
西垣 知佳子

ニシガキ チカコ  (Chikako Nishigaki)


千葉大学 教育学部 教授
Ph. D.(千葉大学)
M. Ed(千葉大学)




  • 中條清美, 吉森智大, 長谷川修治, 西垣知佳子, 山﨑淳史
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 40 71-92 2007年6月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 吉森智大, 西岡菜穂子
    Language Education &Technology 44 23-42 2007年6月  査読有り
    The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology c 2002 initiative to begin English education in primary schools provides educators with an important opportunity to create a curriculum of sequential learning outcomes. Previous studies comparing vocabulary featured in top selling textbooks indicate a lack of coordination in the vocabulary selected for junior and senior high school texts (Ozasa and Erikawa, 2004; Hasegawa and Chujo, 2004,), and a preliminary analysis of primary level texts (Higuchi et al., 2003) reflects this same trend. In this study, the authors examine vocabulary currently taught at each level and, based on an analysis of the vocabulary in widely published textbooks, have created a list of 514 basic but essential primary level words, 552 words for junior high school, and 1,089 terms for high school. From this list of 2,155 words, an estimated 40% are presented two or more times in textbooks taught at derent levels; therefore, without repetition, the core presented two or more times in textbooks taught at derent levels; therefore, without repetition, the core list contains 1,288 words. By constructing a sequential vocabulary curriculum, learners can continue to build on EFL learning as they proceed through each level. Although an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 words are said to be necessary for practical English competence, the vocabulary compiled in this study represents a positive step in coordinating learning outcomes for Japanese EFL learners.
  • 中條清美, 横田賢司, 長谷川修治, 西垣知佳子
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 45 43-54 2007年6月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 赤瀬川史朗, 西垣知佳子, 横田賢司, 長谷川修治
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 45 55-71 2007年6月  査読有り
  • Chikako Nishigaki, Kiyomi Chujo, Sandra McGoldrick, Shuji Hasegawa
    The Journal of Asia TEFL 4 27-54 2007年4月  査読有り
  • 西垣 知佳子, 中條 清美, 樫村 雅子
    千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 55 255-270 2007年2月  
    日本人英語学習の弱点として,日常生活語彙の不足が指摘される。その対応として,小学校英語活動における日常生活語彙の指導に期待が寄せられている。本研究では,基礎研究として,小学生に学ばせたい日常生活語彙500語を客観的に選定し,それらに基づいて,英語カルタ教材を開発するものである。本教材は伝統的なカルタ教材の利点に加え,次のような特性を持つ。言語習得のプロセスにしたがってリスニングを重視し,無意識のうちに英語をたくさん「聞く」状況を作り出す,子どもたちの発達段階に合わせて学年を問わず繰り返し使える,他教科と連携させて使える,英語指導の経験のない学級担任が使える等の点である。本稿では,日常生活語彙の選定手順,カルタを利用した語彙指導の方法,具体的なカルタ教材作成の手法について述べる。English textbooks used in Japanese junior and senior high schools lack sufficient daily life vocabulary words such as microwave, vacuum cleaner, and faucet, etc. English teaching at Japanese elementary schools, which began in 2002, provides an opportunity to teach additional everyday vocabulary. In this study we adapted 'karuta', a traditional Japanese card game, to teach daily life vocabulary to Japanese elementary school students. Children can benefit from an enjoyable activity that provides an opportunity for exposure to English while lowering their affective filter. The target words for our daily life vocabulary karuta cards were systematically selected based on corpus linguistics techniques. The karuta cards created in this study are unique. The 'reading cards' (yomi-fuda) include information or hints about the target word such as its shape, color, size, usage, environment, habitat, etc. Students listen to these hints spoken one after another by an instructor and quickly choose the corresponding 'picture card' (e-fuda) from an array of cards in front of them. Due to the large number and extensive variety of hints listed on the reading cards, the card game can be used with students of different English levels and different cognitive abilities.
  • Kiyomi Chujo, Masao Utiyama, Chikako Nishigaki
    As tantalizing as the potential for corpus application is in second language acquisition, we educators seem to stumble over how to make concordancing lines understandable for learners. This study explores various criteria for evaluating text samples by difficulty level in order to provide a collection of rated parallel English-Japanese corpus texts which educators can use in ELT classrooms, and provides the rating tools and methodology so that educators can evaluate their own classroom material. Data was collected from two English-Japanese parallel corpora, and seven indices (readability scores, average word length, Japanese school textbook vocabulary coverage, BNC text coverage, Japanese vocabulary ratio, sentence length, and kanji character ratios) were applied to measure the linguistic difficulty of both English and Japanese text samples. It was noted that most Of the texts in the collection were advanced level, and that there is a shortage of copyright available e-text data at the beginner level. Nevertheless, this study identifies several applicable indices, provides a rated collection of titles at varying levels of difficulty, and takes corpus usage one step closer to its ideal application.
  • 長谷川修治, 中條清美, 西垣知佳子
    JALT Journal, (全国語学教育学会) .28(2) 115-134 2006年11月  査読有り
  • 佐藤知代, クリス・カトウ, 西垣知佳子
    英語授業研究学会紀要 (15) 45-55 2006年9月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子
    日本実用英語学会論叢 2006(12) 19-34 2006年9月  査読有り
    English has increasingly become a global language of communication, trade and research. For ESL and EFL students, the need for English for academic purposes (EAP) skills—understanding academic textbooks and journal articles and attending or giving presentations—is also growing. Academic vocabulary development is essential in order to achieve a certain proficiency in EAP. Chujo and Utiyama (2004) and Utiyama et al. (2004) have established an easy-to-use tool using nine statistical measures to identify level-specific, domain-specific words (such as EAP) from a corpus. In this study, these measures were applied to a 1.63-million-word spoken educational/informative component of the British National Corpus composed of materials such as lectures, news commentaries and classroom interaction to produce nine word lists. We examined the top 500 most outstanding words of each list and confirmed that specific statistical measures produced level-specific lists of academic words. The selected spoken EAP words are grouped into three proficiency level sub-lists, which allow users to develop spoken EAP vocabulary lists on their own contexts.
  • 西垣知佳子
    教育学論説資料 (23) 129-136 2006年7月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 内山将夫, 中村隆宏, 山﨑淳史
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 39 65-78 2006年6月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 内山将夫, 中村隆宏, 山﨑淳史
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 39 51-64 2006年6月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 内山将夫, 山﨑淳史
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 39 29-50 2006年6月  査読有り
  • 西垣知佳子, 中條清美, 岩楯弘美
    英語表現研究,日本英語表現学会 (23) 33-43 2006年6月  査読有り
  • 西垣知佳子, 雑賀ますみ
    教科教育学研究(日本教育大学協会第二常置設置委員会編) 24(24) 17-28 2006年3月  査読有り
  • 西垣知佳子, 中條清美, 高橋憲史, 西川理, 武内仁
    千葉大学教育実践研究 (13) 47-54 2006年3月  
  • 勝山ひとみ, 西垣知佳子, 汪金芳
    関東甲信越英語教育学会紀要 20(20) 113-124 2006年3月  査読有り
    According to a recent government survey, 92.1% of elementary schools in Japan have introduced English classes by 2004. One major controversy over English education in elementary schools is how effective it is in Japan's EFL context, as distinct from an ESL context such as that in Singapore. This study addresses a lack of objective data by providing actual empirical evidence on the effectiveness of English language instruction at the elementary school level. In the school years of 2003 and 2004, 1,466 elementary school students from two different schools (School 'A' and School 'B') were given English proficiency tests. School 'A' provides English instruction at school and School 'B' does not The test scores show that students in School 'A' outperformed those at School 'B'. hi addition, all students were divided into four groups: (1) students who had English instruction both at school and outside of school; (2) students who had English instruction only at school; (3) students who had instruction only outside of school; and (4) students who did not have any English instruction. Test scores among these groups were compared and the statistical data show that students in Group (1) outperformed students in the other three groups, and students in Groups (2) and (3) outperformed students in Group (4). Furthermore, the results outlined how the English ability of students for each of the four groups improves year by year. The authors believe that the data obtained from this study will provide the basis for a fruitful discussion on English education in elementary schools in Japan.
  • CHUJO K.
    Proceedings of Inaugural RInternatilna Conference on the Teaching and Learning of English in Asia 1-10 2005年11月  査読有り
  • ESSENTIAL TEACHER 2(3) 40-43 2005年9月  査読有り
  • 西垣知佳子, 武内仁, 尾崎恵, 中條清美
    英語授業研究学会紀要 (14) 65-77 2005年9月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 内山将夫, 原田康也, 山﨑淳史
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 38 17-37 2005年6月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 内山将夫, 岩楯弘美, 山﨑淳史
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 38 77-105 2005年6月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 内堀朝子, 山﨑淳史
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 38 1-16 2005年5月  査読有り
  • Proceedings of e-Learning 35-44 2005年3月  査読有り
  • 石川正寛, 西垣知佳子
    千葉大学教育学部部研究紀要 53 285-291 2005年2月  
  • 信学技報(TL2005-11) 電子情報通信学会,思考と言語研究会 49-52 2005年  
  • 中條清美, 西垣知佳子, 原田康也
    『Computer & Education』(コンピュータ利用教育協議会) 17(17) 83-91 2004年12月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 白井篤義, 内山将夫, 西垣知佳子, 長谷川修治
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 37 57-68 2004年6月  査読有り
  • 中條清美, 牛田貴啓, 山﨑淳史, M.S. ジナング, 内堀朝子, 西垣知佳子
    『日本大学生産工学部研究報告B』 37 29-43 2004年6月  査読有り
  • 西垣知佳子, 中山博
    『教科教育学研究』(日本教育大学協会第二常置設置委員会) (22) 17-30 2004年3月  査読有り
  • 西川理, 高橋憲史, 西垣知佳子
    千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 52 243-253 2004年2月  
  • 中條 清美, 西垣 知佳子
    『大学英語教育学会(JACET)紀要』 (37) 73-84 2003年10月  査読有り
  • 中山博, 西垣知佳子
    千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 51 255-263 2003年2月  
  • 垣内信子, 庄司佳子, 西垣知佳子, べバリー・ホーン, 山﨑良雄
    千葉大学教育実践研究 9(9) 231-244 2002年3月  
  • 高橋秀夫, 竹蓋幸生, 村田年, 大塚達雄, 水光雅則, 椎名紀久子, 西垣知佳子, 土肥充, 竹蓋順子
    『言語文化論叢』千葉大学外国語センター (9) 1-22 2001年12月  
  • Chikako Nishigaki, Sandra Leishman
    大学英語教育学会(JACET)紀要 (34) 57-71 2001年10月  査読有り
  • 中山博, 西垣知佳子
    千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 49 73-82 2001年2月  
  • Chikako Nishigaki, Sandra Leishman
    英語学論説資料(論説資料保存会) (32) 425-429 2000年8月  査読有り
  • Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology (FLEAT IV) 665-674 2000年7月  査読有り
  • 中山博, 西垣知佳子
    関東甲信越英語教育学会研究紀要 14(14) 11-19 2000年3月  査読有り
    The objective of this study was to determine the success of a course of listening instruction administered at junior high school level. A specific feature of this listening course was the mixture of graded tasks and the varied learning resources that the students used while they were being presented with natural spoken English. Four independent groups of students, two third year classes (76 students in all) and two second year classes (81 students in all), took part, in classes for approximately six months. To measure the efficiency of the course, a listening comprehension test and a cloze test were given to the third year students, and a cloze test to the second year students before and after the instruction. The average improvement obtained by the third year students was 55 points in the comprehension test and 53 points in the cloze test, and by the second year students, 48 points in the cloze test. The effect of learning was retained even after 60 days after the instruction. The students also showed improvement in a test of listening to new material by 20 points in a comprehension test and 8 points in a cloze, test Learners' self-evaluation questionnaires also revealed the efficiency of the instruction and the students expressed positive impressions of the instruction in the classes.
  • 椎名紀久子, 土肥充, 西垣知佳子, 高橋秀夫
    『言語文化論叢』(千葉大学外国語センター) (4) 15-29 1998年3月  
  • 千葉大学教育実践研究 (4) 127-136 1997年3月  
  • 千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 45 73-82 1997年2月  
  • 西垣 知佳子
    Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Chiba University 45 73-82 1997年  
  • A Bulletin of the Center for Educational Research, Training and Guidance in Educational Practice, Faculty of Education, Chiba University (4) 127-136 1997年  
  • Meikai Journal Faculty of Languages and Cultures 8 83-95 1996年  







