
李 スミン

イ スミン  (SOOMIN LEE)


千葉大学 環境健康フィールド科学センター 助教
工学博士(2010年3月 千葉大学大学院)



  • 勝浦哲夫, 石橋彰吾, 下村義弘, 李スミン
    日本生理人類学会誌 28(2) 17-25 2023年5月  査読有り責任著者
  • 勝浦哲夫, 李スミン
    日本生理人類学会誌 27(1) 1-9 2022年2月  査読有り責任著者
  • 勝浦哲夫、李スミン
    日本生理人類学会志 26(4) 87-95 2021年11月  査読有り招待有り責任著者
  • C.A.Chaveznava-Trevino, S.Lee, T.Katsuura, Y.Shimomura
    41(1) 29-42 2020年2月  査読有り
  • Tetsuo Katsuura, Soomin Lee
    Journal of physiological anthropology 38(1) 2-2 2019年1月22日  査読有り
    Here, we review the history and the trends in the research on the nonvisual effect of light in the field of physiological anthropology. Research on the nonvisual effect of light in the field of physiological anthropology was pioneered by Sato and colleagues in the early 1990s. These authors found that the color temperature of light affected physiological functions in humans. The groundbreaking event with regard to the study of nonvisual effects of light was the discovery of the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in the mammalian retina in the early 2000s. The interest of the physiological anthropology scientific community in the nonvisual effects of light has been increasing since then. A total of 61 papers on nonvisual effects of light were published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology (including its predecessor journals) until October 2018, 14 papers (1.4/year) in the decade from 1992 to 2001, 45 papers (2.8/year) in the 16 years between 2002 and 2017, and two papers in 2018 (January-October). The number of papers on this topic has been increasing in recent years. We categorized all papers according to light conditions, such as color temperature of light, light intensity, and monochromatic light. Among the 61 papers, 11 papers were related to color temperature, 20 papers were related to light intensity, 18 papers were related to monochromatic light, and 12 papers were classified as others. We provide an overview of these papers and mention future research prospects.


  • 石崎勝司, 滝澤総, 海宝幸一, 篠原奈緒子, 勝浦哲夫, 李スミン, 戸田直宏, 上田泰佑
    照明学会全国大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 50th 2017年  
  • 石崎勝司, 滝澤総, 海宝幸一, 篠原奈緒子, 勝浦哲夫, 李スミン, 戸田直宏, 上田泰佑
    電気設備学会全国大会講演論文集 35th 2017年  
  • 戸田直宏, 上田泰佑, 石崎勝司, 滝澤総, 海宝幸一, 篠原奈緒子, 勝浦哲夫, 李スミン
    電気設備学会全国大会講演論文集 35th 2017年  
  • 李スミン
    日本生理人類学会誌 20(3) 2015年  
  • 川崎萌子, 李スミン, 下村義弘, 勝浦哲夫
    日本生理人類学会誌 20 2015年  
  • 勝浦哲夫, 金信琴, 野崎翔大, 内山友里亜, 高橋良香, 李スミン, 下村義宏, 垣鍔直
    日本生理人類学会誌 20(1) 9-17 2015年  査読有り
    To assess the physiological responses of subjects with differing personality traits to the artificial lighting environments, we examined the effects of four lighting conditions on cognition taste thresholds and saliva secretion in relation to subjects' personality types (Type A vs. B behavior pattern and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) in 40 healthy men. The physiological responses to light differed between the Type A and Type B subjects and among the high-, middle- and low-scorers on a trait anxiety test. We next studied the nonvisual effects of blue-pulsed light, and we observed that the nonvisual effect of pupillary constriction (miosis) occurred even during blue-pulsed light irradiation at very short pulse widths. When the product of irradiance intensity and the pulse width were equal, the condition of high irradiance and short pulse width was shown to produce marked miosis.
  • 勝浦 哲夫, 手島 正樹, 夏 亜麗, 李 スミン, 高橋 良香, 浅井 郁男, 下村 義弘
    人間と生活環境 21(1) 47-54 2014年  
    マットレスの固さが脊柱カーブ、夜間睡眠等へ及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。マットレスの固さは空気圧を変えることにより上部、中央部は各3条件、下部は一定にした全9条件とした。10名の青年男性について、横臥位で体幹と大腿のなす角度が135°の時と、各空気圧条件において仰臥位で脊柱カーブを測定した。その結果、横臥位135°と近い脊柱カーブが得られたのは下部:中央部:上部の圧力分布が6:4:6 kPaの条件であった。しかし、主観評価の「寝心地の良さ」では6:4:8で高い評価が得られた。そこで、6:4:6と6:4:8のマットレスについて、成人男女20名で各条件のマットレスで1週間の夜間睡眠時に活動量計によって睡眠潜時、睡眠効率等を推定し、主観評価等を行った。その結果、推定された睡眠効率は6:4:6のマットレスが有意に高く、「腰の心地良さ」等でも6:4:6のマットレスで高い評価が得られた。
  • 下村 義弘, 李 スミン, 横幕 敦司, 山本 康人, 山本 昌彦, 勝浦 哲夫
    デザイン学研究 59(1) 65-72 2012年5月31日  
    使いやすさの視点から製品の設計や評価を行う際に、生体負担の指標として、表面筋電図がしばしば使われる。しかし迅速さが要求される開発環境で筋電図を導入することは、今も簡単ではない。本研究では、現場でのユーザビリティ評価に特化した表面筋電図の測定デバイスを開発した。本デバイスはアナログ増幅部とデジタル処理部、LED表示部からなった。増幅率のアナログ調整、包絡線処理による較正方法を電極上に実装した。較正方法は、最大随意収縮(MVC)、ある条件を基準とする相対化、上下の 2値による直線較正の 3つであった。ボトルの把持性に関する実験を行った結果、本デバイスの出力と主観評価との間に相関関係が認められた。本デバイスは効率的で高精度な人間工学的プロトタイピングを可能にし、開発現場への筋電図の導入に貢献する。
  • KATSUURA Tetsuo, JIN Xinqin, LEE Hwa-Ja, LEE Soomin, SHIMOMURA Yoshihiro
    Advances in exercise and sports physiology 17(4) 105-109 2012年  
    Physiological anthropology is a biological science that studies human beings mainly in terms of physiological functions. As physiological functions cannot be measured from bones and fossils, we study only living human beings. Because of this feature, it may be said that physiological anthropology is the anthropology of humans living in modern civilizations, and that it is closely related to exercise physiology in its methods of studying human physiological functions. There are various levels at which humans can be studied, including the molecular, cellular, organ, individual, population and ecosystem levels. In physiological anthropology, we study human beings mainly at the individual and population levels. The study of physiological anthropology in Japan was begun by focusing on the function of skeletal muscles by means of electromyography. The research topics in this field later expanded into the work capacity of individuals and the environmental adaptability of populations. The keywords established in the research field of physiological anthropology were "environmental adaptability," "physiological polytypism," "functional potentiality," "whole-body coordination" and "technological adaptability." Various studies related to these keywords have emerged in the field. In this paper, I introduce the concept of physiology anthropology and describe our recent studies on the effects of lighting on physiological functions.
  • 山崎 航平, 高原 良, 李 スミン, 下村 義弘, 勝浦 哲夫
    日本人間工学会大会講演集 48 448-449 2012年  
  • Katsuura Tetsuo, Lee Soomin, Liu Xinxin, Shimomura Yoshihiro
    人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 2011 21-21 2011年10月3日  
  • 李 スミン, 勝浦 哲夫, 岩永 光一, 下村 義弘, 杉浦 康司
    日本生理人類学会誌 14(3) 123-131 2009年  筆頭著者責任著者
    We examined the effects of eating a meal on the physiological responses during the performance of a mental task. Ten male subjects (25±4.5 years) participated in this study. We measured the following items: electrocardiogram (ECG), photoplethysmogram (PTG), baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), salivary-amylase activity levels, NASA task load index (NASA-TLX), reaction time and correct rate of the mental task. All experiments were conducted at the same time of day on separate days under two lunchtime conditions, which were taking a meal (meal condition) and not taking a meal (no meal condition) during the lunchtime. The mental tasks were performed before and after the lunchtime. We analyzed the collected data using a paired t-test. The task performance and subjective evaluation (NASA-TLX) showed no significant difference between meal and no meal conditions. On the other hand, heart rate, pulse wave transit time and BRS were significantly different between meal and no meal conditions. The heart rate during the meal condition was significantly (p<0.01) higher than that during the no meal condition. Pulse wave transit time and BRS during the meal condition were significantly lower than those during the no meal condition. The results suggested that eating a meal effectively increases activity level of physiological functions during the performance of a mental task, especially in the cardiovascular system.
  • LEE Soomin, KATSUURA Tetsuo, IWANAGA Koichi, SHIMOMURA Yoshihiro, SUGIURA Koji
    Journal of physiological anthropology 27(2) 103-103 2008年  



