
田中 学

タナカ ガク  (Gaku Tanaka)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 教授





  • Ryo Shimodoumae, Gaku Tanaka, Ryuhei Yamaguchi, Makoto Ohta
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 40(4) 2024年4月  
    In this study, a moving boundary deformation model based on four-dimensional computed tomography angiography (4D-CTA) with high temporal resolution is constructed, and blood flow dynamics of cerebral aneurysms are investigated by numerical simulation. A realistic moving boundary deformation model of a cerebral aneurysm was constructed based on 4D-CTA in each phase. Four hemodynamic factors (wall shear stress [WSS], wall shear stress divergence [WSSD], oscillatory shear index [OSI], and residual residence time [RRT]) were obtained from numerical simulations, and these factors were evaluated in basilar artery aneurysms. Comparison of the rigid body condition and the moving boundary condition investigating the relationship between wall displacement and hemodynamic factors clarified that the spatial-averaged WSS and maximum WSSD considering only the aneurysmal dome has a large difference between conditions during the peak systole, and there were also significant differences in OSI and RRT.
  • Hari Arora, Dale Kernot, Louis Giron, David Howells, Michael Darcy, Makoto Hoshino, Kentaro Uesugi, Raoul van Loon, Gaku Tanaka, Toshihiro Sera
    TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 172 2024年3月  
    The study of lung mechanics is important to futureproof resilience against potential novel threats to lung health. Medical imaging provides insight to lung function. High-resolution, high-speed synchrotron radiation micro-CT imaging at SPring-8 (Japan) and in situ mechanics were used to characterize healthy and diseased airways. Synchrotron radiation was important to maximize speed and spatial resolution to map the lung architecture clearly. Links between global lung mechanical measurements (pressure-volume) and regional tissue strains were made. Tissue strains were computed from a sequence of tomograms during a respiratory cycle, demonstrating clear differences for the surfactant-free lungs compared to the controls. Poorly ventilated areas were identified within three-dimensional strain maps computed via digital volume correlation. Occluded pathways at low pressures were seen to be opened at higher pressures, augmenting the deformation pathways. The results will aid correlations between microscale and macroscale measurements and the potential impact on patient management guidelines for mechanical ventilation.
  • Syuma Matsubara, Sho Ozawa, Serika Kameyama, Mamoru Takada, Gaku Tanaka
    Advanced Biomedical Engineering 13 73-81 2024年  
    The global spread of COVID-19 in 2020 had a significant impact on the population. Healthcare workers who have unpreventable contact with infected individuals are at high risk of infection. We therefore proposed “infection control methods in high-risk environments” and demonstrated that appropriate placement of suction devices in otorhinolaryngology examination rooms is effective for aerosol control [Takada M, Fukushima T, Ozawa S, Matsubara S, Suzuki T, Fukumoto I, Hanazawa T, Nagashima T, Uruma R, Otsuka M, Tanaka G: Sci Rep. 12(1), 18230, 2022]. As a further study of the previous research, this study analyzed the specific environmental factors that contribute to reducing the risk of infection by optimizing the manner in which suction devices are set up. The models of a patient and doctor were placed in an examination room. A steady flow of 2.5 m/s was applied to the patient’s mouth as exhalation. Aerosol diffusion was analyzed using computational fluid dynamics. The optimization parameters were the position and angle of suction inlet, and suction speed. The objective evaluation was the “maximum number of particles aspirated from the suction inlet”. A total of 150 designs were tested, and the search for the optimal positions was performed in the examination room. The optimization results showed that the maximum particle removal rate was 98.6%. There were six cases in which the particle removal rate was at least 98%. These positions were within the range of x = 0.120 to 0.159 m in the horizontal direction from the patient’s mouth to the suction inlet. The suction inlet was placed laterally in front of the patient, along the trajectory of the particles emitted from the patient’s mouth. Particle removal rates of over 98% at various suction speeds indicates that the position and direction of the suction inlet are more important than the suction speed. The adjustment of suction devices based on the results of this study would help reduce the risk of infection in healthcare settings.
  • Atsuro Tanabe, Keiichiro Yoshioka, Hotaka Kato, Yuka Funaki, Hiroyuki Tada, Gaku Tanaka
    Advanced Biomedical Engineering 12 74-80 2023年  
    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a disorder that causes sleep apnea and hypopnea, which in turn causes various disorders in daily life. Because of the difficulty in measuring airflow dynamics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are performed to evaluate upper airway airflow in OSAS in detail. However, the relationship between the severity of OSAS, as measured by the apnea hypopnea index (AHI), and airflow dynamics is unclear. In this study, CFD simulations of human snoring during sleep were performed to determine the correlation between AHI and pressure drops in the nasal cavity and throat, as well as between AHI and minimum cross-sectional area of the throat. For the simulation, 3D models of snoring in the open-mouth state, which is a common form of snoring, were reconstructed based on computed tomography images acquired from four patients with mild OSAS and six with severe OSAS. Each relationship was evaluated using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient between AHI and pressure drop in the nasal cavity was 0.745, with a significant correlation. There was no significant correlation between AHI and pressure drop in the throat or between AHI and minimum cross-sectional area of the throat. These results suggest that the pressure drop in the nasal cavity affects the severity of OSAS.
  • Mamoru Takada, Taichi Fukushima, Sho Ozawa, Syuma Matsubara, Takeshi Suzuki, Ichiro Fukumoto, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Takeshi Nagashima, Reiko Uruma, Masayuki Otsuka, Gaku Tanaka
    Scientific reports 12(1) 18230-18230 2022年10月29日  
    Healthcare providers are vulnerable to infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) because of their close proximity to patients with coronavirus disease 2019. SARS-CoV-2 is mainly transmitted via direct and indirect contact with respiratory droplets, and its airborne transmission has also been identified. However, evidence for environmental factors is scarce, and evidence-based measures to minimize the risk of infection in clinical settings are insufficient. Using computational fluid dynamics, we simulated exhalation of large and small aerosol particles by patients in an otolaryngology examination room, where medical procedures require the removal of a face mask. The effects of coughing were analyzed, as well as those of humidity as a controllable environmental factor and of a suction device as an effective control method. Our results show that a suction device can minimize aerosol exposure of healthcare workers by efficiently removing both large (11.6-98.2%) and small (39.3-99.9%) aerosol particles. However, for coughing patients, the removal efficiency varies inversely with the particle size, and the humidity notably affects the aerosol behavior, indicating the need for countermeasures against smaller aerosols. Overall, these results highlight the potential and limitation of using a suction device to protect against SARS-CoV-2 and future respiratory infections.


  • 清水 崇文, 平井 康幸, 木村 真也, 世良 俊博, 横田 秀夫, 小野 謙二, 田中 学
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 56(2) 37-43 2018年  
  • 平野 正泰, 羽鳥 彰浩, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2007(20) 413-414 2008年1月24日  
  • 坂田 拓也, 田中 学, 菱田 誠, Doorly D.J., Schroter R.C.
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2007(20) 47-48 2008年1月24日  
  • 李 成智, 稲垣 原理, 田中 学, 菱田 誠, 世良 俊博
    年次大会講演論文集 2008 119-120 2008年  
    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was carried out for an oscillatory flow in an expanding and contracting model of small airways. The model of multi-branching airways was prepared from X-ray CT images of mouse. Airway diameter ranges from 55 to 360 gm. The Fluent software package used in this study was applied for calculation of the fluid particle trajectory in the airway model. Performing fluid particle tracking, we discussed the characteristics of fluid mixing and dispersion. The results show that fluid mixing and dispersion are promoted by the expansion and contraction of airways.
  • 根本 健司, 山崎 聖, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集 2007(13) 111-112 2007年3月15日  
    This paper deals with an experimental study on the performance of a new type of heat transportation pipe utilizing self induced oscillatory flow. The pipe is heated at its bottom and cooled at its top. Experimental setup was composed of heating part, heat transportation part, cooling part and loop part. Self induced oscillatory flow was generated by generation and extinction of bubbles at the bottom of the heat transportation pipe. We measured the amplitude and frequency of the self induced oscillatory flow, temperature distribution in the pipe and heat transfer rate.
  • 大野 史博, 西村 三郎, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集 2007(13) 119-120 2007年3月15日  
    This paper deals with an experimental study of ice piece separation on a cooling surface. We used 1wt% NaOH-water solution as a heat storage material. Gas bubbles were generated on the cooling surface by supplying DC current. The generated gas bubbles separated the ice pieces. We found that the generated gas bubbles could separate the ice pieces in an only range of temperature. Heat transfer coefficients with and without ice piece formation increased with increasing gas bubble generation rate. We also found that the heat transfer with ice pieces formation by the smooth cooling surface was more than the heat transfer with ice pieces formation by the rough cooling surface.
  • 稲垣原理, 田中 学, 菱田 誠, 世良 俊博, 胡 霄
    日本機械学会第19回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 2007 142-143 2007年  
  • 張 暁錦, 満野 亮, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    年次大会講演論文集 2007 275-276 2007年  
    Present paper deals with numerical and experimental studies about the heat transportation of a new kind of heat transportation pipe, a double tube with orifices at both ends. Sinusoidal reciprocal flow with frequency f and tidal amplitude Am was given at one end of the heat transportation tube. Heat transportation rate was calculated for f=0.1, 0.8 and 1.0Hz and Am=38.1, 169 and 190mm. The calculated heat transportation rates were compared with experimental ones. We found that the new type of heat transportation pipe can transport about 10 to 100 times heat that the single round tube can transport.
  • Akira Inukai, Mitsugu Takahashi, Makoto Hishida, Gaku Tanaka
    Heat Transfer - Asian Research 35(7) 482-500 2006年11月  
    This paper deals with heat transportation by an oscillatory flow composed of a sinusoidal oscillatory flow superimposed with a steady flow. Velocity and temperature fields, heat transportation rate, work rate, and heat transportation efficiency were investigated through numerical analysis. Results obtained elucidated that (1) the phase difference between velocity and temperature variation remained the same as that of the sinusoidal reciprocal flow without the use of a steady flow component. (2) In the upstream direction heat was mainly transported by the steady flow component and in the downstream direction transportation was mainly performed by the oscillatory flow component. (3) The heat transportation rate of the present oscillatory flow composed of both steady and oscillatory flow components was less than the arithmetic sum of the rates produced by the steady flow and the sinusoidal oscillatory flow. (4) The heat transportation rate was increased immensely by superimposing the steady flow on the sinusoidal oscillatory flow. (5) Conversely, work done by the present oscillatory flow increased only slightly. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • 椎名 保顕, 石川 広太, 菱田 誠, 田中 学
    年次大会講演論文集 2006 173-174 2006年  
    Heat transfer characteristics near the critical Rayleigh number of horizontal fluid layer with thin wires inserted with high porosity above 0.8 and heated from below were studied by an analysis and an experiment. Linear stability theory was applied to obtain the critical value of the convection on the basis of Darcy flow. The analysis showed that Nusselt number near the onset of the convection is similar to the natural convection with packed spheres. The results show that the experimental value of the critical Rayleigh number was higher than the analysis but the differences decrease with decrease in the porosity and that Nusselt number considerably decreases with slight decrease in porosity from unity.
  • ASME ATI Conference 2 783-792 2006年  
  • Yuichi Ohno, Gaku Tanaka, Makoto Hishida
    Heat Transfer - Asian Research 35(1) 61-74 2006年1月  
    Heat transfer during oscillatory flow in a circular straight tube with a solid-core tube inserted in its center was numerically simulated. The purpose of the solid-core tube is to enhance axial heat transfer by increasing the lateral heat transfer effect for high frequency of the oscillatory flow. Simulation results showed that (a) axial heat transfer increases with the increasing diameter of the solid-core tube, (b) the material of the solid-core tube does not significantly affect axial heat transfer, and (c) efficiency based on the ratio of heat transfer to the work done is higher than that in a bundle of circular capillary tubes. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • 石井 義久, 張 平平, 川合 亮, 菱田 誠, 田中 学
    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2005 445-446 2005年11月2日  
    This paper describes the result of the numerical analysis of the heat transportation in a double tube. It was found that a unique type of oscillatory flow was induced in the double tube when a simple sinusoidal reciprocating flow was imposed at one end of the tube. The unique oscillatory flow was a reciprocating flow superimposed with a steady circulation flow. The present double tube can transport heat with a high efficiency that is mainly attributed to the heat transportation by the steady circulation flow.
  • Yuta Tanaka, Makoto Hishida, Gaku Tanaka
    HT2005: Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference 2005, Vol 1 509-515 2005年  
    This paper deals with experimental and analytical heat transfer study of nonadecane spheres melting in natural convection of water. Experimental local and average heat transfer coefficients were obtained by analyzing photo images of the shape transformation of the nonadecane spheres. The relevant dimensionless parameters were varied in the ranges of 1.8X10(7)<= Gr(n).Pr-n <= 1.8x10(8) and 0.04 <= C-n Delta T/L-n <= 0.16. We found that (1) the melting nonadecane sphere was covered with thin nonadecane liquid film flowing upwards along the sphere to make a liquid cap on the top. The cap regularly repeated formation and splitting off, (2) on the lower hemisphere the experimental local heat transfer coefficients were slightly higher than the analytical ones and on the upper hemisphere the experimental local heat transfer coefficients were slightly lower than the analytical ones, and (3) the experimental average Nusselt number was correlated by Nu=0.151(Gr(n).Pr-n)(0.257) (C-n Delta T/L-n)(0.117) that was in good agreement with the theoretical one.
  • 高橋 大輔, 赤澤 大輔, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    日本機械学会論文集B編 71(704) 1084-1091 2005年  
  • 梶本 定明, 中尾 吉伸, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集 2004(10) 393-394 2004年3月3日  
    This study deals with rising behavior of solidified oil particles in liquids. We measured rising velocity and drag coefficient of the particles. The measured rising velocity was compared with calculated ones. The results are summarized in the followings: (1) The measured rising velocity agreed well with the calculated ones. (2) The drag coefficient of hexadecane particle is higher than those of rigid spheres. (3) The discrepancy of the drag coefficient between hexadecane particle and rigid sphere seems to be attributed to their surface conditions.
  • International Forum on Heat Transfer 2004年  
  • 中尾 吉伸, 田中 雄太, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2003 341-342 2003年11月10日  
    Present paper deals with experiments of direct-contact freezing of Hexadecane particles injected from a nozzle into stagnant pure water, ethylene glycol 30wt% water solution and ethylene glycol 50wt% water solution. The experimental parameters were varied in the ranges of n=0.001∿257 and Pr=8.8∿42. It was found that one dimensional heat conduction model can be applied to predict the solidification mass fraction of particle swarm including various size particles formed by destruction of laminar and turbulent jet.
  • 高橋 貢, 犬飼 哲, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2003 397-398 2003年11月10日  
    This paper deals with improvement of heat transportation by pulsatory flow that is an oscillatory flow imposed with a steady flow. Velocity profile and temperature profile were numerically analized. It was found that heat transportation was increased about 10 times as much as the oscillatory flow when w_<st>=0.01w_<osmax>.
  • Proc. the 4th JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Conference, Vol. III 235-239 2002年  
  • Proc. the 5th JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Conference 2002年  
  • 菱田 誠, 田中 学, 川上 純一郎
    計算力学講演会講演論文集 2001(14) 669-670 2001年11月27日  
    This paper deals with heat conduction in porous media with solidification of NaCI-water solution. The porous media consists of stainless steel beads or glass beads. The porous media filled with NaCI-water solution is cooled from bottom. Temperature are mainly investigated experimentally and theoretically. The measured temperature distribution in the porous media is in good agreement with calculated one.
  • 小林 一紀, 酒井 英司, 田中 学, 菱田 誠
    年次大会講演論文集 2000 625-626 2000年  
    Heat transport and pressure drop experiments were performed on oscillatory flow in a circular straight tube with a wire in its center. It seems to be possible that the axial heat transport increases by inserting a wire in a oscillatory flow field. The inserted wire increases the area of boundary layer around itself and it is also possible to play a role of artificial boundary layer. By increasing the area of the boundary layer, the radial heat transfer rate can be increased between the oscillating core flow with relatively high velocity and boundary layer flow with low velocity, which results in the enhancement of the axial heat transportation. The present experiments showed the promising results of axial heat transport enhancement by the insertion of a wire.
  • Third World Congress of Biomechanics, Abstracts 2000年  
  • ASME 1998 Advances in Bioengineering BED-Vol. 39 91-92 2000年  
  • 田中 学, 伊藤 仁, 岡 浩太郎, 谷下 一夫
    日本バイオレオロジー学会年会抄録集 19 32-32 1996年6月6日  

