
小室 信喜

コムロ ノブヨシ  (Nobuyoshi KOMURO)


千葉大学 情報戦略機構 准教授
(兼任)大学院 工学研究院 准教授
(兼任)大学院情報学研究院 准教授
博士(学術)(2005年3月 茨城大学)


昭和52年5月 茨城県北茨城市磯原町で生まれる。平成8年3月 茨城県立日立北高等学校卒業。平成12年3月 茨城大学工学部情報工学科卒業。平成14年3月 茨城大学大学院理工学研究科情報工学専攻 博士前期課程修了。平成17年3月 茨城大学大学院理工学研究科情報・システム科学専攻 博士後期課程修了。博士(学術)。
平成17年4月 東京工科大学コンピュータサイエンス学部・助手。平成21年4月 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科・助教。平成24年5月〜平成25年4月 ニュージャージ州立ラトガース大学訪問研究員。平成28年7月 千葉大学融合科学研究科・准教授。平成29年4月 千葉大学統合情報センター(現情報戦略機構)・准教授。令和6年4月 同情報・データサイエンス学部/学府(大学院)・准教授 兼務。現在に至る。




  • Ho-Jin Choi, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Won-Suk Kim
    Electronics 13(15) 3077-3077 2024年8月3日  査読有り
  • Jingshi Qian, Jiahe Li, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Won-Suk Kim, Younghwan Yoo
    Future Internet 16(6) 211-211 2024年6月15日  査読有り責任著者
    Indoor position fingerprint-based location estimation methods have been widely used by applications on smartphones. In these localization estimation methods, it is very popular to use the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) of signals to represent the position fingerprint. This paper proposes the design of a particle filter for reducing the estimation error of the machine learning-based indoor BLE location fingerprinting method. Unlike the general particle filter, taking into account the distance, the proposed system designs improved likelihood functions, considering the coordinates based on fingerprint points using mean and variance of RSSI values, combining the particle filter with the k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbor) algorithm to realize the reduction in indoor positioning error. The initial position is estimated by the position fingerprinting method based on the machine learning method. By comparing the fingerprint method based on k-NN with general particle filter processing, and the fingerprint estimation method based on only k-NN or SVM (Support Vector Machine), experiment results showed that the proposed method has a smaller minimum error and a better average error than the conventional method.
  • Sorato Mochizuki, Nobuyoshi Komuro
    Journal of Communications 19(4) 182-188 2024年4月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Jingshi Qian, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Won-Suk Kim
    IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 43-46 2023年10月  査読有り責任著者
  • Yuta Izutsu, Nobuyoshi Komuro
    2023 International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan) 2023年7月17日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Tsumugi Isogami, Nobuyoshi Komuro
    2023 International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan) 2023年7月17日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Isao Kurebayashi, Koshiro Maeda, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Keita Hirai, Hiroo Sekiya, Makoto Ichikawa
    Internet of Things 22 100730-100730 2023年7月  査読有り責任著者
  • Nobuyoshi Komuro, Sorato Mochizuki
    Journal of Communications 18(5) 340-345 2023年5月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Ho-Jin Choi, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Won-Suk Kim
    Journal of Korea Multimedia Society 26(2) 166-174 2023年2月28日  査読有り
  • Nobuyoshi Komuro, Hiromasa Habuchi
    Optics Continuum 2(1) 131-142 2023年1月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yuma Toriyama, Isao Kurebayashi, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Norimichi Suzuki, Yoshitake Nakayama, Hiroko Nakaoka, Kayo Tsumura, Kohki Takaguchi
    IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan 2022年7月  査読有り責任著者
  • Kohei HAYASHI, Ryota HORIUCHI, Nobuyoshi KOMURO
    IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, July 2022 2022年7月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Jiahe LI, Nobuyoshi KOMURO
    IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan 2022年7月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Ryota HORIUCHI, Kohei TOMITA, Nobuyoshi KOMURO
    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E105.A(5) 770-777 2022年5月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Jiahe LI, Masatoshi NAKANO, Nobuyoshi KOMURO
    IEEE 4th Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies 2022年3月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Komuro, N
    Journal of Communications 17(3) 188-193 2022年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Komuro, N, Habuchi, H
    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 797 LNEE 56-65 2022年  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Nobuyoshi Komuro, Hiromasa Habuchi
    ICT Express 7(4) 475-480 2021年12月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Komuro, N, Hashiguchi, T, Hirai, K, Ichikawa, M
    Scientific Reports 11(1) 2021年12月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Ryota Horiuchi, Nobuyoshi Komuro
    IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW) E105.A(5) 770-777 2021年9月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Isao Kurebayashi, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Keita Hirai
    IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW) 2021年9月  査読有り責任著者
  • Sorato Mochizuki, Nobuyoshi Komuro
    IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW) 2021年9月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Nobuyoshi Komuro, Hiromasa Habuchi
    IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW) 2021年9月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    OSA Continuum 4(5) 1437-1451 2021年4月14日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Li, Y., Cao, J., Li, Z., Oh, S., Komuro, N.
    ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 17(1s) 1-17 2021年3月31日  査読有り最終著者
    Single image super-resolution attempts to reconstruct a high-resolution (HR) image from its corresponding low-resolution (LR) image, which has been a research hotspot in computer vision and image processing for decades. To improve the accuracy of super-resolution images, many works adopt very deep networks to model the translation from LR to HR, resulting in memory and computation consumption. In this article, we design a lightweight dense connection distillation network by combining the feature fusion units and dense connection distillation blocks (DCDB) that include selective cascading and dense distillation components. The dense connections are used between and within the distillation block, which can provide rich information for image reconstruction by fusing shallow and deep features. In each DCDB, the dense distillation module concatenates the remaining feature maps of all previous layers to extract useful information, the selected features are then assessed by the proposed layer contrast-aware channel attention mechanism, and finally the cascade module aggregates the features. The distillation mechanism helps to reduce training parameters and improve training efficiency, and the layer contrast-aware channel attention further improves the performance of model. The quality and quantity experimental results on several benchmark datasets show the proposed method performs better tradeoff in term of accuracy and efficiency.
  • K. Maeda, I. Kurebayashi, N. Komuro, K. Hirai
    IEEE Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (ieee Lifetech) 2021年3月  査読有り責任著者
  • Tomita, K., Komuro, N.
    Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 11(4) 1362-1362 2021年2月3日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    This paper proposes a Duty-Cycle (DC) control method in order to improve the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) for IEEE 802.15.4-compliant heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The proposed method controls the DC so that the buffer occupancy of sensor nodes is less than 1 and assigns DC to each sub-network (sub-network means a network consisting of a router node and its subordinate nodes). In order to use the appropriate DC of each sub-network to obtain the high PDR, this paper gives analytical expressions of the buffer occupancy. The simulation results show that the proposed method achieves a reasonable delay and energy consumption while maintaining high PDR.
  • Komuro, N., Hashiguchi, T., Hirai, K., Ichikawa, M.
    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 712 149-157 2021年1月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Komuro, N., Suzumaru, R.
    Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 712 89-96 2021年1月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • S. Long, Z. Li, Z. Liu, Q. Deng, S. Oh, N. Komuro
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems - ICPADS 2020年12月  査読有り
  • Tetsuro Okazawa, Jing Ma, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Youngjune Choi, Zhetao Li, Tingrui Pei, Hiroo Sekiya
    Wireless Personal Communications 111(2) 1187-1205 2020年3月1日  査読有り
    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. This paper proposes a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol using directional antennas in wireless ad-hoc networks, which achieves frame-collision reduction, freezing-state duration reduction, and deafness-problem mitigation simultaneously. The idea of the proposed protocol is that Pulse/Tone exchange is applied to the Opportunistic Directional MAC protocol (OPDMAC). By applying the Pulse/Tone exchange prior to Request to Send/Clear to Send (RTS/CTS) handshake, RTS-to-RTS frame collisions are reduced dramatically. Additionally, RTS-to-DATA frame collisions in the OPDMAC are changed to Pulse signal-to-DATA frame overlaps in the proposed protocol. This change makes the DATA-frame transmissions in success because the Pulse signal-to-DATA frame overlaps are regarded as a deafness problem. On that basis, the deafness-problem mitigation can be obtained in the proposed protocol by adaptive transmission-direction switching, which follows the OPDMAC technique. The freezing-state durations can be also reduced by the transmission-direction switching. As a result, the proposed protocol provides high network throughput compared with conventional protocols. Simulation results show the validity and effectiveness of the proposed protocol.
  • Kohei TOTMITA, Nobuyoshi KOMURO
    IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 2019年10月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Masatoshi Nakano, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Kazuhiko Kawamoto
    IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 1160-1163 2019年10月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Nobuyoshi KOMURO, Hiromasa HABUCHI
    IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 2019年10月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Toshifumi Takahama, Takeshi Umezawa, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Noritaka Osawa
    Geo-spatial Information Science 22(2) 107-113 2019年5月  査読有り
  • Kosuke Sanada, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Zhetao Li, Tingrui Pei, Young June Choi, Hiroo Sekiya
    Ad Hoc Networks 70(1) 135-148 2018年3月1日  査読有り
    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. It is an effective approach for comprehending network performance is to develop a mathematical model because complex relationship between system parameters and performance can be obtained explicitly. This paper presents generalized analytical expressions for end-to-end throughput of IEEE 802.11 string-topology multi-hop networks. For obtaining expressions, a relationship between the durations of the backoff-timer (BT) decrements and frame transmission is expressed by integrating modified Bianchi's Markov-chain model and airtime expression. Additionally, the buffer queueing of each node is expressed by applying the queueing theory. The analytical expressions obtained in this paper provide end-to-end throughput for any hop number, any frame length, and any offered load, including most of analytical expressions presented in previous papers. The analytical results agree with simulation results quantitatively, which shows the verifications of the analytical expressions.
  • Anfeng Liu, Qi Zhang, Zhetao Li, Young-june Choi, Jie Li, Nobuyoshi Komuro
    COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 58 364-381 2017年2月  査読有り
    Green and reliable communication has great significance for Industrial Internet of Things. Unfortunately, because of the loss nature, achieving reliable transmission is challenging. In this paper, a novel hybrid transmission protocol (HTP) is proposed to maximize lifetime while the reliability is still guaranteed. The proposed protocol adopts Send-Wait automatic Repeat-Request protocol in hotspot areas to reduce the energy consumption and network coding based redundant transmission approach with adaptive redundancy level in non-hotspot areas to guarantee the reliability. The proposed protocol could improve the lifetime and shorten the delay on the premise of ensuring the reliability. Comparing with Send-Wait automatic Repeat-Request protocol, it can improve lifetime by 15%-30% under the same reliability and improve the reliability by 12%-45% under the same lifetime. Comparing with network coding based redundant transmission approach, the lifetime has increased by more than one time under the same reliability. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Ja-Ok Koo, Yalew Zelalem Jembre, Young-June Choi, Zhetao Li, Tingrui Pei, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Sekiya Hiroo
    Recently, mobile broadcast services such as DMB, multimedia streaming services and IPTV, caused rapid increase of multimedia services sent over the Internet. It is important to define, measure and evaluate the elements related to the quality of providing the services over the Internet. In this paper, we propose multimedia quality measurement model that evaluates the quality of multimedia from consumers point of view. We selected some parameters that affect the quality of multimedia on application level as well as network level, and then use these parameters to create multiple altered versions of an original video. All videos are then uploaded to YouTube, the popular streaming site. Then each video is viewed by a subject using multiple devices. For each video and device, subjects give Mean Opinion Score (MOS) rating. Then we determined the influence of parameters on videos and devices.
  • Thomas Mezmur Birhanu, Zhetao Li, Hiroo Sekiya, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Young-June Choi
    MOBILE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2017 3021565 2017年  査読有り
    This paper proposes a thread scheduling mechanism primed for heterogeneously configured multicore systems. Our approach considers CPU utilization for mapping running threads with the appropriate core that can potentially deliver the actual needed capacity. The paper also introduces a mapping algorithm that is able to map threads to cores in an O(NlogM) time complexity, where N is the number of cores and M is the number of types of cores. In addition to that we also introduced a method of profiling heterogeneous architectures based on the discrepancy between the performances of individual cores. Our heterogeneity aware scheduler was able to speed up processing by 52.62% and save power by 2.22% as compared to the CFS scheduler that is a default in Linux systems.
  • Y. Yoshida, N. Komuro, J. Ma, H. Sekiya
    Journal of Multimedia Information System 3(4) 141-148 2016年12月  査読有り
  • Yalew Zelalem Jembre, Zhetao Li, Sekiya Hiroo, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Young-June Choi
    2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence, ICTC 2016 1216-1220 2016年11月30日  査読有り
    For public safety or military purposes, it is needed to introduce a unified architecture of multi-hop wireless networks that include both flat (ad-hoc) networks and hierarchical (mesh) networks, where devices can access multiple channels using multiple radio interfaces thanks to the advance of mobile devices. In such networks, it is a challenging issue how to assign channels in a distributed manner by avoiding interference and maintaining connectivity. In this paper, we propose a distributed heuristic channel assignment scheme, based on channel utilization and even adaptive against jamming. We use the OPNET simulator to perform a rigorous simulation and confirm that the performance of the proposed scheme outperforms existing schemes.
  • Nobuyoshi Komuro, Sho Motegi, Kosuke Sanada, Jing Ma, Zhetao Li, Tingrui Pei, Young-June Choi, Hiroo Sekiya
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS E99B(11) 2315-2322 2016年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
    This paper proposes a Watts and Strogatz-model based routing method for wireless sensor network along with link-exchange operation. The proposed routing achieves low data-collection delay because of hub-node existence. By applying the link exchanges, node with low remaining battery level can escape from a hub node. Therefore, the proposed routing method achieves the fair battery-power consumptions among sensor nodes. It is possible for the proposed method to prolong the network lifetime with keeping the small-world properties. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Nobuyoshi Komuro, Ryo Manzoku, Kosuke Sanada, Jing Ma, Zhetao Li, Tingrui Pei, Young-June Choi, Hiroo Sekiya
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS E99B(11) 2305-2314 2016年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
    This paper presents a Multi-channel MAC protocol with channel grouping for multi-channel ad-hoc networks. The proposed protocol has both concepts of the multiple rendezvous and the single control channel protocols, which were proposed as a MAC protocol for multi-channel ad-hoc network without centralized stations. In the proposed protocol, all the channels are divided into some groups and each group has a control channel. Network nodes circulate among the groups and channel negotiations are carried out on a control channel of the group. By applying the channel grouping, it is possible to enhance network throughput without reducing the channel-usage probability. Because there is an optimum group number for obtaining the highest throughput, this paper gives analytical expressions of maximum network throughput for the proposed protocol as a function of system parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed protocol is shown from simulation results. In addition, the validity of the analytical expressions is confirmed from quantitative agreements between analytical predictions and simulation results.
  • Yin Wan, Kosuke Sanada, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Gen Motoyoshi, Norio Yamagaki, Shigeo Shioda, Shiro Sakata, Tutomu Murase, Hiroo Sekiya
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS E99B(11) 2289-2296 2016年11月  査読有り
    This paper presents an analytical model for network throughput of WLANs, taking into account heterogeneous conditions, namely network nodes transmit different length frames with various offered load individually. The airtime concept, which is often used in multihop network analyses, is firstly applied for WLAN analysis. The proposed analytical model can cover the situation that there are saturation and non-saturation nodes in the same network simultaneously, which is the first success in the WLAN analyses. This paper shows the network throughput characteristics of four scenarios. Scenario 1 considers the saturation throughputs for the case that one or two length frames are transmitted at the identical offered load. Scenarios 2 and 3 are prepared for investigating the cases that all network nodes transmit different length frames at the identical offered load and identical length frames at the different offered loads, respectively. The heterogeneous conditions for not only frame length but also offered load are investigated in Scenario 4.
  • Kosuke Sanada, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Hirioo Sekiya
    IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2015- 1697-1701 2015年12月1日  査読有り
    This paper proposes the analytical expressions for the IEEE 802.11 string-topology multi-hop networks using Markov-chain model. For achieving that, the proposed analysis procedure includes two proposals, which are: (i) Bianchi's Markov-chain model is modified for considering a relationship between the backoff timer and frame length, and (ii) the interferences, such as hidden node collision and carrier sensing, among network nodes are expressed by merging the proposed Markov-chain model and airtime expression. The analytical expressions are verified by comparisons with simulation results.
  • Kosuke Sanada, Jin Shi, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Hiroo Sekiya
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS E98B(7) 1284-1293 2015年7月  査読有り
    String-topology multi-hop network is often selected as an analysis object because it is one of the fundamental network topologies. The purpose of this paper is to establish expression for end-to-end delay for IEEE 802.11 string-topology multi-hop networks. For obtaining the analytical expression, the effects of frame collisions and carrier-sensing effect from other nodes under the non-saturated condition are obtained for each node in the network. For expressing the properties in non-saturated condition, a new parameter, which is frame-existence probability, is defined. The end-to-end delay of a string-topology multi-hop network can be derived as the sum of the transmission delays in the network flow. The analytical predictions agree with simulation results well, which show validity of the obtained analytical expressions.
  • Yuta Shimoyamada, Kosuke Sanada, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Hiroo Sekiya
    NOLTA IEICE E6-N(3) 410-432 2015年7月  査読有り
    This paper proposes analytical expressions of end-to-end throughput for IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) wireless string-topology multi-hop networks. For obtaining the IEEE 802.11e EDCA performance, internal collisions between Access Categories (ACs) in a node, frame collisions with external nodes, and frame-existence probabilities of buffers at each AC are expressed as functions of EDCA access parameters. Therefore, it is possible to obtain the effects of the EDCA access parameters to Quality of Service (QoS) support in the EDCA. It is possible to obtain the end-to-end throughput at any offered load with respect to each AC because the buffer states can be expressed according to ACs. The obtained analytical expressions are verified by showing the quantitative agreements with simulation results.
  • Nobuyoshi Komuro
    Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications E6-N(2) 2015年4月  査読有り筆頭著者最終著者責任著者
  • Xiang Li, Yuki Narita, Yuta Gotoh, Shigeo Shioda, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Hiroo Sekiya, Shiro Sakata, Kazunori Miyoshi, Tutomu Murase
    We propose a light-weight performance analysis of Wi-Fi offload using a simple Markov model. Although the proposed model does not describe the behavior of the contention window of each station in detail, it allows us to analyze the non-saturation throughput while considering interaction among interfering stations and the queueing behavior of each station. In addition to this, the proposed model does not need to use the assumption that frames arrive at relay station according to a Poisson process. In this paper, we show how to apply the mean field approximation to the model to significantly reduce the amount of computation. We show that the proposed model accurately estimates the throughput performance of the Wi-Fi offload, and that the mean-field approximation is still valid in the scenario of the Wi-Fi offload.
  • Kosuke Sanada, Nobuyoshi Komuro, Hirioo Sekiya
    This paper proposes the analytical expressions for the IEEE 802.11 string-topology multi-hop networks using Markov-chain model. For achieving that, the proposed analysis procedure includes two proposals, which are: (i) Bianchi's Markov-chain model is modified for considering a relationship between the backoff timer and frame length, and (ii) the interferences, such as hidden node collision and carrier sensing, among network nodes are expressed by merging the proposed Markov-chain model and airtime expression. The analytical expressions are verified by comparisons with simulation results.















