
加藤 奈子

カトウ ナオコ  (Naoko Kato)


千葉大学  子どものこころの発達教育研究センター 特任助教







  • Akiko Nakagawa, Nora Choque Olsson, Yoko Hiraoka, Hirofumi Nishinaka, Tetsuji Miyazaki, Naoko Kato, Eriko Nakatani, Mayumi Tomita, Kazuko Yoshioka, Shinji Murakami, Shozo Aoki
    CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 38(6) 1763-1771 2019年12月  査読有り
    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are highly comorbid. In adults with OCD, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been extensively demonstrated to be an effective treatment. However, to date, no follow-up studies exist regarding the long-term outcome of CBT in adults with OCD with comorbid ASD in a regular and naturalistic clinical setting. In the current study, we aimed to study the long-term outcome of CBT among OCD patients with and without ASD. In total, 30 patients diagnosed with OCD who received CBT at a naturalistic psychiatric clinic in Japan were included in the follow-up study. The patients were divided into two groups: OCD with ASD and OCD without ASD. The results revealed no group differences regarding age, gender and OCD symptom severity at baseline. The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale total score (primary outcome) at follow-up showed decreased severity of symptoms in both groups, thus indicating both groups responded to CBT. However, no significant differences were evident between the groups. Overall, the results suggest that even adults with OCD with comorbid ASD benefit from CBT. A survey on patients' impressions of treatment effect at follow-up showed high rates of satisfaction with CBT and most participants attributed their improvement to CBT as opposed to pharmacological treatment. This study showed the outcome differences of OCD symptom dimensions in OCD with ASD patients compared with the OCD without ASD patients. These differences suggest the need for developing adapted CBT for adults with OCD with ASD and for optimizing the treatment and their lives.
  • Eriko Nakatani, Akiko Nakagawa, Tomohiro Nakao, Chika Yoshizato, Maiko Nabeyama, Akiko Kudo, Kayoko Isomura, Naoko Kato, Kazuko Yoshioka, Midori Kawamoto
    Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 74(5) 269-76 2005年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to confirm and compare the efficacy of fluvoxamine (the only licensed SSRI for treatment for OCD in Japan) and behavior therapy in treating Japanese patients with OCD. In addition, we investigated predictors of these treatments. METHODS: Thirty-one outpatients meeting the DSM-III-R criteria for OCD without any axis I disorder were randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions: BT (behavior therapy +/- pill placebo), FLV [autogenic training (a psychological placebo for OCD) +/- fluvoxamine] and control group [autogenic training (psychological placebo) +/- pill placebo] for 12 weeks of treatment. The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and the Clinical Global Impression-Improvement Scale (CGI-I) were administered blindly at baseline and week 4, 8 and 12. RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients completed this study. Patients in the BT and FLV groups showed significantly more improvement than those in the control group in the mean score of total Y-BOCS; moreover, the BT group showed significantly more reduction in total Y-BOCS score at the end of treatment than the FLV group (BT > FLV, p < 0.01). Patients with lower baseline total Y-BOCS, past history of a major depressive episode and absence of cleaning compulsion improved more with fluvoxamine. CONCLUSIONS: We confirmed the effectiveness of behavior therapy and fluvoxamine for Japanese patients with OCD. Behavior therapy improved the condition of OCD patients more than fluvoxamine.


  • 中谷 江利子, 加藤 奈子, 中川 彰子
    不安症研究 7(Special_issue) 2-41 2016年  
  • 吉里 千佳, 海老原 竜二, 吉岡 和子, 飯倉 康郎, 鍋山 麻衣子, 中尾 智博, 加藤 奈子, 多田 恭子, 中川 彰子
    九州神経精神医学 52(3-4) 153-160 2006年12月  
  • 中谷 江利子, 中尾 智博, 吉里 千佳, 工藤 明子, 多田 恭子, 加藤 奈子, 吉岡 和子, 河本 緑, 中川 彰子
    ムードディスオーダー・カンファランス (4回) 39-46 2003年8月  
    無作為に3群に割り付けられた中から,fluvoxamineとプラセボの服用群に割り付けられたOCD(強迫性障害)10例について,その効果と患者背景との関連について検討した.治療によりYale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale(Y-BOCS)が35%以上改善した患者は3例で,この3例には次のような特徴があった.1)洗浄行為が主体でない.2)治療前のY-BOCSが比較的良好.3)発症年齢が高く経過が短い
  • 中川 彰子, 吉浦 敬, 中谷 江利子, 中尾 智博, 吉里 千佳, 加藤 奈子, 工藤 明子, 吉岡 和子
    メンタルヘルス岡本記念財団研究助成報告集 (14) 45-50 2003年6月  
    DSM-IIIR構造化面接法(SCID)により強迫性障害(OCD)と診断され,かつYBOCSの総得点が17点以上である患者群と健常対照群に,神経心理学的所見を評価するためWCSTとStroop Testを施行したところ,WCSTの達成カテゴリー数の平均とStroop Testの遂行時間の合計と遂行時間の差に,OCD群と健常対照群の間に有意差はなかった.しかし,OCD群では両テストともに二極化する傾向があった.OCD群15名は無作為に行動療法群7名,薬物療法群7名,対照群1名に割り付けられたが,12回の治療を終えた8名のうち,行動療法群は4名中4名,薬物療法群は4名中3名でそれぞれの治療が「有効」となり,症状の改善がみられた
  • 中尾 智博, 吉浦 敬, 中川 彰子, 吉里 千佳, 中谷 江利子, 加藤 奈子, 工藤 明子, 吉岡 和子, 田代 信維
    強迫性障害の研究 3 139-145 2002年5月  


  • 加藤 奈子
    NPO法人 認知行動療法推進協会 第1回 認知行動療法サポーター養成講座 (強迫症と発達障害編) 2021年10月31日 - 2021年10月31日 2021年10月31日  招待有り



