
成瀨 浩史

ナルセ ヒロシ  (Hiroshi Naruse)


千葉大学医学部附属病院 医学部附属病院 (客員研究員)
慶應義塾大学大学院 医科学修士



2012年 8月21日 株式会社協和企画 入社
2016年 7月1日〜2019年6月30日 厚生労働省健康局結核感染症課新型インフルエンザ対策推進室へ官民人事交流
2019年 8月1日 千葉大学医学部附属病院 次世代医療構想センター 特任助教
2022年 4月1日 千葉大学医学部附属病院 次世代医療構想センター 客員研究員




  • 成瀨浩史, 堀井聡子, 鶴野充茂, 吉村健佑
    広報研究 26 2022年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 木下翔太郎, 成瀨浩史, 吉村健佑, 岸本泰士郎, 榎戸芙佐子, 押淵英弘, 兼子幸一, 瀬戸秀文, 辻本哲士, 長尾喜一郎, 三野進, 村田昌彦, 米田博, 稲垣中
    精神神経学雑誌 124(1) 2022年1月  査読有り
  • 吉村 健佑, 成瀬 浩史, 菊地 信示郎
    日本臨床精神神経薬理学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集 29回・49回 91-91 2019年10月  
  • Chang J, Hisamatsu T, Shimamura K, Yoneno K, Adachi M, Naruse H, Igarashi T, Higuchi H, Matsuoka K, Kitazume MT, Ando S, Kamada N, Kanai T, Hibi T
    Hepatology Research 2012年9月  査読有り
  • H. Naruse, T. Hisamatsu, Y. Yamauchi, J. E. Chang, K. Matsuoka, M. T. Kitazume, K. Arai, S. Ando, T. Kanai, N. Kamada, T. Hibi
    CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY 164(1) 137-144 2011年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    P>Interleukin (IL)-12 is a key factor that induces T helper cell type 1-mediated immunity and inflammatory diseases. In some colitis models, such as IL-10 knock-out (KO) mice, IL-12 triggers intestinal inflammation. An abundant amount of IL-12 is produced by intestinal macrophages in response to stimulation by commensal bacteria in IL-10 KO mice. Intact bacteria are more potent inducers of macrophage IL-12 production than cell surface components in this model. This suggested that cell surface receptor signalling and intracellular pathogen recognition mechanisms are important for the induction of IL-12. We addressed the importance of intracellular recognition mechanisms and demonstrated that signal transducers and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) signalling activated bacterial phagocytosis and was involved in the induction of abnormal IL-12 production. In IL-10 KO mouse bone marrow-derived (BM) macrophages, Escherichia coli stimulation induced increased IL-12p70 production compared to lipopolysaccharide combined with interferon (IFN)-gamma treatment. Significant repression of IL-12 production was achieved by inhibition of phagocytosis with cytochalasin D, and inhibition of de novo protein synthesis with cycloheximide. Induction of IFN regulatory factors-1 and -8, downstream molecules of STAT1 and the key transcription factors for IK-12 transcription, following E. coli stimulation, were mediated by phagocytosis. Interestingly, STAT1 was activated after stimulation with E. coli in IL-10 KO BM macrophages, although IFN-gamma could not be detected. These data suggest that molecules other than IFN-gamma are involved in hyper-production mechanisms of IL-12 induced by E. coli stimulation. In conclusion, enteric bacteria stimulate excessive IL-12p70 production in IL-10 KO BM macrophages via phagocytosis-dependent signalling.









