
田島 寛之



千葉大学 大学院医学研究院 医学教育学 特任助教
医学博士(2020年3月 千葉大学大学院医学研究院)





  • Aoba Nakamura, Hajime Kasai, Mayumi Asahina, Yu Kamata, Kiyoshi Shikino, Ikuo Shimizu, Misaki Onodera, Yasuhiko Kimura, Hiroshi Tajima, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Shoichi Ito
    BMC Medical Education 24(1) 2024年7月19日  
    Abstract Background Hidden curriculum (HC) can limit the effects of professionalism education. However, the research on how HC triggers unprofessional behavior among medical students is scant. Furthermore, there is no established approach for how faculty members may create a context, such as an educational environment and education system, that prevents students’ unprofessional behavior. This study aimed to develop an educational approach to prevent unprofessional behavior and clarify how faculty members consider HC that triggers students’ unprofessional behavior. Methods The study sample comprised 44 faculty members and eight medical students from the Chiba University School of Medicine. The participants were divided into groups and asked the following question: “What attitudes, statements, and behaviors of senior students, physicians, and faculty members trigger medical students’ unprofessional behavior?” The responses were collected using the affinity diagram method. The group members discussed the causes and countermeasures for the selected attitudes, statements, and behaviors of senior students, physicians, and faculty members based on the affinity diagram. The impact of the group work on the faculty members was surveyed using questionnaires immediately after its completion and six months later. Furthermore, the cards in the group work were analyzed using content analysis. Results The responses to the questionnaire on group work indicated that some faculty members (43.8%) improved HC, while others suggested conducting group work with more participants. The content analysis revealed six categories – inappropriate attitude/behavior, behavior encouraging unprofessional behavior, lack of compliance with regulations, harassment of other medical staff, inappropriate educational environment/supervisor, and inappropriate self-control – and 46 subcategories. Conclusions The HC that triggers students’ unprofessional behavior includes the words and actions of the educator, organizational culture, and educational environment. Group work makes faculty members aware of the HC that triggers unprofessional behavior, and induces behavioral change for HC improvement in the educational activities. Educators should refrain from using words and actions that encourage unprofessional behavior, such as personal anecdotes, as they reduce students’ learning motivation.
  • Hajime Kasai, Go Saito, Kenichiro Takeda, Hiroshi Tajima, Chiaki Kawame, Nami Hayama, Kiyoshi Shikino, Ikuo Shimizu, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Mayumi Asahina, Takuji Suzuki, Shoichi Ito
    Medical education online 29(1) 2357411-2357411 2024年5月24日  
    In clinical clerkship (CC), medical students can practice evidence-based medicine (EBM) with their assigned patients. Although CC can be a valuable opportunity for EBM education, the impact of EBM training, including long-term behavioral changes, remains unclear. One hundred and nine fourth- and fifth-year medical students undergoing CC at a medical school in Japan attended a workplace-based learning program for EBM during CC (WB-EBM), which included the practice of the five steps of EBM. The program's effect on the students' attitudes toward EBM in CC was assessed through questionnaires. A total of 88 medical students participated in the program. Responses to the questionnaire indicated high satisfaction with the WB-EBM program. The most common theme in students' clinical problems with their assigned patients was the choice of treatment, followed by its effect. Based on the responses in the post-survey for the long-term effects of the program, the frequency of problem formulation and article reading tended to increase in the 'within six months' group comprising 18 students who participated in the WB-EBM program, compared with the control group comprising 34 students who did not. Additionally, the ability to self-assess problem formulation was significantly higher, compared with the control group. However, among 52 students who participated in the WB-EBM program more than six months later, EBM-related behavioral habits in CC and self-assessments of the five steps of EBM were not significantly different from those in the control group. The WB-EBM program was acceptable for medical students in CC. It motivated them to formulate clinical questions and enhanced their critical thinking. Moreover, the WB-EBM program can improve habits and self-evaluations about EBM. However, as its effects may not last more than six months, it may need to be repeated across departments throughout CC to change behavior in EBM practice.
  • Kenichiro Takeda, Hajime Kasai, Hiroshi Tajima, Nami Hayama, Mikihito Saito, Chiaki Kawame, Takuji Suzuki
    ATS scholar 5(1) 133-141 2024年3月  
    BACKGROUND: The usefulness of lung ultrasound (LUS) has been demonstrated. However, it is unclear whether diagnostic techniques using LUS are accepted by all physicians. A simple simulation-based educational program may improve the LUS skills of beginners, but it has not been fully assessed. OBJECTIVE: This prospective study was conducted to assess the educational outcomes of LUS training using a high-fidelity simulator. METHODS: A simulator-based program for LUS was conducted. All clerkship students at the Department of Respirology at Chiba University Hospital participated in the program from December 2022 to April 2023. The participants watched a 30 minute teaching video on demand before a hands-on session lasting for 1 hour during the first week of the clinical clerkship. The readiness of the participants to learn LUS and the usefulness of the program were assessed using questionnaires administered before and after the program. The LUS skills were assessed using simulator-based tests during Weeks 1 and 4. Data on the accuracy and time required to answer the questions were collected during the tests. RESULTS: Forty clerkship students participated in this study. Thirty-three (82.5%) had received other ultrasound education; however, only two (5.0%) had experience with LUS. Based on the questionnaire responses, the participants perceived LUS as useful (preprogram: 4.6 vs. postprogram: 4.8; P = 0.010; a 5-point Likert scale was used [1: not useful to 5: useful]). The simulator-based tests showed comparable accuracies at Weeks 1 and 4 for pneumothorax (Week 1: 47.5% vs. Week 4: 52.5%; P = 0.623), pulmonary edema (Week 1: 100% vs. Week 4: 100%; P = 1.000), and pleural effusion (Week 1: 37.5% vs. Week 4: 40.0%; P = 0.800). The time required for scanning was the same for each question. In addition, the test results did not differ with prior learning, previous knowledge, or experience during clinical clerkships on LUS. CONCLUSION: A short educational program consisting of on-demand learning and hands-on sessions with a high-fidelity simulator would be effective in equipping clerkship students with basic LUS skills. However, to increase its educational effectiveness to a practical degree, the program should be improved, and more opportunities for training using simulators should be provided.
  • Yasutaka Hirasawa, Jiro Terada, Yu Shionoya, Atsushi Fujikawa, Yuri Isaka, Yuichiro Takeshita, Toru Kinouchi, Ken Koshikawa, Hiroshi Tajima, Taku Kinoshita, Yuji Tada, Koichiro Tatsumi, Kenji Tsushima
    Respiratory investigation 61(4) 438-444 2023年4月18日  
    BACKGROUND: Dexamethasone, remdesivir, and baricitinib reduce mortality in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A single-arm study using combination therapy with all three drugs reported low mortality in patients with severe COVID-19. In this clinical setting, whether dexamethasone administered as a fixed dose of 6 mg has sufficient inflammatory modulation effects of reducing lung injury has been debated. METHODS: This single-center retrospective study was conducted to compare the treatment strategies/management in different time periods. A total of 152 patients admitted with COVID-19 pneumonia who required oxygen therapy were included in this study. A predicted body weight (PBW)-based dose of dexamethasone with remdesivir and baricitinib was administered between May and June 2021. After this period, patients were administered a fixed dose of dexamethasone at 6.6 mg/day between July and August 2021. The additional respiratory support frequency of high-flow nasal cannula, noninvasive ventilation, and mechanical ventilation was analyzed. Moreover, the Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze the duration of oxygen therapy and the 30-day discharge alive rate, and they were compared using the log-rank test. RESULTS: Intervention and prognostic comparisons were performed in 64 patients with PBW-based and 88 with fixed-dose groups. The frequency of infection or additional respiratory support did not differ statistically. The cumulative incidence of being discharged alive or oxygen-free rate within 30 days did not differ between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who required oxygen therapy, combination therapy with PBW-based dexamethasone, remdesivir, and baricitinib might not shorten the hospital stay's length or oxygen therapy's duration.
  • 田島 寛之, 笠井 大, 漆原 崇司, 弥富 真理, 伊藤 彰一, 鈴木 拓児
    日本呼吸器学会誌 12(2) 55-64 2023年3月  


  • 塩屋 沙季, 廣谷 らいら, 粕本 亜美, 中山 陽斗, 山口 修平, 星 昂太郎, 清水 凜佳, アウレリウス・セバスチャン・チャンドラ, 小田 哲史, 山下 雄大, 茅原 武尊, アバスザテ・ダニエル・アリヤ, 瀧澤 玲央, 山添 真治, 田中 達也, 黒住 献, 木下 翔太郎, 田島 寛之, 堀口 淳, 中原 公宏
    宇宙航空環境医学 61(1) 38-38 2024年3月  
  • 廣谷 らいら, 清水 凜佳, 粕本 亜美, 中山 陽斗, 山口 修平, 星 昂太郎, 塩屋 沙季, 清水 凜佳, アウレリウス・セバスチャン・チャンドラ, 小田 哲史, 山下 雄大, 茅原 武尊, アバスザデ・ダニエル・アリヤ, 瀧澤 玲央, 山添 真治, 田中 達也, 黒住 献, 木下 翔太郎, 田島 寛之, 堀口 淳, 中原 公宏
    宇宙航空環境医学 61(1) 39-39 2024年3月  
  • 清水 凜佳, 廣谷 らいら, 粕本 亜美, 中山 陽斗, 山口 修平, 星 昂太郎, 塩屋 沙季, 清水 凜佳, アウレリウス・セバスチャン・チャンドラ, 小田 哲史, 山下 雄大, 茅原 武尊, アバスザデ・ダニエル・アリヤ, 瀧澤 玲央, 山添 真治, 田中 達也, 黒住 献, 木下 翔太郎, 田島 寛之, 堀口 淳, 中原 公宏
    宇宙航空環境医学 61(1) 41-41 2024年3月  
  • 中山 陽斗, 廣谷 らいら, 粕本 亜美, 山口 修平, 星 昂太郎, 塩屋 沙季, 清水 凜佳, アウレリウス・セバスチャン・チャンドラ, 小田 哲史, 山下 雄大, 茅原 武尊, アバスザデ・ダニエル・アリヤ, 瀧澤 玲央, 山添 真治, 田中 達也, 黒住 献, 木下 翔太郎, 田島 寛之, 堀口 淳, 中原 公宏
    宇宙航空環境医学 61(1) 43-43 2024年3月  
  • 中村 青葉, 笠井 大, 朝比奈 真由美, 鎌田 雄, 小野寺 みさき, 鋪野 紀好, 田島 寛之, 木村 康彦, 清水 郁夫, 山内 かづ代, 伊藤 彰一
    医学教育 54(Suppl.) 206-206 2023年7月  









