Shoichi Nakai, Hiroshi Katukura, Manabu Ebihara, Katsuyuki Niimi, Keiichi Hirose, Nobuo Fukuwa
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 7(1) 15-28 1992年
Abstract: Analysis is one of the key issues in realizing complex large structures. In spite of the tremendous accumulation of methods and theories in the field of structural analysis, there is still a need to include newly developed methodologies into analysis codes for production use. This paper describes the initial development of a platform to accommodate the future needs in this area. The system being developed is a knowledge‐based system which first accepts the user's description of an analysis problem, comes up with a suitable analysis method and a corresponding computational algorithm, then develops a program along with input data to solve the problem, and finally gives a result to the user. Program generation is done by selecting appropriate building‐block codes from a program database. To construct a prototype system, a problem solving model called an ‘organizational model’ is introduced, which is developed to imitate the problem solving in a real life. The main part of the system, which functions as described above, is written in CLOS (common LISP Object System), while generated codes are written in either FORTRAN or C++. The performance of the prototype system shows that this approach can be effective. Copyright © 1992, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved