中村優介, 高橋雅生, 戸田勇登, 林真那, 高林弘樹, 高林弘樹, 加戸啓太, 平沢岳人
日本建築学会技術報告集 24(56) 447-450 2018年 査読有り筆頭著者
5-axis machines are capable of complicated movement. However, their processing shapes are highly limited by the production systems optimized for particular building systems. This study aims to realize a 5-axis machine that can machine various shapes by the maximal activation through the development of the self-built machine and its operating software. Shapes that are processed with a circular saw are classified into three types. New log designs are machined by analyzing existing logs according to these types. In addition, algorithmically twisted logs are machined accurately. The results show that these approaches have the possibility of creating new building systems.