
二木 昌宏

フタキ マサヒロ  (Masahiro Futaki)


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院 数学・情報数理学研究部門 幾何講座 准教授



  • Masahiro Futaki, Hiroshige Kajiura
    Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 26(8) 2611-2637 2024年1月5日  査読有り
  • Masahiro Futaki, Fumihiko Sanda
    Journal of Geometry and Physics 104929-104929 2023年7月  査読有り
  • Masahiro Futaki, Hiroshige Kajiura
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 62(3) 032307-032307 2021年3月1日  査読有り
  • Masahiro Futaki, Kazushi Ueda
    COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 332(1) 53-87 2014年11月  査読有り
    We introduce the notion of a tropical coamoeba which gives a combinatorial description of the Fukaya category of the mirror of a toric Fano stack. We show that the polyhedral decomposition of a real n-torus into n + 1 permutohedra gives a tropical coamoeba for the mirror of the projective space , and we prove a torus-equivariant version of homological mirror symmetry for the projective space. As a corollary, we obtain homological mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds of the projective space.
  • Masahiro Futaki, Kazushi Ueda
    Mathematische Zeitschrift 273(3-4) 633-652 2013年4月  査読有り
    We prove homological mirror symmetry for Lefschetz fibrations obtained as Sebastiani-Thom sums of polynomials of types A or D. The proof is based on the behavior of the Fukaya category under Sebastiani-Thom summation of a polynomial of type D. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
  • Masahiro Futaki, Kazushi Ueda
    SELECTA MATHEMATICA-NEW SERIES 17(2) 435-452 2011年6月  査読有り
    We prove that the derived Fukaya category of the Lefschetz fibration defined by a Brieskorn-Pham polynomial is equivalent to the triangulated category of singularities associated with the same polynomial together with a grading by an abelian group of rank one. Symplectic Picard-Lefschetz theory developed by Seidel is an essential ingredient of the proof.
  • Masahiro Futaki, Kazushi Ueda
    MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 17(6) 1029-1040 2010年11月  査読有り
    We associate an exact Lefshetz fibration with a pair of a consistent dimer model and an internal perfect matching on it, whose Fukaya category is derived equivalent to the category of representations of the directed quiver with relations associated with the pair. As a corollary, we obtain a version of homological mirror symmetry for two-dimentional toric Fano Stacks.
  • Masahiro Futaki, Kazushi Ueda



