
近藤 克則

コンドウ カツノリ  (Katsunori Kondo)


千葉大学 予防医学センター 特任教授 (名誉教授、グランドフェロー)
一般財団法人 医療経済研究・社会保険福祉協会 医療経済研究機構 研究部長 (Director of Research Department)



1983年千葉大学医学部卒業.東京大学医学部付属病院リハビリテーション部医員, 船橋二和(ふたわ)病院リハビリテーション科科長などを経て, 1997年日本福祉大学助教授.University of Kent at Canterbury(イギリス)客員研究員(2000-2001),日本福祉大学教授を経て, 2014年4月から千葉大学教授,2016年4月から国立長寿医療研究センター老年学評価研究部長.「健康格差社会ー何が心と健康を蝕むのか」(医学書院,2005)で社会政策学会賞(奨励賞)受賞. 「健康格差縮小を目指した社会疫学研究」で,2020年「日本医師会医学賞」受賞




  • Sakura Kiuchi, Kenji Takeuchi, Masashige Saito, Taro Kusama, Noriko Nakazawa, Kinya Fujita, Katsunori Kondo, Jun Aida, Ken Osaka
    The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2024年8月5日  
    BACKGROUND: Long-term care (LTC) costs create burdens on aging societies. Maintaining oral health through dental visits may result in shorter LTC periods, thereby decreasing LTC costs; however, this remains unverified. We examined whether dental visits in the past 6 months were associated with cumulative LTC insurance (LTCI) costs. METHODS: This cohort study of the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study targeted independent adults aged ≥65 years in 2010 over an eight-year follow-up. We used data from a self-reported questionnaire and LTCI records from the municipalities. The outcome was cumulative LTCI costs, and exposure was dental visits within 6 months for prevention, treatment, and prevention or treatment. A two-part model was used to estimate the differences in the predicted cumulative LTCI costs and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for each dental visit. RESULTS: The mean age of the 8,429 participants was 73.7 years (standard deviation [SD]=6.0), and 46.1% were men. During the follow-up period, 17.6% started using LTCI services. The mean cumulative LTCI cost was USD 4877.0 (SD=19082.1). The predicted cumulative LTCI costs were lower among those had dental visits than among those who did not. The differences in predicted cumulative LTCI cost were -USD 1089.9 (95%CI = -1,888.5 - -291.2) for dental preventive visits, -USD 806.7 (95%CI = -1,647.4 - 34.0) for treatment visits, and -USD 980.6 (95%CI = -1,835.7 - -125.5) for preventive or treatment visits. CONCLUSIONS: Dental visits, particularly preventive visits, were associated with lower cumulative LTCI costs. Maintaining oral health through dental visits may effectively reduce the LTCI costs.
  • Hiroyuki Hikichi, Kanako Taku, Jun Aida, Katsunori Kondo, Ichiro Kawchi
    Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences 33 e33 2024年6月26日  
    AIMS: Previous studies have reported inconsistent findings regarding the association between post-traumatic stress (PTS) and post-traumatic growth (PTG). Three major issues could account for this inconsistency: (1) the lack of information about mental health problems before the disaster, (2) the concept of PTG is still under scrutiny for potentially being an illusionary perception of personal growth and (3) the overlooking of PTS comorbidities as time-dependent confounding factors. To address these issues, we explored the associations of PTS and PTG with trauma-related diseases and examined the association between PTS and PTG using marginal structural models to address time-dependent confounding, considering pre-disaster covariates, among older survivors of the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. METHODS: Seven months before the disaster, the baseline survey was implemented to ask older adults about their health in a city located 80 km west of the epicentre. After the disaster, we implemented follow-up surveys approximately every 3 years to collect information about PTS and comorbidities (depressive symptoms, smoking and drinking). We asked respondents about their PTG in the 2022 survey (n = 1,489 in the five-wave panel data). RESULTS: PTG was protectively associated with functional disability (coefficient -0.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.82, -0.12, P < 0.01) and cognitive decline assessed by trained investigators (coefficient -0.07, 95% CI -0.11, -0.03, P < 0.01) and physicians (coefficient -0.06, 95% CI -0.11, -0.02, P < 0.01), while PTS was not significantly associated with them. Severely affected PTS (binary variable) was associated with higher PTG scores, even after adjusting for depressive symptoms, smoking and drinking as time-dependent confounders (coefficient 0.35, 95% CI 0.24, 0.46, P < 0.01). We also found that an ordinal variable of the PTS score had an inverse U-shaped association with PTG. CONCLUSION: PTG and PTS were differentially associated with functional and cognitive disabilities. Thus, PTG might not simply be a cognitive bias among survivors with severe PTS. The results also indicated that the number of symptoms in PTS had an inverse U-shaped association with PTG. Our findings provided robust support for the theory of PTG, suggesting that moderate levels of psychological struggles (i.e., PTS) are essential for achieving PTG, whereas intense PTS may hinder the attainment of PTG. From a clinical perspective, interventions that encourage social support could be beneficial in achieving PTG by facilitating deliberate rumination.
  • Kousuke Iwai-Saito, Koryu Sato, Masahiro Fujii, Katsunori Kondo
    Brain, behavior, and immunity 2024年6月24日  
    BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether inactivated influenza vaccination (IIV) or pneumococcal vaccination are associated with the risk of dementia; however, both types of vaccination are recommended for older adults. Studies have shown that the IIV is negatively associated with incident dementia; however, the uptake of pneumococcal vaccinations has not been considered. We investigated the independent associations of IIV and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) with incident dementia in older adults. METHODS: Health-related information on older Japanese adults was obtained through a baseline survey conducted in 2013 (baseline survey). The uptake of IIV and PPSV23 was determined in a second survey conducted in 2016 (second wave). Both surveys were conducted among independent Japanese older adults aged ≥ 65 years at the two surveys and who had not been certified as needing long-term care (LTC). In the second wave, 9,865 participants were followed up for 3.5 years (short-term follow-up), and 6,995 participants were followed up for six years and five months (long-term follow-up) until they required LTC due to dementia onset (incident dementia). A competing risk model with stabilized inverse probability weighting (SIPW) was constructed to calculate the hazard ratios (HRs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) of incident dementia. RESULTS: PPSV23 uptake was negatively associated with incident dementia among participants in both the short- and long-term follow-up periods after SIPW (short-term follow-up: HR: 0.77, 95 % CI: 0.63 - 0.95; long-term follow-up: HR: 0.83, 95 % CI: 0.70 - 0.97). Conversely, IIV uptake was not associated with incident dementia among participants in either follow-up group (short-term follow-up: HR: 0.86, 95 % CI: 0.63-1.16; long-term follow-up: HR: 0.99, 95 % CI: 0.76-1.29). The PPSV23 uptake was negatively associated with incident dementia in participants without the IIV uptake (short-term follow-up: HR: 0.44, 95 % CI: 0.24 - 0.81; long-term follow-up: HR: 0.47, 95 % CI: 0.29 - 0.76). Conversely, the IIV uptake was not associated with incident dementia regardless of the PPSV23 status (short-term follow-up: HR: 0.87, 95 % CI: 0.62 - 1.23; long-term follow-up: HR: 1.00, 95 % CI: 0.74 - 1.35). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the PPSV23 uptake was independently associated with the incidence of dementia. However, the IIV uptake was not associated with the incidence of dementia.
  • Motoki Tamura, Atsushi Nakagomi, Kazushige Ide, Katsunori Kondo, Toshiyuki Ojima, Tomo Takasugi, Koichiro Shiba
    Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 105537-105537 2024年6月  
  • Hiroo Morohoshi, Yusuke Matsuyama, Takashi Zaitsu, Akiko Oshiro, Katsunori Kondo, Jun Aida
    Gerodontology 2024年5月8日  
    OBJECTIVES: This study examined the association between various socioeconomic status (SES) indicators and dental visits among older Japanese. BACKGROUND: When examining health inequalities, an adequate indicator of SES should be applied. In older adults, wealth and pensions are considered more appropriate indicators of SES than education and income, but few studies have examined. METHODS: This cross-sectional study used data from 12 391 individuals aged 65 years or older from the 2016 Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES). The Slope Index of Inequality (SII) and the Relative Index of Inequality (RII) were applied to examine the association of education, income, wealth and pensions with dental visits for treatment and check-up adjusting for covariates. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 74.0 ± 6.2 years. In the previous year, 56.3% of participants had visited a dentist for a check-up, and 65.9% had visited for treatment. Inequalities in dental treatment visits were observed for wealth, pensions and income rather than education. Income was not significantly associated with check-up visits. Wealth showed the largest association with dental visits for treatment [(SII 0.09, 95% CI 0.06 to 0.13), (RII 1.14, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.21)] and check-up [(SII 0.08, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.12), (RII 1.16, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.23)]. CONCLUSION: When measuring inequalities in access to dental care among the older population, wealth and pensions could be important indicators of SES.
  • 早坂 信哉, 尾島 俊之, 八木 明男, 近藤 克則
    日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 87(2) 49-55 2024年5月  
    【背景・目的】高齢者において抑うつの発症は様々な疾患のリスクとなり,要介護状態に陥るきっかけとなる.一方,日本においては浴槽の湯につかる特有の入浴法が多くの国民の生活習慣となっているが,この生活習慣としての浴槽入浴と長期的な抑うつ発症との関連は明らかではなかった.本研究は,大規模な6年間にわたる縦断研究によって生活習慣としての浴槽入浴が長期的な抑うつ発症との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした.【方法】Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study(以下,JAGES)の一環として2010年,2016年に調査対象となった11,882人のうち,自立しておりかつGeriatric Depression Scale(以下,GDS)4点以下で抑うつがなく,夏の入浴頻度の情報のある6,452人,および冬の入浴頻度の情報がある6,465人をそれぞれ解析した.コホート研究として週0~6回の浴槽入浴と週7回以上の浴槽入浴の各群の6年後のGDSによる抑うつ発症割合を求め,浴槽入浴との関連をロジスティック回帰分析によって年齢,性別,治療中の病気の有無,飲酒の有無,喫煙の有無,婚姻状況,教育年数,等価所得を調整して多変量解析を行いオッズ比を求めた.【結果】週0~6回の浴槽入浴に対する週7回以上の浴槽入浴の抑うつ発症の,調整後の多変量解析によるオッズ比は夏の入浴頻度0.84(95%信頼区間:0.64~1.10),冬の入浴頻度0.76(95%信頼区間:0.59~0.98)であり,冬に週7回以上浴槽入浴することは抑うつを発症するリスクが有意に低かった.【結論】習慣的な浴槽入浴の温熱作用を介した自律神経のバランス調整などによる抑うつ予防作用による結果の可能性があり,健康維持のため高齢者へ浴槽入浴が勧められることが示唆された.(著者抄録)
  • Atsushi Nakagomi, Masashige Saito, Toshiyuki Ojima, Takayuki Ueno, Masamichi Hanazato, Katsunori Kondo
    JAMA network open 7(5) e2413132 2024年5月1日  
    IMPORTANCE: There are limited data on whether the vulnerabilities and impacts of social isolation vary across populations. OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between social isolation and mortality due to all causes, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and malignant neoplasms focusing on heterogeneity by sociodemographic factors. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cohort study used a moderator-wide approach to examine the heterogeneity in the association of social isolation with all-cause, CVD, and malignant neoplasm mortality using baseline data from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study in 2010 and 2011. Eligible participants were adults aged 65 years or older without heart disease, stroke, cancer, or impaired activity of daily living across 12 Japanese municipalities. Follow-up continued until December 31, 2017, identifying 6-year all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and malignant neoplasm mortality. Logistic regression assessed effect modification by age, gender, education, income, population density, marital status, and employment on mortality associations. Data analysis was performed from September 13, 2023, to March 17, 2024. EXPOSURE: Social isolation, determined by a 3-item scale (scores of 2 or 3 indicating isolation) was the primary exposure variable. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Six-year all-cause, CVD, and malignant neoplasms mortality. RESULTS: This study included 37 604 older adults, with a mean (SD) age of 73.5 (5.9) years (21 073 women [56.0%]). A total of 10 094 participants (26.8%) were classified as experiencing social isolation. Social isolation was associated with increased all-cause (odds ratio [OR], 1.20 [95% CI, 1.09-1.32]), CVD (OR, 1.22 [95% CI, 0.98-1.52]), and malignant neoplasm mortality (OR, 1.14 [95% CI, 1.01-1.28]). Stratified analysis showed associations of social isolation with all-cause and malignant neoplasm mortality among people with high income (highest tertile all cause: OR, 1.27 [95% CI, 1.06-1.53]; malignant neoplasm: OR, 1.27 [95% CI, 1.02-1.60]), living in areas with high population density (highest tertile all cause: OR, 1.47 [95% CI, 1.26-1.72]; malignant neoplasm: OR, 1.38 [95% CI, 1.11-1.70]), not married (all cause: OR, 1.33 [95% CI, 1.15-1.53]; malignant neoplasm: OR, 1.25 [95% CI, 1.02-1.52]), and retirees (all cause: OR, 1.27 [95% CI, 1.14-1.43]; malignant neoplasm: OR, 1.27 [95% CI, 1.10-1.48]). Formal testing for effect modification indicated modification by population density and employment for all-cause mortality and by household income and employment for neoplasm mortality. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Social isolation was associated with increased risks of all-cause, CVD, and malignant neoplasm mortality, with associations varying across populations. This study fills an important gap in research on social isolation, emphasizing its varied associations across demographic and socioeconomic groups.
  • Iwao Chishima, Atsushi Nakagomi, Kazushige Ide, Ryunosuke Shioya, Masashige Saito, Katsunori Kondo
    Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society 7334648241240562-7334648241240562 2024年4月26日  
    Internet use influences social interactions in society. However, there is no consensus on whether and what kind of Internet use increases face-to-face communication (FFC). This study investigated the mode of Internet use that increases FFC among older adults after three years. Participants were 8734 adults aged 65 or older who responded to the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) surveys in 2016 and 2019. The exposures were the purposes of Internet use in 2016. The outcome was the frequency of FFC with friends or acquaintances in 2019. The confounders included 13 demographic, socioeconomic, and psychological variables. We performed modified Poisson regression analyses and found that Internet use for communication in 2016 increased FFC in 2019, especially for low-frequency FFC in 2016. Internet-based non-FFC may help promote FFC and prevent social isolation among older adults who are less likely to interact with others.
  • 河口 謙二郎, 塩谷 竜之介, 近藤 克則
    日本老年医学会雑誌 61(2) 228-235 2024年4月25日  
  • Taishi Tsuji, Eisaku Okada, Masashige Saito, Satoru Kanamori, Yasuhiro Miyaguni, Masamichi Hanazato, Katsunori Kondo, Toshiyuki Ojima
    International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 21(1) 2024年4月24日  
    Abstract Background Community-level group sports participation is a structural aspect of social capital that can potentially impact individual health in a contextual manner. This study aimed to investigate contextual relationship between the community-level prevalence of group sports participation and the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer mortality in older adults. Methods In this 7-year longitudinal cohort study, data from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study, a nationwide survey encompassing 43,088 functionally independent older adults residing in 311 communities, were used. Cause of death data were derived from the Japanese governmental agency, The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, for secondary use. “Participation” was defined as engaging in group sports for one or more days per month. To analyze the data, a two-level survival analysis was employed, and hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. Results Among the participants, 5,711 (13.3%) deaths were identified, with 1,311 related to CVD and 2,349 to cancer. The average group sports participation rate was 28.3% (range, 10.0–52.7%). After adjusting for individual-level group sports participation and potential confounders, a higher community-level group sports participation rate was found to be significantly associated with a lower risk of both all-cause mortality (HR: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.83–0.95) and cancer mortality (HR: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.81–0.98) for every 10% point increase in the participation rate. For CVD mortality, the association became less significant in the model adjusted for all covariates (HR: 0.94, 95% CI: 0.82–1.09). Conclusions Our findings support the existence of a preventive relationship between community-level group sports participation and the occurrence of all-cause and cancer mortality among older individuals. Promoting group sports within communities holds promise as an effective population-based strategy for extending life expectancy, regardless of individual participation in these groups.
  • Kenjiro Kawaguchi, Takayuki Ueno, Kazushige Ide, Katsunori Kondo
    Journal of Public Health 2024年4月15日  
    Abstract Aim Housing has a significant impact on the health, safety, and social participation of older individuals. Japan’s Serviced Housing for Older People (SHOPs) is one such model that provides supportive services and accessible living spaces. Method This cross-sectional study examined the relationship between living in SHOPs with social activity programs (SAPs) and levels of social participation. We conducted a self-reported survey of SHOP residents and compared the proportions of participants who participated in social activities in the SHOP with a control group of community-dwelling older people selected from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study using propensity score matching. Results The survey obtained responses from 189 eligible participants. SHOP residents were primarily female, older, educated, unmarried, and had a better financial status than the control group. SHOP residents (n = 143) were 2.57 times more likely to exercise (p &lt; 0.001), 1.62 times more likely to participate in hobbies (p = 0.004), and 4.37 times more likely to participate in learning activities (p &lt; 0.001) than the control group (n = 398). However, volunteering, senior citizen clubs, neighborhood associations, and community gathering places participation did not differ significantly between the SHOP and control groups. Conclusion The findings suggest that SHOPs with SAPs have the potential to promote social participation and healthy aging among older people.
  • Y Matsuyama, J Aida, K Kondo, K Shiba
    Journal of dental research 103(4) 369-377 2024年4月  
    Tooth loss is prevalent in older adults and associated with functional capacity decline. Studies on the susceptibility of some individuals to the effects of tooth loss are lacking. This study aimed to investigate the heterogeneity of the association between tooth loss and higher-level functional capacity in older Japanese individuals employing a machine learning approach. This is a prospective cohort study using the data of adults aged ≥65 y in Japan (N = 16,553). Higher-level functional capacity, comprising instrumental independence, intellectual activity, and social role, was evaluated using the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence (TMIG-IC). The scale ranged from 0 (lowest function) to 13 (highest function). Doubly robust targeted maximum likelihood estimation was used to estimate the population-average association between tooth loss (having <20 natural teeth) and TMIG-IC total score after 6 y. The heterogeneity of the association was evaluated by estimating conditional average treatment effects (CATEs) using the causal forest algorithm. The result showed that tooth loss was statistically significantly associated with lower TMIG-IC total scores (population-average effect: -0.14; 95% confidence interval, -0.18 to -0.09). The causal forest analysis revealed the heterogeneous associations between tooth loss and lower TMIG-IC total score after 6 y (median of estimated CATEs = -0.13; interquartile range = 0.12). The high-impact subgroup (i.e., individuals with estimated CATEs of the bottom 10%) were significantly more likely to be older and male, had a lower socioeconomic status, did not have a partner, and had poor health conditions compared with the low-impact subgroup (i.e., individuals with estimated CATEs of the top 10%). This study found that heterogeneity exists in the association between tooth loss and lower scores on functional capacity. Implementing tooth loss prevention policy and clinical measures, especially among vulnerable subpopulations significantly affected by tooth loss, may reduce its burden more effectively.
  • Chie Koga, Tami Saito, Masamichi Hanazato, Naoki Kondo, Masashige Saito, Toshiyuki Ojima, Katsunori Kondo
    Scientific Reports 14(1) 2024年3月30日  
    Abstract Housing tenure is an important aspect to determine health. However, even though renters tend to have more socioeconomic disadvantages than homeowners, mortality risk between private and public renters compared with homeowners remains unclear. Japanese public rented housing, such as the Urban Renaissance Agency, has been developed for supplying an adequate living environment since 1950s. This study aimed to examine the mortality risk among older Japanese residents living in private and public rented houses compared with those living in owner-occupied houses using 9-year follow-up data. This study drew upon a 9-year follow-up of participants in the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study, a population-based cohort study of Japanese independent adults aged ≥ 65 years. Mortality from 2010 to 2019 was analyzed for 44,007 respondents. Housing tenure was defined by a questionnaire. Cox regression models were used for calculating the hazard ratio for mortality. Bonferroni correction was used to account for multiple testing between rental houses. Overall, 10,638 deaths occurred during the follow-up period. Compared with housing owners, all rental housing groups had a significantly higher risk of mortality. Among renters, participants who lived in public rental housing had the lowest risk of mortality even after adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, health status, social status, and environmental status. Multiple testing among renters with Bonferroni correction showed that public renters had 0.80 times (95% CI 0.72–0.89) lower mortality risk than private renters. Although Japanese older adults living in public rental housing had a higher mortality risk than homeowners, this risk was lower than that among private renters. A positive neighborhood environment based on well-planned urban development may have contributed to this result. The results suggest that planned urban development lowers the risk of mortality in older renters in Japan.
  • Taishi Tsuji, Satoru Kanamori, Ryota Watanabe, Meiko Yokoyama, Yasuhiro Miyaguni, Masashige Saito, Katsunori Kondo
    European review of aging and physical activity : official journal of the European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity 21(1) 8-8 2024年3月20日  
    BACKGROUND: Older adults who engage in group sports and exercises achieve greater health benefits than those who exercise by themselves. The benefits of group participation may vary depending on the type of sports/exercise they engage in. The present study aimed to identify the association between specific sports and exercise types performed in groups and evaluate the longitudinal changes in multidimensional frailty scores among community-dwelling older adults in Japan. METHODS: We used 3-year follow-up data from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study and analyzed 33,746 men and 36,799 women aged ≥ 65 years. To elucidate the relationship between participation in 20 types of group sports/exercises in 2016 (baseline) and the change in frailty score (using the Kihon Checklist, KCL) from 2016 to 2019, we performed linear regression analyses through multivariate adjustments for age group, self-rated health, marital status, living alone, occupational status, years of education, alcohol drinking status, smoking status, equivalent income, and disease status using an inverse probability weighting method. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The mean change in KCL scores over 3 years was + 0.62 and + 0.61 points in men and women, respectively, implying the degree of frailty worsened. The sports/exercise types that significantly prevented increments in KCL scores for both sexes compared to non-participants were hiking (men: B, - 0.36; women: B, - 0.29), walking (men: B, - 0.26; women: B, - 0.24), tennis (men: B, - 0.23; women: B, - 0.24), ground golf (men: B, - 0.21; women: B, - 0.19), and weight exercises (men: B, - 0.19; women: B, - 0.16). CONCLUSION: Participation in specific sports and exercise groups offer significant physical and psychological benefits for frailty prevention among older adults in Japan. The results of this study may offer substantive evidence to encourage older adults to participate in group activities for the prevention of multidimensional frailty. It will also help public health stakeholders to decide which type of sports and exercise groups to promote in a community.
  • Noriko Nakazawa, Kenji Takeuchi, Taro Kusama, Sakura Kiuchi, Katsunori Kondo, Ken Osaka
    Journal of prosthodontic research 2024年3月13日  
    PURPOSE: Depression is a leading cause of disability. Although tooth loss increases the risk of depressive symptoms, it is unclear whether dental prosthesis use moderates this risk. This study aimed to investigate whether dental prosthesis use moderates the association between tooth loss and new depressive symptoms in older adults. METHODS: This cohort study used data from the 2016 and 2019 Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES). The participants were independent older adults aged ≥65 years without depressive symptoms in 2016. The onset of depressive symptoms in 2019 was the outcome variable. The explanatory variables were dental status (≥20 teeth, 10-19 teeth with or without dental prostheses, and 0-9 teeth with or without dental prostheses) in 2016. Risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using Poisson regression models with potential confounders as covariates. RESULTS: The analysis included 50,169 participants (mean age: 72.8 [standard deviation, 5.4] years). During follow-up, the incidence of depressive symptoms was 11.3%. Compared to those who had ≥20 teeth, the RR of depressive symptom onset was highest among those who had 0-9 teeth without dental prostheses (RR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.04-1.56), after the adjustment for confounders. However, this risk was lower in those with 0-9 teeth and dental prostheses (RR, 1.08; 95% CI, 1.01-1.15). CONCLUSIONS: These data highlight the potential of dental prostheses as an important factor in reducing the risk of depressive symptoms among individuals with severe tooth loss.
  • Yu-Ru Chen, Masamichi Hanazato, Masashige Saito, Chie Koga, Yoko Matsuoka, Hiroaki Yoshida, Katsunori Kondo
    Health & place 86 103223-103223 2024年3月12日  
    Japan's population has been aging steadily, evidenced by it spending JPY 11 trillion (USD 110 billion) on annual long-term care (LTC) costs in 2021. In this context, understanding the factors influencing LTC costs has become increasingly vital. Although studies have reported positive relationships between neighborhood environment and health outcomes, the connection between LTC costs and neighborhood environment remains unclear. To address this gap in the literature, this cohort study, conducted from 2010 to 2019 across seven Japanese municipalities and involving 34,982 older people, examined the relationship between eight neighborhood environment elements and the mean monthly cumulate costs (MMCC) of LTC. The results showed that older people who reported the presence of fresh food stores nearby and dangerous places for walking alone at night in the neighborhood had lower MMCC, by JPY 1,367.6 and 1,383.3 per month, respectively, than respondents who did not report the presence of these neighborhood elements. Meanwhile, older people whose neighborhoods had easily accessible facilities had higher MMCC of JPY 739.4. This study's key findings reveal significant relationships between neighborhood environment elements and LTC costs and can be used to support developments in urban design to support healthy aging and reduced LTC costs.
  • Masashige Saito, Ryota Watanabe, Yudai Tamada, Kenji Takeuchi, Yukako Tani, Katsunori Kondo, Toshiyuki Ojima
    Social science & medicine (1982) 347 116778-116778 2024年3月11日  
    BACKGROUND: Few prospective studies have examined the association between social disconnection and late-life suicide. Therefore, we conducted a large-scale prospective study of older adults in Japan to examine differences in suicide mortality according to specific aspects of social disconnectedness. METHODS: We conducted a nationwide baseline survey of functionally independent older adults (age ≥65 years) from 12 municipalities in Japan from 2010 to 2011. We followed the participants (n = 46,144) for cause of death through December 2017 using vital statistics. Social disconnection was assessed based on the indicators of eating alone, a lack of instrumental/emotional support, no participation in community activities, and no contact with friends. We adopted Cox regression models with multiple imputation for missing values and calculated the population-attributable fraction (PAF). RESULTS: A total of 55 suicide deaths were recorded during an average follow-up of 7 years. Older adults with social disconnection had a marginally increased risk of suicide. The hazard ratio for eating alone vs. eating together was 2.81 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.47-5.37). The direction of these associations and point estimations did not largely change after controlling for depressive symptoms, an evident risk factor for suicidal behavior. The PAF indicated that eating alone was attributable to around 1800 (29%) of the suicide deaths among older adults annually in Japan. CONCLUSION: Avoidance of not only depressive symptoms, but also social disconnection including eating alone, is useful in suicide prevention among older adults.
  • Hongjik Kim, Kimihiro Hino, Hiroyuki Usui, Masamichi Hanazato, Daisuke Takagi, Naoki Kondo, Katsunori Kondo
    New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives 65-80 2024年3月7日  
  • LING LING, 河口 謙二郎, 近藤 克則
    医学のあゆみ 288(10) 854-858 2024年3月  
  • Yoko Kudo, Kenji Takeuchi, Taro Kusama, Toshihisa Kojima, Yuko Waguri-Nagaya, Mako Nagayoshi, Katsunori Kondo, Kentaro Mizuta, Ken Osaka, Masayo Kojima
    Journal of oral rehabilitation 2024年2月14日  
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and oral hypofunction (OHF) using propensity score matching (PSM) to adjust for differences between older adults with RA and the general older adult population. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 189 older adults with RA in 2019 (mean age, 71.9 ± 3.6) and 47 178 independent older adult residents in 2016 (mean age, 71.6 ± 4.0), respectively. The questionnaire covered information on socio-demographic characteristics and OHF for both groups. Age, sex, educational level and smoking history were used to determine PSM. Prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of self-reported OHF (fewer remaining teeth, decreased masticatory function, deterioration of swallowing function and oral dryness) were estimated using Poisson regressions. RESULT: OHF was observed in 44.4% of patients with RA and 27.5% of residents. Before PSM, the prevalence of OHF among patients with RA was higher than that of residents (PR, 1.75; 95% CI, 1.50-2.05). After PSM, there were 189 patients with RA and residents, and the prevalence of OHF among patients with RA was still higher (PR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.22-2.13). Poisson regression showed that the prevalence of 19 or fewer teeth (PR, 1.06; 95% CI, 0.82-1.36), difficulties eating tough foods (PR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.90-1.55), difficulties swallowing tea or soup (PR, 1.77; 95% CI, 1.19-2.63), and dry mouth (PR, 2.79; 95% CI, 1.90-4.07) was higher among patients with RA than residents. CONCLUSION: Compared with the general older adult population, patients with RA have a higher prevalence of self-reported OHF.
  • Ryota Watanabe, Taishi Tsuji, Kazushige Ide, Masashige Saito, Tomohiro Shinozaki, Shosuke Satake, Katsunori Kondo
    Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2024年2月6日  
    BACKGROUND: Japan, which has the world's longest life expectancy, has been reporting rejuvenation of physical function among its older adult population. However, evidence for the incidence of functional disability is limited. This study aimed to investigate the comparison in the incidence of functional disability. DESIGN: We used data from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: The participants were 2 nonoverlapping cohorts of 22,522 (2010-2013 cohort) and 26,284 (2016-2019 cohort) individuals aged 65 years from 5 municipalities who were followed for 3 years each. METHODS: The incidence rates of functional disability during the 3-year follow-up period were compared between cohorts. To examine the incident differences between the cohorts, we adjusted for social participation and 9 additional factors that would be expected to improve with social participation using the Weibull survival models adjusting for municipalities as random effects. The analysis was stratified by age groups (65-74 years old and ≥75). RESULTS: The incidence rate of functional disability per 10,000 person-years decreased from 68.6 (2010-2013 cohort) to 51.4 (2016-2019 cohort) in the 65 to 74 years old group and 380.0 (2010-2013 cohort) to 282.6 (2016-2019 cohort) in the ≥75 group; the hazard ratios (95% CIs) were 0.75 (0.64-0.89) and 0.74 (0.67-0.80), respectively. However, these significant decreases disappeared with adjustments for social participation and additional factors. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: The incidence of functional disability decreased in a recent cohort, which may be explained by social participation and possibly related factors. Promoting social participation could contribute to a decreasing incidence of functional disability among older adults.
  • Takayuki Ueno, Junko Saito, Hiroshi Murayama, Masashige Saito, Maho Haseda, Katsunori Kondo, Naoki Kondo
    Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 121 105361-105361 2024年2月2日  
    BACKGROUND: Functional disability has various patterns from onset until death. Although social participation is a known protective factor against functional disability among older individuals, it is unclear whether social participation is associated with the trajectory patterns of functional disability prior to death. This study assessed the association between social participation, specifically in horizontal and vertical groups, and the trajectories of functional disability prior to death. METHODS: We used survey data from the 2010 Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study for functionally independent older adults combined with public long-term care insurance system data from 2010 to 2016 (n = 4,502). The outcome variables included five previously identified trajectory patterns using group-based trajectory modeling. As the explanatory variable, we used three definitions of social participation: any group, horizontal group (e.g., sports, hobbies), or vertical group (e.g., political, religious), at least once a month. We used a multinomial logistic regression analysis to calculate odds ratios with 95 % confidence intervals for the identified trajectory patterns. RESULTS: Participation in any groups was significantly less likely to belong to "Accelerated disability" (OR=0.74 [95 % CIs 0.60-0.92]), "Persistently mild disability" (0.68 [0.55-0.84]), and "Persistently severe disability" (0.67 [0.50-0.83]) compared to "Minimum disability." Although participation in horizontal groups was similarly associated with trajectories regardless of gender, vertical groups was not associated with trajectories among males. CONCLUSIONS: Social participation among older adults may be associated with an extended period of living without disabilities before death. This association may differ by gender and social participation group and requires further research.
  • Masashi Sato, Taishi Tsuji, Takayuki Ueno, Ryota Watanabe, Kazushige Ide, Katsunori Kondo
    International journal of geriatric psychiatry 39(2) e6069 2024年2月  
    OBJECTIVES: The association between socioeconomic status (SES) and the onset of depressive symptoms has attracted considerable attention. However, few studies have simultaneously examined the association of multiple SES indicators, including "assets," with the onset of depressive symptoms. Therefore, this study examined the association of four SES indicators in old age ('years of education' 'equivalent income,' 'equivalent assets,' and 'the longest-held job') with new-onset depressive symptoms in a large Japanese dataset. METHODS: This longitudinal study used panel data of cognitively and physically independent older adults from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) conducted in 2013 and 2016. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the association of each SES indicator with new-onset depressive symptoms, and odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. RESULTS: We analyzed the data of 40,257 older adults, with a mean age (± standard deviation) of 72.9 (±5.5) years. In the follow-up survey, 4292 older adults had new-onset depression symptoms (10.7%). 39.3% had 10-12 years of education. 36.9% had an equivalent income of up to JPY 1.99 million. 24.4% had equivalent assets of JPY 4-17.99 million. Most had a clerical job for the long time. Furthermore, fewer years of education (males: OR = 1.42, 95% CI = 1.22-1.64, p-value <0.001/females: 1.26, [1.09-1.47], p = 0.002), lower income (males: 1.64, [1.34-2.01], p < 0.001/females: 1.82, [1.49-2.22], p < 0.001), and fewer assets (males: 1.40, [1.16-1.68], p < 0.001/females: 1.21, [1.02-1.42], p = 0.025) resulted in higher odds of having new-onset depressive symptoms, even when other SES indicators were entered simultaneously. CONCLUSIONS: All four SES indicators have an independent association with the development of new-onset depressive symptoms among older adults, reflecting different aspects of SES. The association between the "longest-held job" and new-onset depressive symptoms can be largely explained by other SES indicators. A multifaceted and lifetime approach is required to prevent the onset of depressive symptoms in old age.
  • Aki Yazawa, Hiroyuki Hikichi, Koichiro Shiba, Sakurako S Okuzono, Katsunori Kondo, Satoshi Sasaki, Ichiro Kawachi
    The British journal of nutrition 1-26 2024年1月23日  
    Traumatic experiences from disasters have enduring effects on health, both directly and indirectly by influencing health behaviors. Among potential pathways, the impact of disaster-related trauma on dietary patterns has been understudied. This study investigated the relationship between disaster-related trauma and dietary inflammatory index (DII®), and how these relationships differed by gender and whether they prepare meal by themselves or not among older survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (n = 1,375). Dietary data was collected in 2020 using a brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire (BDHQ), from which we derived a dietary inflammatory index (DII®) based on 26 food/nutrient items, where higher scores indicate pro-inflammatory (i.e., unhealthy) diet. We found that the experience of housing damage due to the earthquake and tsunami was associated with slightly higher DII scores (coef. = 0.38, 95% CI -0.05, 0.81). Specifically, women who cooked by themselves tended to have higher DII when they experienced housing damage (coef. = 1.33, 95%CI -0.63, 3.28). On the other hand, loss of friends was associated with a lower DII score (coef. = -0.28, 95% CI -0.54, -0.01). These findings highlight the importance of providing support to groups who are at increased risk of deterioration in dietary quality in the aftermath of disasters.
  • T. Yamamoto, Y. Mochida, K. Irie, N. U. Altanbagana, S. Fuchida, J. Aida, K. Takeuchi, M. Fujita, K. Kondo
    JDR Clinical and Translational Research 2024年  
    Introduction: Oral frailty leads to poor nutritional status, which, in turn, leads to frailty. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine regional differences in the prevalence of oral frailty and to identify factors associated with oral frailty using 3-level multilevel models. Methods: This study comprised 165,164 participants aged ≥65 y without long-term care requirements in the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. The dependent variable was oral frailty, which was calculated based on age, number of teeth, difficulty in eating tough foods, and choking. The individual-level independent variables included sociodemographics, present illness, social participation, frequency of meeting friends, and social capital. The local district-level independent variable was social capital (n = 1,008) derived from exploratory factor analyses. The municipality-level independent variable was population density (n = 62). Three-level multilevel Poisson regression analysis was performed to calculate the prevalence ratios (PRs). Results: The prevalence of oral frailty in municipalities ranged from 39.9% to 77.6%. Regarding district-level factors, higher civic participation was significantly associated with a lower probability of oral frailty. At the municipality level, the PR of the rural-agricultural area was 1.17 (95% confidence interval, 1.11–1.23) (reference: metropolitan). Conclusion: These results highlight the usefulness of oral frailty prevention measures in encouraging social participation in rural areas. Knowledge Transfer Statement: The results of the present study showed regional differences in oral frailty. In particular, rural-agricultural areas show higher prevalence rates of oral frailty than those in metropolitan cities. Promoting measures of social participation among older adults may help prevent oral frailty in rural areas.
  • R. Shi, W. Hao, W. Zhao, T. Kimura, T. Mizuguchi, S. Ukawa, K. Kondo, Akiko Tamakoshi
    Journal of Frailty and Aging 2024年  
    Background: Finger tapping impairment and frailty share overlapping pathophysiology and symptoms in older adults, however, the relationship between each other has not been previously studied. Objectives: To investigate how finger tapping movements correlate with frail status in older Japanese adults. Design, Setting, and Participants: Data were from a cross-sectional study called the Cognition and Activity in Rural Environment of Hokkaido Senior Survey 2018. A total of 244 community-dwelling older adults (mean age 75.3 years) were included. Measurements: Participants underwent physical examinations, gait and finger tapping tests, and completed self-administered questionnaires. Frailty was assessed using Fried’s frailty phenotype, and factor analysis was conducted to extract relevant finger tapping factors. Multinomial logistic regression was employed to analyze associations, generating adjusted odds ratios. Results: Of the participants, 18 were frail, and 145 pre-frail. Analysis identified three distinct finger tapping patterns: “Range of Motion - Nondominant Hand,” “Variability - Dominant Hand - Anti,” and “Variability - Nondominant Hand - Anti.” These patterns showed significant associations with aspects of Fried’s frailty phenotype, particularly low physical activity (P = 0.002), weakness (P = 0.003), and slowness (P = 0.004). A larger range of motion in the nondominant hand correlated with a lower frailty risk (Odds Ratio: 0.09, 95% CI: 0.02–0.46), while higher variability in the same hand increased the risk of pre-frailty (Odds Ratio: 2.19, 95% CI: 1.09–4.39). Conclusion: Finger tapping movements are significantly associated with frailty status as determined by Fried’s phenotype. The findings underscore the importance of further longitudinal studies to understand the relationship between motor function and frailty.
  • Hequn Wang, Taishi Tsuji, Kazushige Ide, Atsushi Nakagomi, Ling Ling, Katsunori Kondo
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 38(12) 2023年12月  
    Abstract Objective Living a happy life is an essential issue for old adults. However, how eating with others contributes to happiness and whether this association is different by living arrangements or not is unknown. The current study examined the relationship between the frequency of eating with others and happiness among older adults according to their living arrangements using 3‐year longitudinal data. Methods The analyzed sample comprised 18,727 people (10,920 males and 7807 females) with low happiness (0–7 points on score of 0–10 points) from Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) in 2016. Our exposure was the frequency of eating with others: rarely, a few times a year, a few times a month, and a few times a week or more. We performed Modified Poisson Regression to examine the association between the frequency of eating with others and high happiness (8–10 points) in 2019 stratified by living arrangement (living alone/with others). Results A total of 4352 (23.2%) people showed high happiness in 2019. After adjusting for age, sex, marital status, education, household income, social participation, illnesses under treatment, and depressive symptoms in 2016, the cumulative incidence ratio (CIR) for high happiness in 2019 among people living alone was more significant, that is, 1.28 (95% confidence intervals: 0.88–1.87), 1.50 (1.05–2.14), and 1.82 (1.26–2.63), than 1.28 (1.11–1.48), 1.30 (1.12–1.50), and 1.33 (1.16–1.52) among people living with others for those who ate with others a few times a year, a few times a month, and a few times a week or more compared to those who rarely ate with others, respectively. The interaction between the frequency of eating with others and living arrangements was statistically significant. The trend test showed that higher frequency of eating with others was significantly associated with high happiness. Conclusions Eating with others was associated with improved happiness among older adults, with such an association being stronger among people living alone.
  • Satoko Fujihara, Taishi Tsuji, Atsushi Nakagomi, Yasuhiro Miyaguni, Masamichi Hanazato, Go Muto, Katsunori Kondo
    Social Science &amp; Medicine 338 116316-116316 2023年12月  
  • Mariko Kanamori, Andrew Stickley, Kosuke Takemura, Yumiko Kobayashi, Mayumi Oka, Toshiyuki Ojima, Katsunori Kondo, Naoki Kondo
    International psychogeriatrics 1-11 2023年11月6日  
    OBJECTIVES: Gender norms embedded in communities may restrict opportunities and harm the mental health of older adults, yet this phenomenon has received little attention. This study investigates the connection between older adults' perceptions of community gender norms and mental health and suicide-related outcomes. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: This study analyzed data from the 2019 wave of the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. PARTICIPANTS: In total, 25,937 participants aged 65 years or older in 61 municipalities. MEASUREMENTS: Perceptions of community gender norms were assessed by the respondents' perceptions of the gender-differentiating language used by those around them such as "You should/should not do XXX, because you are a man/woman." RESULTS: The prevalence of all mental health outcomes was higher among both men and women who perceived community gender norms as restrictive. These associations remained in fully adjusted multivariable analyses. Prevalence ratios for men were 1.36 [95% confidence interval: 1.13, 1.65] for psychological resistance to obtaining help, 1.85 [1.54, 2.23] for depressive symptoms, 1.99 [1.34, 2.96] for suicidal ideation, and 2.15 [1.21, 3.80] for suicide attempts. The corresponding figures for women were 1.39 [1.17, 1.65], 1.80 [1.55, 2.10], 2.13 [1.65, 2.74], 2.62 [1.78, 3.87]. There was a more pronounced association between perceiving community gender norms as restrictive and depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviors among those with nonconventional gender role attitudes compared to those with conventional attitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the effects of community gender norms, in addition to individual gender role attitudes, may be critical in designing effective public health interventions for improving mental health.
  • 小牧 靖典, 斉藤 雅茂, 平塚 義宗, 近藤 克則, 中山 徳良
    医療経済研究 35(1) 30-44 2023年11月  
    本稿の目的は2つある。第一に高齢者の一日の平均歩行時間が健康に及ぼす影響を逆の因果(内生性)を考慮して明らかにすること、第二に得られた結果の政策的含意を健康政策と都市政策の2つの観点から考察することである。対象は、日本老年学的評価研究(Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study:JAGES)が2019年に実施した「健康とくらしの調査」に参加した要介護認定を受けていない65歳以上の高齢男性10,058名,女性10,601名である。被説明変数は、EQ-5D-5Lから算出した健康関連QOLスコアを用いた。内生性に対処するため、操作変数法を用いた解析を行った。操作変数として「徒歩圏内(おおむね1キロ以内)にある運動や散歩に適した公園や歩道の多さ」を用いた。その結果、平均歩行時間が30分増えると、健康関連QOLスコアは男性で0.124(0.022)点、女性で0.160(0.032)点高くなった。この結果を、健康状態として意味あるスコア差(Minimum Clinically Important Difference:MID)を考慮して、男女別に健康状態を一段上げる追加の歩行時間を試算した。さらに、健康状態を一段上げる追加の歩行時間が年間医療費に及ぼす影響についても試算した。今回の結果は、公園や歩道が整備され数が増えることで歩行時間が増える高齢者の健康への影響とも解釈できる。今後、健康を視野に入れた都市政策における歩行時間の目安として利用されるとともに将来的な医療経済評価に用いられることが期待される。(著者抄録)
  • 小牧 靖典, 斉藤 雅茂, 平塚 義宗, 近藤 克則, 中山 徳良
    医療経済研究 35(1) 30-44 2023年11月  
    本稿の目的は2つある。第一に高齢者の一日の平均歩行時間が健康に及ぼす影響を逆の因果(内生性)を考慮して明らかにすること、第二に得られた結果の政策的含意を健康政策と都市政策の2つの観点から考察することである。対象は、日本老年学的評価研究(Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study:JAGES)が2019年に実施した「健康とくらしの調査」に参加した要介護認定を受けていない65歳以上の高齢男性10,058名,女性10,601名である。被説明変数は、EQ-5D-5Lから算出した健康関連QOLスコアを用いた。内生性に対処するため、操作変数法を用いた解析を行った。操作変数として「徒歩圏内(おおむね1キロ以内)にある運動や散歩に適した公園や歩道の多さ」を用いた。その結果、平均歩行時間が30分増えると、健康関連QOLスコアは男性で0.124(0.022)点、女性で0.160(0.032)点高くなった。この結果を、健康状態として意味あるスコア差(Minimum Clinically Important Difference:MID)を考慮して、男女別に健康状態を一段上げる追加の歩行時間を試算した。さらに、健康状態を一段上げる追加の歩行時間が年間医療費に及ぼす影響についても試算した。今回の結果は、公園や歩道が整備され数が増えることで歩行時間が増える高齢者の健康への影響とも解釈できる。今後、健康を視野に入れた都市政策における歩行時間の目安として利用されるとともに将来的な医療経済評価に用いられることが期待される。(著者抄録)
  • Yuta Mori, Taishi Tsuji, Ryota Watanabe, Masamichi Hanazato, Yu-Ru Chen, Katsunori Kondo
    Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 24(11) 1677-1682 2023年11月  
    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between subjective built environment and the onset of frailty in older adults living in the community. In addition, we examined whether daily walking time, depressive symptoms, and social support from neighbors and friends are mediating factors. DESIGN: This was a longitudinal study using prospective cohort data from the 2013 Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Participants included 38,829 older adults who were not frail recruited from 22 cities and towns. METHODS: The dependent variable, frailty, was assessed using the Kihon checklist. The explanatory variables were 5 items for the subjective built environment. The mediating variables were walking time of at least 30 minutes per day, a Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) score of at least 5 points, and social support from neighbors and friends. We performed a causal mediation analysis of mediating effects between each built environment and frailty onset. Furthermore, the proportion of mediation was estimated. RESULTS: After 3 years of follow-up, frailty emerged in 2232 adults (6.7%) in 2016. Access to parks and sidewalks, access to fresh food stores, houses or facilities where people feel free to drop in, and fascinating views, or buildings reduced the onset of frailty. Mediators significantly associated with the built environment and onset of frailty were access to parks and sidewalks (walking time: 5.9%, GDS: 22.9%, social support: 5.9%), access to fresh food stores (GDS: 31.9%, social support: 4.0%), hills and steps (GDS: 20.6%), houses or facilities where people feel free to drop in (walking time: 4.0%, GDS 28.0%, social support: 10.4%), and fascinating views, or buildings (walking time: 7.8%, GDS: 42.1%, social support: 12.0%). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: We found that walking time, depression, and social support were mediating factors in the relationship between built environment and the onset of frailty.
  • Motoki Tamura, Tomo Takasugi, Mieko Nakamura, Natsuyo Yanagi, Atsushi Nakagomi, Koryu Sato, Katsunori Kondo, Toshiyuki Ojima
    The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences 2023年10月14日  
    OBJECTIVES: Poor medication adherence among older adults is a global concern as it causes adverse drug interactions and inappropriate dosing. This study aimed to assess the association between family pharmacy and medication adherence among older adults. METHODS: The Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study was a cross-sectional study of 18,792 people aged ≥65 years living in 61 municipalities in 25 prefectures who participated in a survey conducted in 2019 and did not require long-term care. Self-reported questionnaires were administered to evaluate whether the participants "always received medicines from the same pharmacy" and whether they had unused medicines. Modified Poisson regression was used to examine the association after adjusting for confounders. RESULTS: Unused medicines were present in 89.9% of the "have group" (individuals who always received their medicines from the same pharmacy). This group had a lower prevalence of unused medicines (prevalence ratio = 0.87, 95% confidence interval: 0.82-0.92) than the "none group" (individuals who did not always receive their medicines from the same pharmacy). In the stratified analysis by education level, the prevalence of unused medicines was lower among those with low levels of education (≤9 years: 0.82, 0.71-0.96; 10-12 years: 0.81, 0.74-0.88). DISCUSSION: Older adults who "always received medicines from the same pharmacy" had a lower prevalence of unused medicines, especially those with low levels of education. Thus, "always receiving medicines from the same pharmacy" may be effective in reducing the proportion of unused medicines and improving medication adherence.
  • Yudai Tamada, Kenji Takeuchi, Taro Kusama, Masashige Saito, Tetsuya Ohira, Kokoro Shirai, Chikae Yamaguchi, Katsunori Kondo, Jun Aida, Ken Osaka
    Journal of prosthodontic research 2023年10月5日  
    PURPOSE: Laughter is expected to have health-protective effects, but the potential link between tooth loss and laughter remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the association between tooth loss and a low frequency of laughter among older adults in Japan, to elucidate whether this association could be mitigated by dental prostheses, and to evaluate the magnitude of the association mediated by poor oral function. METHODS: We used cross-sectional data from 157,708 functionally independent participants aged ≥65 years (46.3% male) from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. A modified Poisson regression model was applied to examine the association between the number of remaining teeth (≥20/10-19/0-9), dental prostheses use, and infrequent laughter (i.e., laughing never or almost never). Causal mediation analysis was performed to assess whether the association was mediated by difficulties in eating hard foods, choking, or dry mouth. RESULTS: Among the participants, 9,129 reported infrequent laughter. Participants with ≤9 and 10-19 teeth who did not use dental prostheses had a 1.29 and 1.14 times higher likelihood of infrequent laughter than those with ≥20 teeth, respectively. Furthermore, difficulty eating hard foods, choking, and dry mouth mediated 22.8%, 0.4%, and 4.3% of the association between fewer remaining teeth and infrequent laughter, respectively. Meanwhile, we did not find evidence for the differences in infrequent laughter between participants with ≤19 teeth using dental prostheses and those with ≥20 teeth. CONCLUSIONS: Tooth loss among individuals without dental prostheses was associated with infrequent laughter, and this association was mediated by poor oral function.
  • Anna Kinugawa, Taro Kusama, Kenji Takeuchi, Jun Aida, Sakura Kiuchi, Ryoko Katagiri, Hiroyuki Hikichi, Satoshi Sasaki, Katsunori Kondo, Ken Osaka
    Sleep medicine 112 70-76 2023年10月2日  
    BACKGROUND: Poor diet can cause sleep disorders; however, this association has not been established in older populations. This study investigated the association between dietary patterns and insomnia symptoms in independent older adults. METHODS: This cross-sectional study targeted independent older Japanese adults aged ≥74 years. We used insomnia symptoms classified into three domains: difficulty initiating sleep (DIS), difficulty maintaining sleep (DMS), and insomnia. These symptoms were assessed as dependent variables by a self-reported questionnaire. Dietary patterns (DP), identified by principal component analysis of a self-administered diet history questionnaire, were used as independent variables. Poisson regression analysis was used to estimate the prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals with adjustment for potential confounders. RESULTS: Among 1,311 participants (mean age = 80.1; women, 48.5%), we identified three dietary patterns: DP1 was characterized by a high intake of vegetables, soy products, and fruits and a low intake of rice; DP2 was characterized by a high intake of fish, chicken, processed meat, and noodles and a low intake of soy products; and DP3 was characterized by a lower intake of fruits and confectionaries. Higher DP1 scores were significantly associated with a lower prevalence of DIS (p-for-trend = 0.012). A higher DP2 score was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of insomnia (p-for-trend = 0.032). There was no significant association between DP3 and insomnia symptoms (p-for-trend >0.05). CONCLUSION: Our results highlighted that a dietary pattern with a high intake of vegetables, soy products, and fruits may contribute to reducing insomnia symptoms among independent older adults.
  • 島田 怜実, 松山 祐輔, 木野 志保, 木内 桜, 近藤 克則, 相田 潤
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 82回 291-291 2023年10月  
  • 李 嘉奇, 白井 こころ, 北村 明彦, 羽山 実奈, 高山 佳洋, 今野 弘規, 田中 麻理, 谷川 果菜美, 川内 はるな, 岡本 華奈, 松村 拓実, 王 雨, 村木 功, 近藤 克則, 磯 博康
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 82回 270-270 2023年10月  
  • 山北 満哉, 辻 大士, 金森 悟, 齋藤 順子, 甲斐 裕子, 谷 友香子, 藤原 武男, 近藤 尚己, 近藤 克則
    日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 82回 436-436 2023年10月  
  • 田村 元樹, 井手 一茂, 花里 真道, 中込 敦士, 竹内 寛貴, 塩谷 竜之介, 阿部 紀之, 王 鶴群, 近藤 克則
    老年社会科学 45(3) 225-238 2023年10月  
  • Hiroyuki Hikichi, Koichiro Shiba, Jun Aida, Katsunori Kondo, Ichiro Kawachi
    Scientific reports 13(1) 16385-16385 2023年9月29日  
    We examined whether pre-disaster Sense of Coherence (SOC) mitigated the impact of housing damage on health and well-being of older survivors after the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. A panel survey was conducted in a city located 80 km west of the epicenter seven months before and three years after the disaster (3594 respondents). Among respondents with lighter property damage, higher SOC was inversely associated with mental distress (coefficient - 0.29, 95% CI (confidence interval) - 0.39, - 0.19, p < .01), unhappiness (coefficient - 0.33, 95% CI - 0.43, - 0.23, p < .01), low expectation of mutual help (coefficient - 0.17, 95% CI - 0.27, - 0.07, p < .01), and weak community attachment (coefficient - 0.20, 95% CI - 0.30, - 0.11, p < .01). Conversely, among those who experienced housing loss, higher SOC was no longer protectively associated with health and well-being. Loss of generalized resistance resources due to serious damage led to difficulties in stress coping.
  • Nao Shimizu, Kazushige Ide, Katsunori Kondo
    BMC geriatrics 23(1) 579-579 2023年9月20日  
    BACKGROUND: Participating in groups with diverse members is associated with improved health among older adults. The study examined the relationship between diversity of group members and needed support or long-term care. METHODS: We conducted a longitudinal study for the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study with 61,281 participants aged ≥ 65 years who were surveyed in 2013 and followed-up for six years. We assessed three dimensions of the diversity of the participating members (sex, age, and region of residence). We then graded the diversity level into four categories: level 0 (not in any group), level 1 (in a group without diversity or in a group with diversity in one of the three factors), level 2 (in a group with diversity in two of the three factors), or level 3 (in a group with diversity across all factors). We adjusted for 12 covariates using Cox hazard survival analysis models with hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) estimated for the association between group members' diversity levels and needed support or long-term care. The same study was conducted when stratified by employment status at baseline. RESULTS: Participants in social participation groups with more diverse group members had a lower incidence of needed support or long-term care as compared to their counterparts. Compared to those with no participation group, HR decreased by 14% to 24% with increasing levels of diversity. The HR for the level of care needed for participants in the social participation group with high residential diversity was 0.89 (95% CI: 0.84-0.94). For participants who were currently unemployed, HR reductions ranged from 16%-28% with increasing levels of diversity compared to the non-participating group. No association was found for employed participants. CONCLUSIONS: The reason the HRs of Japanese elderly people certified as needing support or care are lower when the diversity of participating groups is higher could be owing to the presence of a variety of people and the diversification of social networks, which facilitates the building of bridging social relational capital. Public health policies that encourage participation in diverse organizations will be important in the future.
  • Hei Wan Mak, Taiji Noguchi, Jessica K. Bone, Jacques Wels, Qian Gao, Katsunori Kondo, Tami Saito, Daisy Fancourt
    Nature Medicine 29(9) 2233-2240 2023年9月11日  
    Abstract Growing aging populations pose a threat to global health because of the social and psychological challenges they experience. To mitigate this, many countries promote hobby engagement to support and improve mental health. Yet, it remains unclear whether there is consistency in benefits across different national settings. We harmonized measures of hobby engagement and multiple aspects of mental wellbeing across 16 nations represented in five longitudinal studies (N = 93,263). Prevalence of hobby engagement varied substantially across countries, from 51.0% of Spanish respondents to 96.0% of Danish respondents. Fixed effects models and multinational meta-analyses were applied to compare the longitudinal associations between hobbies and mental wellbeing. Independent of confounders, having a hobby was associated with fewer depressive symptoms (pooled coefficient = −0.10; 95% confidence intervals (CI) = −0.13, −0.07), and higher levels of self-reported health (pooled coefficient = 0.06; 95% CI = 0.03, 0.08), happiness (pooled coefficient = 0.09; 95% CI = 0.06, 0.13) and life satisfaction (pooled coefficient = 0.10; 95% CI = 0.08, 0.12). Further analyses suggested a temporal relationship. The strength of these associations, and prevalence of hobby engagement, were correlated with macrolevel factors such as life expectancy and national happiness levels but overall, little variance in findings was explained by country-level factors (&lt;9%). Given the relative universality of findings, ensuring equality in hobby engagement within and between countries should be a priority for promoting healthy aging.
  • 小牧 靖典, 斉藤 雅茂, 池田 登顕, 平塚 義宗, 柳 奈津代, 近藤 克則, 中山 徳良
    社会保障研究 8(2) 229-244 2023年9月  
  • 竹内 寛貴, 井手 一茂, 林 尊弘, 阿部 紀之, 中込 敦士, 近藤 克則
    日本公衆衛生雑誌 70(9) 529-543 2023年9月  
    目的 健康寿命延伸プランの主要3分野の1つに,高齢者のフレイル対策が掲げられ,その1つとして社会参加の活用が期待されている。しかし,これまでの先行研究では,社会参加の種類や数とフレイル発症との関連を縦断的に検証した報告はない。本研究では,大規模縦断データを用い,社会参加の種類や数とフレイル発生との関連について検証することを目的とした。方法 日本老年学的評価研究(Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study:JAGES)の2016年度と2019年度のパネル調査データを用いた縦断研究である。2016年度(ベースライン時点)と2019年度(追跡時)のJAGES調査に回答した高齢者から,ベースライン時点の日常生活動作の非自立者と無回答者,フレイル(基本チェックリスト8点以上/25点)とフレイル判定不能者などを除いた,28市町59,545人を分析対象とした。目的変数は追跡時のフレイル発症とし,説明変数はベースライン時点の9種類の社会参加の種類と数を用いた。調整変数には,ベースライン時点の性,年齢,等価所得,教育歴,婚姻,家族構成,就労,プレフレイル(基本チェックリスト4~7点/25点)の有無,喫煙,飲酒,都市度の11変数を用いた。多重代入法により欠損値を補完し,ポアソン回帰分析を用いて社会参加とフレイル発症との関連を検証した。結果 追跡時のフレイル発症は6,431人(10.8%)であった。多重代入法後(最小64,212人,最大64,287人)の分析の結果,老人クラブを除く8種類の社会参加先である介護予防(Risk Ratio:0.91),収入のある仕事(0.90),ボランティア(0.87),自治会(0.87),学習・教養(0.87),特技・経験の伝達(0.85),趣味(0.81),スポーツ(0.80)で,フレイル発症リスクが有意に低かった。さらに,社会参加数が多い人ほどフレイル発症リスクが有意に低かった(P for trend<0.001)。結論 社会参加とフレイル発症リスクとの関連を検証した結果,ベースライン時点で8種類の社会参加をしている人,社会参加数が多い人ほど3年後のフレイル発症リスクが低かった。健康寿命延伸に向けたフレイル対策の一環とし,社会参加の促進が有用であることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Yukako Tani, Takafumi Yamamoto, Taro Kusama, Anna Kinugawa, Jun Aida, Takeo Fujiwara, Katsunori Kondo
    Age and ageing 52(9) 2023年9月1日  
    Poor oral health has been linked to an increased risk of mortality. People with good cooking skills may be able to cope with problems caused by oral dysfunction, such as restricted food choice. This study investigated whether cooking skills modified the association between oral health status and mortality. A 3-year follow-up was conducted among participants of the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study, a population-based cohort study of Japanese adults aged 65-101 years. Oral health assessment comprised number of teeth and three oral functions (awareness of swallowing difficulty, decline in masticatory function, and dry mouth). Cooking skills were assessed using a valid scale adapted for Japanese participants. Mortality from 2016 to 2019 was analysed for 10,121 respondents. Cox regression models were used to estimate hazard ratios for mortality risk adjusting for potential confounders, including sociodemographic factors and health status. During the follow-up, there were 488 deaths (4.8% of all participants). Both fewer teeth and poor oral function were associated with a greater mortality risk. Cooking skills modified the association only for oral function. Stratification by cooking skill score showed that the hazard ratios for ≥2 oral difficulties (vs. none) was 2.06 (95% confidence interval: 1.43-2.96) among those with low cooking skills and 1.25 (95% confidence interval: 0.92-1.71) among those with high cooking skills after adjusting for potential confounders. Improving cooking skills may be key to mitigating health risks owing to poor oral functions.
  • Jiaqi Li, Kokoro Shirai, Sakurako S Okuzono, Koichiro Shiba, Katsunori Kondo, Ichiro Kawachi, Hiroyasu Iso
    Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2023年8月28日  
    OBJECTIVES: The sense of coherence refers to effectively using available resources to manage stress and promote overall health. Previous studies have linked it to various health outcomes; however, evidence regarding its association with the risk of incident dementia is limited. Hence, this study aimed to fill this research gap using data from a large-scale population survey. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: This study included 31,556 participants aged 65 years and older who were free from dementia and disabilities. The participants were enrolled in the 2010 baseline survey of the XXXX, and were followed up until the end of 2019. METHODS: The sense of coherence was assessed using a 6-item short-version questionnaire. Incident dementia cases were ascertained through the public long-term care insurance database in Japan. RESULTS: During a median follow-up of 8.3 years, 4326 incident dementia cases were identified. After adjusting for conventional risk factors, the hazard ratios (95% CIs) for each quintile compared to the lowest quintile of the sense of coherence were 0.82 (0.75-0.90), 0.75 (0.68-0.83), 0.76 (0.68-0.84), and 0.78 (0.70-0.87), respectively. The multivariable hazard ratio (95% CI) per 1-SD increment was 0.91 (0.88-0.95). These inverse associations did not exhibit any gender differences (P for gender interaction = .11) and were further confirmed after excluding early incident cases. Similar associations were found for its components; the corresponding multivariable hazard ratios (95% CIs) per 1-SD increment were 0.94 (0.91-0.97) for comprehensibility, 0.92 (0.89-0.95) for manageability, and 0.93 (0.90-0.97) for meaningfulness. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Moderate and above sense of coherence was associated with the lower risk of dementia among the older population, suggesting a beneficial role of stress management in maintaining the cognitive health of older adults.
  • Kazushige Ide, Atsushi Nakagomi, Taishi Tsuji, Takafumi Yamamoto, Ryota Watanabe, Meiko Yokoyama, Kokoro Shirai, Katsunori Kondo, Koichiro Shiba
    Innovation in Aging 2023年8月11日  
    Abstract Background and Objectives Evidence remains inadequate regarding the benefits of participation in community gathering places, which is Japan’s primary strategy for preventing functional disability in older adults, in other domains of health and well-being. This longitudinal study examined the associations of participation in community gathering places with an array of subsequent health and well-being outcomes among older adults. Research Design and Methods We used three-wave data (2013, 2016, and 2019) from Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (n = 5,879 or 4,232 depending on the outcome). Our exposure was participation in community gathering places in 2016. We assessed 34 health/well-being outcomes in 2019 across six domains. We adjusted for pre-baseline covariates including prior outcome values in 2013. Results Compared with nonparticipation, participation in community gathering places was associated with some outcomes in the following three domains: physical/cognitive health (better higher-level functional capacity), social well-being (more frequent participation in hobby groups, senior citizens clubs, learning or cultural groups, and seeing more friends within a month), and pro-social/altruistic behaviors (more frequent participation in volunteering) (After Bonferroni correction as p &amp;lt; 0.0015, 0.05/34). Discussion and Implications Evidence was mixed and more modest for the outcomes in three other domains, mental health, psychological well-being, and health behaviors. Promoting participation in community gathering places may not only fulfill its original goal (i.e., preventing functional disability) but also enhance other domains of human well-being, potentially by increasing social interactions.
  • Hanayo Matsukura, Yui Yamaoka, Yusuke Matsuyama, Katsunori Kondo, Takeo Fujiwara
    Child abuse & neglect 144 106340-106340 2023年7月17日  
    BACKGROUND: Marital status is a well-known social determinant of health. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) affect attachment, critical to establishing and maintaining intimate relationships, such as marital status. OBJECTIVE: This study examined the association between ACEs and marital status among older Japanese adults. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: This research used data from a nationwide population-based study among functionally independent people aged 65 and above in Japan. METHODS: ACEs were assessed by self-reported questionnaires on the following experiences before 18 years old: parental death, parental divorce, parental mental disease, exposure to intimate partner violence, physical abuse, psychological neglect, psychological abuse, and poverty. Marital status was asked as currently having a spouse (including common-law marriage), widowed, divorced, or unmarried. Associations between the total number of ACEs and marital status were analyzed by multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: Three or more ACEs showed higher risks of being widowed, divorced, or unmarried. Psychological neglect led to higher divorce risks among males (RRR, 95%CI = 1.41, 1.13-1.76) and females (RRR, 95%CI = 1.56, 1.28-1.89). Childhood poverty showed higher risks of unmarried among males (RRR, 95%CI = 1.25, 1.02-1.53) and females (RRR, 95%CI = 1.41, 1.18-1.69). Association between ACEs and divorce risks showed gender differences (RRR, 95%CI of having three or more ACEs in males: 2.19, 1.66-2.90; in females: 3.45, 2.71-4.38; p for interaction = 0.034). CONCLUSIONS: ACEs showed higher risks of being widowed, divorced, and unmarried among older Japanese people. Policy to tackle ACEs and research investigating how ACEs, attachment, and relationship quality influence marital status are required to promote well-being in later life.
  • Sakurako S Okuzono, Natalie Slopen, Koichiro Shiba, Aki Yazawa, Katsunori Kondo, Ichiro Kawachi
    American journal of epidemiology 2023年7月11日  
    BACKGROUND: Identifying subpopulations that are particularly vulnerable to long-term adverse health consequences of disaster-related trauma is needed. We examined whether child adversities (ACEs) potentiate the association between disaster-related trauma and subsequent cognitive disability among older adult disaster survivors. METHODS: Data were from a prospective cohort study of older adults who survived the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. The baseline survey predated the disaster by 7 months. We included participants who completed follow-up surveys (2013 and 2016) and did not have a cognitive disability before the disaster (n=602). Disaster-related traumas (i.e., home loss, loss of friends, or pets) and ACEs were retrospectively assessed in 2013. Cognitive disability levels in 2016 were objectively assessed. RESULTS: After adjusting for pre-disaster characteristics using a machine learning-based estimation approach, home loss (0.19, 95%CI=0.09, 0.28) was, on average, associated with greater cognitive disability. Among individuals with ACEs, home loss was associated with even higher cognitive disability levels (0.64, 95%CI=0.24, 1.03). Loss of friends (0.18, 95%CI=0.05, -.32) and pets (0.13, 95%CI=0.02, 0.25) were associated with higher cognitive disability levels only among those with ACEs. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that individuals with a history of ACEs may be particularly vulnerable to adverse health consequences of specific disaster related.







