
鵜澤 一弘

Katsuhiro Uzawa


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院 先端がん治療学研究講座 口腔科学 教授





  • Kenta Tsuneizumi, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Tomoaki Saito, Reo Fukushima, Yuki Taga, Kazunori Mizuno, Masataka Sunohara, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Mitsuo Yamauchi
    Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 39 101790-101790 2024年9月  査読有り責任著者
  • Reo Fukushima, Dai Nakashima, Shusaku Yoshimura, Yutaro Kase, Ryunosuke Nozaki, Tomoaki Saito, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 2024年4月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Atsushi Kasamatsu, Ryunosuke Nozaki, Kohei Kawasaki, Tomoaki Saito, Chikashi Minemura, Naohiko Seki, Joel Moss, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Cancers 16(6) 1242-1242 2024年3月21日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Aika Tanzawa, Kengo Saito, Masayuki Ota, Koji Takahashi, Izumi Ohno, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Yuichi Takiguchi
    International Journal of Clinical Oncology 29(6) 755-763 2024年3月16日  査読有り
  • Fumihiro Yoshikawa, Natsuko Nozaki-Taguchi, Ayumi Yamamoto, Nozomi Tanaka, Aika Tanzawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Shiroh Isono
    Sleep and Breathing 2023年12月18日  査読有り
  • 西村 勇輝, 笠松 厚志, 宮本 勲, 伊豫田 学, 中嶋 大, 鵜澤 一弘
    日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 35(4) 123-130 2023年12月  
    Epstein-Barr virus陽性粘膜皮膚潰瘍(EBVMCU)は,口腔咽頭,皮膚,消化管に生じる成熟B細胞腫瘍である。2017年に造血器腫瘍のWHO分類においてEBVMCUの疾病概念が確立したが,口腔内に生じたEBVMCUの報告例は自験例を含め未だ稀である。今回,右側上顎歯肉部の有痛性腫瘤を1ヵ月前から認めた79歳女性の症例について報告する。患者は関節リウマチで11年間メトトレキサートを使用していた。生検標本の病理所見とPET-CTの画像所見よりEBVMCUの診断に至った。EBVMCUは化学療法を行わずとも寛解が期待できる疾患であり,今回,MTXを休薬することで自然寛解に至っており,その後18ヵ月間再発は認めていない。(著者抄録)
  • Harusachi Kanazawa, Kohei Kawasaki, Isao Miyamoto, Atsusi Kasamatsu, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Masashi Fukuyama
    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases 9(4) 100336-100336 2023年12月  査読有り
  • Daisuke Honda, Isao Ohsawa, Masashi Aizawa, Isao Miyamoto, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Katsuhiko Asanuma
    Cureus 15(10) e46869-e46869 2023年10月11日  査読有り
  • 宮本 勲, 坂本 洋右, 齋藤 智昭, 小山 知芳, 伊豫田 学, 中嶋 大, 笠松 厚志, 鵜澤 一弘
    口腔顎顔面外傷 22(1) 6-11 2023年8月  
  • Makoto Arai, Mitsuhiro Abe, Shinsuke Kitahara, Noriko Sakuma, Izumi Ohno, Koji Takahashi, Chiaki Imai, Hiromi Saeki, Takuji Suzuki, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Yuichi Takiguchi
    Oncology Letters 26(1) 2023年5月19日  査読有り
  • Katsuhiro Uzawa, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Mitsuo Yamauchi
    Oral Science International 21(1) 3-14 2023年3月28日  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
  • Yuki Nishimura, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Isao Miyamoto, Manabu Iyoda, Dai Nakashima, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Journal of Japanese Society of Oral Oncology 35(4) 123-130 2023年  
  • Nobuhiro Yamakawa, Masahiro Umeda, Yumi Yoshii, Kenji Mitsudo, Makoto Noguchi, Jingo Kusukawa, Akira Katakura, Hideki Nakayama, Masashi Sasaki, Tadahide Noguchi, Michihiro Ueda, Hiroki Bukawa, Kazuhiro Yagihara, Akihisa Horie, Akihiro Miyazaki, Daichi Chikazu, Kei Tomihara, Katsuaki Mishima, Mitsunobu Otsuru, Seiji Asoda, Shigeyoshi Fujiwara, Yoshio Ohyama, Hiroshi Kurita, Hitoshi Kawamata, Masayuki Fukuda, Yukari Shintani, Takanori Kobayashi, Takahiro Kanno, Ichiro Oh‐iwa, Kenji Kawano, Yoshio Yamashita, Wataru Kobayashi, Yoichi Ohiro, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Yoshihide Ota, Tadaaki Kirita
    Oral Diseases 2022年12月15日  査読有り
  • Atsushi Kasamatsu, Reo Fukushima, Koki Nakamura, Kohei Kawasaki, Shusaku Yoshimura, Tomoyoshi Koyama, Chonji Fukumoto, Isao Miyamoto, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 32 101385-101385 2022年12月  査読有り最終著者
  • Tomoaki Saito, Shunichi Asai, Nozomi Tanaka, Nijiro Nohata, Chikashi Minemura, Ayaka Koma, Naoko Kikkawa, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Naohiko Seki
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(16) 9154-9154 2022年8月15日  査読有り
  • Chikashi Minemura, Shunichi Asai, Ayaka Koma, Naoko Kikkawa, Mayuko Kato, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Naohiko Seki
    Genes 13(7) 1225-1225 2022年7月9日  査読有り
  • Chikashi Minemura, Shunichi Asai, Ayaka Koma, Ikuko Kase-Kato, Nozomi Tanaka, Naoko Kikkawa, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Hidetaka Yokoe, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Naohiko Seki
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(7) 3808-3808 2022年3月30日  査読有り
  • Shunichi Asai, Ayaka Koma, Nijiro Nohata, Takashi Kinoshita, Naoko Kikkawa, Mayuko Kato, Chikashi Minemura, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Naohiko Seki
    Biomedicines 10(3) 2022年3月12日  査読有り
  • Takafumi Nobuchi, Tomoaki Saito, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Kohei Kawasaki, Ryunosuke Nozaki, Yutaro Kase, Manabu Iyoda, Masayoshi Saito, Takashi Uno, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 597 115-121 2022年3月  査読有り最終著者
  • 吉村 周作, 伊豫田 学, 宮本 勲, 中嶋 大, 笠松 厚志, 坂本 洋右, 鵜澤 一弘
    日本口腔診断学会雑誌 35(1) 109-109 2022年2月  
  • Mengmeng Fan, Makoto Arai, Akinobu Tawada, Tetsuhiro Chiba, Reo Fukushima, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Masashi Shiiba, Naoya Kato, Hideki Tanzawa, Yuichi Takiguchi
    Oncology Reports 47(1) 2022年1月  査読有り
  • Ryunosuke Nozaki, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Joel Moss, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 587 146-152 2022年1月  査読有り最終著者
  • Kohei Kawasaki, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Toshiaki Ando, Tomoaki Saito, Takafumi Nobuchi, Ryunosuke Nozaki, Manabu Iyoda, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Cancers 13(24) 6299-6299 2021年12月15日  査読有り最終著者
  • Mari Komatsu, Kengo Saito, Isao Miyamoto, Kazuyuki Koike, Manabu Iyoda, Dai Nakashima, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Masashi Shiiba, Hideki Tanzawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Oncology Letters 23(2) 49-49 2021年12月14日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Nozomi Tanaka, Chikashi Minemura, Shunichi Asai, Naoko Kikkawa, Takashi Kinoshita, Sachi Oshima, Ayaka Koma, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Naohiko Seki
    Genes 12(12) 1910-1910 2021年11月27日  査読有り
  • Ikuko Kase-Kato, Shunichi Asai, Chikashi Minemura, Kenta Tsuneizumi, Sachi Oshima, Ayaka Koma, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Naohiko Seki
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(23) 12684-12684 2021年11月24日  査読有り
  • Toshiaki Ando, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Kohei Kawasaki, Kazuya Hiroshima, Reo Fukushima, Manabu Iyoda, Dai Nakashima, Yosuke Endo-Sakamoto, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Cancers 13(22) 5708-5708 2021年11月15日  査読有り最終著者
  • Tomoaki Saito, Masahiko Terajima, Yuki Taga, Fumihiko Hayashi, Sachi Oshima, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Yasuhiko Okubo, Chizuru Ito, Kiyotaka Toshimori, Masataka Sunohara, Hideki Tanzawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Mitsuo Yamauchi
    Bone 154 116242-116242 2021年10月  査読有り責任著者
  • Ayaka Koma, Shunichi Asai, Chikashi Minemura, Sachi Oshima, Takashi Kinoshita, Naoko Kikkawa, Keiichi Koshizuka, Shogo Moriya, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Naohiko Seki
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(18) 9947-9947 2021年9月14日  査読有り
  • Sachi Oshima, Shunichi Asai, Naohiko Seki, Chikashi Minemura, Takashi Kinoshita, Yusuke Goto, Naoko Kikkawa, Shogo Moriya, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Toyoyuki Hanazawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(12) 6199-6199 2021年6月8日  査読有り最終著者
  • Yasuhiro Saito, Masashi Shiiba, Shusaku Yoshimura, Yasuyuki Minakawa, Masanobu Yamatoji, Dai Nakashima, Yukinao Kouzu, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Yosuke Sakamoto, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Hideki Tanzawa
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 33(3) 286-291 2021年5月1日  
    We report a rare case of high-grade MEC developed in the palate. Myoepithelial carcinoma (MEC) is an uncommon malignant tumor, which is also known as malignant myoepithelioma. It generally occurs in major salivary glands. A 79-year-old female presented complaining a painless swelling on the left side palate which grew rapidly in 3 weeks. A soft and pendulous mass with approximately 42 × 30 mm in diameter with ulceration was observed in the palate.Radiological imaging analyses (e-CT, e-MRI and FDG-PETCT) showed an irregular mass of the left palate with bone invasion into the palatal bone and suggested potential metastases in submandibular lymph nodes. A biopsy was performed and diagnosed as MEC of the palate. Surgical tumor resection and radical neck dissection were performed under general anesthesia. Pathologic evaluation showed that the lesion was mainly consisted of atypical cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm including a mixture of spindled or epithelioid cells. Immunohistochemically, the lesion included specifically and diffusely positive for S-100, CD10, calponin, GFAP, and p63. Cell proliferation activity assessed by the Ki67 labeling index was 55 %. From these findings, the lesion was finally diagnosed as MEC of the palate. The patient has been followed for 6years without a recurrence.
  • Masahiko Terajima, Yuki Taga, Becky K. Brisson, Amy C. Durham, Kotaro Sato, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Tomoaki Saito, Shunji Hattori, Karin U. Sørenmo, Mitsuo Yamauchi, Susan W. Volk
    Scientific Reports 11(1) 8659-8659 2021年4月21日  査読有り
  • Yutaro Kase, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Shou Wagai, Shusaku Yoshimura, Jun-Ichiro Yamamoto, Yuriko Toeda, Megumi Okubo, Keitaro Eizuka, Toshiaki Ando, Takafumi Nobuchi, Kohei Kawasaki, Tomoaki Saito, Manabu Iyoda, Dai Nakashima, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Hideki Tanzawa
    Scientific Reports 11(1) 5897-5897 2021年3月15日  査読有り責任著者
  • Shin Takeuchi, Yukio Yamano, Yuriko Toeda, Akihiro Kita, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 2021年  
    Basal cell adenoma (BCA) is classified in benign salivary gland tumors by WHO in 1991. Incidence rate of BCA is 1.0 %–3.7 % of all salivary gland tumors. BCA tend to occur in parotid glands and those of minor gland origin is rare. We present a case of BCA of minor salivary gland in the alveolus of the anterior maxilla. A 41-year-old man was referred to our department because of a swelling in the left alveolus of the anterior maxilla. On the basis of clinical findings, the diagnosis was a benign tumor of the alveolus of the anterior maxilla and the tumor was removed under general anesthesia. The tumor was well-defined, no invasion of surrounding tissue, and was easily resected. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells showed positive reaction for S-100 protein, cytokeratin (AE1/AE3), p40, vimentin and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). On the contrary, Ki-67 labeling index that is said to be an indicator of malignancy was low. Thus, the tumor diagnosed BCA. One year and six months have passed from the operation, there is no sign of recurrence and metastasis.
  • Harusachi Kanazawa, Akihiro Kita, Nao Ishida, Isao Miyamoto, Atsusi Kasamatsu, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases 6(4) 2020年12月1日  
    Herein, we present a sporadic case of white sponge nevus (WSN) on the cheek mucosa in a 27-year-old Japanese man. A definite diagnosis of WSN was obtained using the typical clinical appearance and microscopic features of the lesions. Histopathological and cytological studies should be conducted to differentiate this condition from other oral premalignant white lesions. A molecular mutation analysis revealed a missense mutation in exon 1A of the keratin 4 gene, which is correlated with the development of WSN. Hence, genetic analysis must be performed to obtain an accurate diagnosis in sporadic cases. The temporary regression of the lesion after treatment with oral amoxicillin hydrate (AMPC) 750 mg/day indicates that antibiotics are effective in symptomatic cases.
  • 神津 由直, 椎葉 正史, 永塚 啓太郎, 宮本 勲, 笠間 洋樹, 伊豫田 学, 中嶋 大, 笠松 厚志, 坂本 洋右, 鵜澤 一弘, 滝口 裕一, 丹沢 秀樹
    千葉医学雑誌 96(6) 125-132 2020年12月  査読有り
    頭頸部癌に対して分子標的薬であるセツキシマブ(Cmab)が2012年12月に適用承認がされた。今回,再発転移口扁平上皮癌に対して当科にてCmabとシスプラチン(CDDP)とフルオロウラシル(5-FU)の併用化学療法を施行した4症例を検討した。症例は36歳〜64歳,男性3例,女性1例であった。原発巣は舌3例,下顎歯肉1例であった。再発・転移部位は肺4例,頸部リンパ節3例,舌1例,胸椎1例,外腹膜壁1例,甲状腺1例であった(重複あり)。1例は経過中に心筋梗塞を発症し,Cmab併用化学療法を中止し,評価不能であった。2例においては転移腫瘍がやや縮小したが治療効果判定としてはstable disease(SD)であった。1例における治療効果判定はprogressive disease(PD)であった。副作用は皮膚毒性,口内炎,嘔気,心筋梗塞,肺塞栓症,infusion reaction(IR)などが出現した。心筋梗塞,肺塞栓症,IRなどは生命を危険にさらす重大な副作用であるので,Cmab併用化学療法には全身管理が非常に重要である。(著者抄録)
  • Ayumi Yamamoto, Masashi Shiiba, Shusaku Yoshimura, Yasuhiro Saito, Kengo Saito, Yosuke Sakamoto, Hideki Tanzawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 32(5) 380-386 2020年9月1日  
    The main symptom of Kimura disease (KD), a rare, chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology, is painless granulation preferentially developing in the head and neck region's soft tissues, especially in the parotid and submandibular glands and neck lymph nodes. KD is characterized clinically by peripheral blood eosinophilia and elevated serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels and histopathologically by high capillary vascularization and lymphoid follicle formation with eosinophil infiltration in the connective tissues. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE), a rare benign tumor of unknown etiology, also occurs in the head and neck frequently as single/multiple angiomatous papules/nodules varying from light brown to pink. Histopathologically, accelerated endothelial cell proliferation and high lymphocyte and eosinophil infiltration are observed. Due to KD's and ALHE's similar clinical and pathological symptoms, differential diagnosis is challenging. Their manifestations include a painless head/neck subcutaneous swelling. Here, we have described a case involving a 44-year-old man who presented with an upper lip mass that increased in size for 1 year. Laboratory studies revealed leukocytosis and eosinophilia. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging examinations revealed a submucosal lip mass. Suspect minor salivary gland malignancies and lymphomas were surgically excised. Histopathologically, we observed marked lymphoid follicle proliferation with inflammatory cell, including eosinophil infiltration, capillary proliferation, and a developed vessel not normally present in the lip. Because differentiating between KD and ALHE is difficult, clinical differentiation was our focus. The Asian male patient with lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, and high IgE levels was finally diagnosed with KD that has not recurred in 1 year.
  • Masashi Shiiba, Takao Baba, Keitaro Eizuka, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Yuichi Takiguchi, Hideki Tanzawa
    Oral Science International 17(2) 94-96 2020年5月1日  
    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease caused by excessive proliferation of Langerhans cells in various regions of the body. Previous studies have reported that 10% of LCH occurs in the oral and maxillofacial regions. In the oral and maxillofacial regions, swelling and pain are the typical symptoms, and jaw fracture and tooth loss are often seen in advanced cases. In this study, we present the results of a literature review of LCH that developed in the oral and maxillofacial regions. The history, pathological conditions, diagnosis, treatment, and progress of LCH are discussed.
  • Aika Tanzawa, Masashi Shiiba, Tomoaki Saito, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Yosuke Endo-Sakamoto, Masataka Sunohara, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Yuichi Takiguchi, Hideki Tanzawa, Hiroshi Shirasawa
    Oral Science International 17(2) 67-72 2020年5月1日  
    Semaphorin family members (Semaphorins SEMAs) consist of a large family that includes both secreted and membrane-associated proteins that are originally found to provide axon guidance in selected areas for neural development. The SEMAs have diverse biologic activities such as neuronal cellular migration, axon guidance, vasculogenesis, branching morphogenesis, and cardiac organogenesis. Recent studies have reported that SEMAs also play crucial roles in various carcinomas. However, the association and their role in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are still poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated SEMAs mRNA expression in OSCC-derived cell lines using quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis and revealed the altered gene expression profile of the SEMAs in OSCC cell lines compared with human normal oral keratinocytes. We found that tendency for up-regulation of SEMA3E, 4C, 5A, 6B, and 7A in OSCC-derived cell lines. Especially, SEMA3E and SEMA7A mRNA were significantly up-regulated in all OSCC-derived cell lines. On the other hands, SEMA3A, 3C, 3F, and 6A mRNA were significantly down-regulated in all OSCC-derived cell lines. The expression and role of SEMAs in OSCC depend on the forms and may provide novel insights and therapeutic target for OSCCs.
  • Jun-Ichiro Yamamoto, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Morihiro Higo, Yosuke Endo-Sakamoto, Katsunori Ogawara, Masataka Sunohara, Masashi Shiiba, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Hideki Tanzawa
    Oral Science International 17(2) 103-105 2020年5月1日  
    Laugier-Hunziker-Baran (LHB) syndrome is an acquired, macular hyperpigmentation of the lips, and oral mucosa, often associated with pigmentation of the nails, palms, and fingertips. LHB syndrome is considered to be a benign disease with no systemic manifestation or malignant potential. Normally, no treatment is required for this condition, unless for esthetic reason, mainly due to pigmentation on the lip mucosa. Here we present a case of LHB syndrome, 32-year-old male, whose pigmentations on his tongue, buccal mucosa, palate, and ventral surface of fingertip, diagnosed by clinical and dermoscopic findings.
  • 喜田 晶洋, 椎葉 正史, 皆川 康之, 小池 一幸, 山野 由紀男, 伏見 一章, 伊豫田 学, 齋藤 謙悟, 鵜澤 一弘, 丹沢 秀樹
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 66(3) 124-130 2020年3月  査読有り
    口腔扁平上皮癌は高齢者に多く発生し、年齢や内科的疾患を理由に手術不適応となる場合も多い。今回、手術不適応の患者にサイパーナイフ治療を行った32例(初発20例、再発12例)の成績を報告した。完全奏効(CR)が16例、部分奏効(PR)が7例、安定(SD)が3例、増悪(PD)が6例であり、初発例ではCRが12例、PRが3例、SDが2例、PDが3例、再発例ではCRが4例、PRが4例、SDが1例、PDが3例であった。奏効(CR+PR)率は全体で72%、初発例で75%、再発例で67%であった。早期有害事象を25例(78%)、晩期有害事象を6例(19%)に認めた。早期有害事象は口内炎が主症状であり、Grade 2までの事象であった。晩期有害事象の内訳は放射線性骨髄炎5例、皮膚瘻孔1例であった。治療効果に影響している因子を明らかにするため、「性別」「年齢」「PS分類」「原発部位」「病理組織型」「TNM分類」「Stage分類」「照射時期」「PTV」などについて多変量解析を行った結果、有意な因子として「T分類」「Stage分類」「照射時期」「PTV」が抽出された。
  • 澤井 裕貴, 小山 知芳, 中嶋 大, 笠松 厚志, 坂本 洋右, 鵜澤 一弘
    千葉医学雑誌 96(1) 21-21 2020年2月  査読有り
  • Manabu Iyoda, Kazuyuki Koike, Tomoaki Saito, Dai Nakashima, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Yosuke Endo-Sakamoto, Masataka Sunohara, Masashi Shiiba, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Hideki Tanzawa
    Oral Science International 17(1) 47-49 2020年1月1日  査読有り
    © 2019 Japanese Stomatological Society Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) is a histologically distinct variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). In this report, we present a case of a 67-year-old man diagnosed with BSCC in the mandibular gingiva. The patient underwent resection of the gingival tumor with a partial mandibulectomy and a functional neck dissection. The mandibular gingiva was reconstructed with forearm free flap. The patient remained in good general health and free of disease for 44 months.
  • Katsuhiro Uzawa, Antonio L. Amelio, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Tomoaki Saito, Akihiro Kita, Megumi Fukamachi, Yuki Sawai, Yuriko Toeda, Keitaro Eizuka, Fumihiko Hayashi, Ikuko Kato-Kase, Masataka Sunohara, Manabu Iyoda, Kazuyuki Koike, Dai Nakashima, Katsunori Ogawara, Yosuke Endo-Sakamoto, Masashi Shiiba, Yuichi Takiguchi, Mitsuo Yamauchi, Hideki Tanzawa
    Scientific Reports 9(1) 2019年12月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yutaro Kase, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Tomoaki Saito, Kazuyuki Koike, Manabu Iyoda, Dai Nakashima, Yosuke Endo-Sakamoto, Masataka Sunohara, Masashi Shiiba, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Hideki Tanzawa
    Oral Science International 16(3) 185-187 2019年12月1日  査読有り
    © 2019 Japanese Stomatological Society Ameloblastic carcinoma (AC) is an odontogenic malignant tumor which combines the histological features of ameloblastoma and cytologic atypia. The key point of the diagnosis and clinical characteristics of AC have not been well defined, as it is a rare type of tumor. Hence, in this study, we present’ for better clarity the diagnostic flowchart for AC, ameloblastoma, and metastasizing ameloblastoma.
  • Kazuya Hiroshima, Masashi Shiiba, Noritoshi Oka, Fumihiko Hayashi, Sho Ishida, Reo Fukushima, Kazuyuki Koike, Manabu Iyoda, Dai Nakashima, Hideki Tanzawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa
    Experimental cell research 384(2) 111622-111622 2019年11月15日  査読有り
    Tetraspanin 15 (Tspan15) is a member of the tetraspanin family, which is associated with various biological events and several diseases, however, its role in human oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) remains unknown. The current study aimed to clarify the role of Tspan15 in OSCC. The mRNA and protein expression levels of Tspan15 were up-regulated in OSCC cases and OSCC-derived cell lines. Significant up-regulated Tspan15 expression was found in the advanced OSCC cases; primary tumoral size (P = 0.042), regional lymph node metastasis (P = 0.036) and TNM classification (P = 0.024). The decreased expression of Tspan15 did not significantly affect cellular proliferation, whereas tumoral invasion and migration activities were suppressed in Tspan15-down-regulated cells, suggesting that Tspan15 might activate metastasis-related signaling. Moreover, in the Tspan15-down-regulated cells, the expression of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) 10 was also down-regulated and the cells secreted less soluble N-cadherin compared with control cells. And weak immunoreactivity of β-catenin in the nucleus was detected in Tspan15-down-regulated cells compared with the control cells. These findings suggested that overexpression of Tspan15 positively regulates development of OSCC, and that ADAM10, N-cadherin, β-catenin might be involved in the Tspan15-mediated pathway. These unusual conditions of cell adhesion molecules may lead to high metastasis rate found in Tspan15-overexpressing cases.
  • 高原利和, 伊豫田学, 吉村周作, 武内新, 鵜澤一弘, 丹沢秀樹
    日本口腔外科学会誌 65(10) 667-671 2019年10月  査読有り
  • Miyamoto I, Endo-Sakamoto Y, Yamano Y, Kasamatsu A, Uzawa K, Tanzawa H
    Oral Sci Int. 16(2) 114-119 2019年8月  査読有り
  • 齋藤 智昭, 宮本 勲, 喜田 晶洋, 深町 恵, 鵜澤 一弘, 丹沢 秀樹
    日本口腔外科学会雑誌 65(5) 312-317 2019年5月  
    症例は68歳女性で、先天性第V因子欠乏症の既往歴があった。今回、左側舌縁部の潰瘍を指摘され、精査加療目的で当科紹介となった。造影CTで、左側舌縁部に28×23mm大の造影効果を示す境界不明瞭な腫瘤を認めた。また、左側レベルIIAに内部造影性不均一な12×12mm大の腫大したリンパ節を認めた。臨床診断は左側舌癌(T2N1MO、stage III)で、生検により扁平上皮癌の診断を得た。周術期の対応について当院血液内科に対診を行い、新鮮凍結血漿(FFP)の試験投与を施行した。FFP投与終了1時間後に、第V因子活性は12%から32%まで補正され、それに伴ってPTが13.8sec、APTT値が55.2secまで改善した。全身麻酔下に舌部分切除術、左側機能的頸部郭清術、気管切開術を施行した。手術は、術後出血を考慮し再建術は行わず、舌部分切除後は縫縮した。また、気管切開術は咽頭浮腫や後出血による気道閉塞を考慮し施行した。帰室後もFFPを6単位投与し、術後1日目から3日目までFFPを毎日6単位ずつ投与した。術後3日目に第V因子活性は75%まで上昇し、創部からの出血も認められなかったためFFPの投与を中止した。術後4日目には持続吸引ドレーン量が5mL以下となり、後出血なく経過したため、術後6日目に第V因子活性を確認してドレーンを抜去した。病理組織学的診断は、舌扁平上皮癌(pT4aN2bM0、stage IV A)であった。術後47日目より放射線治療を施行し、術後4年2ヵ月が経過した現在も再発所見はなく経過観察中である。
  • Kasamatsu A, Uzawa K, Hayashi F, Kita A, Okubo Y, Saito T, Kimura Y, Miyamoto I, Oka N, Shiiba M, Ito C, Toshimori K, Miki T, Yamauchi M, Tanzawa H
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications 512(3) 486-491 2019年5月  査読有り













