
鋪野 紀好

シキノ キヨシ  (Kiyoshi Shikino)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院 地域医療教育学 特任准教授 (MD, PhD, MHPE, FACP, AFAMEE)
医療者教育学 修士(2020年9月 米マサチューセッツ総合病院)




2008年3月 千葉大学医学部卒業

2008年4月 千葉市立青葉病院(臨床研修)

2010年4月 千葉大学医学部附属病院総合診療科 シニアレジデント

2011年4月 千葉大学医学部附属病院総合診療科 医員

2013年4月〜2022年3月 千葉大学医学部附属病院総合診療科 特任助教 兼 総合医療教育研修センター 

2022年4月 千葉大学大学院医学研究院地域医療教育学 特任准教授 兼 千葉大学医学部附属病院総合診療科 兼 総合医療教育研修センター (現職)



千葉大学医学部附属病院総合診療専門研修プログラム 副プログラム責任者

千葉大学医学部附属病院総合診療科家庭医療専門研修プログラム 副プログラム責任者





日本内科学会 専門医部会 幹事(講演会担当)(2019年7月〜2022年6月)

日本内科学会 リカレント教育ワーキンググループ 委員

日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 代議員

日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 プライマリ・ケア教育委員会 委員

日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 コアコンピテンシー委員会 委員

日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 専門研修支援委員会 委員

日本病院総合診療医学会 評議員

日本病院総合診療医学会 病院総合診療専門医試験委員会 実行委員長


日本病院総合診療医学会 病院総合診療専門研修プログラムワーキンググループ 委員

日本病院総合診療医学会 診断エラーグループ 委員

日本医学教育学会 代議員


日本医学教育学会 学術大会運営委員会 委員

日本医学教育学会 医学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラム調査研究特別委員会 委員

American College of Physicians Japan Chapter Physicians Well-being Committee 委員長

American College of Physicians Japan Chapter Public Relations Committee 副委員長(2018年7月〜2023年6月)



日本専門医機構 総合診療専門医検討委員会 総合診療専門医認定試験委員会

日本専門医機構 総合診療専門医検討委員会 広報部会

日本専門医機構 総合診療専門医検討委員会 研修医・専攻医支援部会

医療系大学間共用試験実施評価機構 診療参加型臨床実習後客観的臨床能力試験 実施管理委員会

医療系大学間共用試験実施評価機構 診療参加型臨床実習後客観的臨床能力試験 解説・教育用動画作成・管理小委員会

日本医療教育プログラム推進機構 基本的臨床能力評価試験問題作成委員会

BMC Medical Education, Editorial board 

診断と治療 編集委員

厚生労働省 医師試験委員

文部科学省 高等教育局 医学教育課 技術参与(2021年4月〜2023年3月)



日本内科学会 総合内科専門医・指導医

日本専門医機構 総合診療専門研修 特任指導医

日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 プライマリ•ケア認定医・指導医

日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 プライマリ・ケア認定薬剤師制度見学実習担当指導医

日本病院総合診療医学会 認定医・特任指導医


臨床研修協議会 プログラム責任者養成講習会 修了

臨床研修協議会 臨床研修指導医講習会 修了


Center for Medical Simulation 指導者講習修了(Boston, MA)

Monash University and Harvard Macy Institute Leadership and Innovation in Health 修了(Melbourne, Australia)

American College of Physicians, Well-being Champion Training Program 修了(米国内科学会)






American College of Physicians(ACP、米国内科学会)

Society of General Internal Medicine(SGIM、米国総合内科学会)

Association for Medical Education in Europe(AMEE、欧州医学教育学会)



Best Presentation Award (Merit), Free Communications, Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2023

Young Leadership Award, American College of Physicians Japan Chapter 2022

Kurokawa Prize, Early Career Physician section, American College of Physicians Japan Chapter Annual Meeting 2018

Young Investigator Award, International session, 第50回日本医学教育学会大会

指導教官賞, 第117回日本内科学会講演会 医学生・研修医の日本内科学会ことはじめ




  • Hiromizu Takahashi, Kiyoshi Shikino, Takeshi Kondo, Akira Komori, Yuji Yamada, Mizue Saita, Toshio Naito
    JMIR medical education 10 e59133 2024年8月13日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Evaluating the accuracy and educational utility of artificial intelligence-generated medical cases, especially those produced by large language models such as ChatGPT-4 (developed by OpenAI), is crucial yet underexplored. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the educational utility of ChatGPT-4-generated clinical vignettes and their applicability in educational settings. METHODS: Using a convergent mixed methods design, a web-based survey was conducted from January 8 to 28, 2024, to evaluate 18 medical cases generated by ChatGPT-4 in Japanese. In the survey, 6 main question items were used to evaluate the quality of the generated clinical vignettes and their educational utility, which are information quality, information accuracy, educational usefulness, clinical match, terminology accuracy (TA), and diagnosis difficulty. Feedback was solicited from physicians specializing in general internal medicine or general medicine and experienced in medical education. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests were performed to identify differences among cases, and linear regression was used to examine trends associated with physicians' experience. Thematic analysis of qualitative feedback was performed to identify areas for improvement and confirm the educational utility of the cases. RESULTS: Of the 73 invited participants, 71 (97%) responded. The respondents, primarily male (64/71, 90%), spanned a broad range of practice years (from 1976 to 2017) and represented diverse hospital sizes throughout Japan. The majority deemed the information quality (mean 0.77, 95% CI 0.75-0.79) and information accuracy (mean 0.68, 95% CI 0.65-0.71) to be satisfactory, with these responses being based on binary data. The average scores assigned were 3.55 (95% CI 3.49-3.60) for educational usefulness, 3.70 (95% CI 3.65-3.75) for clinical match, 3.49 (95% CI 3.44-3.55) for TA, and 2.34 (95% CI 2.28-2.40) for diagnosis difficulty, based on a 5-point Likert scale. Statistical analysis showed significant variability in content quality and relevance across the cases (P<.001 after Bonferroni correction). Participants suggested improvements in generating physical findings, using natural language, and enhancing medical TA. The thematic analysis highlighted the need for clearer documentation, clinical information consistency, content relevance, and patient-centered case presentations. CONCLUSIONS: ChatGPT-4-generated medical cases written in Japanese possess considerable potential as resources in medical education, with recognized adequacy in quality and accuracy. Nevertheless, there is a notable need for enhancements in the precision and realism of case details. This study emphasizes ChatGPT-4's value as an adjunctive educational tool in the medical field, requiring expert oversight for optimal application.
  • Sho Fukui, Taro Shimizu, Yuji Nishizaki, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yu Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yasuharu Tokuda
    JMIR medical education 10 e53193 2024年7月19日  査読有り
    To assess the utility of wearable cameras in medical examinations, we created a physician-view video-based examination question and explanation, and the survey results indicated that these cameras can enhance the evaluation and educational capabilities of medical examinations.
  • Aoba Nakamura, Hajime Kasai, Mayumi Asahina, Yu Kamata, Kiyoshi Shikino, Ikuo Shimizu, Misaki Onodera, Yasuhiko Kimura, Hiroshi Tajima, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Shoichi Ito
    BMC Medical Education 24(1) 770-770 2024年7月19日  査読有り
    Abstract Background Hidden curriculum (HC) can limit the effects of professionalism education. However, the research on how HC triggers unprofessional behavior among medical students is scant. Furthermore, there is no established approach for how faculty members may create a context, such as an educational environment and education system, that prevents students’ unprofessional behavior. This study aimed to develop an educational approach to prevent unprofessional behavior and clarify how faculty members consider HC that triggers students’ unprofessional behavior. Methods The study sample comprised 44 faculty members and eight medical students from the Chiba University School of Medicine. The participants were divided into groups and asked the following question: “What attitudes, statements, and behaviors of senior students, physicians, and faculty members trigger medical students’ unprofessional behavior?” The responses were collected using the affinity diagram method. The group members discussed the causes and countermeasures for the selected attitudes, statements, and behaviors of senior students, physicians, and faculty members based on the affinity diagram. The impact of the group work on the faculty members was surveyed using questionnaires immediately after its completion and six months later. Furthermore, the cards in the group work were analyzed using content analysis. Results The responses to the questionnaire on group work indicated that some faculty members (43.8%) improved HC, while others suggested conducting group work with more participants. The content analysis revealed six categories – inappropriate attitude/behavior, behavior encouraging unprofessional behavior, lack of compliance with regulations, harassment of other medical staff, inappropriate educational environment/supervisor, and inappropriate self-control – and 46 subcategories. Conclusions The HC that triggers students’ unprofessional behavior includes the words and actions of the educator, organizational culture, and educational environment. Group work makes faculty members aware of the HC that triggers unprofessional behavior, and induces behavioral change for HC improvement in the educational activities. Educators should refrain from using words and actions that encourage unprofessional behavior, such as personal anecdotes, as they reduce students’ learning motivation.
  • Risa Hirata, Masaki Tago, Kiyoshi Shikino, Takashi Watari, Hiromizu Takahashi, Yosuke Sasaki, Taro Shimizu
    International journal of general medicine 17 2939-2943 2024年7月  査読有り
    PURPOSE: There has been growing interest in generalists in Japan in recent years. However, due to the diverse use of the term "generalist", the specific roles of these physicians remain ambiguous. Consequently, the target population for research on generalists is unclear, making it challenging to conduct studies within the generalist practice framework. Therefore, a literature search was conducted to examine how generalists are defined and classified in research worldwide. METHODS: We conducted a literature search that focused exclusively on articles written in English and used keywords related to generalists, general medicine (GM), primary care, and family medicine. Based on the results, six physicians working in GM reviewed the findings and discussed the identified issues and their potential solutions. RESULTS: The definition of generalists in studies targeting GM, family medicine, and primary care conducted worldwide, including Japan, varies. Generalists exhibit diverse roles even within university hospitals in Japan. No studies provide a precise categorization or definition of generalists based on specific medical practices or roles, except for hospitalists, who are primarily involved in inpatient management in the United States. CONCLUSION: The definition of GM was unclear based on the results of the literature search, and the lack of uniformity in backgrounds has rendered the target population unclear. Consequently, in healthcare settings where medical systems vary by country or region, evidence from studies targeting generalists cannot readily apply to actual practice. Clarifying generalists through an explicit definition based on clinical practice will allow for a more precise target population for research on generalists and enable the accumulation of evidence related to well-defined groups of generalists, contributing to the advancement of GM. Therefore, future research is required to develop new indicators to precisely classify and define generalists.
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Taro Shimizu, Yuki Otsuka, Masaki Tago, Hiromizu Takahashi, Takashi Watari, Yosuke Sasaki, Gemmei Iizuka, Hiroki Tamura, Koichi Nakashima, Kotaro Kunitomo, Morika Suzuki, Sayaka Aoyama, Shintaro Kosaka, Teiko Kawahigashi, Tomohiro Matsumoto, Fumina Orihara, Toru Morikawa, Toshinori Nishizawa, Yoji Hoshina, Yu Yamamoto, Yuichiro Matsuo, Yuto Unoki, Hirofumi Kimura, Midori Tokushima, Satoshi Watanuki, Takuma Saito, Fumio Otsuka, Yasuharu Tokuda
    JMIR medical education 10 e58758 2024年6月21日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    BACKGROUND: The persistence of diagnostic errors, despite advances in medical knowledge and diagnostics, highlights the importance of understanding atypical disease presentations and their contribution to mortality and morbidity. Artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative pre-trained transformers like GPT-4, holds promise for improving diagnostic accuracy, but requires further exploration in handling atypical presentations. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of ChatGPT in generating differential diagnoses for atypical presentations of common diseases, with a focus on the model's reliance on patient history during the diagnostic process. METHODS: We used 25 clinical vignettes from the Journal of Generalist Medicine characterizing atypical manifestations of common diseases. Two general medicine physicians categorized the cases based on atypicality. ChatGPT was then used to generate differential diagnoses based on the clinical information provided. The concordance between AI-generated and final diagnoses was measured, with a focus on the top-ranked disease (top 1) and the top 5 differential diagnoses (top 5). RESULTS: ChatGPT's diagnostic accuracy decreased with an increase in atypical presentation. For category 1 (C1) cases, the concordance rates were 17% (n=1) for the top 1 and 67% (n=4) for the top 5. Categories 3 (C3) and 4 (C4) showed a 0% concordance for top 1 and markedly lower rates for the top 5, indicating difficulties in handling highly atypical cases. The χ2 test revealed no significant difference in the top 1 differential diagnosis accuracy between less atypical (C1+C2) and more atypical (C3+C4) groups (χ²1=2.07; n=25; P=.13). However, a significant difference was found in the top 5 analyses, with less atypical cases showing higher accuracy (χ²1=4.01; n=25; P=.048). CONCLUSIONS: ChatGPT-4 demonstrates potential as an auxiliary tool for diagnosing typical and mildly atypical presentations of common diseases. However, its performance declines with greater atypicality. The study findings underscore the need for AI systems to encompass a broader range of linguistic capabilities, cultural understanding, and diverse clinical scenarios to improve diagnostic utility in real-world settings.
  • Koshi Kataoka, Yuji Nishizaki, Taro Shimizu, Yu Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Shikino, Masanori Nojima, Kazuya Nagasaki, Sho Fukui, Sho Nishiguchi, Kohta Katayama, Masaru Kurihara, Rieko Ueda, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yasuharu Tokuda
    JMIR Medical Education 10 e52207 2024年5月30日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The relationship between educational outcomes and the use of web-based clinical knowledge support systems in teaching hospitals remains unknown in Japan. A previous study on this topic could have been affected by recall bias because of the use of a self-reported questionnaire. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to explore the relationship between the use of the Wolters Kluwer UpToDate clinical knowledge support system in teaching hospitals and residents' General Medicine In-Training Examination (GM-ITE) scores. In this study, we objectively evaluated the relationship between the total number of UpToDate hospital use logs and the GM-ITE scores. METHODS: This nationwide cross-sectional study included postgraduate year-1 and -2 residents who had taken the examination in the 2020 academic year. Hospital-level information was obtained from published web pages, and UpToDate hospital use logs were provided by Wolters Kluwer. We evaluated the relationship between the total number of UpToDate hospital use logs and residents' GM-ITE scores. We analyzed 215 teaching hospitals with at least 5 GM-ITE examinees and hospital use logs from 2017 to 2019. RESULTS: The study population consisted of 3013 residents from 215 teaching hospitals with at least 5 GM-ITE examinees and web-based resource use log data from 2017 to 2019. High-use hospital residents had significantly higher GM-ITE scores than low-use hospital residents (mean 26.9, SD 2.0 vs mean 26.2, SD 2.3; P=.009; Cohen d=0.35, 95% CI 0.08-0.62). The GM-ITE scores were significantly correlated with the total number of hospital use logs (Pearson r=0.28; P<.001). The multilevel analysis revealed a positive association between the total number of logs divided by the number of hospital physicians and the GM-ITE scores (estimated coefficient=0.36, 95% CI 0.14-0.59; P=.001). CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that the development of residents' clinical reasoning abilities through UpToDate is associated with high GM-ITE scores. Thus, higher use of UpToDate may lead physicians and residents in high-use hospitals to increase the implementation of evidence-based medicine, leading to high educational outcomes.
  • Hajime Kasai, Go Saito, Kenichiro Takeda, Hiroshi Tajima, Chiaki Kawame, Nami Hayama, Kiyoshi Shikino, Ikuo Shimizu, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Mayumi Asahina, Takuji Suzuki, Shoichi Ito
    Medical education online 29(1) 2357411-2357411 2024年5月24日  査読有り
    In clinical clerkship (CC), medical students can practice evidence-based medicine (EBM) with their assigned patients. Although CC can be a valuable opportunity for EBM education, the impact of EBM training, including long-term behavioral changes, remains unclear. One hundred and nine fourth- and fifth-year medical students undergoing CC at a medical school in Japan attended a workplace-based learning program for EBM during CC (WB-EBM), which included the practice of the five steps of EBM. The program's effect on the students' attitudes toward EBM in CC was assessed through questionnaires. A total of 88 medical students participated in the program. Responses to the questionnaire indicated high satisfaction with the WB-EBM program. The most common theme in students' clinical problems with their assigned patients was the choice of treatment, followed by its effect. Based on the responses in the post-survey for the long-term effects of the program, the frequency of problem formulation and article reading tended to increase in the 'within six months' group comprising 18 students who participated in the WB-EBM program, compared with the control group comprising 34 students who did not. Additionally, the ability to self-assess problem formulation was significantly higher, compared with the control group. However, among 52 students who participated in the WB-EBM program more than six months later, EBM-related behavioral habits in CC and self-assessments of the five steps of EBM were not significantly different from those in the control group. The WB-EBM program was acceptable for medical students in CC. It motivated them to formulate clinical questions and enhanced their critical thinking. Moreover, the WB-EBM program can improve habits and self-evaluations about EBM. However, as its effects may not last more than six months, it may need to be repeated across departments throughout CC to change behavior in EBM practice.
  • Fumitoshi Fukuzawa, Yasutaka Yanagita, Daiki Yokokawa, Shun Uchida, Shiho Yamashita, Yu Li, Kiyoshi Shikino, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazutaka Noda, Takanori Uehara, Masatomi Ikusaka
    JMIR medical education 10 e52674 2024年4月8日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Medical history contributes approximately 80% to a diagnosis, although physical examinations and laboratory investigations increase a physician's confidence in the medical diagnosis. The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) was first proposed more than 70 years ago. Recently, its role in various fields of medicine has grown remarkably. However, no studies have evaluated the importance of patient history in AI-assisted medical diagnosis. OBJECTIVE: This study explored the contribution of patient history to AI-assisted medical diagnoses and assessed the accuracy of ChatGPT in reaching a clinical diagnosis based on the medical history provided. METHODS: Using clinical vignettes of 30 cases identified in The BMJ, we evaluated the accuracy of diagnoses generated by ChatGPT. We compared the diagnoses made by ChatGPT based solely on medical history with the correct diagnoses. We also compared the diagnoses made by ChatGPT after incorporating additional physical examination findings and laboratory data alongside history with the correct diagnoses. RESULTS: ChatGPT accurately diagnosed 76.6% (23/30) of the cases with only the medical history, consistent with previous research targeting physicians. We also found that this rate was 93.3% (28/30) when additional information was included. CONCLUSIONS: Although adding additional information improves diagnostic accuracy, patient history remains a significant factor in AI-assisted medical diagnosis. Thus, when using AI in medical diagnosis, it is crucial to include pertinent and correct patient histories for an accurate diagnosis. Our findings emphasize the continued significance of patient history in clinical diagnoses in this age and highlight the need for its integration into AI-assisted medical diagnosis systems.
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Miwa Sekine, Yuji Nishizaki, Yu Yamamoto, Taro Shimizu, Sho Fukui, Kazuya Nagasaki, Daiki Yokokawa, Takashi Watari, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yasuharu Tokuda
    BMC medical education 24(1) 316-316 2024年3月20日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    BACKGROUND: In Japan, postgraduate clinical training encompasses a 2-year residency program, including at least 24 weeks of internal medicine (IM) rotations. However, the fragmented structure of these rotations can compromise the training's quality and depth. For example, a resident might spend only a few weeks in cardiology before moving to endocrinology, without sufficient time to deepen their understanding or have clinical experience. This study examined current patterns and lengths of IM rotations within the Japanese postgraduate medical system. It scrutinized the piecemeal approach-whereby residents may engage in multiple short-term stints across various subspecialties without an overarching, integrated experience-and explored potential consequences for their clinical education. METHODS: This nationwide, multicenter, cross-sectional study used data from self-reported questionnaires completed by participants in the 2022 General Medicine In-Training Examination (GM-ITE). Data of 1,393 postgraduate year (PGY) one and two resident physicians who participated in the GM-ITE were included. We examined the IM rotation duration and number of IM subspecialties chosen by resident physicians during a 2-year rotation. RESULTS: Approximately half of the participants chose IM rotation periods of 32-40 weeks. A significant proportion of participants rotated in 5-7 internal medicine departments throughout the observation period. Notable variations in the distribution of rotations were observed, characterized by a common pattern where resident physicians typically spend 4 weeks in each department before moving to the next. This 4-week rotation is incrementally repeated across different subspecialties without a longer, continuous period in any single area. Notably, 39.7% of participants did not undertake general internal medicine rotations. These results suggest a narrowed exposure to medical conditions and patient care practices. CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the need to address the fragmented structure of IM rotations in Japan. We suggest that short, specialized learning periods may limit the opportunity to gain broad in-depth knowledge and practical experience. To improve the efficacy of postgraduate clinical education, we recommend fostering more sustained and comprehensive learning experiences.
  • Risa Hirata, Naoko Katsuki, Hitomi Shimada, Eiji Nakatani, Kiyoshi Shikino, Chihiro Saito, Kaori Amari, Yoshimasa Oda, Midori Tokushima, Masaki Tago
    International Journal of General Medicine 17 1139-1144 2024年3月  査読有り
    PURPOSE: There has been no large-scale investigation into the association between the use of lemborexant, suvorexant, and ramelteon and falls in a large population. This study, serving as a pilot investigation, was aimed at examining the relationship between inpatient falls and various prescribed hypnotic medications at admission. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study was a sub-analysis of a multicenter retrospective observational study conducted over a period of 3 years. The target population comprised patients aged 20 years or above admitted to eight hospitals, including chronic care, acute care, and tertiary hospitals. We extracted data on the types of hypnotic medications prescribed at admission, including lemborexant, suvorexant, ramelteon, benzodiazepines, Z-drugs, and other hypnotics; the occurrence of inpatient falls during the hospital stay; and patients' background information. To determine the outcome of inpatient falls, items with low collinearity were selected and included as covariates in a forced-entry binary logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Overall, 150,278 patients were included in the analysis, among whom 3,458 experienced falls. The median age of the entire cohort was 70 years, with men constituting 53.1%. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that the prescription of lemborexant, suvorexant, and ramelteon at admission was not significantly associated with inpatient falls. CONCLUSION: The administration of lemborexant, suvorexant, and ramelteon at admission may not be associated with inpatient falls.
  • Kosuke Ishizuka, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yu Li, Daiki Yokokawa, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Yasutaka Yanagita, Jumpei Kojima, Shiho Yamashita, Kazutaka Noda, Takanori Uehara, Masatomi Ikusaka
    Journal of General and Family Medicine 25(2) 110-111 2024年3月  査読有り
    Diagnosis and management of psychogenic diseases such as conversion disorder, somatic symptom disorder (SSD), illness anxiety disorder, falsehood disorder, and psychotic disorder require an elaborate biopsychosocial approach and are often challenging. Herein, we propose the following points to differentiate medical diseases from these psychogenic diseases: correspondence between symptoms and objective findings or activities of daily living (ADL) impairment; placebo effect; clear provocative or palliative factors; progressive time course; paroxysmal or intermittent symptoms; unfamiliar but not strange expressions; symptoms worsen during sleep or rest.
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Yuji Nishizaki, Sho Fukui, Daiki Yokokawa, Yu Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Taro Shimizu, Yasuharu Tokuda
    JMIR medical education 10 e54401 2024年2月29日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    BACKGROUND: Medical students in Japan undergo a 2-year postgraduate residency program to acquire clinical knowledge and general medical skills. The General Medicine In-Training Examination (GM-ITE) assesses postgraduate residents' clinical knowledge. A clinical simulation video (CSV) may assess learners' interpersonal abilities. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between GM-ITE scores and resident physicians' diagnostic skills by having them watch a CSV and to explore resident physicians' perceptions of the CSV's realism, educational value, and impact on their motivation to learn. METHODS: The participants included 56 postgraduate medical residents who took the GM-ITE between January 21 and January 28, 2021; watched the CSV; and then provided a diagnosis. The CSV and GM-ITE scores were compared, and the validity of the simulations was examined using discrimination indices, wherein ≥0.20 indicated high discriminatory power and >0.40 indicated a very good measure of the subject's qualifications. Additionally, we administered an anonymous questionnaire to ascertain participants' views on the realism and educational value of the CSV and its impact on their motivation to learn. RESULTS: Of the 56 participants, 6 (11%) provided the correct diagnosis, and all were from the second postgraduate year. All domains indicated high discriminatory power. The (anonymous) follow-up responses indicated that the CSV format was more suitable than the conventional GM-ITE for assessing clinical competence. The anonymous survey revealed that 12 (52%) participants found the CSV format more suitable than the GM-ITE for assessing clinical competence, 18 (78%) affirmed the realism of the video simulation, and 17 (74%) indicated that the experience increased their motivation to learn. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicated that CSV modules simulating real-world clinical examinations were successful in assessing examinees' clinical competence across multiple domains. The study demonstrated that the CSV not only augmented the assessment of diagnostic skills but also positively impacted learners' motivation, suggesting a multifaceted role for simulation in medical education.
  • Daiki Yokokawa, Yasutaka Yanagita, Yu Li, Shiho Yamashita, Kiyoshi Shikino, Kazutaka Noda, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Takanori Uehara, Masatomi Ikusaka
    Diagnosis 11(3) 329-332 2024年2月23日  査読有り
  • Masaki Tago, Risa Hirata, Hiromizu Takahashi, Shun Yamashita, Masayuki Nogi, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yosuke Sasaki, Takashi Watari, Taro Shimizu
    International Journal of General Medicine 17 635-638 2024年2月  査読有り
    Hospital Medicine in the United States has achieved significant progress in the accumulation of evidence. This development has influenced the increasing societal demand for General Medicine in Japan. Generalists in Japan actively engage in a wide range of interdisciplinary clinical practices, education, and management. Furthermore, Generalists have also contributed to advances in research. However, there is limited evidence regarding the benefits of General Medicine in Japan in all these areas, with most of the evidence derived from single-center studies. In Japan, the roles of Generalists are diverse, and the comprehensive definition of General Medicine makes it difficult to clearly delineate its scope. This results in an inadequate accumulation of evidence regarding the benefits of General Medicine, potentially making it less attractive to the public and younger physicians. Therefore, it is necessary to categorize General Medicine and collect clear evidence regarding its benefits.
  • Kazuya Nagasaki, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yuji Nishizaki, Masaru Kurihara, Takashi Watari, Taro Shimizu, Yu Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Shikino, Sho Fukui, Sho Nishiguchi, Kohta Katayama, Yasuharu Tokuda
    Scientific reports 14(1) 1481-1481 2024年1月17日  査読有り
    Long duty hours (DH) impair sleep and negatively affect residents' health and medical safety. This cross-sectional study investigated the association among residents' DH, sleep duration, insomnia, sleep impairment, depressive symptoms, and self-reported medical errors among 5579 residents in Japan who completed the General Medicine In-Training Examination (2021) and participated in the training-environment survey. Weekly DH was classified under seven categories. Sleep duration and insomnia symptoms, from the Athens Insomnia Scale, were analysed to determine sleep impairment; depressive symptoms and medical errors were self-reported. Among 5095 residents, 15.5% slept < 5 h/day, and 26.7% had insomnia. In multivariable analysis, compared with ≥ 60 and < 70, DH ≥ 90 h/week associated with shorter sleep duration and worsen insomnia symptoms. Shorter durations of sleep and more intense symptoms of insomnia were associated with increased depressive symptoms. Medical errors increased only among residents with insomnia, but were not associated with sleep duration. DH > 90 h/week could lead to shorter sleep duration, worsen insomnia symptoms, and negatively impact well-being and medical safety. There was no significant association between sleep duration and medical errors; however, insomnia conferred an increased risk of medical errors. Limiting DH for residents to avoid excessive workload can help improve resident sleep, enhance resident well-being, and potentially reduce insomnia-associated medical errors.
  • Yuki Otsuka, Kosuke Ishizuka, Yukinori Harada, Taku Harada, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yoshihiko Shiraishi, Takashi Watari
    Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 63(16) 2231-2239 2024年1月13日  査読有り
    Anterior, lateral, and posterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndromes have been proposed as etiologies of trunk pain. However, while these syndromes are analogous, comprehensive reports contrasting the three subtypes are lacking. We therefore reviewed the literature on anterior, lateral, and posterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome. We searched the PubMed and Cochrane Library databases twice for relevant articles published between March and September 2022. In addition to 16 letters, technical reports, and review articles, a further 62, 6, and 3 articles concerning anterior, lateral, and posterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndromes, respectively, were included. These syndromes are usually diagnosed based solely on unique history and examination findings; however, the diagnostic process may be prolonged, and multiple re-evaluations are required. The most common first-line treatment is trigger point injection; however, the management of refractory cases remains unclear. Awareness of this disease should be expanded to medical departments other than general medicine.
  • Risa Hirata, Masaki Tago, Kiyoshi Shikino, Takashi Watari, Hiromizu Takahashi, Yosuke Sasaki, Taro Shimizu
    International journal of general medicine 17 3625-3626 2024年  
  • Masaki Tago, Risa Hirata, Naoko E Katsuki, Eiji Nakatani, Midori Tokushima, Tomoyo Nishi, Hitomi Shimada, Shizuka Yaita, Chihiro Saito, Kaori Amari, Kazuya Kurogi, Yoshimasa Oda, Kiyoshi Shikino, Maiko Ono, Mariko Yoshimura, Shun Yamashita, Yoshinori Tokushima, Hidetoshi Aihara, Motoshi Fujiwara, Shu-Ichi Yamashita
    Clinical interventions in aging 19 175-188 2024年  査読有り
    PURPOSE: We conducted a pilot study in an acute care hospital and developed the Saga Fall Risk Model 2 (SFRM2), a fall prediction model comprising eight items: Bedriddenness rank, age, sex, emergency admission, admission to the neurosurgery department, history of falls, independence of eating, and use of hypnotics. The external validation results from the two hospitals showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of SFRM2 may be lower in other facilities. This study aimed to validate the accuracy of SFRM2 using data from eight hospitals, including chronic care hospitals, and adjust the coefficients to improve the accuracy of SFRM2 and validate it. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study included all patients aged ≥20 years admitted to eight hospitals, including chronic care, acute care, and tertiary hospitals, from April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2021. In-hospital falls were used as the outcome, and the AUC and shrinkage coefficient of SFRM2 were calculated. Additionally, SFRM2.1, which was modified from the coefficients of SFRM2 using logistic regression with the eight items comprising SFRM2, was developed using two-thirds of the data randomly selected from the entire population, and its accuracy was validated using the remaining one-third portion of the data. RESULTS: Of the 124,521 inpatients analyzed, 2,986 (2.4%) experienced falls during hospitalization. The median age of all inpatients was 71 years, and 53.2% were men. The AUC of SFRM2 was 0.687 (95% confidence interval [CI]:0.678-0.697), and the shrinkage coefficient was 0.996. SFRM2.1 was created using 81,790 patients, and its accuracy was validated using the remaining 42,731 patients. The AUC of SFRM2.1 was 0.745 (95% CI: 0.731-0.758). CONCLUSION: SFRM2 showed good accuracy in predicting falls even on validating in diverse populations with significantly different backgrounds. Furthermore, the accuracy can be improved by adjusting the coefficients while keeping the model's parameters fixed.
  • Shiori Kase, Kiyoshi Shikino, Tatsuro Katahira, Kazuki Higuchi, Shinya Aoki
    Clinical Case Reports 12(1) e8441 2024年1月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Rupture of the azygous vein may result from abrupt deceleration applied to the mobile azygous arch, which can initiate shearing forces within the thorax.
  • Kosuke Ishizuka, Kiyoshi Shikino, Akira Kuriyama, Yoshito Nishimura, Emiri Tanaka, Saori Nonaka, Michito Sadohara, Mitsuru Moriya, Noriko Yamamoto, Yohnosuke Wada, Tetsuya Makiishi
    Journal of General and Family Medicine 25(1) 83-84 2024年1月  査読有り
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Masaki Tago, Takashi Watari, Yosuke Sasaki, Hiromizu Takahashi, Taro Shimizu
    Journal of General and Family Medicine 25(1) 81-82 2024年1月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The Model Core Curriculum for Medical Education in Japan was revised in 2022. It aimed to reflect changes in the nature of medical care, including the advancement of medical technology through the use of information science and technology and artificial intelligence in the Society 5.0 era. We summarize recommendations for good practice regarding learning strategies from the perspective of general medicine.
  • 鋪野紀好
    日本内科学会雑誌 112(12) 2206-2212 2023年12月  招待有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • Ikuo Shimizu, Hajime Kasai, Kiyoshi Shikino, Nobuyuki Araki, Zaiya Takahashi, Misaki Onodera, Yasuhiko Kimura, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Mayumi Asahina, Shoichi Ito, Eiryo Kawakami
    JMIR Medical Education 9 e53466 2023年11月30日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Generative artificial intelligence (GAI), represented by large language models, have the potential to transform health care and medical education. In particular, GAI's impact on higher education has the potential to change students' learning experience as well as faculty's teaching. However, concerns have been raised about ethical consideration and decreased reliability of the existing examinations. Furthermore, in medical education, curriculum reform is required to adapt to the revolutionary changes brought about by the integration of GAI into medical practice and research. OBJECTIVE: This study analyzes the impact of GAI on medical education curricula and explores strategies for adaptation. METHODS: The study was conducted in the context of faculty development at a medical school in Japan. A workshop involving faculty and students was organized, and participants were divided into groups to address two research questions: (1) How does GAI affect undergraduate medical education curricula? and (2) How should medical school curricula be reformed to address the impact of GAI? The strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) framework was used, and cross-SWOT matrix analysis was used to devise strategies. Further, 4 researchers conducted content analysis on the data generated during the workshop discussions. RESULTS: The data were collected from 8 groups comprising 55 participants. Further, 5 themes about the impact of GAI on medical education curricula emerged: improvement of teaching and learning, improved access to information, inhibition of existing learning processes, problems in GAI, and changes in physicians' professionality. Positive impacts included enhanced teaching and learning efficiency and improved access to information, whereas negative impacts included concerns about reduced independent thinking and the adaptability of existing assessment methods. Further, GAI was perceived to change the nature of physicians' expertise. Three themes emerged from the cross-SWOT analysis for curriculum reform: (1) learning about GAI, (2) learning with GAI, and (3) learning aside from GAI. Participants recommended incorporating GAI literacy, ethical considerations, and compliance into the curriculum. Learning with GAI involved improving learning efficiency, supporting information gathering and dissemination, and facilitating patient involvement. Learning aside from GAI emphasized maintaining GAI-free learning processes, fostering higher cognitive domains of learning, and introducing more communication exercises. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the profound impact of GAI on medical education curricula and provides insights into curriculum reform strategies. Participants recognized the need for GAI literacy, ethical education, and adaptive learning. Further, GAI was recognized as a tool that can enhance efficiency and involve patients in education. The study also suggests that medical education should focus on competencies that GAI hardly replaces, such as clinical experience and communication. Notably, involving both faculty and students in curriculum reform discussions fosters a sense of ownership and ensures broader perspectives are encompassed.
  • Eriko Takeda, Yota Katsuyama, Daichi Sogai, Li Yu, Yasuyo Kumagae, Daiki Yokokawa, Yasushi Shinohara, Kiyoshi Shikino
    International Journal of General Medicine 16 5235-5240 2023年11月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate cancer screening rates and the reasons for not undergoing screening among patients who regularly visited the Sanmu Medical Center. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This prospective observational study recruited patients aged ≥40 years with regular clinic visits to Sanmu Medical Center during October 2019. We conducted a self-administered survey to determine the patient's sex and whether they underwent cancer screening in 2019, and if not, the reason for the same. The primary outcome measure was the percentage of people who did not undergo cancer screening. RESULTS: A total of 198 responses (108 male respondents) were obtained. Among them, 189 were valid responses (valid response rate 94.5%). One hundred and twenty-nine patients (68.2%, 76 male) had not undergone screening. The most common reasons provided were "I have regular regular clinic visits and do not think they are necessary" (N = 65, 50.3%), "I underwent a gastroscopy within 2 years, a colorectal camera examination within a few years, and a chest radiography within a year" (42.5%), and "I have a separate complete medical checkup" (N = 15, 11.6%). Of the 65 patients who responded that their cancer screenings were unnecessary, 42 patients (64.6%) had not undergone a gastroscopy within 2 years, a colorectal camera examination within a few years, or a chest radiography or examination within a year. CONCLUSION: Roughly half of the respondents who did not undergo cancer screening elected to abstain because they believed that regular hospital visits were sufficient. Encouraging patients who regularly visit medical institutions to receive cancer screening is therefore necessary.
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Akemi Ando, Yutaro Okamoto, Asako Miyazawa, Taku Harada
    Journal of General and Family Medicine 24(6) 359-360 2023年10月30日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Seminar participants collaborated as a team to improve their organization, work environment, and labor issues using the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. The PDCA cycle helps healthcare providers identify risks and hazards in their work environment and address daily issues. It guides them in planning and executing improvements while enabling progress tracking and encouraging further considerations for implementation.
  • Kosuke Ishizuka, Kiyoshi Shikino, Hajme Kasai, Yoji Hoshina, Saito Miura, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Shoichi Ito, Masatomi Ikusaka
    BMC medical education 23(1) 813-813 2023年10月28日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The gamification of learning increases student enjoyment, and motivation and engagement in learning tasks. This study investigated the effects of gamification using decision-making cards (DMCs) on diagnostic decision-making and cost using case scenarios. METHOD: Thirty medical students in clinical clerkship participated and were randomly assigned to 14 small groups of 2-3 medical students each. Decision-making was gamified using DMCs with a clinical information heading and medical cost on the front, and clinical information details on the back. First, each team was provided with brief clinical information on case scenarios. Subsequently, DMCs depending on the case were distributed to each team, and team members chose cards one at a time until they reached a diagnosis of the case. The total medical cost was then scored based on the number and contents of cards drawn. Four case scenarios were conducted. The quantitative outcomes including confidence in effective clinical decision-making, motivation to learn diagnostic decision-making, and awareness of medical costs were measured before and after our gamification by self-evaluation using a 7-point Likert scale. The qualitative component consisted of a content analysis on the benefits of learning clinical reasoning using DMCs. RESULT: Confidence in effective clinical decision-making, motivation to learn diagnostic decision-making, and awareness of medical cost were significantly higher after the gamification. Furthermore, comparing the clinical case scenario tackled last with the one tackled first, the average medical cost of all cards drawn by students decreased significantly from 11,921 to 8,895 Japanese yen. In the content analysis, seven advantage categories of DMCs corresponding to clinical reasoning components were extracted (information gathering, hypothesis generation, problem representation, differential diagnosis, leading or working diagnosis, diagnostic justification, and management and treatment). CONCLUSION: Teaching medical students clinical reasoning using DMCs can improve clinical decision-making confidence and learning motivation, and reduces medical cost in clinical case scenarios. In addition, it can help students to acquire practical knowledge, deepens their understanding of clinical reasoning, and identifies several important clinical reasoning skills including diagnostic decision-making and awareness of medical costs. Gamification using DMCs can be an effective teaching method for improving medical students' diagnostic decision-making and reducing costs.
  • Masaki Tago, Risa Hirata, Naoko E Katsuki, Yuki Otsuka, Taro Shimizu, Yosuke Sasaki, Kiyoshi Shikino, Takashi Watari, Hiromizu Takahashi, Kazunobu Une, Toshio Naito, Fumio Otsuka, Rachel Thompson, Susumu Tazuma
    Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 16 1645-1651 2023年8月  査読有り
    INTRODUCTION: Hospitalists in Japan have been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, contributions of Japanese hospitalists during the COVID-19 pandemic and hospitalists' awareness of crisis management education remain unclear. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate the role of Japanese hospitalists during the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire was conducted using email and Google Forms targeting the chairpersons of facilities certified by the Japanese Society of Hospital General Medicine (JSHGM). Members of the academic committee of the JSHGM and several hospitals conducted a narrative review and determined the questions for the survey in a discussion. RESULTS: We conducted descriptive statistics based on the responses of 97 hospitals that agreed to participate in this survey. In total, 91.8% of general medicine departments in the included hospitals were involved in the medical care of COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, in 73.2% of hospitals, hospitalists were involved in infection control for COVID-19 inside or outside the hospital. Our survey revealed that Japanese hospitalists were responsible for COVID-19 treatment in over 60% of hospitals and contributed to hospital management, infection control, and vaccination. In total, 79.4% of hospitals answered that "training of personnel who can provide practical care for emerging infectious diseases is necessary", 78.4% indicated that "the establishment of an infection control system in advance to prepare emerging infectious diseases in the hospital is necessary", and 74.2% stated that "the establishment of an educational system for responding to emerging infectious diseases is necessary.". CONCLUSION: In conclusion, during the pandemic, in addition to inpatient care, Japanese hospitalists provided outpatient care for COVID-19, which is the role of primary care physicians in other countries. Furthermore, Japanese hospitalists who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic expressed the need for personnel development and education to prepare for future emerging infectious disease pandemics.
  • Sho Fukui, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yuji Nishizaki, Taro Shimizu, Yu Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yasuharu Tokuda
    Postgraduate medical journal 99(1177) 1197-1204 2023年7月20日  査読有り
    PURPOSE: A regional quota program (RQP) was introduced in Japan to ameliorate the urban-rural imbalance of physicians. Despite concerns about the low learning abilities of RQP graduates, the relationship between the RQP and practical clinical competency after initiating clinical residency has not been evaluated. METHODS: We conducted a nationwide cross-sectional study to assess the association between the RQP and practical clinical competency based on General Medicine In-Training Examination (GM-ITE) scores. We compared the overall and category GM-ITE results between RQP graduates and other resident physicians. The relationship between the RQP and scores was examined using multilevel linear regression analysis. RESULTS: There were 4978 other resident physicians and 1119 RQP graduates out of 6097 participants from 593 training hospitals. Being younger; preferring internal, general, or emergency medicine; managing fewer inpatients; and having fewer ER shifts were all characteristics of RQP graduates. In multilevel multivariable linear regression analysis, there was no significant association between RQP graduates and total GM-ITE scores (coefficient: 0.26; 95% confidence interval: -0.09, 0.61; P = .15). The associations of RQP graduates with GM-ITE scores in each category and specialty were not clinically relevant. However, in the same multivariable model, the analysis did reveal that total GM-ITE scores demonstrated strong positive associations with younger age and GM preference, both of which were significantly common in RQP graduates. CONCLUSION: Practical clinical competency evaluated based on the GM-ITE score showed no clinically relevant differences between RQP graduates and other resident physicians.
  • Emiri Tanaka, Yoshito Nishimura, Akira Kuriyama, Kiyoshi Shikino, Saori Nonaka, Kosuke Ishizuka, Michito Sadohara, Kumiko Muramatsu, Tetsuya Makiishi
    Asian journal of psychiatry 87 103689-103689 2023年7月6日  査読有り
  • Yasutaka Yanagita, Kiyoshi Shikino, Kosuke Ishizuka, Shun Uchida, Yu Li, Daiki Yokokawa, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazutaka Noda, Takanori Uehara, Masatomi Ikusaka
    BMC medical education 23(1) 477-477 2023年6月27日  
  • An Kozato, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yasushi Matsuyama, Mikio Hayashi, Satoshi Kondo, Shun Uchida, Maham Stanyon, Shoichi Ito
    BMC Medical Education 23(1) 408-408 2023年6月5日  査読有り
    Abstract Background Formative feedback plays a critical role in guiding learners to gain competence, serving as an opportunity for reflection and feedback on their learning progress and needs. Medical education in Japan has historically been dominated by a summative paradigm within assessment, as opposed to countries such as the UK where there are greater opportunities for formative feedback. How this difference affects students’ interaction with feedback has not been studied. We aim to explore the difference in students’ perception of feedback in Japan and the UK. Methods The study is designed and analysed with a constructivist grounded theory lens. Medical students in Japan and the UK were interviewed on the topic of formative assessment and feedback they received during clinical placements. We undertook purposeful sampling and concurrent data collection. Data analysis through open and axial coding with iterative discussion among research group members was conducted to develop a theoretical framework. Results Japanese students perceived feedback as a model answer provided by tutors which they should not critically question, which contrasted with the views of UK students. Japanese students viewed formative assessment as an opportunity to gauge whether they are achieving the pass mark, while UK students used the experience for reflective learning. Conclusions The Japanese student experience of formative assessment and feedback supports the view that medical education and examination systems in Japan are focused on summative assessment, which operates alongside culturally derived social pressures including the expectation to correct mistakes. These findings provide new insights in supporting students to learn from formative feedback in both Japanese and UK contexts.
  • Kazuya Nagasaki, Yuji Nishizaki, Tomohiro Shinozaki, Taro Shimizu, Yu Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Shikino, Sho Fukui, Sho Nishiguchi, Masaru Kurihara, Kohta Katayama, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yasuharu Tokuda
    Postgraduate medical journal 99(1176) 1080-1087 2023年6月2日  査読有り
    PURPOSE: In 2024, the Japanese government will enforce a maximum 80-hour weekly duty hours (DHs) regulation for medical residents. Although this reduction in weekly DHs could increase the self-study time (SST) of these residents, the relationship between these two variables remains unclear. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the SST and DHs of residents in Japan. METHODS: In this nationwide cross-sectional study, the subjects were candidates of the General Medicine In-Training Examination in the 2020 academic year. We administered questionnaires and categorically asked questions regarding daily SST and weekly DHs during the training period. To account for hospital variability, proportional odds regression models with generalized estimating equations were used to analyse the association between SST and DHs. RESULTS: Of the surveyed 6117 residents, 32.0% were female, 49.1% were postgraduate year-1 residents, 83.8% were affiliated with community hospitals, and 19.9% worked for ≥80 hours/week. Multivariable analysis revealed that residents working ≥80 hours/week spent more time on self-study than those working 60-70 hours/week. Conversely, residents who worked <50 hours/week spent less time on self-study than those who worked 60-70 hours/week. The factors associated with longer SST were sex, postgraduate year, career aspiration for internal medicine, affiliation with community hospitals, academic involvement, and well-being. CONCLUSION: Residents with long DHs had longer SSTs than residents with short DHs. Future DH restrictions may not increase but rather decrease resident SST. Effective measures to encourage self-study are required, as DH restrictions may shorten SST.
  • Masaki Tago, Risa Hirata, Kiyoshi Shikino, Takashi Watari, Yosuke Sasaki, Hiromizu Takahashi, Taro Shimizu
    International Journal of General Medicine 16 2373-2381 2023年6月  査読有り
    Clinical physicians have the potential to contribute to the progress of medicine and healthcare through research based on their diagnostic and treatment practices and supported by their educational background. However, in the field of general medicine in Japan, publication of such research in international journals may be limited by challenges in English proficiency and the lack of opportunities to focus on specific research themes amidst the diverse range of diseases treated in clinical practice. Furthermore, novice researchers without prior research experience may lack a comprehensive understanding of the overall research process, including study design and article publication. To address these challenges, we developed a set of 22 milestones that highlight the necessary skills required to conduct and successfully publish clinical research. This guideline will enable novice researchers to identify and address individual barriers to undertaking a research project. These milestones are categorized into five parts: 1) preparing to undertake research; 2) conducting clinical research; 3) writing the article; 4) submitting and achieving acceptance for publication; and 5) advanced skills. For each part, we provide detailed recommendations on the specific steps and methods involved. By working through these 22 milestones, novice researchers can objectively assess their own level of achievement as researchers and continuously clarify the next step of each round of research. Through this set of milestones, we aim to increase the quality and quantity of research publications in general medicine in academic journals, ideally enhancing the overall research process and advancing the field of medicine and healthcare overall.
  • Yoji Hoshina, Limeisa, Hodaka Takaiso, Hidenori Maki, Toru Yoshino, Kiyoshi Shikino
    Journal of General and Family Medicine 24(4) 276-277 2023年5月30日  査読有り最終著者
    The study evaluated the effectiveness of near-peer teaching in medical English education and found that it led to higher levels of motivation, curiosity, initiative, self-efficacy, learning goals, and psychological safety among participants compared to traditional teacher-centered approaches. The study also observed behavioral changes and active engagement in English learning among participants. We hope that our activity will inspire other educators to adopt similar approaches in their medical English classes and promote more effective language learning among health professionals.
  • Yasutaka Yanagita, Kiyoshi Shikino, Kosuke Ishizuka, Shun Uchida, Yu Li, Daiki Yokokawa, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazutaka Noda, Takanori Uehara, Masatomi Ikusaka
    BMC medical education 23(1) 383-383 2023年5月25日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: A clinical diagnostic support system (CDSS) can support medical students and physicians in providing evidence-based care. In this study, we investigate diagnostic accuracy based on the history of present illness between groups of medical students using a CDSS, Google, and neither (control). Further, the degree of diagnostic accuracy of medical students using a CDSS is compared with that of residents using neither a CDSS nor Google. METHODS: This study is a randomized educational trial. The participants comprised 64 medical students and 13 residents who rotated in the Department of General Medicine at Chiba University Hospital from May to December 2020. The medical students were randomly divided into the CDSS group (n = 22), Google group (n = 22), and control group (n = 20). Participants were asked to provide the three most likely diagnoses for 20 cases, mainly a history of a present illness (10 common and 10 emergent diseases). Each correct diagnosis was awarded 1 point (maximum 20 points). The mean scores of the three medical student groups were compared using a one-way analysis of variance. Furthermore, the mean scores of the CDSS, Google, and residents' (without CDSS or Google) groups were compared. RESULTS: The mean scores of the CDSS (12.0 ± 1.3) and Google (11.9 ± 1.1) groups were significantly higher than those of the control group (9.5 ± 1.7; p = 0.02 and p = 0.03, respectively). The residents' group's mean score (14.7 ± 1.4) was higher than the mean scores of the CDSS and Google groups (p = 0.01). Regarding common disease cases, the mean scores were 7.4 ± 0.7, 7.1 ± 0.7, and 8.2 ± 0.7 for the CDSS, Google, and residents' groups, respectively. There were no significant differences in mean scores (p = 0.1). CONCLUSIONS: Medical students who used the CDSS and Google were able to list differential diagnoses more accurately than those using neither. Furthermore, they could make the same level of differential diagnoses as residents in the context of common diseases. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was retrospectively registered with the University Hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trials Registry on 24/12/2020 (unique trial number: UMIN000042831).
  • Rurika Sato, Daiki Yokokawa, Takanori Uehara, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazutaka Noda, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yasutaka Yanagita, Jumpei Kojima, Kosuke Ishizuka, Masatomi Ikusaka
    Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 10(4) 450-451 2023年5月15日  査読有り
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazutaka Noda, Yoshiyuki Ohira, Daiki Yokokawa, Yuta Hirose, Eri Sato, Tsutomu Mito, Takahiro Ota, Yota Katsuyama, Takanori Uehara, Masatomi Ikusaka
    BMC medical education 23(1) 272-272 2023年4月21日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    BACKGROUND: To investigate whether speech recognition software for generating interview transcripts can provide more specific and precise feedback for evaluating medical interviews. METHODS: The effects of the two feedback methods on student performance in medical interviews were compared using a prospective observational trial. Seventy-nine medical students in a clinical clerkship were assigned to receive either speech-recognition feedback (n = 39; SRS feedback group) or voice-recording feedback (n = 40; IC recorder feedback group). All students' medical interviewing skills during mock patient encounters were assessed twice, first using a mini-clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) and then a checklist. Medical students then made the most appropriate diagnoses based on medical interviews. The diagnostic accuracy, mini-CEX, and checklist scores of the two groups were compared. RESULTS: According to the study results, the mean diagnostic accuracy rate (SRS feedback group:1st mock 51.3%, 2nd mock 89.7%; IC recorder feedback group, 57.5%-67.5%; F(1, 77) = 4.0; p = 0.049), mini-CEX scores for overall clinical competence (SRS feedback group: 1st mock 5.2 ± 1.1, 2nd mock 7.4 ± 0.9; IC recorder feedback group: 1st mock 5.6 ± 1.4, 2nd mock 6.1 ± 1.2; F(1, 77) = 35.7; p < 0.001), and checklist scores for clinical performance (SRS feedback group: 1st mock 12.2 ± 2.4, 2nd mock 16.1 ± 1.7; IC recorder feedback group: 1st mock 13.1 ± 2.5, 2nd mock 13.8 ± 2.6; F(1, 77) = 26.1; p < 0.001) were higher with speech recognition-based feedback. CONCLUSIONS: Speech-recognition-based feedback leads to higher diagnostic accuracy rates and higher mini-CEX and checklist scores. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was registered in the Japan Registry of Clinical Trials on June 14, 2022. Due to our misunderstanding of the trial registration requirements, we registered the trial retrospectively. This study was registered in the Japan Registry of Clinical Trials on 7/7/2022 (Clinical trial registration number: jRCT1030220188).
  • Kiyoshi Shikino, Masaki Tago, Risa Hirata, Takashi Watari, Yosuke Sasaki, Hiromizu Takahashi, Taro Shimizu
    Journal of General and Family Medicine 24(4) 272-273 2023年4月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    In Japan, the Model Core Curriculum for Medical Education, which is the National Model COre CUrriculum for Undergraduate Medical Education, was first published in 2001 and has since been revised to meet the needs of an aged society and the global standardization of medical education. A new quality and ability "Generalism," which is a comprehensive attitude toward patients, has been added to this revision of the model core curriculum. In this letter, we propose an educational strategy for generalism.
  • Masaki Tago, Risa Hirata, Kiyoshi Shikino, Takashi Watari, Shun Yamashita, Yoshinori Tokushima, Midori Tokushima, Hidetoshi Aihara, Naoko E Katsuki, Shu-ichi Yamashita
    Cureus 15(3) e36495 2023年3月21日  査読有り
    Background No previous research has targeted educators regarding educational practice and the achievements of students in terms of the learning objectives of clinical clerkships in university general medicine departments of Japan. We aimed to clarify the characteristics of clinical clerkships in Japanese general medicine departments using a questionnaire administered to chairpersons of university general medicine departments. Methods This was a descriptive questionnaire-based study using Google Forms (Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA). We asked the chairpersons of general medicine departments in Japanese universities the following questions, with responses given on a 5-point Likert scale: Question 1: How well are primary symptoms in the national model core curriculum for undergraduate medical education taught in clinical clerkships in university general medicine departments? Question 2: How successfully can students achieve the learning objectives of the national model core curriculum for undergraduate medical education through clinical clerkships in general medicine departments of university hospitals? Question 3: How successfully can students achieve the learning objectives of the national model core curriculum for undergraduate medical education through clinical clerkships in other community clinics or hospitals? The results of the questionnaire responses are described as mean±standard deviation. Results Of the 71 Japanese universities with general medicine departments, 43 were included in the analysis. For Question 1, the symptoms and pathophysiologies with a mean score of 4 points or higher were fever, general malaise, anorexia, weight loss or gain, edema, abdominal pain, lymphadenopathy, and headache. All those symptoms require basic medical competencies. For Questions 2 and 3, the intramural clinical clerkship of general medicine departments had a higher mean score than the extramural clinical clerkship for diagnostic reasoning that emphasizes medical history and physical examination and a comprehensive approach to patients with multiple health problems. In contrast, the extramural clinical clerkship, in which medical students can build experience with community-integrated care, had a mean score of 3 points or higher for all items. Conclusions The clinical clerkship in general medicine departments of Japanese universities provides students with chances to acquire clinical competencies regarding primary symptoms and pathophysiologies. Additionally, the extramural clinical clerkship provides experience in community-based integrated care, including home medical care, collaboration, health and welfare, and long-term care.
  • Tago M, Hirata R, Shikino K, Watari T, Sasaki Y, Takahashi H, Katsukura S, Watanuki S, Kondo K, Shimizu T
    J Hosp Gen Med 5 35-36 2023年3月  査読有り
  • Sadatoshi Watanabe, Koshi Kataoka, Miwa Sekine, David Aune, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yuji Nishizaki
    Advances in Medical Education and Practice 14 323-332 2023年3月  査読有り
    PURPOSE: In 2004, the postgraduate clinical training system in Japan was radically revised by introducing a super-rotation matching system. Although postgraduate clinical training became a mandatory 2 years of training, the program and operation were left to each facility's discretion, leading to training-program popularity differences. The Japanese Tasukigake method provides clinical training in which "hospitals where junior residents work" and "external hospitals/clinics that provide clinical training" conduct clinical training alternately on a 1-year basis. The study aimed to identify the characteristics of university hospitals that implement the Tasukigake method to help educators and medical institutions create more attractive and effective programs. METHODS: All 81 university main hospitals were included in this cross-sectional study. The information regarding Tasukigake method implementation was collected from the facilities' websites. The training program's matching rate (popularity) was calculated from the Japan Residency Matching Program's interim report data (academic 2020). We used multiple linear regression analysis to evaluate the association between Tasukigake method implementation, program popularity, and university hospital characteristics. RESULTS: The Tasukigake method was implemented by 55 (67.9%) university hospitals, significantly more by public university hospitals (44/55, 80%) than by private (11/55, 20%) (P < 0.01) and by hospitals without branches (38/55, 69.1%) than with branches (17/55, 30.9%) (P < 0.001). The maximum hiring capacity of junior residents (P = 0.015) and number of branches (P < 0.001) were negatively correlated, and the population of the hospital's city (P = 0.003) and salary/month (P = 0.011) were positively correlated with the Tasukigake method implementation. Multiple linear regression analysis results showed no significant association between the matching rate (popularity) and Tasukigake method implementation. CONCLUSION: The results show no association between Tasukigake method and program popularity; also, highly specialized university hospitals in cities with fewer branch hospitals were more likely to implement the Tasukigake method.
  • Koma Hotta, Kiyoshi Shikino, Ryotaro Niwa
    Clinical Case Reports 11(4) e7157 2023年3月  査読有り
    A 74-year-old Japanese woman was referred to our hospital for leukocytosis that occurred for the past one year. Oral iron supplementation was started as iron deficiency anemia (IDA), but three months later, physical examination revealed flushing of the skin on her hands. Finally polycythemia vera (PV) with IDA was diagnosed. There have been reports of PV combined with IDA, which can mask diagnosis and delay treatment because of the lack of symptoms and the anemic presentation. Several possibilities for the pathogenesis of IDA associated with PV have been proposed, including the presence of Helicobacter pylori.
  • Kosuke Ishizuka, Yoshiyuki Ohira, Takanori Uehara, Kazutaka Noda, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kiyoshi Shikino, Daiki Yokokawa, Masatomi Ikusaka
    Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 10(2) 203-204 2023年1月19日  査読有り
  • Yuji Nishizaki, Kazuya Nagasaki, Kiyoshi Shikino, Masaru Kurihara, Tomohiro Shinozaki, Koshi Kataoka, Taro Shimizu, Yu Yamamoto, Sho Fukui, Sho Nishiguchi, Kohta Katayama, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yasuharu Tokuda
    BMJ open 13(1) e066348 2023年1月13日  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: The relationship between the care of patients with COVID-19 and mental health among resident physicians in Japan is imperative for ensuring appropriate care of patients with COVID-19 and should be clarified. We herein assessed the relationship between the care of patients with COVID-19 and mental health among postgraduate year 1 (PGY-1) and PGY-2 resident physicians and factors associated with mental health. DESIGN: This nationwide cross-sectional study analysed data obtained using the clinical training environment self-reported questionnaire. SETTING: An observational study across Japan among resident physicians (PGY-1 and PGY-2) from 583 teaching hospitals. PARTICIPANTS: Examinees who took the general medicine in-training examination of academic year 2020. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The Patient Health Questionnaire and Mini-Z 2.0 were used to assess mental health, and experience of caring for patients with COVID-19 was divided into three groups (none, 1-10 and ≥11). The prevalence of mental conditions in the three groups was compared using the 'modified' Poisson generalised estimating equations by adjusting for prefecture-level, hospital-level and resident-level variables. RESULTS: Of the 5976 participants analysed, 50.9% were PGY-1. The prevalence of burnout was 21.4%. Moreover, 47.0% of all resident physicians had no experience in the care of patients with COVID-19. The well-experienced group accounted for only 7.9% of the total participants. A positive association was found between the number of caring patients with COVID-19 and burnout (prevalence ratio 1.25; 95% CI 1.02 to 1.53). Moreover, the shortage of personal protective equipment was identified as a major contributor to burnout (prevalence ratio 1.60; 95% CI 1.36 to 1.88). CONCLUSIONS: Resident physicians who experienced more care of patients with COVID-19 had slightly greater burnout prevalence than those who did not. Approximately half of resident physicians did not participate in the care of patients with COVID-19, which posed a challenge from an educational perspective.
  • Ayaka Kuriyama, Hajime Kasai, Kiyoshi Shikino, Yuki Shiko, Chiaki Kawame, Kenichiro Takeda, Hiroshi Tajima, Nami Hayama, Takuji Suzuki, Shoichi Ito
    PloS one 18(3) e0282337 2023年  査読有り
    INTRODUCTION: The study aimed to evaluate visualization-based training's effects on lung auscultation during clinical clerkship (CC) in the Department of Respiratory Medicine on student skills and confidence. METHODS: The study period was December 2020-November 2021. Overall, 65 students attended a lecture on lung auscultation featuring a simulator (Mr. Lung™). Among them, 35 (visualization group) received additional training wherein they were asked to mentally visualize lung sounds using a graphical visualized lung sounds diagram as an example. All students answered questions on their self-efficacy regarding lung auscultation before and after four weeks of CC. They also took a lung auscultation test with the simulator at the beginning of CC (pre-test) and on the last day of the third week (post-test) (maximum score: 25). We compared the answers in the questionnaire and the test scores between the visualization group and students who only attended the lecture (control group, n = 30). The Wilcoxon signed-rank test and analysis of covariance were used to compare the answers to the questionnaire about confidence in lung auscultation and the scores of the lung auscultation tests before and after the training. RESULTS: Confidence in auscultation of lung sounds significantly increased in both groups (five-point Likert scale, visualization group: pre-questionnaire median 1 [Interquartile range 1] to post-questionnaire 3 [1], p<0.001; control group: 2 [1] to 3 [1], p<0.001) and was significantly higher in the visualization than in the control group. Test scores increased in both groups (visualization group: pre-test 11 [2] to post-test 15 [4], p<0.001; control group: 11 [5] to 14 [4], p<0.001). However, there were no differences between both groups' pre and post-tests scores (p = 0.623). CONCLUSION: Visualizing lung sounds may increase medical students' confidence in their lung auscultation skills; this may reduce their resistance to lung auscultation and encourage the repeated auscultation necessary to further improve their long-term auscultation abilities.
  • Kosuke Ishizuka, Kiyoshi Shikino, Hiroki Tamura, Daiki Yokokawa, Yasutaka Yanagita, Shun Uchida, Yosuke Yamauchi, Yasushi Hayashi, Jumpei Kojima, Yu Li, Eri Sato, Shiho Yamashita, Nao Hanazawa, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazutaka Noda, Takanori Uehara, Masatomi Ikusaka
    PloS one 18(1) e0279554 2023年  査読有り
    This study aims to compare the effectiveness of Hybrid and Pure problem-based learning (PBL) in teaching clinical reasoning skills to medical students. The study sample consisted of 99 medical students participating in a clerkship rotation at the Department of General Medicine, Chiba University Hospital. They were randomly assigned to Hybrid PBL (intervention group, n = 52) or Pure PBL group (control group, n = 47). The quantitative outcomes were measured with the students' perceived competence in PBL, satisfaction with sessions, and self-evaluation of competency in clinical reasoning. The qualitative component consisted of a content analysis on the benefits of learning clinical reasoning using Hybrid PBL. There was no significant difference between intervention and control groups in the five students' perceived competence and satisfaction with sessions. In two-way repeated measure analysis of variance, self-evaluation of competency in clinical reasoning was significantly improved in the intervention group in "recalling appropriate differential diagnosis from patient's chief complaint" (F(1,97) = 5.295, p = 0.024) and "practicing the appropriate clinical reasoning process" (F(1,97) = 4.016, p = 0.038). According to multiple comparisons, the scores of "recalling appropriate history, physical examination, and tests on clinical hypothesis generation" (F(1,97) = 6.796, p = 0.011), "verbalizing and reflecting appropriately on own mistakes," (F(1,97) = 4.352, p = 0.040) "selecting keywords from the whole aspect of the patient," (F(1,97) = 5.607, p = 0.020) and "examining the patient while visualizing his/her daily life" (F(1,97) = 7.120, p = 0.009) were significantly higher in the control group. In the content analysis, 13 advantage categories of Hybrid PBL were extracted. In the subcategories, "acquisition of knowledge" was the most frequent subcategory, followed by "leading the discussion," "smooth discussion," "getting feedback," "timely feedback," and "supporting the clinical reasoning process." Hybrid PBL can help acquire practical knowledge and deepen understanding of clinical reasoning, whereas Pure PBL can improve several important skills such as verbalizing and reflecting on one's own errors and selecting appropriate keywords from the whole aspect of the patient.
  • Kazuya Nagasaki, Yuji Nishizaki, Chisato Hachisuka, Tomohiro Shinozaki, Taro Shimizu, Yu Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Shikino, Sho Fukui, Sho Nishiguchi, Kohta Katayama, Masaru Kurihara, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Yasuharu Tokuda
    Journal of General and Family Medicine 24(2) 87-93 2022年11月23日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The effect of duty hour (DH) restrictions on postgraduate residents' acquisition of clinical competencies is unclear. We evaluated the relationship between DHs and competency-related knowledge acquisition using the General Medicine In-training Examination (GM-ITE). METHODS: We conducted a multicenter, cross-sectional study of community hospital residents among 2019 GM-ITE examinees. Self-reported average DHs per week were classified into five DH categories and the competency domains were classified into four areas: symptomatology and clinical reasoning (CR), physical examination and clinical procedure (PP), medical interview and professionalism (MP), and disease knowledge (DK). The association between these scores and DHs was examined using random-intercept linear models with and without adjustment for confounding factors. RESULTS: We included 4753 participants in the analyses. Of these, 31% were women, and 49.1% were in the postgraduate year (PGY) 2. Mean CR and MP scores were lower among residents in Category 1 (<50 h) than in residents in Category 3 (≥60 and <70 h; reference group). Mean DK scores were lower among residents in Categories 1 and 2 (≥50 and <60 h) than in the reference group. PGY-2 residents in Categories 1 and 2 had lower CR scores than those in Category 3; however, PGY-1 residents in Category 5 showed higher scores. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between DHs and each competency area is not strictly linear. The acquisition of knowledge of physical examination and clinical procedures skills in particular may not be related to DHs.
  • Hiroki Tamura, Kiyoshi Shikino, Daichi Sogai, Daiki Yokokawa, Shun Uchida, Yu Li, Yasutaka Yanagita, Yosuke Yamauchi, Jumpei Kojima, Kosuke Ishizuka, Tomoko Tsukamoto, Kazukata Noda, Takanori Uehara, Takahiro Imaizumi, Hitomi Kataoka, Masatomi Ikusaka
    Journal of general internal medicine 38(8) 1843-1847 2022年11月16日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Physicians frequently experience patients as difficult. Our study explores whether more empathetic physicians experience fewer patient encounters as difficult. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between physician empathy and difficult patient encounters (DPEs). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: Participants were 18 generalist physicians with 3-8 years of experience. The investigation was conducted from August-September 2018 and April-May 2019 at six healthcare facilities. MAIN MEASURES: Based on the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE) scores, we classified physicians into low and high empathy groups. The physicians completed the Difficult Doctor-Patient Relationship Questionnaire-10 (DDPRQ-10) after each patient visit. Scores ≥ 31 on the DDPRQ-10 indicated DPEs. We implemented multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression models to examine the association between physicians' empathy and DPE, adjusting for patient-level covariates (age, sex, history of mental disorders) and with physician-level clustering. KEY RESULTS: The median JSE score was 114 (range: 96-126), and physicians with JSE scores 96-113 and 114-126 were assigned to low and high empathy groups, respectively (n = 8 and 10 each); 240 and 344 patients were examined by physicians in the low and high empathy groups, respectively. Among low empathy physicians, 23% of encounters were considered difficulty, compared to 11% among high empathy groups (OR: 0.37; 95% CI = 0.19-0.72, p = 0.004). JSE scores and DDPRQ-10 scores were negatively correlated (r = -0.22, p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Empathetic physicians were less likely to experience encounters as difficult. Empathy appears to be an important component of physician perception of encounter difficulty.
  • Fumitoshi Fukuzawa, Kiyoshi Shikino, Kosuke Ishizuka, Yosuke Yamauchi, Daiki Yokokawa, Akiko Ikegami, Takanori Uehara, Masatomi Ikusaka
    Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Cases 1(7) 2022年9月1日  査読有り責任著者
  • Yuta Hirose, Kiyoshi Shikino
    Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Cases 2022年8月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者











