
五十嵐 禎人

イガラシ ヨシト  (Yoshito Igarashi)


千葉大学 社会精神保健教育研究センター 教授





  • A. Shiina, T. Niitsu, A. Tomoto, Y. Igarashi, E. Shimizu, M. Iyo
    Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 32 100966-100966 2024年1月  査読有り
  • 五十嵐 禎人
    精神医学 65(12) 1669-1673 2023年12月  査読有り招待有り
  • Keita Idemoto, Tomihisa Niitsu, Akihiro Shiina, Osamu Kobori, Misaki Onodera, Kiyomitsu Ota, Atsuhiro Miyazawa, Masumi Tachibana, Makoto Kimura, Ryota Seki, Tasuku Hashimoto, Kensuke Yoshimura, Shoichi Ito, Michiko Nakazato, Yoshito Igarashi, Eiji Shimizu, Masaomi Iyo
    Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports 2(3) 2023年9月18日  査読有り
    Abstract Aim The spread of the novel coronavirus infection (coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID‐19]) has caused behavioral changes and mental illness in patients and their attendants during its early phase. The present study aimed to examine the association between precautionary behaviors against COVID‐19 and psychosocial factors in outpatients with pre‐existing disease and their attendants. Methods We conducted a cross‐sectional paper‐based questionnaire survey in Chiba University Hospital on 1019 patients and 513 attendants, and a web‐based questionnaire survey in Japan on 3981 individuals from the general population. We evaluated the participants' anxiety about COVID‐19, depression, health anxiety, and precautionary behaviors. Results Regarding knowledge and anxiety about COVID‐19, the protective factors for the high precautionary behaviors group were knowledge of COVID‐19 (odds ratio [OR] = 1.178, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.099–1.263), anxiety about the spread of COVID‐19 (OR = 1.348, 95% CI: 1.243–1.461), and anxiety about infecting someone with COVID‐19 (OR = 1.135, 95% CI: 1.039–0.239). Regarding psychosocial factors, the protective factors for the high precautionary behaviors group were patients (OR = 1.759, 95% CI: 1.056–2.929), their attendants (OR = 3.892, 95% CI: 1.416–10.700), health anxiety (OR = 2.005, 95% CI: 1.451–2.772), and nondepression states (OR = 1.368, 95% CI: 1.004–1.864). Conclusion Our findings suggest that patients and their attendants may perform high precautionary behaviors. Health anxiety and nondepression states may be associated with high precautionary behaviors.
  • 井手本 啓太, 新津 富央, 椎名 明大, 小堀 修, 小野寺 みさき, 太田 貴代光, 宮澤 惇宏, 橘 真澄, 木村 允, 関 亮太, 橋本 佐, 吉村 健佑, 伊藤 彰一, 中里 道子, 五十嵐 禎人, 清水 栄司, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神神経学雑誌 (2023特別号) S585-S585 2023年6月  
  • 東本 愛香, 西中 宏吏, 野村 照幸, 五十嵐 禎人
    司法精神医学 18(1) 82-82 2023年3月  
  • 東本 愛香, 西中 宏吏, 椎名 明大, 五十嵐 禎人
    司法精神医学 17(1) 119-119 2022年3月  
  • 菊池 安希子, 藤井 千代, 椎名 明大, 平野 美紀, 小池 純子, 河野 稔明, 五十嵐 禎人
    司法精神医学 16(1) 124-124 2021年8月  
  • 椎名 明大, 佐藤 愛子, 新津 富央, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    精神医学 63(6) 977-993 2021年6月15日  査読有り
  • Akihiro Shiina, Aiko Sato, Masaomi Iyo, Yoshito Igarashi
    International journal of law and psychiatry 77 101702-101702 2021年5月4日  査読有り
    The criminal responsibility of offenders with mental disorders is a key issue in forensic psychiatry. Japan's implementation of the Medical Treatment and Supervision Act and Lay Judge Act in the early 2000s raised public awareness of this issue. To determine how criminal court judges in Japan assess the criminal responsibility of offenders, we examined 453 district court verdicts that mention psychiatric evidence. We extracted elements from each verdict that may be associated with courts' decision-making regarding criminal responsibility and analyzed the relationship between each element and the adjudication of criminal responsibility. We investigated the changes in each element's prevalence over time. A logistic regression analysis revealed that the following were independently associated with the court decisions that offenders' criminal responsibility was intact: understandable motivation for committing the offense, homogeneity of the offense from the defendant's usual behavioral pattern, a coherent process used to commit the offense, alertness while offending, and absence of psychotic symptoms. We observed that recent verdicts are more focused on the offender's perception of illegality and the coherence of the offending process while disregarding the defendant's consciousness and memory while offending. Thus, the courts focus on some specific elements for evaluating the criminal responsibility of each offender.
  • Akihiro Shiina, Tomihisa Niitsu, Osamu Kobori, Keita Idemoto, Tasuku Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Yoshito Igarashi, Eiji Shimizu, Michiko Nakazato, Kenji Hashimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Annals of general psychiatry 20(1) 13-13 2021年2月18日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: To control the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 infection's disease (COVID-19), appropriate precautionary behaviors by the public should be promoted. There are international differences in public cognitive and behavioral pattern, attitudes toward information sources, and anxiety about COVID-19. Information about these differences could increase understanding of the patterns of epidemic-related anxiety and behavior, and would help optimize future policies for preventing the next wave of the epidemic. METHODS: To examine between-country differences in perception, attitude, and precautionary behaviors toward COVID-19, we conducted a cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire survey. Participants were adults who had been registered in Cross Marketing Group Inc. and living in the UK, Spain, or Japan. A total of 8,000 people stratified by age were recruited on a first-come, first-serve basis. Knowledge of and anxiety about COVID-19, the frequency of access and perceived credibility of several information sources, and the frequency of each precautionary behavior were examined on March 27-28, 2020, in Japan and April 17-21, 2020, in the UK and Spain. RESULTS: Knowledge, anxiety, and the frequency of precautionary behaviors were higher in the UK and Spain than in Japan. Participants with infected acquaintances were more concerned about COVID-19. However, participants in the UK rarely wore a medical mask. Participants in the UK and Spain were more eager to obtain information about COVID-19 than those in Japan. Participants in Spain tended not to trust official information and to believe specialists' comments instead. CONCLUSION: The rapidity of the spread of COVID-19, cultural background, and recent political situations seemed to contribute to the international differences here.
  • 菊池 安希子, 藤井 千代, 椎名 明大, 平野 美紀, 小池 純子, 河野 稔明, 五十嵐 禎人
    日本社会精神医学会雑誌 30(1) 20-34 2021年2月  査読有り
    本研究では英国で実施されたDangerous and Severe Personality Disorder(DSPD)事業の構想から終焉までを概説し、本邦の対応困難患者の処遇への示唆について考察した。DSPDはパーソナリティ障害者による重大事件をきっかけとして提案された行政的基準である。DSPD事業はパーソナリティ障害に有効な治療を開発すると期待されたが、治療法の無作為化比較試験は実施されず、費用対効果も否定された。実施施設では必ずしも高密度の処遇がされず、有効な治療のないまま患者を長期間拘禁する事業であると批判された。結果としてDSPD事業は廃止され、医療・刑務所・保護観察の連携によるサービスに後継された。これらの経過から、本邦において対応困難な精神科患者の高規格病棟を検討する際には、(1)包含基準として精神医学的に妥当な定義が存在すること、(2)エビデンスに基づく治療法が存在すること、(3)退院基準が明確であること、(4)退院後の地域移行をサポートするシステムが存在すること、(5)第三者評価が入ること、が重要であり、当事者との協働および人権保護に配慮した慎重な議論が求められることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Naoki Hayashi, Yoshito Igarashi, Hirohiko Harima
    PloS one 16(4) e0250766 2021年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Delusion occupies an important position in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with psychoses. Although Karl Jaspers' concept of the primary delusion (PD) is a key hypothesis in descriptive phenomenology concerning the primordial experience of delusion, to our knowledge it has not been verified in empirical studies of patients with psychosis, and the relationship between PDs and fully developed delusions remains unclear. METHODS: The subjects were 108 psychiatric patients diagnosed with DSM-IV schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder who had persisting delusions. This investigation used a newly devised semi-structured interview, the Delusion and its Origin Assessment Interview (DOAI), and the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. PDs enquired about in the DOAI were delusional perception, delusional memory, delusional mood, and delusional intuition. Associations of PDs with delusion themes and delusion features extracted from DOAI items by factor analysis were examined using correlational and MANCOVA regression analyses. Reliability studies of the DOAI were also conducted. RESULTS: The reliability and correlation analyses suggested robust psychometric properties of the DOAI. The percentages of subjects reporting PD phenomena as delusion origins and currently present were 93% and 84%, respectively. MANCOVA revealed several significant associations, including between delusional perception and delusional mood and persecutory themes, between delusional intuition and grandiose delusions, and between delusional perception and intuition and systematization of delusions. DISCUSSION: This study demonstrates that PDs can be considered as principal origins of delusions by subjects with psychosis, and have meaningful connections with the characteristics of their fully developed delusions. The associations between PDs and delusion characteristics can be interpreted in terms of progression processes of delusions, which are seen as intensification and generalization of cognitive and affective pathologies in PDs. The findings are also consistent with the neurobiological hypothesis that aberrant salience attribution to stimuli, as in PDs, is the primary phenomenon caused by abnormal dopamine system regulation. Further studies are needed to clarify delusion progression processes relating to PDs and to substantiate their clinical meanings.
  • 椎名 明大, 新津 富央, 小堀 修, 井手本 啓太, 橋本 佐, 佐々木 剛, 五十嵐 禎人, 清水 栄司, 中里 道子, 橋本 謙二, 伊豫 雅臣
    総合病院精神医学 32(Suppl.) S-198 2020年11月  
  • Akihiro Shiina, Tomihisa Niitsu, Osamu Kobori, Keita Idemoto, Tasuku Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Yoshito Igarashi, Eiji Shimizu, Michiko Nakazato, Kenji Hashimoto, Masaomi Iyo
    Brain, behavior, & immunity - health 6 100101-100101 2020年7月  査読有り
    Background: The novel corona virus infection (COVID-19) quickly became a pandemic state. Identifying characteristics of "possible super spreaders", suggested as a dominant cause of rapid spreading transmission, will help us to design proper prevention strategies. Methods: We conducted a nation-wide online survey to investigate the relationship of perception and anxiety levels about COVID-19 to the possible risk behaviors for spread of the virus in Japan. We recruited a total of 4,000 citizens, who responded to the questionnaire including several questions regarding the level of fear and anxiety about COVID-19, infection preventive behaviors and access to media with trust level about the virus as well as some demographic and socioeconomic data during March 27th and 28th, 2020. Findings: Thirteen-point-three percent of the participants rated "1" on a nine-point Likert with respect to the knowledge about COVID-19. Ten-point-one percent and 11.7% presented no anxiety of being infected and transmission to others. Ten-point-eight percent showed no worry about symptomatic aggravation. Eight-point-one percent had no serious concern about expanding infection. The distribution of these items was highly correlated with each other. Participants with the low level of knowledge about COVID-19 were likely to less frequently access any information sources and neither trust them. They were less anxious about their health status, and less likely to put precautionary behaviors such as washing hands and avoiding crowded spaces, suggested by statistical analyses. Interpretation: The present study suggests that it is greatly important to enlighten those have no concerns about this crisis of COVID-19 and modify their risk behavior via various ways, in order to prevent and control this viral pandemic. Funding: This study was funded by the management grand provided to Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI grants.
  • 五十嵐 禎人
    法と精神医療学会 33 45-48 2019年3月  
  • Akihiro Shiina, Tomihisa Niitsu, Aiko Sato, Soichiro Omiya, Takako Nagata, Aika Tomoto, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Yoshito Igarashi, Masaomi Iyo
    World journal of psychiatry 7(4) 197-206 2017年12月22日  査読有り
    AIM: To evaluate the effect of educational intervention on individuals' knowledge of and attitudes toward forensic mental health. METHODS: We conducted a questionnaire regarding attitudes toward various ideas about forensic mental health. The respondents attended a 1-h seminar regarding forensic mental health after answering the questionnaire. On completion of the seminar, the respondents answered another questionnaire containing many of the same questions as contained in the pre-seminar questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 86 individuals attended the seminar, and 78 responded to the questionnaire. Only 13 (18.8%) participants were supportive of the concept of criminal responsibility initially, and there was a statistically significant increase in those who became more supportive after the seminar, with 22 (33%) being supportive after the seminar (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis revealed that participants who were skeptical about forensic mental systems and those with fewer opportunities to see media reports regarding psychiatry were likely to become supportive of criminal responsibility after the intervention. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that public attitudes toward criminal responsibility and mental health can be influenced via educational interventions.
  • Akihiro Shiina, Aika Tomoto, Soichiro Omiya, Aiko Sato, Masaomi Iyo, Yoshito Igarashi
    World journal of psychiatry 7(1) 8-11 2017年3月22日  査読有り
    AIM: To clarify the differences in views on forensic mental health (FMH) systems between the United Kingdom and Japan. METHODS: We conducted a series of semi-structured interviews with six leading forensic psychiatrists. Based on a discussion by the research team, we created an interview form. After we finished conducting all the interviews, we qualitatively analyzed their content. RESULTS: In the United Kingdom the core domain of FMH was risk assessment and management; however, in Japan, the core domain of FMH was psychiatric testimony. In the United Kingdom, forensic psychiatrists were responsible for ensuring public safety, and psychopathy was identified as a disease but deemed as not suitable for medical treatment. On the other hand, in Japan, psychopathy was not considered a mental illness. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, there are considerable differences between the United Kingdom and Japan with regard to the concepts of FMH. Some ideas taken from both cultures for better FMH practice were suggested.
  • 藤井 千代, 五十嵐 禎人, 吉岡 眞吾, 山本 輝之
    司法精神医学 12(1) 137-138 2017年3月  
  • Takako Nagata, Atsuo Nakagawa, Satoko Matsumoto, Akihiro Shiina, Masaomi Iyo, Naotsugu Hirabayashi, Yoshito Igarashi
    Criminal behaviour and mental health : CBMH 26(1) 50-8 2016年2月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Although a substantial increase in the number of female offenders has drawn interest towards understanding their unique characteristics, few studies have investigated the characteristics of female mentally disordered offenders in Japan and none since the legislation enacted in 2005 in Japan, which provided for special services for them. AIMS: The aim of this study is to identify those characteristics of people detained under this legislation, which distinguish the women from the men and may indicate special needs among the women. METHODS: A retrospective records-based study of all patients admitted to one secure unit in the 8 years since its opening in July 2005 until a census date of 31 October 2013. RESULTS: Thirty-six (15%) of the patients were women. Marriage, mood disorders, past suicide attempts and homicide were more common among the women than the men. Six of the female offender-patients had committed filicides, of which four were infanticides. CONCLUSION: There appears to be a particularly vulnerable sub-group of women with severe mood disorders, a history of serious suicide attempts and young children at risk of harming those children. Our sample was small and from a single unit so, given the potential importance of improving understanding of who is at risk in such circumstances, extending our study nationally seems indicated.
  • Hirofumi Nishinaka, Jun Nakane, Takako Nagata, Atsushi Imai, Noriomi Kuroki, Noriko Sakikawa, Mayu Omori, Osamu Kuroda, Naotsugu Hirabayashi, Yoshito Igarashi, Kenji Hashimoto
    PloS one 11(1) e0148354 2016年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: In Japan, the legislation directing treatment of offenders with psychiatric disorders was enacted in 2005. Neuropsychological impairment is highly related to functional outcomes in patients with psychiatric disorders, and several studies have suggested an association between neuropsychological impairment and violent behaviors. However, there have been no studies of neuropsychological impairment in forensic patients covered by the Japanese legislation. This study is designed to examine the neuropsychological characteristics of forensic patients in comparison to healthy controls and to assess the relationship between neuropsychological impairment and violence risk. METHODS: Seventy-one forensic patients with psychiatric disorders and 54 healthy controls (matched by age, gender, and education) were enrolled. The CogState Battery (CSB) consisting of eight cognitive domains, the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) to test emotion-based decision making, and psychological measures of violence risk including psychopathy were used. RESULTS: Forensic patients exhibited poorer performances on all CSB subtests and the IGT than controls. For each group, partial correlational analyses indicated that poor IGT performance was related to psychopathy, especially antisocial behavior. In forensic patients, the CSB composite score was associated with risk factors for future violent behavior, including stress and noncompliance with remediation attempts. CONCLUSION: Forensic patients with psychiatric disorders exhibit a wide range of neuropsychological impairments, and these findings suggest that neuropsychological impairment may increase the risk of violent behavior. Therefore, the treatment of neuropsychological impairment in forensic patients with psychiatric disorders is necessary to improve functional outcomes as well as to prevent violence.
  • Akihiro Shiina, Masaomi Iyo, Toyoaki Hirata, Yoshito Igarashi
    World journal of psychiatry 5(2) 234-42 2015年6月22日  査読有り
    AIM: To clarify the components of hospitalization for assessment (HfA) and the management changes from the beginning of the scheme to the present. METHODS: This study is composed of two surveys. In 2013 survey, we created two paper questionnaires (facility and case questionnaires) for psychiatrists working in psychiatric hospitals accepting HfA patients. Questionnaires were sent to 205 hospitals that were identified as accepting the HfA cases, and responses were requested via mail. The facility questionnaire was designed to clarify the following specifications and characteristics of each facility: the facility organizer (public sector or private hospital), and the number of beds, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, psychiatric social workers, psychotherapists, public health nurses, and patients treated through HfA during the survey period. The case questionnaire was then used to collect data of the patients under HfA based on the Medical Treatment and Supervision (MTS) Act who were discharged between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. Gathered information included: legal information of each case, demographic data, past history of the offenders, issued offense and the relationship to the victim, information regarding past psychiatric testimonies, psychiatric diagnoses, contents of the treatment during HfA, information regarding seclusion and restraint during the HfA, the verdict of the District Court panel, and so forth. Next, we compared those results with relevant data obtained in 2007. The 2007 survey comprised data of HfA patients from July 15, 2005 (the date the MTS Act was enforced) to January 15, 2007. RESULTS: We obtained 171 cases, approximately a half of whole contemporary cases of HfA, from 134 facilities, of which 46 were national, prefectural, or semi-official hospitals, and 88 were private hospitals, in 2013 survey. The majority of subjects were male, schizophrenic, and experienced previous psychiatric treatment. The most frequent type of the offense was injury, followed by arson. Most of the subjects were medicated, and a few cases took psychotropic injection during the HfA. The frequency of injection was decreased in 2013 (χ (2) = 7.54, df = 1, P = 0.006) than in 2007. Psychiatric testimony was more likely to be conducted in 2013 (χ (2) = 8.56, df = 1, P = 0.004). The examiner psychiatrist was more likely to belong to the HfA facility to which the patient was hospitalized (χ (2) = 5.32, df = 1, P = 0.02). Hospitalization orders were more frequently selected in 2013 (χ (2) = 19.76, df = 3, P < 0.001), although the characteristics of the subjects had not changed. CONCLUSION: Although the management of HfA has improved in recent years, structural problems remain.
  • Omiya, Soichiro, Kobori, Osamu, Tomoto, Aika, Igarashi, Yoshito, Iyo, Masaomi
    Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS; Conrod & Woicik, 2002) measures four risk personality dimensions related to substance use; anxiety sensitivity (AS), hopelessness (H), sensation seeking (55). impulsivity (IMP). The aim of this study is to develop the Japanese version of Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS-J) and to probe the reliability and validity of this scale to the Japanese context. This study consists of the test of the factor analysis (Study I; N = 462), the reliability (Study 2: N = 64), and the validity (Study 3; N = 182). Our findings are as below; Study I showed the conformed factorial structure of SURPS-J and Study 2 revealed the good test-retest reliability. Additionally, Study 3 demonstrated the adequate validity of SURPS-J and its sensitivity in identifying risky drinking motivations and lifetime tobacco and alcohol use. Results showed that high H individuals are likely to experience smoking under the personal and collective situations, while high SS and IMP individuals are prone to drink alcohol under the collective situation. Additionally, high AS individuals are prone to drink by virtue of negative reinforcement motives and high SS and IMP drink by reason of all drinking reinforcement motives. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Akihiro Shiina, Masaomi Iyo, Yoshito Igarashi
    International journal of mental health systems 9 7-7 2015年  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: A new legislation concerning forensic mental health was established by the Japanese Government in 2005, the "Act on Medical Care and Treatment for the Persons Who Had Caused Serious Cases under the Condition of Insanity," or the Medical Treatment and Supervision (MTS) Act. Since it was passed, however, there has been broad controversy over Hospitalization for Assessment (HfA), the first stage of the MTS scheme. METHODS: Following a comprehensive literature search to assemble a list of candidates, we conducted a Delphi study to establish standard outcome measures for HfA. RESULTS: Five Delphi rounds were conducted by 19 panelists including medical practitioners and lawyers. A total of 139 items were accepted as outcome measures for HfA based on panel agreement. CONCLUSION: The Delphi study established a list of HfA outcome measures for the MTS act, which will contribute to the optimization of the new forensic mental health system in Japan.
  • Atsushi Imai, Naoki Hayashi, Akihiro Shiina, Noriko Sakikawa, Yoshito Igarashi
    Schizophrenia research 160(1-3) 27-32 2014年12月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have examined a wide range of risk factors associated with violence among patients with schizophrenia. However, risk factors linked to different socio-cultural backgrounds remain unclear. OBJECTIVE: The objectives were to investigate factors associated with violence among Japanese patients with schizophrenia prior to emergency hospitalizations and to compare them with factors found in studies on other populations. METHODS: We recruited 420 Japanese patients with schizophrenia who had committed violent acts immediately prior to emergency admission to a psychiatric hospital in Tokyo, during the period 1986 to 2005. Cases were compared with controls (non violent hospitalized patients with schizophrenia) matched for gender, age and admission year. All medical records were reviewed retrospectively. Inter-rater reliability tests of assessment were performed. Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with violence. RESULTS: The symptoms of gross excitement, prior violence, auditory hallucinations, systematization of delusions, incoherence of speech, delusions of reference, TCO symptoms, living with others and long duration of illness were found to be associated with violence. In contrast, antisocial traits such as substance abuse and antisocial episodes were not recognized as significant violence-associated factors. CONCLUSION: Violence among Japanese patients with schizophrenia was strongly associated with elements of schizophrenia itself, rather than antisocial traits. This study highlighted associated factors for violence among Japanese patients with schizophrenia which differ distinctly from associated factors in other countries. This result demonstrates that future studies assessing the risk of violence among patients with schizophrenia need to consider cultural and racial differences in cohorts.
  • 今井 淳司, 西中 宏史, 大宮 宗一郎, 東本 愛香, 五十嵐 禎人, 澤 潔, 永田 貴子, 田口 寿子, 黒田 治, 林 直樹, 椎名 明大
    千葉医学雑誌 90(5) 187-187 2014年10月  
  • 今井 淳司, 崎川 典子, 西中 宏史, 澤 潔, 大宮 宗一郎, 永田 貴子, 東本 愛香, 椎名 明大, 田口 寿子, 黒田 治, 林 直樹, 五十嵐 禎人
    精神神経学雑誌 (2014特別) S363-S363 2014年6月  
  • 今井 淳司, 西中 宏史, 澤 潔, 大宮 宗一郎, 永田 貴子, 東本 愛香, 椎名 明大, 田口 寿子, 黒田 治, 林 直樹, 五十嵐 禎人
    司法精神医学 9(1) 121-122 2014年3月  
  • 今井 淳司, 田口 寿子, 黒田 治, 五十嵐 禎人
    司法精神医学 8(1) 147-147 2013年3月  
  • 沖田 恭治, 佐藤 愛子, 椎名 明大, 藤崎 美久, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    司法精神医学 8(1) 138-138 2013年3月  
  • Souichiro Omiya, Osamu Kobori, Aika Tomoto, Yoshito Igarashi, Masaomi Iyo
    Nihon Arukoru Yakubutsu Igakkai zasshi = Japanese journal of alcohol studies & drug dependence 47(6) 287-97 2012年12月  査読有り
    The prevention and treatment of substance use for youth are important issues in Japan. Substance use have significant risks of adverse psychological, social and physical health consequences. Personality factors in order to understand individual differences for substance use and misuse particularly were the much promise, and several personality factors have been demonstrated to be associated with risk for substance use. Conrod and Woicik (2002) developed Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) that measures four substance use risk personalities: anxiety sensitivity, hopelessness, sensation-seeking, impulsivity being closely relevant to substance use/misuse and abuse. There are only a few studies focusing the relationship between personality factors and substance use among Japanese adolescents. Thus, this paper aimed to review the previous studies on these issues, and introduce studies regarding SURPS including our studies.
  • 大宮 宗一郎, 小堀 修, 東本 愛香, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    日本社会精神医学会雑誌 21(3) 421-421 2012年8月  
  • 今井 淳司, 大澤 達哉, 田口 寿子, 黒田 治, 五十嵐 禎人
    司法精神医学 7(1) 137-138 2012年3月  
  • 永田 貴子, 大森 まゆ, 朝比奈 次郎, 新井 薫, 佐藤 英樹, 三澤 孝夫, 澤 恭弘, 黒木 規臣, 平林 直次, 五十嵐 禎人
    司法精神医学 7(1) 139-139 2012年3月  
  • Akihiro Shiina, Mihisa Fujisaki, Takako Nagata, Yasunori Oda, Masatoshi Suzuki, Masahiro Yoshizawa, Masaomi Iyo, Yoshito Igarashi
    Annals of general psychiatry 10 11-11 2011年4月8日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: In Japan, hospitalization for the assessment of mentally disordered offenders under the Act on Medical Care and Treatment for the Persons Who Had Caused Serious Cases under the Condition of Insanity (the Medical Treatment and Supervision Act, or the MTS Act) has yet to be standardized. METHODS: We conducted a written survey that included a questionnaire regarding hospitalization for assessment; the questionnaire consisted of 335 options with 9 grades of validity for 60 clinical situations. The survey was mailed to 50 Japanese forensic mental health experts, and 42 responses were received. RESULTS: An expert consensus was established for 299 of the options. Regarding subjects requiring hospitalization for assessment, no consensus was reached on the indications for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or for confronting the offenders regarding their offensive behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: The consensus regarding hospitalization for assessment and its associated problems were clarified. The consensus should be widely publicized among practitioners to ensure better management during the hospitalization of mentally disordered offenders for assessment.
  • 森内 加奈恵, 中嶋 秀明, 笠井 翔太, 三浦 瑞恵, 吉永 尚紀, 山本 美佐江, 五十嵐 禎人
    司法精神医学 6(1) 100-100 2011年3月  
  • Tadashi Haraguchi, Mihisa Fujisaki, Akihiro Shiina, Yoshito Igarashi, Naoe Okamura, Goro Fukami, Tetsuya Shiraishi, Michiko Nakazato, Masaomi Iyo
    Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 65(2) 150-7 2011年3月  査読有り
    AIM: In Japan, a new comprehensive forensic mental health service was established and enforced in 2005. However, the shortage of psychiatrists dedicated to this service is a problem. Therefore, we investigated the attitudes of general psychiatrists in Japan toward this field in order to develop measures for dealing with this issue. METHODS: Questionnaires were sent to 3205 psychiatric facilities in Japan in January 2007. The questions explored the experience of the respondents with forensic evaluations; the respondents' recognition of, experience with, and attitude toward the Medical Treatment and Supervision (MTS) Act; and attitudes toward forensic mental health in general. RESULTS: The data of 1770 respondents were analyzed in this study. Three main findings were obtained: psychiatrists generally had little experience with criminal responsibility evaluations, and a small percentage of psychiatrists tended to have conducted the majority of these evaluations; although psychiatrists widely recognized the enactment of the MTS Act, they were not sufficiently familiar with the details of the MTS Act; and in spite of a reluctance to address forensic mental health issues, the respondents harbored a general interest in these topics. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a general interest, general psychiatrists in Japan tend to possess insufficient knowledge of this subspecialty and lack experience in and opportunities to work in this subspecialty. The reluctance of psychiatrists to work in forensic mental health might be partly responsible for this situation. These results suggest that the enrichment of education systems for forensic psychiatry is necessary for the development of forensic psychiatry in Japan.
  • 椎名 明大, 五十嵐 禎人, 岩間 久行, 川畑 俊貴, 来住 由樹, 瀬戸 秀文, 服部 功, 林 偉明, 平林 直次, 松坂 あづさ, 平田 豊明
    司法精神医学 5(1) 120-121 2010年3月  
  • 小田 靖典, 藤崎 美久, 鈴木 正利, 吉澤 雅弘, 原口 正, 椎名 明大, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    司法精神医学 5(1) 112-112 2010年3月  
  • 椎名 明大, 小田 靖典, 鈴木 正利, 吉澤 雅弘, 原口 正, 藤崎 美久, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    日本社会精神医学会雑誌 18(2) 252-258 2009年11月  
  • 鈴木 正利, 小田 靖典, 椎名 明大, 藤崎 美久, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 85(5) 283-283 2009年10月  
  • 小田 靖典, 藤崎 美久, 鈴木 正利, 吉澤 雅弘, 原口 正, 椎名 明大, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    日本社会精神医学会雑誌 18(1) 129-130 2009年7月  
  • 平田 豊明, 椎名 明大, 五十嵐 禎人, 岩間 久行, 川畑 俊貴, 来住 由樹, 瀬戸 秀文, 服部 功, 林 偉明, 平林 直次, 松坂 あづさ, 中島 豊爾
    司法精神医学 4(1) 110-110 2009年3月  
  • 原口 正, 椎名 明大, 藤崎 美久, 伊豫 雅臣, 五十嵐 禎人
    千葉医学雑誌 84(4) 217-217 2008年8月  
  • 平田 豊明, 椎名 明大, 五十嵐 禎人, 上野 勝彦, 川畑 俊貴, 来住 由樹, 瀬戸 秀文, 服部 功, 林 偉明, 平林 直次, 松坂 あづさ, 中島 豊爾
    司法精神医学 3(1) 133-133 2008年3月  
  • 原口 正, 椎名 明大, 藤崎 美久, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    司法精神医学 3(1) 144-144 2008年3月  
  • Naoki Hayashi, Yoshito Igarashi, Kiyoko Suda, Seishu Nakagawa
    Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 61(6) 640-5 2007年12月  査読有り
    Use of coping techniques is of importance in the treatment for patients experiencing auditory hallucinations. Phenomenological features of auditory hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms are assumed to be factors influencing the coping activities. The aim of the present study was to determine psychotic symptoms including auditory hallucination phenomenological features that have effects on coping activities. The authors investigated 17 generally used coping techniques of 144 chronically psychotic patients who were currently experiencing auditory hallucination in DSM-IV schizophrenia or schizoaffective psychosis. Using factor analysis, scales characterizing the styles of coping application and efficacy were constructed. To assess the phenomenological features, the authors used the Matsuzawa Assessment Schedule for Auditory Hallucination (MASAH), which had been devised to assess four basic phenomenological features: intractability, delusion, influence, and externality. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was also applied for the assessment of psychotic symptoms. Regression analyses were conducted to determine the features and symptoms that could have effects on coping activities. Constructed scales were those of distraction and counteraction styles for each of coping application and efficacy. It was found that MASAH influence and externality features had an activating effect on both distraction and counteraction coping application, and counteraction coping application, respectively, and that PANSS negative symptom clusters and MASAH delusion feature had an inhibiting effect on distraction and counteraction coping application, respectively. No salient factor for coping efficacy was recognized. The current study presents information on the relationship between coping activities and the psychotic experience features and symptoms, which can be of help for planning coping training programs.
  • 原口 正, 椎名 明大, 藤崎 美久, 五十嵐 禎人, 伊豫 雅臣
    千葉医学雑誌 83(5) 205-205 2007年10月  
  • 田口 寿子, 高柳 みずほ, 陶山 満雄, 小原 圭司, 五十嵐 禎人, 分島 徹
    法と精神科臨床 6 133-134 2004年12月  
  • Naoki Hayashi, Yoshito Igarashi, Kiyoko Suda, Seishu Nakagawa
    Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 58(6) 651-9 2004年12月  査読有り
    Auditory hallucinations include particularly diverse phenomena that reflect various mental functions and pathologies. Their assessment may provide valuable clinical information. This article describes the development of the Matsuzawa Assessment Schedule for Auditory Hallucination (MASAH), which was designed to obtain a broadened view of the phenomena by investigating a wide range of their characteristics. The aim was to identify the basic phenomenological features of auditory hallucinations by performing a factor analytic study of the MASAH ratings of 214 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Four identified factors were intractability, delusion, influence, and externality, on the basis of which we constructed composite scales that were assumed to represent the features. The correlation analysis of the scales with symptom dimensions derived from the positive and negative syndrome scale verified their clinical relevance. They were also interpretable in terms of human responses to the abnormal experience and some symptom constructs such as delusion and influence experience. It is concluded that the MASAH is an efficient means for evaluating the features, and that this study elicited new understandings of the phenomena such as their multifarious composition and contiguities with other psychotic symptoms.
  • Hiroaki Miyata, Hiromi Shiraishi, Ichiro Kai, Yoshito Igarashi, Masaaki Matsushita
    Nihon Ronen Igakkai zasshi. Japanese journal of geriatrics 41(5) 528-33 2004年9月  査読有り
    Medical decision-making involving elderly people with dementia often troubles care providers in Japan. Meanwhile, little attention has been paid to the routine medical care of nondementia illnesses in such patients. To understand the current situation surrounding the issue, we conducted a postal survey with nursing home directors across the nation. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to 1,117 randomly selected nursing homes, one third of all such facilities in Japan, and 502 (44.9%) responded. Of the respondents, 291 (58.0%) said more than a half of their residents have difficulties in daily life because of dementia. Less than 20% of the facilities said that they routinely confirm residents' preferences in writing when they are admitted concerning each of the following items; terminal care, medical information disclosure, leaving a will, funerals and application for the guardian system. 206 (41.0%) facilities have difficulties in finding a hospital for the elderly with dementia when necessary. The Mann-Whitney U test showed no significant relation between facilities' characteristics and their difficulties in finding a hospital that would admit demented patients. At present, a number of nursing homes confirm their residents' preferences only some time after they are admitted. However, the way of confirming seems inappropriate under the circumstances in which more than a majority of residents have difficulties in daily life due to dementia. Though more than a half of nursing homes have difficulties in finding a hospital that would admit dementia patients, no significant relation was found between the difficulties and the facility-hospital relation. The problem seems to lie in the acceptance mechanism of hospitals.


  • 椎名明大, 浅見隆康, 五十嵐禎人, 伊豫雅臣, 稲垣中, 今井敦司, 太田順一郎, 大塚達以, 鎌田雄, 佐藤愛子, 島田達洋, 杉山直也, 瀬戸秀文, 新津富央, 西中宏史, 平田豊明, 平林直次
    地域精神保健医療福祉体制の機能強化を推進する政策研究 令和3年度 総括・研究分担報告書(Web) 2022年  
  • 西中宏吏, 東本愛香, 五十嵐禎人
    司法精神医学 17(1) 2022年  
  • 菊池 安希子, 藤井 千代, 椎名 明大, 平野 美紀, 小池 純子, 河野 稔明, 五十嵐 禎人
    日本社会精神医学会雑誌 30(1) 20-34 2021年2月  
    本研究では英国で実施されたDangerous and Severe Personality Disorder(DSPD)事業の構想から終焉までを概説し、本邦の対応困難患者の処遇への示唆について考察した。DSPDはパーソナリティ障害者による重大事件をきっかけとして提案された行政的基準である。DSPD事業はパーソナリティ障害に有効な治療を開発すると期待されたが、治療法の無作為化比較試験は実施されず、費用対効果も否定された。実施施設では必ずしも高密度の処遇がされず、有効な治療のないまま患者を長期間拘禁する事業であると批判された。結果としてDSPD事業は廃止され、医療・刑務所・保護観察の連携によるサービスに後継された。これらの経過から、本邦において対応困難な精神科患者の高規格病棟を検討する際には、(1)包含基準として精神医学的に妥当な定義が存在すること、(2)エビデンスに基づく治療法が存在すること、(3)退院基準が明確であること、(4)退院後の地域移行をサポートするシステムが存在すること、(5)第三者評価が入ること、が重要であり、当事者との協働および人権保護に配慮した慎重な議論が求められることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • 椎名明大, 浅見隆康, 五十嵐禎人, 伊豫雅臣, 稲垣中, 今井敦司, 太田順一郎, 大塚達以, 鎌田雄, 佐藤愛子, 島田達洋, 杉山直也, 瀬戸秀文, 新津富央, 西中宏史, 平田豊明, 平林直次
    地域精神保健医療福祉体制の機能強化を推進する政策研究 令和2年度 総括・研究分担報告書(Web) 2021年  
  • 東本愛香, 田中美以, 高尾正義, 山口保輝, 西中宏吏, 大塲玲子, 五十嵐禎人
    司法精神医学 16(1) 2021年  







