Kei-Ichi Kondo, Seikou Kato, Akihiro Shibata, Toru Shinohara
We propose the reformulations of the SU(N) Yang-Mills theory toward quark confinement and mass gap. In fact, we have given a new framework for reformulating the SU(N) Yang -Mills theory using new field variables. This includes the preceding works given by Cho, Faddeev and Niemi, as a special case called the maximal option in our reformulations. The advantage of our reformulations is that the original non-Abelian gauge field variables can be changed nib the new field variables such that one of them called the restricted field gives the dominant contribution to quark confinement in the gauge independent way. Our reformulations can be combined with the SU(N) extension of the Diakonov-Petrov version of the non -Abelian Stokes theorem for the Wilson loop operator to give a gauge-invariant definition for the magnetic monopole in the SU(N) Yang -Mills theory without the scalar field. In the so-called minimal option, especially, the restricted field is non Abelian and involves the non -Abelian magnetic monopole with the stability group U(N - 1). This suggests the non -Abelian dual superconductivity picture for quark confinement. This should be compared with the maximal option: the restricted field is Abelian and involves only the Abelian magnetic monopoles with the stability group U (1)(N-1), just like the Abelian projection. We give some applications of this reformulation, e.g., the stability for the homogeneous chromomagnetic condensation of the Savvidy type, the large N treatment for deriving the dimensional transmutation and understanding the mass gap, and also the numerical simulations on a lattice which are given by Dr. Shibata in a subsequent talk.