
菅原 路子

スガワラ ミチコ  (Michiko Sugawara)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院機械工学コース 准教授
RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) Headquarters, Center for Intellectual Property Programs and Management Visiting Researcher



  • Shota Yamamoto, Tatsuya Miyama, Takafumi Komoda, Michiko Sugawara, Makiko Nonomura, Jun Nakanishi
    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES 36(2) 263-268 2020年2月  
    Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a qualitative change in cell migration behavior during cancer invasion and metastasis, is becoming a new target for anticancer drugs. Therefore, it is crucial to develop in vitro assays for the evaluation of the abilities of drug candidates to control EMT progression. We herein report on a method for the quantification of the EMT based on particle image velocimetry and correlation functions. The exponential fitting of the correlation curve gives an index (lambda), which represents transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1-induced EMT progression and its suppression by inhibitors. Moreover, real-time monitoring of the lambda value illustrates a time-dependent EMT progressing process, which occurs earlier than the bio-chemical changes in an EMT marker protein expression. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the present method for kinetic studies of EMT progression as well as EMT inhibitor screening.
  • Norikazu Sato, Jiafeng Yao, Michiko Sugawara, Masahiro Takei
    A particle-fluid flow under alternating current (ac) electrokinetics was numerically simulated to investigate the three-dimensional (3-D) particle motion in a complex electric field of a high conductivity medium generated by an electrode-multilayered microfluidic device. The simulation model coupling thermal-fluid-electrical and dispersed particle problems incorporates three ac electrokinetics (ACEK) phenomena, namely, the ac electrothermal effect (ACET), thermal buoyancy (TB), and dielectrophoresis (DEP). The electrode-multilayered microfluidic device was fabricated with 40 electrodes exposed at the flow channel sidewalls in five cross sections. The governing equations of the simulation model are solved by the Eulerian-Lagrangian method with finite volume discretization. Fluid flow simulations in three cases with or without consideration of ACET and TB are performed to clarify the contributions of these phenomena. The fluid flow is found to be composed of short-range vortices due to ACET and long-range circulation due to TB based on the features of the electrode-multilayered microfluidic device. The 3-D particle trajectory influenced by the fluid flow is compared with four values of the real part of the Clausius-Mossotti (CM) factor to evaluate the DEP phenomenon. The simulation model is validated by experiments using a cell suspension. The pattern of cell trajectories in the upper part of the flow channel measured by particle tracking velocimetry agrees with the simulated pattern. By comparison of the simulation and experiment, it is found that the cells moving straight away from the electrode on the focal plane are decelerated within the region of 60 mu m from the electrode by positive-DEP with Re[K(omega)] = 0.08-0.11. Furthermore, the 3-D DEP-effective region and the ACET and TB dominant regions for the cells are predicted by evaluating the particle-fluid relative velocity due to DEP force with Re[K(omega)] = 0.10. Consequently, the flow mechanism and dominant region of each ACEK phenomenon in the device are clarified from the 3-D simulation validated by the experiments.
  • Jiafeng Yao, Michiko Sugawara, Hiromichi Obara, Takeomi Mizutani, Masahiro Takei
    The distinct motion of GFP-tagged histone expressing cells (Histone-GFP type cells) has been investigated under ac electrokinetics in an electrode-multilayered microfluidic device as compared with Wild type cells and GFP type cells in terms of different intracellular components. The Histone-GFP type cells were modified by the transfection of green fluorescent protein-fused histone from the human lung fibroblast cell line. The velocity of the Histone-GFP type cells obtained by particle tracking velocimetry technique is faster thanWild type cells by 24.9% andGFP type cells by 57.1%. This phenomenon is caused by the more amount of proteins in the intracellular of single Histone-GFP type cell than that of theWild type and GFP type cells. The more amount of proteins in the Histone-GFP type cells corresponds to a lower electric permittivity ec of the cells, which generates a lower dielectrophoretic force exerting on the cells. The velocity of Histone-GFP type cells is well agreed with Eulerian-Lagrangian two-phase flow simulation by 4.2% mean error, which proves that the fluid motion driven by thermal buoyancy and electrothermal force dominates the direction of cells motion, while the distinct motion of Histone-GFP type cells is caused by dielectrophoretic force. The fluidmotion does not generate a distinct dragmotion for Histone-GFP type cells because the Histone-GFP type cells have the same size to theWild type and GFP type cells. These results clarified the mechanism of cells motion in terms of intracellular components, which helps to improve the cell manipulation efficiency with electrokinetics.
  • Takamasa Mizoguchi, Shoko lkeda, Saori Watanabe, Michiko Sugawara, Motoyuki Itoh
    Persistent directional cell migration is involved in animal development and diseases. The small GTPase Rac1 is involved in F-actin and focal adhesion dynamics. Local Rac1 activity is required for persistent directional migration, whereas global, hyperactivated Rac1 enhances random cell migration. Therefore, precise control of Rac1 activity is important for proper directional cell migration. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of Rac1 activity in persistent directional cell migration is not fully understood. Here, we show that the ubiquitin ligase mind bomb 1 (Mib1) is involved in persistent directional cell migration. We found that knockdown of MIB1 led to an increase in random cell migration in HeLa cells in a wound-closure assay. Furthermore, we explored novel Mib1 substrates for cell migration and found that Mib1 ubiquitinates Ctnnd1. Mib1-mediated ubiq-uitination of Ctnnd1 K547 attenuated Rac1 activation in cultured cells. In addition, we found that posterior lateral line primordium cells in the zebrafish mib1(ta52b) mutant showed increased random migration and loss of directional F-actin-based protrusion formation. Knock down of Ctnnd1 partially rescued posterior lateral line primordium cell migration defects in the mib1(ta52b) mutant. Taken together, our data suggest that Mib1 plays an important role in cell migration and that persistent directional cell migration is regulated, at least in part, by the Mib1-Ctnnd1-Rac1 pathway.
  • Masao Kamimura, Michiko Sugawara, Shota Yamamoto, Kazuo Yamaguchi, Jun Nakanishi
    BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE 4(6) 933-937 2016年  査読有り
    A method was developed for photocontrolling cell adhesion on a gel substrate with defined mechanical properties. Precise patterning of geometrically controlled cell clusters and their migration induction became possible by spatiotemporally controlled photo-irradiation of the substrate. The clusters exhibited unique collective motion that depended on substrate stiffness and cluster geometry.


  • 川嶋大介, LI Songshi, 菅原路子, 小原弘道, 武居昌宏
    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(Web) 2019 2019年  
  • 川嶋大介, LI Songshi, 菅原路子, 小原弘道, 武居昌宏
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 32nd 2019年  
  • 川嶋大介, 菅原路子, 小原弘道, 武居昌宏
    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(Web) 2018 2018年  
  • 屋比久斉尭, JIAFENG Yao, 水谷武臣, 小原弘道, 菅原路子, 武居昌宏
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 29th 2017年  
  • 川嶋大介, 菅原路子, 小原弘道, 武居昌宏
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 30th 2017年  
  • 彭 覬龍, 姚 佳烽, 小原 弘道, 菅原 路子, 武居 昌宏
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集 2016(22) "OS0112-1"-"OS0112-2" 2016年3月10日  
    Particle movement under AC electric field in multilayered microchannel is simulated referring to the experimental conditions in the present study. The particles are experienced dielectrophoretic (DEP) force and thermal buoyancy induced by Joule heating in the fluidic domain, where the simulation is conducted with the laminar flow model and particle tracing model. To verify the simulation results, the velocities and movement paths of particles near the electrode are compared with the experimental results using the particles of MRC-5 cells by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. The simulation results supplies a reference to understand the characteristics of the particle movement experiencing various forces in microchannel.
  • 湯地涼介, YAO Jiafeng, 水谷武臣, 小原弘道, 菅原路子, 武居昌宏
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 28th 2016年  
  • 菅原路子, 狩野達也, LIU Hao, 武居昌宏
    ライフサポート 27(3) 2015年  
  • 小寺達也, YAO Jiafeng, SAPKOTA Achyut, 小原弘道, 菅原路子, 武居昌宏
    混相流シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2015 2015年  
  • 湯地涼介, YAO Jiafeng, 水谷武臣, 小原弘道, 菅原路子, 武居昌宏
    化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会研究会講演要旨集 32nd 2015年  
  • Michiko Sugawara, Hao Liu
    BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 102(3) 594A-594A 2012年1月  
  • 菅原 路子, 崔 源〓, 中西 淳, 山口 和夫, 横田 秀夫, 八木 透
    電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society 131(4) 833-839 2011年  
    It is well known that cell migrations play a key role in the living systems. From the basic technical point of view, cell migration control is one of the important and useful ways to clarify the mechanism of the cell migration qualitatively and quantitatively. For the purpose of high-resolution control and observation of the cell migrations, which is the goal of this research, in this study, an attempt was made to establish the fabrication process of micro-patterns on caged cell-culturing substrates using inverted microscope with high magnification objective lens. With the combination of fluorescence antibody technique, the adequate ultraviolet (UV) lay exposure time was obtained for the formation of micro-patterns of fibronectin on the caged cell-culturing substrates. We also confirmed that it was possible to control the position of micro-patterns by the primary and secondary UV exposure. In addition, Swiss 3T3 cell culture experiment demonstrated that the initial shape of the cell could be restricted by the primary UV exposure and that the secondary UV exposure was remarkably useful to control the cell migration.
  • H. Wada, M. Sugawara, K. Kimura, Y. Ishida, T. Gomi, M. Murakoshi, Y. Katori, S. Kakehata, K. Ikeda, T. Kobayashi
    Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels: Volume I 3-15 2005年1月1日  
    © 2005 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. High sensitivity of human hearing is believed to be achieved by cochlear amplification. The basis of this amplification is thought to be the motility of mammalian outer hair cells (OHCs), i.e., OHCs elongate and contract in response to acoustical stimulation. Thus, the generated force accompanying the motility amplifies the vibration of the basilar membrane. This motility is concerned with both the cytoskeleton beneath the OHC plasma membrane and the protein motors distributed over the plasma membrane, because it is presumed that the cytoskeleton converts the area change in the plasma membrane induced by the conformational change of the protein motors into OHC length change in the longitudinal direction. However, these factors have not yet been clarified. In this study, therefore, the ultrastructure of the cytoskeleton of guinea pig OHCs and their mechanical properties were investigated by using an atomic force microscope (AFM). The cortical cytoskeleton, which is formed by discrete oriented domains, was imaged, and circumferential filaments and cross-links were observed within the domain. Examination of the morphological change of the cytoskeleton of the OHC induced by diamide treatment revealed a reduction of the cross-links. Results of the examination indicate that the cortical cytoskeleton is comprised of circumferential actin filaments and spectrin cross-links. Mechanical properties in the apical region of the OHC were a maximum of three times greater than those in the basal and middle regions of the cell. Moreover, Young's modulus in the middle region of a long OHC obtained from the apical turn of the cochlea and that of a short OHC obtained from the basal or the second turn of the cochlea were 2.0 ± 0.81 kPa and 3.7 ± 0.96 kPa, respectively. In addition, Young's modulus was found to decrease with an increase in the cell length.
  • M Sugawara, Y Ishida, H Wada
    HEARING RESEARCH 192(1-2) 57-64 2004年6月  
    Mammalian hearing is refined by amplification of the motion of the cochlear partition. To understand the cochlear amplification, mechanical models of the cochlea have been used. When the dynamic behavior of the cochlea is analyzed by a model, elastic properties of the cells in the organ of Corti must be determined in advance. Recently, elastic properties of outer hair cells (OHCs) and pillar cells have been elucidated. However, those of other cells have not yet been clarified. Therefore, in this study, using an atomic force microscope (AFM), elastic properties of Hensen's cells, Deiters' cells and inner hair cells (IHCs) in the apical turn and those in the basal and second turns were estimated. As a result, slopes indicative of cell elastic properties were (8.9 +/- 5.8) x 10(3) m(-1) for Hensen's cells (n = 30) (5.5 +/- 15.3) x 10(3) m(-1) for Deiters' cells (n = 20) and (3.8 +/- 2.6) x 10(3) m(-1) for IHCs (n = 20), and Young's modulus were 0.69 +/- 0.45 kPa for Hensen's cells and 0.29 +/- 0.20 kPa for IHCs. There was no significant difference between elastic properties of each type of cell in the apical turn and those in the basal and second turns. However, it was found that there is a significant difference between Young's moduli of cells estimated in this study and those of the OHCs and pillar cells reported previously. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Michiko Sugawara, Yuya Ishida, Hiroshi Wada
    Hearing research 192(1-2) 57-64 2004年6月  
    Mammalian hearing is refined by amplification of the motion of the cochlear partition. To understand the cochlear amplification, mechanical models of the cochlea have been used. When the dynamic behavior of the cochlea is analyzed by a model, elastic properties of the cells in the organ of Corti must be determined in advance. Recently, elastic properties of outer hair cells (OHCs) and pillar cells have been elucidated. However, those of other cells have not yet been clarified. Therefore, in this study, using an atomic force microscope (AFM), elastic properties of Hensen's cells, Deiters' cells and inner hair cells (IHCs) in the apical turn and those in the basal and second turns were estimated. As a result, slopes indicative of cell elastic properties were (8.9 +/- 5.8) x 10(3) m(-1) for Hensen's cells (n = 30), (5.5 +/- 5.3) x 10(3) m(-1) for Deiters' cells (n = 20) and (3.8 +/- 2.6) x 10(3) m(-1) for IHCs (n = 20), and Young's modulus were 0.69 +/- 0.45 kPa for Hensen's cells and 0.29 +/- 0.20 kPa for IHCs. There was no significant difference between elastic properties of each type of cell in the apical turn and those in the basal and second turns. However, it was found that there is a significant difference between Young's moduli of cells estimated in this study and those of the OHCs and pillar cells reported previously.
  • 五味 誉人, 菅原 路子, 和田 仁
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2004(16) 5-6 2004年1月21日  
  • Hiroshi Wada, Kei Kimura, Takashi Gomi, Michiko Sugawara, Yukio Katori, Seiji Kakehata, Katsuhisa Ikeda, Toshimitsu Kobayashi
    Hearing research 187(1-2) 51-62 2004年1月  
    Mammalian outer hair cells (OHCs) are known to respond to acoustical stimulation with elongation and contraction of the cells' cylindrical soma in vivo, and this motility is related to both the protein motors distributed along the OHC plasma membrane and the cytoskeleton beneath it. Therefore, the cytoskeleton seems to play an important role in the motility of the OHC. Recently, an atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to investigate the OHC cytoskeleton under physiological conditions. However, details were not made clear in that study. In this study, the ultrastructure of the cytoskeleton of fixed OHCs of guinea pigs, which were extracted with Triton X-100, was investigated using the AFM. As a result, the cortical cytoskeleton, which is formed by discrete oriented domains, was imaged, and circumferential filaments and cross-links were observed within the domain. Morphological change of the cytoskeleton of the OHC induced by diamide treatment was then examined using the AFM, and reduction of cross-links was observed. The examination indicates that the cortical cytoskeleton comprises circumferential actin filaments and spectrin cross-links.
  • H Wada, K Kimura, T Gomi, M Sugawara, Y Katori, S Kakehata, K Ikeda, T Kobayashi
    HEARING RESEARCH 187(1-2) 51-62 2004年1月  
    Mammalian outer hair cells (OHCs) are known to respond to acoustical stimulation with elongation and contraction of the cells' cylindrical soma in vivo, and this motility is related to both the protein motors distributed along the OHC plasma membrane and the cytoskeleton beneath it. Therefore, the cytoskeleton seems to play an important role in the motility of the OHC. Recently, an atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to investigate the OHC cytoskeleton under physiological conditions. However, details were not made clear in that study. In this study, the ultrastructure of the cytoskeleton of fixed OHCs of guinea pigs, which were extracted with Triton X-100, was investigated using the AFM. As a result, the cortical cytoskeleton, which is formed by discrete oriented domains, was imaged, and circumferential filaments and cross-links were observed within the domain. Morphological change of the cytoskeleton of the OHC induced by diamide treatment was then examined using the AFM, and reduction of cross-links was observed. The examination indicates that the cortical cytoskeleton comprises circumferential actin filaments and spectrin cross-links. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 和田 仁, 菅原 路子, 香取 幸夫, 欠畑 誠治, 池田 勝久, 小林 俊光
    Otology Japan 13(4) 559-559 2003年9月  
  • Hiroshi Wada, Hiroto Usukura, Michiko Sugawara, Yukio Katori, Seiji Kakehata, Katsuhisa Ikeda, Toshimitsu Kobayashi
    Hearing research 177(1-2) 61-70 2003年3月  
    As electromotility may arise from a conformational change of the molecules' 'protein motors', which might be distributed along the outer hair cell (OHC) lateral wall, the force generated by the OHC electromotility would be related not only to the conformational change of the protein motors but also to the mechanical properties of the lateral wall. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the mechanical properties of the OHC lateral wall is important. In our previous reports, to understand the difference in the stiffness along the cell axis, the local deformation of the OHC in response to hypotonic stimulation was analyzed by measuring the displacement of microspheres attached randomly to the cell lateral wall, and the distribution of Young's modulus along the cell axis was obtained using the contact mode of an atomic force microscope (AFM). These investigations revealed that the stiffness of the cell in the apical region was greater than that in other regions where the stiffness is constant. In this study, the ultrastructure of the OHC lateral wall was investigated with the oscillation imaging mode of the AFM (Tapping Mode), and the relationship between the stiffness along the cell axis and the ultrastructure that was observed by the AFM imaging was analyzed. From the analysis, it was concluded that the circumferential filaments observed in the tapping mode AFM are actins which are part of the cortical lattice, and that the difference between the intervals of the circumferential filaments in the apical region and those in other regions is one factor that causes the high stiffness in the apical region.
  • H Wada, H Usukura, M Sugawara, Y Katori, S Kakehata, K Ikeda, T Kobayashi
    HEARING RESEARCH 177(1-2) 61-70 2003年3月  
    As electromotility may arise from a conformational change of the molecules' 'protein motors', which might be distributed along the outer hair cell (OHC) lateral wall, the force generated by the OHC electromotility would be related not only to the conformational change of the protein motors but also to the mechanical properties of the lateral wall. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the mechanical properties of the OHC lateral wall is important. In our previous reports, to understand the difference in the stiffness along the cell axis, the local deformation of the OHC in response to hypotonic stimulation was analyzed by measuring the displacement of microspheres attached randomly to the cell lateral wall, and the distribution of Young's modulus along the cell axis was obtained using the contact mode of an atomic force microscope (AFM). These investigations revealed that the stiffness of the cell in the apical region was greater than that in other regions where the stiffness is constant. In this study, the ultrastructure of the OHC lateral wall was investigated with the oscillation imaging mode of the AFM (Tapping Mode(TM)), and the relationship between the stiffness along the cell axis and the ultrastructure that was observed by the AFM imaging was analyzed. From the analysis, it was concluded that the circumferential filaments observed in the lapping mode AFM are actins which are part of the cortical lattice, and that the difference between the intervals of the circumferential filaments in the apical region and those in other regions is one factor that causes the high stiffness in the apical region. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Michiko Sugawara, Yuya Ishida, Hiroshi Wada
    Hearing research 174(1-2) 222-9 2002年12月  
    In this study, mechanical properties of guinea pig outer hair cells (OHCs) were measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). First, in order to confirm the availability of AFM for measurement of the mechanical properties of the OHC, Young's moduli of the OHCs measured in this study were converted into stiffnesses using a one-dimensional model of the cell and then compared with the values reported in the literature. Next, the difference in local mechanical properties of the OHC along the cell axis was measured. Finally, the relationship between Young's modulus in the middle region of the OHC and the cell length was evaluated. The results were as follows. (1) AFM is an adequate tool for the measurement of mechanical properties of the OHC. (2) Mechanical properties in the apical region of the OHC are a maximum of three times larger than those in the basal and middle regions of the cell. (3) Young's modulus in the middle region of a long OHC obtained from the apical turn of the cochlea and that of a short OHC obtained from the basal turn or the second turn are 2.0+/-0.81 kPa (n=10) and 3.7+/-0.96 kPa (n=10), respectively. In addition, it was found that Young's modulus decreases with an increase in the cell length.
  • H Wada, D Miyamoto, M Sugawara
    Although the force production of the outer hair cell (OHC) leads to the fine tuning of the mammalian cochlea, the value of the force generated by the motility of the OHC in vivo has not been clarified yet. In this study, first, the active force generated by the motility of the load-free OHC in response to an electrical stimulation was measured from the deflection of the force probe. Next, to establish cell conditions similar to those of the intact cochlea, a compressive load was applied to the OHC using a force probe driven by a bimorph actuator, and then the active force generated by the motility of the loaded OHC was determined. Comparing the active force generated by the motility of the load-free OHC with that by the motility of the loaded OHC, it was found that the active force decreased due to application of the compressive load.
  • M Sugawara, Y Ishida, H Wada
    HEARING RESEARCH 174(1-2) 222-229 2002年12月  
    In this study, mechanical properties of guinea pig outer hair cells (OHCs) were measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). First, in order to confirm the availability of AFM for measurement of the mechanical properties of the OHC, Young's moduli of the OHCs measured in this study were converted into stiffnesses using a one-dimensional model of the cell and then compared with the values reported in the literature. Next, the difference in local mechanical properties of the OHC along the cell axis was measured. Finally, the relationship between Young's modulus in the middle region of the OHC and the cell length was evaluated. The results were as follows. (1) AFM is an adequate tool for the measurement of mechanical properties of the OHC. (2) Mechanical properties in the apical region of the OHC are a maximum of three times larger than those in the basal and middle regions of the cell. (3) Young's modulus in the middle region of a long OHC obtained from the apical turn of the cochlea and that of a short OHC obtained from the basal turn or the second turn are 2.0 +/- 0.81 kPa (n = 10) and 3.7 +/- 0.96 kPa (n = 10), respectively. In addition, it was found that Young's modulus decreases with an increase in the cell length. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 和田 仁, 宮本 大輔, 菅原 路子
    聴覚研究会資料 = Proceedings of the auditory research meeting 32(9) 515-520 2002年11月15日  
  • 菅原 路子, 和田 仁
    Otology Japan 12(4) 484-484 2002年9月12日  
  • 菅原 路子, 和田 仁, 香取 幸夫, 欠畑 誠治, 池田 勝久, 小林 俊光
    Audiology Japan 45(5) 587-588 2002年9月  
  • 宮本 大輔, 菅原 路子, 和田 仁
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2002(14) 235-236 2002年3月1日  
  • 菅原 路子, 和田 仁
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2002(14) 301-302 2002年3月1日  
  • Proceedings of Biophysics of the Cochlea: From Molecule to Model 403-404 2002年  
  • H Wada, H Usukura, S Takeuchi, M Sugawara, S Kakehata, K Ikeda
    HEARING RESEARCH 162(1-2) 10-18 2001年12月  
    The outer hair cell (OHC) plays an important role in the normal functioning of the cochlea, and cochlear amplification is believed to be based on OHC electromotility. This electromotility putatively arises from a conformational change of molecules, i.e., 'protein motors', which would be distributed along the plasma membrane. Although it has been assumed that protein motors are distributed in a restricted area of the plasma membrane, details of such distribution remain unclarified. In this study, first, in order to understand the difference in the stiffness along the cell axis, the local deformation of the OHC in response to hypotonic stimulation is analyzed by measuring the displacement of microspheres attached randomly to the lateral wall of the cell. As a result, the stiffness is expected to be constant throughout the region except in the apical part of the cell, and the stiffness of the apical part is expected to be higher than that of the other regions. Then, the local elongation and contraction of the OHC in response to sinusoidal voltage stimulation are analyzed by measuring the displacement of the microspheres in the same way as in the case of the hypotonic stimulation. From the two measurements mentioned above, it is concluded that there are no motors in the apical and basal parts of the cell, and that the motors are equally distributed along the cell lateral wall in the middle part of the cell. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
  • M Sugawara, H Wada
    HEARING RESEARCH 160(1-2) 63-72 2001年10月  
    In this study, the mechanical properties of the lateral wall of the outer hair cell (OHC) are determined theoretically. First, the cell is modeled as a cylindrical two-layer shell consisting of the plasma membrane and the cortical lattice. When the stiffness of the plasma membrane is set to be 1.0 mN/m based on the estimated value of Tolomeo et al. [Biophys. J. 71 (1996) 421-429], and Poisson's ratio of the plasma membrane is assumed to be 0.90, the relationships between the stiffness, Poisson's ratio and the orthotropism of the cortical lattice are obtained by comparing the measurement results of cell inflation by Iwasa and Chadwick [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92 (1992) 3169-3173] with the numerical ones obtained with our model. Next, the obtained relationships between these mechanical properties of the cell are applied to the model, and the result of the cell length change due to the axial compression measured by Hallworth [J. Neurophysiol. 74 (1995) 2319-2329] is compared with that obtained from our numerical analysis. As a result, the axial and circumferential stiffnesses of the cortical lattice are evaluated to be 4.6 mN/m and 13 mN/m, respectively. Then, the contribution of the cortical lattice to the stiffness of the OHC lateral wall is examined. When the stiffness of the plasma membrane is less than 1.0 mN/m, the mechanical properties of the cortical lattice obtained from the two-layer shell model are nearly the same as those of the cell lateral wall obtained from the one-layer orthotropic shell model. Therefore, it is concluded that the stiffness of the cortical lattice is responsible for that of the whole lateral wall of the OHC. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the OHC obtained in this study are compared with those reported previously, and it is suggested that the one-layer orthotropic shell model is sufficient for further analyses of the motility and force production of the OHC. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 菅原 路子, 和田 仁, 香取 幸夫, 欠畑 誠治, 池田 勝久, 小林 俊光
    Otology Japan 11(4) 403-403 2001年10月  
  • 菅原 路子, 和田 仁, 香取 幸夫, 欠畑 誠治, 池田 勝久, 小林 俊光
    Audiology Japan 44(5) 333-334 2001年9月  
  • 臼倉 寛人, 和田 仁, 菅原 路子, 竹内 進, 欠畑 誠治, 池田 勝久
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2001(13) 14-15 2001年1月15日  
  • 菅原 路子, 和田 仁
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2001(13) 16-17 2001年1月15日  
  • Switzerland-Japan Workshop on New Directions in Cellular and Tissues Biomechanics 87 2001年  
  • Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 917-924 2001年  
  • Abstracts of the 24th ARO Annual Midwinter Research Meeting 73 2001年  
  • Switzerland-Japan Workshop on New Directions in Cellular and Tissues Biomechanics 87 2001年  
  • Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 917-924 2001年  
  • M Adachi, M Sugawara, KH Iwasa
    JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 108(5) 2299-2306 2000年11月  
    The motor in the outer hair cell converts electrical energy directly into mechanical energy. There are two possible mechanisms for such a motor: one depends on changes in the membrane area ("area motor") and the other on changes in the stiffness ("stiffness motor"). These two mechanisms, which are not mutually exclusive, give different predictions on turgor pressure dependence of the amplitude. It was found that an increased pressure shifts the voltage dependence but does not change the amplitude of length changes. This observation is incompatible with a pure stiffness motor model. It was also confirmed that length changes are closely related to charge movements by monitoring the membrane capacitance. It can be concluded that hair cell motility is primarily based on area changes, and not changes in the elastic moduli. [S0001-4966(00)02811-3].
  • 菅原 路子, 和田 仁
    Otology Japan 10(4) 291-291 2000年9月20日  
  • 臼倉 寛人, 和田 仁, 菅原 路子
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EA, 応用音響 100(255) 1-6 2000年8月16日  
  • Abstracts of the 23rd ARO Annual Midwinter Research Meeting 55 2000年  
  • M Sugawara, H Wada, S Takeuchi, H Usukura, S Kakehata, K Ikeda, T Takasaka
    In this study, OHCs are stimulated by 5.0Hz and 105.3Hz sinusoidal voltage, and the local displacements along the cell axis are measured using microspheres attached on the cell lateral wall. When the cells are stimulated by 5.0Hz sinusoidal voltage, the displacement values are constant in the basal and apical regions, and the amount of the displacements varies almost linearly in the middle region of the cell. This suggests that there are no motors in the basal and apical regions of the cell and the motors are distributed equally in the middle region, if the effects of the mechanical properties of the cell lateral wall and the internal pressure are ignored. When the cells are stimulated by 105.3Hz sinusoidal voltage, the basal and apical regions of the cells elongate locally, and the phase differences among the measurement points are noticeable. This would be caused by the inertia and damping effects of the cell.



