
津村 紀子

ツムラ ノリコ  (Noriko Tsumura)


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院 地球科学コース 准教授
博士 (理学)(東北大学)







  • Takaya Iwasaki, Noriko Tsumura, Tanio Ito, Kazunori Arita, Matsubara Makoto, Hiroshi Sato, Eiji Kurashimo, Naoshi Hirata, Susumu Abe, Katsuya Noda, Akira Fujiwara, Shinsuke Kikuchi, Kazuko Suzuki
  • 高岡宏之, 津村 紀子, 高橋福助, 野崎謙治, 加藤愛太郎, 飯高隆, 岩崎貴哉, 酒井慎一, 平田直, 生田領野, 国友孝洋, 吉田康宏, 勝俣啓, 山岡耕春, 渡辺俊樹, 山崎文人, 大久保慎人, 鈴木貞臣


  • Tanio ITO, Ken'ichi KANO, Go SATO, Akira FUJIWARA, Toshiki WATANABE, Motonori HIGASHINAKA, Susumu ABE, Shintaro ABE, Noriko TSUMURA, Genjyu YAMAMOTO, Hisoshi SATO, Takaya IWASAKI, Tetsuya TAKEDA, Tatsuya ISHIYAMA, Kei ODAWARA, Masatake HARADA, Jiro KOMORI
    Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi) 2024年4月25日  査読有り
  • 藤原明, 渡辺俊樹, 東中基倫, 阿部進, 伊藤谷生, 狩野謙一, 佐藤剛, 阿部信太郎, 津村紀子, 岩崎貴哉, 岩崎貴哉, 武田哲也, 山本玄珠, 佐藤比呂志, 佐藤比呂志, 石山達也, 小田原啓, 原田昌武, 小森次郎
    地学雑誌 133(1) 2024年  査読有り
  • Eiji Kurashimo, Takaya Iwasaki, Noriko Tsumura, Takashi Iidaka
    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 48(4) 2021年2月  査読有り
    A seismic array observation across the slow-earthquake source region in the eastern Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan, reveal the detailed structure and seismicity along the upper boundary of the subducted Philippine Sea Plate. Tomography analysis and earthquake reflection imaging clarify the geometry of the upper boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate with a subduction angle of similar to 15 degrees at a depth range of 22-30 km. We observe intraslab low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) in and around the low-Vp and high-Vp/Vs zones, which are located above the intraslab earthquakes that are controlled by the dehydration embrittlement of serpentine. The intraslab LFE activity may be related to fluid movement. Fluids, which are derived from both dehydration of the serpentinized oceanic mantle and crustal eclogitization, may control the fault slip behavior. Therefore, the fluid behavior around the subducting plate boundary has an important role in controlling the downdip limit of the seismogenic zone.
  • Yuki Susukida, Kei Katsumata, Masayoshi Ichiyanagi, Mako Ohzono, Hiroshi Aoyama, Ryo Tanaka, Masamitsu Takada, Teruhiro Yamaguchi, Kazumi Okada, Hiroaki Takahashi, Shin'ichi Sakai, Satoshi Matsumoto, Tomomi Okada, Toru Matsuzawa, Hiroki Miyamachi, Shuichiro Hirano, Yoshiko Yamanaka, Shinichiro Horikawa, Masahiro Kosuga, Hiroshi Katao, Yoshihisa Iio, Airi Nagaoka, Noriko Tsumura, Tomotake Ueno, Koji Miyakawa, Shin'ichi Tanaka, Miwako Ando, Naoki Uchida, Ryosuke Azuma, Ryota Takagi, Keisuke Yoshida, Takashi Nakayama, Satoshi Hirahara, Toshiko Terakawa, Yuta Maeda, Hiroki Miyamachi, Hiroshi Yakiwara
    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 73(1) 2021年1月  査読有り
    The tectonic stress field was investigated in and around the aftershock area of the Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake (M-JMA = 6.7) occurred on 6 September 2018. We deployed 26 temporary seismic stations in the aftershock area for approximately 2 months and located 1785 aftershocks precisely. Among these aftershocks, 894 focal mechanism solutions were determined using the first-motion polarity of P wave from the temporary observation and the permanent seismic networks of Hokkaido University, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and High Sensitivity Seismograph Network Japan (Hi-net). We found that (1) the reverse faulting and the strike-slip faulting are dominant in the aftershock area, (2) the average trend of P- and T-axes is 78 degrees +/- 33 degrees and 352 degrees +/- 51 degrees, respectively, and (3) the average plunge of P- and T-axes is 25 degrees +/- 16 degrees and 44 degrees +/- 20 degrees, respectively: the P-axis is close to be horizontal and the T-axis is more vertical than the average of the P-axes. We applied a stress inversion method to the focal mechanism solutions to estimate a stress field in the aftershock area. As a result, we found that the reverse fault type stress field is dominant in the aftershock area. An axis of the maximum principal stress (sigma(1)) has the trend of 72 degrees +/- 7 degrees and the dipping eastward of 19 degrees +/- 4 degrees and an axis of the intermediate principal stress (sigma(2)) has the trend of 131 degrees +/- 73 degrees and the dipping southward of 10 degrees +/- 9 degrees, indicating that both of sigma(1)- and sigma(2)-axes are close to be horizontal. An axis of the minimum principal stress (sigma(3)) has the dipping westward of 67 degrees +/- 6 degrees that is close to be vertical. The results strongly suggest that the reverse-fault-type stress field is predominant as an average over the aftershock area which is in the western boundary of the Hidaka Collision Zone. The average of the stress ratio R = (sigma(1) - sigma(2))/(sigma(1) - sigma(3)) is 0.61 +/- 0.13 in the whole aftershock area. Although not statistically significant, we suggest that R decreases systematically as the depth is getting deep, which is modeled by a quadratic polynomial of depth.
  • Takaya Iwasaki, Noriko Tsumura, Tanio Ito, Kazunori Arita, Makoto Matsubara, Hiroshi Sato, Eiji Kurashimo, Naoshi Hirata, Susumu Abe, Katsuya Noda, Akira Fujiwara, Shinsuke Kikuchi, Kazuko Suzuki
    Earth, Planets and Space 72(1) 2020年12月1日  査読有り
    In the original publication of this article (Iwasaki et al. 2019), the author name ‘Matsubara Makoto’ in author list is not correct. The correct name should be ‘Makoto Matsubara’.





