
谷田貝 麻美子

ヤタガイ マミコ  (Mamiko Yatagai)


千葉大学 教育学部 教授
東京学芸大学 大学院連合学校教育学研究科 教授



  • 片渕奈美香, 森俊夫, 谷田貝麻美子
    保存科学 61 79-92 2022年3月  
  • 谷田貝麻美子, 古濱裕樹
    日本衣服学会誌 65(2) 73-80 2022年3月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子
    日本衣服学会誌 62(2) 53-61 2018年3月  査読有り
  • 本多 素子, 飯田 隆一, 大谷 忠, 谷田貝 麻美子
    科学教育研究 41(3) 373-382 2017年9月  査読有り
    <p>Recently, affordable desktop digital fabrication tools such as 3D printers and laser cutters, and design data sharing via the Internet have been maximizing the potential for personal production. The purpose of this study is to elucidate an overview of Fab Labs in Japan and the extent of their support for beginners in digital fabrication. We conducted field research at 8 Fab Labs in Japan, the first research of multiple Fab Labs conducted by an external research team. The research included site visits, interviews with the managers of Fab Labs, and observations of instructor-led lessons and "open labs". Field research results showed the current state of difficulties for beginners, support activities for them, and knowledge sharing practice in Fab Labs in Japan. Regarding the first difficulty, "preparing design data", instructor-led lessons and guidance on reuse of shared data appeared to be useful to them. Regarding the second difficulty, "developing a plan of work", reference to work produced by others and sharing knowledge generally, provides hints for beginners. Communication amongst participants at the "open lab" was also recognized as a support for beginners.</p>
  • 諸岡 晴美, 佐野加永子, 谷田貝 麻美子
    繊維製品消費科学 56(1) 54-60 2015年1月  査読有り
    <p><tt>乳がん手術によって片方の乳房を喪失(全摘)した女性のために,温熱的に快適な補整用パッドの水分特性を明らかにした.乳がん術後女性</tt>6<tt>人を被験者として用いた.実験用のパッド素材として,シリコンゲル,ウレタンフォーム,綿わたおよびポリエステルわたを使用した.着用実験の結果,吸湿性および透湿性がほぼゼロであるシリコンパッド装着時において,パッド内湿度が最も高く,パッド内温度が最も低かった.また,その生理応答として,口腔温および平均皮膚温が歩行後に急激に上昇することがわかった.吸湿性および透湿性が高かった綿パッド装着時には,実験中最も湿度が低かった.パッド素材の水分特性として,透湿性が高いことを前提に,高い水分率をもつ素材からなるパッドおよびパッドカバーが適切であることがわかった</tt><tt>. </tt></p>
  • 片渕 奈美香, 谷田貝 麻美子
    日本衣服学会誌 57(2) 83-93 2014年3月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子
    繊維製品消費科学 54(12) 1066-1074 2013年12月  査読有り
    <p><tt>乳房全摘術後または乳房温存術後の被験者</tt>4<tt>名について胸部衣服内気候を測定した.ブラジャー内温度は,全摘術後者・温存術後者共に,術側が健側に比べて高かった.ブラジャー内湿度は,全摘術後者では術側が健側よりも高く,温存術後者では術側が健側よりもやや低い値を示した.とくに全摘術後者のシリコンパッドを装着した術側では著しい高温多湿状態が観察された.そこで,素材・構造・形状の異なる</tt>3<tt>種類のシリコンパッドを装着したときの衣服内気候を比較した.その結果,従来製品に比べて,温度調整素材を内包する製品や肌面に凹凸をもたせた製品では,パッド内の温度・湿度が低い値を示した.このことから,パッドの改良により装着時の温熱的不快感を軽減できる可能性が示唆され</tt><tt>た. </tt></p>
  • 片渕 奈美香, 谷田貝 麻美子
    日本衣服学会誌 56(2) 91-100 2013年3月  査読有り
  • 諸岡 晴美, 渡邊 敬子, 尾上 望, 谷田貝 麻美子
    一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集 65 248-248 2013年  
  • 谷田貝 麻美子
    一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集 65 172-172 2013年  
  • 片渕 奈美香, 谷田貝 麻美子
    一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集 65 94-94 2013年  
  • 岡部 和代, 諸岡 晴美, 谷田貝 麻美子
    繊維製品消費科学 54(1) 68-75 2013年1月  査読有り
    <p><tt>乳がん術後女性のブラジャーと補整パッドの不具合解決にむけた指針を得ることを目的に研究を行った.被験者は,胸部形状に左右差のある乳がん術後女性12名(右全摘4名,左全摘4名,温存4名)である.実験1では適合したブラジャー(My ブラ)と補整パッド(My パッド)を,実験2ではMy ブラに同一型で重量の異なる補整パッド(トライアングル型シリコンパッド)6 種を試料とした. 実験1:全摘の被験者は,肩がこる,左右のバランスが気になる,全体的な圧迫感があると,半数以上が訴えた.パッドを装着しない時の重心は,多くの事例で術側にあったが,パッドを装着すると健側方向に変位した.実験2:全体の衣服圧はパッドの重量増加で高くなったが,特に術側の衣服圧が増加した.また,被験者はパッドが重いと感じ,肩がこる,全体の圧迫感がある,左右のバランスが気になるとした.術側の負担を軽減するためには,被験者ごとに補整パッドの重さを再検討する必要が</tt><tt>ある.</tt></p>
  • 藤上 明子, 岡部 和代, 谷田貝 麻美子
    繊維製品消費科学 53(6) 461-469 2012年6月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 岡部 和代, 佐藤 真理子
    繊維製品消費科学 53(3) 215-220 2012年3月  査読有り
  • 川端 博子, 谷田貝 麻美子
    日本家政学会誌 63(2) 93-102 2012年2月  査読有り
    We conducted a questionnaire survey on 344 females who had undergone breast cancer surgery in order to investigate their postoperative concerns for clothing. We focused on the inconveniences of clothing and on their attitude and consciousness towards clothes in analyzing the results from the standpoint of their quality of life, QOL, and their body image, BI. The results obtained were as follows: (1) The QOL ratings of the participants, on the whole, were not particularly low and the inconvenience felt in everyday life was considered to be little. However, QOL seemed to be closely related to each patient’s stage of disease, number of operations undergone, postoperative time lapse, and side effects of the treatments given following surgery. On the other hand, BI results, in general, were low and reflected the participants’ pessimistic attitude towards their body image. The BI ratings seemed to be closely related to the degree of deformity in their breast area, and showed no trace of recovery even after a considerable postoperative time lapse. (2) The participants expressed their feeling of inconvenience related to clothing matters.Clothes that did not reveal their bust line were more often chosen, meaning that their choice of clothes was limited in shape and design. The participants with lower QOL ratings seemed to feel more inconveniences in the function or comfort of their clothes, indicating that their clothes were, for example, too tight or sensitive to the skin, while the participants with poorer BI felt more inconveniences in revealing their bust line. (3) While the general results for their attitude and consciousness towards clothes showed a negative tendency, the participants with lower QOL ratings tended to try and keep the level of comfort of their clothes, and the participants with lower BI ratings tended to take on a more positive consciousness and attitude towards clothes. Similar results could also be speculated from the analysis of their free description.
  • 川端 博子, 谷田貝 麻美子
    日本家政学会誌 62(10) 649-658 2011年10月  査読有り
    We conducted a questionnaire survey on 344 females who suffered from breast cancer to investigate their problems with clothing after breast cancer surgery. In this study, we focused on the use of brassieres and the inconveniences they caused.The results obtained were as follows:1) More than half the participants felt there were difficulties and inconveniences associated with their brassieres, such as an imbalance of the two breasts, crawling up of the cups, and a humid sensation inside the bra cups, all of which were more often found amongst the participants who had undergone a mastectomy.Difficulties and inconveniences of bras, such as tightness under the bust, slipping down of the shoulder straps, and pain from abrasion were more often found in the participants who had undergone a breast conserving surgery. The first step we should take in solving these problems is to sort out the relationship between the inconveniences of bras and the diversity of the deformity and wounds in the breast area.2) We examined the connection of the inconveniences of bras with the physical symptoms and side effects of breast surgery. The results suggest an urgent need to provide patients with not only better bras but also other clothes ranging from innerwear to outerwear.3) The bras used were classified into three types: exclusive bras for breast cancer patients, ordinary bras different to the ones used before surgery, and the same bras as those used before surgery. The exclusive bras were shown to be easy on the body and were highly ranked except for moisture and hotness inside the bra cup. We believe this result was achieved through the use of silicon pads. The results for bras different to the ones used before surgery tended to show the greatest inconveniences, suggesting a need for more information in order to improve the comfort of bras after surgery.
  • 藤上 明子, 岡部 和代, 谷田貝 麻美子
    繊維製品消費科学 52(10) 624-632 2011年10月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 片渕奈美香
    日本衣服学会誌 54(2) 95-104 2011年3月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 阿部 恭子, 佐藤 真理子, 若林 槇子, 川端 博子
    日本家政学会誌 61(6) 365-373 2010年6月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 片渕 奈美香
    日本家政学会誌 59(10) 847-855 2008年10月  査読有り
    The objective of this study was to obtain useful information for the conservation of modern textiles in which early synthetic dyes are used. Dye class identification was carried out on silk crepe specimens such as stencil-dyed kimono fabrics of the Meiji era. A total of 116 sections of different colors were prepared and subjected to the tests, which included extraction by various solvents, dyeing properties of various fibers and color change due to reduction/oxidation, according to the JIS method provided for identification of dye classes on dyed textiles. The results revealed that many acid dyes (mainly red) and basic dyes (violet or blue only) are used in the specimens. Identifying dye classes used in a textile may make it possible to predict the properties of the dye or the dyed textile, and may provide useful information for the appropriate care of the textile.
  • 谷田貝 麻美子
    繊維製品消費科学 48(3) 194-202 2007年3月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 大谷 恭子
    繊維製品消費科学 48(8) 541-542 2007年  査読有り
    AATCC Review 6(7) 44-48 2006年7月  査読有り
  • M Yatagai, Y Takahashi
    AATCC REVIEW 5(1) 17-21 2005年1月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子
    繊維製品消費科学 43(8) 528-535 2002年8月  査読有り
    たまねぎ外皮で染色し金属媒染した羊毛布について, 洗濯堅牢性に及ぼす洗剤の影響を調べた.洗剤には, 各種JIS洗剤, 各種市販洗剤, および洗剤の主要な成分として界面活性剤または金属イオン封鎖剤を使用した.その結果, 洗濯後の染色布には色相変化が見られ, 変退色の程度は媒染剤の有無・種類と洗剤によって異なること, また, 界面活性剤よりも金属イオン封鎖剤の寄与が大きいことがわかった.&lt;BR&gt;さらに, たまねぎ外皮含有色素クエルセチンの溶液に媒染剤金属や洗剤成分を添加して, 紫外可視吸収スペクトルの変化を調べた.その結果, クエルセチンと金属を含む溶液は, 可視領域にクエルセチン+金属錯体に由来する吸収を示した.さらに洗剤成分を添加すると, 金属イオン封鎖剤添加の場合に, 色素+金属錯体に由来する吸収がほぼ消失した.このことから, 染色布における変退色の原因のひとつとして, 金属イオン封鎖剤による媒染剤金属の捕捉が推測された.
  • 涌井 麻衣子, 谷田貝 麻美子, 小原 奈津子, 佐野 千絵, 生野 晴美, 馬越 芳子, 齊藤 昌子
    文化財保存修復学会誌 45 12-26 2001年  査読有り
  • KOHARA Natsuko, SANO Chie, IKUNO Harumi, MAGOSHI Yoshiko, BECKER M. A, YATAGAI Mamiko, SAITO Masako
    ACS Symposium Series (Historic Textiles, Papers, and Polymers in Museums) 779 74-85 2001年  査読有り
  • YATAGAI Mamiko, MAGOSHI Yoshiko, BECKER M. M, SANO Chie, IKUNO Harumi, KOHARA Natsuko, SAITO Masako
    ACS Symposium Series (Historic Textiles, Papers, and Polymers in Museums) 779 86-97 2001年  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子
    考古学と自然科学 (39) 55-64 2000年  査読有り
  • Mamiko Yatagai
    Textile Research Journal 66(1) 11-16 1996年  査読有り
    A cotton fabric has been artificially aged by dry heat at 150°C with or without initial exposure to ultraviolet light. The observed property changes in the aged cotton samples include a loss of breaking strength, a decrease in moisture regain, yellowing, and an increase in carbonyl or carboxyl content. Dyeability is examined to characterize the physical and chemical changes in the aged samples. Dye uptake with direct dyes decreases as heating time increases, which can be attributed to increased crystallinity and the formation of carbonyl and carboxyl groups. The decrease in dye uptake is more remarkable with the larger molecular sized dye than with the smaller dye, in dicating that some changes have occurred in the size of the pores that accept dyes. From the adsorption isotherms, we see that the dye adsorption mechanism is not similar for untreated and aged samples, due to chemical structural changes such as the formation of carbonyl and carboxyl groups. The slight increase in basic dye uptake is also attributable to carboxyl group formation. © 1996, Sage Publications. All rights reserved.
    CELLULOSE 1(3) 205-214 1994年9月  査読有り
    The changes in properties of cellulose brought about by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, heat exposure and by a combination of both treatments were determined. The methods of characterizing the changes included breaking strength, color, yellowness index, thermal analysis, dye adsorption as a measure of changes in fine structure of the fibers, and Turnbull's Blue test as an empirical measure of carboxyl content. The exposures increased the color and yellowness of the samples as well as the carboxyl content and decreased dye adsorption and breaking strength. A shift of the decomposition endotherm of cellulose to lower temperatures was also noted. It appears that, under the exposure conditions used in this study, the changes in carboxyl content, color changes, yellowness index and breaking strength induced by heat are accelerated by an initial exposure to UV light but still simulate heat ageing alone. There also appears to be a correlation between breaking strength and dye uptake.
    TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 64(8) 461-465 1994年8月  査読有り
    The correlation between wetting properties and water absorbency was investigated for cellulosic and polyester fabrics soiled with various oily substances. As a measure of the wettability of oil, the work of adhesion between oil and water was estimated from surface and interfacial tension data. Water contact angles against the oily soiled cellophane and polyester films were measured to examine the wettability of the soiled surface. These wetting data were plotted against the water absorbency of the rayon and polyester fabrics soiled with oil. The results show good correlation between the wettability of oil or of the oily soiled surface and the liquid water uptake of the fabrics. However, the differences between the geometric structures of the fabrics and plain surfaces must be considered in further discussions.
  • 谷田貝 麻美子
    デサントスポーツ科学 14 209-216 1993年  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 駒城 素子
    繊維製品消費科学 33(12) 684-688 1992年12月  査読有り
    TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 62(2) 101-104 1992年2月  査読有り
    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been applied to studies of oily soil removal from fibrous materials. Fabric and filter paper were soiled with various oily substances present in sebum. After washing, the fibrous samples were subjected to DSC measurements. The residual oily soils on the samples were analyzed by the melting peak areas of the DSC heating curves, a method that is widely applicable to various oily substances with different melting points and polymorphic forms. Various woven or nonwoven fibrous samples can be scanned, regardless of sample size in washing experiments.
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 駒城 素子, 中島 利誠, 橋本 寿正
    日本家政学会誌 41(11) 1071-1077 1990年11月  査読有り
    The removal of process of oleic acid from fibrous substrates in aqueous solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) has been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC heating curves for the fibrous specimens soiled with oleic acid and then washed with an aqueous solution of SDS have shown two distinct endothermal peaks; one is due to the melting of ice adhering to the specimens, and the other is due to the melting of oleic acid remaining on the specimens. A broad endothermal peak attributable to a liquid crystalline phase composed of SDS, water, and oleic acid on the specimens in the washing process has also been observed between the melting peaks of ice and oleic acid. The change of DSC curves with washing time suggests that the formation of a liquid crystalline phase would make some contribution to the removal of oleic acid.
    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY 67(3) 154-160 1990年3月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 駒城 素子, 中島 利誠
    熱測定 17(2) 98-100 1990年  
    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY 66(11) 1651-1655 1989年11月  査読有り
  • 谷田貝 麻美子, 駒城 素子, 中島 利誠, 橋本 寿正
    繊維学会誌 45(3) 102-106 1989年  査読有り
    TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 55(3) 157-164 1985年  査読有り





