大江 靖雄, 石田 貴士, 櫻井 清一
食と緑の科学 = HortResearch (72) 39-60 2018年3月31日
[抄録] 企業1,000社を対象にした食育活動に対するアンケート調査結果の一次集計から,食育活動の取り組み状況とその意識について考察した.その結果,回答企業の4割が,食育を実施している.講師の派遣や見学者の受け入れが,最も多い具体的活動である.食育開始の主な理由は,CSR活動と営業活動の一環の二つが挙げられる.連携先で多いのは,自治体が最も多く,次いで業界団体と小学校である.社会に対する食育の効果は,4割が肯定的な評価をしている.そのうち企業側に生じた具体的な効果として,新たな商品の創出や社員の仕事の効率向上などが一定程度評価されている.食育の課題については,社内で食育活動が評価・理解されないという点,食育に関する情報,実施の場,PRの機会が少ないという点が指摘されている.全体として,企業の食育活動全般に関する評価では,消費者の健全な食生活や企業活動にも好影響を与えるとする評価が大半を占めていた.最後に,企業による食育活動の支援策に関して,情報提供,事例紹介,実施のためのマニュアルなどが挙げられており,これらが支援策の主要項目として有効といえる.[ABSTRACT] This paper investigates attitudes towards, and behavior in response to, food education programs implemented as part of the corporate social responsibility(CSR)initiatives of private companies. For this paper, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 1,000 semi-randomly selected companies in Japan. The primary results revealed that 40% of respondent companies conduct food education programs, the most popular of which include sending instructors to school, as well as receiving visitors at factories and offices. The most frequent reasons given for implementing food education programs are as part of CSR efforts and as a marketing activity. The most common partners are local governments, followed by industry associations and elementary schools. About 40% of companies that conduct food education activities positively evaluated their activities. New product development and increased employee work efficiency were considered specific benefits. It was pointed out that some of the issues associated with food education activities included the poor recognition of food education programs internally at companies and a lack of information, venues, and PR relating to food education. Overall, the majority of private companies responded that the food education programs had a positive impact on the healthy dietary habits of consumers and on creating positive impressions of the company's activities. Finally, it was noted that the main support measures for companies' food education programs include providing information, best practice models, and operations manuals, which can be considered effective measures.