
小川 真実

オガワ マサミ  (Masami Ogawa)


千葉大学 大学院社会科学研究院経済学研究部門会計財務科学講座 教授







  • 小川 真実
    千葉大学経済研究 = Economic journal of Chiba University 31(1) 143-156 2016年6月  
  • 小川 真実
    経済研究 = Economic journal of Chiba University 30(3) 513-534 2015年12月  
    古内博行先生退職記念号欧文抄録: p.252
  • 小川 真実
    千葉大学経済研究 = Economic journal of Chiba University 29(3) 113-132 2014年12月  
    実証会計学がファイナンス理論や契約理論などの影響を受けて会計研究の一大分野を切り拓いてきたように,隣接する学問分野の成果は領域 を超える影響力をもつ。会計規制研究もまた例外ではなく,規制プロセス自体が政治的性質を 帯びているため,規制の政治理論や経済理論を援用してきた。会計規制 研究は,隣接する学問分野の概念を用いて,会計規制の差別的な経済的影響の解明に向けて,会計基準設定における中立性やデュープロセスの 透明性の分析や規制行動の分析を進めてきた。こうした研究によって, 基準設定機関が公益を標榜しながらも,特定の利益集団の利害に屈せざるを得ない状況にあること,また基準設定機関が組織の存続に向けた決 定を下さざるを得ないなど,基準設定過程の生々しい政治闘争の実情が 明らかにされてきた。こうした会計規制研究の蓄積によって,会計基準は「会計処理と財務 諸表の作成方法を規定する行為規範」と外形的な特徴を反映した捉え方から,「資本市場での慣行や契約を通じて形成されたデファクト・スタンダードが,社会的な合意を得て標準化されたもの」(斎藤1999;9) へと社会的性格という文脈から理解されるようになってきた。それは,実証会計学の成果とも相まって,会計基準は市場の機能を促進すると同時に,市場のガバナンスにも寄与する社会統制の手段であることが改めて強調される。社会統制の手段でもある会計基準の性質を関心が集まり,こんにちでは,グローバルな会計基準設定を題材に,国際政治学の分野でも研究が蓄積されている。それは,会計規制研究と交錯するような学 際的な研究分野になってきた。会…小柏喜久夫先生退職記念号欧文抄録: p.151
  • 小川 真実
    経済研究 28(2) 341-352 2013年9月  
  • 小川 真実
    千葉大学経済研究 22(3) 259-290 2008年3月  
    This article considers the accounting standards setting approaches, which is known as Principles Based Approach vs. Rule Based Approach, on US. Financial Reporting System Reform under Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. There is a repetition argument which has been changed a subject, on accounting standards setting approach. The main reason is seemed that we would lose the nature of the problems. It is noticed that these discussions closely relate on the characteristics and the logic of US. Accounting Standards Setting Regime. Truly, it is the substantial problems on the discussion that the application of judgment and expertise by both manages and auditor. Then, we should think the regulation on the arbitrary interpretation remote for the intent of the conceptual framework and standards. In considering, we refer the change of regulation regime by the act.
  • 小川 真実
    千葉大学経済研究 22(2) 151-178 2007年9月  
    This article considers the impact on U.S. Financial Reporting System Reform under Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Traditionally, in the U.S. Financial Reporting System, the regulation scheme had been avoided by intervene of public regulation, rather adopted self-regulation by the accounting profession. As seen a number of major corporate and accounting scandals, it is criticized intensely that there are the strategic collusion with corporate manager and public auditors. The act takes the reinforcement and the expansion of direct control by the public sector. One of the major problems is the rearrangement of the standards-setting body. The act establishes the legal status on private sector accounting and auditing standards setter. Thus, the organization of accounting profession has weaken their power. This article concludes that U.S. Financial Reporting System Reform has intent to be sharp departure from self-regulation by accounting profession, and moves to self-regulation scheme under the statue.
  • 小川 真実
    千葉大学経済研究 20(2) 245-267 2005年9月28日  
    This article considers the action of standard setting organization about the standard setting process of IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources. The accounting problem of natural resources has caused the political dispute to the extent that it has serious influence on the accounting standard setting process once. It was widely understood that they should have to deal with prudently the politicization of accounting. Simultaneously, to overcome this difficult problem, they would consider as a realistic alternatives by leading to the instruction from experience of the other standard setting body. Therefore, it is regarded that this articles constitutes the project which research the possibility on sharing of experiment for accounting standard setting. Impairment which this standard aims at introduction has effect that causal relationship of expenditure and a result prevent from easily recognizing an asset the management who is likely to do all the expenditure at the face of balance sheet. So, they cannot deferral a loss at the balance sheet. The standard setting organization expected that introduction of a standard rule as IAS 36 was doubtful, and planned the new rule which means a substantial mitigation measure. However, contrary to the original expectation, the reaction of interested parties was favorable. Since, it was getting fundamental agreement about the spirit of impairment, the establishment of a rule of peculiar to the industry has ended in failure. It is temporarily concluded that the interested parties are welcoming early recognition of a positive loss. Considering this standard setting, we would aware a suffering of the standard setting body to avoid the politicization of accounting standard setting. However, it is the doubt why understanding of the interested parties cannot catch up with the contents of complicated accounting standards. We will analyze the interested parties' reaction in detail from now on, and solve this subject.
  • 小川 真実
    千葉大学経済研究 19(2) 23-67 2004年9月29日  
    FASB Conceptual Framework Project has established theoretical fundamentals on financial accounting and reporting standards. Recently, it is likely to provide in the view of the reality of balance sheet the base for income measurement for using fair value in accrual accounting. Therefore, Introduction of fair value accounting will bring income measurement to recent bouts of increased volatility and wide swing in market valuation. In these circumstances, this article discusses one set of the standards on accounting for deferral in the standard-setting direction. Conventionally, it was focused from a view point of allocation of flow in a deferred concept. However, in response to the international trend of the recognition of the debt at fair value, accounting standards based on a deferred concept will come to reflect the reality of stock. It become clear that the deferred concept it was considered that was space of management discretion is also exposed to the influence of the logic of a market. Moreover, for example, the latest international accounting standard-setting focused on exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources, the deferred charge based on allocation of flow should be applied accounting for impairment in accounting period subsequent to initial measurement. That is, the logic of a market has attained to the traditional accounting treatment and therefore, it cannot be overemphasized that the validity of management discretion is examined.
  • 小川 真実
    千葉大学経済研究 18(4) 1-22 2004年3月10日  
    This article discusses the impact on management discretion about the use of present value for the purpose of fair value measurement on liabilities. On discussing above the subject, I focused on SFAS No.143: Asset Retirement Obligations, which is first statement about fair value measurement on liability when SFAC No.7: Using Cash Flow Information and Present Value in Accounting Measurements was published. As to fair value measurement on liabilities, the use of present value will be expected to facilitate decision usefulness because of improving reality on stock and avoid recognizing unrealized profit. In consideration of the characteristics of event that creates asset retirement obligations, there are conceptually two types of obligations, which are incurred upon acquisition, or any time during the operating life of an asset, either ratably of nonratably. As practical problem, however it is difficult to identify them separately. Therefore, it is necessary to management judgments. It has been seemed that fair value measurement eliminate management discretion. But, in the sense of recognition of liabilities reflected the incurrence situation, and thus, if the quality and transparency of financial reporting will be improved, it will be the space of management discretion in present value measurement as fair value.
  • 小川 真実
    Yokohama Journal of Social Science 7(2) 51-66 2002年  
  • 横浜国際社会科学研究 7(2) 51-66 2002年  
  • 横浜国際社会科学研究 6(2) 45-58 2001年  

