Taiki Niwa, Chiharu Tanegashima, Akinori Teramura, Shotaro Hirase, Akane Kawaguchi, Milton Tan, Salvatore D'Aniello, Filipe Castro, André Machado, Mitsumasa Koyanagi, Akihisa Terakita, Ryo Misawa, Masayuki Horie, Junna Kawasaki, Takashi Asahida, Atsuko Yamaguchi, Kiyomi Murakumo, Rui Matsumoto, Iker Irisarri, Norio Miyamoto, Atsushi Toyoda, Sho Tanaka, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Yasuko Semba, Shinya Yamauchi, Kazuyuki Yamada, Kiyonori Nishida, Itsuki Kiyatake, Keiichi Sato, Susumu Hyodo, Mitsutaka Kadota, Yoshinobu Uno, Shigehiro Kuraku
    F1000Research 11 1077-1077 2022年9月21日  
    <p>The taxon Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays) contains one of the long-established evolutionary lineages of vertebrates with a tantalizing collection of species occupying critical aquatic habitats. To overcome the current limitation in molecular resources, we launched the Squalomix Consortium in 2020 to promote a genome-wide array of molecular approaches, specifically targeting shark and ray species. Among the various bottlenecks in working with elasmobranchs are their elusiveness and low fecundity as well as the large and highly repetitive genomes. Their peculiar body fluid composition has also hindered the establishment of methods to perform routine cell culturing required for their karyotyping. In the Squalomix consortium, these obstacles are expected to be solved through a combination of in-house cytological techniques including karyotyping of cultured cells, chromatin preparation for Hi-C data acquisition, and high fidelity long-read sequencing. The resources and products obtained in this consortium, including genome and transcriptome sequences, a genome browser powered by JBrowse2 to visualize sequence alignments, and comprehensive matrices of gene expression profiles for selected species are accessible through https://github.com/Squalomix/info.</p>
  • Hirotaka Suetake, Tomoya Tanjo, Manabu Ishii, Bruno P. Kinoshita, Takeshi Fujino, Tsuyoshi Hachiya, Yuichi Kodama, Takatomo Fujisawa, Osamu Ogasawara, Atsushi Shimizu, Masanori Arita, Tsukasa Fukusato, Takeo Igarashi, Tazro Ohta
    F1000Research 11 889-889 2022年8月4日  
    <p>The increased demand for efficient computation in data analysis encourages researchers in biomedical science to use workflow systems. Workflow systems, or so-called workflow languages, are used for the description and execution of a set of data analysis steps. Workflow systems increase the productivity of researchers, specifically in fields that use high-throughput DNA sequencing applications, where scalable computation is required. As systems have improved the portability of data analysis workflows, research communities are able to share workflows to reduce the cost of building ordinary analysis procedures. However, having multiple workflow systems in a research field has resulted in the distribution of efforts across different workflow system communities. As each workflow system has its unique characteristics, it is not feasible to learn every single system in order to use publicly shared workflows. Thus, we developed Sapporo, an application to provide a unified layer of workflow execution upon the differences of various workflow systems. Sapporo has two components: an application programming interface (API) that receives the request of a workflow run and a browser-based client for the API. The API follows the Workflow Execution Service API standard proposed by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health. The current implementation supports the execution of workflows in four languages: Common Workflow Language, Workflow Description Language, Snakemake, and Nextflow. With its extensible and scalable design, Sapporo can support the research community in utilizing valuable resources for data analysis.</p>
  • Shuya Ikeda, Hiromasa Ono, Tazro Ohta, Hirokazu Chiba, Yuki Naito, Yuki Moriya, Shuichi Kawashima, Yasunori Yamamoto, Shinobu Okamoto, Susumu Goto, Toshiaki Katayama
    Bioinformatics 2022年7月8日  
    Abstract Motivation Understanding life cannot be accomplished without making full use of biological data, which are scattered across databases of diverse categories in life sciences. To connect such data seamlessly, identifier (ID) conversion plays a key role. However, existing ID conversion services have disadvantages, such as covering only a limited range of biological categories of databases, not keeping up with the updates of the original databases, and outputs being hard to interpret in the context of biological relations, especially when converting IDs in multiple steps. Results TogoID is an ID conversion service implementing unique features with an intuitive web interface and an API for programmatic access. TogoID currently supports 65 datasets covering various biological categories. TogoID users can perform exploratory multistep conversions to find a path among IDs. To guide the interpretation of biological meanings in the conversions, we crafted an ontology that defines the semantics of the dataset relations. Availability and Implementation The TogoID service is freely available on the TogoID website, and the API is also provided to allow programmatic access. To encourage developers to add new dataset pairs, the system stores the configurations of pairs at the GitHub repository and accepts the request of additional pairs. Supplementary Information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
  • Zhaonan Zou, Tazro Ohta, Fumihito Miura, Shinya Oki
    Nucleic acids research 2022年3月24日  
    ChIP-Atlas (https://chip-atlas.org) is a web service providing both GUI- and API-based data-mining tools to reveal the architecture of the transcription regulatory landscape. ChIP-Atlas is powered by comprehensively integrating all data sets from high-throughput ChIP-seq and DNase-seq, a method for profiling chromatin regions accessible to DNase. In this update, we further collected all the ATAC-seq and whole-genome bisulfite-seq data for six model organisms (human, mouse, rat, fruit fly, nematode, and budding yeast) with the latest genome assemblies. These together with ChIP-seq data can be visualized with the Peak Browser tool and a genome browser to explore the epigenomic landscape of a query genomic locus, such as its chromatin accessibility, DNA methylation status, and protein-genome interactions. This epigenomic landscape can also be characterized for multiple genes and genomic loci by querying with the Enrichment Analysis tool, which, for example, revealed that inflammatory bowel disease-associated SNPs are the most significantly hypo-methylated in neutrophils. Therefore, ChIP-Atlas provides a panoramic view of the whole epigenomic landscape. All datasets are free to download via either a simple button on the web page or an API.
  • 池田 秀也, 千葉 啓和, 藤原 豊史, 原薗 陛正, 井手 隆広, 片山 俊明, 川島 秀一, 箕輪 真理, 三橋 信孝, 守屋 勇樹, 内藤 雄樹, 仲里 猛留, 信定 知江, 大田 達郎, 小野 浩雅, 申 在紋, 鈴木 拓真, 高月 照江, 建石 由佳, 豊岡 理人, 山本 泰智, 八塚 茂
    トーゴーの日2021 1 2021年10月5日  
  • Tiffany Amariuta, Kazuyoshi Ishigaki, Hiroki Sugishita, Tazro Ohta, Masaru Koido, Kushal K. Dey, Koichi Matsuda, Yoshinori Murakami, Alkes L. Price, Eiryo Kawakami, Chikashi Terao, Soumya Raychaudhuri
    Nature Genetics 52(12) 1346-1354 2020年12月30日  
    Poor trans-ancestry portability of polygenic risk scores is a consequence of Eurocentric genetic studies and limited knowledge of shared causal variants. Leveraging regulatory annotations may improve portability by prioritizing functional over tagging variants. We constructed a resource of 707 cell-type-specific IMPACT regulatory annotations by aggregating 5,345 epigenetic datasets to predict binding patterns of 142 transcription factors across 245 cell types. We then partitioned the common SNP heritability of 111 genome-wide association study summary statistics of European (average n ≈ 189,000) and East Asian (average n ≈ 157,000) origin. IMPACT annotations captured consistent SNP heritability between populations, suggesting prioritization of shared functional variants. Variant prioritization using IMPACT resulted in increased trans-ancestry portability of polygenic risk scores from Europeans to East Asians across all 21 phenotypes analyzed (49.9% mean relative increase in R2). Our study identifies a crucial role for functional annotations such as IMPACT to improve the trans-ancestry portability of genetic data.
  • Leyla Jael Castro, Jerven Bolleman, michel dumontier, Simon Jupp, Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo, Thomas Liener, Tazro Ohta, Núria Queralt-Rosinach, Chunlei Wu
  • Rutger A. Vos, Toshiaki Katayama, Hiroyuki Mishima, Shin Kawano, Shuichi Kawashima, Jin-Dong Kim, Yuki Moriya, Toshiaki Tokimatsu, Atsuko Yamaguchi, Yasunori Yamamoto, Hongyan Wu, Peter Amstutz, Erick Antezana, Nobuyuki P. Aoki, Kazuharu Arakawa, Jerven T. Bolleman, Evan Bolton, Raoul J. P. Bonnal, Hidemasa Bono, Kees Burger, Hirokazu Chiba, Kevin B. Cohen, Eric W. Deutsch, Jesualdo T. Fern{\'{a } }ndez-Breis, Gang Fu, Takatomo Fujisawa, Atsushi Fukushima, Alex, er Garc{\'{\i } }a, Naohisa Goto, Tudor Groza, Colin Hercus, Robert Hoehndorf, Kotone Itaya, Nick Juty, Takeshi Kawashima, Jee-Hyub Kim, Akira R. Kinjo, Masaaki Kotera, Kouji Kozaki, Sadahiro Kumagai, Tatsuya Kushida, Thomas Lütteke, Masaaki Matsubara, Joe Miyamoto, Attayeb Mohsen, Hiroshi Mori, Yuki Naito, Takeru Nakazato, Jeremy Nguyen-Xuan, Kozo Nishida, Naoki Nishida, Hiroyo Nishide, Soichi Ogishima, Tazro Ohta, Shujiro Okuda, Benedict Paten, Jean-Luc Perret, Philip Prathipati, Pjotr Prins, N{\'{u } }ria Queralt-Rosinach, Daisuke Shinmachi, Shinya Suzuki, Tsuyosi Tabata, Terue Takatsuki, Kieron Taylor, Mark Thompson, Ikuo Uchiyama, Bruno Vieira, Chih-Hsuan Wei, Mark Wilkinson, Issaku Yamada, Ryota Yamanaka, Kazutoshi Yoshitake, Akiyasu C. Yoshizawa, Michel Dumontier, Kenjiro Kosaki, Toshihisa Takagi
    F1000Research 9 136-136 2020年2月24日  
    <ns4:p>We report on the activities of the 2015 edition of the BioHackathon, an annual event that brings together researchers and developers from around the world to develop tools and technologies that promote the reusability of biological data. We discuss issues surrounding the representation, publication, integration, mining and reuse of biological data and metadata across a wide range of biomedical data types of relevance for the life sciences, including chemistry, genotypes and phenotypes, orthology and phylogeny, proteomics, genomics, glycomics, and metabolomics. We describe our progress to address ongoing challenges to the reusability and reproducibility of research results, and identify outstanding issues that continue to impede the progress of bioinformatics research. We share our perspective on the state of the art, continued challenges, and goals for future research and development for the life sciences Semantic Web.</ns4:p>
  • Chikashi Terao, Yukihide Momozawa, Kazuyoshi Ishigaki, Eiryo Kawakami, Masato Akiyama, Po-Ru Loh, Giulio Genovese, Hiroki Sugishita, Tazro Ohta, Makoto Hirata, John R. B. Perry, Koichi Matsuda, Yoshinori Murakami, Michiaki Kubo, Yoichiro Kamatani
    Nature Communications 10(1) 2019年12月  
    Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (mLOY) is frequently observed in the leukocytes of ageing men. However, the genetic architecture and biological mechanisms underlying mLOY are not fully understood. In a cohort of 95,380 Japanese men, we identify 50 independent genetic markers in 46 loci associated with mLOY at a genome-wide significant level, 35 of which are unreported. Lead markers overlap enhancer marks in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs, P <= 1.0 x 10(-6)). mLOY genome-wide association study signals exhibit polygenic architecture and demonstrate strong heritability enrichment in regions surrounding genes specifically expressed in multipotent progenitor (MPP) cells and HSCs (P <= 3.5 x 10(-6)). ChIP-seq data demonstrate that binding sites of FLI1, a fate-determining factor promoting HSC differentiation into platelets rather than red blood cells (RBCs), show a strong heritability enrichment (P = 1.5 x 10(-6)). Consistent with these findings, platelet and RBC counts are positively and negatively associated with mLOY, respectively. Collectively, our observations improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying mLOY.
  • Shinya Oki, Tazro Ohta, Go Shioi, Hideki Hatanaka, Osamu Ogasawara, Yoshihiro Okuda, Hideya Kawaji, Ryo Nakaki, Jun Sese, Chikara Meno
    EMBO reports 19(12) 2018年12月9日  
    We have fully integrated public chromatin chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) and DNase-seq data (n > 70,000) derived from six representative model organisms (human, mouse, rat, fruit fly, nematode, and budding yeast), and have devised a data-mining platform-designated ChIP-Atlas (). ChIP-Atlas is able to show alignment and peak-call results for all public ChIP-seq and DNase-seq data archived in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA), which encompasses data derived from GEO, ArrayExpress, DDBJ, ENCODE, Roadmap Epigenomics, and the scientific literature. All peak-call data are integrated to visualize multiple histone modifications and binding sites of transcriptional regulators (TRs) at given genomic loci. The integrated data can be further analyzed to show TR-gene and TR-TR interactions, as well as to examine enrichment of protein binding for given multiple genomic coordinates or gene names. ChIP-Atlas is superior to other platforms in terms of data number and functionality for data mining across thousands of ChIP-seq experiments, and it provides insight into gene regulatory networks and epigenetic mechanisms.
  • Tazro Ohta, Takeshi Kawashima, Natsuko O. Shinozaki, Akito Dobashi, Satoshi Hiraoka, Tatsuhiko Hoshino, Keiichi Kanno, Takafumi Kataoka, Shuichi Kawashima, Motomu Matsui, Wataru Nemoto, Suguru Nishijima, Natsuki Suganuma, Haruo Suzuki, Y-h. Taguchi, Yoichi Takenaka, Yosuke Tanigawa, Momoka Tsuneyoshi, Kazutoshi Yoshitake, Yukuto Sato, Riu Yamashita, Kazuharu Arakawa, Wataru Iwasaki
    Journal of Plant Research 131(4) 709-717 2018年7月19日  
    Recent studies have shown that environmental DNA is found almost everywhere. Flower petal surfaces are an attractive tissue to use for investigation of the dispersal of environmental DNA in nature as they are isolated from the external environment until the bud opens and only then can the petal surface accumulate environmental DNA. Here, we performed a crowdsourced experiment, the "Ohanami Project", to obtain environmental DNA samples from petal surfaces of Cerasus × yedoensis 'Somei-yoshino' across the Japanese archipelago during spring 2015. C. × yedoensis is the most popular garden cherry species in Japan and clones of this cultivar bloom simultaneously every spring. Data collection spanned almost every prefecture and totaled 577 DNA samples from 149 collaborators. Preliminary amplicon-sequencing analysis showed the rapid attachment of environmental DNA onto the petal surfaces. Notably, we found DNA of other common plant species in samples obtained from a wide distribution; this DNA likely originated from the pollen of the Japanese cedar. Our analysis supports our belief that petal surfaces after blossoming are a promising target to reveal the dynamics of environmental DNA in nature. The success of our experiment also shows that crowdsourced environmental DNA analyses have considerable value in ecological studies.
  • Shinya Oki, Tazro Ohta, Go Shioi, Hideki Hatanaka, Osamu Ogasawara, Yoshihiro Okuda, Hideya Kawaji, Ryo Nakaki, Jun Sese, Chikara Meno
    <title>ABSTRACT</title>Noncoding regions of the human genome possess enhancer activity and harbor risk loci for heritable diseases. Whereas the binding profiles of multiple transcription factors (TFs) have been investigated, integrative analysis with the large body of public data available so as to provide an overview of the function of such noncoding regions has remained a challenge. Here we have fully integrated public ChIP-seq and DNase-seq data (<italic>n</italic> ~ 70,000), including those for 743 human transcription factors (TFs) with 97 million binding sites, and have devised a data-mining platform —designated ChIP-Atlas—to identify significant TF-genome, TF-gene, and TF-TF interactions. Using this platform, we found that TFs enriched at macrophage or T-cell enhancers also accumulated around risk loci for autoimmune diseases, whereas those enriched at hepatocyte or macrophage enhancers were preferentially detected at loci associated with HDL-cholesterol levels. Of note, we identified “hotspots” around such risk loci that accumulated multiple TFs and are therefore candidates for causal variants. Integrative analysis of public chromatin-profiling data is thus able to identify TFs and tissues associated with heritable disorders.
  • Takako Mochizuki, Yasuhiro Tanizawa, Takatomo Fujisawa, Tazro Ohta, Naruo Nikoh, Tokurou Shimizu, Atsushi Toyoda, Asao Fujiyama, Nori Kurata, Hideki Nagasaki, Eli Kaminuma, Yasukazu Nakamura
    PloS one 12(2) e0172269 2017年  査読有り
    With the rapid advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS), datasets for DNA polymorphisms among various species and strains have been produced, stored, and distributed. However, reliability varies among these datasets because the experimental and analytical conditions used differ among assays. Furthermore, such datasets have been frequently distributed from the websites of individual sequencing projects. It is desirable to integrate DNA polymorphism data into one database featuring uniform quality control that is distributed from a single platform at a single place. DNA polymorphism annotation database (DNApod; http://tga.nig.ac.jp/dnapod/) is an integrated database that stores genome-wide DNA polymorphism datasets acquired under uniform analytical conditions, and this includes uniformity in the quality of the raw data, the reference genome version, and evaluation algorithms. DNApod genotypic data are re-analyzed whole-genome shotgun datasets extracted from sequence read archives, and DNApod distributes genome-wide DNA polymorphism datasets and known-gene annotations for each DNA polymorphism. This new database was developed for storing genome-wide DNA polymorphism datasets of plants, with crops being the first priority. Here, we describe our analyzed data for 679, 404, and 66 strains of rice, maize, and sorghum, respectively. The analytical methods are available as a DNApod workflow in an NGS annotation system of the DNA Data Bank of Japan and a virtual machine image. Furthermore, DNApod provides tables of links of identifiers between DNApod genotypic data and public phenotypic data. To advance the sharing of organism knowledge, DNApod offers basic and ubiquitous functions for multiple alignment and phylogenetic tree construction by using orthologous gene information.
  • Ohta, Tazro, Kawashima, Takeshi, Shinozaki, Natsuko O, Dobashi, Akito, Hiraoka, Satoshi, Hoshino, Tatsuhiko, Kanno, Keiichi, Kataoka, Takafumi, Kawashima, Shuichi, Matsui, Motomu, others
    bioRxiv 165522-165522 2017年  
  • Yachie, Nozomu, Natsume, Tohru, Robotic Biology Consortium, others
    Nature Biotechnology 35(4) 310-312 2017年  
  • Shigetoshi Yokoyama, Yoshinobu Masatani, Tazro Ohta, Osamu Ogasawara, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Kai Liu, Kento Aida
    Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2016) 774-781 2016年  査読有り
  • Kawakami, Eiryo, Nakaoka, Shinji, Ohta, Tazro, Kitano, Hiroaki
    Nucleic acids research 44(11) 5010-5021 2016年  
  • Tazro Ohta
    研究報告セキュリティ心理学とトラスト (SPT) 2015年  



