
吉岡 友基

ヨシオカ ユウキ  (Yuuki Yoshioka)


千葉大学 医学部附属病院 腎臓内科



  • Tsutomu Sakurada, Shigeki Kojima, Shohei Yamada, Kenichiro Koitabashi, Yasuhiro Taki, Katsuomi Matsui, Masaru Murasawa, Hiroo Kawarazaki, Sayaka Shimizu, Hironori Kobayashi, Toshihiro Asai, Koji Hashimoto, Taro Hoshino, Seita Sugitani, Tomochika Maoka, Akihiko Nagase, Hirotaka Sato, Kosuke Fukuoka, Tadashi Sofue, Kiyoto Koibuchi, Kiyomitsu Nagayama, Naoki Washida, Shigehisa Koide, Takayuki Okamoto, Daisuke Ishii, Satoshi Furukata, Kiyotaka Uchiyama, Shunsuke Takahashi, Yoshiko Nishizawa, Shotaro Naito, Naohiro Toda, Tsukasa Naganuma, Hidetoshi Kikuchi, Tomo Suzuki, Daisuke Komukai, Takahide Kimura, Hiroaki Io, Kazuhiro Yoshikawa, Toshihide Naganuma, Masamitsu Morishita, Jin Oshikawa, Keiichi Tamagaki, Hajime Fujisawa, Atsushi Ueda, Tomohiko Kanaoka, Hironori Nakamura, Mai Yanagi, Takashi Udagawa, Tatsuo Yoneda, Masashi Sakai, Masanobu Gunji, Shinichi Osaki, Hisako Saito, Yuuki Yoshioka, Nagayuki Kaneshiro
    Peritoneal dialysis international : journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis 8968608231193240-8968608231193240 2023年8月26日  
    BACKGROUND: This multi-institutional, observational study examined whether the outcomes after peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter placement in Japan meet the audit criteria of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) guideline and identified factors affecting technique survival and perioperative complications. METHODS: Adult patients who underwent first PD catheter placement for end-stage kidney disease between April 2019 and March 2021 were followed until PD withdrawal, kidney transplantation, transfer to other facilities, death, 1 year after PD start or March 2022, whichever came first. Primary outcomes were time to catheter patency failure and technique failure, and perioperative infectious complications within 30 days of catheter placement. Secondary outcomes were perioperative complications. Appropriate statistical analyses were performed to identify factors associated with the outcomes of interest. RESULTS: Of the total 409 patients, 8 who underwent the embedded catheter technique did not have externalised catheters. Of the 401 remaining patients, catheter patency failure occurred in 25 (6.2%). Technical failure at 12 months after PD catheter placement calculated from cumulative incidence function was 15.3%. On Cox proportional hazards model analysis, serum albumin (hazard ratio (HR) 0.44; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.27-0.70) and straight type catheter (HR 2.14; 95% CI 1.24-3.69) were the independent risk factors for technique failure. On logistic regression analysis, diabetes mellitus was the only independent risk factor for perioperative infectious complications (odds ratio 2.70, 95% CI 1.30-5.58). The occurrence rate of perioperative complications generally met the audit criteria of the ISPD guidelines. CONCLUSION: PD catheter placement in Japan was proven to be safe and appropriate.
  • Yuya Suzuki, Tadashi Otsuka, Yuki Yoshioka, Tomomichi Iida, Shingo Maruyama, Hirofumi Watanabe, Ryohei Kaseda, Suguru Yamamoto, Yoshikatsu Kaneko, Shin Goto, Ryuji Aoyagi, Ichiei Narita
    Clinical and experimental nephrology 27(6) 565-573 2023年6月  
    BACKGROUND: The post-dialysis plasma level of human atrial natriuretic peptide (hANP) reflects the fluid volume in patients on hemodialysis. The threshold hANP level is reportedly 100 pg/mL; however, the clinical usefulness of the threshold hANP level for volume control has not been sufficiently studied. METHODS: We conducted a single-center, retrospective, observational study that included 156 hemodialysis patients without atrial fibrillation. First, we examined the usefulness of the threshold hANP level (100 pg/mL) for predicting hypoxemia due to congestion in a short-term observational study from December 30, 2015 to January 5, 2016. Subsequently, we conducted a 5-year follow-up study wherein the outcomes were hospitalization due to acute heart failure (AHF), development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and all-cause death. Finally, we collected echocardiography data to investigate the relationship between cardiac function and hANP. RESULTS: Our short-term observational study showed that patients with an hANP level ≥ 100 pg/mL developed hypoxemia due to congestion (odds ratio, 3.52; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-11.71; P = 0.040). At the 5-year follow-up, patients with an hANP level ≥ 100 pg/mL had significantly higher rates of hospitalization due to AHF, CVD, and all-cause death based on the log-rank test (P = 0.003, P = 0.019, P < 0.001, respectively). Cardiac disfunctions were significantly associated with the high hANP level. CONCLUSIONS: The hANP level is indicative of both fluid volume and cardiac dysfunction. A threshold hANP level of 100 pg/mL can serve as a predictive marker for AHF and a practical indicator for volume control.
  • 秋山 由里, 菅野 直希, 市田 公美, 横尾 隆, 高橋 大輔, 岡部 匡裕, 嵯峨崎 誠, 相澤 千晴, 渡邉 真央, 上田 莉紗, 吉岡 友基, 勝馬 愛, 木村 愛, 宮崎 陽一
    日本痛風・尿酸核酸学会総会プログラム・抄録集 56回 85-85 2023年1月  
  • 長岡 鈴佳, 吉岡 友基, 高橋 大輔, 岡部 匡裕, 宮崎 陽一, 横尾 隆
    腎と透析 93(別冊 腹膜透析2022) 121-122 2022年10月  
  • 山下 博史, 勝馬 愛, 岡部 匡裕, 渡邉 真央, 藤本 俊成, 吉岡 友基, 木村 愛, 小林 賛光, 宮崎 陽一, 横尾 隆
    日本腎臓学会誌 64(6-E) 566-566 2022年10月  
  • 冨木 美結, 吉岡 友基, 渡邉 真央, 藤本 俊成, 勝馬 愛, 岡部 匡裕, 木村 愛, 小林 賛光, 宮崎 陽一, 横尾 隆
    日本内科学会関東地方会 681回 40-40 2022年10月  
  • 大塚 忠司, 山本 卓, 吉澤 優太, 渡邊 和樹, 伊藤 徹, 吉岡 友基, 成田 一衛
    日本透析医学会雑誌 55(Suppl.1) 355-355 2022年5月  
  • 宮崎 陽一, 相澤 千晴, 高橋 大輔, 岡部 匡裕, 渡邉 真央, 寺嶋 理沙, 上田 莉紗, 吉岡 友基, 勝馬 愛, 木村 愛, 市田 公美, 横尾 隆
    東京慈恵会医科大学雑誌 137(2) 45-46 2022年3月  
  • 小林 千晴, 高橋 大輔, 岡部 匡裕, 渡邉 真央, 上田 莉紗, 吉岡 友基, 勝馬 愛, 木村 愛, 市田 公美, 宮崎 陽一, 横尾 隆
    日本腎臓学会誌 63(6-E) 696-696 2021年9月  
  • Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kenji Notohara, Tadashi Otsuka, Yuka Kobayashi, Masuo Ujita, Yuuki Yoshioka, Naomasa Suzuki, Ryuji Aoyagi, Riuko Ohashi, Toshimitsu Suzuki
    The American journal of case reports 19 13-20 2018年1月4日  
    BACKGROUND Mesenteric panniculitis (MP) is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory condition of the mesentery. The main symptoms include abdominal pain, abdominal distention, weight loss, fever, nausea, and vomiting. The patients also present with chylous ascites in 14% of the cases and chylous pleural effusion (CPE) in very rare occasions. Despite the previous view of excellent prognosis of MP, two recent papers reported several fatal cases. However, there are still only a few autopsy case reports that describe the macroscopic and histological details of MP cases. CASE REPORT The patient was an 81-year-old Japanese woman. She complained of edema of her lower legs and face, general fatigue, and dyspnea. She was overweight and had type 2 diabetes (T2D). Computerized tomography (CT) demonstrated massive bilateral pleural effusions, with mild pericardial effusion and mild ascites. There was no pulmonary, cardiac or hepatic condition to explain the effusions. However, MP was suspected based on her CT. She gradually deteriorated into respiratory failure. The autopsy revealed CPEs (left 1,300 mL, right 1,400 mL) and MP in the mesentery of the small intestine. Neither neoplasia nor inflammatory conditions other than MP were detected. CONCLUSIONS In rare occasions, patients with MP present with CPE or chylothorax. We thought that a possible mechanism of the CPEs was a diaphragmatic defect. We suspected that being overweight and T2D had an etiological relationship with MP in our patient's case. Adipose tissue of the mesentery is the main focus of MP. We believed that MP would be the best umbrella term of the many synonyms.
  • 椛澤麻美, 吉岡友基, 荒井恵美子, 青柳貴洋, 渡邊弘一, 横山築, 酒巻裕一, 青柳竜治
    日本アクセス研究会学術集会・総会プログラム・抄録集 22nd 2018年  
  • 吉岡友基, 林政雄, 酒巻裕一, 青柳竜治, 山本卓, 横尾隆, 成田一衛
    日本腎臓学会誌 60(3) 2018年  
  • 横山築, 吉岡友基, 椛澤麻美, 渡邊弘一, 荒井恵美子, 青柳貴洋, 大塚忠司, 酒巻裕一, 青柳竜治
    腎と透析 85 2018年  
  • 渡邊弘一, 横山築, 石橋凌, 青柳貴洋, 吉岡友基, 大塚忠司, 酒巻裕一, 青柳竜治
    日本アクセス研究会学術集会・総会プログラム・抄録集 21st 2017年  
  • 渡邊弘一, 横山築, 石橋凌, 青柳貴洋, 赤澤隆一, 吉岡友基, 酒巻裕一, 青柳竜治
    東北腎不全研究会プログラム・抄録集 44th 2017年  
  • 吉岡 友基, 保科 斉生, 酒井 梨紗, 伊藤 秀之, 岡田 秀雄, 下条 正子, 川口 良人, 長谷川 俊男
    日本内科学会雑誌 103(Suppl.) 182-182 2014年2月  

