A. Kawabata, K. Ichii, Y. Yamaguchi
International Journal of Remote Sensing 22(7) 1377-1382 2001年5月 査読有り
Interannual trends in annual and seasonal vegetation activities from 1982 to 1990 on a global scale were analysed using the Pathfinder AVHRR Land NDVI data set corrected by utilising desert and high NDVI areas. Climate effects on interannual variations in NDVI were also investigated using temperature and precipitation data compiled from stational observations. In the northern middlehigh latitudes, vegetation activities increased over broad regions because of a gradual rise in temperature. NDVI increases were also detected in the tropical regions, such as western Africa and south-eastern Asia. Plant photosynthetic activities on the other hand, decreased remarkably in some arid and semi-arid areas in the Southern Hemisphere, because annual rainfall decreased during this period. © 2001 Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC.