
早野 康一

ハヤノ コウイチ  (KOICHI HAYANO)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院中核研究部門 講師
MD, PhD(千葉大学)




  • Jie Hu, Takeshi Toyozumi, Kentaro Murakami, Satoshi Endo, Yasunori Matsumoto, Ryota Otsuka, Tadashi Shiraishi, Shinichiro Iida, Hiroki Morishita, Tenshi Makiyama, Yuri Nishioka, Masaya Uesato, Koichi Hayano, Akira Nakano, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Cancer medicine 13(17) e70179 2024年9月  
    BACKGROUND: Tumor cells (TC) participate in tumor progression by altering the immune responses in the tumor microenvironment. However, the clinical relevance and prognostic effect of PD-L1 expression and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) are unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the interactions and clinical significance of PD-L1 expression and TILs in ESCC. METHODS: Tissue specimens were collected from 126 patients with ESCC who underwent curative esophagectomy. Immunohistochemical analysis and multiplex immunofluorescence for CD4, CD8, CD25, FOXP3, and PD-L1 in the tumor were used to identify multiple tumor-infiltrating immune cells (TIIC), Tregs, and TC. RESULTS: PD-L1 was expressed in tumor cells (PD-L1 TC). PD-L1 TIIC and PD-L1 TC affected the biological behavior of TC. The positive expression rate of PD-L1 TC and CD8+ TILs was 27.8% (35/126) and 31.7% (40/126), respectively. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that overall survival (OS) was significantly associated with decreased CD8+ TILs and PD-L1 TC-positive expression, which promote ESCC progression and metastasis. CONCLUSION: Tumor depth, CD8, and PD-L1 TC were independent prognostic factors in ESCC, and a predictive nomogram with these three risk factors improved the accuracy of predicting OS in patients with ESCC after surgical resection. The conjoint analysis of multiple immune-related factors is beneficial for stratifying patient survival risk.
  • Hisashi Mamiya, Toru Tochigi, Koichi Hayano, Gaku Ohira, Shunsuke Imanishi, Tetsuro Maruyama, Yoshihiro Kurata, Yumiko Takahashi, Atsushi Hirata, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Annals of Gastroenterological Surgery 2024年8月26日  
    Abstract Background Recent studies have focused on evaluating the biomarker value of textural features in radiological images. Our study investigated whether or not a texture analysis of computed tomographic colonography (CTC) images could be a novel biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods This retrospective study investigated 263 patients with CRC who underwent contrast‐enhanced CTC (CE‐CTC) before curative surgery between January 2014 and December 2017. Multiple texture analyses (fractal, histogram, and gray‐level co‐occurrence matrix [GLCM] texture analyses) were applied to CE‐CTC (portal‐venous phase), and fractal dimension (FD), skewness, kurtosis, entropy, and GLCM texture parameters, including GLCM‐correlation, GLCM‐autocorrelation, GLCM‐entropy, and GLCM‐homogeneity, of the tumor were calculated. These texture parameters were compared with pathological factors (tumor depth, lymph node metastasis, vascular invasion, and lymphatic invasion) and overall survival (OS). Results Tumor depth was significantly associated with FD, kurtosis, entropy, GLCM‐correlation, GLCM‐autocorrelation, GLCM‐entropy, and GLCM‐homogeneity (p = 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.018, 0.008, and 0.001, respectively); lymph node metastasis was associated with GLCM‐homogeneity (p = 0.004); lymphatic invasion was associated with GLCM‐correlation and GLCM‐homogeneity (p = 0.001 and 0.012, respectively); and venous invasion was associated with FD, entropy, GLCM‐correlation, GLCM‐autocorrelation, and GLCM‐entropy of the tumor (p = 0.001, 0.033, 0.021, 0.046, respectively). In the Kaplan–Meier analysis, patients with high GLCM‐correlation tumors or high GLCM‐homogeneity tumors showed a significantly worse OS than others (p = 0.001 and 0.04, respectively). Multivariate analyses showed that the GLCM correlation was an independent prognostic factor for the OS (p = 0.021). Conclusion CE‐CTC‐derived texture parameters may be clinically useful biomarkers for managing CRC patients.
  • Gaku Ohira, Koichi Hayano, Toru Tochigi, Tetsuro Maruyama, Takeshi Toyozumi, Yoshihiro Kurata, Michihiro Maruyama, Satoko Arai, Taka-Aki Nakada, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Surgery today 2024年8月1日  
    PURPOSE: To investigate the treatment outcomes of patients with non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) at our institution, we focused on their post-treatment return to social activities. METHODS: This study included patients with suspected NOMI who were referred to our department between 2011 and 2023. In-hospital mortality was also investigated as a prognostic factor. The Glasgow-Pittsburgh Outcome Categories (GPOC) score was used to evaluate the return to social activities. The relationship between in-hospital mortality and GPOC scores and patient background and treatment factors was examined. RESULTS: Eighty-two patients were included in the study. Among them, 54 (65.9%) died during hospitalization. Only 9 patients (11%) returned to their social activities. In the multivariate analysis, non-surgical management was found to be the only independent factor for in-hospital mortality. Positive portal venous gas on computed tomography, no open abdomen, no pre-onset catecholamine administration, platelet count < 100,000/µL, lactate level < 5 mmol/L, APTT < 46 s, and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score < 11 were factors significantly associated with an increased likelihood of return to social activities. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to assess the post-treatment return to social activities among patients with NOMI. Our findings highlight the concerning reality that survivors may face prolonged dependence on medical care.
  • Nobufumi Sekino, Masayuki Kano, Kentaro Murakami, Takeshi Toyozumi, Koichi Hayano, Gaku Ohira, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Molecular and clinical oncology 21(2) 58-58 2024年8月  
    Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is an intractable type of cancer that requires novel therapeutic modalities, since the therapeutic outcomes are often inadequate, even in response to multidisciplinary treatment. The antitumor effect of metformin, an antidiabetic drug, has been reported in esophageal cancer; however, its effects are diverse. Since various multidisciplinary therapies are used in ESCC, the antitumor effect of metformin is expected to be synergistic in some treatment strategies. The present review summarizes the antitumor effects of metformin and discusses its use in combination with existing therapies. The present study reviewed relevant studies where the molecular targets of metformin (AMPK and inflammatory system signals) were described, followed by the classification and organization of its antitumor effects, and subsequently summarized the current research on its antitumor effects, especially in ESCC. A number of studies have reported that metformin prevents the development of ESCC and exerts its antitumor effects through various pathways. In addition, metformin has been shown to inhibit tumor growth, induce apoptosis, inhibit cancer cell invasion, migration and angiogenesis into the tumor, and decrease tumor malignancy, such as metastasis. Furthermore, it may modulate host tumor immunity in a tumor-suppressive manner and is expected to improve prognosis following treatment for ESCC. Notably, metformin may be beneficial in combination with chemotherapy, such as cisplatin, and radiation. By contrast, it has been shown to potentially induce resistance to 5-fluorouracil. Finally, the effects of metformin in combination with other therapies are discussed in the present study, and perspectives on the potential benefits of metformin for future ESCC treatment are presented. In conclusion, the present review may be useful in improving the understanding of the wide range of antitumor effects of metformin. Although some concerning points remain, using metformin in ESCC treatment could be promising. Notably, more knowledge needs to be accumulated regarding the effects of metformin on ESCC.
  • Gaku Ohira, Satoshi Endo, Shunsuke Imanishi, Toru Tochigi, Tetsuro Maruyama, Koichi Hayano, Michihiro Maruyama, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Langenbeck's archives of surgery 409(1) 182-182 2024年6月11日  
    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to report the outcomes of conversion surgery for initially unresectable advanced colorectal cancer and to identify factors that enable successful conversion surgery. METHODS: We compared the outcomes of patients with colorectal cancer with distant metastases, including extrahepatic metastases, who underwent upfront surgery, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, conversion surgery, and chemotherapy only at our department from 2007 to 2020. In addition, factors influencing the achievement of conversion surgery in patients who were initially unresectable were examined in univariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Of 342 colorectal cancer patients with distant metastases treated during the study period, 239 were judged to be initially unresectable, and 17 (conversion rate: 7.1%) underwent conversion surgery. The prognosis for the conversion surgery group was better than that of the chemotherapy only group but worse than that of the upfront surgery group. In the conversion surgery group, the recurrence-free survival after resection was significantly shorter than that upfront surgery group and neoadjuvant chemotherapy group, and no patients have been cured. Among patients who were initially unresectable, left-sided primary cancer and normal CA19-9 level were identified as independent factors contributing to the achievement of conversion surgery in a multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Although relapse after conversion surgery is common, and no patients have been cured thus far, overall survival was better in comparison to patients who received chemotherapy only. Among unresectable cases, patients with left-sided primary cancer and normal CA19-9 levels are likely to be candidates for conversion surgery.
  • Koichi Hayano, Gaku Ohira, Yasunori Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Kurata, Ryota Otsuka, Atsushi Hirata, Takeshi Toyozumi, Kentaro Murakami, Masaya Uesato, Hisahiro Matsubara
    International journal of clinical oncology 2024年5月22日  
    BACKGROUND: Skeletal muscle (SM) is a key factor in cancer treatment. However, it is unclear whether pretreatment SM change affects the outcome of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) therapy in gastric cancer (GC). METHODS: Advanced GCs treated with ICIs were retrospectively investigated. SM evaluated by psoas muscle area at the third lumbar vertebra was measured on CT acquired within 1 month from the start of ICIs therapy (CT-1), and on CT acquired 2.8 ± 0.84 months before CT-1. Monthly change rate of SM (MCR-SM) was defined as the change rate of SMs between those two CTs divided by the period between those CTs (month). Monthly change rate of body weight (MCR-BW) during the same period was also calculated. They were compared with disease-specific survival (DSS) and progression-free survival (PFS). MCR-SM was compared with pretreatment markers including neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio (MLR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and liver-to-spleen CT attenuation ratio (LSR) as a marker of liver lipid metabolism. RESULTS: This study enrolled eighty-three GC patients. MCR-SM significantly correlated with DSS and PFS (P < 0.0001, 0.001, respectively), whereas MCR-BW did not. Kaplan-Meier analyses demonstrated that higher MCR-SM (MCR-SM ≥ -0.7185%) significantly associated with better DSS and PFS (P = 0.0002, 0.03, respectively). Patients with positive MCR-SM showed significantly lower NLR, MLR, and CRP than those with negative (P = 0.01, 0.006, 0.003, respectively). MCR-SM showed a significant positive correlation with LSR (P = 0.007, R = 0.30). CONCLUSIONS: Pretreatment SM loss, associated with high systemic inflammation and hepatic fat accumulation, related to poor outcome of ICIs therapy in GC.
  • 木下 和也, 松本 泰典, 早野 康一, 藏田 能裕, 大塚 亮太, 林 秀樹, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武司, 中野 明, 松原 久裕
    癌と化学療法 51(5) 553-555 2024年5月  
    症例は73歳,女性。黒色便,腹部膨満感を主訴とした進行胃癌の診断で当院に紹介となった。精査の結果,幽門狭窄,多発リンパ節転移を伴う進行胃癌,cT4aN3M0,cStage IIIの診断となり,審査腹腔鏡,胃空腸バイパス術後の術前化学療法の方針とした。審査腹腔鏡ではsT4aN3M0P0CY0と診断した。胃空腸バイパス施行後,DS療法を2コース施行した。新規肝転移病変を認め,second-lineとしてXELOX療法を選択したが肝門部リンパ節腫大を認めた。MSI検査に提出しMSI-Highを確認した。third-lineとしてnivolumabを選択した。15コース後に新規肝転移巣が出現しfourth-lineとしてramucirumab(Ram)+nab-PTX療法を3コース施行するも骨髄抑制あり,その後はRam単剤とした。初回治療から2年4ヵ月でCRの判定となった。その後は薬剤性肝障害が出現しRamを中止した。その後1年間(初回治療から3年4ヵ月)抗癌剤投与なしでCRを維持している。本症例は胃癌MSI-High症例における分子生物学的背景に基づいた治療戦略を検討する上で示唆に富む症例であると考えられた。(著者抄録)
  • 早野 康一, 平田 篤史, 佐藤 広崇, 藏田 能裕, 松原 久裕
    日本臨床 82(増刊3 食道癌2024) 229-233 2024年5月  
  • Kazuya Kinoshita, Yasunori Matsumoto, Koichi Hayano, Yoshihiro Kurata, Ryota Otsuka, Hideki Hayashi, Masaya Uesato, Kentaro Murakami, Takeshi Toyozumi, Akira Nakano, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 51(5) 553-555 2024年5月  
    A 73-year-old woman was referred to our hospital with a chief complaint of black stools and abdominal distention. She was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer with pyloric stenosis and multiple lymph node metastasis(cT4aN3M0, cStage Ⅲ)and was administered preoperative chemotherapy after laparoscopy and gastric jejunal bypass surgery. The surgical diagnosis was sT4aN3M0P0CY0. After surgery, 2 courses of DS therapy were administered. However, a new liver metastatic lesion was found, and XELOX therapy was selected as the second-line of treatment. Subsequently, enlarged hepatic hilar lymph nodes were found; microsatellite instability testing confirmed MSI-High cancer. Nivolumab was selected as the third- line therapy. After 15 courses, a new liver metastatic lesion appeared. Although Ram+nab-PTX therapy was chosen as the fourth-line therapy, the patient developed myelosuppression after 3 courses. Two years and 4 months after the initial treatment, the patient was considered to have achieved CR. Because drug-induced liver injury had occurred, the Ram therapy was discontinued. The patient has remained in CR for 1 year without receiving any anticancer drugs. This case suggests that for MSI-high patients with gastric cancer, the consideration of treatment strategy should be based on the molecular biological background.
  • 平田 篤史, 早野 康一, 大平 学, 今西 俊介, 栃木 透, 藏田 能裕, 高橋 有未子, 間宮 悠, 岩田 萌, 中野 明, 豊住 武司, 村上 健太郎, 松原 久裕
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 124回 SF-6 2024年4月  
  • 間宮 悠, 栃木 透, 大平 学, 早野 康一, 今西 俊介, 丸山 哲郎, 藏田 能裕, 高橋 有未子, 平田 篤史, 岩田 萌, 松原 久裕
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 124回 SF-6 2024年4月  
  • 飯田 真一郎, 松本 泰典, 早野 康一, 藏田 能裕, 大塚 亮太, 高橋 有未子, 白石 匡, 平田 篤史, 松原 久裕
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 124回 PS-3 2024年4月  
  • Yasunori Matsumoto, Shinichiro Iida, Masayuki Kano, Hiroshi Suito, Hideki Hayashi, Koichi Hayano, Yoshihiro Kurata, Ryota Otsuka, Yumiko Takahashi, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Asian journal of endoscopic surgery 17(2) e13282 2024年4月  
    As the number of bariatric and metabolic surgeries being performed is increasing, the importance of revision surgeries is escalating. In this report, we describe a case of revision surgery performed 30 years after vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG), including a review of the surgical techniques. The patient was a male in his 50s who had previously undergone VBG for morbid obesity (body mass index of 72.6 kg/m2 ), resulting in gradual weight loss. Twenty-eight years later, reflux symptoms due to stenosis of the mesh area developed. Despite conservative treatment, the symptoms recurred, and aspiration pneumonia developed. Gastrojejunal and Y-anastomoses were performed laparoscopically. Postoperatively, the patient progressed well with no weight regain. In revision surgery, it is essential to accurately assess the patient's pathophysiology, as the surgical technique must consider improvement in symptoms, risk of weight regain, and the need for observation of the residual stomach.
  • Koichi Hayano, Masayuki Kano, Yasunori Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Kurata, Ryota Otsuka, Atsushi Hirata, Akira Nakano, Takeshi Toyozumi, Kentaro Murakami, Masaya Uesato, Gaku Ohira, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Asian journal of endoscopic surgery 17(2) e13288 2024年4月  
    Surgical treatment of celiac artery (CA) compression syndrome (CACS) is to release the median arcuate ligament (MAL) by removing the abdominal nerve plexus surrounding CA. In laparoscopic surgery of CACS, objective intraoperative assessment of blood flow in CA is highly desirable. We herein demonstrate a case of laparoscopic surgery of CACS with use of intraoperative transabdominal ultrasound. A 52-year-old woman was presented with epigastric pain and vomiting after eating. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography demonstrated significant stenosis at the origin of CA. Doppler study of CA was also performed, and she was diagnosed as CACS. Laparoscopic surgery was performed, and the MAL was divided. And then, Doppler study using intraoperative transabdominal ultrasound confirmed the successful decompression of CA. This patient was discharged on postoperative day 11, and her symptoms was improved. Intraoperative assessment of blood flow in CA using transabdominal ultrasound was a simple and useful method for laparoscopic surgery of CACS.
  • 大草 拓司, 平田 篤史, 白石 匡, 荒澤 孝裕, 高橋 有未子, 大塚 亮太, 藏田 能裕, 中野 明, 松本 泰典, 豊住 武司, 早野 康一, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 松原 久裕
    日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 44(2) 360-360 2024年2月  
  • 飯田 真一郎, 松本 泰典, 早野 康一, 藏田 能裕, 大塚 亮太, 高橋 有未子, 白石 匡, 平田 篤史, 松原 久裕
    日本胃癌学会総会記事 96回 426-426 2024年2月  
  • Masaya Uesato, Yoshihiro Kurata, Yasunori Matsumoto, Shunsuke Kainuma, Takuya Hirosuna, Ryota Otsuka, Koichi Hayano, Hisahiro Matsubara
    VideoGIE : an official video journal of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 9(1) 14-18 2024年1月  
    Video 1Demonstration of the special use of the near-infrared fluorescent clip in laparoscopic endoscopic cooperative surgery.
  • Yoshihiro Kurata, Gaku Ohira, Koichi Hayano, Shunsuke Imanishi, Toru Tochigi, Yumiko Takahashi, Hisashi Mamiya, Moe Iwata, Masaya Uesato, Kentaro Murakami, Takeshi Toyozumi, Yasunori Matsumoto, Akira Nakano, Ryota Otsuka, Hideki Hayashi, Hisahiro Matsubara
    JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition 2023年12月4日  
    BACKGROUND: Treatment via a peripherally inserted central venous catheter is important for anticancer treatment, perioperative management, and nutritional management. In this study, we aimed to investigate the usefulness of cyanoacrylate glue (CG) in managing peripherally inserted central venous catheters in adults. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study enrolled 411 adults requiring a central venous catheter for treatment in the Chiba University Esophageal-Gastro-Intestinal Surgery department between January 2021 and October 2022. The preventive effect of CG in reducing adverse events, including infection, tip migration, and thrombus formation, was evaluated by reviewing electronic medical records, chest radiographs, and contrast-enhanced computed tomography scans. RESULTS: CG and other dressings were used in 158 (CG group) and 253 (control group) patients, respectively. The incidence of catheter infection based on the clinical course was lower in the CG group (3.2%) than in the control group (9.1%; p=0.03). However, cases of infection confirmed by blood or catheter culture did not differ between the CG (1.3%) and control (1.9%) groups (p=1.0). Chest radiographs revealed that catheter tip migration was lesser in the CG group (8.2±6.7 mm) than in the control group (15.0±15.8 mm; p<0.01). There were two cases of venous thrombus formation in the control group. CONCLUSION: In a population dominated by esophago-gastroenterological malignancy, peripherally inserted central catheter securement via CG was associated with decreased catheter removal due to suspected catheter infection. Further research on larger cohorts is needed to determine if other adverse events decrease following peripherally inserted central catheter securement via CG. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
  • Ryota Otsuka, Hideki Hayashi, Masaya Uesato, Koichi Hayano, Kentaro Murakami, Takeshi Toyozumi, Yasunori Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Kurata, Akira Nakano, Yumiko Takahashi, Takahiro Arasawa, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Anticancer research 43(11) 5261-5267 2023年11月  
    BACKGROUND/AIM: Peripheral blood inflammatory and nutritional indices are independent prognostic factors for various cancers. However, as society's longevity and the demand for surgery in the elderly increase, it remains unclear whether these indices are valuable for patients aged ≥80 years. This study aimed to assess the utility of peripheral blood indices as prognostic markers in elderly patients with gastric cancer (GC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study included 103 elderly patients (aged ≥80 years) who underwent radical gastrectomy at our hospital between 2008 and 2020. Preoperative systemic inflammatory and nutritional indices, including the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR), and prognostic and nutritional index (PNI), were evaluated. Prognostic evaluation was performed using Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox regression. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in NLR, PLR, and LMR regarding overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS). However, patients with low PNI had a markedly worse prognosis (3-year OS: 63.9% vs. 81.2%, p=0.002; 3-year RFS: 55.3% vs. 77.6%, p=0.002). Multivariate analysis revealed that male sex and low PNI were independent predictors of OS (p=0.007p=0.003, respectively) and RFS, with only PNI showing significance (p=0.023). CONCLUSION: Preoperative PNI is an independent prognostic factor for survival in elderly patients with GC who undergo radical gastrectomy.
  • Yuri Nishioka, Yasunori Matsumoto, Shunsuke Imanishi, Satoshi Endo, Takeshi Toyozumi, Yoshihiro Kurata, Takuma Sasaki, Gaku Ohira, Koichi Hayano, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Surgical case reports 9(1) 188-188 2023年10月30日  
    BACKGROUND: Small bowel cancer is very rare, accounting for less than 5% of all gastrointestinal cancers, and small bowel adenocarcinoma accounts for approximately 40% of all small bowel cancers. Small bowel adenocarcinoma is often found in advanced stages, with only 40-65% of cases being curatively resectable. The prognosis is poor, with a 5-year survival rate of 14-33% for all patients and 40-60% for those who are curatively resectable. In Japan, practice guidelines for duodenal cancer were instituted in 2021. However, evidence-based standard treatments have not been established for jejunal and ileal cancers. In particular, chemotherapeutic options are limited, and there are only a few reports on multidisciplinary treatments, including adjuvant chemotherapy. CASE PRESENTATION: We report five cases of jejunal or ileal lesions that were treated with adjuvant chemotherapy after radical resection. Three patients were male and two were female, with a median age of 67 years. Tumor localization was observed in the jejunum in all cases. Clinical staging was as follows: stage IIIA in two cases and stage IIIB in three cases. Laparotomy was then performed in all cases, employing partial resection with lymph node dissection. Pathological staging in all cases was as follows: stage IIB in two cases, stage IIIA in one case, and stage IIIB in two cases. In all cases, the regimen for adjuvant chemotherapy was selected based on the colorectal cancer guidelines. No serious complications arose from adjuvant therapy; however, adverse events occurred in patients receiving multi-agent chemotherapy. No recurrence was observed in any of the cases, and all the patients survived, with a median survival time of 32 months. As a representative case, we present a case of adjuvant chemotherapy for jejunal adenocarcinoma staged as pT3N2M0, pStage IIIB, with no recurrence at 32 months postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: In general, favorable outcomes were achieved with adjuvant therapy applied in accordance with the criteria for colorectal cancer. These favorable outcomes suggest that it is necessary to identify the risk factors and indications for adjuvant therapy, specifically for small bowel adenocarcinoma.
  • 柳橋 美幸, 田邉 亜純, 藏田 能裕, 大平 学, 早野 康一, 今西 俊介, 栃木 透, 高橋 有未子, 平田 篤史, 間宮 悠, 岩田 萌, 松原 久裕
    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 61回 MSA O63-6 2023年10月  
  • 間宮 悠, 栃木 透, 大平 学, 早野 康一, 今西 俊介, 丸山 哲郎, 藏田 能裕, 高橋 有未子, 平田 篤史, 岩田 萌, 松原 久裕
    日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 76(9) A223-A223 2023年9月  
  • Yuri Nishioka, Yasunori Matsumoto, Hideki Hayashi, Masayuki Kano, Hiroshi Suito, Koichi Hayano, Yoshihiro Kurata, Ryota Otsuka, Natsuko Nakamura, Hiraku Ono, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Chiba Medical J. 99E 39-44 2023年8月  査読有り
  • Yuri Nishioka, Yasunori Matsumoto, Gaku Ohira, Koichi Hayano, Satoshi Endo, Shunsuke Imanishi, Toru Tochigi, Tetsuro Maruyama, Yoshihiro Kurata, Ryota Otsuka, Hideki Hayashi, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 50(8) 926-928 2023年8月  
    A 69-year-old man was referred for vomiting. CT and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a circumferential stenotic lesion in the third portion of the duodenum, and partial duodenectomy and lymph node dissection were performed for the diagnosis of duodenal adenocarcinoma. The histopathological diagnosis was pT3, pN0, pStage ⅡA(UICC 8th)well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma. The patient was treated with FOLFOX as adjuvant chemotherapy and is alive 2 years and 4 months postoperatively without recurrence. Primary duodenal adenocarcinoma in the third portion is rare, and further case experience is required for selection of the operation and adjuvant therapy.
  • 豊住 武司, 村上 健太郎, 上里 昌也, 浦濱 竜馬, 中野 明, 藏田 能裕, 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 大塚 亮太, 松原 久裕
    日本消化器外科学会総会 78回 O8-7 2023年7月  
  • 大塚 亮太, 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 藏田 能裕, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武司, 中野 明, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本消化器外科学会総会 78回 O42-2 2023年7月  
  • 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 藏田 能裕, 大塚 亮太, 豊住 武司, 中野 明, 村上 健太郎, 上里 昌也, 大平 学, 松原 久裕
    日本消化器外科学会総会 78回 P077-6 2023年7月  
  • 藏田 能裕, 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 大塚 亮太, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武司, 中野 明, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本消化器外科学会総会 78回 P139-2 2023年7月  
  • 高橋 有未子, 早野 康一, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武司, 松本 泰典, 藏田 能裕, 大塚 亮太, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本消化器外科学会総会 78回 P182-6 2023年7月  
  • 豊住 武司, 村上 健太郎, 上里 昌也, 中野 明, 藏田 能裕, 浦濱 竜馬, 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 大塚 亮太, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本食道学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 77回 36-36 2023年6月  
  • 胡 しょう, 豊住 武司, 村上 健太郎, 上里 昌也, 中野 明, 藏田 能裕, 浦濱 竜馬, 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 大塚 亮太, 松原 久裕
    日本食道学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 77回 139-139 2023年6月  
  • Yasunori Matsumoto, Masayuki Kano, Hideki Hayashi, Hiroshi Suito, Koichi Hayano, Yoshihiro Kurata, Ryota Otsuka, Hiraku Ono, Koutaro Yokote, Hisahiro Matsuba
    Chiba Medical J. 99E 27-37 2023年6月  査読有り
  • 上里 昌也, 藏田 能裕, 松本 泰典, 貝沼 駿介, 廣砂 琢也, 大塚 亮太, 比毛 修太郎, 中野 明, 荒澤 孝裕, 玉地 智英, 丸山 哲郎, 豊住 武司, 村上 健太郎, 早野 康一, 松原 久裕
    日本外科系連合学会誌 48(3) 291-291 2023年5月  
  • Yasunori Matsumoto, Takuma Sasaki, Masayuki Kano, Tadashi Shiraishi, Hiroshi Suito, Kentaro Murakami, Takeshi Toyozumi, Ryota Otsuka, Kazuya Kinoshita, Shinichiro Iida, Hiroki Morishita, Yuri Nishioka, Koichi Hayano, Yoshihiro Kurata, Hideki Hayashi, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Molecular and clinical oncology 18(5) 39-39 2023年5月  査読有り
    Soluble programmed death-ligand 1 (sPD-L1) levels can be used as a biomarker for gastric cancer (GC). However, comprehensive information regarding the sPD-L1 expression profiles and their association with cachexia in GC is lacking. Therefore, the present study evaluated the association between clinicopathological findings and sPD-L1 levels in patients with GC. Serum samples were collected from patients with GC during their first visit to Department of Esophageal-Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, Chiba University Hospital, Chiba, Japan (January 2012-December 2017; n=173), and sPD-L1 levels were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Survival rates among 116 patients, excluding cases with preoperative chemotherapy or no radical procedures, were analyzed. sPD-L1 levels were associated with factors such as neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, hemoglobin (Hb) and albumin (Alb) levels, total cholesterol and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, and related to inflammation and nutrition in patients. Notably, the higher the number of applicable indicators related to cachexia (Hb <12 g/dl, Alb <3.2 g/dl, CRP >0.5 mg/dl and low body mass index) was, the higher the sPD-L1 value was. However, the pathological stage did not significantly differ between the groups. Clinicopathologically, there was no association with tumor depth, lymph node metastasis or vascular invasion; however, patients with the intestinal type had significantly higher sPD-L1 levels than patients with the diffuse type (P=0.032; Wilcoxon test). The overall survival did not significantly differ between the groups with low and high sPD-L1 levels; however, among patients who received radical treatment, the relapse-free survival was significantly worse in the high-sPD-L1-level group than in the low-sPD-L1-level group (P=0.025; log-rank test). Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that a high sPD-L1 concentration was a sign of poor prognosis, independent of pathological stage and cancer antigen CA19-9 (P=0.0029). Therefore, the present findings suggest that sPD-L1 can reflect cachexia status in patients with GC and may serve as a prognostic marker for relapse-free survival after radical GC surgery.
  • Rei Hashimoto, Keisuke Matsusaka, Tomoaki Matsumura, Koichi Hayano, Naoya Kato, Hisahiro Matsubara, Jun‐ichiro Ikeda
    Pathology International 2023年4月17日  
  • 荒澤 孝裕, 上里 昌也, 早野 康一, 丸山 哲郎, 中野 明, 玉地 智英, 貝沼 駿介, 比毛 修太郎, 廣砂 琢也, 松原 久裕
    Gastroenterological Endoscopy 65(Suppl.1) 863-863 2023年4月  
  • 大塚 亮太, 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 藏田 能裕, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武司, 中野 明, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 SF-2 2023年4月  
  • 岩田 萌, 藏田 能裕, 早野 康一, 大平 学, 今西 俊介, 栃木 透, 高橋 有未子, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武, 松本 泰典, 中野 明, 大塚 亮太, 松原 久裕
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 SF-3 2023年4月  
  • 豊住 武司, 村上 健太郎, 上里 昌也, 浦濱 竜馬, 中野 明, 藏田 能裕, 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 大塚 亮太, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 123回 DP-6 2023年4月  
  • Ryota Otsuka, Hiroki Morishita, Keiko Iida, Koichi Hayano, Kentaro Murakami, Satoshi Endo, Takeshi Toyozumi, Yasunori Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Kurata, Kazuya Kinoshita, Takuma Sasaki, Shinichiro Iida, Yuri Nishioka, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Anticancer research 43(4) 1485-1491 2023年4月  
    BACKGROUND/AIM: We lack reports on the clinicopathological characteristics and prognostic value of serum sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) levels and their association with SIRT1 expression in tissues of patients with gastric cancer (GC). Thus, we investigated the pathological characteristics and prognostic values of SIRT1 tissue expression and its serum concentration in GC. Moreover, we investigated the correlation between these two factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 78 patients with GC who underwent curative gastrectomy were evaluated in this study. The expression of SIRT1 in the surgical specimens was assessed using immunohistochemistry. Serum levels of SIRT1 were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The association of tissue and serum SIRT1 with the clinicopathological features and prognosis were evaluated. RESULTS: Positive SIRT1 tissue expression was significantly related to an advanced cancer stage (p=0.017). Furthermore, a significant relationship existed between a positive SIRT1 tissue expression and poorer overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS) (p=0.033 and p=0.033, respectively). In contrast, serum SIRT1 levels showed no significant association with clinicopathological characteristics besides age. In addition, no significant correlation was observed between tissue SIRT1 expression and serum SIRT1 concentration. CONCLUSION: Tissue SIRT1 expression may be a valuable novel prognostic biomarker; nonetheless, further studies are required to clarify the relationship between tissue SIRT1 expression and serum SIRT1 levels in GC.
  • Ryota Otsuka, Koichi Hayano, Hideki Hayashi, Masaya Uesato, Kentaro Murakami, Takeshi Toyozumi, Yasunori Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Kurata, Akira Nakano, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Langenbeck's archives of surgery 408(1) 133-133 2023年3月31日  
    PURPOSE: Although the usefulness of the ypStage in neoadjuvant chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer (GC) has been reported, whether or not the ypStage is applicable to all GC patients who receive preoperative chemotherapy, including conversion surgery cases, is unclear. Therefore, this retrospective study evaluated the value of the ypTNM staging system in all advanced GC patients who received chemotherapy prior to gastrectomy. METHODS: A total of 66 patients who underwent chemotherapy prior to gastrectomy for advanced GC at Chiba University Hospital from January 2008 to December 2020 were enrolled in the current study. The prognostic impact of the ypStage on the overall survival (OS) and relapse-free survival (RFS) were examined via univariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS: The 5-year OS rates for ypStage I, II, III, and IV were 87.5%, 64.7%, 52.9%, and 28.6%, respectively, while the 5-year RFS rates were 81.3%, 57.4%, 44.4%, and 28.6%, respectively. The univariate analysis revealed that the ypStage was significantly correlated with the OS (p = 0.037) and the ypT status and ypStage showed a significant correlation with the RFS (p = 0.043 and p = 0.021, respectively). The multivariate analysis demonstrated that only the ypStage was an independent prognostic factor for the OS and RFS (p = 0.024 and p = 0.018, respectively). CONCLUSION: The ypTNM stage may be a useful tool for the risk stratification of all advanced GC patients treated with chemotherapy followed by gastrectomy, including not only neoadjuvant but also conversion surgery cases.
  • 松本 泰典, 早野 康一, 藏田 能裕, 大塚 亮太, 丸山 哲郎, 栃木 透, 大平 学, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本胃癌学会総会記事 95回 184-184 2023年2月  
  • 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 藏田 能裕, 大塚 亮太, 豊住 武司, 中野 明, 村上 健太郎, 上里 昌也, 大平 学, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本胃癌学会総会記事 95回 201-201 2023年2月  
  • 藏田 能裕, 早野 康一, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武司, 松本 泰典, 中野 明, 大塚 亮太, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本胃癌学会総会記事 95回 305-305 2023年2月  
  • 大塚 亮太, 早野 康一, 松本 泰典, 藏田 能裕, 上里 昌也, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武司, 中野 明, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本胃癌学会総会記事 95回 321-321 2023年2月  
  • 藏田 能裕, 早野 康一, 高橋 有未子, 大平 学, 今西 俊介, 栃木 透, 村上 健太郎, 豊住 武司, 松本 泰典, 大塚 亮太, 林 秀樹, 松原 久裕
    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌 27(7) 1066-1066 2022年12月  
  • Koichi Hayano, Gaku Ohira, Masayuki Kano, Hiroshi Suito, Yasunori Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Kurata, Ryota Otsuka, Tetsuro Isozaki, Takeshi Toyozumi, Kentaro Murakami, Masaya Uesato, Hisahiro Matsubara
    Oncology 2022年11月15日  
    INTRODUCTION: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are expected to improve the prognosis of gastric cancer (GC). On the other hand, hepatic steatosis has been reported to be associated with cancer cachexia, and expected to be a cancer biomarker. The purpose of this study is to evaluate prognostic impact of hepatic steatosis in ICIs therapy for GC. METHODS: Unresectable or recurrent GC treated with ICIs were investigated. Using unenhanced CT, liver to spleen CT attenuation ratio (LSR) was calculated as a parameter of hepatic steatosis. LSR was compared with the presence of sarcopenia, inflammatory markers including neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio (MLR). These parameters were also compared with disease specific survival (DSS) and progression free survival (PFS). Associations of LSR with insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone were also evaluated. RESULTS: A total of seventy patients were investigated. LSR of sarcopenia patients was significantly lower than that of non-sarcopenia ones (P=0.02). LSR showed significant negative correlations with NLR, PLR, and MLR (P=0.003, 0.03, 0.01, respectively). Lower LSR was significantly associated with higher level of serum IGF-1 (P=0.03). In univariate analysis, LSR was significantly correlated with DSS and PFS (both P<0.0001), and multivariate analysis demonstrated that LSR was the independent prognostic factor for both DSS and PFS (both P=0.01). ROC analysis demonstrated that LSR>1.263 was a good predictive marker for favorable DSS (>5.3 months) with AUC of 0.80. CONCLUSION: Hepatic steatosis can be a promising prognostic biomarker for ICIs therapy of GC, associated with sarcopenia and the elevation of inflammatory markers. Out data suggested that GC with steatohepatitis might be less responsive to ICIs therapy.
  • 松本 泰典, 大塚 亮太, 林 秀樹, 早野 康一, 蔵田 能裕, 高橋 有未子, 松原 久裕
    肥満研究 28(Suppl.) 351-351 2022年11月  
  • 飯田 真一郎, 松本 泰典, 加野 将之, 林 秀樹, 早野 康一, 藏田 能裕, 大塚 亮太, 高橋 有未子, 松原 久裕
    肥満研究 28(Suppl.) 353-353 2022年11月  
  • 大平 学, 丸山 通広, 上里 昌也, 早野 康一, 村上 健太郎, 遠藤 悟史, 今西 俊介, 栃木 透, 丸山 哲郎, 豊住 武司, 松本 泰典, 藏田 能裕, 中野 明, 大塚 亮太, 松原 久裕
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 83(増刊) S69-S69 2022年10月  



