
チャコンキンテロ ファンカルロス



千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 助教





  • WANG Jiayue, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas, MARTINEZ NIMI Hisa, CHACON Juan Carlos, ONO Kenta, WATANABE Makoto
    Journal of the Science of Design 6(1) 1_11-1_20 2022年5月31日  
  • Juan Carlos Chacón, Hisa Martínez Nimi, Bastian Kloss, Ono Kenta
    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 63-73 2021年  
  • Juan Chacon Quintero, Hisa Martinez Nimi
    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 3-14 2021年  
    DESIGN: VERTICAL &HORIZONTAL GROWTH Conference Digest 1(1) 52-59 2020年10月  査読有り
  • WANG Jiayue, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas, MARTINEZ NIMI Hisa, Carlos CHACON Juan, ONO Kenta, WATANABE Makoto
    Journal of the Science of Design 4(2) 2_95-2_102 2020年  
    <p>Crime and violence cause a serious threat to residence life and property safety. This study focused on street robbery issues based on the criminal situation in Monterey, Mexico. A valuable conclusion in a previous survey revealed that the connection between family and individual could reduce the perception of fear. According to the findings, we proposed the design principles for security products against street robbery. This paper aims to verify whether the interaction modalities impact usability or perception. A wearable device was prototyped and test in a simulated robbery scenario. Three different interaction ways were compared to examine the users' evaluations of perception and usability. The results indicate that interaction modalities have an influence on functionality rather than the perception aspect. Moreover, as the widely acceptable interaction modalities, physical button and voice recognition was evaluated to be positive for usage intention and efficiency.</p>
  • MARTÍNEZ NIMI Hisa, CHACÓN Juan Carlos, KOYAMA Shinichi, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas, ONO Kenta, WATANABE Makoto
    Journal of the Science of Design 3(1) 1_37-1_44 2019年  
    <p>Dissuasive signs are preventive interventions that have the objective of dissuading a possible offender from committing a criminal act and are usually related to the use of security systems like security cameras or alarms. These types of interventions are mainly used to deter crimes against property like house robberies or burglaries. For this preliminary study, dissuasive signs related to private security companies will be rated in order to analyze the influence of brand recognition in a group of Mexican and Japanese participants. Two experiments were applied to determine the influence of brand logos on trust, safety, and risk perception. The results of the experiments revealed that both groups (Mexican and Japanese) agreed that already known brands were considered safer and trustful than the unknown ones and agreed that dissuasive signs with recognized security brands are perceived as riskier compared with the signs with unrecognized brands. However, Mexican participants showed a lower level of trust and risk compared to the Japanese group; this finding can be related to the lack of trust in authorities in Mexican society.</p>
  • Carlos Alberto Chaveznava Treviño, Hisa María Martínez Nimi, Juan Carlos Chacón Quintero, Cristina Guzmán Siller
    RIDAS Revista Iberoamericana de Aprendizaje y Servicio (8) 2019年  
    The purpose of this study is to discuss the effects and results of following a participatory design methodology in the development of a project devised as a crime prevention and community engagement strategy for a marginalized neighborhood located in Nuevo León, México. Starting as a digital platform, the participatory design approach led to a series of improvements, including, but not limited to, the transformation of a public space.
  • CHACON Juan Carlos, MARTINEZ NIMI Hisa, WATANABE Makoto, ONO Kenta, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas
    Journal of the Science of Design 3(1) 1_21-1_26 2019年  
    As part of Chiba University's Post Urban Living Innovation program, the present research focuses on a Design Against Crime process with the goal of improving the levels of fear of crime and the general crime situation of a local Mexican urban community. As part of a crime prevention intervention, the prototype of a community-based security system is conceptualized, tested, and evaluated by both community members and criminal offenders in order to provide insight for the further development and future long-term implementation of the proposed system and its various elements.
  • MARTÍNEZ NIMI Hisa, CHACÓN Juan Carlos, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas, ONO Kenta, WATANABE Makoto
    Journal of the Science of Design 2(2) 2_1-2_8 2018年  
    <p>Dissuasive signs are used as a preventive intervention to deter offenders from committing a criminal act. These signs can be considered as a warning of its objective to influence the receiver's behavior or serve as a reminder of some possible risk or hazard. However, there are no official regulations or standards for these kinds of dissuasive signs in relation to security systems. The purpose of this preliminary test is to identify what kind of messages can influence the risk perception of a group of Mexicans and Japanese participants. Two experiments were applied to determine the influence of messages and signal words on the risk perception for both groups. The results of the experiments revealed that both groups (Mexican and Japanese) agree that messages that mention a possible consequence of the criminal act and messages that mention real-time surveillance are considered riskier and the only signal word that has a positive influence on risk perception for both groups is “Warning.”</p>
  • CHACON Juan Carlos, MARTINEZ NIMI Hisa, WATANABE Makoto, ONO Kenta, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas
    Journal of the Science of Design 2(1) 1_29-1_36 2018年  
    <p>Crime and security are considered the main points of concern for the Mexican adult population. As part of the Chiba University Post-Urban-Living Innovation program, this study focuses on analyzing the current crime and security situation of a Mexican local urban community to detect relevant information for the future development of design against crime-derived security services and products to decrease fear of crime and improve reported crime rates and trust in local police authorities. Victimization surveys and questionnaires are used to identify important crimes, perceived safety, trust in local authorities and other community members, as well as communication methods and reactions to crime occurrence of members of communities of the south center zone of Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Results indicate that community-based security systems, as well as extended family involvement in the crime situation, may help improve the levels of fear of crime of the community.</p>