
丸山 敦史

マルヤマ アツシ  (Atsushi Maruyama)


千葉大学 大学院園芸学研究院 教授



  • Yunfei Zhuang, Na Lu, Shigeharu Shimamura, Atsushi Maruyama, Masao Kikuchi, Michiko Takagaki
    Frontiers in Plant Science 13 2022年9月8日  査読有り
    Since the introduction of LED lamps a decade ago, the plant factory with artificial lighting (PFAL) has been expected to be a savior that overcomes the food crisis, brings food safety, and enhances environmental friendliness. Despite such high expectations, the diffusion of commercial crop production in PFALs has been slow. It has been said that the main reason for this is the huge initial investment required to construct PFALs. This situation has attracted studies to access the economic feasibility of the crop production in PFALs. One thing strange in these studies is that they pay little attention to the scale of their PFALs. PFALs are factories so that they would be subject to economies of scale. If so, the scale of PFALs is an important factor that determines the economic feasibility of plant production in PFALs. However, no study has thus far attempted to examine whether economies of scale exist in the construction of PFALs. To fill this gap, this paper tries to examine, based on the data on the investment cost of PFAL construction collected from various countries and regions in the world, whether economies of scale exist in PFAL construction and, if yes, how it affects the economic viability of the plant production in PFALs by searching for the minimum scale that ensures PFAL crop production economically viable. The results show that economies of scale exist in PFAL construction, and that the production of lettuce, PFALs’ most popular crop, is now well on a commercial basis with the technology level of the most advanced PFAL operators, but strawberries has not reached that stage yet. It is also shown that crop production in PFALs is highly sensitive to changes in the yield and the price of the crops: A 30% decline either in the yield or the price of lettuce would easily bring PFALs bankruptcy. It is discussed that the optimum scale of PFALs would depend not only on the economies of scale but also on the transaction costs, such as the costs of searching and keeping a sufficient number of buyers who offer good and stable crop prices.
  • Takashi Ishida, Atsushi Maruyama, Shinichi Kurihara
    Journal of Food Research 11(1) 1-9 2021年12月17日  査読有り
  • T. Nakamura, S. Masuda, A. Kuchiki, A. Maruyama
    Journal of Disaster Research 15(7) 991-1010 2020年  


  • 中村 哲也, 丸山 敦史, Tetsuya Nakamura, Maruyama Atsushi
    共栄大学研究論集 = The journal of Kyoei University 14 53-62 2016年3月31日  
    本稿では,業務核都市春日部市の自然及び都市景観に関する市民評価を考察してきた.その結果,市民は春日部市を農がある自然に恵まれたまちという景観イメージを持ちながら,公園や緑地が少なく,自然に恵まれていないという印象を持っていた.春日部市の自然及び都市景観については,緑に関する満足度は比較的に高いが,水辺空間に関する満足度は低かった.そして,順序ロジットを推計した結果,自然及び都市景観については,二世代世帯の満足度はやや高いものの,都市住民や,専業主婦は不満を抱えていた.The study examines residential assessment on the environment of suburban core cities,some of which have recently faced a population outflow and renew their urban planningactions. Data was collected at Kasukabe city of Saitama prefecture in Tokyo metropolitanarea. Our results showed that Kasukabe residents highly evaluated its agriculturallandscape while they considered that the number of urban parks or green spaces for thepublic was not good enough. Especially, waterfront or riverside environment is poorlyevaluated. Residents in urbanized area of the city or those engaged in full-time housework,moreover, tend to have much dissatisfaction at their residential environment.
  • 栗原 伸一, 丸山 敦史, 霜浦 森平
    フードシステム研究 22(3) 335-340 2015年12月  
  • 石田貴士, 西山未真, 丸山敦史
    食と緑の科学 69 17-23 2015年3月31日  
    This paper focuses on four eating habits of households which will be closely related with economic participationof women outside the home, who typically take charge of food preparation at home in Japan, and examines themby using multivariate probit regressions with variables representing the working style of women and the socio-demographicof her and her households. Indicators of the four habits are a) increase in the opportunity to cook dinnerat home, b) increase in opportunity to have fast food, c) increase in opportunity to have meals alone at home andd) increase in opportunity not to have breakfast. The following results are obtained by the probit analyses. The fourindicators are generally affected by the working style of women, age structure of household, household incomelevel and educational attainment of a respondent. Specifically, the indicator a) and b) are affected by whether thefemale family member is at work outside the home or not, while d) is related to the difference between full-timeand part-time works. These results suggest that policy makers should not hastily connect two things, i.e., shorteningworking hours for women and improving eating habits at home, but should make sure which characteristics couldsolve effectively the problems about eating habits. Our findings contribute to advancement in food habits research. You should notice, however, that the followingissues are beyond the scope of this paper since data is not enough to discuss in detail. First, we implicitly assumedthat regionality give little impact on determining eating habits. The regionality might be important if there were thedifference in availability of fast food or in time spent in commuting. Second, we do not consider the effect ofspouse/partner participation in cooking at home or the influence of working style of spouse/partner on eating habits.Those remain for future study.本稿では,ファストフードを食べる回数の増加や,夕食を作る回数の減少といった食の外部化,および,家族と一緒に食事を食べる回数の減少(孤食)や,朝食を食べる回数の減少(欠食)の4つの食生活のスタイルについて,それらが,女性の就業形態や社会人口学的要因によってどのように異なるかを多変量プロビットモデルにより分析した.分析の結果,以下のことが明らかになった.女性の就業形態および,年齢や家族構成,所得,最終学歴などという社会人口学的要因によって,食生活のスタイルに違いが見られる.しかし,すべての食生活のスタイルについて,同じ要因が影響を与えているわけではなく,フルタイムやパートといった就業形態の違いが重要な決定要因となるもの,就業形態の違いよりも就業の有無が重要であるものなど,様々である.これらの結果は,食生活に関する様々な課題への対応を考えるには,対応するべき課題ごとに,ターゲットとするべき層が異なることを示しており,労働時間の短縮化といった,一様なアプローチのみですべての問題が解決されるものではないことを示している. 最後に,本稿で残された課題について述べる.第一に,居住地域による比較を行っていない点である.外食の利便性や,通勤時間,食生活に関する価値観などに地域差がある可能性は,レフェリーからも指摘されている.第二に,同居家族の調理担当について,65歳以上の同居者の実を考慮し,配偶者の家事への参加を考慮していない点である.配偶者の就業形態や調理担当の有無などについて検討すべきであるという意見は,レフェリーからも指摘さ
  • 霜浦 森平, 中村 哲也, 丸山 敦史
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2012 130-137 2012年12月15日  
  • 中村 哲也, 丸山 敦史
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2012 238-245 2012年12月15日  
  • 中村 哲也, 丸山 敦史, Tetsuya Nakamura, Maruyama Atsushi
    共栄大学研究論集 9 21-35 2011年3月31日  
    本稿ではとちおとめの香港輸出と消費者意識について考察した。 一田YATA では、日本産の購入経験は8 割弱と多かった。そして日本産の購入経験者は日本産を他国産より高く評価した。他方、購入未経験者の方が日本産を評価するため、今後は購入未経験者にも購入してもらえる日本産を提供する必要がある。他方、香港人の日本産に対する階級イメージは大粒だが、必ずしも大粒を好むわけではなかった。あまおう等の大粒日本産と棲み分ける中・小粒も検討も必要だろう。 そして、同店でのとちおとめ販売では、世帯員の少ない家庭では鮮度が、年配者には安全性が、中・高所得層には安全性と有機栽培が求められた。日本産の主たる購買層である中・高所得層に安全・安心が求められた。とちおとめ輸出には不可欠な改善要望指標といえる。今後は香港人富裕層の要望に応えた輸出対応を目標に、他の国内外産の購買層と棲み分けができるような長期的な輸出計画が必要となるだろう。This paper dealt with the export of Tochiotome strawberries to Hong Kong and consumers'consciousness. According to the questionnaires in Ichida-Yata, a supermarket inHong Kong, about 80 percent of the respondents have bought Japanese strawberries before.They provided more positive evaluations to Japanese strawberries than those producedby other countries. The result of the questionnaires also indicated that the respondentswho has not bought Japanese strawberries before tended to give more positiveevaluations to the strawberries than those who has bought them before. Therefore, this papersuggests that the former group should be given more opportunities to buy Japanesestrawberries. Before the questionnaires, the people in Hong Kong had an image that Japanese strawberries are relatively large in size. However, the result of the questionnairesshowed that they do not necessarily prefer larger strawberries. Therefore, the small andmiddle-sized strawberries should also be considered to be exported to Hong Kong fromJapan. Furthermore, according to the questionnaires in Ichida-Yata, the respondents with relativelysmall households tended to value freshness of strawberries. Older respondentstended to value the safety of strawberries. Respondents with high incomes tended to valuesafety as well as organic products. In other words, the respondents with middle- and highincomes, who are the main buyers of Japanese strawberries, require safety and trust in theproducts. This will be an indispensable point to be improved in exporting Tochiotome toHong Kong. On the whole, a long-term exporting scheme should be expected in order tomeet the demand of a wealthy group and to distinguish Japanese strawberries from otherforeign products in Hong Kong.
  • 栗原 伸一, 霜浦 森平, 丸山 敦史, Tetsuya Nakamura, M. A. Brennan
    食と緑の科学 (64) 67-75 2010年3月  
    Exporting countries are beginning to be puzzled by a rapid changes surrounding food safety in Japan. For example,the US offi cials admitted that a series of toughening regulations aimed at food importation from Japan was an overreaction. Therefore, in order to better understand international positions on consumer to food safety consciousness, we collected the data through surveys and interviews in four countries (Japan, the United States, China, and Ireland). From the qualitative and metrical analysis of the data, it became clear that concerned over consumers'safety in Japan was slightly higher than other countries. However, these degrees in US and China were by nomeans low. It also became clear that Japanese consumer reactions to food safety should not have been said seen as overreactions.わが国では食品関連の事件や不祥事が多発したことで安全性に関する消費者意識が高まり,近年では安全性確保の環境整備も進んできた.しかし,一方ではそうした急速な変化に対して,輸出国を中心に過剰反応であるとの指摘もされている.そこで本研究では,わが国の消費者意識が世界的に見て相対的にどのような位置にあるのかを明らかにするため,日本,米国,中国,アイルランドで街頭調査を実施し,定性的・計量的に分析した. その結果,わが国の消費者は他国の消費者よりも,食品の安全性に対する関心が高いことが確認された.しかしながら,米国,中国においてもリスクに対する不安度は比較的高く,決してわが国の消費者のみが過剰反応をしているとは言えない水準であることが判明した.
  • 霜浦 森平, 丸山 敦史, 栗原 伸一, 栗原 伸一
    食と緑の科学 (63) 89-97 2009年3月  
    In this paper, we investigate food safety policies and consumers' attitudes toward food safety issue in Ireland.Firstly, the outline condition of the main food policies in Ireland, the regulation on food labeling, traceabilitysystem of beef and beef products, registration policy of organic food and geographical indication policy, arediscussed. As second part of analysis, consumers' attitude to food safety is analyzed using from questionnairesurvey of 137 local consumers in Galway, Ireland. The results are as followings. ⑴ Respondents' concerned topicon food safety issues were agricultural chemicals, food additives and BSE issue. ⑵ The degree of complaintagainst food safety efforts of government showed higher rate. ⑶ The results from probit analysis indicated that thedegree of complaint against government food safety policies showed higher in the respondents having strongeranxiety against food safety and younger generation. On the other hand, respondents purchasing daily food morefrequently or being in a family of large household members showed higher complaint to food safety effort ofproducers and distributers.
  • 栗原 伸一, 霜浦 森平, 丸山 敦史
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2008 218-222 2008年12月15日  
  • 中村 哲也, 丸山 敦史, 佐藤 昭壽
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2007 256-263 2007年12月31日  
  • Nishiyama Mima, Shimoura Shinpei, Kurihara Shinichi, MARUYAMA Atsushi, HIROSE Makito, MATSUDA Tomoyoshi
    農業経営研究 45(2) 141-146 2007年9月25日  
  • 栗原 伸一, 丸山 敦史, 霜浦 森平, 西山 未真, Luloff A. E., 廣瀬 牧人, 松田 友義
    食と緑の科学 : HortResearch 60 99-108 2006年3月31日  
  • 丸山 敦史, 菊池 眞夫
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2001 165-168 2001年11月30日  
  • 丸山 敦史, 松田 友義
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2001 161-164 2001年11月30日  
  • 丸山 敦史, 栗原 伸一, 松田 友義, 菊池 眞夫
    千葉大学園芸学部学術報告 54 95-104 2000年3月31日  
  • 丸山 敦史
    千葉大学園芸学部学術報告 52 177-186 1998年3月31日  



