
岡田 いず海

オカダ イズミ  (IZUMI OKADA)


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院 数学・情報数理学研究部門 確率・統計講座 准教授
博士(理学)(2016年9月 東京工業大学)





  • Izumi Okada, Amir Dembo
    Annals of Probability 2024年  
  • Izumi Okada, Eiji Yanagida
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications 145 204-225 2022年3月  
    We consider the heat equation with a dynamic potential [Formula presented]where N>2. Here the potential V is given by a Hardy-type function V(x,t)=λ|x−ξ(t)|−μ with constants λ,μ>0, and the singular point ξ(t) is a path of the N-dimensional fractional Brownian motion with the Hurst exponent 0<H<1/2. By using the Feynman–Kac formula, it is shown that the initial value problem is solvable if and only if μ<(1/H)∧N. We also study the heat equation with a singular nonhomogeneous term.
  • Mikihiro Fujii, Izumi Okada, Eiji Yanagida
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 504(1) 2021年12月1日  
    We consider solutions of the linear heat equation in RN with isolated singularities. It is assumed that the position of a singular point depends on time and is Hölder continuous with the exponent α∈(0,1). We show that any isolated singularity is removable if it is weaker than a certain order depending on α. We also show the optimality of the removability condition by showing the existence of a solution with a nonremovable singularity. These results are applied to the case where the singular point behaves like a fractional Brownian motion with the Hurst exponent H∈(0,1/2]. It turns out that H=1/N is critical.
  • Izumi Okada
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications 130(1) 108-138 2020年1月  
    We investigate a problem suggested by Dembo, Peres, Rosen, and Zeitouni, which states that the growth exponent of favorite points associated with a simple random walk in Z2 coincides, on average and almost surely, with those of late points and high points associated with the discrete Gaussian free field.
  • Izumi Okada
    Annals of Probability 47(5) 2869-2893 2019年9月1日  
    As Dembo (In Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics (2005) 1-101 Springer, and International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. III (2006) 535-558, Eur. Math. Soc.) suggested, we consider the problem of late points for a simple random walk in two dimensions. It has been shown that the exponents for the number of pairs of late points coincide with those of favorite points and high points in the Gaussian free field, whose exact values are known. We determine the exponents for the number of j-tuples of late points on average.
  • Izumi Okada
    Alea 16(1) 855-870 2019年  
    Herein, we describe multidimensional Brownian motions for d = 2; 3 with drifts whose order is the same as that of the mean displacement of a Brownian motion. We consider the probabilities that the processes remain in specific cones for a considerable amount of time. We obtain exponents expressing the probabilities, which are different from that of the ordinary Brownian motion. Finally, we suggest an open problem concerning the exact values.
  • Izumi Okada
    Alea (Rio de Janeiro) 16 1129-1140 2019年  
    Herein, we present a study on frequently visited sets in a simple random walk in Z2. We estimate the expectation of numbers of j-tuples of favorite points and obtain an exact exponent.
  • Izumi Okada
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications 126(5) 1412-1432 2016年5月  
    This paper considers the question: how many times does a simple random walk revisit the most frequently visited site among the inner boundary points? It is known that in ℤ2, the number of visits to the most frequently visited site among all of the points of the random walk range up to time n is asymptotic to π-1(logn)2, while in ℤd(d≥3), it is of order log n. We prove that the corresponding number for the inner boundary is asymptotic to βdlogn for any d≥2, where βd is a certain constant having a simple probabilistic expression.
  • Izumi Okada
    RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B59 129-139 2016年  査読有り
  • Izumi Okada
    Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 68(3) 939-959 2016年  
    In this paper, we deal with the inner boundary of random walk range, that is, the set of those points in a random walk range which have at least one neighbor site outside the range. If Ln be the number of the inner boundary points of random walk range in the n steps, we prove lim n→∞(L n/n) exists with probability one. Also, we obtain some large deviation result for transient walk. We find that the expectation of the number of the inner boundary points of simple random walk on the two dimensional square lattice is of the same order as n/(log n)2.
  • Izumi Okada
    Electronic Communications in Probability 19 2014年9月18日  
    In this paper we consider the winding number, θ(s), of planar Brownian motion and study asymptotic behavior of the process of the maximum time, the time when θ(s) attains the maximum in the interval 0 ≤ s ≤ t. We find the limit law of its logarithm with a suitable normalization factor and the upper growth rate of the maximum time process itself. We also show that the process of the last zero time of θ(s) in [0; t] has the same law as the maximum time process.







