安部 朋世, 西垣 知佳子, 橋本 修, 田中 佑, 永田 里美, 時田 裕, 青木 大和, 宮本 美弥子, 滝沢 祐太
千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of The Faculty of Education, Chiba University 70 271-278 2022年3月1日
[要約] 平成29年告示学習指導要領では,「言葉の特徴への気づき」を言語能力の育成に繋げることの重要性が謳われている。本研究では,メタ言語能力の育成を目指し,小学校低学年と中学年の児童を対象として,データ駆動型学習(data-driven learning:以下,DDL)を実践し,その効果,ならびに児童の気づきの様子を検証した。その結果,DDLを導入した授業について,2~4年生では指導効果が確認された一方,1年生では,文の形の違いを理解し理由を付けて分類することは難易度が高いこと,文の形においては名詞述語文が他の文型より理解しやすいと考えられること,1年生と2~4年生とで,発見した言葉のきまりの説明の仕方に違いが見られること,DDL授業の回数を重ねることで,より抽象化一般化した説明が増えること,児童の気づきを促すには,二つの文グループを比較する方法がより有効であること,などが明らかになった。
[SUMMARY] The Course of Study published in 2009 states the importance of connecting awareness of language characteristics to the development of language skills. In this study, we administered data-driven learning (DDL) with first-, second-, third- and fourth-grade elementary school students to develop their meta-linguistic abilities on their L1 (first language) and examined its learning effects. The first- and second-grade students learned three types of Japanese sentences by DDL: verb-predicate, noun-predicate, and adjective-predicate. The third and fourth graders learned to correct Japanese sentences with inappropriate subject-predicate agreement by DDL. As a result, we found that teaching DDL to second-, third-, and fourth-grade students was statistically effective. However, it was difficult for the first graders to distinguish the different patterns of Japanese sentences. We also found that noun-predicate sentences were more manageable for students to understand than verb-predicate and adjective predicate sentences. There were also differences between the first graders and second, third and fourth graders regarding how to explain the rules of the Japanese language. In addition, it was found that the consecutive DDL lessons had increased students’ awareness of L1 rules and that comparison of two sets L1 sentences promoted students’ understanding of L1 rules.